Calvin Goldspink Gets Busted

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Oct 21, 2003


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content, This eans that if features sex between consenting men, youths and maybe boys. If you don't like this sort of stuff LEAVE NOW. If you are under age in your particular are LEAVE NOW. If you're OK with this READ ON.

In my alternate Universe there are no such things as AIDS and STDs so my characters have no use for condoms and the like. for comments/critics and a link to my other stories and favourite sites.

Calvin Goldspink Gets Busted


G. Cutter

Part 2 - Aaron gets Busted

Calvin and James lay on the bed until the older boy excused himself, he needed to go to the bathroom. Calvin gave his usual wide mouthed grin and slipped from the bed also but he grabbed another bottle of his alcopop and flopped onto the sofa.

'Aren't you gonna put some clothes on?' James smiled from the doorway to the bathroom.

'What for?' Calvin shrugged. 'Aaron's seen me in the raw before now.'

'Whatever,' James closed the door.

It was only a matter of a few minutes before the door buzzer sounded. Cakvin went to answer the door naked. If it was a chambermaid or somebody else besides Aaron he was in deep shit but it was too late now. He opened the door a crack and saw the familiar face. 'Come in, buddy boy,' he almost dragged his fellow bandmember into the room.

'Who'd you meet then?' Aaron's hair was gelled and spiked in points, he'd changed again and was wearing a red sweatshirt with some surfer dude crap on it and washed out old jeans with the obligatory rips on the knees.

'Oh, this guy,' Calvin answered breezily.

'Gotta be loaded staying in a place like this,' Aaron peered about. 'Not an oldie is he?'

'Nah,' Calvin stood naked alongside his chum just as James opened the bathroom door.

Aaron's mouth dropped open as he sighted the tall slender James standing wearing only a bath towel around his middle and beaded with water. 'James Bourne,' he gasped.

'Got it in one,' Calvin chortled. 'Also known as big James, due to his big.....'

'Alright, Cal,' James held his hand out and gave a very becoming blush. 'It's no big deal.'

'I like the ambience,' Aaron stood back from his naked chum who was rising to the ocassion once again. 'Soft lights, drinks, a bit of music ..... very romantic.'

'Did it for me,' Calvin reached out for James and the older boy spun him around and pressed his damp towel and reawakened penis onto Calvin's warm back. 'Yeah, certainly did,' he groaned and closed his eyes as James' hand encircled his erection and slowly moved the loose skin up and down.

'You two should be in bed,' Aaron grinned and sat on the edge of the bed looking up at them.

'What about you?' James smiled and ground himself into Calvin's yielding body.

'Don't wanna be a wallflower and all that shit,' Aaron put on a sad face. 'Two's company, three's a crowd and all that.'

'Two's company,' James inched Calvin towards the bed and Aaron. 'Three's an orgy.'

'Sounds good to me,' Aaron laughed and kicked his trainers off, he sat there with his feet bare, he hadn't bothered with socks. When Calvin had phoned he'd been on the verge of going to bed and having a solitary wank, this setup was a bit better. The fact that the mystery man had turned out to be the youthful James Bourne was even better.

'We need a plan,' Calvin grinned as he felt James' hardness press against his bottom through James' towel.

'I need a fuck,' James whispered in Calvin's ear but looked at Aaron who was stripping his sweatshirt off and James' eyes lit up. This kid was slightly older than Calvin but a lot more physical, whereas Calvin was sorta cuddly and a laugh Aaron was wiry, he had good definition and it was clear that his surfing had built him some muscle. He wasn't over muscled but just right and good looking, he was handsome enough to die for, James felt his erection harden even more and twitch.

'James got the hots for you,' Calvin jeered and pressed back onto James' now painfull hard erection.

Aaron stood by the bed and dropped his jeans, his hardness was plainly visible in his Fruit of the Loom boxers, he even had a damp spot forming where his glans had started to weep. James groaned, this kid was seriously hot.

'Wanna take me or get taken,' Aaron giggled and peeled of his boxers and dropped them onto the carpet. 'I'm easy,' he laughed and hopped onto the bed in all his naked glory.

'Sanwich,' James whispered in Calvin's ear. 'You do me Aaron, your need is greater,' he grinned and jumped onto the bed leaving Calvin to figure out what 'sandwich. meant.

It became crystal clear about five minutes later when James on his back coaxed Aaron between his outspread legs. Calvin grinned at James, he'd got it, 'sandwich' had clicked, Aaron was to be the meat in the middle, his pal was in for a little surprise. Both the younger boys were excited, James was clearly experienced and hopefully tonight they were going to learn something. Neither of them had every tried a threesome, Jay the coloured kid, the younger of the three boys on the group was very modest, he got embarassed even changing his trousers in the changing room.

'Aaah, Aaron sighed as James' oily hand clasped his shaft and worked it for a moment lubricating and bringing it closer to it's target, Aaron leant in allowing his oiled six incher to near James pre oiled sphincter.

'Go for it, kiddo,' James lifted his knees to his chest, he was ready.

Aaron screwed his face up as he ran his weeping glans across James pucker and slowly pushed. He could feel Calvin behind him and had a pretty good idea what Calvin intended, he didn't mind, their sex was always good, fuck or be fucked they both enjoyed the feel and taste of one another's bodies. Aaron slowly pushed against the resistance and felt James open up, the feeling was totally different to his experiences of sex with Calvin, James was bigger but he exercised more control he squeezed his anal muscles on Aaron as he started to move to and fro feeding his six inches of aching flesh deep into the shaggy haired blonde.

As Aaron grasped James and began to fuck he felt Calvin's greasy pole slip between his cheeks.

'I knew you were gonna do that,' he move rythmically in James tight hot tunnel.

'I know you knew,' Calvin giggled and holding Aaron's moving hips slid deep inside his young lover. He tried to match his thrusts with his friend and finally got there, the three fucked in unison the only sound being the sound of their gasps and the ocassional murmur as one or the other hit a particular high spot.

'We both get to have you later, Calvin,' James spoke through Aaron's kisses.

'Fair enough,' Calvin plunged and lunged into Aaron's firm surfer bum, no two ways about it, his mate Aaron was good sex.

'Together,' Aaron laughed and suddenly felt his heat rise in a rush. 'I'm cumming,' He managed to gasp the warning just before his erection began to pump and squirt his thick, creamy boy juice deep into James who moved around on the impalement savouring every inch of the slippery hard-on pumping his tight tunnel full of boy spunk.

'Jeez,' you cum a lot.' he grinned up at Aaron as the boy stopped and lay still. Calvin kept thrusting and fucking until he too felt himself ejaculate and deposit his slimy load into Aaron's trim bum.

'Jeez, I'm fucked,' he slowly and carefully slid free and flopped against James.

'Later,' James grinned and put his arms around the boy and then his other arm around Aaron as the other boy slipped free.

They lay there for a few minutes and then Calvin who seemed to be the livliest of the three got from the bed and dished out drinks, they then lay in their sweat and sipped their beer and alcopops.

'Gotta loosen you up first,' James looked at his two boy lovers. 'Aaron better do it, he's got smaller hands.'

'I'm loose enough,' Calvin smiled slowly. 'Jeez, I've taken that big thing of yours already tonight.'

'Yeah but not two,' Aaron chipped in. 'Anyway, get on your back, I like fingering your tight little arse buddy baby.'

'Such a charmer,' Calvin giggled as James kissed him and and more or less pinned him to the bed. 'Lift you knees honey buns.'

Aaron didn't mess about as Calvins sweet pucker was exposed his slipped one oiled finger straight inside and began to massage Calvin's prostate bringing whimpers and gasps to the smaller boy.

'Two,' James whispred.

Aaron slid his finger out and intruduced two to Calvin's puffy arsehole. Calvin winced at the extra stretching but accepted them after all he had been well and truly fucked by James' giant penis already.

'Oooh,' he squirmed and wriggled but James kept him pinned to the bed and continued to kiss and caress as Aaron pumped his fingers in and out.

Aaron glanced up and saw James nod. He slowly and gently withdrew his fingers from Calvin's well stretched ring and shaping his middle three fingers he slipped them into Calvin as far as they could go and started to finger fuck for real.

Calvin struggled but James' kisses and weight kept him flat on the bed. This was the biggest, he could even feel Aaron's knuckles as they ground against his sphincter demanding entry. Calvin felt his ring loosen, he'd never be the same again, he'd be lucky if he could sit down for a week.

Aaron took the final step, he gently slid free giving Calvin time to relax a little and smeared KY all over his hand, he didn't know if he could get inside the smaller boy but as sure as hell he was going to try. 'Do you wanna stop, Cal?'

'No, try it,' Calvin moaned through James' kisses. He knew what was coming but he just wanted to try, this was some sort of a test, anyway, he could punish Aaron later.

Aaron slipped his pointed three fingers back into place and then with a forceful push managed to get his thumb and little finger into Calvin's enlarged ring, a jerk and a muffled squeak from Calvin and his knuckles slipped through the boy's grossly stretched ring, Calvin groaned with relief as Aaron's hand slid inside his hot and abused body and his ring clamped on Aaron's slender wrist.

'Jeez, that is something else,' he exclaimed tearfully as he felt Aaron's fist moving inside his belly rubbing against his prostate and burrowing deep. If he hadn't been experiencing it first hand he would have thought it impossible. If the girly fans could see him now being smothered and kissed by James of Busted and fist fucked by his partner from S Club 8.

'Christ,' Aaron exclaimed with a grin. His fist was inside his young lover and he could see his own wrist miving in and out of Calvin's tiny arse, the kid was gutted like a kipper and enjoying every moment of it, Calvin was a size queen, there were no two ways about it. He might like to fuck but he liked getting fucked better. Suited Aaron fine, he was give or take but he preferred to give, he was still a little frightened of James' eight inches but that was a pleasure for later in the night. After all the night was young and neither of the other two seemed to want to give up.

'Take it out,' Calvin moaned squeezing his buns as tight as he could on Aaron's wrist.

'Aw, God. I'm hurting you.' Aaron sudddenly panicked.

'Nah,' Calvin gave a shaky laugh. 'I wanna try for the big time.'

'This takes some doing,' James warned as he looked up and saw Aaron slowly remove his oily hand. No trace of poo, no trace of blood. Excellent.

'Geeez, that was some buzz,' Calvin groaned and flopped to the bed. James lay on his back with his legs open.

'Lie the other war around with your legs over mine and line your dick up with mine,' James instructed Aaron. 'Line 'em up so they're one lump.'

'Lump's the word,' Calvin giggled nervously. 'How you gonna fuck?'

'We don't,' James grinned. 'You do. I think we can get going but you've got to get both of them in you first.'

'You done this before?' Calvin asked suspiciously.

'Yeah,' James answered shortly.

'When. How?' Calvin demanded.

'Two students did me a couple of years back when I was pissed.'

'It worked all right,' Aaron laid his smooth legs atop James. With the added height of being draped over the older by his erection came about even with James'.

'Just sit on them,' James grinned encouragingly at Calvin.

'Just sit on it,' Calvin pulled a face and gave his trademark grin. He squatted over the combined erections and slowly lowered himself downwards. Aaron kept the pair of well oiled cocks in an upright posotion and James stretched up and guided Calvin's hips as the boy's body moved into a crouching position.

'Yessss,' James and Aaron sighed together as they felt Calvin's slippery cheeks slide over their glans and then the incredible sensation of the boy's well loosened ring meet their glans and sinking over both.

'Gawd,' Calvin gasped as he felt the pair of well oiled knob ends slip into his belly, combined they were smaller than Aaron's fist and he'd taken that. He sank lower and lower until he felt his bottom rest on Aaron's belly, Aaron was totally inside him and probably about five of James eight was also sheathed in his well battered bum.

'Whooo,' he tried to keep his full weight off, it wasn't the easiest way to get fucked but after all it was a one off ..... that was for fuckin' sure.

Both of the boys underneath made short stabbing motions upwards which wasn't a great success but now Calvin was moving up and down and they also had the experience of feeling another cock alongside theirs in the same nest. Almost an impossibility but not quite.

'I think I'd rather go solo,' Calvin grunted as he bobbed up and down.

'Bit late for that,' Aaron grinned enjoying the sensation of James' huge cock slipping against his as well as the heat of Calvin's well loosened boy fanny wrapped around his hardness.

'Try to go on your side a bit,' James grunted.

'Don't want to hurt myself,' Calvin winced as the two cocks inside him stretched him just that little bit too much but he tentatively went onto one side more than the other and things got easier. The two beneath him breathed a little easier as they felt the lessening of his weight and they were able to move more freely.

'Hey, this is better,' Aaron laughed he held onto Calvin as did James and they were now able to move inside the young popster. Calvin groaned as he felt the two boy's erections now start to pump properly and fill his sweet bottom with hard meat, James was even able to feed his slippery erection deeper and deeper.'

'I'm cumming,' Aaron gasped.

'Thank God for that,' Calvin moaned.

'Ditto,' James laughed.

Calvin experienced the sensation of his young life as two rock hard erections blasted long streamers of creamy cum deep into his belly. The other two nearly passed out as they came, their hardnesses trapped in Calvin's well stretched bottom. Two slippery and hot boy cocks trapped in tight flesh spurting and spunking until Calvin fell onto his side and slid free, both boys still spunking shot their final offerings over his sweat sheened and cum stained buns.

'Gawd, I need a drink,' Calvin laughed and then winced. By Christ his fanny was sore, he could feel the spent cum oozing from his hole, he just hoped there wasn't any blood. That was an experience but not one he'd try again in a hurry. The trio sorted themselves out and cuddled in a sweat soaked huddle well and truly exhausted.

James, probably because he was the oldest and the more stronger physically of the three was the first to slide from the bed, he wandered over to the drinks unit and uncapped three Smirnoff Black Ice. 'These do you?' He handed a bottle to each boy and clambered back onto the bed. 'Roll over,' he spoke to Calvin.

The smaller boy of the three rolled over, he was pretty sure he wasn't going to get fucked again, at least not yet.

'Mmmm,' James parted Calvin's cheeks and grinned at Aaron. 'Looks like the Channel Tunnel,' he peered at Calvin's spunk stained ring. it looked slightly bruised and puffy but undamaged.

'Cheeky pratt,' Calvin winced, it might look OK from the inside but he hurt inside, well, not quite hurt but sore and maybe satisfied. he'd done something he thought was impossible and he'd survived. One thing was for sure, he'd never do it again, once was enough. Mind you he quite enjoyed Aarons small fist inside his belly, he might try that again.

'Gawd, I've gotta kip for a bit,' Aaron cuddled upto his mate and James spooned up to his rear.

'Only one person hasn't been fucked tonight,' James murmured in his ear.

'Yeah, later, Randy Jamie,' Aaron giggled. 'You cannot possibly be ready for another go.'

'Nah, I'll give it half an hour,' the scruffy blonde snickered as he cuddled the back of the firm bodied surfer.

'Have a shower and I might even suck you whilst he's doing it,' Calvin offered with a grin.

'You're a sex maniac,' Aaron laughed and cuddled back against James, he could feel the older boy's limp stickiness nestling at his crack, he wasn't going to last the night without being a 'bottom' and he knew it. Calvin kissed him and cuddled up tightly, James was just as tight on his back, this was going to be a long night.

'I'm gonna ... you know,' Calvin swivelled onto the edge of the bed. 'May as well have a shower as well.'

'Bathe the bottom,' Aaron giggled and snuggled back onto James, neither made a move to join Calvin in the showers for which he was rather grateful.

Calvin wandered into the bathroom and locked the door, what he wanted to do he'd rather have a bit of privacy. After a painful five minutes he felt that he'd voided all his babies and he stepped into the shower. The problem was, he thought, as he soaped himself and luxuriated in the flowing water was that every time he thought of James and Aaron, especially Aaron his boyfriend, he started a stiffy ... he just couldn't help it. He idly wondered if James was into Aaron yet or if even the indefatigable Jamie had a cut off point. He gingerly soaped his rear end and took a gentle prod, surprisingly it was a bit raw and sore but felt as tight as it had ever been. The resilience of the ring, he giggled to himself at the thought. Ol' rubber cunt strikes again. He spluttered under the spray, if the girlie fans could see him now, Two Cock Calvin, Buggered but not Busted. No more two at a time though, that was for sure.

He must have been in the shower for a good half hour, when he had dried off he smeared some hand lotion on his sphincter it might ease the odd twinge of pain, it would also make it easy for Aaron if he wanted to play, Jamie could go suck, he'd had his share for the night.

Back in the main room he found his friends snoozing away Aaron still cuddled upto James who Calvin noticed was as stiff as a poker once more, bloody amazing, he must have the sex drive of a rabbit. Calvin toyed with the thought of waking them up but decided to have a drink and chill a bit, there was still a long night ahead. Aaron and himself were technically on a small holiday, a break in performances although they were due to do a publicity signing of CDs around two in the afternoon, he knew from James that the Busted crew were on a stand down as the blond had put it.

Calvin grabbed himself a drink, any more Bacardi and God knows what would happen any way his head felt a bit fuzzy, he took an chilled Pepsi and sat on the edge of the bed on Aaron's side but then moved around to James', he softy stroked the Busted star's lightly furred flanks, not a bad arse for a twenty year old, he thought. He slipped one finger into James' crack, the older boy was still icky from his earlier performance, in fact, the whole place smelt like a sex den.

'What time is it,' Aaron whispered as his head showed above James' hips.

'About two I think,' Calvin moved back around the bed again grinned at his mate. 'You're hard again,' he gave Aarons erection a flick with his finger.

'Ouch, that hurt, Dickhead.'

'What about two fat cocks up your bum,' Calvin retorted crudely.

'Rather you than me,' Aaron laughed softly. 'Mind you we could have a go at James whilst he's asleep, he wouldn't mind.'

'He's not asleep and he would mind,' James mumbled sleepily. 'Anyway cuddly Aaron's next. He snuggled upto the nicely tanned body next to him on the bed and ground his groin and his erection against Aaron's firm cheeks.

'Ummm,' Aaron stretched out his arms and his body and yawned pressing back agaist James. 'I might just be in the mood.'

'Sure you are,' James's arm snaked under Aaron's hip and he pulled the boy's warm body closer, he slipped his humongous erection between Aaron's smooth legs which promptly clamped hard on him. He slowly moved to and fro between Aaron's legs for a while before the shorter boy suddenly broke free. 'What's up?'

'No panic, gotta do a bathroom visit,' Aaron laughed. 'Just wanna rinse the bits.'

'Tease,' James lay back on the bed and grinned at Calvin. 'Whatcha think about the double header then.'

'Never again,' Calvin replied feelingly.

'That's what I said,' James guffawed. He lay on his back in his splendid nakedness. 'Hasn't put you off sex then?'

'Not really,' Calvin admitted.

'Yeah, so I see,' James nodded down at Calvin's hardness poking straight up from his groin, what he didn't know was that it was the sight of Aaron's tight little arse bobbing across the bedroom that had brought Calvin to full strength again. Just then Aaron himself appeared at the bathroom door.

'All squeaky clean,' he announced proudly and ran across the bedrom like a surfer tearing down the beach, he leapt onto the bed landing with a thump between James and Calvin.

'Surfer Dude mets his match,' James rolled onto Aaron and wrestled him onto his back amongst much giggling and encouragement from Calvin.

'No, no,' Calvin struggled and turned on his side, he looked imploringly at Calvin. 'Doggy, we can sixty nine whilst James tarts about.'

'Tarts about?' James pretended to be offended. 'I'm gonna fuck the arse of you kiddo.'

'Yeah, you and whose army,' Aaron looked at Calvin and grinned. 'Let's go lover boy,' He wriggled clear of James and crouched on the bed, James kept clear until Calvin had slid under his mate into the classic sixty niner, the teeny boppers were in position, it was now his turn.

'Oops,' Aaron already had Calvin's stiffness in his mouth when he felt James' fingers push their way through his tight little hole. Hold on, weren't you supposed to start with one finger first. 'Take it easy, Jamie. I'm not Mr Fist you know.'

'Cheeky sod,' Calvin muttered from below as he slurped and sucked on Calvin's six incher.

'Sorry, kiddo,' James didn't relent though he worked his oiled fingers around and around in Aaron's arse and in and out, he was desperate. He didn't know what had come over him but he was so hard for these two beautiful boys. Both beautiful in their own way, Calvin soft, cuddly and eager to please, Aaron, bigger, maybe a bit tougher but just as willing to share his body and his love.

'Yeah,' Aaron crooned. 'That's it.' He pushed his firm butt back onto James probings, he sighed softly as the fingers slowly slid free leaving an aching void, he had to have James Bourne up his arse. Aaron felt he probably had a love job going with Calvin but James was a one off and this might be the only night they'd ever spend together.

'You ready for this,' James whispered as he bent over Calvin's sun tanned body.

'Go on ..... slowly,' Aaron croaked.

Calvin underneath with a mouthful of Aaron had a grandstand view, just past Aarons smooth ballsac he could see the hairier version moving in as James' oiled eight inches of manmeat slipped across and pushed at Aaron's pucker.

Aaron jerked and groaned as he felt the hardness open him up and the greased head enter his body. Gawd's sake, little Calvin was never like this. He was trapped, he had his mouth around Calvin's throbbing cock, he had Calvin sucking on him and he had James now gently fucking his way in, in what seemed to be a centimetre at a time advance. He felt James hands on his belly pulling him up onto the fuck and the bigger boy going faster and pushing in deeper at every thrust.

'You alright, Aaron.' James whispered in his ear and nibbled at the lobe.

'Yeah,' I'll live,' Aaron pushed back a bit to prove it. this, of course, encouraged James to go faster, he was now fucking with about half his cock, four inches in and four out. 'Oh, shit, I'm cumming,' Aaron moaned. This was too fuckin' much. The masterplan was falling to pieces. He clamped his bottom on James moving manhood and almost screamed as he felt his hot spunk race up his cock and jet into Calvin's gobbles. He had to stop sucking Calvin, there was a real danger of biting the boy's hardness off.

'Guuurgh,' Calvin choked and gobbled on the creamy flood filling his mouth and finally splashing on his face, all he could see was cock and cum, the bittersweet slipperyness filled his throat and mouth. He swallowed and licking his lips slid from under his friend.

'I was gonna finish you off,' Aaron was mortified, he'd never let Calvin down, they'd shared everything, he didn't want to let the boy down now.

'No probs, buddy,' Calvin grinned and kissed him with spunk stained lips. 'I think James want's a bit of boy cock, don't you.'

Aaron just laughed and pushed up against James thrusts, this was even better, he slowly went down onto his stomach, that was much more comfortable. James forced his legs apart, he was nearly there and Calvin could feel the monster cock up in his belly somewhere.

Suddenly there was a grunt from James and extra weight, Calvin assumed quite correctly that Calvin was top of the heap, the younger boy had mounted James and in one sure thrust rammed his steaming hardness deep into James' furry bum.

'Ooooh,' Aaron squealed as James full eight inches rammed into his tight passage in one hard push as the older boy was forced downwards with Calvin's entry.

'Here we go, 'ere we go,' Calvin was fucking James like a rabbit oblivious to his friend pinned to the bed by James' weight and his meaty tool rammed up Aaron's sweet arse.

James recovered himself and resumed his fuck, it was hard with Calvin bearing down on his back but he could feel the heat and his strength soon began to show, what helped was that Calvin realised what he had done and was now supporting himself on his arms trying to maintain his loving but keep his weight off the pair beneath.

'I'm cumming, I'm cumming,' Calvin suddenly tensed up and shot a blast of boy spunk deep into James body, another jet and yet another finally with a groan he slid his cum covered cock free and let them get on with it, he was well and truly shagged out.

'Just you and me,' James nibbled Aaron's ear and slowly slid free. Aaron moaned as he felt the huge penis slip through his ring. What the hell was happening now?

James flipped him over and knelt between his legs. Aaron grinned, he knew what was coming and he was well primed. He raised his knees to his chest and closed his eyes as he felt James' lips on his and the slippery glans slide throught his ring once more.

This time ther was no messing, James slowly but surely worked his full length inside Aaron's delightful body, every time he felt like cumming he held off until Aaron had to beg him to finish off.

'Here we go,' he finally muttered and dug deep and fucked harder into his willing lover.

'Thank Gawd,' Aaron moaned, incredibly enough he was hard again and his sticky stiffness was bouncing up and down on his belly.

James' cumming was vast, it seemed to go on for ever, even Aaron lost count of how many times the older singer pumped and pulsed all he knew was that he was flooded with the twenty year old's love juice, he could feel the slippery semen dribble down his buttocks as James finally slid free.

'That was fantastic,' James kissed and slid alongside Calvin sandwiching the younger boy in the middle and closed his eyes.

'I'm fucked,' Aaron grinned at Calvin. Well and truly.' He tiredly closed his eyes. Time for a few zzzzzs.

Calvin looked up and grinned, what was up with this pair, they still had about four hours left of the night. He licked the end of Aaron's dick and then kissed the youngster's washboard belly, Aaron moaned, Calvin laughed. It was time for the old firm to get it on, they could deal with James' later. He took the end of Aaron's cock into his mouth, yummy.

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