Camp Conversion

By moc.loa@RB81DJG

Published on Mar 9, 2009


CAMP CONVERSION Part 6 Written by Stripscott based on a true account by Nivram

Tied as I was, my dick was not in the best position for it to be manipulated by these heartless young thugs as they had discovered when they had tried to force me to ejaculate for them. However, that time, although they had manipulated my hitherto untouched private organ for their pleasure, they had not actually intended me to successfully spill a load of my personal white fluid. This time, though, they meant business.

Without seeing it, I knew that my dick had varied between hard and semi-hard since they had ceased their direct ministrations, although never quite going soft. I had been unable to prevent a hard-on occurring as they had pounded my ass with their fucking great cocks as my prostate was repeatedly assailed sending irresistible tingling through to my traitorous dick. The photos taken showed it frequently in that rigid and extended state, seeming to suggest that the treatment was to my liking.

Nothing could have been further from the truth. Despite many low points in my 17 year old life, I had never suffered in any way as I did that night. The pain, indignity, humiliation and degradation all combined to take me down to my lowest ebb ever, but even that was not as bad as my loss of spirit. Being unable to prevent those four perverts from treating my naked body any way they wished and doing to it all the depraved acts which they could devise brought me mentally to the level of a lewd whore. Knowing that I was totally unable to prevent their licentious acts did not help me come to terms with this frame of mind.

It was not helped, either, by the continual verbal abuse which I received, gradually eroding any self-esteem which I had left and reducing me to s shadow of my former self. They called me a cock-sucker, whore and a cum-dump. They denigrated the size of my cock and informed me that they had seen 13 years olds with longer pricks and heavier balls. They even offered to release the ropes because they were sure that I was such a pussy that I would not try to escape, but continue to lie there and take all abuse offered because it was what I had been born for. I was, they claimed, meant to be the tool and plaything of macho men who occasionally like to exert control over prissy and woosie boys who had no self control, but offered themselves as a fuck toy and human cum rag.

Such taunting seemed to mentally exhaust me and it continued as my semi-stiff prick was again seized, prodded and manipulated. They also talked dirty amongst themselves, discussing what they had done together and what they had done with other guys. Somehow, even in my uncomfortable position, my unresisting state of mind allowed their fiendish hands to bring me to state of hardness I had not previously achieved that night. Maybe it was partially because their handling was not as rough as before, their intentions being different.

Suddenly almost my entire awareness became centred on my rampant cock. I became a stretched, rigid pole submitting to the manipulations of foreign fingers. I had a shiny bulbous head that was becoming ever-increasingly sensitive. At the apex of this engorged head, was a slit, a hole, allowing substances egress after their journey along my stiffened shaft. I wished a particular substance to make that journey, a milky-white fluid which I knew could travel at speed and which would erupt though that slit and jet out into the air as if impatient for release.

And, in the depth of my consciousness, I felt shame. Ashamed that I was actually allowing myself to derive please from this illegal violation of my most intimate body-part;  shame that I wanted to accomplish the desire of my rapists and unload an offering of my most intimate fluid for them to view and to triumph over.

"I think he's close," Mike said. "Fuck! His balls are beginning to throb like mad."

"I wonder when he last shot off," mused Al. "I suppose he does wank himself. Or maybe he's a virgin at that as well."

"If that's the case, then we'll have stolen two cherries when he cums for us," John remarked, apparently with pride at this accomplishment.

"You're just longing to show us what a man you think you are," called Mike, addressing me. "I bet you think that when we see you cum we'll think what a man you are, but we won't. You're only cumming because we are forcing you to. You cum for us and no one else."

"Get a good picture," said Al suddenly. "Get one with the cum spurting out of his dick."

"I'd already planned that," said John. Needless to say, the camera had been flashing away a lot of this time.

Suddenly I didn't want to cum. Suddenly I tried to resist, to will myself to foil their attempts, but it was too late. Or maybe my attempts to prevent my further humiliation were what led to it because, almost immediately I started to feel that rush. The spunk gathered; my balls emptied and the end was inevitable.

"He's there!" Mike shouted triumphantly. My dick received a vigorous wanking and I felt myself pump out multiple shots of my jizz to the cheers of my tormentors. For the first time in my young life, someone else had seen my cock perform an ejaculation. For the first time I had been forced to cum against my will. I didn't know it then, but it wouldn't be the last time. Four pairs of eyes were to witness that sight many times in the coming days much to my horror and chagrin.

"Got it all?" asked Al.

"Yes. That's the lot for now," Mike responded, but his hand still worked on my cock, which, having functioned, was becoming increasingly sensitive. As I uselessly tried to squirm free of that insistent grip and made protest noises into my gag, I saw the other three come to stand in front of me. Dan held a largish tin lid and I realised that he had used it to catch my spunk for it was covered in thick white ropes of fluid.

Slowly, whilst I suffered increasing agonies from Mike working over my now hyper-sensitive dick, especially the head, Dan dipped his fingers into my cum on the lid, raised them to my face and began to smear the still-warm liquid over my cheeks. Al and John assisted him and soon my face was liberally daubed with my own essence. I cried into my gag, from both the indignity and the hellish stimulation Mike was inflicting. He showed no mercy for the next five minutes as I mentally writhed in agony, all the while feeling the cum dry on face.

The torment did, of course, have to end and I could not hold back a sigh of relief when my deflating prick was finally released. I saw from the expressions of the three who stood before me, how much satisfaction that sigh gave them and I wished to heaven that I could have restrained it.

I tried to plead to them with my eyes for an end to all this. I mentally strained to project my desire for release and freedom from these horrific events, knowing all the while that I would have to live with the memory of them throughout the coming days.

Please I thought out to them. It's enough. You've done everything you want. Please let me go. I won't tell. Just let this be over and we can forget about it. I can't take any more.

The message didn't get through. 

I watched as hands stroked stiff cocks in front of me and I felt Mike's fingers spreading my ass-cheeks so that his big dick could once again gain access to my nethermost hole. The next promised round of fucking the up-ended and helpless teenager was about to commence. Even as the painful sensations in my ravage dick subsided, so the agony in my ass was about to re-commence.

I tried to withdraw into myself, to ignore the violation of my apparently submissive body, but I could not exclude the sensation of Mike's dick-head probing my crack and nudging at the door of my passage. The nudging became insistent and brute force drove that invader into my inner regions and I was once again impaled. My pain and despair were his pleasure and enjoyment.

To more verbal abuse, I was forced to accept their further depredations. The gag was pulled out of my mouth, but before I could utter a word of protest, John's cock forcibly took its place and fucked me in time with Mike's strokes at the other end. Al climbed up on the canoe and straddled my back. I knew from the vibrations that he was wanking and, before long, I heard him gasp out and felt his cum splashing over my head. After a few moments, his hand descended on me and rubbed his spunk carefully into my hair.

My senses began to waver at that point. Mike continued to fuck my ass and John worked diligently on my mouth. Both ultimately unloaded themselves into my interior and two more cocks replaced those that were withdrawn, but I also had begun to withdraw. I seemed to have been tied over that canoe all my life and to have endured a pain-wracked body for most of that time. It was the only reality that existed for me and it seemed eternal. My occasional hope that all was over became extinguished. I muttered and grunted around a mouthful of solid meat which would occupy my mouth forever. There would always be something round and long and solid thrusting in and out of my asshole and I would never be free to move my limbs again.

My dick painfully engorged itself again and then relaxed. More penile liquid was splashed onto my vulnerable body. There seemed to be an unending supply. These invaders seemed to be insatiable.

Somewhere on the edge of this bout of despair I was conscious that each had a further turn at my ass and, indeed, one, I think it was Dan, impregnated me for a third time. By then, there seemed to be a lessening of activity. When my mouth was vacated, the gag was reinserted instead of another prick. It seemed a longer time before I felt the coating sensation on my insides as the last one finally dumped his seed. There was a slow, protracted withdrawal.

For the first time in a very long while, none of the four of them was touching me. I remember wondering, ridiculously, what time it was. Perhaps it was a hap-hazard thought which temporarily kept me from thinking about what had been done to me, but that was with me all the time.

"I'm done."

It was Al's voice.

"I think he's had enough for tonight," agreed Dan. "And there'll be plenty more opportunity."

My heart quailed at that remark, but I knew before they told me that I was now under their control.

Later the camera would be waved in front of my face.

"You want everyone at camp to see these?" John demanded. "That's what'll happen if you don't do as you're told. Savvy?" I'd nodded, my throat to dry and sore to speak.

"You say anything about tonight to anyone, you'll suffer for it. Is that clear?" 

As clear as daylight I'd thought as I nodded again. I had already resolved to keep this to myself to avoid the acute embarrassment of others learning of my humiliation. It would just be another form of embarrassment to be avoided at all costs.

I'll never forget the flood of relief as they began to untie the ropes which bound me, only to be replaced by the flood of agony into limbs which had been immobile for so long. Pins and needles? More like nails and spikes. My naked body suffered another racking torment.

At last, I was free and pulled down from the canoe. My legs refused to support me and I collapsed in a heap. They stood around and over me.

"What a stinking mess you really are," said John. "No way you can go back to camp like that."

"He needs a wash," Al suggested.

"Then chuck him in the lake," was Mike's inevitable decision.

I looked up suddenly to find them all grinning at each other. They agreed! They were going to do it!

"Uh... no..." I gasped out weakly. As if that had been a signal, four pairs of hands seized me and I was carried to the edge of the lake.

I tried to become more vocal.

"No. Please. It'll be too cold. I don't have the strength to... Ohhh noooo..."

The last phrase was uttered as I found my naked body sailing through the cool night air and it was cut off as the waters closed over my face. It was horrendously cold. I struggled and came upright. I could just reach the bottom and forced my legs to support me.

I wasn't allowed to come out of the water until I had thoroughly cleaned every bit of myself. All physical traces of their depravity were washed off, but the mental scars would not be erased so easily.

When I stood again on dry land, still very shaky, I was given my clothes. I pulled on my underpants, shorts and sneakers. The rest I carried, just grateful not to be naked any longer.

"Now remember, Stu," a voice said in my ear as a hand groped my ass, "you're ours now. We'll tell you what to do and where to be a when. And you'll do it. Who knows? You may even learn to like it..."

To be continued...

Author: Stripscott Email:

Next: Chapter 7

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