Cameron in Wonderland

By Derek Jones

Published on Feb 23, 2018


Cameron in Wonderland Chapter 1

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This story is a work of fiction, a product of my vivid imagination!

Cameron Anderson, Cam to his friends, is 19, 6'1" tall and has a thin, lanky build. His hair is dark brown with a longish, shaggy cut. His dark brown eyes are a match for his hair color.

Cam lives in a large North American city and is a student in a college Liberal Arts program.

Today Cam is downtown with Michael Conlon, a long-time friend with a shared interest in photography. Michael, Mike to pretty much everyone, is also interested in sports. He plays hockey and loves to golf in the summer months.

Mike is 20 and attends a college Business Administration program.

Mike is 6'0" tall with an athletic build with blonde flowing hair falling over his ears and blue eyes. All that, combined with his jock look, makes him popular with women.

Cam and Mike met downtown to shop for a gift for their friend Julian Henderson's birthday.

Julian was another buddy and part of their small group of young photographers who roamed the area taking pics of trains and planes.

Julian had just turned 18 and the gang were getting together later in the day to celebrate the occasion.

Cam and Mike wandered around looking in store windows trying to figure out what to get him. They had been at it for over an hour, and so far, had come up empty-handed.

"I got an idea," Mike said. "You know how we are always teasing Julian by saying that he is gay?"

"Yeah," Cam replied.

"What if we buy him a realistic dildo? One that looks like a dick." Mike suggested.

Cam laughed. "Where are we going to find something like that?" he asked.

"Follow me, I know just the place!" Mike told him.

The guys walked a couple of blocks down the boulevard and then headed down a side street, coming to a stop in front of a sex shop. "Wonderland" was the name above the storefront.

"This is the place," Mike said.

Cam eyed the store window with a raised eyebrow. The window advertised that the store had magazines, DVD's, lingerie, sex-toys and a peepshow.

"Really?" he asked Mike.

"Yeah, no worries Cam. I have been in here a couple times to buy condoms. They have all kinds of stuff like dildos in there."

They went inside and Cam saw racks of porn magazines and DVDs that appealed to all possible interests. Straight, Bi, Lesbian, Gay. You name it.

There was a section with lingerie for women and sexy underwear for men. Another area had sex-toys, including realistic looking dick-shaped dildos of all sizes and colors.

In the back of the shop was a doorway covered by a black curtain. Above the door was a sign advertising a peepshow.

The guys browsed the toy section looking at the dildo collection. The clerk asked if he could help them, but Mike waved him off and said they were trying to decide what to get for a friend and they'd let the clerk know if they had any questions.

"Ever been in a peepshow?" Mike asked Cam after the clerk left.

"No, never," Cam replied.

"You should check it out sometime, it's good for a laugh. Or maybe a wank if you're in need of one!" Mike said with a conspiratorial wink of an eye.

Cam was curious. He had heard of peepshows, but had no real idea of what to expect. They were here now, maybe he should check it out.

"What does it cost?" he asked Mike.

"Five bucks to get in and that gives you a bunch of tokens to use for watching videos," Mike told him.

"I'm curious, mind if we check it out? I could use a laugh!" Cam said to Mike.

They went to the cash, paid the cover charge and got their tokens.

Mike led the way to the back of the store and pulled the curtain aside to let Cam in ahead of him.

Cam's eyes worked to adjust to the dimly lit area. When they did, he saw two aisles with rows of booths on each side.

There were signs above the doors that said, "In use". Some of them were lit up. Some were not.

"Want to take different aisles and meet back here after we use up all our tokens?" Mike suggested.

They split up and Cam walked down the closest aisle passing a couple of booths with closed doors and their `in-use' lights on. He could see that the doors didn't close that well. There was a crack through which you could see the person inside.

He found an empty booth on the right side of the aisle and went in, closing the door behind him. The booth was small, with a bench seat on one side and a TV screen on the other. He could see the slot for the tokens as well as buttons to change the channel. On the wall opposite the door there was a mall sliding panel of some sort. The was a waste basket in one corner and a box of tissues on a small ledge under the screen.

He looked at the tissues and smiled to himself. "I guess they expect some hand to dick action to be going on in here!" he thought to himself.

Cam sat down and dropped a token in the machine. The screen lit up and he was looking at a video of two guys on a bed in a 69 position sucking each others' cocks.

He hit the channel changer and the video became one of a guy fucking a girl from behind. He sat there for a minute watching, his cock growing hard was he viewed the action.

He glanced to his left and looked at the sliding panel and decided to slide it over. The cover moved, revealing a hole in the wall that opened into a booth on the other aisle.

He leaned down to take a look. There wasn't anybody in the booth. He shrugged and slid the cover closed just as his video ran out of time.

Cam decided to wander down the aisle to see if he could figure out what Mike found so amusing. So far he had managed to get an erection, which was cool, but what did Mike mean by `good for a laugh'?

He exited into the aisle and saw that the booth next to his was occupied. He was curious, so he got closer to the crack between the door and the booth wall and took a peek.

A guy who looked to be in his thirties was sitting in the booth. His pants were around his ankles and he was stroking a large cock as he watched a video.

Cam could see that the cover over the hole in the booth was open. As Cam watched, a hard cock came through the hole and into the booth.

Cam stood there peering through the gap, watching as the guy stopped stroking his cock and knelt on the floor to take the cock into his mouth.

The guy began to give the cock's anonymous owner a blow job. His head bobbed up and down as he sucked the good-sized tool.

Cam stood up and it dawned on him why this was called a peepshow; he was peeping!

He decided to see where Mike was and walked down the aisle and up the next one. No Mike in sight. He must be in a booth.

There were only two lights on, so Cam walked quietly to the first booth and peeped through the gap. It was a guy who looked to be around 50 standing naked in the booth jerking off to a video.

Cam went to the next booth and looked through the gap. There was Mike, his pants off, his body pressed against the booth wall, his cock through the hole.

It was Mike getting sucked by the guy in the booth in the other aisle!

Cam stood frozen, his eyes glued to the gap as he watched his friend getting blown through the hole. He could see Mike's bare ass facing his direction. His butt muscles were flexing as he held his cock through the hole.

Mike's hands were against the wall and his head thrown back. Cam could hear soft moans as he enjoyed having his cock sucked.

Then he heard Mike gasp, "Fuck! Oh yeahhhh! Fuckkkk!" as he shoved his groin harder against the wall. His butt muscles contracting as his cock pumped a load into the guy's mouth.

Cam was stunned. He had no idea that Mike was into getting blown by anonymous guys through a hole in a wall. He was sure that Mike was into chicks!

Cam walked back into the other aisle. He realized as he walked, that his cock was as hard as a rock. It made a large bulge in his jeans and strained at the zipper.

As he rounded the corner he saw the door of a booth open and the guy that had been blowing Mike came into the aisle. His face was a flushed-red as he walked past Cam without meeting his eye.

Cam looked into the now empty booth. The cover was closed and there was a wad of cum on the floor below the hole. The guy had been jerking off as he sucked Mike's cock and had shot his load onto the floor.

Cam went inside the booth, closing the door behind him. He sat down trying to process what he had just witnessed.

His buddy Mike had just got blown by a stranger, a guy, in a peepshow booth! Does that mean that Mike is Gay? Or Bi? What about me? He thought to himself, I got hard seeing it happen!

Cam needed to take care of his boner. It wasn't going down on its own. He popped a couple of tokens into the slot and choose a video to watch.

He unzipped his jeans and lowered them, along with his underwear, to his ankles. He took his hard 7" cut cock in his right hand and started to slowly stroke it.

He looked down as his hand worked his cock and watched the skin slide up and down. His trimmed dark brown pubes lay above his hard shaft. His golf ball sized balls hung loose in their sack below.

He could hear a video playing in the booth beside him. He figured that Mike was using up his tokens. He heard the cover slide open on the other side of the booth.

Was Mike jerking off again? He knew that sometimes his own recovery time was quick after cumming. Maybe Mike was at it again.

Out of curiosity he slid the cover on his side open. He leaned over to peek through the hole. Mike was stark naked on the other side. His cock was hard again and he was sitting on the bench stroking it.

Cam could see that it was about the same size as his own, but it was uncut. He saw the loose foreskin sliding up and over the head with each upwards stroke.

Mike's balls were a little larger than his own and his blond colored pubes were untrimmed.

Mike sat forward a bit; Cam sat back onto his bench in case Mike noticed someone watching him.

Cam stroked his cock as he watched a girl giving a guy head on his screen. He glanced to the left and saw an eyeball in the hole. The eye went away to be replaced by a finger that slid back and forth in the hole.

What did that mean? Cam wondered.

Then the finger made a little "come here" motion.

"It has to mean he wants me to stick my cock in the hole," Cam thought. "But it's Mike!"

Hornyness won out. Cam stood up and faced the hole. He aimed his cock at the opening and then shuffled forward to fed his cock through it.

He felt fingers around his shaft. They stroked it briefly before they were replaced by a warm mouth.

Cam felt Mike's lips around his cock. He felt his tongue travelling up and down his hard rod, playing over the head.

Cam pressed his groin firmly against the wall, trying to get more of his cock into Mike's mouth. He could feel Mike's warm, wet mouth sucking hard on his tool.

Cam felt his orgasm coming. He had his hands and arms against the wall, his groin thrusting against the wall in quick involuntary movements as his load travelled up from his balls.

"Fuckkkkk, ohhhhhh fuckkkkk yessssss!" Cam moaned out loud as his cock spurted hot cum into Mike's waiting mouth. He could feel suction on the head of his cock as Mike sucked and swallowed his huge load.

When his cock stopped throbbing, Cam withdrew it from the hole. He sat back onto the bench, breathing hard.

"I just fucking got sucked by Mike!" he thought to himself. "Holy shit!"

As he gathered his breath he was surprised to see Mike's cock come through the hole at him.

"Oh shit! He wants a blow job in return!" Cam thought. "Now what do I do?"

"Suck it!" he heard Mike's voice through the wall.

A lot went through Cam's head as he looked at his friend's hard-on sticking through the hole at him. "If I suck it, does that make me Gay? Will anyone know if I do it? Do I want to do it?"

Cam decided that he wanted to do it. He wanted to suck cock. He had been having urges for the past few months and was curious about guys and sex. Maybe he is Bi, maybe he is Gay. Whatever it was, he wanted to find out if he liked cock.

Cam got onto his knees in front of the hole. He hesitated then leaned forward to tentatively lick the head of Mike's erect cock.

It didn't taste bad, he decided. Then he wrapped his lips around the head and sucked on it.

"Oh yeahhh!" he heard Mike's voice say on the other side. "That's it! Suck my cock!"

Cam had never sucked cock in his life, but he had been blown by a few chicks at parties and had just been sucked off by Mike. He had an idea what he should do to pleasure another guy.

He swallowed as much as Mike's cock as he could. His lips were right against the hole opening as he tried to get as much of the rod as he could into his mouth.

His head bobbed up and down, his mop of brown hair tossed back and forth as he worked Mike's big cock.

Cam could taste precum leaking from Mike's engorged cock as he went down on his friend. He swallowed the salty goo as it seeped onto his tongue.

Cam could hear Mike's body bumping against the wall as he neared an orgasm. Then he heard a gasp just before the taste of salty jizz filled his mouth.

He could feel Mike's hot cum spurting onto his tongue. He swallowed it as it entered his mouth.

After 4 or 5 spurts the cum stopped shooting and Cam started to let the cock slip from his mouth, stopping at the end to suck the last drops off the head.

Cam sat up and closed the hole cover before quickly getting dressed. He went into the aisle and stood near the entrance to the booths. He wanted it to look like he had been waiting for a bit.

A couple of minutes later a fully clothed Mike joined him and they went back into the main part of the shop.

Neither of them said anything about the booths, they just looked for and chose a dildo for Julian, paid for it and headed back onto the sidewalk.

"What did you think?" Mike asked. "Did you have any fun? Maybe jerk off to lighten the load?"

"Yeah it was ok," Cam said. "I did have a little fun. I was surprised because I didn't think I would."

"Would you go back sometime?" Mike asked.

"Yeah," Cam replied. "Don't think I'd go there alone though."

"No problem, I'll go with you," Mike assured him.

"How did you find this place anyway?" Cam asked.

"Oh I have been there a few times with Julian," Mike replied. He told me about the place."

Thanks for reading Part 1. More chapters to come!

You can send comments and suggestions to me at Thanks!

Next: Chapter 2

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