Camp Conversion

By moc.loa@RB81DJG

Published on Jul 25, 2007


CAMP CONVERSION Part 2 Written by Stripscott based on a true account by Nivram

When we reached the door, my unseen captor turned sideways to it and reached for the handle with his left hand, his right still firmly holding my arm tightly behind my back. Then, with a quick thrust, he shoved the door open. In almost the same movement, he turned and pushed me forward through the open gap, propelling me inside the boathouse and following quickly himself.

I have a frozen picture recollection of what I saw at that moment. It is imprinted on my memory as the second at which my life started to change. It is accompanied by the echoing of the sound of the door slamming shut behind me, sealing me in to my fate and cutting off my escape from these young men whom I had seen behaving in such a depraved manner.

The boathouse was basically a store for the canoes and other water craft which would be used on the lake for the duration of the Camp. They were all stacked neatly around the sides, but in the middle there was a large open space where any damaged vessels could be repaired or craft laid out ready to be taken onto the water. There were big double doors at the far end which gave access to the lake.

Dan, Mike and Al had been conducting their depraved acts at the nearer end of this open space, but, in my mental image of that moment, they weren't doing anything. They were frozen in shock, transfixed, naked bodies lewdly on display. The noise and our forceful entry had surprised and paralysed them. Dan was on his knees with Mike's cock still deep in his mouth whilst Al had moved behind Mike to spread his ass cheeks apart. Al's face was barely inches from Mike's crack, his intention obvious, but sickening to me.

The scene, as I say lasted a bare moment. Then my arm was released and I was sent stumbling into the open space.

"Look what I found spying on you," said a voice from behind me as the tableau in front broke up. Mike and Al reached down quickly and tugged up their bathing trunks. Dan reached over to where his lay and rapidly pulled them on. In a matter of seconds, their three cocks were covered, if not actually hidden. Their rigidity and hardness had not passed. Each outline of the evidence of manhood bulged obscenely.

"Stu!" Dan gasped first. "I thought he was asleep," he declared to the others.

There was no surprise at the presence of my captor, so I assumed that he was also there to indulge his baser appetites, but had arrived late.

"What are you doing here?" Dan half-shouted, turning back to me.

I swivelled with the intention of trying to make a run for it, but I was quickly grabbed again and held fast. I did, however, get my first glimpse of the latecomer. I recognised him as another Senior Counsellor by the name of John. He'd worked a lot with Dan and me over the last three days and I knew he was 19.

It was shocking to me, in that moment to realise that he was two inches shorter than me, but clearly so much stronger and fitter at about 180 pounds. In his hands I had been as helpless as putty.

Quickly I was forced down onto my knees and Mike stepped forward to grasp my chin in his right hand.

"How long have you been out there?" he demanded.

Dan stepped up beside him and pulled Mike's hand off me. I automatically rubbed my cheeks where his fingers had dug in.

"How long?" Dan insisted. "What have you seen?"

A sudden sense of righteousness, bravado and indignation at my treatment overcame me at that point, a moment I was to regret deeply.

"I've seen what you three have been doing and it's disgusting. You should be seriously punished for this behaviour and expelled from the Camp. Believe me, I'm going to report your queer activities to the Camp Director first thing tomorrow morning. I'm sure he'll be appalled at what you've been up to."

Mike turned red in the face and reached back to swing a punch at my head, but Dan stopped him. I saw that Al, in contrast to his brother, had gone quite white and was shaking a little. Obscurely, I also noticed, more because of my eye-level than anything else, that those manly erections in their trunks had all subsided somewhat. Discovery, potential revelation and humiliation, not to mention the implied threat of legal action were having a sobering effect.

"That won't do any good," Dan barked at Mike. "You'll only give him more ammunition."

"We need to do something," Mike retorted angrily.

"Agreed, but we need to think what."

"Tie him up," said John, "and then we can talk."

My spirits suddenly began to droop. I realised how stupid I'd been to threaten them in that way. There were serious consequences to their actions and now they couldn't afford to have me blabbing about it all over camp. It wasn't just a matter of their reputations, although that would be bad enough. A shudder ran through my body.

Rope was readily available all around and my wrists were seized and held firmly behind my back whilst rope was looped around securely fastening them together. There was an upright pillar nearby which supported part of the roof and I was then tied to that ensuring that I had no ability to escape. As a final measure, a piece of old rag was stuffed in my mouth to act as a gag, not that anyone could have heard me this far from camp.

The four of them then moved off to the far end to sit in a huddle and discuss my fate.

Whilst they chatted I was forced to endure my mind speculating on my possible demise and I became frightened. What was the obvious thing to do with someone who needs to be silenced? How would they do it? Sweat was already dripping down my face and my stomach felt hollow. I was convinced that I had seen daylight for the last time in my life.

Finally, after much muttering and the occasional raised voice, there was a general murmur of consensus. Slowly they stood and looked over at me. Dan, Mike and Al started towards me whilst John disappeared to the right where I knew the small office to be. The trio approached slowly and with an air of menace. I began to shake uncontrollably.

They stopped in front of me in a slight arc and seemed to be appraising me like predators sizing up their next meal. They waited like this, in silence, until John rejoined them. He was carrying a camera which I knew was kept in the office to take pictures of water-sport and lakeside events. The films were processed on camp in a small darkroom, photography being another of the promoted activities.

At last, Mike broke the silence.

"So you think we're disgusting, do you?"

I vigorously shook my head in denial, unable to speak because of the gag, wishing to retract my earlier outburst.

"What do you know about it?" demanded Al. "Ever tried it?"

I shook my head again.

"Perhaps you should," said John in a low, almost threatening voice. "I think he should be made to try it," he announced to the others. "What do you reckon?"

"He can't do it like that," said Al. "He's all dressed and everything."

"Oh, I think we can take care of that small matter," Dan responded. "What do you think, Stu? Ready to join in our games?"

Once more, I shook my head violently.

"I don't think he's very keen," John observed.

"Never mind. We're going to give him all the help and encouragement he needs," Dan replied.

John stepped forward.

"So Stu. We're going to show you a good time. We're all going to have some fun with you. When we've finished, we'll see how keen you are to tell the Camp Director, or anyone else for that matter, about extra-curricular activities in this boathouse at night."

Al joined John, right in front of me.

"Just so you know what is to be expected, in a moment, we'll untie you, then, because you clearly don't want to, we'll have to get you ready by stripping off your clothes. Once totally naked, you'll be ready for our ... games."

Mike was next.

"Tonight you're going to undergo a whole new experience such as you've never had in your life before. You are going to satisfy our ... desires and we will keep a careful record of everything that happens to you, so that you'll have something to remember it by."

John raised the camera.

At last, Dan stepped into the arc around me.

"I thought you were cute when I first saw you, but never thought I get the chance to have go with you. Now you've offered yourself to all of us, we going to make full use of all you've got."

The trembling that had started when the meeting broke up had worsened. As they'd started to speak, it slowly dawned on me that they didn't intend to kill me after all, but then I began to understand the implications of what they were saying. I suddenly realised that I was going to be forced to participate in their kind of games. I was their victim and they were going to sexually abuse me as they wished. The full horror breaking over me, I couldn't make my mind contemplate how far they intended to take their intended perversions. And it was all going to be photographed.

Abject fear made me mumble into my gag.

"I think he's trying to say something," John remarked casually. "Shall we listen to his opinion on our proposals?"

The other three nodded, grinning widely, and John reached out to tug the rag from my mouth. My words came out in a rush.

"Look guys. I'm not like that. I don't do ... anything. Hey! I didn't mean anything. I won't tell. Promise. You do what you like with each other. I don't care. I'll just stay in my bunk asleep at night from now on. Let me go, huh? Leave me alone? I'll keep quiet. The Camp Director won't hear anything from me. Your secret's safe. Let me go. Please, let me go!"

If it were possible, their smiles grew wider.

"If we let you go now, Stu," said Dan quietly, "you'd miss the fun we've got planned for you and we'd miss everything we're looking forward to. A bit of virgin male ... you are a virgin, aren't you?"

I gazed at him in helpless terror. I knew I was a virgin as far as girls were concerned; I had never thought about being a virgin to boys. And I had some idea of how that kind of virginity was lost, an idea which dried my mouth and set my heart beating at several times its normal rate. My lips moved soundlessly.

"He's a virgin!" Mike announced. "Bet he's never even got inside a girl's pants."

"But we're going to get into his!" Al exclaimed. "Let's get started."

"Nooooo!" I found my voice, but I knew all protests would be futile. These four had decided my fate and now they were gleefully going to carry out the sentence.

Quickly knots were undone on the ropes and I was momentarily free, but hands held me tightly.

"Don't do this. Please stop. I don't ... not me. I'm not ... Oh god! No! Let me go! Stopppp! Not that ... Not my ... ahhhh!"

I shouted and struggled to no avail. They were stripping me completely.

I felt hands tugging at my tee shirt, pulling it up my body. Meanwhile, my sneakers were being unlaced, loosened and yanked off my feet. Nails scratched my ankles as my white socks were similarly removed. A belt secured my shorts, but not for much longer. I felt fingers unbuckling it as my tee shirt was pulled up over my head, temporarily blinding me. By the time my tee shirt was being slid along my arms for final removal, my belt had been yanked from its loops.

"Oh no. Oh please. No more. Don't take my shorts off. Pleeeeese. Oh god!"

Fingers eagerly sought the button at my waist and undid it. My fly buttons were quickly unfastened one by one and then my gaping shorts were relentlessly hauled down my legs and off my struggling body to be tossed out of sight.

"Oh shit." I couldn't help reverting to what I considered to be profanity. The situation warranted it. I had only a pair of white underpants left to provide me with a vestige of dignity. I had to try to save them, but knew I had no hope.

"Get off me. Leave me alone. Please let me go. I won't say anything. My clothes. Please let me have my clothes back. I can't be naked. No!! Please!!"

I tried to grip the waistband of my underpants as firmly as possible, but stronger hands than mine pried my fingers loose and pulled my arms way from my body. I was stretched out and totally vulnerable. I wonder now how enticing I must have looked to them like that, the secret areas they wanted access to protected by only a thin layer of white cloth.

But not for much longer!

It was Dan who reached down and took hold of the sides of my underwear. He exerted gentle pressure and they started to slide down.

"Oh god ... nnnnoooooo," I moaned.

Inexorably they continued their journey of exposure. First my fairly hairy pubes were revealed and then the base of my cock. As the material dipped more and more, the shaft of my cock gradually came into view, ultimately to be totally unveiled and on full display along with my balls. It was still flaccid.

"Oh god ... please ... noo"

I shut my eyes as I felt the material linger just after my full exposure and then it was quickly whisked down my legs and removed.

I had been overpowered, stripped stark naked and was about to become the play thing of four randy young men who clearly knew exactly how they were going to use my vulnerable and available body.

To be continued... Author: Stripscott Email:

Next: Chapter 3

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