Call of the Dark Side

By Adam Mcdonald

Published on Jul 31, 2010



The following story is fiction. All rights and privileges of the Star Wars universe are reserved by George Lucas, Lucasarts, ILM, 20th Century Fox etc. with the exception of the characters I have created. The following story may contain adult situations, language and violence and is only suitable for adults.

There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Force.

Thus was the meditation that rang through Asyr's mind as he sat in the lotus position amidst the jungles of Yavin. Completely at one with the universe, he was able to focus his soul on the rejuvnation and peace that only the Force could bring.

Sighing, contendedly, he let his thoughts and ideas wander through the galaxies as the Force showed him new wonders that none had yet to see. The birth of a new galaxy via the passing of a cold star; little children playing on the streets of an undiscovered planet; an alien life form just beginning to start its evolution into what would one day become a nation of peoples who would help disperse peace among the nations of the galaxies.

Smiling slightly, and chiding himself for the emotion it brought, Asyr continued his journey.

The sound of a twig snapping brought him to reality.

His eyes flew open, and in a hearbeat, he was on his feet, lightsaber drawn, its violet beam held across his chest in a defensive posture, as he faced the sudden interruption.

Complete silence invaded the air, as even the fauna around him fell eerily silent.

He blinked.

A flash of orange flew at him in the split second his eyes closed, and he vaulted to the right as another lightsaber struck at him.

In less than a second, he thrust back, and was deflected by his assailant's saber. Asyr called on the Force and used its power to jump 20 ft. in the air and flew back down, leading with his lightsaber. It was blocked, deftly, by the same man with the orange lightsaber, and Asyr backflipped to face his opponent, a man around the same age as he who tossed back a crooked grin, "Nice attack, my friend," he said, "but a bit too easy to deflect."

Asyr smiled, "Then try THIS on for size!" And with that, he began to launch a series of blows that defied the mind's eye. Violet flashed quicker than a strobe light, but no matter what he did, it was parried easily by the orange saber.

A few minutes later, the man with the orange lightsaber laughed, "Is that all you got?"

Asyr winked, "Not on your life!"

Asyr gestured, and suddenly, there were 20 of him on the field of battle, all with their lightsabers raised and ready to strike at their opponent, who merely stood, slack jawed at the multiple enemies before him.

All the doppergangers rushed in, lightsabers held high, and swung down with all their might. The enemy called on the Force to augment his fighting ability, and began to systematically destroy the illlusions until only 3 were left.

"Well, which one of us is real?" they all asked.

"Let the Force decide ..." With that, he charged the middle illusion, swung his lightsaber with all his might and struck Asyr to the ground.

"I SURRENDER!" Asyr yelled.

"I win!" he cried in victory, when suddenly, Asyr came behind him with his lightsaber at his neck.

"No, I do," Asyr said silently, "Surrender?"

"DAMMIT! I always fall for it!! Yes, I do," and he dropped his lightsaber.

Asyr laughed as he disengaged his own saber before turning his friend around and embracing him, "Dex, you'll get it one day, but you'll still never beat me! I'll just learn a new trick!"

Dex laughed and chided, "I thought we Jedis weren't allowed to be prideful!"

Asyr pushed him away, "How is telling the truth being prideful?"

"Shut up!"

"Ok, I admit it, I know a bit more than you, but you'll get it soon. Let's head back to the temple."

Dex nodded, and the two began to walk back through the jungle towards the Jedi Temple Master Skywalker had helped erect on Yavin.

The sun had set, and as the shadows began to crawl across the landscape, the nocturnal animals started to stir and hunt for their nightly meals. Neither Jedi was scared, as both knew that life existed of predators and prey, and that they were not to disturb its cycle. Should a predator come too close to threatening them, it was a simple matter to use the Force to distract it long enough for them to pass unharmed. It came second nature, as they both had been doing it since they were young Padawans.

Their talk was jovial as they neared their destination, when suddenly, Dex froze up.

"What is it?" Asyr asked.

"I ... I ... don't know," he answered, shakily, "It's a disturbance in the Force I've never felt ... don't you feel it?"

Asyr reached out, felt nothing, and replied, "No, I'm sorry, but there is nothing. What do you feel?"


"Cold? What else?"

"Pain ... suffering ... hate ..."

Asyr's brow furrowed the concern. He felt nothing, but obviously Dex was experiencing something important, "Do you sense anything else?"

Dex didn't respond, but his eyes grew glazed, and his pupils dialated.


Dex suddenly convulsed and flew back into a tree as if he was blasted with a shock of electricity. He crumpled to the ground and muttered, "No ..."

Asyr drew his lightsaber and turned around in a vain attempt to see what had attacked his friend. He extended the Force to enhance his senses, but he could feel nothing that could hope to attack them with the verve that had befallen Dex.

As the moments passed, and he still sensed nothing, Asyr withdrew his saber and ran to Dex' side.

"Dex, DEX," he yelled, as he shook him.

"Hmmm, huh?" Dex said as he awoke.

"You alright?" Asyr asked.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?" Dex said as he stood to his feet, "What was I doing on the ground?"

"Don't you remember what happened?"

"No," Dex replied, "I was walking with you, and then you were picking me up off the ground ... but since I'm in your arms ..." Dex smiled mischeviously before reaching up and stroking Asyr's face.

His touch melted Asyr's worries as he bent down and kissed Dex.

The two embraced for a few moments before Asyr pulled up and said, "You know we would both get kicked out of the Jedi Academy if Master Skywalker knew about this, right?"

Dex laughed and said, "We're both trained well enough to guard our thoughts, and I have no plans on telling him. Do you?"

Asyr simply shook his head and helped Dex to his feet, "Of course not."

Dex smiled, grabbed Asyr's hand, and the two strode off towards their destination.

"You sure you're ok?"

"Of course!" Dex replied, "You're just still tense from our skirmish, and only because I let you win because I love you!"

"WHATEVER!" yelled Asyr, "I love you more, NO BATTLE!"

"NOPE! If you do, you'll let me beat you back to the temple!"

"You're on!"

The two began to run back at a rate enhanced by the Force, but as they neared their destination, Asyr suddenly got hit with a sensation, and he slowed marginally.

"I'm gonna win!" cried Dex.

Asyr couldn't respond as a chilling dread suddenly enclipsed and attacked his soul. With a cry of pain and rage he had never known, he flew forward and drew his lightsaber.

Dex stopped running and turned back, "Asyr?"

Asyr's lightsaber cleaved Dex's face and smile in half.

Spattered in the gore of Dex's corpse, Asyr began to laugh maniacally as he tunred his own lightsaber on himself and drove it into his belly.

That's my first part. Yeah, it's weird and different, but I promise it all gets explained (as all my stories do). Feedback, as always, at

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