Camp Counselor Series

By Ronald Jaeger

Published on Jun 1, 2021


My Experience as a Camp Counsellor – Part 6

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents either are the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Furthermore, this story is in no way designed to promote or condone illegal activities.

The next morning we got up and went to our respective cabins.

Cole complied with my directions and did not abuse me. I was surprised because I thought he would be far more arrogant given his successful plowing of Michael's ass.

At the end of the day I went to dinner and watched a movie in the communal hall. Around 11:00PM I went to my cabin.

Michael must have still been awake because the inside light was on.

A few minutes after my arrival, Cole came to the cabin. He walked in and said to Michael, "You want me to fuck you again or is it Mini-Geek's turn?"

Michael said, "Yesterday was a fluke. Any time, any place, and any challenge. You will lose and I will fuck you."

Cole responded, "Okay, you pick the challenge. Winner fucks loser."

Michael thought for a few minutes and decided on a swimming race.

The three of us walked to the pool. The night was dark but the pool had underwater illumination. Nobody else was around and everything was quiet.

Cole stripped naked and jumped into the pool. He looked back at us and said, "Are you coming in?"

Michael stripped naked, showing a slightly chubby dick, and jumped into the pool.

The rules were laid out. Each person would have to do three laps and the first person to complete the laps was the winner and got to fuck the loser. I would be the judge.

They positioned themselves at the far end of the pool and I indicated the start.

They both took off like a shot. After 30 seconds they reached the other side of the pool. Michael was slightly ahead but it was close. They swirled around and started back. Michael maintained his slight lead. They turned around for the final lap and were neck-and-neck. When they reached the pool edge and it was a tie.

Michael looked at Cole and said, "What do we do now?"

Cole said, "New competition. I'll choose since you chose the last."

Michael agreed and it was decided to have a match of pool basketball. First person to reach 5 baskets wins.

I got the floating aqua hoop and ball. I got naked and jumped into the pool as I would have to be referee.

I threw the ball up and they began fighting over the ball. The tip off went well and Michael got control of the ball. He did a quick spin around, lunge, and slam dunk. The first basket went to Michael.

The second and third tip off went similarly. Michael easily got control of the ball and quickly racked up 2 more baskets.

It appeared this was going to be an easy victory for Michael.

The fourth tip-off went similarly but Cole grabbed Michael around the neck and pushed him under the water. The ball got loose and they scrambled for it. Michael got there first but Cole was close behind. Cole once again jumped on Michael and they began wrestling for control of the ball. Cole brought his knee up and right into Michael's groin. Michael cried out in pain and released the ball; Cole got his first basket.

The fifth tip-off Cole and Michael struggled for control. Michael pushed Cole under the water and began swimming towards the hoop. Cole popped up from under the water and grabbed Michael's legs. Michael made a feeble attempt at throwing the ball into the hoop before going under. The ball missed the hoop and Cole jetted towards it. By the time Michael resurfaced Cole had the ball and his second basket.

The sixth tip-off was monumental. Cole shot out of the water like a dolphin. As his body came out of the water you could see his dick was rock hard. He swatted at the ball to knock it away from Michael and by sheer luck the ball went into the hoop. This was complete luck and Michael was unhappy that the score was 3-3.

The next three rounds were a major battle. There was pushing and shoving, dunking and hitting, biting and fighting. The first basket went to Michael and the second Cole. It was now down to the final basket. Michael had the ball and was moving towards the hoop. Cole dove underwater and came up in front of Michael. Cole was blocking Michael's progress to the hoop. Michael was trying to push Cole out of the way. Cole reached down and grabbed Michael's balls and pulled. The surprise move stunned Michael and I could see his dick immediately stood at attention. Cole must have pulled harder and Michael let out a yelp. Michael dropped the ball and used both hands to free his balls and threw Cole away from the net. The ball was loose and they were both swimming towards it. Cole reached it first and made a desperate throw. The shot went wide and both men had to move to the opposite side of the pool.

Michael was swimming furiously. Cole swam underwater. Michael got the ball and turned around to head for the hoop. Cole was still underwater and began resurfacing in front of Michael. However, he did not surface; he grabbed Michael around the waist and swallowed that big hard dick. Michael was stopped mid-swim. Cole was giving Michael an underwater blow job. Michael was enjoying this and wrapped his legs around Cole's shoulders. Michael quickly became disinterested in the game, tossed the ball at the hoop, and place his hands on Cole's head while he began face-fucking Cole.

Cole realising Michaels two hands were on his head rammed two fingers into Michael's ass. Micheal cried out. Cole released Michael's dick and swam for the free-floating ball. He surfaced and grabbed he ball.

Cole was moving towards the hoop and Michael was only a few meters behind. Michael caught up to Cole and grabbed him by the waist. Cole threw the ball and SCORE! 5-4 Cole.

Cole was exuberant and dove under the water. Michael splashed the water and cursed. Cole popped up behind Michael. He quickly wrapped his arms around Michaels waist and started humping, trying to get his hard dick into Michael's ass.

Michael leaned forward and grabbed the edge of the pool. I could see his big dick touching the side of the pool. Both were floating in the pool with Cole atop Michael. Cole leaned forward and kept trying to get his dick into Michael's ass. It was difficult given the buoyancy of both people. Cole moved up onto Michael and continued to try without luck.

Michael was enjoying the humping and said to Cole, "I like the humping but are you going to fuck me or not?"

Cole said, "I need more support I can't get in. Your ass is too plump." Michael said, "Maybe your dick is too small. Hahaha"

With that the two of them jumped out of the pool. Their dicks fully erect. Cole's dick was standing straight up and Michaels being bigger and thicker was sticking straight out in front of him. Michael lay face down on a lounge chair and Cole got on top of him.

Cole's body was hovering above Michael and straight as a board. His upper body was supported by his outstretched arms, his mid body rested on Michael's ass, and his legs were straight with his toes supporting his lower body. He began seesawing his body as his dick plunged in and out of Michael's hairy ass.

Michael grunted out, "Uh...fuck me...Uh...harder."

After two minutes of feverish seesaw-fucking, Cole allowed his chest to rest on Michael's back. He continued using his legs to thrust but the thrust were shorter and less forceful. After 5 minutes of aggressively fucking Michael's ass, Cole began to moan. He said, "I am going to come."

Michael responded, "Try and last a little longer and then fill me with your seed".

Cole tried but after a few more thrusts he had to bury his dick deep up Michael's ass He pushed his dick in so hard, I thought I could see it coming out Michael's mouth. He began to groan while holding his dick deep up Michael's ass. Cole's balls began pulling up.

Michael must have been able to feel Cole's dick exploding and filling his ass with hot jizz because he began saying "FUCK yeah".

After a minute Cole finished shooting his load and rolled off Michael. I saw his still hard dick slide out of Michael's ass followed by a dribble of jizz.

Michael rolled onto his back. His rock hard dick sticking straight up. He began jerking himself off. In a few seconds his dick unleashed a huge amount of jizz. The shot was so forceful the jizz landed above his head.

Cole gently ran his hands over Michael's pecs and said, "My ass pounding must have massaged every last drop of jizz out of you." Michael laughed and said, "It sure as hell did."

After a few minutes they got dressed and we walked back to our cabins.

For the second night in a row Cole fucked Michael. However, tonight I think Michael wanted it.

We only had three days until the end of camp. I would be glad to put this experience behind me. For the last week, Cole and the other campers had not teased me. Overall, it was not a terribly bad experience but not one I would repeat.

Today was a fairly quiet day. The campers were allowed to do whatever they wished. The day progressed uneventfully. After dinner we went to sit by the pool until around 10:30 PM. Michael and walked back to our cabin, stripped to our boxers and prepared for bed.

At around 11:00 PM Cole walked into our cabin. He was wearing nothing but his boxers.

Michael dimmed the lights.

Cole walked over to Michael, who was standing in the middle of the room, and grabbed Michael's crotch. After a few seconds Michael reach out and grabbed Cole's crotch.

They were jerking each other off and both had developed noticeable bulges.

Michael's thick dick was sticking out the top of his shorts. You could clearly see his bulbous helmet shaped head above the waistband of his boxers. His thick shaft had Cole's hand firmly wrapped around it, moving slowly between its base and the bulbous head.

Michael's one hand cupped Cole's balls while his other hand massaged and squeezed the shaft. Slowly he bunched up Cole's boxers and took the dick out the leg opening.

There was no groaning, moaning, or crying out just two guys jerking each other off.

After a few minutes Cole said, "You have a big dick, much bigger than mine and thick as hell."

Michael replied, "Yeah, I have a nice dick. Your dick is nice too. Not quite as big as mine but definitely not small. I like the weight of your dick in my hand. Do you want me to suck it?"

Cole smiled and said, "That would be nice."

Michael fell to his knees, opened his mouth, and swallowed approximately ¼ of Cole's dick.

Cole let out a loud groan as his dick disappeared into Michael's mouth.

Michael's mouth slowly moved from the tip of the dick all the way down to the base. I watched the dick disappeared and reappeared. Every 15 or 30 seconds the slurping and licking would stop, he would remove the dick from his mouth, and lick Cole's balls.

Cole let out a long slow moan and said, "I am going to come if you continue doing that."

Michael wrapped his hand around the base of Cole's dick, took the dick out of his mouth, and said "That is the idea. Do not hold back." Michael then dove back into sucking and licking.

I was so horny watching this and although I hated seeing Michael servicing Cole it did excite me. My dick was rock hard. All 10cm tenting my boxers. I was angry and horny. I hated seeing Michael as Cole's bitch. I thought fuck it if this little bastard is going to fuck Michael I am going to have some fun too. I walked up and knelt behind Michael.

Cole looked at me quizzically and asked. "Do you want some of my dick too?" I said, "I sure as hell do."

With that I pulled my dick out the fly of my boxers and slid it up the leg of Michael's boxers. I felt my dick slide against Michael's leg, then the head hit the bottom of Michael's ass. I pushed further and felt it slip between the ass cheeks. I grabbed his hips and pushed. The ass hole began to give way and my dick slowly slid up Michael's ass.

Michael let out a quiet groan and continued licking Cole's balls.

I bent forward and took Cole's dick in my mouth. There we were. Michael kneeling on the floor with my dick in his ass and Coles balls in his mouth. Cole with his dick in my mouth and his balls in Michael's mouth. Me with my dick in Michael's ass and my mouth around Cole's dick.

Michael's ass felt great and I began fucking him. He did not seem to notice as his attention was on Cole's balls. I did not even hear him moan. I did not care. I was having too much fun.

Cole began moaning loudly. He grabbed my head with both hands and pushed his dick down my throat. He was face fucking me. His dick was gagging me but I loved it.

Michael was sucking and tugging on Cole's balls.

After a minute Cole said, "I am about to come", and pushed his dick all the way down my throat. My nose was buried in his pubes, and my chin was resting on Michael's head. I felt his head swell up in the back of my throat. Then my mouth filled with a hot salty liquid. I began to swallow furiously but was unable to keep up. Thick jizz dribbled from the side of my mouth, down my chin, and onto the back of Michael's head. This was more than I could handle and my dick erupted. I continued to suck on that dick trying to milk every last drop of jizz from the now softening dick while my dick filled Michael's ass with my seed.

Cole's legs got weak and he said, "Easy, easy I am very sensitive." Michael ran his tongue around Cole's balls sending shivers through Cole's body.

Michael was the only one who had not come yet. I slid my hands around his waist and began jerking him off. My dick was still hard and buried in his ass, Cole's balls were still in his mouth, and his dick was now firmly in my hand.

I could not believe how big his dick was. It was much bigger and thicker than Cole's and my little dick did not even come close. It felt amazing in my hand. Michael must have been coming close because his sucking became more intense and his one hand reached around to my ass and pulled me in closer. His dick was hard and sticking straight up.

Michael took his mouth off Cole's balls and straightened his back. His dick exploded and waves of jizz shot out. The jizz shot out with such force it went right over Michaels head and splattered against Cole's balls. He must have shot nearly a gallon of jizz.

Michael stood up, my soft dick now out of his ass, and passionately kissed Cole.

Cole said, "How did it feel having Mini-geek's dick in your ass?" Michael smiled and said, "Really? I did not notice. I thought it was your pinky finger" I said, "Hey" Michael and Cole both laughed.

Cole said, "I have something special planned for our last night." Cole pulled up his boxers covering his jizz soaked dick and walked out.

The next morning I awoke excited. The imagined what Cole might have planned for our last day at camp. I was hard all day. I could do nothing but think about what might happen tonight.

After dinner, Michael and I went back to our cabin and packed our things. By 9:00 PM all of our things were ready for a morning departure. We stripped to our boxers and sat around talking, while we waited for Cole.

Around 10:30 PM we heard a knocking at our cabin door. Cole and Ivan entered. I was surprised to see Ivan.

Cole looked at us and said, "Are you ready for your surprise?" Immediately our dicks got hard and you could see our boxers tent. We looked at each other, then we looked at Cole, and we both nodded.

In less than 10 seconds, Cole and Ivan were completely naked.

Ivan was soft but still massively thick. Cole was partially hard.

I looked at everyone's dicks and was again impressed with Michael's big dick, Ivan's super thick dick, and Cole's beautiful dick.

Michael looked at Ivan's dick and said, "Damn, you have a thick dick."

Ivan smiled and said, "Yes, it is thicker than yours but not as long."

Cole ordered me, "Lie on the bed and 69 with Michael. I want Michael on top so I can get at his ass."

I was happy to comply! I wanted to suck Michael's dick ever since I saw it. I lie on my back and Michael put one knee above each of my shoulders and his head above my groin. His pendulous dick hung low and was touching my nose. His dick looked huge!

Michael opened his mouth and swallowed my little dick. It was easy to deep throat my tiny dick. I could feel his tongue moving up and down my shaft and around the base of my head. I said, "That feels good."

I grabbed Michael's plump hairy ass with both hands. I could see why Cole loved pounding him. There was plenty of cushion to soften the thrusts and the hair was just enough to give a soft velvety feel. This was a perfect ass.

I opened my mouth and swallowed as much as possible of his hard dick. I must have gotten most of it into my mouth because there was barely a handful remaining. It felt great to be sucking him. His dick completely filled my mouth but I was determined to swallow all of that big dick.

Michael was sucking my dick. His tongue was stimulating every part of my shaft and head. Periodically he would use his tongue to probe my piss slit. It felt amazing! My dick was small enough that he could swallow it and my balls too.

Suddenly, Cole came into view. I watched as he buried his face in Michael's ass. I could see Cole's tongue flicking at Michael's asshole. He traced the edges of the asshole with his tongue. Then would periodically push his tongue deep. When Cole began eating Michael's ass I heard Michael begin moaning, although, he never took his mouth off of my dick.

Michael's dick responded to Cole's ass-eating. Every time Cole's tongue probed Michael's ass hole, his dick swelled and twitched. This was wonderful and I could not help but enjoy the feeling of a big dick head swelling in the back of my throat.

I felt someone's hands behind my knees. They lifted and spread my legs. I assume this must have been Ivan but it could have been Michael. Either way it did not matter so long as I had Michael's dick in my mouth and my dick in his.

Suddenly I felt something wet probe my asshole. I let out a muffled cry. Then I felt a wet tongue moving around the edge of my ass hole. The feeling was wonderful.

As Ivan went to town on my ass I began to realize why Michael enjoyed having his ass eaten. The combination of sucking on Michael's dick, Michael sucking on my dick, and Ivan eating my ass was sending me over the top. I could barely breathe, and was ready to explode, and I wanted to scream out "Fuck me!" This triumvirate of pleasure went on for nearly 5 minutes.

I heard Cole say, "Damn, look at them sucking dick. These are two horny mother fuckers. Let's finish them off you get Mini-geek and I'll finish Michael." Cole positioned himself behind Michael. Ivan positioned himself behind me.

I felt Ivan's thick dick pressing against my asshole. Slowly my ass relented to the pressure and Ivan's dick slid up my ass. His thick dick felt amazing as it filled and stretched me. Slowly, Ivan began moving his dick in and out. I began to whimper with pleasure.

Cole's dick pressed against Michael's hole, which immediately opened up and engulfed the hard dick. I heard Michael gasp and I knew he was impaled on Cole's dick.

Cole and Ivan began to rapidly and forcefully fuck our asses. We were groaning, moaning, and sucking. Michael and I were their cum-dumps and we loved it.

Michael's mouth came off my dick and he let out a load moan. Then his big dick exploded. Jizz filled my mouth. Michael finished cumming and re-engulfed my dick.

I knew there was no holding back. My dick let loose with volley after volley of hot jizz. Michael avariciously swallowed every last drop.

Michael and I were exhausted. Cole and Ivan, however, were no where near done. They were full of energy. They were still mercilessly pounding our asses. We were taking quite the beating but we loved it. With each thrust we would groan with pleasure. It must have been 10 minutes of intense pounding before Cole and Ivan were near coming.

Cole and Ivan pulled their dicks out of our asses and aimed them at each other. Their dicks let loose with jet after jet of hot jizz. Their sperm splattered against the other's chest and dripped down onto their hard dicks.

Ivan won the battle of jizz duelling as Cole's chest was covered with gallons of Ivan's sperm.

Cole said, "Damn man how long have you been saving that up." Then he ordered Michael to clean up Ivan and me to clean him up.

Michael began licking Ivan's check and thick dick clean of Cole's jizz. I could tell Michael liked sucking on that thick dick.

I licked all of Ivan's jizz off of Cole and spent the rest of my time sucking on his soft dick.

Cole lay next to Michael and Ivan next to me.

Cole said, "Thank you guys for the best summer camp ever." We fell asleep in each other's arms.

The next morning we awoke, made out, showered, and left for home.

When we got home, Michael and I hung out but never did anything sexual. Three months later Michael and I were meeting to hang out and watch a movie. I heard the doorbell at around 8pm. As I opened the door there stood Michael and Cole. Michael said, "I hope you do not mind but I brought a friend." I was surprised but it was fine. We watched the movie and chatted. During the movie Michael was hugging and kissing Cole. You could see in Michael's eyes that he was besotted with Cole. Apparently they had been dating for the last three months and Michael was now Cole's girlfriend. At the end of the night, Cole asked if next week we could hang out again and if Ivan could join us. My mind immediately fixated on that thick dick and my I got hard. Cole started laughing and said, "From the look of your pants, I am going to guess that is a yes."

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