Camp Experiment

By L.V.

Published on Jan 21, 2007


.........."Ha ha." stated Brady, dryly. He looked down to the water, directly to where Haden's waist and pelvic region popped out of. "What, did you swim here in those gaudy swim trunks of yours?" An evil, toothy grin beamed at Haden. "Or did your prudish ass actually swim here in the buff?"

Haden didn't respond. Instead, he grabbed Brady's right hand and place it on his crotch. Brady's eyes brightened with surprise when his hand finally rested on what felt like Haden's cock. He reflexively grabbed at it and realized that it was slightly swollen. "What do you think?" said Haden. He returned the same toothy grin back to Brady, who was still returning it with a look of surprise.

Brady looked down to the water again. Though he couldn't see it, he knew where his hand was and what it was touching. He gave a slight squeeze with that hand and looked back at Haden with a smile that would have been classified as criminal. Haden winced at his friend's squeezing touch, then he grabbed Brady's hand and removed it from his crotch. "That's not what I meant, you perv!" He turned his taut neck and looked behind him. He then pointed to his, and Brady's, path back to their campsite. "I meant, you did see me swim, didn't you? I was like a fucking fish!" Haden rose his voice with giddy excitement.

Brady resurrected his toothy sneer. "Makes perfect sense, considering you look like one." A weak chuckle came out of his throat. "Just kidding, bro'," his sneer dissipated to an apologetic smirk. "Honestly, I can't see shit out here, let alone you swimming to me." Brady took his eyes from his nearest companion to his right, looking for Adrian. He didn't find him. "Where did Addy go?" Brady turned around to look behind him. All he saw was the blackness of the night and the calmness of the water. "Did he go in the tent, before you left?" Brady was still looking behind himself as he chatted with Haden. Haden took a turn looking back at the campsite. "No, he said something about taking a shit, maybe he's taking care of it right now." Haden turned back to look at Brady. He noticed the deflated suds bubbles on his friend's chest and stomach.

"Are you done out here," he noticed the body wash to his side on the bank and took it in hand. He held it up to Brady, carrying a friendly smile; a major contrast to his previous nature at the campsite. "Or do you need me to help?"

Brady thought about Haden's suggestion for a moment, shocked by the very question. After another moment had passed, "Why not," he started, returning the same friendly smile. "I need someone to wash my back." Brady grabbed his shoulder, kneading it. "I'm still a bit stiff from our little wrestling match earlier." Brady turned his back towards Haden and waited for his friend to respond.

Haden took a generous amount of the body wash in his hand, surprised by the stability of the gel in the cool water. He dipped his hand into the water, careful not to lose the gel in it, and started to apply the slightly diluted gel to Brady's back. He started from the neck and slowly kneaded the gel into it, continuing on a downward scale. Haden had reached Brady's shoulder blades; he slowly massaged the right one, taking care to apply only one finger between the bone and the musculature. Haden leisurely moved to the left one. A wandering eye took in the sight from below. He could see, from the assistance of the moonlight, a slight view of Brady's buttocks. A minute grin crept onto his face. He's definitely been working out, thought Haden. He noticed the subtle visions of tightness that shone on Brady's chiseled, yet smooth back. The details of his muscles were enhanced by the body wash gel applied to it. Haden started to move closer to Brady's lower back, carefully

applying his fingers to the muscles lining it. His smile deepened as he noticed the light brown hairs lining Brady's lower back, leading to his ass. Haden noticed that his cock was starting to stir from the admiring his friend's backside, especially his ass. He caught himself from the admiration of his friend and stopped applying the gel. Brady turned his head slightly.

"Why did you stop?" he said. A short bit of silence followed his question.

"Well, I need to add some to your, well^Å." Haden tried to not think of the swelling piece of meat between his legs. He took in a breath. "Do you want me to wash your butt or do you wanna do that yourself?" Haden moved slightly away from Brady, trying not to bring undo attention to his uncooperative penis (he was foolishly trying to push the erection down with his hand. It just made it swell more). Brady turned to his friend, oblivious to his "growing' salute.

"That would be cool." Brady made a slight glance down, pretending not to notice his friend's condition. "If that won't be a problem for you." He gave a disarming smile. Brady started to tread up the bank, looking for an area of water that was ankle deep. He found it. He faced his friend, still beaming with a smile. "I trust you." His disarming smile turned into one of mischief. "As long as you don't stick anything in there that isn't soap." He gave a weak chuckle then turned around, showing Haden his marvelous ass.

Haden noticed that the hairs that he saw on Brady lower back seemed to stop just above the division between his buttocks. He ignored the sights and proceeded to add the body wash gel to the inner parts of Brady's ass. He slowly moved his hands to the outer cheeks, gently pinching the tight flesh. A soft groan came from Brady as he responded to the pinching of his butt cheeks. Haden didn't notice the sound from his friend; he continued to knead his cheeks. Haden got closer to his friend's ass, however he moved his hands from his ass towards the thighs. He noticed that Brady didn't even hair on his legs. He also noticed that his cock was peeking out of the water, fully erect. This time, he didn't try to hide it. Instead, Haden proceeded with his work on his friend's posterior, moving back to his ass. This time, he drove a finger along side the lining of Brady's ass walls, bringing his face closer to his ass for a closer look. At this moment, Haden's face was so close he

could almost touch Brady's ass crack with his nose. However, instead of his nose, Haden decided to use his tongue.

"Ahhh", the only words that were able to escape from Brady's lips as the feel of sudden pleasure started to take over; Haden had other things occupying his voice, not to mention his mouth. He started to flick his tongue on the outer walls of Brady's anus, playing with the remaining hairs within; his cock started to leak. He lowered his right hand and began to stroke his rigid member, keeping the left hand on Brady's left ass cheek, parting it as his tongue continued to enter the once forbidden territory. Brady kept his eyes closed, his own cock started to swell, parting the opening of the foreskin covering it. Haden barely noticed the reaction of his friend. Instead, he continued to dine on Brady's asshole, licking its soft walls. Brady was beginning to lose control; he grasped his cock and started to stroke it. He kept his eyes closed and with his free hand grabbed his other ass cheek and parted it, giving Haden additional access. He took the hint and drove his tongue

deeper into Brady's anal divide, reaching the hole itself.

"Fuck!!" cried Brady. He stumbled slightly, removing his right hand from his ass cheek, and rested it on the rock face; he kept his left on his cock, stroking faster.

Haden continued work on his rigid member, playing with the precum starting to ooze from the head. He smeared it on his cock head and squeeze it. A muffled groan escaped his lips. Brady was reaching the moment that he had been waiting for. With his left hand, he frantically stroked his cock ; Haden sped his tongue work on his buddy's asshole. Brady tightened his ass--hole included---and gave his cock one last stroke before tightening his smooth muscles and gripping the corners of the rock face holding him up. Suddenly, a bolt of white liquid came from his crotch---he was cumming and hard. Brady tightened his eyes as bolt after bolt of cream shot from his cock, with some of it catching on the foreskin lucky enough to be next to the head. Haden must have noticed his friend's reaction. He sped up the stroking of his own cock and buried his head into Brady's ass, delving his tongue deeper. He had reached similar spot in time as Brady because as Brady was emptying the last

remnants of sperm from his cock, Haden started a volley of his own, spraying cum in an upward direction, coating Brady's right leg. He gripped his left hand on Brady's butt cheek and squeezed his emptying cock with his right.

"Oh shit!!" yelled Haden as he rose his head from Brady's ass and shot the last bolt of cum form his now sensitive cock. The act must have been overwhelming for Haden as he feel backwards, using his hands to balance him. He sat there, under and behind his friend, exhausted from the release of lust. Brady slowly turned around and kneeled between Haden's open legs. Resting on his knees, Brady reached up and touched the sensitive head of Haden's cock. Haden moaned from the sensations.

"Dude!" gasped Brady. He looked directly into Haden's partly opened, hazel green eyes. "That was fucking amazing!" Brady fell backwards, resting his hands behind him on the rock face. He closed his eyes for a second then opened them again, using his foot to play with Haden's cock. Haden awoke from his ecstatic world. He moved Brady's foot from his crotch. Brady was beaming.

"Can we get something clear?" gasped Haden. His face was a distinct opposite to Brady's. "I don't want you to think that this another camp experiment. I just got caught in the moment and^Å." He turned and looked to the vast dark forest. "^Å..and I couldn't help myself. I don't want you to think that I want to fuck you or any other shit like that." He rose his hand and waved a finger to Brady, who was still beaming with joy. "I tossed your salad, you came and so did I. It doesn't mean any more than that we^Å.played with each other and got off." He started to get up. When he was standing erect, crotch facing Brady's glowing face, Haden placed his hands on his exhausted dick, covering it in unneeded modesty. "That's all. Got it!" He took one hand from his crotch and waved it to Brady.

Brady, to his own credit, didn't drop his shining smile. Instead, he rose to his feet, facing Haden eye to eye, and placed a hand on his broad right shoulder. He continued to smile. "It's cool dude. I'm not expecting anything else." His smile widened. "I will have to repay you though." He moved his left hand and reached for Haden crotch, moving the hands protecting it. "But don't worry, it won't be right now." Brady's bright smile and nonchalant demeanor seemed to calm Haden's worried stance and he relented, grabbing Brady's hand and holding it. He looked down, first at his hand, entangled with Brady's then to Brady's softening cock. He then looked back at his friend's face; a smile started to grow. "Okay," he leaned forward, nearly inches from Brady's face. His smile widened. "but I think we should head back, before Adrian gets a bit suspicious." He cocked his head in the direction of their campsite. "Or he gets lost out here." added Brady. The two friends laughed loudly

at that last statement. Haden started to turn that their campsite. Brady followed his friend; he patted Haden's tight butt softly then sped up to his side. Haden gave a friendly smirk to Brady at the two, closer friends continued to the campsite.

Adrian was sitting at a make-shift latrine, about 200 feet from the campsite. It oversaw the pond where his friends were "washing". Over hanging trees and thick shrubbery gave minimum privacy, but they were just enough that no one could immediately see what goings-on was taking place. Adrian, in a nutshell, was taking a shit. He sat in near darkness, with nothing but his occasional grunts to his present activities and a small shining flashlight for company. There was not an actual toilet Adrian was sitting on. He and his friends created the latrine with a three foot hole, covered by a bucket that was cut open at the bottom. The bucket was covered with a standard toilet seat. Adrian sat in the seat and held his impressive manhood from whatever may be trying to join him in the "toilet". The cleaning utensil for the three friends after this activity was a bit more high-tech. Instead of the standard bathroom tissue, Adrian went to the local Wal-Mart for a bio-degradable

version that would dissolve after its "duties" were done. It sat on a log, held on by a portable toilet paper holder. Adrian smiled at the thought of friend's comment about the tissue choice and its feel resembling cardboard rubbing on the anus cheeks and looked out at the pond; his view of it was minute (the event between his friends was just outside of his line of vision), but he could see the rushing waters and subtle signs of fish jumping in and out of the water. Nature's wonders was lost on Adrian. His thoughts were back in time, to the thoughts and views of Haden and his marvelous body.

Marvelous body?, thought Adrian, How could I think of my friend in that fashion? What is wrong with me? He rose up slightly, allowing his strong back to straighten. He closed his eyes to the visions, coming into his mind. Visions of Haden with a hard on and the sight of his muscular ass being, of all things, fucked by Adrian swirled through with major intensity. He could feel his cock rising at those thoughts. He shook his head and quickly opened his eyes. "NO!!" cried Adrian. Consciously, he looked around to see if anyone else heard his cry. To his relief, only a rabbit heard him. It bounced off and went on its merry way. Adrian shook his head again, then rose from the seat. He grabbed the portable toilet paper holder and took some of paper: he applied it to the necessary areas. Although his toiletry duties were done, Adrian still had a remnant of his trip there; his raging hard on.

Adrian took a quick look around the latrine area, checking one more time if there was anyone around. Finding that the area was still vacant, he dropped a spittle of saliva from his mouth and applied it his left hand. He proceeded to apply the spit to his still rigid cock. A short sigh escaped his lips as he started to stroke his hard meat. Another drop of spit applied to his hand again and Adrian proceeded to jerk off. In his mind, Adrian tried to think of his last girlfriend, remembering the delicate curves of her hips, the small of her back, and her long raven colored hair. The dream was going well; Adrian's cock started to drip slightly. He added it to his `lubricant'. Adrian started to fondle his tightening balls, then he started to caress the mid-section between the balls and the asshole. His gasps rose a little in volume, then the images started to change. As his mind's eye scanned down the body of his ex, Adrian noticed that her breasts were a bit smaller than

last he remembered. She also had a rigidly defined set of abs, definitely not the beauty fucked just a few weeks ago. His mental form started to come closer to the changing form of his ex. As he got closer, Adrian noticed that she had shorter hair then just a second ago. Ignoring the changes, Adrian reached for her breasts and noticed a feel of hair covering it. A knead of her stomach brought to the realization that his ex-girlfriend had suddenly grew an ample amount of pubic hair that seemed to lead to a thicker amount below (he remembered that she was very particular about her nether regions and wouldn`t have a bush this thick). Then, the ultimate realization came to fruition. As he led his hands down to where her pussy should be, what he touched definitely wasn't what should have been standard on women. His ex-girlfriend had a dick.

My ex-girl has a cock?! Blasted Adrian's metaphysical self. What is this?! What's happening?!

Then a light slowly started to burn, glowing onto the full features, including the face, of his ex-girl. The `meta' Adrian's eyes grew to the size of saucers at the revealing image of the true form of the one he was fondling. It wasn't his former girl. It wasn't a girl at all. The figure shone to be the beaming form of Haden, completely nude; his cock starting to stir.

Why did you stop? He said (in Adrian`s mind, of course). His glowing smile never wavered. I thought you wanted me. Wanted this.

Meta' Adrian stood there, mouth dropping. What was going on here? Why was his best friend standing there, were his former girl should be? Why was he hard, standing there asking to be taken into whatever idea was dancing in his mind? Adrian's meta self sat for what seemed like an eternity. Trying to absorb the image in his sight. Then, what shouldn't normally happen happened. A smile crept on his strong and bewildered meta' features. Maybe this is what I want, he thought. In small steps, in his speedily changing meta world, Adrian took what he wanted. Haden was his.

More to come........

For questions, suggestions, you can email me at


Next: Chapter 4

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