Cammy & Kris

By Addie Q

Published on Mar 26, 2006



Please not, the following story has graphic sexual content. If you are younger than 18, please do not read any further. Copy write by the author.

Cammy and Kris were up late again. They sat together on Kris's bed. The house was quiet. Kris's parent's were away and wouldn't be back for a few days.

Cammy sat close to Kris, and it seemed that Kris might be asleep. She wore glasses, and her eyes were closed and she was breathing slowly. Cammy loved looking at Kris, and this was a wonderful chance to stare.

Kris was lying on her back wearing a red tank top, her arms over her head. She had on sweatpants and bare feet. Her black hair was messy on the pillow, and her arms over her head.

Cammy focused on her armpits, she couldn't help it. Kris didn't shave her underarms. Neither of them did, and that was all Cammy's doing. Cammy had convinced her not to, because she was so impressed by the thickness of Kris's underarm hair. Cammy's was hair was soft and sparse, and she envied her friend.

Cammy carefully reached over with a finger toward Kris's armpit, just enough to touch the delicate hair. Cammy whispered, "Oh Kris."

Kris flinched and squealed, "Stop it!"

"You're so worried about being ticklish," Cammy stated.

"Oh, you know why, I'll pee in my pants." Answered Kris.

"I know, you say that all the time."

"It makes me nervous," said Kris. Cammy had heard plenty of times, and she would tease Kris because of it, and she enjoyed it.

Cammy said, "Well, I used to wet the bed. And that was really embarrassing. But, the only time I worry about it is when I'm sleeping somewhere else."

"Like here, in my bedroom?"

"Actually, I would probably enjoy peeing in here..."


"Really, I mean it, you're so nervous about peeing, I should pee right here, right in front of you, it might do you some good."

Kris was surprised that Cammy would be so bold, and she actually smiled a little before saying, "Oh stop it!"

"Seriously, the way to get over your pee phobia is to embrace it, we should both pee ourselves, right now."

"Cammy! You sound like you'd like it!" Said Kris. Cammy had talked about this before; it was something she could fixate on.

"C'mon, we could sit here and just go for it!"

"I never know when you're kidding."

"Don't worry - I'll help you wash the sheets."

That comment sounded so much like something a lover would say that Kris stayed silent. It was worse because Cammy seemed so genuine and eager to follow up on her proposal.

"We can't." Kris said.

"Oh please, let's do it," Said Cammy, "You know, some women pee uncontrollably during an orgasm, this might be good practice."

Kris couldn't say anything to that. It was a mean thing for Cammy to say because she knew Kris had never had an orgasm.

But Cammy wouldn't stop, she whispered, "We should pee on each other."

Cammy could tell Kris was upset. But Cammy was totally thrilled by the images. For some reason, the thought of Kris peeing in her pants was truly exciting to Cammy.

Finally Cammy said, "Oh Kris, don't listen to me, I'm sorry."

"I'm glad you said that - I mean, you just sound so excited about this kind of stuff..." Kris said nervously.

"Yeah, I have some odd ideas about fun, don't I."

They sat for a while in silence, then Cammy got up and said, "I need to pee."

In the bathroom, Cammy pulled her pajamas down and sat on the toilet. But, even though she wanted to pee, she felt tense and couldn't.

She stood up to look at herself in the mirror. She was small and thin with short blond hair. She had on a white T-shirt and pajama bottoms. Her shirt was snug, and it was obvious she wasn't wearing a bra. Her breasts were small, and she thought they looked pretty. And so did Kris, more than once she had said Cammy's little breasts were cute. Plus, she would often tell her how much she envied the fact that Cammy didn't need a bra. Cammy loved this, and had been tempted many times to lift her shirt for Kris.

Cammy has always been smitten by Kris's full figure and stature, she was tall and strong.

Kris constantly said she wanted an ass like Cammy's and Cammy wanted Kris's. They would play this same game when they talked about each other's breasts. Cammy would describe Kris's breasts with words like beautiful and delicious, and Kris loved it.

Sometimes Cammy would look directly at Kris's breasts, and she wouldn't stop. This happened a lot, and Kris would let it go on for a while and then she's say, "Cammy - you're staring at my breasts." And Cammy would usually just laugh. But it was obvious that Cammy loved to look at them. And Kris never really seemed to mind.

Cammy enjoyed teasing Kris, who could get very submissive as a result. Sometimes Kris would talk in a quiet baby voice, that was a signal for Cammy, and she would really push hard to get her to act more like a baby. And it usually worked, especially when the topic was their bodies. Cammy loved it, and so did Kris. They could talk endlessly about the hair under their arms, their bottoms, their tummies and especially their breasts.

Cammy could also get Kris to play along with her peeing talk. It seemed to make Kris nervous, but she would never really stop Cammy from going on about it. It was a relief for Cammy, because she really enjoyed talking about it.

Whatever their funny game was, and what they would talk about, it always had a limit. Cammy would push a little, but never too much. Kris would always let her do whatever Cammy wanted. Actually, Cammy couldn't remember Kris ever stopping her from doing anything.

And now, tonight, Cammy wanted to push it even farther.

Cammy was pretty sure she knew what she was going to do. She had known Kris for long enough to knew that she wouldn't stop anything she started.

Cammy filled a big glass of water and then drank it, then another. And then a third. She walked back to the bedroom, with another full glass of water.

Something was different. While Cammy was in the bathroom, Kris had turned off the overhead light. Now the bedside lamp lit the room. It had an orange shade, and it created a soft warm light. Kris was lying on her stomach, her hands under her pillow, she looked nervous.

Cammy held the glass of water out for Kris. For a long moment Kris just looked at the glass, and then to Cammy. Neither needed to say anything. Kris sat up, took the glass and drank it.

Cammy sat down near Kris's legs and asked, "You okay?"

Kris said, "Oh, you just love to talk about that peeing stuff." Cammy wasn't sure, but she thought Kris spoke in that baby voice. "I mean, I think of you peeing yourself, and you could do it, and I bet you could really enjoy it. I mean, if you wet your pants you could be so cute about it."

Cammy said, "Oh, you'd be cute too!"

"No way, I would just sit here with wet pants and my great big butt." She did it. This was the signal. Now Cammy had the go-ahead to tell her that her butt was beautiful.

Cammy poked Kris's ass.

"Oh stop it. Looking at you I feel like I have such a huge butt."

Cammy laughed, and Kris said, "Don't laugh!"

Cammy patted her hand on Kris's pants, right on her butt and said, "Be quiet, your ass is fabulous."

Kris twitched a little, and said, "It just feels so big. I hate it!"

Cammy didn't move. She kept her hand on Kris's ass, this was the first time, besides some playful poking, she had ever really touched it. Cammy noticed her heart was beating a little faster. Kris was a strong young woman, she was tall with dark hair and a full chest and a round bottom. Cammy rubbed it nicely, gave it a little squeeze and said, "This is NOT big."

She kept her hand there, wondering if Kris would tell her to stop. Nothing happened. Then, she rubbed a little more. Kris was silent.

She kept on rubbing, gentle and slow. She could easily see the panty line under the fabric of Kris's pants. It went on like this for a long time. It was dreamlike for Cammy, Kris's bottom felt warm and smooth.

Finally - almost in a whisper, Kris said, "You don't think it's... it's - too soft?"

I replied, in a way that was almost stern, "Kris - Please, you have a beautiful bottom, and a beautiful body. I tell you all the time, believe me - it's true."

"Are you sure?" Asked Kris in a quiet submissive voice.

"Yes - I'm sure." I said.

Cammy gently rubbed and massaged Kris, along her back and neck. Even around her bottom. Kris seemed relaxed and she content. This went on for a long time, and finally Cammy eased in and snuggled up close to Kris. She was wondering if Kris had fallen asleep.

Then Kris broke the silence, "Why are you so fascinated by the whole peeing thing - I mean, it's sorta weird."

"I'm not sure."

"You bring it up all the time."

"I know I do."

"Well, what is it?"

"I've never told anyone - you can't tell any of our friends."

"No, of course I won't" And Kris perked up, and sounded really excited.

"I - I read this thing once, it was sort of a medical thing, it's wasn't very long. But, it explained how some women - uhhm, how some women..."

"Go on. Please."

"Some women will squirt fluid during their orgasm, it's not like they are peeing, I mean, well - it is, sorta..."

"Go on..."

"Well, I thought it was really interesting - and I was, well - when I read it I was..."

"It's okay, go on"

"I was - really envious."


"Uhhm - Kris, can I ask - do you ever, I mean - have you ever had an orgasm?"

"Yes," Kris whispered. Cammy could tell it was a lot for her to admit to, and she sounded a little embarrassed.

"Well, I've tried - I mean really tried, and - Oh god, this is embarrassing..." said Cammy. She sounded nervous and worried, in a way she rarely sounds.

"It's okay, really..." said Kris, as kind as she could.

"Well - I can't - I mean, it's never happened for me."

"Oh Cammy - it will, someday - I know it will..." Kris sounded really emotional and supportive.

"Yeah, maybe. But - I mean, the peeing thing. I guess that's my little pretend orgasm."

"Really?" said Kris, genuinely surprised.

"Yeah, when I pee, actually - every time I pee. I think to myself - I imagine that it's my own little squirting orgasm."

"Do you - I mean, so you enjoy peeing?" asked Kris.

"Oh god yes!" said Cammy, "I mean, it's a really fun thing for me - I mean, it feels so good, y'know - I mean, does that make sense?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"I can't believe I just told you all that..." said Cammy in a nervous voice.

"It's okay - I understand - Peeing does feel pretty good sometimes." Kris whispered.

"Yeah, it really does," replied Cammy.

"Oh Cammy, thank you for sharing that."

Kris thought to herself how this explained so much about her friend - her best friend. Now the peeing thing was so easy to understand. She always thought it was just some way for Cammy to act perverted or something. but now, after hearing Cammy talk, she felt a lot of sympathy - a lot of closeness.

Cammy gave Kris a big hug, and whispered "Thank you." right up close into her ear.

Kris felt so close to Cammy, and so emotional. She quietly said, "I guess I'll never think of peeing the same way again."

Cammy giggled and said, "Good for you." And she sat up a little and rubbed Kris's back.

Cammy carefully traced the outline of Kris's bra strap under her tight shirt. Cammy traced the outline as best she could, along the entire bra. With Kris on her stomach, she had to stop when she reached the edge of the bed.

Kris asked, "So, do you like my bra?"

And Cammy giggled and answered, "I've never seen your bra - but I'm sure it's beautiful - and I 'm sure your panties are pretty too."

Then it happened, Cammy was starting to feel the need to pee.

Oh my god - Cammy thought to herself, it's happening.

Cammy stopped rubbing, she took a deep breath. There was a long pause, and she tried to come to terms with what she was feeling. She was nervous, and excited.

She looked at Kris, her best friend. In all the time they've know each other Kris hadn't ever told Cammy to stop doing anything. Then Cammy reached down and started to pull Kris's sweat pants off her legs.

Kris whispered nervously, "Cammy?"

"Shhhhh..." Cammy said, and she pulled the pants off past Kris's bare feet, and let them fall to the floor.

Kris stayed silent, and didn't move.

Cammy put her hands on Kris's panties, and whispered, "They are pretty - I knew it." They were simple and white, and they looked wonderful on Kris.

Cammy carefully rubbed Kris on her butt, and then slid her hands across her back and smoothly down her sides. Cammy could feel Kris melt, her face pressed down on the bed. Cammy was carefully running her fingers along her tight red shirt.

Kris was relaxed and still.

Cammy pushed herself snug against Kris, then she moved her hand further along Kris's shirt. Kris was wearing a bra, and her large breasts where pressed down against the bed. Cammy reached - and gently let her fingers touch Kris's delicate armpit hairs.

In a slightly mean way, Cammy asked, "Kris, are you ticklish - here?"

Kris replied, "W-what?"

Suddenly, Cammy started grabbing and tickling, and instantly Kris started squirming.

They began to wrestle and laugh. Kris got on top and sat directly on Cammy. Her white panties pressed against her belly. They struggled, but Kris grabbed her arms. Then Cammy was stuck, with Kris sitting right on her belly.

"I can't believe you did that!" Kris said, laughing.

Cammy answered, "I had to try..."

Kris was holding Cammy's arms down against the bed. Then - she let go.

Immediately Cammy reached up and put her hands into Kris's hairy armpits, and tickled as hard as she could.

It happened quick, and Cammy held on.

Kris involuntarily jerked. She shrieked a little, and laughed for just a moment, but then said, "Stop!" But Cammy tickled harder. Kris tried to crawl away, but Cammy wouldn't let go, and Kris squealed and laughed.

Cammy got really forceful, and then Kris whimpered, "No - Cammy, no stop..."

Kris was convulsing and twitching, with her panties pressed firm against Cammy's belly.

And suddenly, they both froze.

Cammy knew what happened, she felt it.

Kris stammered, "Oh n-no, I just..."

But Cammy was absolutely thrilled. "Kris - You... you peed?"

"Oh god - I'm sorry." said Kris.

Kris was on top of Cammy, frozen in an awkward pose. Cammy sat up to see. Kris's thin white panties were wet, her curly black pubic hair was easy to see under the damp fabric. There was another small spot on Cammy's white shirt.

Cammy smiled and touched her own shirt, then whispered, "It's so warm."

Kris pulled away and said, "I'm sorry." She moved to the head of the bed, away from Cammy.

"Don't you dare be sorry." said Cammy. "I wanted this, I wanted it so bad."

"But, I - I..." Kris whispered. She was sitting on her knees, looking ashamed.

"Kris, you peed on me..." Cammy said excitedly.

"I'm so sorry."

"No - please, listen. I love you, really, I do. You look more beautiful right now than you ever have. Your underwear is wet, and so is my shirt. We did it, we really did it..." Cammy said, as she moved toward Kris, and gently put her hands on Kris's legs. "Thank you."

Kris let Cammy keep her hands on her bare legs.

Cammy said, "Please, lay down."

Kris sat still for a moment, and then Cammy moved around and calmly pushed Kris down onto her back.

Kris was lying there with nothing on but her red tank top and her tight wet panties. She nervously looked up at Cammy.

"Oh Kris." Cammy said, smiling. Then Cammy reached down and carefully touched Kris's wet underwear and said. "You peed, you peed all over yourself - and on me - and I loved it."

Then Cammy moved one leg over Kris and sat on top, straddling her.

Cammy was sitting right on Kris's belly, and in a quiet voice, Cammy said, "You peed on me - and now..." She paused for a breath. "please - please let me pee too."

Kris was shocked, and she lay on her back, still and quiet in disbelief. Cammy's crotch was up centered on her belly.

Cammy couldn't believe she was really doing this. There was a long silence, and finally she smiled and said, "Kris, I - I want this so bad."

Kris looked worried, so Cammy reached forward and interlocked fingers with her, firmly pinning both hands to the bed. Kris was apprehensive, wide-eyed and breathing hard, but she made absolutely no effort to fight any of this.

Kris looked up at Cammy's white t-shirt and the small area of wetness, her own pee, just below Cammy's small breasts. Cammy concentrated and slowly squeezed Kris's hands. They both got very quiet. It seemed a long moment,

"Oh, please," Cammy said, squeezing Kris's hands tighter.

Nothing was happening, Kris asked, "Is there anything... anything I can..."

"Shhhhhh!" Cammy interrupted. Kris lay there looking frightened.

She didn't want to see Kris this way. Cammy leaned forward and kissed Kris on the mouth. It was tender and filled with emotion. The kiss changed everything in Kris, she felt an enormous elation, all the fear melted away.

Cammy sat up on her knees and smiled. Then Cammy rolled off Kris's belly and onto her back, right next to her. Cammy pointed her feet in the air, and in one motion pulled off her pajama bottoms and panties, and almost as quickly rolled back on top of Kris, sitting tall on her knees.

Kris's was astonished, and stared wide-eyed. Her heart started pounding. She couldn't believe what had just happened. The sight of Cammy without her pants was breathtaking, her pubic hair was pale and delicate. Kris didn't know what to do,

Cammy looked so unbelievably lovely.

Cammy reached down and carefully pulled up Kris's red tank top, just enough to see Kris's belly button. She sat back down and repositioned herself with her groin directly on Kris's bare stomach. Cammy's soft pubic hair felt cool on Kris's skin. Then Cammy pulled the shirt up just a little more, so she could see the bottom of Kris's bra. Cammy grabbed Kris's hands again, and smiled.

Kris was joyous.

Cammy was anxious. She needed to pee badly, it just felt so difficult to hold it in, but she just couldn't let go. She closed her eyes and clenched her teeth, but it didn't help. When she opened her eyes, Kris, was smiling. She looked ecstatic, she was breathing deeply, her chest rising and falling, she was no longer nervous, she had totally given in. Seeing Kris so eager made Cammy feel entranced, like the whole world was telling her yes.

Cammy let go of Kris's hands and sat up onto her knees. She took a deep breath, and looked down at Kris, awash in anticipation. Cammy was staring, Kris looked wonderful. Her tight red shirt, the line of her bra, her big beautiful breasts, her nipples under the red fabric, and all of it moving with Kris's heavy breathing. Cammy was looking down at Kris's chest, and Kris knew it - and it thrilled her.

Kris had been lying there motionless, with her hands still above her head, but now she reached up and awkwardly touched the wet spot on Cammy's shirt. Cammy almost pushed her hand away, but instead held it tight. Kris gently tugged on the damp fabric. Then Cammy grabbed her own shirt and pulled it over her head, and dropped it on the bed. Cammy, her back slightly arched, was finally showing Kris her small breasts.

Kris thought she was about to cry.

Cammy sat there, naked - and straddling Kris. Cammy felt an infinite power, she leaned forward and grabbed Kris's hands and held them down on the bed.

Kris tried to move her hands, she desperately wanted to touch Cammy, but Cammy wouldn't let her. Cammy's little breasts hung down, the nipples, small and erect, just above Kris's face. Kris was astounded, everything about Cammy seemed so lovely and delicate.

Cammy squeezed Kris's hands, and slowly lifted herself up onto her knees, just a little, off of her belly. Kris stared down at the gap between her stomach and Cammy's crotch. Kris was completely transfixed on this small area, she was afraid to blink. Neither moved for a long time, the quiet was broken only by Kris's deep breathing. Then little by little, Cammy lifted herself even higher, tall onto her knees.

Cammy's intense gaze was locked on Kris's breasts, she was completely lost in concentration. Kris was breathing hard, her full chest was moving with each inhalation.

Kris could tell that Cammy was focused on her chest, and she smiled and whispered, "Cammy - you're staring at my breasts."

Cammy didn't laugh. She stammered, "They're so beautiful - I'm worried my heart is going to burst..."

"It's okay," said Kris.

Cammy's desire was rising to a sort of panic, and she was utterly fixated on Kris's breasts. In a haunted whisper Cammy said, "Kris - Oh dear god, Kris."

Suddenly, Cammy grabbed Kris's shirt with both hands and pulled it up to her chin. It was the first time Cammy had actually seen Kris's bra.

"Kris, I want to - to get your shirt off," Cammy said. The red shirt was tight, too tight to slip off easily.

Kris answered in a tiny nod, then moved a little as Cammy awkwardly pulled the shirt over Kris's head, to her elbows.

Then Cammy stammered, "Oh god, Kris - I... I..."

Kris asked, "What is it?"

"I - I'm gunna..."

At that moment she peed, squirting onto Kris's belly. It was hot and powerful.

"Oh Kris - Kris!"

Cammy arched herself taller and thrust her groin over Kris's chest, carefully aiming, soaking her bra. Kris gasped out a shriek of joy.

"Oh Yes - Oh Yes," cried Cammy, as she peed.

Cammy arched her back and it splashed all over Kris's breasts, her stomach, onto her neck and face. The flow was strong and it was getting everywhere. Then, it slowed down, eventually to a trickle, but Cammy pushed and there was a final warm burst, directly between Kris's breasts. When it finally stopped, Cammy was on her knees looking down at Kris who was absolutely glistening.

"Oh my god..." whispered Kris.

Cammy was ecstatic, and panting. Kris was wet, her panties were wet, her bra was wet, the sheets were wet! Kris's body and face seemed to sparkle in the orange light of the bedside lamp.

Kris's curly black armpit hair was wet and pressed flat against her smooth shiny skin.

Kris was in shock, she lay there totally still. Kris couldn't move her arms, they were stuck in the shirt at her elbows, above her head. She was tied up in this beautiful passive pose. Her eyes wide with emotion, she looked up at Cammy.

Kris smiled and stammered, "It's - it's warm..."

Cammy put her hands on Kris's bra, it felt hot and wet, her big dark nipples shown clearly under the soggy fabric. With shaky hands, she squeezed Kris's breasts.

"Oh Kris, I- I ..." Cammy stuttered.

The clasp on the bra was in the center, and Cammy awkwardly undid it, and Kris's full breasts were exposed.

Kris whimpered, "Oh god, Cammy."

Cammy's small hands rubbed Kris's sopping wet breasts. They were slippery and wonderful. She kissed them, she sucked them, she licked them, getting her own face wet.

Kris said, "Oh god, oh god."

Cammy pulled the soaking bra away and threw it on the floor.

Kris lay there, breathing hard, her nipples firm and wet. With both hands on Kris's breasts, Cammy started rubbing her groin up along Kris's smooth and slippery belly, back and fourth. Cammy slid her crotch all the way up onto Kris's slippery wet breasts. Kris could feel the thin texture of Cammy's wet pubic hair against her nipples. Cammy then lifted herself high onto her knees above Kris's chest. This was the first good view Kris had of Cammy's vagina, and it was wet and dripping.

Kris was motionless, she kept her arms above her, stuck in the damp shirt.

Cammy straddled one of Kris's big breasts, and used her hands to rub the slippery erect nipple along her wet vaginal lips, back and forth. Back and forth. Cammy pushed Kris's nipple firmly against herself.

This went on, back and forth, and Cammy started breathing hard. The sensation for Kris was electric. She finally started to pull her hands out of her wet t-shirt, but Cammy reached up and firmly held her arms in place. Kris stopped trying.

Cammy said, "Th-there's a little more."

"What?" asked Kris.

"I - I'm going to pee again."

Kris lay prone, with her nipple pressing Cammy's vagina. The rubbing slowed, and Kris was looking almost straight up into Cammy's wet lips.

Cammy began to tense, her knees squeezing, gripping tighter against Kris's ribs.

"Yes - yes, oh please..." whispered Kris, as she arched her back.

Then, Cammy relaxed, and a final powerful squirt of pee came down, hot on Kris's breast.

"Oh God!" exclaimed Kris.

Cammy stayed there, amazed at what she had just done.

Kris was radiant. Cammy slowly sat back onto Kris's slippery belly and took a long deep inhale. Kris was thunderstruck, she felt like she was about to explode with love.

Kris started to squirm to get her arms free, Cammy said, "Oh here, lets get this off..." and she helped take off the soggy red shirt from Kris's elbows. Kris reached out and awkwardly touched Cammy. Kris lay there in her panties, and Cammy hesitated, noting that they were wet too, like everything else, her thick wet pubic hair visible under the moist fabric. Cammy put her nose against Kris's wet panties, closed her eyes, and inhaled slowly and deeply.

"Oh Kris - thank you..."

Cammy put her fingers on Kris's panties and carefully pulled them down, and set them on the bed.

Kris lay there, naked and wet. She looked anxious.

Cammy carefully crawled on top of Kris, rubbing her small torso against Kris's wet skin, until both of them were sopping and slick. Kris was motionless except for her deep breathing. Cammy felt concerned for Kris, what just happened? Had this been too intense? But when she moved to look down at Kris, her eyes were on fire and she looked adoringly at Cammy.

As gently as she could, Cammy kissed Kris, carefully letting her tongue rub across Kris's lips and teeth. Kris came alive, and pressed her face up against Cammy's. Then Kris reached up and put both hands on Cammy's small wet breasts. Cammy could feel her hands shaking with desire. Her groping felt clumsy, she seemed scared. Cammy thought to herself about the many times Kris had admired her breasts, she had called them cute. Not knowing what else to do, Cammy sat up and held Kris's hands against her small slippery breasts.

"I can't believe we're doing this." Cammy whispered.

Kris smiled, and then Cammy moved up and forward on the bed, crouching on all fours and held her wet chest above Kris's face. At first, Kris seemed too shy to do anything, and Cammy leaned in so her wet nipple gently touched Kris's cheek.

"Please Kris," whispered Cammy.

With that, Kris gently kissed the pale wet flesh of Cammy's tiny breasts, and then she kissed the firm little nipples. The kissing turned to sucking, Kris closed her eyes and the sucking got harder. Cammy was elated. Kris sucked harder, and Cammy shivered from the sensation. Kris reached up and put her hand between Cammy's legs, everything was wet. Kris and Cammy were both overwhelmed with emotion.

Then Kris stopped.

Cammy, was on all fours above her, naked and wet, and she asked, "What is it?"

Kris looked up, and in that unmistakable baby voice, she quietly said, "Me too."

Cammy knew exactly what she meant. Without hesitation, Cammy rolled onto her back. She took charge, grabbing Kris by the hips and carefully positioned her on top of herself. Kris was now sitting on Cammy's belly. With Kris upright, little drops ran down her wet body, and a tiny puddle began to form on Cammy's flat stomach.

Kris was tense, her eyes pleading.

Cammy said, "Oh please baby, it's all right."

It was the perfect thing for Kris to hear.

Cammy reached up and ever so gently rubbed Kris's wet skin, her hips, her arms, her bottom, her legs, her breasts. Kris looked achingly beautiful. Cammy put her wet fingertips to Kris's face, touched her forehead, her eyelashes, her nose and gently followed the outline of her lips. Kris opened her mouth, and kissed Cammy's tiny finger, and held it gently between her lips. She closed her eyes and allowed it in, and sucked it like a baby would. For Cammy, the sensation of her finger in Kris's mouth was unbelievably sensual.

Cammy thought to herself - I want to suck Kris's finger too. There was such an abandon to it, it was so passionate.

Kris sucked harder. Cammy let her other hand move down Kris's wet body and let her fingertips, just barely, touch Kris's dripping breasts.

Kris sucked harder, until she started to make little whimpering noises. Baby noises. Cammy rubbed Kris's slippery breasts, firmly across the nipples. Cammy was astonished at how Kris reacted as she carefully caressed and squeezed the hard wet nipples, each motion was met with stronger and louder sucking. Cammy's finger got pulled deeper into Kris's mouth, it sounded like she was crying. Kris started to pump her pelvis on Cammy's wet belly.

Cammy carefully pulled her finger out. Kris leaned forward, reaching her mouth toward the wet finger and said, "N-no, oh no."

Cammy leaned forward and said, "Here baby, let's lift up." And Cammy reached behind and held Kris's butt, and lifted her up onto her knees. She seemed to tower over Cammy. Kris's pelvis was still involuntarily pumping.

Cammy lay back down, and let her arms rest above her head, in the exact same position Kris had been just a few minute before. Looking down, Kris was struck by how this pose made Cammy's breasts seem even smaller.

"It's okay." Cammy whispered.

Kris's legs were spread wide, she was tall and upright on her knees. Her pubic hair was thick and wet. Cammy's only concern was for Kris and how she could make this easier. Kris looked scared, her pumping hips slowly stopped.

Cammy yearned to get Kris to relax, so she reached her hands up, and made a small cup shape and carefully held it under Kris's crotch. Cammy said. "It's okay, baby, please..."

Kris seemed comforted by Cammy's voice and gentle hands.

"I don't know if I can do this." Kris said, in a clear and serious voice.

"Oh please," Cammy replied.

Everything seemed to stop. Cammy holding her cupped hands, ready.

Then Kris stated, "Oh, please... Oh, I want to... I want to..."

"Yes, I know." said Cammy.

Kris, on her knees, said, "I - I want to..." and trailed off. Cammy thought she sounded sad, and her heart ached for her.

Cammy, desperate to relieve the tension gently moved her hands around to rub Kris's wet butt, the motion was soft and kind. "Does this help?"

Kris just stared down intently at Cammy's wet chest.

"Please, just tell me what to do," said Cammy, and squeezed Kris's ass to try and reassure her.

"Is it okay, really?" Kris asked.

"Oh God - yes!" said Cammy.

Then Kris carefully positioned herself over Cammy's belly. To Cammy, Kris looked so wonderful, big and wet and ready. But, Kris had a very serious look on her face.

"Relax." begged Cammy.

"Oh God, I can't do this..." replied Kris.

"Yes - yes, you can," demanded Cammy. Then things got very still. Kris loomed tall over Cammy's belly.

Cammy continued to gently rub Kris's bum, it was wet and slippery. The movement was so genuine and so caring, that little by little Kris began to visibly relax. She looked down at Cammy, who was naked and smiling, and she knew that she wanted this terribly. Kris desperately wanted to please Cammy.

Cammy, almost without realizing it, began to pull Kris's hips forward. At first, Kris tried to stay where she was over Cammy's belly, but she allowed Cammy to move her. She inched herself forward on her knees. Kris looked down and now she was positioned directly over Cammy's delicate breasts.

"Here?" asked Kris, with a heightened sense of excitement.

Cammy didn't answer. Kris looked so intense and ready, aiming down at the small and lovely breasts.

Cammy said, "It's okay, Baby - please."

Kris didn't know what to do. Cammy still had her hands on Kris's bottom, rubbing with warmth and kindness. The gently motion against Kris's wet bottom was slow and reassuring. With each smooth stroke she would give in a little more.

Cammy had no idea why she wanted this, it just felt so powerful, so tender, and so beautiful. She was lost in some haunted trance. She stared intently up at Kris's Vagina, waiting.

Cammy's eyes were pleading. Kris realized that there was no escaping what was going to happen and allowed herself surrender. Cammy seemed so desperate. Kris carefully moved her knees a little wider. Her hairy crotch was just a little above Cammy's breasts.

She reached down with her gentle hands and gently cradled Cammy's head. Pleasing Cammy was now the only thing in the world.

They both held this pose, and the intensity of everything made it insanely emotional. Nobody moved, except for Cammy's hands on Kris's ass, rhythmically rubbing, then she moved her wet fingers in toward Kris's anus. Kris squirmed a little, but Cammy didn't stop.

"It's okay," said Cammy.

Kris carefully held Cammy's head and lifted it up, just a little, toward her crotch. So she could see.

"Yes - yes..." whispered Cammy.

Kris had a look of total concentration, and Cammy said it again, "Yes."

Then, Cammy could feel Kris's hands slowly grip her head harder, and her pelvis started shudder. Cammy tried to move up to kiss Kris's pulsing labial lips, but her head was held too tightly.

Then it happened. Kris began to pee a hot strong stream, splashing all over Cammy's tiny breasts

"YES!" squealed Cammy.

Kris held Cammy's head, her own hands getting wet, the emotional release was incredible.

And then Kris just seemed to melt, letting go of Cammy's head. Her hips twitched and pumped convulsively and then she let herself squirt all down over Cammy's chest, drenching the her tiny breasts and hard nipples. The stream moved across Cammy's pale skin.

Kris cried out, "Oh god - YES!"

Kris's knees buckled and she melted back, sitting upright on Cammy's belly.

Cammy was trying to sit up, to see it all. The flow was still strong and splashing, a hot puddle formed between Cammy's little breasts, spilling off and onto the sheets.

Kris finally sat down on Cammy's belly, the last of the warm flow spilling out of her hairy groin, all across Cammy's smooth skin.

Cammy panted, "Kris, thank you..."

Kris was breathing deep and looked at Cammy and said, "Cammy, I think I'm going to come."

Cammy replied, "Really? Oh god, what can I do?"

Kris said, "I think, let me..."

And then Kris started to rub her wet groin along Cammy's slippery belly. She was moving steady and fast, humping against Cammy's smooth wet skin. There was so much liquid, that there was a sloshing with each push.

It happened quick, Kris was so excited, so turned-on by all the wetness, that it seemed like just a minute and she was starting to feel the climax overtake her.

Cammy had never seen anything like it, Kris who was normally so quiet and reserved was grunting and thrusting, her naked body pumping on Cammy's slippery belly.

The sensation was electric.

Cammy reached up and squeezed Kris's wet breasts, and then it

began to happen, the humping rhythm became a sort of panic.

Kris started panting hard, and then she shivered and screamed. Cammy couldn't believe it, it was so physical and explosive.

Kris reached down and hugged Cammy tight, and came hard, in powerful shuddering waves.

Kris stammered, "Cammy, Baby - I love you..."

The motions were so wet, and the noise of their two bodies was amazing.

When it finally subsided, it was hard to tell what was sweat, what was come and what was pee. They were both slippery and drenched.

Kris hugged Cammy tightly and was breathing hard.

Cammy whispered , "Oh god, Kris - I wanna do that - I want to have an orgasm so bad." It sounded like she might start to cry.

Kris was awash in love, and she sat up excitedly.

"Cammy - I think I can, please, just relax..."

At this point Kris got between Cammy's knees and spread her legs.

Kris, still breathing hard, took one hand and pushed her thumb slowly into Cammy's vagina.

Cammy winced and said, "Kris. it's - it's too..."

Kris interrupted with, "Oh Baby, relax..."

Then Cammy just melted on the bed, almost like a rag doll, Kris's thumb was deep inside her.

Kris was so emotional, so filled with eagerness to satisfy Cammy. She was dripping wet, her hair soaked, and she became completely exhilarated. Kris spread Cammy's legs wide and began moving her thumb back and fourth.

Cammy lay flat on her back, looking up, and cried, "Oh Kris, I - I..."

Kris repositioned herself, looming above Cammy, and started pushing her thumb deeper into Cammy. Everything was slippery and soaked. With each push, Kris's wet breasts would wiggle. Cammy was watching, and little tears started to fill her eyes.

Kris leaned down and kissed Cammy's knees and the inside of her calves, her wet hair and face pressed against skin. All the while, she kept thrusting her thumb deeper and harder. Faster and faster.

Kris was overcome with emotion, her thumb pumped faster. Cammy's tiny wet breasts began to move with the rhythm.

Cammy started to arch her back and push back with the same rhythm, and she started to pant. Cammy awkwardly reached up and tried to hold Kris's dripping breast, but the intensity, wetness, thrusting and fervor was too much, and her arm fell to the bed. Kris put her free hand on Cammy's wet stomach. Then slid her wet hand up to her Breasts, and rubbed her hand across the slippery flesh. All the while, the thumb on the other hand slid in and out of her vagina.

"Oh god!" gasped Cammy.

Kris found a rhythm with her thumb, smooth and strong, and Cammy was meeting each thrust with her hips. She was breathing loud.

Kris squeezed Cammy's small breasts. The wet slippery sensation was overwhelming for Cammy, she felt her whole body shiver.

"Kris, Oh god - I think that I'll be able to come..."

Cammy grabbed Kris's hand, the wet hand on her breast, and pulled it to her mouth. Cammy moved her lips, reaching for Kris's fingers.

Kris let her wet middle finger touch Cammy's lip, and she immediately started sucking on it, pulling it deep into her mouth.

She sucked hard, her eyes closed. Cammy began to whimper and pant, and suck harder, it was beyond her control to do anything else. She started to make little baby sucking noises. Kris was thrilled, the wet feeling of her finger in Cammy's mouth was heavenly.

Kris continued with her thumb, smooth and rhythmic.

Cammy grabbed her own knees and pulled them up tight to her shoulders, and this lifted her ass off the bed. Now, Kris needed to slide her thumb almost straight up and down. Kris was astonished at how wet Cammy was getting.

With Cammy's knees up so high and spread so wide, Kris could see everything between her legs, her pubic hair, her vagina and her anus. It looked so beautiful, with her wet thumb pushing, and Cammy's hips rocking up to meet it. Kris was amazed at how deliciously intimate this felt.

"Oh yes, Cammy - yes." Kris whispered.

Cammy was sucking hard and whimpering like a child, and Kris knew she would be climaxing soon, everything was steadily building.

Kris was concentrating, paying carefully attention to Cammy, she wanted to see her dear friend come - to have her first orgasm. The love and emotion were almost too much. But she couldn't take her eyes off her anus. It was wet and small. Kris's thumb would push in with each stroke, and her fist would bump it, right at the index finger, every time. Kris focused on the wet feeling of that bump, again and again and again.

Kris slowed down and let her knuckle rub against the tiny wet pucker of flesh.

With that Cammy spread her legs wider, she sucked harder, she was panting louder, she pumped her hips harder, pushing herself up into Kris's knuckle. Cammy's wet anus began to pulsate.

Kris was fixated, completely spellbound, she slowly removed her thumb and let her index finger rest on Cammy's wet anus.

"Kris - oh please," Cammy whined.

Kris thought it was so haunting - so lovely. Kris held her finger against the tiny pucker, and Cammy rhythmically moved her hips, it seemed almost like she pushed her anus up onto Kris's finger, and it began to slide in. Kris gasped - her finger was in, up to the first digit.

Cammy was furiously sucking Kris's other finger. And Cammy took Kris's finger out of her mouth just long enough to gasp, "Oh god - I think - I'm gunna come..."

Kris pushed her tiny index finger. It slid in smoothly and it felt incredibly snug, it felt like Cammy was squeezing it. Kris was lost, it was so wonderfully intense. She pushed more, and it slid further.

Cammy held her own knees with both hands, her legs spread wide.

Cammy moaned and she sucked harder and pumped her ass up, trying to get it in deeper. Kris slid it gently in and out. With this, Cammy began to cry out louder. Kris was worried it might hurt, but when she looked up at Cammy's face she was awash in ecstasy. She was moaning and trying to suck her finger at the same time.

Kris looked at Cammy's ass, as her finger smoothly slid in and out. Cammy was breathing faster and crying louder. Kris was coming unhinged, she wanted to look at Cammy's face, but the moaning and the motion were spiraling faster. Every bit of emotion and effort was all focused entirely on Cammy's building orgasm.

Kris pushed and pulled her finger, smooth and gentle. Cammy's vagina was dripping and it made the finger wetter and more slippery. She could feel the finger on the other hand, in Cammy's mouth. Cammy could no longer suck, she was crying - literally sobbing, with her mouth open. Cammy's rhythmic pumping turned to a rapid shiver, and her cries got louder. Kris pulled her finger out of Cammy's mouth and without any hesitation slid it smoothly into Cammy's open vagina.

Cammy responded by screaming out a passionate cry, and Kris pumped hard with both hands, fingers in Cammy's anus and vagina.

"I love you Cammy," whispered Kris.

With that, Cammy convulsed, and she pushed her ass hard against Kris's hand, forcing all the finger deep. Kris watched Cammy's powerful orgasm, pumping and wet. Kris was emotionally transfixed, awash in love. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.

Cammy reached a screaming climax, her hips and anus shivered.

And then gently Cammy began to melt.

Kris pulled her wet fingers out, leaned in and tenderly kissed Cammy, on her lips, her eyes, and her nose. Everything smelled strong and delicious, and Cammy could only lie there panting, wet tears on her wet face, as she received kiss after kiss after kiss.

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