Camp Conversion

By moc.loa@RB81DJG

Published on Jul 15, 2023


Camp Conversion Chapter Seven

When I woke up in the morning I hurt all over from what had been done to me the night before in the boathouse. I was huddled in fetal position when I felt a foot kick my ass and Dan ordered, "Get up, bitch. You've got work to do all day, but don't wear out because we're going to have some more fun with you tonight." He was dressed and left the cabin for breakfast and I got up wearily and dressed to follow him. I was famished from the workout they had put me through the night before and I needed nourishment to do my work as a junior counselor that day. As I dressed I thought to myself, ` why the hell did it have to be so nosy and follow Dan last night to the boathouse. If I hadn't John would never have caught me peaking in the small crack between the boards and seeing what was going on in there between Dan and the twins, Mike and Al. My mouth hurt from being forced open to suck dicks, my asshole ached from where all four of them had shoved their cocks up inside me roughly, and even my penis hurt from how they had made me cum while they jacked me off and at the same time beat my ass until I shot a load across the room. My arms and legs hurt from where they had tied me over that big canoe to spread me open for their use. As I left for the dining room all I could think was that there were eight more weeks before I could go home. It was a long day of getting things ready for the campers who would be arriving next week, but for now it was just the Director and the eight of us counselors, plus three handy men that were there sometimes to do repairs we couldn't handle as unskilled labor. I tried to avoid the four who had abused me last night, but when the twins sat down on either side of me at lunch I had to be in their company. In low tones they both told me that they liked what had happened the night before and they were looking forward to the next weeks and what they would be doing to me before camp was over. I said nothing and looked at my food while I ate and tried not to respond to the hands that grabbed my naked thighs below my shorts and squeezed to show that they were in charge and I had nothing to say about it except to do what they told me. It was bedtime, a little early for me but I hoped if I was asleep they'd leave me alone tonight and let me heal from what they did to me

the night before, but I was just about to get into bed wearing my briefs as usual when Dan came in and told me to stop. "Lose the underwear, and not

just for tonight. I don't want you to wear any for the rest of the summer. We might want a piece of you anytime and that's one less layer to get past when we do. Get naked right now and don't think about sleep for a while." I didn't know what he had in mind but I didn't like it already. He was stripping quickly and flipped off the lights as he walked to me standing next

to my bed. He put an arm around my shoulders and with a threatening look on his face told me, "Now you be a good little boy and get down on your knees and suck my cock to start with tonight." He pushed on my shoulders and forced me to my knees so his stiffening cock was pointed at my mouth. He grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled hard so I opened my mouth to cry out but before a sound escaped he shoved his fat cock into my mouth and growled, "I said suck my dick! Now get to work before anyone else gets here. Since you decided you wanted in on our fun by following me last night we don't have to sneak off to the boathouse or anywhere else. We've got our cabin for a playground. Suck dick, baby, and work it good." He pulled hard on my hair and shoved his prick in my face. I was totally vulnerable and unable to get away from him. Instinctively I put my hands on his thighs to try to push him away, but he was bigger and stronger than me and he just laughed at how I tried to avoid his face fuck. From behind me I heard the door open and close and was soon aware that the twins had arrived. Out of the corner of my eye I saw them getting naked and smiling and I heard them saying, "You started without us. It makes a pretty picture when we walk in and see your dick going in and out of his mouth." Since I could see Mike step naked to stand beside Dan I knew that the bare body that knelt down behind me and wrapped his arms around me had to be Al. I felt his dick rise up between my legs until it was poking my balls from behind while he was sucking on my neck and my ear lobe. He said, "I think it's going to be great to have our own little sex slave this summer. We won't have to take care of each other all the time. Your butt is going to get a lot of business, boy." Just then Dan pulled his cock out of my mouth and Mike stuffed his into me. "Suck this one and do it right or I'll beat your ass while I fuck you with it instead." While he and Dan took turns using my mouth Al was sticking fingers up my shit chute. He stuffed first one and then two and then three, using some slippery stuff that made them go into me easier and after the pounding I took last night my no longer virgin ass couldn't resist or close tight enough to keep them out. While he did that he took my cock and balls in his hand and was squeezing and manipulating them even though I put one hand down to try to push him off. "Let it be, boy, or I'll show you how hard I can squeeze them. Crushed nuts can be painful. You don't want that, trust me." I knew I couldn't stop them from doing what they wanted and all I could do was submit unwillingly. Mike suggested, "He might like it if we play with his tits when he's sucking us or getting fucked. Get that one, Dan, and I'll get this one." I tried to resist, putting one hand on each of the arms of the two men who were pinching my nipples and pulling on them, stretching them away from my chest painfully. But they were too strong for me to push them away. I only ended up helping them to stretch them further. "Look, he wants us to pull harder," Dan said chuckling. That was not my meaning at all, but with a dick in my mouth I couldn't say so. Just then John came into the cabin and saw what was happening. "You guys having fun? I'll take a couple more pictures of what a sex slut he is to keep him doing it for us all summer. Let me close the curtains for a minute. Get ready to fuck him, Al, but lean your head back so I don't get your face in the picture, just your cock going up his butt." With the moonlight shut out by the closed curtains a small flashlight illuminated my behind as Al pulled his fingers out and greased his cock. As the bulbous head penetrated my anal canal there was a flash as John took a picture and Al drove his prick up my backside in one hard shove. I grunted around Dan's dick that was in my mouth at the time and all four of them just laughed and kept using my body for their pleasures. Mike and Dan kept on with switching which one of them was in my mouth, prolonging the blowjob I was being forced to give them. Al was fucking my ass as he knelt behind me holding my hips as he drove his cock up my rear end. John, after taking the pictures of me taking three dicks at once stripped off and opened the curtain again so moon light streamed into the cabin so they could watch all that they were making me do. After Al grunted and unloaded up my backside. He pulled out and got out of the way, but John had another idea. "Let's put him across his bed on his hands and knees. You two can go on stuffing his mouth and I can fuck his ass standing up. I can get better power going that way." They made me get up and put me in the position he had described. Mike and Dan got on one side of my bunk and put cocks in my mouth alternately and John got in back of me and since I was already opened up by Al he drilled his dick into my ass in a series of jabs that rammed into me until he was balls deep. Then he began to pull part of his tool out and ram it back in again and again. This forced me onto the dick in my mouth and it would go down my throat when he hit my butt with his pelvis. To keep me attentive to their dicks the two in front of me were still pulling on my nipples to yank me onto their pricks. Al lay on my bed where he could look under my and watch John's fucking dick. He held my balls so he could see the big thing forcing its way into my hind end. He alternated this with stroking my cock and keeping it hard as if I had agreed to this assault. He got the camera and from under me got a picture of that invading prong going into me and my cock hard as I received it. "If any guy sees this they' ll know that his body was made to take dicks," joked Al as he moved the camera to got a shot of my chin with a dick in my mouth and another one with an engorged head pointing at my lips to take its place when the other one pulled out to not get off in there. Dan made it clear, "I want to save my first load for his ass after John gets finished." The other three laughed as John lunged harder into me, plowing my sore butt hole the way he wanted to use it. "We can have lots of fun with him all summer," John said with a note of threat and promise in his voice. "I've got some other ideas we can do too. I'll tell you about them and we can make plans." Somehow I didn' t think I would be included in the planning, only in the carrying out of the plans. John did eventually get done and Dan came around and took his place. He didn't hesitate to jam his spit slick dick into my hole, slick with the lube Al had put up there and with the two loads that were already in me. He just held me by the waist and forced his larger cock deep into my anal canal.

He had been turned on by the oral working he made me give him and now he was in the mood for a wild fuck. He didn't last all that long, but he was sure hard on my bottom. At the same time Mike, not needing to share my mouth with anyone, was now skull fucking me in much the same way as Dan was doing my backside, but holding me by my ears. John and Al took over the task of pulling on my tits. They hurt bad and I suspected they'd be swollen and hurting all the next day from the way they were being abused. It turned out that they thought that was neat and they determined that they

would be red and swollen all summer. "It'll be funny to see them sticking out in his tee shirt like the nipples of a girl in heat," Dan said with a vicious growl. I would learn later that this gave them more ideas. When Dan got off and I had swallowed Mike's load down my throat Al announced that watching all this had got him stirred up enough to be ready to fuck me again. They got me on my back and John and Mike knelt on either side of me.

Al pushed my legs up and each of them grabbed an ankle to hold my ass up and available for what he wanted to do. "Look at how that boy pussy is open and ready for a good piece of man meat. Hold him, guys." Dan knelt at the end of the bed where my head was and clamped his hand over my mouth to prevent me from making too much noise when Al jabbed his cock into me again and went into uncaring fuck mode. John bent his head to my chest and started to suck hard on my swollen tit and Mike soon did the same. They didn't just suck on them, they began to chew on them, making them hurt even more. At the same time Al was jacking my cock which, for some reason I didn't know, was rigid and responded when that hand worked it. My cum shot out of me while Al was still rocking his hips and thrusting his cock into me. When Al finished Mike was ready to take a turn in that other end of me and got up where his brother had been and stuffed his prick into me. When he was done John took another turn. After that the three guys got dressed and left. I was limp as a dish rag, but Dan put me face down and got on top of me and took his second turn in the saddle, fucking my weary asshole. I had to just lay there and take it. I didn't have the energy to resist but just lay there while he pumped up and down, drilling my behind one more time that night. When he was done he just got up, slapped me on the ass, and said, "Nice night, boy hole. We'll see what else we can come up with for tomorrow." He went to his bed and left me to fall asleep, exhausted from the abuse I had taken in my ends again. In the morning I was yanked awake by Dan lifting my head by my hair and shoving my face into his now clothed crotch. "I thought about making you suck my dick first thing today but I'd rather wait until we take turns in you later. Get up and get cleaned up and dressed. Breakfast is in twenty minutes." He left and I struggled to my feet and went to the shower for whatever revitalizing it could give me for another day when I'd be dreading the night and those four fuckers attacking me again and making me do what they wanted.

The End

Next: Chapter 8

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