Call Boy

By Chip Dyp

Published on Oct 1, 1999


The following program contains material suited for a mature audience. If you are not over 18 you should be leaving now. Of course I can't control you and neither can anyone else really. This story is entirely false except for the true parts. And now for our feature presentation. Viewer Discretion is advised...

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Call Boy 2 by: Chip Dyp (

After I got home from my date with Ryan, I had a long shower and then an even longer bath. I always felt so greasy after I finished with a client. Even if he didn't fuck me, I still needed a long bath.

While I sat in the tub, I thought about Ryan. He was so beautiful, but there had to be something wrong with him. I mean...guys as cute as him don't pay $200 an hour for sex when they can get it for free.

I sat in the tub for over an hour just letting my body relax before I finally stood up and rinsed myself off again. I grabbed my thick cotton bath sheet, and slowly dried myself off. My cat, Mackenzie, came into the bathroom while I was drying off, and meowed at me. I wrapped my robe around my body and walked out to the kitchen. Mac was probably pissed off because I hadn't fed him yet.

I grabbed a can of cat food out of the pantry for Mac, and a can of cream of chicken soup for myself. I looked at the can for a second and then put it back. I wasn't really in the mood for soup. I opened up Mac's cat food and dumped in the dish for him to devour. While Mac dug into the food, I thought about what I wanted for supper. I wasn't really all that hungry, but I needed to eat something. I eventually decided to make myself a salad with the veggies that I had in the fridge. I threw a can of shrimp pieces on for protein.

I sat in front of my computer eating my salad and reading my email. A couple of friends had written asking about a matter of law that we were all studying. I wrote an answer back to them and was surprised when they came online. They invited me to a bar crawl that the Engineers were having. I didn't really want to go out, so I told them to have fun. At this point, Mac jumped up on the table and started making a nuisance of himself. I said goodbye to my friends and shut down my computer. After everything was shut off, I grabbed Mac and walked over to my chair in the living room. Once I had sat down, Mac curled up in my lap and purred as I stroked his silky fur.

Mac was a smart cat. He knew exactly what I was feeling, and whenever I was feeling down, he'd come over and cuddle with me. It was almost as if he were my boyfriend. He was the only male in my life other than my clients, and I think he liked it that way. I switched on the TV and watched a rerun of Babylon 5 while Mac slept. When Babylon 5 ended, I started surfing again. There was nothing on TV, which was to be expected. It was Friday, and all the major networks expected people to go out and have fun. I considered going to a gay bar for a little fun, but I decided that it wasn't worth my while. Once a guy found out I was a whore, he either lost interest in me or expected sex all the time.

I put Mac down on the floor and padded off to my bedroom, content to go to bed early. Mac of course followed and watched as I pulled off my robe. I pulled back the covers on my bed and lay down on the satin sheets. Mac jumped up on the bed and curled up next to my chest. He always slept under the covers with me. I don't know if he had gotten accustomed to hearing my heart while I slept, or if he realised I had gotten used to his warm body next to mine. It really doesn't matter I guess.

I spent the next week just thinking about Ryan. It didn't matter if I was in class, or if I was at home. Ryan was always on my mind. It was really beginning to bother me. I had let a trick into my heart and now I was paying for it. I knew better than this. Real life does not equal Pretty Woman, and if any whore believed that, then they were in for a shock.

By the time Friday rolled around, just when I had given up on Ryan paging me, I received a page in the middle of supper. I didn't recognize the number, so I put on my coat and drove down to the local pay phone. In this era of minimal privacy, I didn't feel safe about calling from my home. If someone was continually bothering me, it was easier to change my pager number than it was to change my home phone number. Especially since the pager wasn't in my name.

As I drove up to the 7-11, I was nervous. I was hoping that it was Ryan, but I was expecting it to be a wrong number, or maybe Hughie calling from a different number. I dialled the number into the abused telephone and glanced around. Winnipeg is a fairly safe city, but I wasn't one to take chances.

I waited while the telephone considered my request. When it finally connected to the number, it didn't ring for long. In less than one ring, the phone was answered and I could hear Ryan's voice coming in clearly across the thin glass fibre.

"Hi, are you the guy I was with last Friday?"

"That depends. Is this Frank?" I asked. I didn't want to give the caller anything that he didn't have. If this was some sting, I didn't want them getting his name from me.

"No, it's Ryan. Look, I'm sorry to disturb you," Ryan said with disappointment.

"It's okay, Ryan. This is Ben. You and I had a little fun last Friday."

"Ben? That's a really nice name," Ryan said with relief. "I thought that you might've given me a bad number just to get rid of me."

"Mmmm, I don't do that. If I piss you off, you can get a hold of me through my contact and then I'm in trouble."

"I guess. Look, I called you to see if you wanted to go out for coffee. I'll understand if you don't want to..."

I interrupted Ryan, to assuage his fears. "Ryan, if I didn't want to go out for coffee with you I wouldn't have given you my number. I'd love to see you again. You name the place and the time and I'll be there."

"Thanks," Ryan said with a smile in his voice. "How about the Perkins across from Polo Park in a couple of hours?"

"Sounds great," I said as I looked at my watch, "Perkins on St. James at 8:30."

"Yeah, meet at the front door?"

"All right, I'll see you then."

I hung up the phone, and dropped another quarter into the slot. I paged Hughie and left him a 666 message. That would tell him that I wasn't available tonight. By the time I got home, I had received a 65 message from Hugh. That was his way of acknowledging my message. I walked back into the house and threw the remainder of my Chicken Alfredo into the microwave and reheated my supper. After I finished, I walked into my bedroom and into my closet. I had a bunch of suits hanging on the hangers, but I wasn't sure that I should dress up that much. I instead grabbed a black cotton shirt and a pair of cargo pants. I figured that they were appropriate, and they made me look good, which was so much the better.

Mac came into the closet and looked up at me. He meowed loudly like he always did when I went out with a trick. I don't think he approved of my promiscuity. I petted Mac and then tossed him out of the closet. Once, I had accidentally trapped him in the closet for a whole day. When I had let him out, he had run right for his litter box.

I grabbed my clothes and took them with me into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and smiled. My hair was a bit of a mess, mostly because I hadn't spent an enormous amount of time on it this morning before I left for the University. I also needed a shave. Mac came into the bathroom and jumped up on the vanity. He gave a throaty growl to attract my attention, and then meowed loudly as I petted him. I smiled at him and then carried him out of the bathroom. Before he could run back in, I closed the door and locked it. Mac sat in the hallway scratching at the door, trying to get back into the bathroom to scold me some more. I turned back to the vanity and quickly shaved the few blond whiskers that had grown in the past week.

After a quick but reinvigorating shower, I parked myself in front of the mirror and did my hair. My medium length hair was auburn in colour, with darker natural highlights. Doing my hair was one of the things I absolutely hated, but I hated having no hair even more. I debated putting in my contacts, but I opted to go with my wire frame glasses instead. I had worn my contacts an awful lot during the week, it was probably a good thing to give my eyes a break.

Even after I had finished my hair, it still took me another half an hour to finish getting ready for my coffee date. I also noticed that I was nervous about meeting Ryan, which bothered me. I mean, I wasn't normally this nervous when I went to a hotel to meet a trick, why was I nervous now?

I checked my watch for the second time in less than five minutes. I decided that I might as well head over to Perkins rather than pace around my living room. Once I was out in public I hoped that my horrendous case of the nerves would dissipate.

The drive over took a little more time than I was expecting, thanks to an accident that had closed two of the three eastbound lanes. Traffic was backed up all the way to the Perimeter highway. I made a quick decision to take the long way around, which in the end appeared to be the fastest way to get into the city.

I arrived at Perkins just a little before Ryan. When he arrived, I realized why I had been so nervous. He walked into the restaurant looking a little nervous, but when he saw me a smile of relief crossed his face. We walked towards each other, and I extended my arms so I could hug him tightly. Ryan stopped looking very nervous as I stood in front of him. He offered his hand for a handshake, which I reluctantly accepted. I was disappointed that he wouldn't let me hug him, but I guess in the back of my mind I understood. He smiled at me, and then the two of us were escorted to a table in the back of the restaurant.

We sat at the table looking at each other, not saying a word for the longest time before Ryan finally broke the silence.

"Hi, Ben."


"So, did you have trouble getting here," Ryan asked as he took a sip of the water that the waiter had left behind.

"No, I came up on Ness."

"From Moray?"

"Yeah, but from the north."

"Ah," Ryan said as he looked down at the menu.

"So, how was your week?" I asked. I was trying my best to make conversation.

"Umm, not bad. I had a couple of research papers that I finished, and classes were as boring as usual."

"What are you taking?"

"Commerce. I want to get my MBA."

"So you want to become a corporate shark, and makes lots of money?" I took a sip of my own water.

"That's the plan. How about you? I mean, um, well, uh never mind."

"I didn't work this week. I decided I needed a week off so I could do some research for an assignment I have due in a couple of weeks."

"You're going to school?" Ryan asked in amazement.

"Yeah, I don't plan on providing entertainment services my whole life."

"What are you taking?" Ryan asked. He seemed to be very intrigued by my future plans.

"I'm in my second year of law school," I said proudly. For me, my education was something I could take pride in.

"Are you serious?"


"Wow. I thought when you said you were getting out next year that you were just dreaming."

"Nope. Pretty soon, people are going to be paying $200 an hour to fuck someone else, not to fuck me."

"That's one way of looking at it." Ryan grinned.

There was a lull in our conversation while the waiter took our order. I had already eaten, so I was content with a piece of apple pie. Ryan hadn't eaten, so he grabbed a plate of fries and gravy.

For the next three hours, Ryan and I talked about our backgrounds, our hopes, and our dreams. Ryan listened intently while I told him about my parents and how they had kicked me out of the house and out of the family. He sat quietly as I told him about my first time with a close friend who had moved out east. Stories about my times walking the street made him cringe. When I ran out of stories, I made him talk about himself.

He told me about his friends and his family. About how scared he was to come out for the closet and admit his sexuality to his parents. He told me about his grand parents who wanted great-grandchildren, and about the girls who kept hitting on him. I listened quietly as he told me all his deepest fears.

He also told me about what he wanted for the future. He wanted kids, a house, and most of all someone who he could share the rest of his life with. I nodded my head, as I listened. These were all things that I wanted badly. But, I knew they were things that I likely would never have.

By the time the waiter stopped serving us coffee, we were both talked out. I was tempted to invite Ryan back to my place for a movie, or a nightcap, but Ryan mentioned that he was pretty tired before I could ask. Instead, I brushed my hair back and smiled at him.

"I had a really great time, Ryan."

"So did I," Ryan said as he handed me a slip of paper, "Here's my phone number. I'd really like to do this again."

"So would I." I tucked the paper into my pocket. "Do you have a pen and a piece of paper? I'll give you my phone number."

"I'll just put it into my cell phone." Ryan pulled a tiny phone out of his pocket.

I gave Ryan my phone number, and watched as he entered it into his phone. When he was done, he smiled at me. "I'd better get going. I'll see you again."

"I'll see you too."

Ryan looked around for a second and then gave me a kiss on the cheek. "I'd give you more, but..."

"Don't worry, I understand."

We both turned around and walked back to our cars. I was literally floating on air after the kiss. It was as sweet and romantic as any French kiss could be. On my way home, I stopped at the payphone at the 7-11 and paged Hughie. The message I left was simple. I wasn't available for work until I told him otherwise.

The next month was a month of total bliss for me. Ryan and I would meet three and four times a week, and talk and generally have a great time together. We'd meet in the library, and I'd kiss him in between the stacks. When we'd go to movies, Ryan would rest his hand on my thigh and gently caress it. The one thing that we didn't do was have sex. Whenever I invited Ryan over, he seemed to hesitate, and then he'd suggest we do something else. I finally got him to come over for supper one Friday night, and I planned to make it as romantic as possible. There was nothing I wouldn't do for my Ryan.

When Ryan finally arrived, Mac freaked out and hissed at Ryan. I scolded him, and shut him in the laundry room where his litter box was. He wasn't going to spoil my night with Ryan. Ryan and I ate supper in silence, which was unusual for the two of us. We always seemed to have something to talk about. Ryan was a very bright young man, and was quite able to defend himself and his beliefs in the friendly debates that we had. When supper was finally over, I told Ryan to go have a seat in the living room, while I cleared the table. Ryan protested, but in the end I won. I quickly tossed the dishes into the sink, and grabbed the bottle of red wine that I'd been saving along with two glasses and a corkscrew.

When I got to the living room, Ryan was looking at my CD collection. I put down the wine and glasses and then quietly walked up behind him. I wrapped my right arm around his waist and kissed the nape of his neck to get his attention. Ryan moaned softly, and then quickly turned around to face me.

"Have I told you how much I love you?" I asked as I moved to kiss Ryan. Ryan blocked my advance and gently pushed away from me. I stood silently in the middle of the living room, feeling a little confused with Ryan's actions. Ryan walked over to my window and looked out, as if contemplating something.

"Ben, I can't see you anymore," Ryan said as he looked out onto the grassy park that was adjacent to my condo.

"What? Why?" I shocked.

"Because I'm falling in love with you."

"Isn't that what you want? To fall in love with someone?" I walked up behind him.

"Yeah, it's what I want, but I can't fall in love with you."

"Why?" I choked back tears.

"Why do you think?" Ryan asked bitterly. "It's because you're a prostitute. I can't be in a relationship where my boyfriend is selling himself for money."

"I haven't had a client since you, and if we were going out it would stay that way. I would do that for you in a heartbeat."

"It doesn't matter, Ben." Ryan looked at me angrily. "You are nothing but a whore, plain and simple."

I looked at Ryan and straightened up. "Yes, I sold myself for money. Yes, I let men fuck me as often as they wanted as long as they could afford the price. But those things are in my past. Just remember though. My first time was with someone I loved. Someone I cared about. You gave away your virginity to a whore. That's something that you'll never get back."

I walked away from a silent Ryan and grabbed the unopened bottle of wine off the table. "You want to know something else, Ryan?" I asked as I spun around to face him. "I loved you. You have filled my thoughts and dreams since we met, but you know what? I can see now that I was dreaming about someone who really didn't exist. Someone who is better than you in every way."

"Whatever." Ryan walked to the door. "You're nothing but a whore. A whore who is liable to die of AIDS alone in some back alley."

"Yes, but I'll have loved someone. That's something you'll never be able to say."

Ryan just glared at me before storming out of the condo. I remained strong until I pushed the door shut and locked it. As soon as I was alone I lowered myself to the floor and began crying.

After about an hour of tears, I got up and took the wine to the kitchen. I looked at the bottle for several seconds and then opened the bottle. I stood in front of the sink and guzzled it all. After the wine was gone, I walked down the hallway to the laundry room and let Mac out. When I opened the door, Mac just looked up at me and then walked out into the kitchen. I just went to my bedroom, and crawled into my bed. Sleep came quickly, but when I awoke, I realized I was still pining for Ryan. After breakfast, I got dressed and walked the two blocks to the 7-11 where I paged Hughie. The message I left him was a simple one. I needed to work again. If I treated Ryan as just one more trick, I hoped I could get over him.

To Be Continued.

Next: Chapter 3

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