Camouflage and City Boys

By Ryan Wilson

Published on Oct 1, 2014



The following story depicts male on male sexuality and is intended for adult readers only, if you are under the age of 18 or if such material offends you or is illegal in the region you are viewing this, please exit now.

Camouflage and City Boys is the sole property of the author and is intended to be displayed solely on the Nify archive and any attempt to distribute, copy or post (in part or whole) is strictly prohibited and will enforced under any and all applicable law(s).

This story is purely a work of fiction, any and all resemblance between characters, names or events and persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

All comments and feedback are welcomed (constructive critiscm included) and you may contact me at this email address (a_om_24 at hotmail dot com) I'll do my best to get back to everyone that sends me a message.

Tag lines for this short story could include "Gear" "Hairy" "Outdoors" "Hunting" "Straight on Gay" "Uniform"

Enjoy! ;)

Camouflage and City Boys By Ryan Wilson

Andrew surveyed the big imposing truck that with a tinge of gloom, it would soon take him on the most uncomfortable weekend he had known. It was a black Dodge Ram 1500. Decked out with top mounted fog lights a large back rack and a lift kit which made getting in and out of the vehicle a difficult affair for Andrew. He watched as his soon-to-be brother in law Mark secured his quad into the bed of the truck, Mark was in complete contrast to Andrew, a born and bred country boy he stood at nearly 6'5 and was well muscled, he was geared up for the trip in hunting camo pants and jacket, his black cowboy hat which he was rarely seen without covered his tangle of short dark hair. By comparison Andrew, with his dirty blond hair, was relatively small at 5'5 and no matter how hard he worked Andrews body refused to grow any muscle so he remained quite scrawny. Having never been hunting before Andrew had no gear to speak of and scrambled to find something that seemed appropriate, he wore olive green cargo pants and a well aged deep green shirt with a faded indistinguishable logo on the front.

Having finished his job Mark hopped off the side of the truck slammed the tail gate closed and headed to the driver side door. "You about ready to head out?" He hollered, not waiting for an answer he climbed in and started up the dodge with a roar of its engine.

Andrew quickly and quietly hopped in the passenger side.Their gear, along with Marks two rifles, had already been stowed in the back of the cab, so Mark lit up a cigarette and began to tear down the dirt road at a speed which made Andrew uncomfortable, although he said nothing. The drive was long and there was little talking between them, Mark seldom responded with more than a few grunts of yes or no and only picked up the conversation when Andrew asked about his sister and Marks fiancé, Catlyn. It had been Catlyn's idea for Andrew to tag along on this hunting trip, she must have figured this the perfect opportunity for some male bonding and a good step toward introducing Mark to her family. Andrew came up with every excuse in the book to get out of the trip including faking sick. But his older sister was wise to Andrews tricks and when Catlyn showed up with soup, only to find him fully engrossed in a stack of new games for his PS4 his fate had been sealed. Andrew couldn't help but feel intimidated by the man, who at 34 was a decade older and far more masculine than Andrew figured he'd ever be. Judging by his demeanour so far it wasn't Marks first choice to take Andrew along either.

Nearly an hour later Mark pulled his truck into a small turn off on the dirt road which lead into a small atv trail, the area was remote and untraveled but Mark knew it well, he backed his quad off the truck and Andrew did his best to help him to load their tent, the two rifles and what little other gear they had onto the quad. "Normally the other boys bring their own rides when we go out." Mark said, "but this time I guess we're gonna have to double up."

It was another uncomfortable 45 minute ride down the trail. There was hardly any room for the two of them with all their equipment and Andrew sat pressed against Mark wrapping his arms around him for stability. He could tell it made Mark feel awkward to have another male passenger clinging so close to him though Andrew couldn't help but enjoy it. At times the path was little more than a game tail, with small branches whipping in their faces, Andrew wondered how Mark managed to keep his Stetson on his head the whole time. When they finally reached their destination; a circular clearing of poplar trees in the midst of foliage near the shore of a small, sleepy lake, the sun had just begun to set. While Andrew worked on the small tasks assigned to him by Mark he began to understand why a man might come all this way out into the wilderness for something he found as trivial as hunting. The cool autumn air was invigorating and the serene beauty of the forest in the midst of fall was breathtaking, but Andrew found the silence of it all unnerving, he was used to the continual drone of the city. By the time they had finished setting up it was well into evening and darkness settled over them, Mark lit up a cigarette and after he finished they quietly ate a dinner of cold roast beef sandwiches by flash light before crawling into Marks small tent for the night. Andrew wondered if his sleeping bag, which had been made for warm summer camping would keep him warm in the night, he bundled up as best he could. Of course Mark had come prepared, with his bag made to keep you warm even in the dead of winter, he had striped out of his hunters camo down to his boxer briefs before laying down and covering himself. Andrew had fully enjoyed that experience, drinking in Marks lean and muscular body, his chest covered in black furry hair and a treasure trail down to the obvious bulge of his manhood. Andrew couldn't help but wonder how loud Mark could make Catlyn scream in the bed, he only hoped that Mark couldn't tell how much he enjoyed the show, but he figured the sleeping bag covered him enough to hide anything. After Mark settled in and was snoring, Andrew continued to lie awake, quietly shivering.

Most of the next day was spent stalking through the woods, Mark didn't seem to be the conventional hunter in that he preferred to walk the forest in search of prey of any kind looking for fresh tracks or areas that had recently been foraged by hungry animals, they carried no reflective vests and had no hunting license of any kind, where Mark had taken them was truly the remote wilderness with no one around for miles and miles, no fish and wildlife officer ventured here, let alone another hunter. Andrew tried to remain as quiet as possible and let Mark take the lead, he didn't know how to shoot and only carried a rifle because it was expected. A few times Mark seemed to pick up the trail of a group of deer, and once thought they were on the trail of a black bear, a thought that sent Andrews heart to nervous racing. However later in the day it became apparent Mark was getting disappointed with the lack of results, he would find promising evidence then cursed and swore when it didn't produce and results, although he couldn't tell, Andrew was certain Mark had them heading back toward camp. It was then he saw it, drinking from the lake, a buck with the biggest antlers Andrew had ever seen, the waves lapping against the shore had masked the sound of their approach. Mark had been looking the other way the whole time, focusing on getting back, rather than taking the shot himself Andrew tugged on the back of Marks jacket.

"Look" he spoke softly, "by the lake, Mark."

He said nothing in response he simply raised his rifle, focused and shot. The buck went down with little argument, having likely been hit in a vital organ.

"Well damn Andy!" Mark exclaimed smiling. "Guess it wasn't such a bad idea to bring you along after all! Look at the rack on that fucker!"

Andrew beamed, glad to have impressed the man, and happy to have earned a nickname, though no one ever called him Andy. It was well into the evening by the time they dragged back the buck back to camp and secured it. Mark seemed plenty happier showing Andrew the tines and other parts of the antlers and how to come up with a score based on that. Andrew gathered firewood while Mark pulled out an impressive set of hunting knives and cleaned the carcass, he even cut some strips of meat off for their dinner. After they ate dinner Mark donned his black Stetson cowboy hat and busted out a 2 6 of whiskey he took a few chugs and passed it to Andrew who took a large swig of the bottle, the whiskey burned its way down his throat. They sat around the fire passing the bottle and shooting the shit while Mark smoked, after they finished nearly 3/4 of the bottle both of them were drunk and Mark shifted the conversation toward women. He talked of his previous conquests, his first time in the back of his daddies pickup truck, a blond he fucked under the bleachers at his high school and he gripped his crotch and smiled when he talked of a large breasted girl who was fond of giving road head on the drive before dropping her off at her parents place. After he had told some of his stories he looked at Andrew through his glazed eyes and asked "well you're a young man Andy, what about you?"

Andrew froze, used to these questions he had a number of fictional stories to tell but the haze of alcohol clouded his judgement and before he could think better of it he blurted out "I'm gay."

Marks eyes widened in surprise, he tilted his Stetson back on his head a bit and could only say "uh huh."

Andrew took another deep swig of the whiskey and choked it down. They sat awkwardly for what seemed an eternity before Mark lit up another cigarette, he took a long drag from it, stood up and walked over to Andrew. Grabbing the bottle with one had and gripping Andrews shoulder with the other Mark pulled him off the fallen log where he had been sitting to his knees on the forest floor, he blew out a puff of smoke down at Andrew and said "well that's what you want isn't it?"

Andrew looked directly into Marks crotch, his tool snaked its way down the leg of his camo pants, still stiff from earlier, Andrew was dumbfounded. Mark grabbed Andrews wrist and placed his hand on top of the outline, "go on then boy." He insisted.

Andrew gripped the cock in front of him, and began to rub the hunters cock through his camo pants, it was massive, must have been 9 1/2 inches and it filled Andrew with drunken lust immediately, his own cock having tented in his pants long ago. Andrew undid the button and fly of the camo pants and was surprised to see Mark had went commando for the day, he reached in and pulled the monster loose and it hung there for a second, 9 1/2 inches of glorious uncut manhood, Andrew gripped it again and beat it against his face enjoying the heft and feel of it there. Andrew couldn't resist long before he slipped it between his lips, he swirled his tongue inside Marks loose foreskin, forcing a groan of approval from the hunter as he downed the last of the whiskey and threw the empty bottle in the fire. One hand smoking a cigarette the other on the back of Andrews head Mark forced him up and down his shaft, Andrew clung to Mark both hands gripping his camouflaged ass as he serviced him. Slurping and sucking Andrew greedily took Marks cock, taking time to suck his lightly hairy balls and to sniff the musk of masculinity mixed with campfire smoke, while Mark lustily enjoyed his cocksucker, muttering "fuck ya" and "damn andy" as the campfire flickered behind them. Andrews mouth filled with gobs of Marks precum, he savoured the sweet almost salty taste of it, and he wanted it all, he tried everything he knew that made a man cum, jerking and sucking, deep throating as best he could but he couldn't get Mark to blow his load. Finally Andrews jaw began to ache and he couldn't take anymore, Marks cock popped out of his mouth and with one hand he jerked it while the other reached up and unbuttoned Marks wrangler shirt he wore underneath his camo hunting jacket, all so he could run his hands through Marks manly chest hair.

Andrew looked up into Marks drunken eyes, shadowed by his black Stetson and whispered "I can't do it, I can't make you cum."

Mark looked down at him and said "fuck you're a good cocksucker Andy, must be the whiskey dick."

But Andrew couldn't end this glorious moment at that and whispered "fuck me." Mark seemed surprised "you mean like in the ass?" He questioned "doesn't that hurt?"

"I can take it, I want you to cum so bad" Andrew replied.

Mark grinned and picked up Andrew, and bent him over the log he sat on earlier. Andrew hurriedly pulled his cargo pants down and presented his tight round butt to Mark who slapped his ass and pushed his cock head to Andrews hole, he let out a snort and spit onto his cock, mixing with his precum and Andrews saliva. Mark took only a second before pushing his cock head in past Andrews ring, and he let out a groan of pain as Mark pushed in hard and took him like a woman, pulling out and slamming back in hard, Andrew screamed at the pain, "thought you said you could take it like a man" Mark said. Andrew could only moan in response but even then he could already feel Mark hitting his prostrate and his hole loosening from the assault. Andrews moans echoed in the dark forest as the hunter took his pleasure, burying his cock deep inside before pulling out again and again, before long Andrew was begging for Mark not to stop. And he didn't, for at least a half hour Mark, still in his camo, pounded Andrews tight hole growling out "fuck ya you got a tight cunt Andy, you like a that cock boy?"

"Yesssss" was all Andrew could sputter out as Mark furiously rode him, fuelled by booze and lust. That was all Andrew could take, he shot his load out onto the log below him having never touched his dick, his hole tightened as he shot out, and Mark gripped his ass so hard in that moment, "fuuuuck that's soooo good Andy" he moaned, in the next instant Andrew felt his hole fill with hot cum, Mark let out a howl as he shot his seed deep into Andrew. For a few moments after he came Mark continued to slowly thrust his cock in and out of his newly claimed hole, pushing his seed in deeper, finally he slapped Andrews ass one more time and said "damn fine ass" as he withdrew.

He left Andrew bent over the log, semen still oozing from his hole, and stalked off to the tent. Andrew stayed there, gasping and breathing hard trying the wrap his head around what had just happened. He had just received the hottest roughest fuck he had ever known from a man he would have never suspected. Andrew gathered his nerves and got himself off the log, he lightly cleaned his hole, enough that the mess was gone but he could still feel Marks seed inside of him. Once he had done that he stripped down to his boxers and quietly climbed into his spot In the tent, not knowing if Mark had passed out yet. As Andrew lifted the cover of his sleeping bag open, Marks arm reached out and wrapped around him, pulling Andrew into him. "You're gonna freeze in that" was all Mark said as he covered and zipped them into his large sleeping bag. Andrew wrapped one arm around Marks naked body, nuzzled his head into Marks furry chest and fell asleep wondering what tomorrow would bring, and if this would ever happen again.

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