Calming Waters

By ngcfan

Published on Dec 25, 2000


Hey people! How's it going? Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas holidays.

Disclaimer: Again, don't know BSB or Nsync. The following is a story. It is fiction. It is not true. I do not know the sexual orientations of the characters. The following contains content of an adult nature and should not be viewed by persons under 18!

Brian smiled contentedly as Nick and him walked hand in hand into the house. Within minutes, they were upstairs. "Why don't you shower first, Brian," Nick offered. "I need to check a few things."

"All right!" Brian agreed as he headed for Nick's room. Nick laughed.

"Umm, the shower's actually the other way," Nick rolled his eyes.

Brian laughed. "Oh, yeah, right!

"But you might need some clean clothes. You remember where you put your spare clothes, right?" Nick asked.

"Why don't you show me again," Brian's eyes squinted slyly.

Nick shook his head. "All right," he looked at Brian suspiciously. He went ahead towards the room across from his bedroom and dug out some clothes for Brian. Brian kneeled down next to him as he did so.

"You're not angry at me, are you, Nick?" Brian asked worriedly. "I mean you're okay with a little teasing?"

Nick softened at Brian's words. He looked at Brian with affection. "You're too sweet. You don't have to worry about me, Bri. I trust you, a lot." With that, he leaned forward and gave Brian a tiny kiss on the corner of Brian's mouth. It was a clean, chaste kiss, but Brian felt so warm inside because it pushed away any last doubts that were in Brian's mind at the moment.

Neither of them realized the other presence in the room who had witnessed every detail of the exchange. Justin thought he would hide in the room across from Nick's bedroom in case Nick was going in there. He was shocked to find Nick and Brian enter this room and even more disturbed by there little romantic moment.

But he saw their exchange. He saw the small kiss Nick gave to Brian. And he looked on, in jealous rage, as Brian willingly accepted the kiss. Calm down, Justin told himself. He needed to be careful. If his plan were to succeed, he needed Brian and Nick to be separated before he made his move. He had only one vial and one needle, only enough for Nick.

He watched patiently as Nick nudged Brian. "You'd better get a shower or else we'll never make it to the restaurant," Nick whispered. Brian reluctantly pulled away with the clothes Nick had given him.

"Okay," Brian said as he slowly got off the floor and headed for the door. "I won't be long," Brian's seductive voice rang out to all corners of the room. Justin distorted his face in disgust.

Finally, Brian was gone and Justin could see that Nick was contemplating something. Quick! This is your chance! Justin couldn't believe his luck. Everything was so perfect. He made sure that Brian turned on the shower before he made his move. To his relief, Nick was still sitting there, thinking.

Before Nick even noticed his presence, before he was too nervous to execute his plan, Justin swiftly and skillfully snuck behind Nick and placed the chloroform soaked cloth over Nick's nose and mouth. He felt Nick rise in panic, but Justin held firmly onto the cloth, making sure that Nick inhaled every last bit of the solution.

Slowly, he felt Nick's body become weaker as the older boy struggled less and less. Finally, Nick's body was limp and fell lifelessly to the ground. Justin released his grip on Nick's face and gently lay Nick's unconscious body on the ground. His eyes roamed until they were satisfied that Nick was truly unconscious.

Justin slowly let his hands slide underneath Nick's body and pick him up. He then placed Nick's body on the bed, careful not to place Nick in an uncomfortable position. Then, he took out his syringe and needle and the vial of solution that took him quite a while to acquire. It was not much, just a mixture of a tranquilizer, a muscle relaxant and some sedatives. Slowly, he turned Nick's arm so that his palm was facing Justin. Justin squinted to find a huge vein. Then slowly, he pushed the needle in. To his delight, he was able to draw some blood. Good! This was easier than he thought. With one big push, he pushed all the contents of the vial into Nick's blood.

That should keep him asleep for at least a few hours. Justin fought the desire to take advantage of Nick right then and there. But logic caught up with him and he reluctantly got up to figure out how he was going to deal with Brian. He quickly went out into the hallway only to bump into Jeff.

"So you finally decided to help?" Justin put his hands on his hips.

"Well, Justin, you didn't give me much notice there," Jeff replied sarcastically.

"Nick's already asleep. All we have to do is take care of Brian," Justin pushed on.

"I assume he's the one in the shower," Jeff continued with his sarcasm.

Justin ignored the irritation in the older man's voice. "Why don't you figure something out while I get Nick ready."

"Ready for what? To get him back in the car? I don't think that's a good excuse to go back and f--- him!" Jeff said, slightly enraged.

Justin didn't know why Jeff was being so difficult, especially at this moment. "Fine! I'll go with you to settle Brian. With that, he stomped towards the bathroom.

"Nick, is that you?" Brian called out from inside the shower. Brian was unsure. He thought he heard two voices outside.

"Yeah, it's me!" he heard a voice call out to him. STrangely, Brian didn't think that the voice belonged to Nick. He let the shower continue to run as he quietly stepped out of it. Not even bothering to dry himself off, Brian put a pair of boxers on and slowly headed for the door. He had barely opened it when a black cloth was pulled over his head. The next thing he knew, he felt the impact of something hard on his head. Then, all was dark as he fell onto the ground.

Nick . . . that name was on his lips as he fell into unconsciousness.

Justin didn't want Jeff to handle Nick's body. For some odd reason, he knew that Jeff would be rough. So instead, he grabbed Nick's body and gently carried it to the car.

Unfortunately, Jeff didn't let that go that easily. He pushed Justin aside and gripped Nick's body, pulling the older blond boy over his shoulder. To Justin's dismay, Jeff placed his hands comfortably between the back of Nick's thighs while resting his head against Nick's right hip. Even though Nick was fully clothed, Justin was angered by Jeff's insolence.

"What?" Jeff snarled. "It would be faster this way!"

Justin sighed. It would indeed be a long trip. Justin was about to regret the decision of seeking Jeff's help. Obviously, the man had plans of his own. But Justin was not daunted. He would figure out a way to safely kidnap Nick and leave Jeff behind. He just needed to get out of Florida first.

Once they finally reached the car, Jeff tossed Nick's body into the van and secured both his hands and feet. Justin felt pain every time he saw Jeff tighten the knots. "Get in the back and look after him then!" Jeff said in a surprisingly gentle tone. Justin was getting confused, but he obeyed. He sat near Nick's body and tried to rub the soreness and redness from his arms and legs. Justin quickly tried to loosen the knot so that the blood still circulated in Nick's limbs.

Jeff got into the driver's seat and quickly drove off, glancing at Justin and Nick from his rearview mirror every so often. He was more focused on Justin's bottom, but also glanced at Nick once in a while to make sure that everything was under control.

Finally, they got to the beach. After parking the van near the old shack, Jeff pulled Nick's body out of the car. Justin followed closely behind as they quickly headed for the boat. It was completely dark outside and Justin hoped that Jeff knew what he was doing.

Jeff finally looked into Justin's eyes and smiled wickedly. "I guess the fun is just beginning! I can already imagine it to be quite an erotic trip."

"You mean exotic," Justin replied dryly hoping to keep the conversation decent.

"Perhaps you didn't hear me. I said erotic." With that Jeff smiled and looked away.

Justin sighed. Maybe Jeff was just trying to play mind games with him. Justin placed a possessive hand on Nick's shoulder and tried to take in the beautiful scenery as they road away into the night. They were heading for a deserted island. Not the same one that Nick was kidnapped to last time. No. This island was farther away, more secretive. Jeff claimed that he had stumbled on it one time when he had gone too far out into the sea.

Justin sighed as his fingers brushed against Nick's bare skin. The good thing was, he could keep Nick. He didn't care at that moment what would happen. He was brash, but he was young. In his mind, the plan was perfect.

Justin didn't notice as Jeff stared at his hands as they touched Nick. He also missed the lust in Jeff's eyes. No. He only focused on Nick.

It was nearly five hours when Justin was awaken by Jeff's hisses. Justin opened one eye reluctantly, only to stare in anger as he saw Jeff straddling Nick.

"What are you doing?" Justin cried out in exasperation. Just then, he saw Nick stirring a little before drifting back to sleep. He saw the syringe and needle Jeff was holding.

Jeff snorted. "I was giving him a booster. He was starting to wake up." With that, Jeff tossed the syringe into the sea.

"Well, okay, but you shouldn't use more than necessary. We don't have that much left," Justin said uncomfortably.

Jeff snorted again. "I doubt we'll need any more sedatives. All we really need now is lots of aphrodisiacs1" Jeff smirked and sat back near the motor again.

Justin sighed and sat back as well. "Sorry."

"No need. I have lots of aphrodisiacs stocked on that little island. You don't have to worry. It will keep Nick going for at least five years."

Justin cringed at the imagery Jeff was building in his mind. Jeff just laughed. "About five more hours and we'll be there. Don't worry."

"Who's worrying?" Justin replied smartly as he went back to sleep.

True enough, Justin felt the boat hit the shore and was jerked awake. He opened his eyes fast enough to see Jeff holding onto Nick's limp body and carrying it off the boat. "Come on, Justin. We got to get Nick comfy so that he could start satisfying you."

Justin quickly got off the boat, his irritation for Jeff rising exponentially as the seconds passed. He followed the amazingly laborious trail as Jeff weeded in and out of paths and trees. Finally, Justin saw the shadows of a rather large hut made from wood. He had to admit that he was impressed. The place looked very cozy and warm. He stepped inside. It was not as big as their homes back in Florida, but it definitely had an exotic feel to it.

Justin watched carefully as Jeff placed Nick on a bunch of leaves strung together in a cozy mattress. Suddenly, Justin became alarmed as he saw Jeff pulling on the zipper to Nick's jeans. "What are you doing?" Justin demanded.

"In case you haven't noticed, he smells in those clothes. I'm just going to change for him and maybe give him a bath," Jeff barked back.

"I'll do it!" Justin stepped forward.

"Fine, go ahead," Jeff laughed as he stepped back. Just to spite Justin one more time, he grabbed Nick's crotch lustfully and then walked away, leaving Justin to gape at the strange situation they were in.

Justin noticed that Nick's arm was slightly blue where he had injected the sedatives and tranquilizers. He also didn't fail to notice that Jeff had recently injected more into Nick's veins. That meant that Nick probably won't wake up for at least another five hours. Justin sighed. At least he had some time to get comfortable in this new place.

The worst thing was that Jeff wasn't helping him at all with the comfort. Slowly, he quickly carried Nick into the little tub he figured must be the place where they take a bath. He gently lowered Nick in there and turned a knob. To his surprise, water actually started to fill the tub. Justin relaxed and looked around for some soap. Then, he began to lather Nick's body and hair with soap.

Justin began to feel more comfortable. He started to enjoy the feel of Nick's body. Maybe this was a good idea after all. He spent more time on certain parts of Nick's body than others and he smiled to himself as the excitement ran through his body.

Once satisfied, he began to wash the soap off of Nick's body. Then, he grabbed a beautiful towel and started to dry Nick off. He didn't notice Jeff walking into the tub until he was ready to put Nick's clothes on.

Jeff laughed when Justin jumped. "I came to bring you some clothes for Nick although I think it might be more convenient if he didn't have any, don't you?"

Justin blushed. "Thanks," he mumbled as he yanked the clothes out of Jeff's hands. Before he was able to, though, Jeff pulled Justin towards him. Since Justin was also holding onto Nick, Nick's unconscious body fell onto Jeff. Jeff placed a hand around Nick's waist, steadying him while staring directly into Justin's eyes. "Don't forget. You owe me one."

Justin was too scared. He saw the lust in Jeff's eyes. And that was when he knew what reward Jeff was referring to. Justin was almost afraid that Jeff would lean in and kiss him. To his relief, Jeff didn't. Jeff shoved the clothes into Justin's free hand while shoving Nick's unconscious body back to Justin with the other. Then, Jeff gave Nick one quick lookover and left the room.

Justin closed his eyes in fear and hugged Nick for comfort. He began to cry on Nick's shoulder. This wasn't his dream. This wasn't what he wanted to happen. He thought he would just give Jeff the money and Jeff could just take care of the living arrangements while he tended to Nick. Now Justin could feel the fear rise. Jeff obviously expected more than money. He expected sex from Justin!

"But I don't want him!" Justin cried out. "I don't want Jeff. I only want Nick!"

With great effort, Justin dressed Nick in the clean clothes Jeff had given him. He then pulled Nick out to the mattress again and placed him on the down.

Just then, Jeff had appeared again with two glasses in his hand. He gave one to Justin. Justin took it warily, not daring to drink it. Jeff just laughed and sat behind Nick and pulled Nick up so that Nick's back rested on Jeff's bare chest. But seeing that Nick's body kept on falling off, Jeff swung one of his legs around Nick's back so that both his legs are on either side of Nick, holding the unconscious boy in place.

Justin looked disgustedly at Jeff. "What is this stuff?" He watched carefully as Jeff placed the glass to Nick's lip and tilted it so that it slowly passed Nick's lips.

"It's red wine, idiot!" Jeff said harshly. Then he backed off. "But Nick's glass also has tons of aphrodisiacs. I'm telling you, he needs more motivation if you want him to do you. I don't think he'll be a happy camper, knowing that you kidnapped him. And I don't think he'll repay you with sex for that matter."

Justin snarled at Jeff. How do I know there are no aphrodisiacs in my glass?"

Jeff rolled his eyes. "Justin, I know you want him. I don't think that aphrodisiacs will make you more aroused than you already are."

The logic was so stunning that Justin immediately drank the glass. After what seemed like a half a minute passed by, Justin felt the tingling in his groins. Jeff did put aphrodisiacs in his cup!

Justin heard Jeff's laugh as he began to feel the effects of the alcohol and the aphrodisiacs in his system. He needed relief, and fast! Where was Nick? Justin looked around and saw Nick's unconscious body on the mattress. He crawled eagerly to the mattress, only to be stopped by Jeff.

"What's the matter? Need relief?" Jeff grabbed Justin's wrist so hard it hurt.

"Nick . . . " Justin uttered in ecstasy. "I need Nick."

Jeff smirked. "Well, he's asleep. He won't be able to satisfy you . . . but I could." With that, Jeff kissed Justin deeply. Justin felt Jeff's hardness against his. Justin wanted to protest, but the aphrodisiac was too much. He needed to relieve the sexual tension right away.

"Oh, Nick, yeah!" Justin cried out, his mind completely clouded. Jeff ripped off both his and Justin's clothes and they grinded their hips together. Justin was moving at a really fast pace and kept on shouting Nick's name. Jeff didn't mind though. But before Jeff was even halfway aroused, Justin had released his load, his semen all over the floor. Quickly, Justin collapsed in exhaustion.

Jeff shoved Justin away angrily. "Well, that was fun." He looked down at his hardness. It still needed to be dealt with. He thought about doing Justin again, but then turned around to see Nick's limp body and smiled. Well, it wouldn't make a difference now. Justin was equally as limp and unresponsive. He might as well.

Suddenly, Jeff remembered something. He ran to one of the drawers and took out another vial with a syringe and needle. Quickly, he came back and poked Nick once more time. This time, he only injected half of the bottle. Then, he threw the syringe and needle away. Within minutes, Nick started to stir, but there was not enough antidote to wake him up completely.

Jeff quickly slipped off Nick's clothing one by one. He then started kissing Nick. To his delight, Nick was being aroused, but at a much slower pace than Justin. Jeff planted little kisses on Nick's lips, only to feel the pleasure as Nick returned the kisses in kind. Still, Nick was slipping into and out of consciousness.

Jeff nipped at Nick's neck. He could feel Nick's length against his. Nick wasn't hard, but he wasn't soft either. Slowly, their bodies began to move in rhythm. He was lying on top of Nick's body, his fingers twisted around Nick's fingers, his toes touching Nick's toes and his hardness side by side with Nick's semi-erect length.

Nick's body was warm as Jeff thrusted into the little cleft between Nick's legs. Jeff felt his breathing becoming irregular and his pants were getting more desperate. He liked the pace. At least it wasn't as desperate as Justin's pace. Jeff didn't really like Nick at first, and Justin doting on Nick didn't make him like the older blond boy any better.

In fact, he was doing this to spite Justin. He desperately wanted Justin. Well, at least he did a few minutes ago. And now, feeling Nick's body under his, he felt an odd tingling in his groins he didn't feel with Justin a few minutes ago. He looked into Nick's sleepy face, wondering what could have caused this change. Nothing. Nick didn't look different from ten hours ago.

Jeff began to thrust harder into that cleft right under Nick's length. He could now feel that Nick was very hard. He thrust faster and his right hand untangled itself from Nick's left hand as it traveled down to feel the throbbing organ. Jeff smiled contentedly as he felt the entire length of the shaft. Nick's organ was definitely quite lengthy, probably a a cm longer than his own. And Jeff thought that he broke a record.

With one quick movement, Jeff positioned himself so that he was sitting on top of Nick's groins. Then he rode Nick violently, making sure that he pushed himself all the way down. He kept on riding until the sweat poured down his face. He stretched out every time he had all of Nick's organ inside of his rectum, making sure he squeezed it hard before pulling up for another round.

With one last grunt, Jeff shoved himself down on Nick one last time. And with that, he came all over Nick's abdomen. The best thing was that he felt Nick releasing inside of him before he collapsed from shear pleasure.

Now that was something! Jeff thought to himself. He may have liked Justin more, but making out with Nick was definitely one of the rites of passage to be remembered for life.

Jeff didn't get off of Nick until thirty minutes later. He wanted to linger on the wonderful feeling of having Nick inside of him just for one more while because he knew that he would not do it again.

The reason was simple. He loved Justin. He felt like betraying his love in a way because he had enjoyed the past hour so much, and with a stranger . . . and with someone who Justin was in love with. Jeff looked away, disgusted.

Nick had fallen asleep again, probably from the exhaustion. Jeff looked around to see a half-drunken, half-exhausted Justin lying on the floor. Finally, he reluctantly got off Nick's body and threw a T-shirt on Nick's groins to cover it up while he walked over to Justin and carried Justin into one of the inner bedrooms. Those were more comfortable and warmer. There was another reason why he didn't try to force himself on Justin. He loved the boy too much. He didn't want to violate him the way he violated Nick.

He didn't care what Nick felt, but he cared a lot about how Justin would feel if he were to violate him the way he did to Nick. Jeff gently placed the clothes back on Justin's body and pulled the blanket over him for comfort. He then gently placed a kiss on Justin's forehead. He then walked back to another room and put some clothes on and slept soundly. It was the best night of his life. He totally forgot about the naked teen outside on the mattress. He forgot that it could be cold out there, especially without a blanket and without clothes. But Jeff didn't care. All he knew was that Justin was safe and warm in the neighboring bedroom.

Nick barely woke up an hour after the rape. His body shook from the cold and his head throbbed like crazy. He got up only to sense that he had no clothing on except for a piece of cloth that covered his bare groins.

He stared in horror at his body. He knew that feeling! Someone had forced themselves on him. . . Nick couldn't bear to think anymore. He looked around the place, but did not recognize it at all. He was too intimidated to go any further in the house. The people who had . . . raped him must still be in there. Nick tried to put on some boxers and and t-shirt. He was too panic-stricken to do anything else.

Quickly, he ran out of the little hut, only to realize that he was in some sort of a forest. He didn't know where he was headed, just as long as he got away from the place. Brian! Nick thought desperately. He needed Brian. He ran fast, but every where he ran, he was lost even more. The twigs and rocks scraped the flat of his foot, making him bleed, but Nick couldn't care less. He needed to find Brian.

Nick ran and ran until his skin turned blue from the coldness. It started to rain, but Nick didn't even feel the water run down his body. Brian! Nick tripped over a big rock, leaving a huge gash over his shin. His right leg was drenched in blood and rain, but Nick pulled himself right up, feeling even more panic. Brian was very near! He had to be. Nick just needed to run a little farther. Brian! Yeah, Brian would appear behind the clearing! Just a few more steps. He already felt the warmth. Brian would be behind those trees waiting for him.

With one burst of resolve, Nick pushed his way. He didn't even hear the lightnighg strike the tree behind him. He didn't even hear the tree crack in two. Nor did he see as the huge branch become bigger and bigger as it hovered over his head. No! Nick thought he saw Brian step out from behind one of the trees ahead seconds before the branch connected with his skull, knocking the wind out of him. "Brian," Nick whispered before losing consciousness. The blood started to trickle down his scalp and traced the contour of his ear, finally dissipating as it hit the mud.

Please be gentle on me if you have comments! It's Christmas day. I'm all alone. And I only spent two hours on this chapter!

Next: Chapter 14

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