Cameron in Wonderland

By Derek Jones

Published on Mar 27, 2018


Cameron in Wonderland Chapter 5

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This story is a work of fiction, a product of my vivid imagination!

Ian's suggestion to Cam that he check out the washroom in the basement of the Smith Building had piqued his curiosity. He decided to take a look the next day. He waited until just after lunch before walking to the Smith Building and taking the stairs to the basement level.

The building itself was quiet. Most of the students and staff were in class or in the main building where the cafeteria and library was located.

Cam located the washroom at the end of a long hallway. He pulled the door open and found himself facing a second door. The second door squeaked as he pulled it open; he could hear the sound of scuffling shoes as he entered the washroom.

He was facing a wall that separated the entry doors from the area with sinks and hand dryers. After walking a few steps, he came around the end of the wall and into sink area. He saw that this area was separated from the urinals and toilet stalls by another wall.

It crossed his mind that a guy fooling around would get plenty of time to get himself together if someone entered the washroom. It would take a good 15 seconds from the time the outer door opened until a person would be in the actual toilet area.

He came around the wall and saw that there were three urinals and three stalls in the toilet section. The two urinals furthest from him were occupied by fellow students who were standing close to their respective porcelain receptacles.

He noted that they were breaking the unspoken rule that two guys would always leave an open urinal between them, if at all possible. It was perhaps a little unusual to see, but he mentally shrugged it off. Maybe there had been three guys there a few minutes ago.

He didn't think that anything sexual was going on and thought about leaving. But he did need to take a piss, so he walked up to the open urinal. He stood close to it before unzipping and pulling his cock out, holding it in his right hand.

Cam let his bladder go and a stream of urine ran into the urinal. After a minute he was done. He gave his cock a couple of shakes to get the drops off.

He also gave it a couple of quick strokes to coax the last drops out, he hated having them drip onto his leg through his loose boxers.

The other two guys were still standing there. He didn't hear any piss splashing into the porcelain, so he glanced to his left to take a quick peek at his neighbor. He saw that he had stepped back slightly and his right arm was moving.

Cam glanced lower and saw that the guy was slowly stroking a hard cock while looking down towards Cam's crotch. Cam's cock quickly began to harden in response. The guy noticed and stepped back further to fully reveal a 6-inch uncut hard-on.

The other guy saw the guy in the middle step back and followed his lead. He too had a hard cock in his hand and was working it up and down. Cam moved back to show his 7-inch hard cut cock. The guy in the middle reached a hand out to touch Cam's cock and stroke it.

The guy in the middle appeared to be around 21 with short blonde hair and hazel colored eyes. He was around 5'10" with a medium build.

The guy at the far urinal looked to be around 18. He had medium length reddish-blonde hair with blue eyes. He stood about 6'0" tall with a thin build. He was stroking a 7-inch cut cock as he turned towards Cam to show it off.

The blonde took the other guy's cock in his hand and stroked it at the same time as he jerked on Cam's rod. Then he turned towards the other guy, got down on his knees and took his cock into his mouth, eliciting a quiet moan.

Cam watched while stroking his own boner, as the cocksucker's head bobbed up and down while he sucked cock. The reddish-blonde placed his hands on the side of the blonde's head and started to face-fuck him.

Cam could hear wet slurping sounds as the blonde sucked cock. The reddish-blonde was moaning quietly under his breath. He gasped a couple of times before his breath became ragged and his cock began to fire its load into the blonde's mouth and down his throat.

His load swallowed, the reddish-blonde guy stepped back and quickly stuffed his cock back inside his pants. He gave Cam a wink as walked past him heading for the door.

The blonde stayed on his knees, turned towards Cam and leaned forward to wrap his lips around Cam's hard cock.

Cam sighed as he felt the warm mouth envelop his raging boner. He felt the tongue swirl around the head, sucking the pre-cum off and down his throat.

He placed his hands on the blonde's head as it moved up and down while his mouth greedily sucked his cock. He felt the guy's hands on his bare ass and he unconsciously started thrusting his hips back and forth, fucking the blonde's mouth.

Cam knew that he had to cum quick. Being in the open like this wasn't the time to try to hold off on an orgasm. "Suck it harder!" he urged the blonde, who complied.

Cam felt his body tensing up, he was about to cum. He gripped the blonde's head tighter and thrust his cock hard into his mouth.

"Uhhhhhh, uhhhhhhh, uhnnnnnn!" he moaned as cum shot out of his cock and down the guy's throat. He could felt the suction of the cocksucker's mouth as he gulped his hot jizz down.

The blonde stood up, his hard cock bouncing up and down as he got to his feet. Cam looked down at it and licked his lips. He felt the blonde's hand on his shoulder, applying pressure, silently urging him to get to his knees to return the pleasure.

Cam willing got down on his knees, he wanted to suck the nice looking cock. He wanted to swallow cum again; he was hooked on the creamy fluid.

He stroked the blonde's cock a few times and then licked the pre-cum that was coating the head. He took the cock into his mouth, using his lips to push the foreskin back, and began to suck.

The blonde grabbed Cam's head and began to fuck his mouth. He fucked his face quickly, his balls bounced off Cam's chin and his cock hitting the back of his throat causing him to gag a little.

He came quickly and Cam felt the hot cum spurting unto his tongue while the blonde quietly moaned. Cam swallowed the salty load then licked his lips and got back on his feet.

The two of them quickly pulled up their pants and zipped up. Cam went to a sink to wash his hands. The blonde passed behind him and patted his ass as he went by. "Hope to see you again soon!" he whispered as he placed his hand on the door, gave it a push, and headed to the hallway.

Cam left the washroom and headed back to the main building for his next class. As he walked, he reflected on his experience in the washroom. It had been really hot being able get blown and suck cock right on campus. He had found another location to have sex with guys and would be back often.

In fact, he found himself on his way back to the washroom after his last class. He remembered that Ian had said that it was busy in the late afternoon. He decided to check it out; his cock wouldn't leave him alone lately!

Cam entered the washroom and was again greeted by the sound of feet scuffing on the floor. He knew that he wasn't alone, hopefully he was going to get lucky!

There wasn't anyone at the urinals. He cocked his head to the side and looked under the stall doors and saw that the middle and end stalls were occupied. There were two sets of legs with pants and underwear gathered on top of their owners' shoes.

Cam took the first stall, closed the door, lowered his pants and boxers, then sat on the seat.

He wasn't sure how this worked. He figured that things would happen between the guys in the stalls if they were here for the same thing, but did they go out of the stalls and do it in front of the urinals? He sat tight waiting to see what happened.

He heard a tapping sound and stuck his head down until he could see under the stall wall into the middle cubicle. He saw that the guy was tapping his foot near the end stall's wall. The guy in the end stall tapped his foot and the guy in the middle tapped again. That must be the signal, he thought.

He gave his foot a tentative tap. Maybe he needed to let the other guys know that he was there for the same thing.

He heard a shuffling sound and looked down again. The guy in the end stall was now kneeling on the floor facing the middle stall. His cock was sticking straight up, his big balls dangling between his legs.

As Cam watched, the guy in the end stall shuffled closer until his legs and cock were under the stall wall and inside the middle stall. Cam practically drooled when he saw the big cock throbbing under the wall. The thing has to be 8-inches, he thought.

The guy in the middle stall got down onto the floor and practically lay on his side so that he could get his head close to the rock-hard cock and get his mouth around it.

Cam recognized the guy, it was Ian! He watched as he sucked the big cock. His head moving up and down on the hard tool, a hand cupping the guy's big balls.

Cam knelt down on the floor to watch. He stroked his cock slowly as he observed Ian giving the other guy a wet blow job. Then Ian stopped and turned around until his ass was rubbing against the hard cock. Ian looked up and saw Cam and smiled.

Ian edged himself further back until his ass was close to being under the stall wall. Cam saw the other guy pull Ian's body closer and then start working his cock into Ian's tight hole.

He heard Ian grunt as the big rod entered his ass. His face was red as he took the hard cock deep inside. His face was near Cam's stall and he waved Cam to come closer.

Cam knelt close to the wall and held onto the bottom of it and pushed his groin underneath. He felt Ian's mouth on his cock and then he felt him sucking on his throbbing cock.

Cam heard the thrusting of the third guy's cock pounding Ian's ass. He felt Ian's wet mouth trying to suck the cum out of his balls. It wasn't going to take long at this rate!

The guy fucking Ian started to grunt and moan then Cam heard him panting as he planted his seed inside Ian's tight hole. Oh fuck that sounded so hot! Cam thought seconds before his own cock blasted cum into Ian's mouth.

Cam quietly moaned as he pumped his second load of the day into a warm mouth. When his cum stopped shooting, he pulled himself back from the stall wall and knelt on the floor to look underneath.

The third guy had pulled his cock from Ian's ass and cum had dripped onto the floor. Cam thought there was an awful lot of cum until he realized that Ian had shot his load all over the floor as well.

Ian smiled at Cam as he grabbed toilet paper and mopped up the mess.

While Ian cleaned up, Cam sat back on the toilet seat and used some toilet paper to dry off his cock. He heard the third guy leave his stall and walk around the corner to wash up.

Ian soon followed, leaving Cam on his own. As he walked past Cam's stall he stopped and whispered through the crack between the door and the wall, "Next time I want you to do me!" and he was gone.

Cam stood up and pulled up his pants. But before he could leave the stall, he heard the door open followed by footsteps that ended when a new guy entered the middle stall.

Cam hesitated, should I get out of here, or should I see what this guy wants? He hadn't sucked a cock himself and was still horny for cum.

The guy sat down and tapped his foot. Cam lowered his pants again and sat down. He tapped his foot in return. After a couple more taps on both sides the guy next to him lowered himself to the floor and edged towards Cam's stall.

Cam watched as a big black cock emerged under the wall and into his stall. "Suck it!" the owner hissed.

Cam got down onto the floor and angled his body so that his legs were beside the toilet and his head was by the cock. Then he opened his mouth and leaned forward to take the throbbing tool inside.

The black guy moaned quietly as Cam sucked his cut cock. His hands gripped the lower edge of the stall wall as his hips tried to push his cock further into Cam's stall.

Suddenly they heard the washroom door opening. They both jumped up from the floor and sat back down on their respective toilets.

They heard steps heading their way, passing their stalls and into the end stall.

Cam waited to see what was going to happen. Was the new guy there to take a dump, or was he looking for sex?

Cam heard the sound of pants being lowered and a belt buckle contacting the floor, then silence. Followed a couple minutes later by a clearing of a throat and then the tapping of a foot. The guy was here for fun!

Cam knelt on the floor and motioned under the wall for the guy to come back down. He was soon greeted by the big cock sliding back under the wall. He wrapped his lips around it and began to suck.

As he went down on the big cock he heard the guy in the last stall moving around, then saw that he too was kneeling on the floor and stroking his own black cock.

Cam kept sucking as the guy thrust his cock into his mouth. He could tell that he was close to cumming by the sounds of his breathing. It was ragged and rapid. He heard a grunt, felt the cock expand slightly, then warm cum started squirting into his mouth.

He sucked the cum down his throat as the guy kept grunting as his cock pumped out a large load.

After the cock stopped throbbing, the guy pulled himself back into his own stall and Cam sat down on his own toilet. He could hear the guy using toilet paper to clean up, then the toilet flushed and he pulled up his pants and left.

It was quiet as Cam sat in his stall wondering if he should move to the middle cubicle to see if the guy in the far stall was up for a blow job.

While he thought about it he heard the guy moving around, then the sound of the stall door unlocking. A moment later there was a tapping at the door of Cam's cubicle.

Cam froze, was he supposed to let the guy in?

"Let me in dude!" he heard a voice say. So he leaned forward and unlocked the door. It swung open and the guy stepped inside and quickly closed and locked the door. He turned around and Cam realized it was Jeff!

"So you found out about this place too!" Jeff said as he unzipped his pants and dropped them to the floor.

"Yeah, I met a guy who told me about it."


Cam leaned forward and took Jeff's cock into his mouth, savoring the taste of his precum as he let his tongue work its way around the big cockhead.

"Ohh yeahh suck that dick!" Jeff moaned.

Cam's head bobbed up and down as he sucked on Jeff's big cock. He placed his hands on his muscular ass and pulled his cock deeper in his mouth.

"Do you like getting fucked?" Jeff asked.

"Only if you have lube," Cam replied, lifting his mouth off the hard rod.

"Reach into my pants pocket," Jeff said.

Cam fumbled around with Jeff's pants as they lay bunched around his ankles. He found a tube of lube and pulled it out of the pocket.

"Bend over the toilet," Jeff instructed.

Cam stood up, turned to back the back of the stall and bent over at the waist while hanging onto the top of the toilet tank with his hands. He felt Jeff's warm hands on his butt cheeks, rubbing them, then pulling them apart. Then the wet slime of lubricant being squirted onto his asshole.

Jeff stepped closer to Cam and placed his cockhead against his tight-puckered hole. Cam felt pressure and then pain as the head penetrated his ass. He gasped out loud as the big cock pushed deeper inside as Jeff caressed his back with one hand. "Oh fuck!" Cam gasped.

"Relax!" Jeff told Cam as he continued to caress his body while pushing his cock deeper inside.

Cam felt Jeff's big balls touch his ass cheeks. He knew that Jeff's tool was fully inside and he waited for the thrusting to begin.

He felt the rod pulling back and then slowly pushing in again as Jeff gradually sped up his thrusts until he was rapidly fucking Cam's tight ass. Cam felt Jeff's balls tapping his ass with every hard thrust of his cock.

"Fuck me! Fuck me!" Cam whispered loudly to Jeff and his body shook from the hard pounding of Jeff's meat inside him.

After 5 minutes of hard fucking, Jeff warn him that he was going to blow his load.

"Gonna shoot!"

"Yeah! Fill my ass with your hot cum!"

"Fuckkkkk! Fuckkkkk! Awwwwww fuckkkk!!" Jeff called out as his cock fired ropes of hot jizz up Cam's ass as he held him firmly by hips, his cock throbbing inside Cam's tight hole.

Cam felt Jeff's cock slide out of his ass and then some cum leaked from his open hole and onto his inner thigh. He reached for some toilet paper to clean himself up, tossing the tissue into the toilet and flushing it down.

Cam stepped back from the toilet and Jeff sat down on it. "Give me that hot cock!" Jeff said.

Cam moved closer and looked down as Jeff's lips wrapped around his rigid cock to suck it into his mouth. He felt Jeff's hot tongue on his shaft, the suction of his mouth pulling his rod deep into his throat.

As Jeff sucked his cock, Cam could hear the wet slurping sounds filling the washroom. He put his hands onto Jeff's head and held it as he worked his hips back and forth humping his throat.

Cam was getting close when he felt one of Jeff's fingers push inside his cum-lubricated hole. As second finger followed, rubbing against his prostate causing Cam to moan loudly, "Gonna cum!"

Jeff finger-fucked Cam's hole as his cock exploded inside his mouth, firing a long squirt of jizz against his tonsils.

"Uhhh! Uhhhh! Uhhhh!" Cam cried out as his balls emptied themselves for the third time that day.

After Jeff had swallowed his big load, Cam stepped back and pulled his pants back up as Jeff followed suit. Jeff left the stall first with Cam waiting a few minutes before exiting.

Cam washed up at the sink and then left the washroom and the Smith building. He walked back to the main part of the college to get his bag from his locker. As he passed the cafeteria he saw Jeff and another black guy sitting at a table watching him.

As he passed them, Jeff called him over. "This is my friend Leon," he said to Cam with a wave of his hand towards his friend.

"Nice to meet you," Cam said with a nod to Leon.

"We've met," Leon told him.

"We have?"

"Yeah," Leon replied as he gave his crotch a squeeze. "Not long ago!"

Cam turned a few shades of red as he realized that he had been sucking Leon's cock under the stall a few minutes earlier.

"Listen, I am having a few friends to my dorm room on Friday night for a bit of a party. You should come!" Leon told Cam with a smile on his face.

"Who's gonna be there?" Cam asked.

"You, me, Jeff maybe a couple other guys. My roommate is away I got the place to myself."

"Sounds interesting," Cam replied somewhat hesitantly. He wasn't sure who else might be there that he didn't know.

"You know you want to!" Jeff told Cam, trying to get him on board. "Think of all the pipe you can take up that tight little ass of yours!"

"What if I want to lay some pipe myself?" Cam asked.

"That can be arranged too!"

"OK, OK, I'm in," Cam replied, thinking about the fun that lay ahead.

"See you Friday at 10pm!" Leon said as Jeff gave Cam a wink.

Cam walked to his locker, grabbed his bag and headed for the exit. As he walked he could feel his cock rubbing against his pants. The damn thing was getting hard again as he thought about Friday night!

Thanks for reading Chapter 5. More to come!

You can send comments and suggestions to me at Thanks!

Next: Chapter 6

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