Camp Conversion

By moc.loa@RB81DJG

Published on Aug 16, 2007


CAMP CONVERSION Part 3 Written by Stripscott based on a true account by Nivram

Three dicks bulged ominously in three pairs of bathing trunks. The fourth dick was still hidden under shorts, but I had no doubt that it would soon present itself and be just as threatening.

John, the wearer of the shorts and possessor of the hidden, as yet unseen, dick was in the act of aiming the camera at my stretched out and naked body. My shame was about to be recorded on film and I was helpless to prevent it being held by three athletic youths. Mike and Al held my arms out to the sides and my legs were held by Dan. I tried wriggling, but their grips were firm.

The camera clicked several times. John chose different angles and I turned red with embarrassment. I was already wondering who would see these photos. Also, I knew that there was more to this 'punishment' than a little naked humiliation.

"Please guys. Let me go. I won't say a word. Let me have my clothes back now. You've had your fun."

"Our fun has barely started," said Mike. "You think we just stripped you to take a few pictures? Oooh no. Your naked body has a far greater purpose than that. We're just getting ready to play."

At that I tried to struggle free, but I wasn't strong enough. In any case, I knew I'd never make it out of the door.

"I don't think he wants to co-operate," Al remarked.

"No problem," said Dan. "Once we have him secured he won't be trying to go anywhere and we can take our time."

With that I was lifted and found myself being carried across to a device set to one side of the boathouse. About three feet high, it was a raised platform onto which canoes could be placed upside down for cleaning. The top of the platform was hollow. The edges of the canoe were placed into a groove which traced a canoe-shaped outline in the top of the platform which then held it securely. The hollow central part meant that the inside of the boat could also be accessed. A canoe was already in place.

"That's good," Al joked. "Bottoms up for both of them."

I struggled again, but still uselessly.

"Soon you won't even be able to struggle," Dan said threateningly.

I was carried towards the canoe.

"Let's get him in position."

"No. Guys, please. Don't do this. I promise I'll keep quiet. Just let me go."

They were determined to do exactly the opposite. My helpless, naked body was forced forward over the upturned canoe until my stomach was on the keel with my arms and head hanging down one side and my legs waving on the other. My arse was raised obscenely in the air.

I watched in mounting horror as ropes were attached to each of my wrists. Quickly these were pulled under the canoe and I could feel each one being tied to the matching ankle on the other side. My arms and legs were then spread apart as widely as possible and the ropes pulled back over the canoe to be tied to my wrists once again. I was fastened to that canoe in an 'X' shape, the curve of the keel preventing me from pulling my arms and legs together. I knew that my splayed legs must have opened my arse cheeks and now my final secret place was on full display to their hungry eyes.

I was soon to discover that it wasn't only their eyes that were hungry!

The final embarrassment at this stage was that my limp dick and balls were pulled out from under me to lie, visible to all, on the rough surface of the canoe, jutting between my legs.

All through this I had continually babbled a stream of pleas and protests at my treatment. I tried telling them they could not do this to me. I begged for mercy. I promised faithfully that I would tell no-one of these nocturnal activities.

"Please. I'm sorry. I'll forget I ever came here. I don't want any trouble. Please let me go. I've learned my lesson. I'm sorry I threatened you. Don't tie me up. Oh please stop it. I want to go back to the cabin."

None of which showed any appreciation of why I was being tied and presented in this way. I think I knew something bad was going to happen, worse than being stripped naked, worse than being tied up, but nothing in my mind was prepared to accept it. It was better to try to believe that being tied up was my punishment and that was all there would be to it.

These four knew better. The tying down in that position was only a prelude to the activities to come. They had plans and needs. I had put myself in a position to satisfy those needs; indeed, I was an ideal candidate. No amount of begging and pleading on my part was going to make them simply release me and send me on my way. Not, at least, until they had made full and terrible use of the situation they had now created.

There was a silence after they had me just as they wanted. I couldn't see them, but I'm sure they were standing behind me admiring their handiwork and anticipating the fun to come. I was involuntarily providing them with plenty to stare at. Maybe they were contemplating my naked body as it was for the last time - untouched - knowing that it would never ever be the same again after this night.

At last, Dan walked around the canoe and into my sight. He crouched down in front of my face and looked me in the eyes.

"Well Stu. I guess you're regretting coming here tonight, but not as much as you are going to regret it."

A shudder chilled my spine.

"As far as we are concerned, you're a gift. A present. You were given to us, we've unwrapped you and prepared you to be played with. Now we're going to have our fun."

As Dan stood up, Mike sort of swam into my view to take his place; my vision seemed to be becoming blurry.

"You're a complete virgin, aren't you, Mike? Never had sex before in your life? Ever think about it - your first time?" I tried to nod. "With a girl was it?" Mike pursued. I nodded again. "Romantic and tender? Loving?" Another attempted nod. "You fucking her and she loving it?"

I hated the idea of where this was leading, but nodded once more.

"I've got news for you, Stu. This is about to be your first time. This is where you lose your precious virginity. But it won't be with a nice young girl; it'll be with us. It won't be you doing the fucking; it'll be us fucking your mouth and your arsehole. And you won't be loving it!"

The truth that I had been holding at bay splashed over me like a cold, irresistible wave. Sudden fear, uncontrollable terror totally overwhelmed me. The blurriness in my eyes formed itself into tears which trickled down my cheeks.

"Oh no! Please, Mike, listen. Don't do this. I'm not ... like that. You can't ... No, please. I'm begging you. I couldn't ... Don't make me do this. Please. It's not fair. Oh god! Please have mercy."

Mike stood up and I could see the dramatically distended front of his swimming trunks. He rubbed his hand sensuously over the obvious tube of man meat hidden inside.

"It's all for you. You get to take it all. And all of the others too."

Two more figures moved into my line of sight and I became aware that John had been preparing himself. He now wore just white underwear. Along with the others he sported a prominent bulge, evidence of how ready for action they were. Their fun for the night was going to be raping a helplessly passive, naked and vulnerable 17 year old who had stupidly walked into their clutches to become the focus of their sordid attention.

Each of them was gently caressing his own material-clad man meat, taunting me with their power.

"Oh god, nooo! Stop it! Don't fuck me. Please don't. I'll do anything else you want, but please don't do this to me. Help! HELPPPP!!! Someone help me. God, please. Oh fuccckkk... I don't want this ..."

Mike put the fingers of both hands around his hidden erection and slipped his thumbs into the waistband of his trunks. Then he started to pull upwards with his fingers and downwards with his thumbs. The bulge moved up towards the descending waistband. He did it so slowly that his dick emerged from his trunks very gradually, starting with the tip. It was the second time I had watched Mike's trunks being lowered that night. This time, however, I was getting a close-up and personal view of his pride of manhood.

The tip was pink, shiny and bulbous. As I'd seen before, it was circumcised and so the entire head was on display as it peeped, one-eyed, over the trunks. The shaft which gradually became exposed behind it was thick and smooth. As the trunks slid down further I could see his thick black bush of pubes encircling the base of this stiff rod. Then his balls squeezed out into the open and flopped down. They nut sack was hairy and held two objects the size of small plums. Finally I was looking at Mike's personal equipment in its entirety. I wanted to close my eyes; I wanted not to see the threat; I wanted it to go away, but I couldn't help myself. I just gazed in abject fear at the rampant weapon in front of me. Mike slid his trunks down all the way and, as he stooped to remove them altogether, a globule of clear viscous liquid seemed to burp from the slit in the head of his dick. Half-fascinated, I watched as it oozed over the head and ran down the under-side of the shaft leaving a snail-like trail behind it. Before Mike had fully stood up, trunks in hand, another blob of pre-cum had eased itself out, slid off the tip and was hanging by a lengthening thread.

If my bonds had not held me so rigidly, I would have visibly trembled. He'd told me what he intended to do with that ramrod, which looked to be about seven and a half inches long, and I knew terror. The pre-cum, leaking from the slit and swinging gradually from side to side, reminded me of a slavering animal eager to be satisfied. My throat went dry as I realised it wasn't Mike, but his prick that was going to rape me.

"This is the first for your mouth, virgin-boy, but perhaps you'd like to see what will be probing your tight arse in a few minutes. Just so you know when you feel it entering you..."

Mike stepped to one side and Dan moved in. Dan! My room-mate whom I had admired and from whom I'd hoped to get body-building advice was going to abuse my spread-open arsehole. He intended to force his dick into my helpless body against my will. I couldn't believe it. The tears which had continued to run down my cheeks flowed even more freely.

"Dan. Please. Anything. Anything, but this," I sobbed. "I'll give you money. Anything. Just don't do this to me. Oh shit, I'm begging you. Don't rape me! Pleeeeaase!"

Dan stopped stroking his hidden treasure and raised his hands to the waistband of his trunks. Pushing his thumbs inside, he thrust the trunks away from his body and deliberately gazed down inside. Then he lifted his head slowly to look at me and a smile spread across his handsome face.

"I've just had a look at what I'm going to give you," he said carefully, "and I think you are so lucky. Not every 17 year old gets to have something like this for their first time. You should be so grateful, not begging to be left alone. If I didn't give you the experience of my man-rammer inside you, I'd feel I'd deprived you of something very important. Bet you can't wait to take a look. Shall I show you?"

"No, Dan. Please. Oh shit, no." Dan gradually lowered the front of his briefs and, once again, I saw his eight inch monster. I cried even harder. "OH FUCK! Noooo!! Please Dan. You can't try to put that inside me. You can't. God, Dan. Stop this. You've scared me enough. I'm no threat to you. There's no reason..."

"There's every reason," Dan interrupted. "I'm not doing this because you're a threat; I'm doing it because I want to fuck you. I want to know what it will feel like having my dick up your tight arse. I want to be the first one up there. I want you to feel my dick exploring your insides. This isn't about punishment. This is about having fun."

As he spoke he bent to remove his trunks completely and finally stood naked before me. He reached down and casually ran his hand along the length of his shaft. As with Mike before him, pre-cum pushed open the piss slit and eased onto the surface. With his right thumb, Dan spread it all over the purple head of his circumcised prick.

"A bit more of that and it'll be all ready to open your back door."

John came over a crouched in front of me as Dan had done earlier.

"You see, little boy, we can, and will, do anything we want with you, whether you like it or not. Tonight you'll be our fuck toy and we will pump our loads into and onto you as we wish. You'll do as we tell you from now on. We are your new masters and your job is to satisfy our every need," he announced threateningly. "Cry all you like, but before long we'll be giving you something to cry seriously about. You know what always happens to naughty boys with their naked bums in the air? We'll replace that white with a shade of red you won't believe. Beg all you like, while you can. You won't be saying much with a mouthful of cock to gag you. Ready now?"

I sobbed a negative reply which was ignored as he moved away. Through my tears, I saw that Dan has gone, but Mike was standing rampant in front of me. I choked as I sobbed, but tried to clamp my mouth shut. One step forward and Mike's dick was pushing at my lips. I tried to refuse entry, but a hand grabbed my hair and yanked viscously.

"Aowww!" I yelped and my first intruder plunged in.

At the same time, I felt pressure between my arse cheeks against my boy-hole. It was sacred; it was untouched; it was mine ... it was being stretched; it was being penetrated; it was being filled. I was about to raped!

To be continued...

Author: Stripscott Email:

Next: Chapter 4

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