Camp Experiment

By L.V.

Published on Feb 19, 2007


In his mind's world, Adrian and Haden embraced into a single figure, caressing and kissing the areas that in reality, Adrian could only imagine would happen. Haden found the right spot on Adrian's slender frame--the back of his right ear---and proceeded to caress that spot with his tongue. He had moved behind Adrian, pressing his pelvis to Adrian's backside. He continued to play with his right ear, moving into it, flicking his tongue as he continued to probe Adrian's ear. Adrian started to feel a tingle in his loins, his legs beginning to buckle. To brace himself, Adrian took hold of Haden's strong right thigh, lightly kneading it as he balanced himself. He could feel a poke nearing the middle of his ass. Adrian decided to give into the desire that was not backing down. He got on to a ground, take strangely felt like a mattress, and sat on it with his knees and hands touching the amazingly soft fabric.

A sensation covered Adrian's aft side. Painful at first, then the pain slowly started to subside, leaving in its wake a feeling of total pleasure. A pair of hands took opposite sides of Adrian's hide, caressing his cheeks as they took position on them. Suddenly, the moment of satisfaction was replaced with another sensation; a motion beginning between his aft cheeks. A solid, tubular object began entering this once no-man's land. Adrian cried out in ecstatic fulfillment, gripping the soft- feeling ground as the realization of what was happening came to joyous light. Haden was starting to fuck him. Adrian realized that the object inserted in his anus was from his friend, someone who he thought would never consider anything like. But before him (or rather behind him), his friend was doing to him that he had only known was done to the lucky cheerleaders at the college. Haden started a rhythm. Sliding his thick penis deeper into Adrian's surprised asshole. Adrian gripped the

mattress-feeling ground tighter; he started to go with the rhythm of his friend's sexual actions. He could feel his own dick bouncing off of his flat stomach, pre-cum dripping out of the piss-slit as it smacked on his swimmer's physique. Adrian looked back at Haden, who was caught up in his activity of fucking his friend; eyes closed. Haden must have caught his friend's gaze because he opened his eyes and met Adrian's look. A smile came upon his strong features, breaking, only so slightly, the look of intensity on his face.

Adrian moved an arm from his position on the mattress-ground and reach over to touch Haden's broad chest. He proceeded to twist his right tit as Haden continued to pound in to his ass. The pinching increased the thrusts in to Adrian's butt. Haden was starting to pant as he continued to fuck his friend. He returned his friend's titty twisting by gripping his left pectoral as squeezing his tit. Adrian responded by pushing his ass closer onto his friend's dick, tightening his grip on his tit. Haden started to grip his friend's ass tighter with his free hand, pressing into the tender flesh as his thrust became faster. He bent onto his friend's back, continuing to pound his ass faster, with shorter thrusts. With one last, powerful thrust, Haden tightened his muscles, and grips; he bit onto Adrian's ear as his dick started to shoot shot after shot of hot cum in to his friend's waiting asshole.

Feeling the warm liquid filling his once virginal anus, Adrian sped up the stroking of his throbbing meat. Haden, cock now spent deep inside his friend's now loosened butt, slowly started another round of thrusts into it. His cock slid easily inside his buddy's ass, causing spent cum to ooze out of his ass as the still hard cock continued it reduced-speed fuck of his hole. Haden reached around and kneaded Adrian's swollen balls as he continued his rapid speed jerk. Haden gently squeezed one of his balls. This must have been the trigger, because with the last gentle squeeze of Adrian's nut, his throbbing meat started a rapid fire of cum-blasts, spraying the ground-mattress before him. Fantasy melded with reality at this moment. Adrian, eyes still closed with his fantasy coming to a sticky end, started to shoot real-time cum from his cock. His swimmer's body started to shudder from the constant throws of cum firing from his aching dick. The discharge of cum caused him to

loose his balance. Adrian, then fell on the `real' ground, cock still discharging sperm, now lazily hitting the ground and his thighs.

Adrian, cock spent and the shudders now subsiding, laid on the ground, reveling in the remainders and pleasure-filled results of his wanting dream. He caressed his tight pecs, kneading the remaining cum from his hand into his skin. At that moment, footfalls woke Adrian from his moment of udder bliss. He opened his brown eyes to see a smiling, but friendly couple looking at him from above. It was Haden (the real one) and Brady, both dressed, minus their tops and shoes. Brady glazed over Adrian's body. He noticed the slick shine of spent cum on his cock. He looked at Haden, who had noticed the same thing. Their grins just broadened.

"Did we have fun?" stated Brady. His rising smile was accompanied by the rise in his jeans.

"From the mess on both the floor and his legs," Haden chuckles under his breath. "I'd say he did."

Adrian looked down at the object of Haden's amusement. He noticed that his cumshots landed on his legs and that there were still traces of it on the ground that hasn't seeped into the soil. The shots on his legs were starting a travel down. At the sight, Adrian blushed and dipped his head slightly.

"Oh." He started to rise from the ground, blush deepening. "What can I say?" He waved his arms at his sides.

Brady took a step toward him, his grinning turning slightly to one of pity. He placed a hand on his right shoulder. "It's alright, bud. We've all been there before." He turned to Haden, disguising a mischievous grin. He then looked back at a blushing Adrian. "Besides," he took a quick glance at Adrian's softening cock. "it answered a question for me." Adrian's blush turned into one of puzzlement. What are you talking about?" Brady's grin beamed brighter. He looked down at Adrian's cock again, grinning as he inspected his friend's genitals. "Marissa was right. You are^Å^Å..well equipped." Brady was showing teeth now.

Adrian arched his left eyebrow, looking at his beaming friend. He then turned his eyes to Haden, who was beginning to display the same look. Adrian fought off a reflex to shy from Haden's gleeful stare, successfully keeping his eyes on him. He secretly enjoyed looking at his friend, taking a quick glance at his crotch as he looked on. Haden caught his downward look. He looked down at his crotch and noticed that his fly was open. He fought the urge to zip it close. Instead, he opened the buttons holding the shorts together, grinning as he did it. In an instant, his shorts fell to the ground and he was joining Adrian in being naked. Brady looked around at his friends, grinning as he eyed the display before him. He look took hold of his pants and unbuttoned his fly. It took a bit more effort for his pants to fall, but fall they did. As the next minute passed, the three friends were all standing in the night air, naked to the world, with two having their perspective clothing

hugging the ankles.

Haden looked around, taking in the nakedness of his friends. His eyes stopped at Adrian. He smirked when he saw the thickening of his cock. In response, he reached down and scratched the right scrotum, shifting his cock as he did it. He looked over to Brady, noticing that his cock was nearly standing erect. Seeing his friend's 'condition', Haden decided to play with his own hefty member. He looked over at Adrian, who was looking at Brady's crotch as well, stroking as his eyes took in the shape of Brady's thick penis and the weight of his balls.

"Well, since we are all basically nude" started Haden. He looked over to Brady, grinning brighter than the sun. " I don't know about you man, but I could use a quick rub off." He started to stroke his cock, playing with the purplish-red head as he went.

He stepped out of his shorts and lightly kicked them to the side. He took a step closer to Adrian, continuing to stroke his cock as he walked. "You don't mind, do you my friend." Adrian nodded then shook his head, not trusting his voice. He looked down, carefully trying not to eye his friend's growing endowment.

Brady walked out of his pants and kicked them to the same location as Haden did his. He placed his left hand on his cock and proceeded with slow strokes as he made his way to his friends.

"Well, since you guys are doing it," Brady looked down at his cock , noticing the leak of precum. "why not".

Adrian started to grin as he saw his friends beginning to jerk off. He thought back to their last trip to Camp Eros. It began the same way. However, if Adrian's memory is good, it ended with the three shying away from each other, trying to forget that camp experiment, as Brady was fond of calling it. During that 'experiment', Haden didn't engage first. Instead, he had to be drunk to be comfortable enough to even pull out his cock, let alone drop his shorts willingly. Adrian didn't have the same feelings or even the dream during that trip. Brady, the carefree exhibitionist he was, did the same thing as this time. Also on that trip, they weren't standing in nature. Instead, they were in the same tent. Brady was the first to start things off on that trip. Each of them remembered the event they had had with their perspective lady-friends. Adrian didn't jack off earlier then so his cum shot came a bit earlier than and nearly coated his friends before ending. Haden was the last

to finish. He secluded himself from his friends and the first to suggest denying what had happened. Brady was the only one who didn't have a problem with events that took place. Adrian and Haden never thought about what happened here, until now. Things were going to be different.

Haden came close to Adrian's side, nearly touching his left hip; he intensified the strokes to his cock. In a bold move he switched hands on his cock, placing his left hand on his dick and his right on Adrian's. Adrian sighed as he felt to warmth of his friend's large hand covering his cock. Instinctively, he took his hand away form his dick and placed it on Haden's cock, kneading the head and fondling the foreskin as he stroked down to the base of his friend's hefty shaft. Brady walked closer to his friends and stopped, facing Adrian, cock to cock. Keeping his right hand on his own throbbing dick, he grasped on of Adrian's balls. Adrian closed his eyes from the sensation of having two alien hands touching his genitals. However, these two hands weren't entirely unknown. They came from the closest friends he ever had and he reveled in the thought of experiencing this with them again. He increased his strokes on both of their cocks. Brady took the other ball in his hand and

kneaded them, in response to his friend's stroking of his cock. Haden removed his hand from his dick, allowing Adrian to take over. He placed his free hand on to Brady's right tit, twisting it as he did. Brady slowly threw his head back, closing his eyes. He opened his mouth, letting a soft moan escape.

Adrian followed his friend's moan with one of his own, lowering his head as a drop of precum leaked from his dick. He intensified the strokes on Brady's cock. Knowing he was close to shooting, Brady dropped to his knees and took Haden's cock in his mouth, starting with the head first.

He took Adrian's swelling purplish-red head into his warm mouth, caressing it with his tongue. Haden came behind him. He placed a hand onto Brady's shoulder, and his cock near his ear. He proceeded to softly touch it with the head of his cock. A faint trail of precum followed his cockhead's travel. Brady noticed his friend's actions and rose his left hand to take hold of his cock. Haden sighed at the touch and increased his grip on Brady's shoulder. Adrian was in his own world at this moment, taking in every sensation as Brady engulfed his cock, all the way to the balls. Adrian could feel the faint feel of the hair stubble growing on Brady's chin, touching the skin of his balls. He placed a hand on the back of Brady's head and pressed him forward, feeding him his cock. Brady responded with a sigh and, with his right hand, took hold of Adrian's left butt cheek. He squeezed the tight, smooth flesh.

Haden was getting close to releasing his passions. Moving further into area of main activity, he took his cock from Brady's ear and placed the head near his mouth. Brady took the gesture and release Adrian's dick, with slight protest from his friend, and took Haden's thick cock into his mouth. He wasted no time reaching the end of his friend's impressive shaft, flicking his tongue on his balls when he had reached the end. Adrian knelt down between Brady's parting legs and started to play with his cock; pre-jizz was almost pouring out of his cock's head and Adrian licked it off. He swirled the liquid around his mouth for a moment before parting his lips to take Brady's dick.

Brady groaned, Haden's cock still in his mouth. Like he did with Adrian, Brady took both hands and gripped Haden's muscular ass by both cheeks. He proceed to squeeze them. This caused Haden to lean forward. He took Brady by the head and proceeded to face-fuck him, shifting his strong hips back and forth. Brady engulfed more of his massive dick and dropped a hand on to Adrian, who was servicing his cock.

Suddenly, Brady felt a soft caress near his ass, an object attempting entry into his asshole. It was Adrian's finger and he was trying to place his finger into his friend's tight butt. He succeeded, with Brady's help. Adrian had slid his finger deep into Brady's waiting butt hole. The feel of a slender object in his ass caused Brady to increase his work on Haden's dick. He took it out and licked the sides, sucking on the middle as he worked his cock. Haden continued to thrust forward as his friend pleasured his dick. Adrian continued to suck Brady's cock and increased the finger fuck on his ass. Brady gripped the top of Adrian's head, taking a small amount of hair in his hand as he held onto his friend's head. He took Haden dick back in his mouth and started to do some thrusts of his own; he knew he was getting close to cumming. However, he wasn't the first to do so.

That honor went to Haden. His impressive body started to tense up. He threw his head back and released one final groan as his dick began to unleash a multitude of shots into Brady's unsuspecting mouth. He buried his friend's face into his crotch as he continued to empty his dick of the need release of cum. Brady swallowed the remaining amount of his friend's jizz, allowing a small amount to escape his lips and drip from his chin. He also reached that moment in time as he also began to shoot his own cum into Adrian's expecting mouth, tightening his ass cheeks around his finger. Adrian didn't let up. He continued to suck on Brady's dick, even as his load started to ooze out the corners of his mouth. He started to feverishly stroke his cock, wanting to cum with his friends. He had help. Haden, after finishing his serving of cream to Brady, knelt down and took Adrian's dick from his hands and proceeded to suck it. Brady found an opportunity to probe Haden's muscular ass and

took it. He wetted a finger and slid it into Haden's anal divide; he kept his other hand on Adrian's head as he finished shooting the last round of cum into his friend's mouth. Haden followed the same method as Brady and probed a finger near Adrian's sweaty hole. Adrian got the idea and opened his legs, allowing Haden the chance to reach his spot with his finger.

Immediately after the first, a second finger entered Adrian's ass and this was the final trigger. Adrian tensed up and shot salvo after salvo of hot cum into Haden's mouth. Haden didn't open his to let any of it escape. He took every shot and swallowed the entire load. Adrian shifted his hips erratically, overcame by the amount of cum he was unleashing. Brady laid down on his side and took a corner of Adrian's cock, parting Haden's around it to get a taste of his friend's cum. Adrian made one last thrust of his hips and let out one last groan as he released the last shot from his dick.

"That was awesome!" exclaimed Adrian, panting as he sucked in the air. He could smell the sweet hint of sex in it.

"Yeah, it was." stated Haden. Some of Adrian's cum was dripping from his lower lip.

"Yeah, but this can't be all." said Brady. He licked a lingering amount of Adrian's( or Haden's) cum from the corner of his mouth.

"What do you mean? We got each other off." Haden took a look at Adrian. "Well, he got himself off before we got here." He directed his eyes to Brady.

"Yeah, I know, but^Å.." Brady trailed off. A smile lined his face and he looked directly at Haden's crotch as his smile widened.

"I get it." Haden brought up a smile of his own. He turned his gaze back to Adrian. "Do you want to?"

Adrian looked at his friend, then beamed with increased excitement. "In for a penny as they say."

Stay tuned......

A personal apology: I do apologize for the delay in bringing in this recent addition (one of life's wrinkles). I hope you enjoy it and that it was worth the wait. If any comments or suggestions, send them to


Next: Chapter 5

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