Camp Counselor Series

By Ronald Jaeger

Published on Jun 1, 2021


My Experience as a Camp Counsellor – Part 4

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents either are the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Furthermore, this story is in no way designed to promote or condone illegal activities.

Upon awakening the next morning, I found my ankle swollen and discoloured; I could not put any weight on it. Michael helped me to the nurse's office. The nurse examined my ankle and diagnosed me with a severe sprain. I was instructed to ice my ankle and remain in bed for the next two days.

Camp Custer was divided up between the other camp counsellors and I got to lie in bed all day.

That evening when everyone was at the campfire or swimming pool, Cole came to visit. Initially the conversation was pleasant. He asked how my ankle was doing, whether it hurt, and would I be able to return tomorrow. I told him that my ankle was slightly better but the nurse requested I stay non-weight-bearing for two days. That is when he said to me, "I know what will make you feel better." He stood up and revealed a large tent in his shorts. He walked to the head of my bed and pulled his dick out.

I hated how the mere sight of his dick got me horny and how he was such an ass. I really couldn't stand him but I quickly swallowed his dick.

Suddenly, I heard "WHAT THE HELL?!"

Cole nearly had a heart attack. He jumped back. His dick fell out of my mouth and within seconds he had stuffed his dick back into his shorts and ran out of the cabin.

I looked over and saw Michael standing there shocked with his mouth wide open.

I was terrified. I started to stammer. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I did not know what was going to happen. I imagined I would be fired, sent home, and everyone would be told about my gay activities. I was going to be a pariah.

Michael shut the door to the cabin, walked over to my bed, sat down, and I told him the whole story. The most difficult part of the story was admitting that when I saw Cole's big dick, I was turned on. I was afraid I was going to go get in trouble, be sent home in disgrace, and lose my friend Michael.

Michael laughed and said, "You think he has a big dick?"

I looked at Michael and said, "Did you not see it before he ran out?"

Michael said, "I saw it. It is not big."

I told him that I had seen all of the boys in the shower and they were all bigger than me. However, Cole's dick seemed to turn me on more than the others.

Michael said, "I can't believe that they were all larger than you. However, even if they are remember we are young and could continue to grow for a few more years. Who knows how big you will be when you are 20."

I was amazed at his understanding and compassion. I was hesitant at showing him but eventually I pulled my dick out. There it was all flaccid 2 inches (5 cm) of it.

Michael looked at it and said, "Well, it is on the small side but that's okay. By the way, Cole is not big, average but not big."

I looked at him quizzically.

He chuckled and pulled out his dick.

His soft dick was as big as my hard dick. It was easily 3.75 inches (9.5 cm). My eyes grew wide and I could not help but say "WOW". He was definitely bigger than Cole and the other campers.

I could not believe he was showing me his dick. Without thinking I asked, "How big does that thing get when it is hard?"

He said, "It is between 6 ½ and 7 inches (16.5-18 cm). From what you tell me, this guy Cole seems like a jerk. When you are horny do not suck or fuck him. He is only using you and will embarrass you given the chance."

I told Michael I knew I should not have sucked Cole. It was just that seeing his dick got me horny. I never thought of myself as gay but the sight of his dick did something to me.

Michael asked if his dick had the same effect on me. I was ashamed but I shook my head yes.

Michael said, "Then maybe you are bisexual. There is nothing wrong with that. You just have to choose your lovers more wisely."

He was still sitting on the side of my bed with his soft dick hanging out. He looked at me and said, "Eventually, you will feel more comfortable with your sexuality. I think you are gay or bisexual. I will not tell anyone if you do not want me to. It is important that you acknowledge what you are and not try to be something else. I am bisexual, and it took me time to become comfortable with that. Now, I just go with the flow. If I feel like having sex I do and if I like someone I approach them. I don't care if it's a man or woman. I do not make a show of it but I also do not hide it. I am just as happy with a dick as I am with a pussy."

I said to him, "With a dick that big you must be a total top."

He laughed and said, "My dick in not that big but yes I am a total top. I have never been fucked. Guys have wanted to top me but I always wound up topping them. I don't think I would ever bottom. I guess it's my competitive nature, I just want to be on top."

With that Michael and I went to sleep.

The next morning we woke up and Michael began giving me advice. He told me to be firm and not to tolerate any disrespect from Cole. He said if necessary I should raise my voice and posture. He would stop by in the afternoon and see how I was getting along.

I went to the cabin and picked up the campers. We were going to play volleyball and go swimming. As we reached the volleyball area, Cole began to belittle me. I took Michael's advice and assumed an aggressive posture. I began yelled at him that he should shut up and just play volleyball.

I would not be joining in today because of my ankle but I would be supervising.

Cole was surprised by my aggressiveness but continue to completely ignore my directions.

Around 1 o'clock Michael came to visit. He asked me how things were going and I informed him that I was being more assertive and not tolerating any disrespect. However, I also told him my attempts had been met with mixed results and the campers were essentially ignoring me. Almost as if on cue Cole yelled out "Mini-geek you going to do anything today or just stand around and talk."

Michael heard this and immediately turned on his heels. He stared directly at Cole and barked out, "Shut the hell up and mind your own business!"

Cole did not like this. His response was, "Who are you to tell me anything? I will do whatever I want."

Michael looked directly at him and said, "You will do what I fucking tell you to do or I will beat the shit out of you."

Cole mumbled something under his breath but went back to playing volleyball.

The rest of the day was uneventful and when I went to bed I felt better.

The next day was quiet, consisting mostly of arts and crafts.

Cole began trying to humiliate me. During one point we were making clay sculptures and Cole rolled a small piece of clay between his hands and made a half-inch (1 cm) cylinder. Holding up the cylinder he said, "Look, I made a sculpture of Mini-geeks hard dick." All of the other campers began to laugh.

I was at a loss for words. All the campers knew that my dick was small. My response focused on the retort of, "No, I think that is a sculpture of your father's dick." The other campers said, "Ewww, burn"

Cole did not like this and jumped up.

Serendipitously, Michael just happened to be coming by. He saw Cole jump up and promptly yelled, "Sit the hell down!"

I was glad for his assistance.

Today, however, Cole was not happy and began calling Michael, "Mini-geek's bodyguard." At one point Cole said he was going to have to show my "bodyguard" who was boss.

I knew the Cole's a street urchin but I had no doubt Michael was more than a match for him.

I laughed and said it would take more than him to best Michael.

The next week, Cole and I continued to verbally spar. He had become quite nasty because I would no longer suck his dick. I suffered daily insults. Sometimes, he would sneak up behind me and dry hump my ass. I was very upset at how nasty Cole had become and I would be glad when my time as camp counsellor was over.

Today, he was exceptionally annoying. He started by rubbing his crotch and said to me, "It has been over a week since you sucked my big dick. Come over here and suck it." I told him to shut up and ignored him. He said, "I know you want it. Get over here and suck my dick." I said I would not. He called me a bastard and walked off.

Next: Chapter 5: Camp Counselor 5

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