Call Boy

By Chip Dyp

Published on Sep 18, 1999


The following program contains material suited for a mature audience. If you are not over 18 you should be leaving now. Of course I can't control you and neither can anyone else really. This story is entirely false except for the true parts. And now for our feature presentation. Viewer Discretion is advised...

My web site is located at

Call Boy by: Chip Dyp (

I adjusted my tie as the Elevator stopped on the seventeenth floor at the Delta in Winnipeg. It was in my humble opinion one of the best hotels in the city with a commanding view of the two rivers which flowed through the city. This wasn't a pleasure visit to the hotel however. It was strictly business. Another day, another fuck, and again another buck. Ever since I had been tossed out of my parent's house after my freshman year, I had been selling myself to first make it through University and now through Law School. When I had first started, I had walked the streets in a very tight pair of shorts and a tight white t-shirt that the old fags loved. I'd stopped working the streets after an old man who thought bruises were sexy had beaten me.

When an acquaintance found out that I was, as he put it "available for the right price" he began setting up dates at the hotel where he worked--for a price. A price that he charged the guest and not me. As Hugh put it, there was no sense fleecing me, when we could fleece the gentleman caller twice.

I walked down the hallway to room 1729 and paused for a moment. I pulled my Tazer out of my pocket and tucked it into the sleeve of my suit coat before knocking on the door. A very young sounding man's voice called out, asking who it was.

"Hotel Entertainment Service," I said in a calm, and deliberate voice.

"Just a second."

I waited in front of the door and watched as the peephole darkened. "Very good," I thought, "Check to make sure I'm not vice and that I'm alone." The dead bolt clicked as it was unlocked and then the door latch turned to let me in. I took a step and cocked my head as I examined my client. He was fairly young and very attractive. Not the usual client for me, but I could handle the change. A steady diet of middle-aged men with beer bellies, and men old enough to be my grandfather was less than interesting. I didn't care though. Older men had enough money to pay for my services. Younger men didn't, and in any case, they could go to the bar and pick up a date.

"Hello, my name is Ryan," The young man said as he offered me his hand.

"Go have a seat, Ryan," I said as I pointed to an overstuffed easy chair, "I need to check out some things."

I poked my head into the bathroom and into the other room of the suite, ensuring that there was no one else in the room. I walked over to Ryan and carefully disposed of the Tazer into my suit pocket. No need to alarm my fuck for the night. "Can I see your wallet, Ryan?"

I opened up Ryan's wallet and pulled out his Driver's Licence. I wasn't normally concerned with age and I needn't have worried this time either. He was 18 years old, and a resident of Winnipeg. He lived in Charleswood, about 3 miles from my Condo on the edge of the city. I was more concerned about any ties he may have to the vice squad. The last thing I needed was to be arrested while taking my last year of law school. It might complicate my elevation to the Bar.

"So Ryan, I was told you were looking for a little entertainment. Anything in particular you wanted to do tonight?"

"Ummm, I uh, I wanted to um..."

"Don't be shy, Ryan," I said as I slid a finger along his cheek. I took his hand and placed in on my hip. It quivered ever so slightly until it came to rest on the pants of my Hugo Boss suit. "I tell you what, Ryan. Why don't you stand up and show me what you want to do."

"I, uh, I want to make love to you."

"Mmmmm, well, I must say that sounds wonderful. You do know what that's going to cost you."

"$200 an hour, in advance."

"That's right."

Ryan reached into the pocket of his jeans, and pulled out six hundred dollars. "Uhh, is this okay?"

"That's fine, beautiful," I said as I folded the bills and tucked them away in my pants pocket. I unbuttoned my suit coat and smiled seductively at Ryan. "Did you want to finish undressing me?"

"Can I?" Ryan asked quietly.

"You can do whatever you want, honey, just no pain."

Ryan's trembling hands pushed the shoulders of the jacket down, along my back. My jacket slid off my arms and past my hands, before falling to the floor. I stood before Ryan, looking as seductive as I could. He moved to kiss me, and leaned forward to meet his lips. His lips were smooth, and for a change, I couldn't taste alcohol or tobacco on my date's breath. I rested my hands on the worn CK jeans and gently squeezed his beautiful butt. Ryan thrust his hips forward and moaned as he broke the kiss.

"Mmmmm, that was sweet, baby. Why don't you finish unwrapping me, and then you can do whatever you want."

As Ryan reached forward and began unbuttoning my starched white dress shirt, I moaned to urge him on. It wasn't really turning me on, but for $200 I'd say watching a ninety-year-old man masturbate turns me on. It's their fantasy, not mine.

Once Ryan had unbuttoned my shirt he began kissing my chest. I moaned for real this time. I hadn't asked how experienced Ryan was, but I was willing to bet that he wasn't a beginner. He nibbled on my left nipple, taking the silver ring between his teeth and gently tugging. My cock started to rise, restrained only by the black thong that I choose to arouse my client. I groaned and pulled Ryan closer. I wanted into this boy's pants.

"Am I doing this right?" Ryan whispered into my ear, as he rubbed my smooth flank.

"Oh yeah." I groaned and pulled the hem of Ryan's shirt out of his pants.


Ryan took my earlobe between his teeth and gently nibbled on it. I felt my belt being undone, and then the button on the pants. A hand reached out and gently stroked my cock through the damp cotton fabric of my underwear. The inner button on my pants was undone, and the zipper lowered. My pants fell to the ground, leaving me naked except for my dress socks and my thong.

Ryan ground his rather large bulge against my hip, and moaned loudly. I lifted Ryan's shirt and ducked under the t-shirt so I could lick and suck his nipples. I kissed his chest, tonguing the blond hairs that dotted his chest. Ryan twisted away from my probing tongue and tried not to giggle. I smiled. Ryan was ticklish.

I pulled up Ryan's shirt, exposing his chest to the cool air. I cupped the bulge in his jeans and did a mental double take. Ryan was very, very well endowed. "What do we have here," I whispered as I squeezed his bulge, "Do you store a spare pair or two of socks in here, or are you happy to see me?"

Ryan blushed and looked away. I rested my hand on his cheek and turned his head so he was looking at me again. "Don't be shy, baby. I'll show you mine if you show me yours."

Ryan kept blushing as he looked down at my aroused cock. I took a few steps back, shucking my dress pants in the process and then slowly, erotically, hooked my fingers into the band of the underwear and slowly pushed them down. Ryan's mouth opened and he took a deep breath as he stared at me. I smiled. It wasn't much, but it was all mine. I took a few steps forward and then dropped to my knees. I needed to see what was in his worn CK's.

My hands fell onto the button, and then viciously tugged down the zipper. The faded denim splayed open, and his white briefs poked outwards. I rubbed Ryan's bulge gently and then pulled his underwear to his knees. Ryan's throbbing cock sprung upward and smacked against his belly.

"Mmmm, all the boys and girls must love to play with this," I said as I gently rubbed the warm, smooth flesh. Ryan moaned and took a deep breath, his legs twitching. "We'd better be careful," I said as wiped the pre-cum away, "We wouldn't want this to go off. It might put out an eye."

Ryan just moaned and pulled my head closer to his leaking cock. I took the hint and engulfed his cock. Ryan let out a gasp and grabbed me by the ears, and began face-fucking me as hard as he could. I reached out and began massaging his plump testicles, both to increase his pleasure and to give me an out. You squeeze a man's testicles hard enough and he'll stop pounding his cock down your throat. It didn't take long for this boy to tense up and blow his warm cream down my throat. I didn't normally swallow for my tricks, but I made an exception in this case. Ryan held my head tightly, preventing me from pulling back now that he was finished. His legs were a little unstable as he came down from the orgasmic high. He finally let go of my head and let me take a deep breath. I sat down on the soft carpet and smiled at the boy. He was sitting in the chair, his eyes closed. I was beginning to wonder if he was really going to be able to make the full three hours when he opened his eyes and smiled at me.

"That was awesome," Ryan said as he released a deep breath.

"That was just a warm up beautiful," I replied as I crawled across the floor to wear he was sitting, "I think you'll enjoy driving that big cock of yours into me even more."

"But, I've um, already--you know."

"Oh honey, you are young. It won't take me long to recharge those batteries." To emphasize my point I began playing with Ryan's cock, licking up any cum that had oozed out. Ryan moaned and gripped the arms of the chair tightly. "See, baby. It won't take long at all."

Ryan didn't say anything as I stroked his cock back to an erection. When his cock was fully hard, I reached into my pack and pulled out a condom and a small tube of lubrication. I was no virgin, but taking something this large deserved a few more minutes of preparation. I rolled the latex sheath onto his manhood and added some additional lubrication. I spread my legs and kneeled on my legs outside his. I rubbed my turgid manhood against his abs and then slowly, lowered myself onto his spike. Ryan groaned and then thrust his cock deep into my bowels.

"Mmmmm, your cock is so big, baby." I groaned as I rode Ryan's cock. Ryan wrapped his arms around me and began bucking his hips, trying to bury even more of his manhood deep within me. "Ohhh, fuck me harder baby, harder." I begged loudly as he rubbed parts of my bowels that had never been rubbed before. I started thinking about Constitutional Law and Environmental Law to prolong the experience. It isn't good form to cum before the client. Ryan cried out and began shaking madly. To please Ryan, I stroked my cock twice and blew my load all over his chest. I had learned in my years of whoring myself out that when the client cums, you better cum right after him. Several times I had to put up with incompetent men trying to bring me off after they had cum.

I slowly rose up, letting Ryan's cock slip out of my ass. I rested on his knees and pulled his condom off. While Ryan rested up, I went to the washroom to flush the condom and to wipe some of the excess lube away. Sloppy seconds would never do. When I exited the bathroom, I heard Ryan snoring. I smiled to myself. It had only been half an hour, and already I had worn him out.

I walked over to Ryan and began kissing his chest, licking up my cum in the process. Ryan twisted to get away from my tongue, and tried pushing me away while he slept. I was persistent though. Ryan's blurry eyes opened and he blushed again. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep."

"Oh, baby. Don't apologize. I just wanted to make sure you got your money's worth."

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure," I said as I stood in front of Ryan, smiling seductively.

"Actually, did you want to lie down with me? I um, want to make love to you again, but I want to talk a little first."

I offered Ryan my hand and pulled him out of the chair. I wrapped my arm around his waist and walked with him to the bed. He crawled in and held the covers up for me to crawl in with him. I paused for a moment and then looked down at Ryan. "I don't think you'll want me to crawl in with you. I might leave a stain on the sheets or make them wet."

"It's all right, I'm going home after I'm done here."

I smiled and shrugged my shoulders before I crawled into the bed. Ryan rolled towards me and put his hand on my butt. "So what did you want to know, baby?" I asked as wiggled to make myself comfortable.

We talked for a long time, about school, our backgrounds. I tried not to lie to Ryan, which was hard for me. Normally, when a client asked me questions like Ryan was asking, I had no problems lying like a politician. Eventually he asked the questions that I always seem to get asked.

"Why do you do this?"

"Do what?"

"You know, fuck guys for money."

"Everyone has to make a living some how. I make mine on my back with my legs in the air."

"Yeah, but couldn't you do something else?"

"Like what? Work at McDonalds? I'm making more money here tonight that I could in three weeks at minimum wage."

"Yeah, but you're degrading yourself."

"Anything you do for money degrades yourself. The trick is to realize that and accept it."

"I guess. How many guys have fucked you?"

"I don't have a clue. A lot," I replied honestly.

"So are you going to do this all your life?"

"Nope, I've got plans. Next year, at this time, I'm going to be out of this business all together."

"What kind of plans?"

"I can't say. And because I like you, I'm not going to lie to you."

"Oh," Ryan said as he grinned at me, "I bet you tell all your clients that you like them."

"Nope, I tell them all that I love them, that they are the best in bed, and that they have a massive cock. In your case, you do have a big cock, but you aren't the best I've had in bed."

Ryan's eyebrow rose and he leaned in close. "Does that mean you love me?"

"Mmmm, I haven't known you long enough to love you. I do like you though," I replied as I kissed his chest.

"Well, if you like me, then how'd you like to take care of this little problem that has come up?" Ryan leaned close and rubbed his erect cock against my thigh. I smiled and kissed him on the nose while I stroked his beautiful, big organ.

"I'd like that a lot," I replied honestly, "How would you like me to take care of it?"

"I'd like to make love to you," Ryan said as he clenched my cheeks and pulled them apart.

"You wanna do it doggie style?" I whispered as I nibbled on his left ear lobe.

"Yes," Ryan whimpered as he rubbed his crotch against mine.

I grabbed a fresh condom out of my backpack, and rolled it onto Ryan's leaking cock. He moaned and gave a little whine as I stroked his cock. I smiled and jumped onto the bed. I pulled myself up onto my knees and elbows and looked over at Ryan. "Well, beautiful? You gonna make love to me, or are you going to stare at me all day."

Ryan grinned and rolled off of the bed. He walked up behind me and kneeled down between my feet. He grabbed my hips and pushed his cock into me in one stroke. I groaned and lurched forward onto the thick hotel pillows. Ryan drilled his cock deep inside me, burying my face into the pillow with every thrust. I moaned and clenched my ass muscles to grip Ryan's cock. He groaned and wrapped his arms around his waist. He lunged forward and let out a loud groan as he continued fucking the daylights out of me. I moaned in response and continued milking his cock. Ryan let out a loud scream and collapsed onto my back. I grabbed my own cock and stroked it a couple of times to bring my own climax. I blew a load of cum all over the comforter and then carefully lay down. Ryan stayed embedded in my ass, his sweat running off his body onto mine.

"Ryan," I said quietly. I waited a few seconds. I could hear him breathing deeply as his body came down off the endorphin high. I waited another couple of second and called his name again. This time he answered.


"You want to pull out of me baby? I want to get that condom off you before it leaks."

"Mmmm, okay." Ryan said as he lifted himself up and pulled his softening cock out of me. I heard a pleasant popping sound, as the air seal was broken between us. I knew that meant that the condom had stayed on Ryan as he pulled out. I turned over and took the used condom from Ryan as I headed to the bathroom. I wanted to wipe my ass and flush the condom myself. Ryan lay down on top of the comforter with his legs spread and watched me leave the room.

When I finished in the bathroom I came out and found Ryan sitting in the chair fully dressed. I pouted at Ryan and asked, "Awwww, don't I get anymore lovin' from my young stud?"

"I'm spent," Ryan said as he looked at his watch, "Besides there's only about an hour left."

"An hour is plenty for me to get you off again," I said as I walked over to the chair and stroked his cheek. Ryan pushed against my hand and smiled wistfully.

"I don't think I could handle another round," Ryan said as he looked across the room, "Could we... oh never mind, it's silly."

"Could we what?" I asked cautiously.

"Could we dance a little?"

"Dance?" I asked with surprise. I had never been asked to dance with a client before. I had been asked to dance for them many times. I smiled at Ryan and nodded my head. "I'd like that a lot," I said as I took his hand.

"Actually, could you put your clothes on first? You looked really handsome in them."

I smiled and walked over to my thong. I quickly pulled it and my suit on, trying not to use too much of Ryan's time dressing. When I was fully dressed I walked over to Ryan and took his hand. He stood and took my hand in his and kissed it. He smiled up at me and said, "I've always wanted to do that with someone."

"I'm honoured," I replied in a very distinguished voice, "So what are we going to dance to?"

"I brought a CD player just in case we needed music for-- you know, earlier." Ryan pressed a button and the song "Kiss the Rain" came on. Ryan took me in his arms and pulled me close. I rested my head on his chest and let him lead as we slowly dance. Several other songs played, until finally Ryan kissed me on the top of my head and whispered, "I guess my time is up."

"If you don't have anything else you have to do, I'd really like to finish this song. I'm really enjoying myself."

"I'd like that," Ryan said and we continued dancing. When the song finally ended I let go of Ryan and took a few steps back.

"I guess we should leave," Ryan said as he tried to smile at me.

"Yeah, I guess we should."

"I had a really good time."

"So did I. I, uh, um, look," I paused as I wrote down my pager number, "Here's my pager number if you want to get together again. All I ask is that you don't give it out, all right?"

"Oh, uh thanks. Look, um I don't think I'll be able to afford another date with you," Ryan said as he handed back the card.

"Oh, well keep it, you know if you want to go for coffee or talk or something."

Ryan smiled and nodded his head as he tucked the piece of paper away. "I'd like that."

I smiled and gave Ryan one last kiss. I needed to taste his lips one last time. I knew in my mind that he'd never call me. When we broke the kiss I smiled and opened the door. I had never felt so alone.

To Be Continued

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Next: Chapter 2

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