Camp Conversion

By moc.loa@RB81DJG

Published on Dec 31, 2007


CAMP CONVERSION Part 4 Written by Stripscott based on a true account by Nivram

I don't think I considered that first intrusion into my anal orifice as the loss of my virginity at that actual moment. I do know that the word 'RAPE' was flashing in my head like a neon sign. Raped at both ends.

Mike had his monster firmly lodged in my mouth and I could already taste what I assumed to be the pre-cum drooling from that eager piss slit. He still clung to my hair and pushed further and further in. I knew that in only moments the head would be nudging my throat.

Meanwhile, behind me and out of my sight, even if I'd had my eyes open, Dan was not bothering too much with preparing me for my first fucking. I think I heard him spit a couple of times followed by a rubbing sound. Then I felt his hands on my cheeks, separating them and exposing his desired target - my private and secret hole, only ever used to expelling matter, not accepting it. He stroked it with the tip of his finger and I felt a bit of dampness before the finger pressed against the pucker and, despite any attempt on my part to prevent it, slid inside me.

"He's good. He's tight," I heard Dan say and the others responded eagerly, no doubt anticipating their turn.

As that thought flashed through my mind, I came to the horrible understanding that it wasn't just going to be Dan's dick that would penetrate my rearward barrier that night. They were each going to take their turn at sampling the tied, but unwrapped, package with which they had so happily been presented. And at both ends!

As that thought sent a shudder through my naked and helpless body, Dan withdrew his finger and spread my ass-cheeks wider, if that were possible. I sensed the nearness of his body and then I felt the prodding of the tip of that eight inch rod of steel which jutted from that dark hairy bush. It was pictured in my mind at the moment he had lowered his trunks just a few minutes earlier. A straight, rigid pole of meat with a slit in the end which I could have sworn wicked at me, knowing the part it was going to play in my humiliation, rape and torture.

The pressure built up on that especial area of my crack and I could help visualising Dan pushing that fuck tool forward with determined intent. I wanted to shout out, to tell him he was too big, to protest at this inhuman treatment, but Mike had me firmly gagged and I could only grunt and moan.

I felt the pressure ease and for a brief wonderful moment I thought he had realised it would be impossible and decided to stop trying, but then there was a fierce stab at my arse. In that moment when I had relaxed, Dan thrust quickly forward and I ceased to be a virgin. My final orifice was penetrated. My defences had been found lacking and Dan was on his way where no one had gone before.

I knew then what a glove feels like when a hand is put into it, the fingers and body filling the glove to its extremes. But a glove is meant to have a hand inside it. I wasn't intended as a receptacle for Dan's cock, or anyone else's for that matter. This was trespass, no, worse: an invasion. Nothing of mine was my own any more. I hadn't surrendered; I'd been sacked and now I was being violated. Tears trickled down my cheeks, partly from the pain and partly for my lost innocence. I somehow knew at that moment that my life would never be the same again.

Mike's dick had reached my throat and I was starting to gag.

"Breathe through your nose," I was instructed from above and I struggled to comply, not from obedience, but to help me live. Strange that, because I had never felt more like wanting to die.

Another image sprang into my fevered brain. Spit-roasted pig! The only difference was, I was not revolving. Not in the physical sense, anyway. My mind on the other hand was spinning.

I heard a click and burst of light startled me. I opened my eyes to see John aiming the camera for another shot. More pictures of my degradation to be added to the album. More helpless tears wet my cheeks. John came in for a close up, then moved behind me to record Dan's triumphal entry.

As he moved I saw Al, Mike's twin. He had shucked his shorts and was rubbing his stiff cock in readiness for his turn at one end or the other.

"Hey, Dan. Me or John should have gone first. You'll open him up so we won't enjoy him so much." He laughed.

"Oh, you'll enjoy this little slut. He's made for it. I'm ready to bet that all he ever really wanted in life was a man's stiff dick up his arse. Several, in fact. All we're doing is making his dreams come true."

"Yeah," said John as another flash lit the area. "He came looking for it and we can give it to him. And how!"

Suddenly there was a sharp crack and then I felt an explosion of pain in my left ass-cheek. Someone had slapped me. Then it was repeated again and again. I realised that John was spanking me whilst Dan probed further into my arse. Eight inches goes a long way inside.

Things started to move a bit then. Mike, having probed the interior of my mouth and the upper reaches of my throat, started to withdraw and then thrust back in. Repeating these movements, he started to fuck my face in earnest. Al moved behind me and soon I felt his hand delivering blows to my right ass-cheek. Dan, having lodged his whole man-meat inside me, started to fuck in rhythm with Mike.

My screams were muffled, but they were loud enough inside. Soreness and pain ravaged me as I reached the point of wondering how I could take any more whilst knowing that I had no choice. A naked and restrained victim has no control over how his captors treat him and I knew that these lads were only just getting warmed up. How I wished I was back in my bunk in the cabin!

"Punish the bad boy for being nosey," Al laughed. Look at the colour on these cheeks already. Hey, his other cheeks'll be this colour when we show those photos around."

"Maybe there'll be some others want to have turns at fulfilling his desires. We could rent him out by the hour," John added.

"No problem," Dan contributed. "Once their dicks have been up this little ass once, they won't want to go anywhere else. Probably not even back in their pants!"

Everyone except me laughed at that. I shuddered again, as much as my bonds would allow. Other boys seeing those pictures! Being forced to give myself to those who wanted to pay for me! Did such people exist? They couldn't. But I had though that Dan and these others could treat me like this. My whole world was turning upside down.

Meanwhile Mike was speeding up with his thrusts into my mouth and I could hear him beginning to gasp. At my back Dan was copying him.

"Ohhhh. I want to make this last, but he is such a gorgeous fuck-toy. I'm not going to hold out much longer.

As if the dual-penetration hadn't been enough, I was about to become the unwilling recipient of two man-sized loads of cum.

"Yeah. Take it, baby. Take my man spunk. Open your throat and let it slide down," Mike gasped out as he pumped furiously. "Ahhhhhhh!"

I felt his dick spasm in my mouth and then a hot, viscous fluid landed on my tongue and slid back. It was followed by a second load and there were several more to come. Mike's dick spewed his man-juices into me and I tasted cum for the first time.

Much went down my throat, but the quantity was such that some overflowed my lips and ran down my chin. Mike's finger scooped it up and rubbed it over my face.

All this time John and Al continued to spank my now very sore bottom.

Dan was preparing to unload the deposit he'd been working on for me. He was very vocal as he unleashed the first volley of cum.

"Ahhhh! Oooooohhhh! Ohhhhh! Yes! Yes! Yes! Take it, pussy boy. Have your first load from Dan the Man."

I could feel his cock jerking as it released the jets of cum into me. Like Mike he was a big comer and it was a while before his orgasm finally subsided and he stood there with his dick still buried inside me.

I became aware that the spanking had stopped. The pain had been such that I hadn't noticed the precise moment, but I knew it had been around the time that Dan had started to coat my insides.

Mike slowly, almost reluctantly withdrew from my mouth, but Dan kept his prick in place for a little while longer. At last he gradually began to pull out, leaving my ass feeling strangely empty. No fear of that lasting, however; Al was all-too-eager to fill the void with something similar of his own. It wasn't long before I felt that familiar nudging and flashes cued the recording of my second anal deflowering. Al slid inside much too easily and was soon pumping away.

John appeared in front of me, first handing the camera to Mike and then finally lowering his shorts. Already hard, he was just a bit smaller than Al, which I had suspected from Al's earlier remarks about size. What I hadn't realised was that he was the only one of the four who wasn't cut. Though the purplish head was currently protruding, the folds of his foreskin were obvious. Being cut myself, this was the first uncut cock that I had ever seen. His brown bush was thick and curly, but I didn't get much more chance to admire it, had I wanted to, because he grabbed my head and poked that weapon at my lips. Reluctantly I opened them for him, knowing that resistance would mean more pain and eventual acquiescence.

"Good boy," John praised as if I were a dog who had performed a trick well. "Let's get that whorish mouth of yours working on daddies dick, now. And keep those teeth out of the way or you'll find out what really hurts. You'd like to leave here with your own dick intact, I suppose..."

The implied threat made me go cold and I sniffled. Throughout the initial stages of the assault I had been unaware of my own dick after the embarrassment of having my underwear dragged from my body to expose my hidden parts for the amusement of these three. Now I realised that it was still pulled down and resting on the canoe and still flaccid. But it was available.

"Isn't he good?" asked Dan of Al as he slid his rigid member in and out of my ravished hole.

"Yeah. And still pretty tight despite you trying to stretch him out to a tunnel. Yeah. I could get used to this. A fuck toy to play with whenever I wanted. Can I take him home?"

More laughter.

"No. We get to share him. Whatever he's got, we'll take turns at having. And you'll give up to us like the little whore boy that you are, won't you, Stu?" Dan said, with another implied threat in the question. I was saved from giving a reply by the cock which filled my mouth, but I didn't think one was actually expected or required. We all knew they could do anything they liked with me and I would have to take it or give it as required. Whilst bound totally helplessly over the canoe, I could barely put up even token resistance which in itself could lead to more suffering for me.

I remained in the role of spitted pig for some time. Al came up my ass and John left another dollop of cum to fill my mouth. Then positions changed again, Mike taking my back door this time and giving me an extremely rough shagging. He and Al might have been twins, but they were very different in nature.

Dan took his time in my mouth, making satisfied noises and building slowly to a gushing climax.

Al had taken a change in tack and, sliding under then canoe he started an assault on my cock. This was a day for firsts because no one had touched my dick since I was a baby and I certainly hadn't planned on offering it to a male for it's inaugural handling, but Al took it, literally, in hand and began manipulation designed to induce hardness in even a unwilling, but non-resisting boy-cock.

I didn't feel inclined to get hard. The pain and the agony of the double penetrations, plus the unwarranted spanking led me to feel anything but erotically aroused, but, somehow, Al's treatment caused a distinctive and familiar sensation in my loins. I was becoming aroused. I would get hard.

Dan had unleashed his second gift to my body with a loud vocal accompaniment and a savage flurry of thrusts deep into my nether regions and he stood back to watch Al's different assault.

I grew steadily under the guidance of Al's fingers, but I was never going to match the prongs wielded by my assailants. At the best I could manage five inches. As Dan finally spurted out his man-seed into my unresisting mouth, my hardness came to its full attention.

Mike giggled.

"Is that it? Is that all the whore-boy can manage? It's hardly worth playing with. Leave it alone, Al."

"No. I want to see him cum."

"If he can cum with that," said John who had come to have a look. The camera flashed again and I knew that my further humiliation had been recorded for posterity and who knew who else.

"I know," said Dan joining the group behind me. "Let's give him ten minutes. If he doesn't cum in that time, we'll spank him for a quarter of an hour and then try again."

To my horror there was general agreement at this, but there was one voice which appeared to sounding a note of dissention.

"And is that all we're going to do now? Wank him and spank him?"

My heart turned to ice at Dan's reply.

"Oh no. Once we've made him cum, we'll be ready to fuck him all over again!"

To be continued...

Author: Stripscott Email:

Next: Chapter 5

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