Calling in Sick

By Peter Corr

Published on Jun 20, 2000



This is a work of fiction with strong sexual content. Please do not read if you are underage or offended by such content.

It had been a long, long time. Far too long, in fact, for Peter to remember the last time he'd had sex. His job had become his life, leaving very little time for anything else. Even at the weekends, his role as Call Centre Manager had a nasty habit of taking over, as whatever operational, or customer, catastrophe required his 'immediate' attention. This morning, though, he hadn't had one of those phone calls yet and was lying in bed contemplating his imposed chastity.

In the Call Centre industry Peter was way above his position for his age. At 27 he held, and held well, a post normally reserved for your mid thirty to forties type experience. His ability to combine operational need whilst helping develop staff and other managers made him hot property. This, however, was also his downfall. With all the titles, responsibility and money that these jobs brought he had no one to share it with. Ironic really since those who knew him knew he was bisexual and always claimed he was getting the best of both worlds. No such luck.

Lying there in bed he felt a wave of despair and depression wash over him. It was time, he thought, for a break. Calmly he picked up the phone and dialled his office number. Helen, his receptionist answered the phone.

"Business Direct, Good Morning" sang Helen in her usual manner. "Helen, Good Morning. It's Peter." "Good Morning Peter. How are you this morning. We've already had a huge number of calls in today." "That's what always happens on a Saturday Helen. I won't be on call this weekend. I'm feeling rough. Some kind of dodgy stomach bug or something." As Peter spoke he could feel the guilt creep over him. He had heard, and confronted, people who used that line so many times. "I want to you call David and tell him he's on call, just for the weekend, until I can get over this. Okay?" "You must be ill," said Helen sounded concerned, "I'll call David right away and you get to your bed for some rest. Leave everything to me." "Thanks Helen. I'll see you on Monday as per usual."

The phone line went dead and Peter, after putting the phone back in its cradle, lay back in bed. Although he felt incredibly guilty for landing the weekend on David, he also felt some relief as he could now finally relax. He closed his eyes and, as he thought about how little he would do today, he drifted off to sleep.

Peter was awoken just after noon by, of all things, the phone ringing. As he slowly came round to the world and realised what the sound was he nearly didn't answer it fearing the worst for his Call Centre. As it was though, he picked up the phone, only to find out it was his friend William who he hadn't spoken to for some time. William and Peter gabbed on about what had been happening in their own respective lives; Peter about his job and William about his numerous jobs and his new girlfriend.

William suffered from the impatience of youth and, at 22, has never held down anything for long, job or woman. They had met whilst William had worked for Peter and struck up a strong friendship. Two of the most unlikely people to ever become friends had people talking about other reasons to this 'togetherness' but Peter never saw William as a potential lover, only as a friend.

As the conversation wore on William suggested, on hearing Peter having some free time that he and his new girlfriend Esther, go round to Peters for a late lunch. The more William talked about bringing some of that famous Pate from the local Italian Deli and a couple of bottles of decent French wine the more Peter turned to the idea. Finally he agreed and they both decided that three o'clock would be a good time.

After he had finished the call Peter, energised by the excitement of actually doing something different for a change, jumped up to get into the shower. As he ran the shower he could feel himself begin to relax and enjoy the feeling of freedom a 'non-work' weekend was giving him. He climbed into the shower and lather himself up enjoying the water running down his long body. Although Peter was an office worker so to speak he was in reasonably good shape. No bulging muscles or ripples but firm in the right places and no real flab to speak of. His short brown hair and angled features gave him a constantly serious look that he used to his advantage in his job but also found it surprised people when they saw him relax. As he rubbed his tingling groin area he started to think about William's new girlfriend. William had said that she was young and not to say anything to untoward when they met. He wondered exactly HOW young she was to elicit that type of comment. He started to stroke his cock slowly has he though of William, medium height but stocky and muscular, fucking a slight 18 year old slip of a girl. The images in his mind excited him and he stroked his aching member harder and harder. He imagined this faceless girl on all fours shaking every time William slammed into her from behind, her voice screaming out in agonising lust. He enjoyed the image for a while longer, the pictures in his mind becoming more and more animalistic with hard, violent thrusting, groaning and grunting, slapping of sweaty body against sweaty body. His mind created the images moving faster and faster and as he imagined William pulling his 10-inch cock out of this poor girls pussy, dripping and red, and forcing in violently into her ass hole in one shove. Peter felt his body tremble and shake with orgasm, shooting his thick white cum every where. The shower door, the tile, his hand, all seemed to be covered in Peter's hot juice. As he got his mind together, he finished his shower and cleaned up his mess and shut the taps off. He couldn't believe how good that had felt but was also aware that he had been thinking about William whilst he jacked off. He didn't analyse that for too long, aware that hit had been a while since any form of sex and just put it down to horny fantasy.

Three o'clock came and William and Esther arrived with the pate and wine. Peter had warmed some baguettes in the oven and served the warm bread with the food. As they talked and laughed about past times and old jokes Peter couldn't help but notice how pretty the young Esther was. Although William had said she was young, she looked about sixteen rather than eighteen, with long soft blond hair that hung straight down and a soft baby like face that confirmed Peter's impression of her years. She was slim, petite almost, with small pert breasts and a small hand sized bum encased in tight jeans. Her manner, though, was years beyond her age as she laughed and joked into the conversation with bags of confidence and sparkling eyes that captured your attention every time.

Every time he look at her as she spoke he would get the images of earlier flashing into his mind but this time, instead of the faceless girl, he saw Esther's face contorted in pleasure and pain as she took Williams 10 inches up her ass. The images were getting Peter horny again and he was having trouble keeping his mind focused on the conversation.

William, he also noticed, had been working out more. His arms and chest were a testament to physical fitness. Large and bulging, rippling every time he moved. The tight tee shirt he wore did little to hide any aspect of Williams's physique and almost enhanced that shapes and contours of muscle. His dark tan and dark features made him the model type man that most women stare at in the street. Peter glanced enviously at the couple, although they were unaware of his jealousy. Two pretty people who seemed to be pretty happy with each other. Bastards.

Lunch came and went with many stories being told and some truths being unaired by accident. William had thrown Peter a few dirty looks as he went on about Williams most embarrassing feats and failures, causing Esther to catch her breath at times whilst she laughed so hard. William retorted, almost like for like, with equally, if not even more, embarrassing stories. As they talked and laughed Peter was aware that his phone was ringing again.

After about five minutes Peter rejoined the couple.

"That wasn't your work, surely", asked William, "They've been told your sick". "No, no", Peter replied, "It was Stephen. He's invited himself over for dinner tonight". "Oh yes", William smirked, "So you'll want us out the way then".

William has met Stephen before at a party and knew Stephen was gay. He was short, blond and cute as all hell. And he knew it. When William started to launch into the story where Stephen tried to seduce William, Peter felt the need to interject.

"Its not like that at all," retorted Peter, "Stephen had actually called my work looking for me and when he heard I was off sick he was worried. He knows you're both here and was hoping the four of us could have dinner here tonight. The good news is he's bringing the dinner with him courtesy of the local Canton. All we have to do is provide a few bottles of plonk and sparkling conversation."

"Sounds like fun," replied Esther with enthusiasm, "we'd love to stay, wouldn't we William".

This was said more as a statement rather than a question and William agreed with whatever Esther had to stay. So then it was settled. Stephen would be round at half seven with the food. Esther had sent William out to get some more wine and a bottle of vodka to help the night along and Peter had been sent to get the table in the living room ready for a Canton feast. The large coffee table in the living room was perfect for such things. Absolutely massive and really low down it could sit at least six people easily. If you sat with your legs crossed on the floor it left just enough space for you to slide your legs under to dine. Esther sat in one of Peters comfy armchairs whilst he prepared the room.

"Your quite the little organiser," joked Peter as he laid out the chopsticks and sushi plates.

"I don't know what you're talking about", grinned Esther with far too much sarcasm in her voice, "All thats happened here is that everyone has a job to do except me so I'm taking a bit of a break".

"I could find you something to do," grinned Peter, without even realising the tone in which it came across.

At this Esther got up out of her chair, walked over to Peter and, leaning right into his face said, "I'll bet you could. And if what William says is true and its been that long I can assure you it would be the best job anyone in here could do."

Peter was shocked at what Esther had said but as he stood there, dumbfounded, she ran her hand over his crotch. His cock hardened immediately and she slowly began to squeeze lightly at his bulge.

"Mmmmm," moaned Esther as she felt along the length of his cock, "I wonder what kind of job I could do with that".

Peter just stood there, unable to move and unable to stop Esther's teasing.

"William will be back any second. You should stop." moaned Peter, "but I really don't want you to stop".

"Maybe we can have some fun later then", smiled Esther and she went back to the armchair.

Just as she sat down, in came William from the off sales with Stephen right behind him.

"Look what they were giving away with every bottle of vodka," William laughed gesturing towards Stephen, "it's amazing what they'll do for business."

"Cheeky bitch," Stephen retorted, "it's amazing who they'll sell the vodka to more like."

Stephen was looking good as always, with his floppy blond fringe and striking dark eyes. He walked over to Peter and kissed him on the cheek, asking how he was. The two set about putting the food out as Esther, coaxed out of the chair by Williams teasing, poured the wine.

The evening was as good as evenings should be. The four friends laughed, joked, told serious and not so serious stories and slowly got quite merry as they moved from wine to vodka. As they talked Peter noticed Esther staring at him smiling and licking her lips. Its was subtle enough that the other two didn't notice but it was obvious enough for Peter. The thoughts of his earlier daydreams, with Esther and William and Esther's teasing whilst William was out, soon had Peter's cock stiffening in his jeans. The more she teased him from across the table the more the thoughts of William taking her from behind, thrusting harder and harder into her tiny spread ass, filled his mind.

The conversation, once Peter had regained control of his mind, had unhelpfully turned to sex.

"So you've never slept with a woman ever," asked William with a look of confusion on his face. "You don't know what you're missing" he laughed.

"I've just never really fancied it," laughed Stephen, "and every time that I might along comes a man to take my mind off it. I suppose in some sense its true what they say. In essence I think we're all a bit bisexual. Some lean to the men, some lean to the women, some down the middle. At least Peters got the balls to admit that he likes both. I know I would never say I might, and only might though, fancy a bit of fancy with a woman to any of my gay friends."

"I don't think I'd ever try it with a guy," admitted William.

"You never know," replied Esther, "You can't say you would or you wouldn't until the situation presents itself".

"That's true", followed Stephen, "I mean suppose I was to offer you a blow job right now and promise you it would be the best blow job of your life. Wouldn't you consider it?"

"I don't know really. It would have to be a bloody good blow job!" laughed William.

"Seriously though", insisted Stephen, "If I could guarantee that your eyes would roll to the back of your skull and have you begging for more, would you do it?"

The four went very quiet as William contemplated the question. There was a tension in the room they could all feel. Esther was licking her lips unconsciously and Peter could see a rather impressive bulge forming in Williams jeans.

"If it was that good then yes I probably would," replied William after serious thought.

"Good," replied Stephen, "Do you want it now or later?"

Stephen was looking straight into Williams's eyes as he said this, with a slight grin on his face. Williams's eyes were darting between Stephens and Esther, who looked positively flushed with excitement.

"Are you serious?" Esther asked rather huskily.

"Of course I am," said Stephen calmly and quietly. "If everyone's game we could all have a little grown up fun".

"I'm definitely game," said Esther grinning and looking decidedly impish.

Peter said nothing. He sat contemplating the idea. His cock, however, was definitely ready for some fun. William said nothing but stood up from the table and unbuttoned his jeans, kicking off his shoes and stood there, naked from the waist down with a devilish look on his face. His cock was impressively long, thought Peter, but it was the girth that amazed him more. He couldn't imagine how Esther managed to take something as wide as that.

"Go on then Stephen," said William as he removed his top, "you said my eyes would roll to the back of my skull."

Stephen got out from under the table and, after removing his clothes, knelt before the muscular William like a monk praying to an idol. He slid his hands up the insides of Williams's thighs and softly slid his fingers round the girth of Williams's cock. William moaned as Stephens lips slid over the end of the large tip of the cock, his tongue prising its way into the slit at the end. Stephens's head moved slowly down the length as his mouth strained to open wide enough. All the time William was moaned and trembling ever so slightly as the feeling coursed through his body. The intensely erotic scene in front of them transfixed Peter and Esther. Stephen slid more and more of the cock into his mouth, very slowly and sensually. As his nose was finally pressed against Williams's groin, Peter and Esther could see him contracting his throat around the large member firmly lodged in it. William let out a loud moan and grabbed Stephen's head, pressing it harder against his body, trying to get even more of the cock down his throat.

Peter was so horny by this point that he practically ripped his own clothes off and started to stroke himself as he watched the couple. Esther, who by this point was also naked, crawled over to Peter and started to stroke his cock, licking his neck and ear. Peter moaned at the contact and put his hand on Esther's beautifully firm tits. She moaned as he squeezed and pinched the nipple and it made Esther slowly lean down and slip his cock into her warm mouth. Peter threw his head back and she sucked hard on his dick, making him squeeze her breast even harder. Her head bounced up and down quickly as his hips thrust up to push into her head.

William was now savagely thrusting down Stephens throat, holding his head still as he literally fucked Stephens mouth. Stephen made William part his legs slightly and started to scrape his nails down the inside of Williams thighs. William moaned and cursed as he thrust harder and harder. Stephen pulled his head away for a moment to catch his breath and, as he did, he told William to sit down on the armchair. William sat down and Stephen renewed the attack on Williams now angry looking erection. He slipped his tongue all over the head, sucking noisily as the glans entered and left his mouth. Willliams cock was slick with saliva and pre-cum and glistened as it slid from Stephens hungry mouth. Stephen spread Williams thigh far apart and started licking over Williams balls, sucking one, then the other into his mouth. William started moaning loudly at this new contact and thrust his hips into the air. As he thrust, Stephen took hold of Williams cock in his left hand and started stroking it, massaging the large head with the juices now flowing freely from it. As the icing on the cake, Stephen took a finger from his right hand and started massaging the tight opening to Williams ass. William was rolling his head form side to side by this point and making enough noise to stop Esther sucking Peters cock and start watching the two men again. Peter too stopped to watch the scene as it just got hotter and hotter. Very slowly, but deliberately Stephen slid his finger into Williams asshole using slowly fucking motions. William let out what seemed like a yelp and then growled from deep within his large, muscular chest. Stephen took this as a cue and, whilst slipping yet another finger into Williams ass, sucked the sensitive underside of Williams cock. It was then, with animalistic grunts that William came, shooting wad after wad of hot cum all over his own arms, chest and even face. Stephen didn't stop the licking, sucking and finger fucking until William had finally come down from the ceiling after his orgasm.

All four were positively flushed by now, blood racing as the sexual tension climbed and climbed. William, Stephen and Esther looked over the cum covered William and then at each other. Almost in unison they moved to him, licking every bit of his body, and cum, with long sweeping strokes. After five minutes of this Esther spoke.

"Now its your turn to do Stephen, honey. Fairs fair," she grinned.

William looked nervous as he contemplated what Esther was talking about. Stephen had moved now, and was sitting down next to William on the couch.

"Come down here and I'll help you," said Esther, "we can share it."

William slid down the couch until he and Esther were kneeling at either side of Stephen long cock. Esther was the first to take a lick at it, right from the base to the tip, lingering at the head and playing with the piss slit. William nervously copied what Esther did and took a long swipe at the erect meat. After consideration William didn't think it was all that bad and slipped the whole head into his mouth, sucking hard. Stephen had not expected this and jumped a little while Esther licked his balls and William continued to suck hard and fast down the shaft. Whilst all this was happening, Peter couldn't help but notice Esthers cute ass sticking out and moving about as she worked on Stephens cock. He ran his hands over the small mounds and slowly parted them, revealing her slit and her ass hole. He lightly ran his finger along the entire crack of Esther ass right round to her clit where he started massaging it. Esther moaned as Peter worked her clit with the thumb of his left hand and then, seeing how wet she was, slipped two fingers into her slippy snatch. The harder he rubbed her clit, the louder she moaned around Stephen balls, which in turn made Stephen moan louder. Peter slipped another finger into the warm, wet pussy. Then another. Soon enough, and surprisingly he saw this young blond girl, with slender hips and features impales on the end of his right arm moaning loudly as he brought her off. He squirmed his fist inside of her. Not violently but enough that she could feel it. He then took her clit between his forefinger and thumb of his left hand and pinched hard. With this she slipped the balls out of her round mouth and screaming in orgasm, pushing her ass back against the fist that was inside her. Slowly Peter withdrew his hand, after she had regained her breath.

"I want you to fuck me hard Peter, " said Esther, almost begging, "don't mess about anymore. Give it to me real hard. I want to hear it."

Peter couldn't control himself. Here was this young, naive looking girl telling him to fuck her hard, talking nasty and getting him real horny. He watched for a split second and William continued the surprisingly well done job of deep throating Stephen, with Stephen thrusting his hips up to meet Williams downward movements. He then took his 9-inch cock, pointed it at Esthers dripping hole and slammed it in, hard and to the base, in one movement. She groaned out as he hit bottom, feeling the entrance to her cervix against the head of his member. She gripped the couch with fists as he savagely thrust harder and harder, gripping her hips and pulling her towards him. She was crying out almost continuously now, her moans punctuated by the thump-thump-thump movements of Peter cock pistoning in and out of her.

William glanced over at her whilst she was being royally screwed and moved his left hand to her swinging breasts as she cried out for more and harder. He grabbed her nipple and pulled hard, stretching it out from her small breast. She almost seemed to pass out at this point, whimpering as she experienced wild sensations. Stephen stopped William from sucking his cock for a moment so that he could watch the girl get fucked and fucked.

Peter stopped suddenly, pulling out of her in one movement. Esther's eyes flew open in surprise, like she had just had her bag stolen.

"Suck Williams cock Esther," Peter almost commanded, " and William, hold these ass cheeks open wide for me." As Esther moved position to all fours, William slipped all his cock down Esther throat. She seemed to enjoy being treated a bit roughly but, Peter thought, not too roughly. William leaned over Esther small frame with his cock firmly lodged in Esther's throat and help her ass cheeks wide open as Peter had asked. Peter then leaned down and started tonguing Esthers ass hole, getting it all wet and slippy. It started to relax and open up and Peter slipped his tongue inside her ass, licking, nibbling and sucking the sensitive hole. Esther started squirming her ass against Peters face as he pushed his tongue further and further into her ass. After a while she was suitably relaxed and, whilst William was sawing his cock in and out of Esther mouth and throat, making her grunt each time it entered her mouth, Peter took his cock, still wet from fucking Esthers now gushing pussy, and slid into her ass in the same one stroke movement he'd used on her earlier.

Williams eyes flew open as he watched Peter sink his cock into his girlfriends ass and Esther grunted in momentary pain as she became accustomed to having Peters 9 inches up her butt. Peter didn't wait long though and started using long hard strokes to fuck Esthers ass. Esther reached under her body and started to rub her clit furiously as both men see-sawed her body between them. Peter was picking up pace, his ass almost vibrating as it thrust back and forth screwing this girls lovely tight ass. It gripped his cock as he pulled out the way and it sucked him back in just as quick.

The sight of Esther being fucked up the ass by another man was just too much for William as he felt Esther throat tighten every time she came. He grabbed her hair and starting fucking hard, his balls bouncing violently against Esthers chin. With a final shove he held Esthers head tight against his crotch as he pumped his seed down here throat. She seemed as if she would choke be William just continued to hold he head, moving his cock an inch each way to extend the feeling. Finally he let his cock plop out of her mouth and cum just ran down her chin.

Peter has stopped to let Esther deal with Williams cum, but now she was wanting fucked again. Peter had an idea. He pulled his cock out of Esthers ass.

"Would you like to be Stephens first?" Peter asked Esther.

"Oh god! How horny is that," Esther remarked, "You up for it Stephen."

Stephen just replied by lifting her onto his lap and sliding his hard cock into Esthers soaking pussy.

"Fuck, that's good," remarked Stephen as Esther squirmed her hips around on Stephens cock.

Stephen then started to lick Williams cum off her face as rode up and down on him, sighing under her breath that she was going to cum again. Stephen then moved his attention down to her breasts and nipped at one nipple with his teeth whilst pinching the other one between his fingers. Esthers response was to scream out loud as she came harder and harder. In the midst of her orgasm Peter stepped up behind the fucking couple, right to where Esthers ass was bobbing up and down on Stephens cock. He steadied her ass by pressing firmly on her back and then forced his cock all the way back up her ass. Very soon the two men had found a rhythm in fucking the two holes and Esther was lost in another world as she came time and time again. Peter has slowed down and was forcing Esthers hips down to take more of Stephens cock whilst grinding his further up her ass. She moaned and whimpered at this gentle by powerful fuck and nuzzled into Stephen neck as the two men ground into her.

William by this point was hard again. Watching his girlfriend get fucked up the ass was one thing. Watching his girlfriend get fucked by two men at the same time was simply the sexiest thing he had seen. William stepped up behind Peter who was still grinding his cock into Esthers ass and slipped to spit covered fingers into Peters ass. Peter moaned out loud at the intrusion and started to buck in and out of Esthers ass to push more of the fingers in.

"You want more?" whispered William into Peters ear.

"Yes, William, give me some more" moaned Peter back as he felt Williams slick cock push against his ass. Williams cock was the biggest Peter had ever taken and it hurt going in. But William didn't care. Here he was fucking the man who was fucking his girlfriend in the ass. She, in turn, was also getting fucked from underneath and loving every minute. William was horny and didn't have the patience for waiting.

He thrust his cock up Peters ass hard, causing Peter to hiss through is teeth. As William thrust into Peter, Peter thrust into Esthers ass causing her to cry out. Stephen underneath could feel Peters cock sliding in and out of Esther ass and he squirmed underneath Esther to make her cum even harder. They all fucked like this for a while, thrusting, shoving and grinding into each other.

Stephen was the first to come. He started to thrust his hips into Esther and grab her nipples hard, causing her to buck even harder against Peters cock in her ass. He came with a growl, spurting his cum up inside her wet pussy. Esther continued to grind against Stephen as he came, his growls getting louder and louder. The grip he had on her nipples sent her over the edge again, thrusting hard against the two men inside her.

William was the next to spend his load. He gripped Peters hips hard and thrust into savagely, grunting with each thrust. The sound if his thighs slapping against Peters filled the room with moans and groans. William yelled out something incoherent and Peter felt the large cock in his ass pulse and throb, filling his bowels with hot cum. As William pulled out of Peters ass, Peter could feel his own orgasm building in his loins.

Peter lifted Esther off of Stephen, with her still impaled deep on his cock. She set her down on the couch next to Stephen, his cum leaking out of her pussy. He leaned over to her ear and, all the time grinding his cock deep inside her, asked her how she wanted his cum.

"You've got to do it to me nasty," she panted, "treated me rough, call me names, just don't really hurt me."

"Are you sure?" Peter asked.

"Do it to me now," was her reply.

With that sentence Peter started to really pound her ass with his cock. He pushed her shoulder down hard against the couch and roughly fingered her nipples. She screamed out and moaned over and over as he brutally fucked her ass like an animal. His thrusts knocked the air out of her lungs as he watched his cock slide in and out of her abused hole. Finally he felt his orgasm approach again. He pulled her hair back into a ponytail with one hand, forcing her head back.

"Tighten your ass bitch," he seethed, "I gonna fill you up."

Esther moaned in compliance and, as she concentrated on tightening hr sphincter muscles, Peter roared out, his body shaking in spasms as his cum shot out into her bowels. He was thrusting so hard that her back legs were lifting from the couch as he continued to fill her ass with his cum. Esther screamed out in orgasm as she was battered out by this brutal fucking. Finally, after what seemed an age, Peters orgasm finally subsided. His cock slipped out of Esthers used ass with a plop and his cum came running out in rivulets from her hole.

All four sat about quietly for a while. The room reeked of sex, there were cum stains almost everywhere, and all four looked absolutely bushed.

"We've got to order from that Canton again," commented Stephen, "if this is the effect their food has!"

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