
Published on Mar 7, 1992




*** CAMP ***

By Larry Long

-Copyright (c) 1985 by Larry Long & The Inferno-

-An Inferno Original-

CAMP Chapter 1

by Larry Long

Phil woke up in his camp bunk, once again with his shorts sticking straightout and his 12 year old hard-on dick pushing them. Every day now, for the past three weeks, ever since he had arrived at sleepaway camp, his dick had been hard under his shorts when he woke up. He didn't know why, it didn't happen like this at home, where he slept in his own room. He wasn't sure if it was the mountain air or if it was the presence of the other 12 boys, all 12 years old, running around naked to get to the bathroom. All he knew was that he was glad he was in the upper bunk, and that he had a chance to hide his meat until it went down, so the other boys wouldn't make fun of him like they did of Perry, at whose almost permanent boner they were always grabbing and hitting with their towels.

"Hey, Phil," called Steve, his best friend and one of the best athletes in the camp, "climb out of that bunk and let's get going for breakfast, or are you afraid your dick will bump into the wall before you do?"

"Oh, no, they know," thought Phil. "They must have seen my boner, and now they will all think I am a gay or something."

Perry walked over to Phil's bunk. "Hey," he said, "don't worry. We all wake up that way, and there is no counselor in here. Why don't you just share it with us like I do." "Yeah," said Steve, pulling his oversized pj's down and displaying a hard boydick, "let's have some fun."

Phil was glad that Steve had come over and shown his dick, and not just Perry. Perry was someone that they were always making fun of, but Steve was the best liked boy in the camp, and his best friend, too. Phil paused for a minute, trying to gather his wits about him. He didn't know what they were talking about. He studied Steve's dick as he thought. Steve's dick was hard, very hard, and unlike Phil's, there was some hair around the base of it which curled around his shaft and balls.

Steve stepped out of his pj bottoms, and pulled off the t-shirt top that he was wearing, revealing his completely naked body. Phil noticed the brown curly hairs under his armpits, too, which he had seen many times before in the showers. In fact, he had seen all of Steve's naked body before, including his dick and hair on his crotch, his balls and his ass, but this time everything seemed different. This time it wasn't just another boy in the showers. This time it was his best friend who was staring at him with something new in his eyes, and this time Phil's own dick was growing so hard that there was no way he could hide it; so hard that he was sure it would never go down again.

"Come on, Phil. Come on down," Steve said looking up at him with his big brown eyes. "You can see that I am showing my hard on, why won't you show yours? Maybe we can all get off together and compare our cum."

Phil really didn't know what to say. He really didn't know what they were talking about. Phil was an only child and had never cum, had no older brothers to show him anything, and only knew about such things from classes at school and dirty jokes on the playground. None of it was real to him yet.

"Steve," Phil called down to his best friend, "what do you want me to do? What do you mean, I really don't know!"

"Come on, Phil. I am gonna show you some stuff that will feel really good," Steve whispered back to his young friend. "These dicks are good for much more than pissing with, and I am gonna show you a couple of tricks that'll keep you busy for the whole summer at camp."

Steve turned to Perry, and started to rub Perry's dick which was pushing straight out against his shorts. After a couple of rubs, Perry reached up and pulled his shorts down, revealing a naked boner the same size as Steve's, and then Perry reached over and took Steve's boner in his own hand. Phil didn't know what to say or do or think. Here was his best friend, the most popular guy in camp, and the bunk dick, rubbing each other's pricks and right in front of everybody, too.

Steve turned to Phil and said, "Look, Phil. I am gonna explain to you. When a guy like us gets excited, he can make this juice come out through the end of his dick, and when that stuff squirts out, it feels really good, like the best good feeling you can ever have. I have been doing it for a year, ever since my cousin showed me when we went to visit him. Come one down and let me show you up close what is gonna happen to Perry and me.

Phil jumped down off the top bunk, his very stiff little boydick now sticking out through the fly on his pj's. Steve looked over at his friend's tool, and said, "Phil, take off your bottoms, if you want to. Just follow what Perry and me are doing and see if it don't feel great."

Phil was too shy to remove his bottoms. He just sat on the edge of the bunk and watched. Steve and Perry were stroking their tools, first each his own meat, then reaching over and stroking each other, then back to his own. "Phil, soon a little juice is gonna come on the outside of our slits. Watch for it, it means that we are getting ready to shoot some cream."

"What is this cream stuff," Phil asked his friend. "It is what shoots out of a man's dick when he fucks," Steve said, while Perry laughed and said, "Yeah, no matter what he is fucking." Steve grinned and said, "Look, Phil, it is gonna start to cum now. It feels really great when it comes out this way, but even better when it shoots. It is inside my balls, see how tight up against my crotch they are now, that's cause they are getting ready to shoot."

Phil got all his courage together and got up and came over to where the two boys were beating each other off. He looked up close at Steve's hard meat, which was beginning to swell even bigger and to throb. Sure enough, there was a little pearly drop of creamy white goo on the end of it, glistening in the early morning sunlight. All of the boys had come close to look, some were stroking their own hardons, some panting and licking their lips, all except for one boy serving as lookout at the window, to make sure no nosey counselor was coming near.

Phil was fascinated by the drop glistening on the end of Steve's now enormous, throbbing dick. The head of Steve's tool was so hard and swollen and tight that the skin was almost as tight as a drum, and the skin itself seemed to glow with an inner light. At the same time, Steve's balls in their lightly fuzzed little sack were pulled up so tight against his body that they had almost seemed to disappear. Steve was breathing very heavily now, a light coating of sweat covering his smooth body, stroking his own tool and not speaking much. Steve tried to talk to his friend through his panting.

"Come on over a little closer, Phil. Don't worry, it will happen soon and I want you to get a really good look at the juice comming out of my dick. That is what it is all about, and what you have to learn about if you are gonna join us in our fun here. Come on closer, don't worry."

Phil moved over right in front of his friend's dick and looked. Steve was beating away at his meat with a steady, hard rhythm, and the little drop of juice was gone from the tip. Phil bent over to look for it, and noticed that the slit of the tip was pulled wide by the swelling, and he thought he could almost see up inside clear to his friend's balls. Just then, as he bent over to look inside, Steve began to move faster, his hips thrusting against the air, and his dick swelled even more, until he gave a little cry and shot a load of white, sticky, creamy juice out of the end. The load spurted out and hit Phil right on the chin and chest. Phil jumped back, but he was already covered with the hot, white stuff, some of which had shot onto his pjs and some onto his own dick.

Steve laughed and said, "Don't worry, Phil. It can't hurt you. Let me wip some off," and with that he reached over with his own pj bottoms and started to wipe the juice off of Phil's still very stiff rod..............

CAMP Chapter 2

Phil wanted to jump back, but was frozen by the unfamiliar situation. His own dick was harder than it had ever been in his life, and was sticking out of his pj fly. Steve had his hand over it, grasping it with one hand and wiping it off with his pj's in the other, and Perry was standing next to him, stroking his own hard dick and smiling.

"What's the matter, Phil?", Perry asked him, slowly turning to face him with his hard dick pointing at his face. "Didn't you like the feeling of Steve's cum on your face?" Perry began to stroke his dick faster and faster and to push the tight head of it closer and closer to Phil.

"Back off, Perry", Steve said to him, standing up and facing him. "You'll get off, I promise you. But slow down. Phil is scared and we want him to enjoy this, like we all do. Back down!"

Steve was the strongest, fastest and best looking 12 year old in camp, and nobody was going to argue with him. He turned back to Phil, and gently began to rub Phil's hard dick with his hand. "Look Phil, doesn't that feel good?" Steve asked him.

"Yeah, Steve, it does" Phil replied, all the time blushing and feeling embarrassed. "It feels really good, I don't think that I have ever felt anything that felt better before."

"Look, Phil", Steve said, "I want you to cum the same as I did, just like you just saw. It feels really good, and I want you to learn about it so that we can do it together and have even more fun together. What do you say, would you like to learn about it and try it?"

Phil was very embarrassed. He loved the feeling of Steve feeling his cock and stroking it, but he was embarrassed to be doing all this in front of the other boys. Some of them had dropped their pj bottoms now, and were standing around naked from the waist down, with hard dicks, stroking them in various stages of ecstasy. He looked around. It was hard to really talk with his friend Steve with all these other guys and this was something he needed to talk about.

"Steve," Phil stammered, "I don't know, I like what you are doing, I guess, but all these guys, well...". Steve understood. "Let's go into the shower room, Phil." he said. Steve and Phil went together into the shower room of the camp bunk house,and shut the door. It wasn't a very good door, and the other guys could see in through lots of cracks in it and the walls, but they were more alone than before, and all the guys had gotten used to pretending privacy in the camp showers and toilets.

Steve led his friend to the far wall of the showers, where they could sit on a bench where the boys usually undressed for bathing. They sat on the bench together, Phil still wearing his pj's, Steve naked. "Phil," Steve said. "You are my best friend, and I want to share this really great feeling with you. Let me help you." And with that, Steve began to pull Phil's t-shirt off his body, and then pulled his pj bottoms off and threw them in the corner. Both boys were naked now. Steve knelt down on the floor in front of Phil and began to massage his hard dick with both hands. "Phil," Steve said. "I want you to really enjoy your first orgasm, so I am gonna get it off for you. All you have to do is to lean back and relax and enjoy what is gonna be the most awesome and intense experience of your life."

Steve moved his head close to Phil's dick and spit on his hands which were covering Phil's dick. The saliva dripped onto the dickhead and Steve rubbed it onto the shaft and began to beat Phil's dick slowly and gently, not pressing too hard to allow the saliva to be a good lubricant. Phil leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes. He was so confused. He had never felt anything so good as what Steve was doing to him, but it was wrong, wasn't it.

"Steve, please, stop, this is wrong, isn't it?", Phil asked his friend, even as Steve was spitting more saliva onto his hand and rubbing Phil's dick a little faster. "No way, it is not wrong," Steve replied. "How can anything that feels this good be wrong, and it doesn't hurt anyone, it is natural. You saw me cum, well all the guys cum, and we want you with us."

Phil didn't know what to do. Should he get up and walk away, should he reach down and do the same to Steve's now hard-again dick, should he begin to rub his own dick, or should he just lean back and feel these wonderful feelings that were begining to spread around his crotch and up and down the inside of his legs. "Steve, help me. Tell me what to do", Phil gasped as he felt his balls begin to creep up to his crotch and tighten up. "Don't do anything, Phil my friend", said Steve. "Let me do all the do-ing this time. Your chance to return the favor will come soon, don't worry. Just lay back and let me do my thing."

Phil had to do it. Steve was his best friend, and if Steve said it was ok, then he believed him. Steve always knew what he was doing. Phil lay back and relaxed. He leaned his head back against the wall. "That's more like it", Steve said. He took one of Phil's legs and lifted it up onto the bench, so that his crotch was wide open. Steve began to spit alot onto Phil's glistening dick and dickhead, and to massage his balls with the other hand. Slowly he spit onto Phil's balls also and rubbed them. Then he spit on his finger and moved it slowly down from Phil's balls and towards his tight little asshole which was exposed by his position on the bench. Steve began to rub around the outside of his friend's asshole at the same time that he spit more and more onto his dick and began to stroke it with long, slow strokes.

Phil was so shocked he didn't know what to think, but he knew that a feeling was building up in his balls and dick that he couldn't control and that was not like anything else that he had ever felt. The moving finger near his asshole just made the new feelings in his dick and balls more intense.

After a few minutes, Steve took both his hands and spit on the palms and began to stroke Phil's dick first with one hand, then the other in a continuous motion. Steve took Phil's body and lay him down on the bench so that his hard dick was juttingstraight up in the air from his body, and then began to stroke again, with first one hand, then the other, then the other, then the other, continuously stoking his dick. Phil's balls felt like they were on fire. He couldn't believe it. They felt so tight that they were goning to go through his body and come out his asshole. They were hot, swollen, filled with some unbelievable fluid, some fire, some juice.

"Steve", Phil gasped. "I don't think I can take any more. Something is gonna happen, I am gonna blow up or something, I think I am gonna pass out!"

"Hang in there, guy!" Steve urged his friend. "You're gonna blow your cookies any second now, I can tell." Steve increased the speed of his massage just a little bit, all the time talking with Phil and urging him to relax and cum. "Here you cum, friend. Cum on little brother, here cums your first big load. Cum on, Phil. I can see the juice all the way back in your balls heating up, boiling over, ready to shoot out. Relax, Phil. Let me do the work, just feel your dick and balls getting ready to pump and pump and pump that white creamy juice out of your dickslit, just like I did. Cum on Phil, here it cummmmmssssss......"

Phil gave a little groan of pleasure, then a tremendous sigh, and then a scream. All of a sudden he felt as if his body were going to explode, then as if it were going to explode out through his dick, as if his dick were a cannon and his body was going to be compressed and shot out through his cannon. His balls were on fire, hot enough to burn, and then he felt a warm, wet sensation start to move up the shaft of his dick, until he felt his dick and balls and inside his ass and his legs start to convulse and pump and glob after glob of white, sticky, creamy, thick boycum shot out of his dick and all over his chest, belly, face, neck, arms, and shoulders. His cum spurtted and spurtted out, load after load, glob after glob, as if his 12 years of life had been in preparation for this, as if he had been saving up all this lovely cum for 12 long years.

It covered his body, and covered the hands, face, arms, chest and lips of his friend Steve, who seemed to be staring in amazement at the quantity of it. Finally it began to slow down, and Steve stopped rubbing his friend's dick.

"How was that, Phil. Boy, it must have been really great. I thought you were never gonna stop!" Steve said to his friend Phil.

"It was... It was.... well, awesome, I guess," said Phil, grinning from one side of his head to the other. "I never ever felt anything like that before. But what about you, Steve, I want to do something for you now, cause you did this for me. I don't know, but something."

"Don't worry, Phil. You did. I loved watching you cum. And don't worry, cause we are all gonna do something together I really like, really soon."Steve and Phil looked at eachother, and then.......

CAMP Chapter 3

The door to the shower room burst open, and Perry and a couple of the other boys came in. They were all naked and holding onto their dicks, which were in the process of shooting gobs of cum all over their hands and bellies.

"We couldn't wait anymore," Perry said. "It is almost time for breakfast and we were so hot watching you that we just had to cum."

Perry's dick was to the only one of the three that was still hard, and was still oozing gobs of jiz, some of which were dripping onto the tile floor of the shower room. He was still stroking his dick up and down, milking the last drops of cum out of it casually.

"You are right", Steve said. "It is almost time for breakfast, and we can't afford to be late and have a counselor looking for us. Unless it is Joe," he added, laughing.

All the boys laughed at this and began to wipe the cum off their chests and hands and dicks. Some of the other boys came in also, they most of them were also in the last stages of young boydick hardons shrinking after a good morningjack off. A few of the boys were in the shower, washing themselves off and a couple were washing eachother, rubbing soap into eachothers or their own crotch-hairs, removing the sticky gobs of boycum.

Phil went up to Steve and began to wash in the stream of water next to his friend. "What is this about Joe?", asked Phil. Joe was one of the young counselors-in-training, a 17 year old Eagle Scout, High School Swimmer and about the best looking CIT. He was always wearing jogging shorts which bulged out deliciously in the front, but sometimes, after swimming or in the evenings, when he was alone with the intermediate boys, he didn't always wear a jock strap under them, and his balls and sometimes even his round, cut dick would hang out under the side vent of his shorts.

Phil hadn't thought much about it before. It was an all boys camp, and since there were no girls, not even counselors or help, he thought it was natural that Joe might not worry about exposing his meat. But Joe was the only CIT who did, so far as Phil knew.

"Joe is really into the kind of stuff we were just doing," Steve told his friend. But don't say anything to anyone, cause he is not really supposed to be showing us stuff like this. It is a bunk secret, just like what we did today. It is called jacking off, and Joe is the Camp champ. He can beat his own meat for almost half an hour before shooting his load, and when he does, it is the biggest I have ever seen. It is even bigger than yours was, Phil." Steve added, smiling at his friend.

Phil blushed, and started to turn away because his dick swelled a little at this talk. "Don't be embarrased, Phil," Steve said quietly to him. Phil turned back as Steve took some soap and began to wash his dick, which was also standing part way at attention again. "There is nothing to be embarrassed about. Look," Steve went on, "it is something natural for us all to do."

With this, Steve soaped his hands some more and started to wash Phil's dick and pubic hairs, rubbing his soaping hands down and around Phil's now relaxed ball sack, and finally up into his crack and around his asshole. Phil was transfixed by the warm sensations begining to pulse through his young body again, so soon after his morning shoot. Phil naturally spread his legs a little as Steve began to wash his asscrack from the front, and was a little surprised when Steve reached around and began to rub his asscheeks with the other soaping hand. Suddenly, Steve's soapy finger found its way a little bit inside of Phil's back door, and began to probe gently inside his back channel, gently washing the walls of his asshole and rectum.

Phil felt his dick start to really get hard again. Steve withdrew his finger and gave Phil a few more massages of the asscheeks and ball sack, then stood up, his own dick fully hard again.

"Whew," Steve said to his friend. We are gonna have to stop this now and get on about the day's sports and stuff. But, boy, are we gonna have some stuff to show you tonight!"

Phil looked down at his hard dick, which was just begining to go down now that the stimulus in this asshole had stopped. What was in store for him that night, he wondered. He trusted Steve, and was anxious to learn more about these new uses for his body. He knew that Joe was scheduled to spend the night in their cabin tonight, and he also wanted to give something to Steve to repay him for the incredible feeling that his first orgasm had produced.

"Tonight!" He couldn't wait..... More to follow.........CAMP Chapter 4

All day long, Phil couldn't get his thoughts off of the experiences that he had that morning. His first cumming, his first encounter with another boy who would teach him those wonderful and forbidden things that boys do to their own and eachothers dicks, and assholes too, it seemed, because Steves exploration of his asshole in the shower told him that his asshole, too, would be a part of what he would learn. As a little boy he had felt up his own asshole, put his finger in it on the toilet, and even stuck a carrot in it one day when he was alone at home, but never had he realized that it was going to be a part of his sexual education.

During breakfast he had to sit with his napkin on his lap, because his shorts showed the size of the hard-on dick which kept growing and shrining between his legs as his thoughts returned to the morning's fun and games. Every time another boy would bump into him in soccer, he would think of it as a chance to be felt up and to feel the other boy. Some of the boy's must have known what had happened, as, of course, his cabin mates did, because many of the soccer tackles errupted into boys falling all over eachother in a pile, and a couple of times he was sure that boys were deliberately feeling his dick through his shorts. One time, in the midst of a pile, he was sure that one boy with a big bonner was trying to pull his shorts off, but it was over to soon to tell.

At lunch Joe sat at his table. Joe was one of the most popular counselors in the camp. He was everybody's idea of the perfect big brother, tall (5'11"), well built ( a college varsity gymnast and wrestler), tight (165#), blond, almost completely hairless except for his armpits and chest and light fuzz on his legs, very good looking, bright, kind, fun, a good story teller, friendly, and very comforting to boys who were hurt, homesick, or just lonely. Many times Joe had comforted boys in the cabin who were crying at night, and he would always allow any boy to come into his bunkbed and would hug and craddle him if he were hurt or lonesome. Joe slept in different cabins each week. He was the senior counselor for the intermediate boy's, and visited each of the boys' cabins during the eight week session. He was scheduled to stay in Phil's cabin this week.

Joe looked at Phil very curiously during lunch. "Phil, you look different today, somehow," Joe said to him over dessert. "I don't know what it is, you look kindof happier, older, more relaxed, I don't know, but different. Is everything ok?"

"Yea, Joe," Phil answered, looking down at his plate and blushing bright red. He wasn't sure if Joe knew or not, but he was afraid he did. These were secret things, between the boys, and Joe was too close to being an adult. "I guess I am just getting into camp, you know, and getting sunburned and older I guess." It sounded pretty lame to him himself, and in addition, his dick got rock hard again under Joe's staring eyes. When lunch was over, he really had to manuever to get up without the whole camp seeing his hardon dick.

The afternoon was more of the same, more contact sports, wrestling this time, and more hardons, furtive gropes, and a couple of tugdowns on his wrestling shorts.

The wrestling coach was Joe, and after a couple of obvious gropes on the part of Phil's partner, Joe called him over. "Look, Phil," Joe said to him, taking him aside. "You aren't really concentrating on wrestling today. Let me show you a couple of new moves, maybe that will interest you and you will be able to get into it again."

Joe took Phil over to the mat on the side of the gym, and told the other boys to continue with their practicing. Joe told Phil to get down on his hands and knees, in the bottom position, and assumed the beging wrestling pose on top. His arm was around Phil's waist, and his other hand on Phil's arm. The hand around Phil's waist was loosely on Phil's stomach, and when he said "START", as Phil tried to stand up, his hand slipped down and brushed firmly and definitely over Phil's dick, now starting to be very definitely and embarassingly stiff again. Joe's hand came rest on Phil's balls and he easily flipped the young boy over on his back and pinned him to the mat, his full weight resting on his now straining dick and balls.

Joe looked straight into Phil's eyes, counted to three and got up, never mentioning the bonner he had certainly felt, but told Phil to get on top this time. As soon as Phil had assumed the top position, and said "START", Joe slipped around him and came from behind him, grining his crotch into his ass, and pressing him down and into the mat. He slid his large and strong body overy Phil's, rolling him over onto his back, and pinning him again, this time his crotch pressing into Phil's. As he counted very slowly to three, Phil felt his College Stud Counselor cock begin to swell and press down on his already raging HardOn.

Joe lay on top of Phil after the pin was counted out. He looked around. All the other boys had gone to the lake for compulsory swim, and only Joe and Phil were left in the gym. Phil felt as if Joe were getting heavier and heavier, as the georgeous counselor started to press his swelling crotch into his young campers groin. Phil's hard-on bonner grew as stiff and painful as it had been that morning when he had shot his virgin load all over his friend Steve.

Joe looked down into Phil's eyes, his gaze boring into Phil's as if there were nothing else in the world other than their two bodies pressed together, their two crotches joined at the dick, their balls starting to press into eachothers through the thin nylon material of their shorts, the light cotton of their briefs.

Joe pressed harder and harder for what seemed like an hour to Phil, but what was really only about 30 seconds, and then he started to get up. "Come on, Phil," he said with a smile. "You've got to get ready to strip down for swimming, and I think we had better take a walk to the lake. We'll walk slowly," Joe said, with a secret smile. Phil wasn't sure of what the counselor meant. Was he referring to his hard on? He didn't know what to make of it.

When Joe and Phil got to the lake the other boys were already in the water. This was an all boys camp, and swimming was done nude. The rest of the intermediate boys were in the lake, with no clothes on. Some of the boys were in compulsory swimming, floating on their bellies and doing the autralian crawl, their naked buns sticking up from the clear blue water of the lake. A small group was taking a test, floating on their backs for 5 minutes. Most of their dicks were shrunken by the cold water, but a couple had softons lying sideways across their thighs. One had a softon across his belly. There were many counselors around, and although there were some shy glances at other guys' meat, there was no fooling around, groping or other sex play.

Around a bend in the lake a few of the older guys were engaged in free swim, and were practicing snorkeling on the lake bottom. Joe raced Phil to the lakeside shower area, where they stripped out of their shorts and briefs, and raced to the edge of the water. Joe ran into the water up to his neck and began to swim over to where the older boys were snorkeling. Phil had to join his group in instructional swim. As he began the swim lesson for the day, he could hear enticing laughter and giggles coming from the snorkelers as Joe swam around under water in their midst, between their legs and around their naked bodies. He could only dream and imagine about what might be happening there, in the cool darkness of the lake bottom. He quickly began swimming to hide and shrink his young boydick, which was begining its swelling again.

CAMP Chapter 5

After dinner (which was another session of trying to hide his almost constantly expanding hard dick), most of Phil's cabin- mates took showers and changed before the evening activities. Phil began to notice that his eye was constantly drawn to the clean, white almost irridescent underpants of his friends which peeked out from under their camp shorts as they lay on their bunks to write letters home or to read or to play games.

Phil began to notice something. His friends shorts showed different degrees of bulging, different sizes of dicks and balls. Some of them were what he began to call "heavy" in the basket, their shorts showing a very definite bulge in front which he could not tear his eyes from. Some showed almost no bulge in front at all, but their white shorts hugged in back a beautiful line of thigh flesh softly meeting a rounded slope of an asscheek. He had never noticed these things before. The heavier front bulges made his cock ache, and the rounded sloping asscheeks made his mouth water with some emotion that was new to him. He lay on his bunk and pressed his expanding dick into his mattress. The pressure of the swelling of his dick against the yielding mattress was almost more than he could stand, and he began to press his crotch down harder and harder, feeling a fire begining to scorch his balls.

"Hey, Phil," his friend Steve called softly over to him from the next upper, where he was laying. Steve's front showed the best, most well formed heavy bulge in the cabin, and the way which he was lying down showed his white, clean, cotton briefs under his gym shorts. His smooth, clean asscheek was softly melting into the clear, whiteness of his boy thighs, and his cock and ball bulge was hanging heavily and gently out the side vent of his shorts.

"Don't pop your load, Phil", Steve called over, rolling onto his back and cupping his basket with his smooth, strong boyhand. "We have lots of use for that cream tonight, and we don't want to waste any now." Phil blushed and stopped pressing his crotch into the matress. Steve jumped down off of his bunk and climbed up onto Phil's. He rolled his friend over onto his back and looked down at his crotch, and his hard dick which was making a clear outline in his shorts, sticking up towards his belly button.

Steve cupped his brown, tanned hand around the ballsack of his friend through his shorts, and began to squeeze them gently. "Hey, Phil. These are loaded, but they only hold so much, and you've got a lot to learn and a lot to do tonight. Save it, huh?" and with that Steve gave a final gentle squeeze and hopped down off the bunk. His dick and balls were so heavy and loose that the pouch of his white briefs hung down slightly beneath the leg of his shorts. Phil followed Steve out of the cabin, his dick slowly shrinking to more manageable proportions.

The evening activity this night was a movie in the recreation hall, an old Tarzan film starring Jonny Weismuller and Boy. I was one of those films where boy was about 12 years old, about the same age as Phil, and in which his boy-body was on almost constant display, on land and under water, his loin cloth revealing a world class ass and buns. Phil had seen this film before, but never before had he concentrated on Boy's butt. The plot, the adventure, the action, they were unimportant to him this time, only the desire to see more and more of Boy's lovely buns and body kept his attention on the screen.

Steve sat next to him in the back of the hall, and pressed his naked leg up against Phil's. Everytime Boy's body showed ass or buns, Steve would lean his weight against Phil, and sometimes, when the screen was darker and the room had less reflected light, he would stroke Phil's leg and basket. Phil couldn't take much more by the time the movie ended. The two friends got up together and walked in the dark back to their cabin.

Steve leaned over close to Phil as they approached the lights glowing from the windows of their cabin and said "Now just take it as it comes tonight, Phil. You are gonna get a lot of action and learning tonight, but don't be freaked out. If things go too fast, just tell me and I will take care of you myself."

Phil turned to face Steve. He felt close to him and grateful, he knew that Steve would help him find his way with all the new feelings and emotions that were ruling him today. "Thanks, Steve," Phil whispered. "I only want you to touch me. The others scare me."

Steve leaned over and took Phil by the shoulders. "Let it happen, Phil. I will be right there with you no matter what," and Steve pulled Phil to him and hugged him.Phil didn't know how it happened, but the next thing he knew he and Steve were kissing, their lips pressed against eachother's and their bodies and baskets pressed tight. Steve opened his lips and licked Phil's lips with his tounge, something that had never happened to Phil before. He started to pull back, and then, without knowing why, he opened his lips and let Steve stick his tounge into his mouth, and began to lick Steve's tounge with his.

They pulled apart, Phil harder than ever and blushing so red and hot that he was afraid he would faint. "Don't worry Phil," Steve said. "We are best friends. We can share anything, even our bodies and our sweat and our saliva and everything. We are blood brothers."

By the time Steve and Phil entered the cabin, everybody else was there. It was close to lights out, and most of the boys were lying in their bunks. Most of them were only in their white briefs, having shed their t-shirts and shorts in the cabin which was hot on this warm summer night. None of the boys was wearing pajamas tonight, it was too hot, and it was Joe's night to be in their cabin. A couple of the boys had just taken showers and were lying on their bunks just wearing a towel around their waists.

Phil could see their naked boymeat under the towels, as they both had their legs cocked as if to deliberately show off their stuff. Most of the basket bulges were deliciously swollen now, the movie, the prospect of the night together and the boy jizz aching to get out all contributing to a state of readyness. Joe had just taken a shower himself, and was lying on his bunk, which was the only single bed in the cabin, completely naked, the towel which had been around his waist (lucky towel, thought Phil) lying under his perfectly formed athelete's buns.

Phil and Steve quickly stripped to their briefs and lay on their bunks. Joe turned most of the lights off, but deliberately left on a small lamp near the floor, which cast a warm and gentle glow over the cabin and the assembled boyflesh. He lay on his back, his head propped up on pillows so that he could look at all the boys and also at his own meat, and waited for the boys to quiet down.

"You want a ghost story?", he asked the cabin at large.

"Oh, yeah, yes, sure, right on" the boys called out.

Joe reached down and began to scratch his balls and flop his big soft dick around a little on his belly. Phil's eyes were riveted to Joe's hand as it stroked his balls, his own hand straying to his crotch and his own dick which he compared unfavorably with Joe's impressive, massive equipment. The size of Joe's balls were amazing to Phil. He had never seen anything like them before. He couldn't even begin to estimate the amount of creamy white life-giving jizz stored up in them, waiting for the right moment and the right movements to bring it forth into his waiting hand. (His waiting mouth, he thought, and was shocked that he would think of such a thing.).

Joe began his story. All the boy's attention was riveted to him, his story, but even more to his crotch, his balls and his dick, his basket, his sack, his waiting tool, his hand making slow, gentle motions around all this new and wonderful flesh. Phil wished he were that hand, and that that hand was on his dick, and that he was in Joe's arms, in his body, Joe in his body, he didn't know what, he just knew that he wanted something he never had before, something he didn't even know what was.

Joe's story was about a camper, a young 12 year old boy camper who was captured by a madman who ate boy's dicks and balls for breakfast. He told it with style and with both humor and a scarey quality that entranced the boys. Part of the story involved the hero's trying to hide his dick and balls to convice the villan that he didn't have any, to save them. Each time that Joe would get to that part of the story, he would show them, by covering up his own dick and balls with his large, tanned hand, and would encourage them to try to hide thier own equipment themselves, to get more into the story and to see if the hero would be able to do it.

This started, after the third or fourth time, to get a few of the boys hot and semi-hard, which immediately took advantage of in his story, saying that the same thing had happened to the hero of the story when he tried to cover his dick and balls completely at the same time with his hand. He began to call out the names of the boys in the cabin whose dicks were getting too hard to cover, and to add them into the story, saying that the madman was going to get them and eat their dicks right off their bodies if they didn't watch out.

This only served to get their already hardened boy dicks harder, and more difficult to hide.It was hot in the cabin, and Joe had suggested that any of the boys who had wanted to try and cover their parts like the story should be stripped, and by now all the boys were naked. All of them were hard.

The story was about over, the hero at the end of this rope, his dick too big to hide, when Perry, acting as Joe's self appointed helper, screamed and jumped off his bunk, yelling the name of the madman and saying that he saw him out the window of the cabin. All the boys started screaming, jumping off their bunks and grabbing eachother for comfort. Their hard dicks brushed against one anothers, and most of them found their way to Joe's bunk, where he hugged them for comfort.

They were all lying together, naked, hard, hot, ready to beat off, Joe having brought them all to a state of total sexual excitement by his story and the sight of him innocently scratching his crotch.

Steve began. His dick was standing straight up in the air, an he was lying on his back in the middle of Joe's bed, with other boys all around him. He began to slowly stroke his dick in a definite, beat off motion, while rubbing and squeezing his balls with the other hand, making low, groaning noises of pleasure as he did so.

Perry joined him almost immediately, also using a two-handed technique, beating and pulling his dick with both hands while squeezing his balls between his own thighs.

Three of the other boys also joined in right away. Phil was hard as a broom handle and big as a baby's arm, his dick head a fist on the end of that baby's arm. His hands strayed to his dick and balls, and then back again, again and again, he wanted so badly to join in and cum and he was so afraid. All of the other boys were beating off now, using a a variety of techniques, but all beating off. A few of them had gone to their own bunks and were beating off in private, but most were on Joe's bed, beating themselves but rubbing up against one another.

Suddenly Phil felt a hand start to stroke his thigh, just beneath the "V" shaped area in which they joined and his crotch began. The hand stroked his thigh, moving up slowly into his crotch, up onto his ball sack, and to the root of his dick shaft. Phil's eyes were closed. He didn't know yet who this could be, but his meat was starting to throb now, and he could feel the fire of the jizz aching to cum pouring out of his over-full balls.Phil looked down his body, over his naked boy chest, hairless, smooth, but well formed from a summer of swimming and running and sun, down over his smooth, rounded tight abdomen, and down to the light fuzz of hair, golden brown which made a little bush around the base of his dick and the little river of golden hair which flowed up from this light lake of hair at his dickbase to his belly button.

He looked and saw Joe's hand, large, smooth, tanned, starting to stroke his now vry hard and stiff dickpole, stroking it up and down and up and down while his other hand rubbed gently against his now ready to explode balls.

Phil looked down and froze. Joe was a counselor, an adult, not a kid from the cabin, and here he was about to get covered with Phil's secret fluid. Here he was about to see Phil shoot his secret load. Phil started to moan, part in pleasure, part in fear. He didn't know what to do. Should he pull away?

Then, just as he had promised, Steve was there. He lay down next to Phil, on the other side from Joe, and began to massage his chest, his nipples, his belly, running his hand up and down Phil's body while Joe rubbed his dick.

Steve leaned over to Phil and his heavy hardon dick and balls fell across Phil's leg. Phil could feel their weight on his leg, could sense the throbbing power in Steve's massive tool. He reached down and began to stroke Steve's dick as Steve moved his hand down and began to stroke Phil's.

Joe stood up, and straddled both boys, his legs apart, his feet on either side of their two bodies lying together. Joe stood over them as they began to slowly beat each other's meat, and began to beat off over them, his massive dick hanging over both of them, ready to spill his loads and loads of jizz on to them.

The other boys all stood up around the bed, and began to beat off into the center of the circle, where Steve and Phil lay stroking each other.Steve leaned his face over Phil's and began to lick his lips, and to kiss him and to stick his toungue into his friend's mouth and licking his friend's face. Phil began to kiss back and to lick Steve's face and lips. He could feel the red hot jizz beginning to boil up through his balls and into his shaft, just as it had that morning.

He and Steve were lying on Joe's bed, facing each other, their dicks touching each other on the dickhead, their balls hanging heavy together, their hands beating eachother's meat faster and faster. Suddenly, Joe began to moan, and the two boys felt his hot jizz begin to pour down out of his dick and onto their waiting bodies. Joe shot his massive load of hot cum all over their witing dicks, as the other boys began also to shoot and to shoot all over them, all over their backs, their faces, their chests, their dicks, their mouths, their thighs, their feet, their balls, their hands, moaning and shoot all their jizz.

Steve and Phil beat each other together, in the same rhythm, exactly the same, as they both felt the hot cum begining to cum up out of their roots, rising in their shafts and felt their balls beginning to cum up tight against their bodies. Without a word, they began to kiss, inserting their tongues deep inside each other's mouths, licking eachtoer's lips, and pressing their bodies closer together, removing their hands from their dicks, pressing their dicks, wet now with the combined cum of the entire cabin, together, their bodies glued together with everyboy's cum, rubbing their bodies together, up and down, back and forth, their hands finding their ways to each other's butts, to each other's buns, to each other's assholes, inserting their fingers into each other's assholes as they pressed together, kissing deeper and deeper, rubbing tighter and faster, inserting fingers into assholes, rubbing dicks, rubbing balls, and finally, the young boycum came, up, up and out of the cumslits at the tip of their hard boydicks, shooting load and load, load after load of hot boyjizz onto eachothers abdomens, bathing each other in eacho ther's cum.

Steve and Phil lay for a long time in each other's arms, their dicks throbbing little jizzes of cum, as the other boys, led by Joe, enthralled by a sight they had never seen, came close and began to rub them, massage the cum into their backs and butts, and to kiss and lick every inch of their bodies.Finally Steve and Phil separated, their bodies glistening with each other's cum and sweat. They lay cradled together as the other boys licked their cum up and then dried them off with a towel.

Joe lay down with them, his big dick still hard, and held them both in his arms. He looked at them and said: "are you tired and ready for sleep, or do you want to learn a lot more stuff you can do together?" Steve and Phil looked into each other's eyes. The two best friends wanted to share more togehter. They looked up at Joe....

CAMP Chapter 6

It was morning, and the sun was streaming in the window of the cabin where the boys lay all around, naked, covered with dried cum and in various stages of embrace.

On Joe's bed lay Phil and Steve, in eachother's arms, their naked bodies intertwined, their legs thrown around one anothers, their now soft and pliant dicks lying ontop of eachothers thighs, their boy-balls hanging loose and relaxed in their dangling boy-sacks, now empty after so many orgasms the night before.

Perry and the rest of the boys were also asleep, naked, their jizz spent, their dicks soft, their balls cummed-out. A few of the boys were alone in their own bunks, sleeping deeply, dreaming of the night before. The rest were together on matresses they had pulled down onto the floor, lying all together, their naked bodies touching each other in as many places as they could arrange. Joe slept naked on his bed, his leg across the sleeping bodies of Steve and Phil, his giant dick, now soft and glistening with drying cum, still oozing thick juices onto their legs.

He had taught them well, these young pupils of his. Joe hadn't left Steve and Phil with only the experience of having cum together by rubbing their dicks between their bodies. There was much more that they should know and do together inorder to have a full taste of each other.

"O.K., Joe, what should we do now then?" Steve had asked him as he and Phil lay in eachothers arms, bathed in the warms, sweet boyjizz that had covered their bodies from the squirting of all those wonderful young dicks, including their own, of course.

Joe looked down at the two boys and didn't say anything. Instead, he kneeled down on top of them as they lay there and took their still hard, pulsing dicks, so recently the organs providing that wonderful fluid, and pressing their two dicks together, he lowered his head and put both dickheads in his mouth.

Both boys gasped. For Phil, of course, this was a shock. He had never even heard of beating off this morning, and here he was being blown by a counselor tonight. Steve also was taken by surprise. He had only heard of such things, his sexual experiences so far limited to beating off, alone and with other boys, and simple sexplay like feeling up, kissing and fondling. But to have his hard boner in Joe's mouth, and with Phil's too, this was too much.

Joe began to rhythmically suck on the boys' dicks. Keeping their two dicks together, he began to move his mouth up and down along the shafts, as much as he could before the two bodies separated too much and he couldn't take any more in. At the same time, he used his hands to rub each of the boys all over, up and down their chests, fondling their nipples, and feeling up their pecs and their buns, rubbing their balls, and sqeezing their ballsacks. Finally, he put his middle finger up against each of their asshole openings, and began to push, gently, against each of their pleasure hole openings, feeling the resistance that each young asshole offered, and working with it to get them to relax.

The other boys in the cabin went absolutely wild. They didn't know what to do. Perry, however, seemed not surprised. He began to beat his own and any meat near to him, and then got down on his knees and began to lick the dicks of all the boys who would stand near to him. Two of the other boys also got down when they saw this, and began to lick on dicks and balls.

Joe glanced up and saw what he had started. There was no way to stop it now, the boys were going to learn all about sex from him tonight. He gently took Phil and Steve's dicks out of his mouth and rolled the two boys over onto their stomachs, reaching up under their balls and taking each of their dicks in his hands. He then leaned over and began to give them each a tounge bath on their backs and buttocks, concentrating on the area between their assholes and their balls, until, after a few minutes, he began to lick into the asscracks of each boy. When he sensed that they were ready, he inserted his tounge into the asshole of each boy, one after another, and began to tounge each boy's asshole, sticking his tounge in first just a little bit, then more and more until each boy had his ass sticking up into the air, presssing back in the instinctive hope of getting more and more of this delicious toungefucking up into his hole.

This lifted the boys' dicks up off of the bed, giving Perry his chance to get his active head and mouth up under their bodies and onto their dicks. Once more both Phil and Steve had their now super-hard dicks in one mouth, Perry's, while Joe inserted his tounge deeper and deeper and faster and faster into there waiting, dripping assholes.

Joe began to awaken in the morning sun, as the light moved into the room and across his face. He stirred, remembering........

The taste of the boy-musk, the sweat from their balls and crotches, the sweet, musty clean smell of their showered assholes, the taste of their jizz, all this mixed in his mouth as he tounge-fucked their assholes, and as he felt their asses respond to the new blow job they were getting from their friend, Perry. All the boys were going wild now, driven by a dream like sexuality that was purely instinctive, organic, uninhibited. They were hot, involved, horney, and innocent. They saw nothing wrong in sharing their sex with their friends, their closest. Many of the boys began licking and sucking on eachother, on eachothers dicks, asses, noses, fingers, anything, as the smell of boy-sex began to become thicker and overpowering in the close cabin.

Perry continued to suck on Phil and Steve, but other boys now came over and began to suck on Perry, one on his dick, and other young boy sucking on his asshole, sticking his tounge in and out of Perry's back-door. It was inevitable what would happen, Joe thought in his half-dream.

One of the boys, Jim, a 13 year old stud with a beautiful body and a well formed fully mature dick and ball set, came up behind Joe as he tounge-fucked the two boys's beautiful virgin assholes. Jim was a natural athelete, tall for his age, with a large, well formed cut dick and tight muscles, always horney and willing to beatoff with anybody in the showers. He walked up behind Joe with his dick hard and standing straight out in front of his body, his hand holding a jar of hair cream which was thick and lubricating. He began to massage the cream into the shaft and head of his dick, and then into Joe's asshole. When Joe felt the lubed finger begin to probe his hole, he knew the night was going to be a success.

He could still feel it, the wonderful feeling as Jim began to press his lubed dickhead up against Joe's tight assopening; as Joe continued to rim and rim the assholes of Steve and Phil; as Perry continued to suck the two boys off simultaneously, as two other boys continued to both suck and rim Perry, and all the other boys began to groan and moan in precum ecstacy and to feel the hot boyjizz begin to rise in their sacks and shafts. Jim just continued to press, ignoring any resistance that Joe's tight hole offered, his young boydick so hard and firm that it did not even bend at the resistance, but forced its way into that tight hole smoothly.

Jim was inside him, Joe remembered. All the way inside him, his young balls bouncing up against his buns, up against his butt, as he began to thrust his dick in and out of Joe's wonderful fuckhole. Joe couldn't believe it. The boys were going farther than he ever expected them to go, and on their own, with no prompting from him. Jim was buttfucking him wonderfully well, and he knew Jim was good for at least two or three orgasms before his young boy dick even began to lose its hardness, that he would go on fucking him without stop for most of the night. He doubled the speed and depth of the insertion of his tounge in Phil and Steve's holes, and at the same time felt Jim begin to shoot a massive first load of thick, juicy boyjizz into his ass.

He began to cream his own dick, just from the excitement of it all, and two of the boys rushed down under him to drink the thick sauce from his mandick. At the same time, he felt Phil and Steve's holes contract, and they began to cream into Perry's mouth, Perry began to cream into the mouth of the boy sucking him, and the boy rimming Perry began to cream all over the floor, as did just about every other boy in the cabin.

Joe rolled over and began to wake up, the smell and taste of all the cum still in his mouth, the boys underneath him begining also to awaken with youngboy morning hardons aching to shoot again............

CAMP Chapter 7

The boys began to awaken now, piled up in heaps all around the room, all of them naked and most with their dicks hard. Phil lifted his head from where it had made a pillow of Steve's ball sack and thighs and looked around. What a strange feeling for him, such a difference in just one day from the sheepish boy who had been invited to shoot his load for the first time just 24 hours before. Since then he had been jacked off, jacked others off, sucked cock, swallowed jizz, been rimmed and fucked.

He was well on the way to sexual growth now. And he had a taste for it. He couldn't imagine spending a day without a blow job now, or two, he couldn't imagine a week without at least one dick in his ass, and his dick in another. He couldn't imagine life without his dick in somebodies mouth, his tongue licking another boy's tongue, his bed without a friend in it.

Steve was waking up also. His outstandingly shaped and sized dick was at full attention, rubbing in Phil's hair, as Phil's head was still lying on his balls. Phil noticed his friend's condition, and began to lick his balls, first putting one in his mouth, then the other, and licking the sack and around down into the crack between Steve's legs. Steve was hot and horny, hard to believe after the night before, but that's the power of youth and lust.

His jizz was beginning to rise in his shaft for a morning wake-up cum-shot when Perry woke up and crawled over to him and turned his asshole to Steve's face. Perry had become a very proficient cock sucker in the last 9 hours, and he turned all his new skill to Steve's hard boy boner, while waving his own hard dick and inviting asshole in Steve's face. There Steve was, the most beautiful and best liked boy in the camp, with his best friend Phil sucking his balls and licking his ass crack, and his cabinmate Perry sucking his ready dick and presenting his asshole to be licked and tongued.

It was too much for all the boys, who began to stroke and suck and j/o and fuck and kiss and cum and cum and cum again all over the cabin.

The sound of all this squirting finally awakened Joe from his half/sleep, from his half/dreams about the night before. Joe opened his eyes just in time to have his face and chest covered by gobs of fresh boy juice from half a dozen of his young charges as they shot their first loads of the day.

Joe looked around just in time to see Steve's boy-balls begin to pull up into his crotch, and his boy shaft begin to pump, and he could see Perry struggling to swallow the load of fresh cum from Steve. Even after the night's activities Steve could shoot more jizz than was easy to get in one gulp.

Phil, who was aware that Steve's cum was filling Perry's mouth jumped up from his position of licking Steve's balls and plunged his now rock-hard dick into Perry's asshole, which was lubed already by Steve's hot tongue which had begun to lick and suck it just before his dick began to pump.

Steve moved his mouth from Perry's asshole, now filled with Phil's dick, to Phil's asshole, and began to tongue and suck and lick it until Phil shot his morning load up Perry's back door.

Joe was pleased. These boys had become real fuckers and in such a short time. It was every one of Joe's own fantasies about what he would have loved to do when he was their age. Watching it had brought his massive young-penis to a state of surging readiness, and the boys all knew it. They all crowded around him and began to lick his body, every inch of it, his toes, his hands, his asshole, his thighs, his arms, his eyes, his ears, his balls, his dick, especially his dick and cum slit.

Suddenly all the boys stopped where they were, licking each one the spot on which his tongue was. The boy at Joe's dick stood up and took Phil by the hand. It was Phil's education which had brought them all this glorious cumming, and it was Joe who was the teacher, and it was right that this morning should end with them.

Phil took Joe's big dick in his mouth and began to suck gently, and Steve moved over behind Joe and began to rim his asshole. Joe waited only a moment, and then began to spurt large, flowing globs of cum juice through his dick and into Phil's ready mouth. 5,6,8,10,15 massive spurts of juice filled Phil's mouth, throat and belly, as he drank every thick, sweet drop of his teachers juice. Phil continued sucking until every bit of the jizz was his, and Steve matched every suck with a deep tongueing of the young counselors back passage.

Finally it was over. The boys began to get up and wipe themselves off, on each other, each others underwear, rubbing the cum from their bellies with their camp t-shirts or the briefs they had discarded the night before. In groups of twos and threes they headed for the showers, to wash each other's bods, dicks, assess and assholes, to lick each other clean, to dry each other with towels, and to dress for breakfast. Fortunately it was Sunday, and breakfast was late that morning, and there were no morning activities. The boys had had enough exercise of a few hours.

Joe and Phil and Steve stayed in the cabin while the other boys went to shower. Joe took Phil and Steve in his arms and held them both, while the stroked his hard body (and balls and dick). He looked at them both with a long, hard, penetrating glance and then kissed each of them hard on the mouth, sticking his tongue deep into each of them. Then the two boys kissed.

"I want you two boys to take care of each other for the rest of the summer, you hear me?", Joe said to them, since he wouldn't be in their cabin any more. Steve and Phil looked into each others' eyes and nodded their heads together in response to Joe's question. They knew they would be close, very close, the rest of the summer, and that they would take care of all each other's needs until it was time to go home and to go back to school.

That was something they wouldn't think about just yet. There was too much more to do, just at camp. But we can begin to think about that now, can't we....?

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