Camp Conversion

By moc.loa@RB81DJG

Published on Jul 15, 2023


Camp Conversion Chapter Eight

That night I did not have long to wait to find out what they had come up with for me. They took me to the boathouse again and made me strip for them. They had the rack for the oars cleared off and bent me over it, tying my ankles and wrists to the bottom legs of the rack. They got naked and put their cocks to my lips telling me to kiss them and make them hard. At first I just used my lips to kiss the tips of their rods and then they demanded that I French kiss them, using my tongue and taking the heads in my mouth.

They took turns, only keeping their dick heads in my mouth for a minute and I felt them stiffening. When they all had erections John put his fingers up my ass with slippery gel of some kind. "Who wants to take him first?

Twins, do you want him?" Mike answered, "Yeah, I want to fuck his mouth for a bit and then get into his ass while Al fucks his face. We love watching each other do a guy." He stuffed his dick in my mouth and commanded, " Suck it real good and I'll reward you with a good fucking up your butt." I didn't want that, but I couldn't do anything or complain with that prick in my face and keeping me unable to speak. I had already realized that it was useless to object because they wouldn't listen and they had those damned pictures they would show everyone if I didn't do what they said. He shoved his cock in all the way and his twin reached around his legs and found my sore tits. He pulled on them. "We need to keep working on these little fuckers and make them nice and big like a bitch's tits." The other three agreed with him and I knew that they were in for another abusive time. I was moaning at the pain I felt at my chest which distracted me from the full feeling in my throat as his member went into that part of me. At the same time John was working his fingers up my backside to get it open and ready for the fucking they planned to do to me again. "I like it when we' ve got him tied down and at our mercy. We can do whatever we want to him and he can't do a thing about it. Let me know when you're ready for his other end and I'll move out of the way." He slapped my butt hard several times before Mike pulled out of my face and let his brother have it with his matching dick. He thrust in all the way at once since his brother's prong had just been in there and I hardly knew there was a change because his was the same size. I knew from the last two nights that John and Dan were larger and I knew they'd be taking their turns when they were aroused further by watching the twins using me from both ends. John didn't take his fingers out until Mike was ready to enter me, greased up and hot to trot. I felt his hands on my butt cheeks, holding them down and apart. When John 's fingers were out he rammed his cock in immediately which made me try to yelp, but I was stifled by the column of man meat in my mouth. I could hear them joking and laughing quietly as they shoved their two matching cocks inside me. Mike liked to ram it up my ass and Al just went smoothly into my throat as he was saving his cum for my behind when it was his turn back there. John reached between the oar rack and found my cock and worked it so that it was stiff as if I was enjoying what they were all doing to me without my wanting it at all. With four of them and me tied to the rack there was nothing I could do but suck and get fucked with them now forcing me to do it and endure it. Dan didn't want to be left out so he came around to the other side and reached under to work on my tits some more. I moaned in protest and pain as much as I was able with the plug of Al's dick in my mouth. Dan and John both chuckled at that like inflicting pain was a fun thing to do. Behind me Mike was pumping harder and faster, "Ah, I'm pounding his rear end! I'm going to give him his first load of cum tonight and it' s going to be soon." He held me by the hips and thrust into me fast so that it sounded like he was spanking me but with his loins, not his hand. At last he gasped and I felt his cock swell up more as he shot his load into me. I knew it would not be long before he was replaced and it was his twin who quickly pulled out of my face and moved around to take his brother's place at my ass. John moved to use my head with his larger dick and Dan had to figure out what part of me he wanted to abuse. He alternated between my tits and my cock and balls. He squeezed my balls to make me open my mouth wider so John could get into my neck while Al forced his cock into my hind end. John grabbed a handful of my hair to raise my head for a more direct angle deeper into my throat. It made breathing a little more difficult but I was still able to get air while taking cock in either end. Dan rubbed my back and whispered in my ear, "I'll be the next one in each end of you, but I may save your behind for when I've got you alone in the cabin. I can do any kind of fuck I want to there when we're alone." I feared that this meant even more painful use than what I was getting already. Al eventually got off up my butt and John moved to take his place while Dan now stood in front of me and teased my lips with his dick head which was leaking precum. "Lick it off before I shove it in your mouth," he growled. I stuck out my tongue and did as he demanded, trying to lessen his desire to be meaner if I had not done so. "Yeah, now suck my dick, cocksucker." He shoved his prick in at the same moment that John forced his prong up my backside. They went at it like a well oiled machine, thrusting and withdrawing like pistons. Dan had more control and held off as if also waiting for my other end, but then at the last, as John was dumping his cum up my chute, Dan went off and fed me a mouthful of hot sperm. "Drink it down, boy. You'll be glad you did." When all four had given me a load they decided that this was enough for tonight as the planned activities for tomorrow would go better if they all got

a good night's sleep. They untied the ropes that bound my ankles and wrists to the rack, but Dan told them to leave them attached to me. He tied my wrists together and I stood there while they got dressed. Dan gathered up my clothes and took hold of my dick. "It's late and totally dark out so nobody is going to see us. I'm taking you to our cabin naked. I doubt that anybody will look out their window and see us, but so what." The others all thought this was a hoot and John slapped me on the ass. "I'd suggest that you keep quiet unless you want people looking out and seeing you led by your dick naked across the campground." This got a laugh from the others and I just had to keep my mouth shut and endure the humiliation of being on the open yard in the nude this late and having my cock used like a leash to pull me to our cabin. When we got there and it was just Dan and me he tied my wrists to the frame of the upper bunk, since mine was a bunk bed while his was a single. Then he made me put my right foot on the mattress near the end and he tied that ankle to the frame so I was standing on one foot and my behind was available to his pleasures. He had just shot a load so recently that I couldn't guess what he had in mind. Dan stripped and came up behind me. He wrapped his arms around me and silently began to caress my torso, pinching my nipples at times, and giving my balls a squeeze. He whispered in my ear, "If you know what's good for you get your cock hard and make me think you like what I'm doing to you or I' ll do it and make you hurt a lot more." He pulled on my cock and I felt it getting stiff in his hand from the manipulation. I was shamed that it was making look like I was cooperating, but the physical response was unavoidable. He nibbled on my ear and jacked my dick while he moaned softly, "That 's right, learn to enjoy it. It'll make the summer so much better for you. I've got a couple of toys to help you." He left for a minute and when he came back he put what I would learn was a dildo to my lips and said, " Suck on this like it was a real cock." He used one hand to move it in and out of my mouth. It was shorter than any of the dicks I had sucked that night so it was not a great challenge. With his other hand he was again fondling my chest and crotch. I felt Dan's pelvis pressing against my rear end as he gently dry humped me and moved that thing in and out of my face. Slowly I felt also his re-aroused cock rise up under my spread ass. He held me and made me move my left foot to open my hind end even more. I knew that he had plans to fuck me like the other three had done, but this time I would be on my feet and at that angle it would be different. When he was stiff and ready he put the head to my opened hole and purred in my ear, "Take this one, fucker." He bent his knees and then thrust up into me but with the thing in my mouth I could only grunt at the different discomfort this imposed on me in this spread out stance with the dildo in my mouth to keep me quiet. Dan was a strong fucker and seemed to really like imposing pain by the use of his tool up a man's backside. "Oh yeah, that' s a good one. When it was just the four of us playing around I couldn't do what I really wanted, but now I've got my captive sex toy to play with and I can do anything I want." He thrust up into me hard enough that he raised me up on my toes of the one foot on the floor. He reached around me with his free hand and started to masturbate my cock. "I'm going to make you cum before I do, but it'll take me a while so we can play with your dick for a long time." He did, holding that dildo in my mouth with one hand and jacking me off with the other one all in time to his busting my butt with his dick thrusting up into me from behind. If it hadn't been for the bed frame I would have been knocked off my foot but it just meant that I could not escape his sex usage. He went on and on but when at last he was getting close he pumped my cock hard and fast and drove me over the edge. "Come on, boy, and cum for me. I want to feel your asshole squeeze my cock and milk my cum out of me and into your butt." When that happened I groaned as I could around the plug in my mouth and he exclaimed, "Damn, that's what I mean. Milk my prick!" He rammed into me harder and I knew when he exploded inside me from the way his whole body shuddered. After he was finished he untied my right ankle and let me stand on my two feet which he untied my wrists but then he made me lie face down on my bed and used the ropes attached to my extremities to tie me to the bed on my belly. He then shoved the dildo he had taken out of my mouth up my ass and told me, "This will keep you ready just in case I want another piece of ass later or in the morning." I fell asleep dreading what might yet happen. I slept deeply after the exertions of the sexual abuse I had endured but I was awakened by the dildo being pulled out of me and Dan climbing on top of me to shove his cock again in my ass. "Good morning, sunshine. Guess what I'm going to give you before breakfast." He began pumping into me as he held me down even though I was bound to the bed. He liked the feeling he was forcing himself on me so he had his hands on my shoulders as he went after my butt with his dick. He had a good time, I could only moan in what was now a mild pain as my rear end was getting used to having big dicks up there, moving in and out for their pleasure. He was still going at it when John slipped into our cabin and came over laughing. "You just can't keep your hands off him or your cock out of him." Dan just looked at him and asked, "You want a quick turn before breakfast?" John showed how he felt about that by taking his pants off. He moved to straddle my head, lifting it off the bed and putting his cock in my mouth. "Suck it up and I'll decide which end of you gets my morning load." He looked at Dan, fucking away, and said, "We've got a situation to deal with. It seems that handyman Jose saw us taking him to the boat house last night and came down and peeked in like our friend here did the other night. He watched what we did." "Does he plan to report us or what?" "He's got another idea. He wants a piece of the kid's ass. He says if we let him use him once a week for the rest of the time we're here it'll stay our secret." I could hear the glee in Dan's voice as he responded, "Great! Do we get to watch?" "Yeah, he says we should fuck him first to get him opened up enough for the dick he's got to shove up in there. You're the biggest one of us, just at eight inches. He says he's got a full ten inches and that it's thick too." That image was enough to push Dan over the edge and he spewed his load in my gut. "Damn, that's going to be a show to watch. " He climbed off me and John moved to mount me. As he lay on my back and fucked my ass he asked, "Are you going to be a good boy and give up your ass to the handyman like we tell you?" I groaned, "Do I have any choice?" The two of them said together, "No." John fucked away until he too blew his load inside my behind. When he got off he slapped my ass. "That's a treasure we can gladly share as long as he puts on a good show for us." They finally untied me and let me go to the bathroom where I had to shit out all

the cum that had been deposited in me and shower the mingled sweat of the four guys who had used me. All the while I was thinking when would I have to put out for Jose?

The End

Next: Chapter 9

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