Camp Experiment

By L.V.

Published on Dec 26, 2006


This a story based on fiction. The places and people are do not exist. Any matching names and titles to living people and existing places are purely coincidental.

Camp Experiment

The mountains of North Carolina have always been considered one of the most beautiful in the country (arguably) , for one graced with the name Adrian, it has turned out to be the area of discovery and change. A change that would be like nothing he has ever encountered.

Driving along the road outside of Asheville, three friends embarked on a ritual of sorts; the early summer campout. Adrian expertly drove his Pontiac G6 through I-40, dodging the usual suspects of southern American driving. Haden, his best friend sat in the co-pilot, snoozing away with abandon. The normal sounds escaped his small mouth; he was snoring logs. The third occupant, Brady laid stretched on the backseat, feet against the side window. He futilely tried to muffle the tornado sounds coming from his forward companion with his hands covering his ears. A slight kick from his left foot reduced, however failed to cancel the roaring Haden was making.

"How much longer, Addy?" stated Brady wearily. He lifted his petite frame somewhat from its resting position. "I got to piss like a MO-FU." He placed his right hand on his crotch and squeezed slightly.

"Be patient, dude," responded Adrian. "Just a few more miles." He made a minor glance into the rear-view mirror; displaying a sly grin at the corner of his mouth. The grin made his light charcoal black mustache slide off center. "Don't worry, you and "Mini You" will be fine."

Haden wrestled a bit from slumber and opened his bright green eyes. He turned his chiseled head to the back of car, pointing toward an increasingly in-pain Brady. His eyes were barely open. "If you're that impatient," a weak, but distinctively devilish grin graced his minute lips. "There's a bottle on the floor in the back. You can unload in that or," he rose his head, fully from the seat-rest. Giving Adrian a toothy grin, he turned back to Brady. " You can stick your little wiener out the window and spray the road." A small chuckle came from both Haden and Adrian. None came from Brady. Instead, he gave a near stone-face look at Haden, then changed it to one of smugness. "It'll be my luck and you'll spank my ass while I do it," Brady displayed his own devilish beam. "Or roll the window up while I piss."

Haden gave an artificial gaze of shock to Brady. "Why, oh why would I do that?" He chuckled under his breath. "Besides, you ain't got no ass. Unless you're referring to that flat slither of meat on the back of your legs" Brady grabbed himself insultingly as he stared at Haden, his middle finger showing prominently on his right hand. This response only fueled Haden to rebuttal and continue his egotistical onslaught. "Wait `til we get to the campsite, baby," a wider smirk opened upon his face.

"You guys are incorrigible." stated Adrian. He was making a turn and tried not to slide off the road as he chuckled at Haden's and Brady's banter. "An original Odo and Quark you guys are." he chuckled a bit out loud then proceeded to man the vehicle.

The trip took about an hour from their home destination outside of Lake Lure to Camp Eros right off of I-40. Two of the three occupants took the trip well, Brady however, didn't. Once the car had rested at the campsite where the guys were staying (this campsite had roads that led to the "natural" parts of the camp area), Brady rushed out of the backseat, almost catching his shirt on the door. He stopped in front of an oak tree and proceeded to relieve himself.

Brady was wearing a red contour shirt with a white stripe garnishing the middle of his tight torso. A swimmer by trade (at least in college), Brady had a smooth lightly chiseled chest; his nipples shone through the tight fabric. He had a small flat stomach that were the wet dreams of both boys and girls from school. He was wearing onyx black wrangler jeans that were of the regular fit kind( they hugged in the right places). Black hiking boots adorned his feet; these shoes bared a gray stripe along the sides. Brady is what many people would call a "free spirit"---he didn't wear socks or underwear (Adrian and Haden would have to be careful when ever they would come to visit him at his dorm room; he would have the tendency to occupy it in the nude), so he made quick in freeing his manhood from the confines of his jeans. Though Brady had a slender swimmer's build with light definitions of his chest and pecs, legs that were slim, yet nicely muscled, his cock was definitely not slender. He hoisted the reddish-ivory uncut eight-incher out of his crotch fly. Brady's cock was accompanied by thinly haired balls that hung partially out of the fly. Being a swimmer, his light brown pubes were nicely trimmed, and closely "man-scaped" to his otherwise smooth pelvis. He even took the time to sculpt the hair around his cock, to better reveal the awesome length that it was. After hoisting his unskinned sausage from its captivity, he proceeded to unload his wasteful liquid. The piss hit the side of the tree, sending splashes of urine everywhere, including his shoes and pants. Brady didn't seem to mind, especially since the act of urination-based release seem to give him an err of near-orgasm-matic relief; his eyes were closed. He tightened his flawless, fat-free buttocks and gave a slight squeeze to his dick as he pee-ed; he was enjoying the moment.

Unfortunate for Brady, his moment of nirvana was about to be disrupted by one simple act, a spank on the ass by none other than Haden, himself. Since his eyes were closed, Brady didn't listen for his inapt arrival. Haden literally ran up behind him and slapped his right hand against Brady's right butt cheek. Since they were partially exposed due to a unfortunate drop by his jeans, Haden's hand made complete contact with Brady's naked bun. A visible red hand print started to surface. Brady quickly opened his eyes and turned his attention to the devilishly beaming Haden. He was almost beside himself with humor, laughing like the "Joker" himself and grabbing at his own impressive `junk'. "You mother-fucking ass!" busted Brady, he was beginning to massage the assaulted ass cheek with his right hand; he was still holding his cock was the left. He started turning his almost-finished-pissing cock to Haden's direction and tried, unsuccessfully, to splash him with the remaining piss. This act just fueled Haden's mischievous funny bone. He started to unzip his shorts' fly, apparently planning to fire his own volley of urine in Brady's direction, when Adrian arrived, perplexed look gracing his youthful face.

"What the fuck are you two doing?" he pointed his leather brown eyes to Brady's exposed cock, which was just now releasing the final drop of pee. He then turned his gawk to Haden's crotch; he had only opened the fly, but his hand was inside, apparently gripping his dick. Adrian moved his eyes back to the faces of the his antics-involved companions.

"Can't leave you shits alone for a second, can I?" Adrian started to unzip his fly at proceeded to take out his personal sausage and allowed to run free a translucent stream of urine onto a nearby tree.

This was an interesting sight to behold; three guys in different stages of excremental liberation. Brady, with his penis still hanging out, was standing next to Haden who also had started to spray a stream of his own. Haden, however let his shorts drop completely from his college wrestler's frame. Unlike Brady, Haden was not one for going around publicly in `commando' form. He had a pair of blue striped boxers hugging his tight waist. They fitted more like boxer-briefs, showing off Haden's fit buttocks; he squeezed them in as he continued to pee. He had pulled his hefty, trimmed cock through the fly, hair-free balls hanging out along with it. Haden had pulled his hunter green T-shirt up partially, exposing a washboard flat stomach that had a generous helping of blondish brown pubes. He narrowly missed spraying piss onto his indigo-blue jean shorts. The ground beneath him and his urinal torrent wasn't so generous. Piss-coated dirt marked his shorts and partially onto his legs. "Fuck!" he exclaimed. "I pissed on my shorts!" Brady had started to sheath his skin sword back into his pants, straightening the jeans around his slim waist, and zipping its fly. He laughed as he did it, almost catching the head of his dick in the fly gateway. Laughter abruptly ceased, he directed his total attention to finishing the closing of the doors to his manhood, safely. Adrian had no problems at all with his 'personal' business. His cock hanging out, he completed the business of relieving himself and stood there, watching his friends continue to figuratively show their asses--Haden, almost literally since his shorts were still around his ankles. "Crazy." he shook his head as he watched Haden and Brady start to chase each other, Haden, still with his shorts around his ankles and dick flapping in the breeze (it's a good thing that he finished pissing, otherwise a trail of urine would be following he and Brady as one chased the other). Adrian, still standing in his 'relieving' spot, proceeded to put his cock back into his low-rising, worn-styled, blue jeans and zip the fly; he tucked his black polo shirt into the waist. "Don't get lost guys, we got to start setting camp soon." he turned back towards the direction of the G6, shaking his head and rubbing his chiseled belly along the way.

It appears that Haden and Brady didn't hear that last sentence, because they were quite a distance away from Adrian's last position. Haden finally realized that his shorts were still around his ankles as he clumsily tried to run and pick up his shorts. Brady had no such handicap. He caught up to Haden, and his bending, stumbling frame. With a fiendish grin across his face, Brady caught hold of Haden's boxer waist band. With Haden's unintentional assistance, he proceeded to drop Haden's boxers, exposing his perfect buns to the air and causing him to lose the fight with apt skill. Haden collapsed to the ground hitting chest-first, ass sticking in the air. Brady, reveling in his victory, proceeded to spank Haden on the right ass cheek, leaving his red-handed imprint on it. Haden had a smooth tan that absorbed the mark (obviously he had both time and locality convenience to tan totally nude). Haden turned, wincing as the sting of Brady's slapping took its course.

"You asshole!" exclaimed Haden, face partially hugging the ground. "I'm going to fucking get your bony ass for this." Brady had made it to relative safety. Trotting off to rejoin Adrian...he didn't quite make it. Haden had somehow been able to get back up and tackle Brady to the ground. Brady hit the ground, face saved from getting a filling of dirt. He was face forward, giving Haden the opportunity to repay him for his humiliation. Haden started to pull down Brady's jeans from the back; he succeeded( Brady had neglected to properly button his jeans). Brady's tight (not at all bony) lily-white ass was now exposed to the world. He squirmed underneath Haden weight to no avail. Haden raised his hand back, "Pay back's a bitch!", he boasted and brought his hand in contact with Brady's left, then right butt cheeks. Brady twisted in pain of the sting then tried successfully to break Haden's wrestle grip. He turned the tables on Haden, this time grabbing his cock and balls. He gripped them tightly until Haden completely relented and then he forced himself onto him, penning him to the ground. "What was that about payback?" Brady was almost nose to nose with Haden, hands still gripping his cock and balls. "Okay, okay!" Haden yelled, Don't break them! I still have use for them. Sorry for spanking your ass, but you started it." Brady stayed silent, a superior smile still on his face. He released his hand on Haden's balls, but kept his hand on his now swelling dick. Brady gave Haden's cock a slow stroke up. This action did not go unnoticed by Haden.

"Dude, what the fuck?!" Haden tried, unsuccessfully, to break from his grip; his cock was nearly solid.

Brady noticed his action and a moderate swelling in his own, mostly exposed cock. He let go completely from Haden's crotch and quickly backed away, his naked ass touching the ground.

"Sorry, dude," he started. "I didn't know what came over me. I---" He stopped at looked at his hand. It had a sticky residue on it. "Fuck, man!" he blurted. You didn't have to pre-jizz on my hand!" Brady frantically tried to wipe it onto Haden's shorts, that were back to their previous position, hanging around his ankles; his naked bum touched the ground.

Haden started to blush. "Hey, what did you expect from me?", he stated trying to look innocent of any wrong doing. "You stroked the dick of a guy that hasn't had any pussy in a month. And before you say it, porn didn't do it for me." He slowly started to grab his shorts and boxers up his legs. Realizing that he was still on the ground, Haden struggled back up, watching Brady as he did it. He got his shorts and boxers to the appropriate position around his torso.

"Hey," he started, "I didn't mean to pre-jizz your hand, but you shouldn't have stroked my cock." Embarrassment left his face at that moment. "Why did you do that shit anyway?"

It was Brady's turn to blush. "I don't know," he started, "I just did. That shit happens." He started to move away, more to the direction of Adrian and the car. "I suppose I'm still remembering the last camping trip. You remember, when--" Haden aggressively rushed up to him at that moment. "Don't talk about that shit, man!" His eyes burned into Brady; he started to back away from Haden. It happened and that was that! One time!" Haden turned his gaze towards the left, supposedly Adrian's spot. "Shit. You didn't tell Adrian, did you?" Brady stared back at Haden in surprise. "Fuck no." He looked down for a second, then returned his eyes to Haden's location. "It was one time, right." A smug grin emerged on his face. "Beside," he started, " couldn't fuck an ass like yours anyway, too fucking hairy." The two started to laugh at that. Haden was the first to grab his composure. "Let's find Adrian before his gets lost." The two friends went on their way back to their friend.

Adrian was opening the trunk of his G6. In it was a variety of items: a first aid kit, some loose speakers a couple of nap sacks, tarps, and the items that Adrian was waiting for, a dome tent--family-size. He lifted the dome tent out of the trunk and leaned it next to the bumper of the car. Next, he got out the nap sacks. There were three of them, all for the perspective campers. Also in the trunk was a dark blue cooler. Adrian attempted to lift it, but to no avail. A curse came out of his full lips. He looked from the stubborn cooler, silently mocking him from the inside of the trunk, to view the outside area, mainly where he and his buddies relieved themselves. His friends haven't returned yet. Feeling some concern, Adrian moved from the car trunk and started to walk back to the `pissing' site, when Haden and Brady, arms around the other's shoulder, strolled back to the car.

"Where the fuck have you two been?" admonished Adrian. He noticed that Haden's fly wasn't completely zipped. He looked back up to Haden, bearing a confused look. "You didn't.."

Haden returned the look of confusion with one of his own. "What are you talking about?" He looked at Brady then back to Adrian.

Adrian shredded off what ever thought came to his mind. "Never mind, let's just get the rest of the shit and get camp set of." He returned to the car and started passing gear to his bewildered buddies.

And so, it begins....



Next: Chapter 2

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