California Here I Cum

By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on Apr 10, 2021



California Here I cum


If you've gotten this far you know the drill. This is a work of gay fiction, the sole property of the author. It may not be reused or reprinted without his written permission. If you enjoy the stories on the site please contribute to keep it going. Comments

I'd met Ed shortly after my 26th birthday. He was a senior at the University. I was into my 4th year of teaching high school English in Baltimore. I'd pursued a masters degree the year before running into Ed at the coffee shop on campus. We talked and seemed to have a lot in common. Sometime after our first few meetings for coffee I saw him in one of the city's gay bars. I'd only been out for about a year. Ed seemed to know a lot more about gay life than I did. He was a tall, 6 '3" blond with that surfer look and attitude. I was a guiet, mousey guy with a thin swimmer's body.

After our first encounter at the bar he decided to take me under his wing, never mind that I was four years older. We sort of dated or "hooked up" as he would often say. Sex was not an instant thing. We were both attractive in our own way. Out in the scene he always attracted more attention with that surfer look and attitude. When he finally got me in bed he seemed not to be able to get enough of me. Soon I found myself being his partner on outings. Just before his graduation he invited me to go to the beach for a weekend. Having nothing better to do I accepted. It seemed that his father had a house at the Delaware beach town. So we were there alone. It was a weekend of partying and sex. Ed had also invited some friends down for the holiday weekend. I never found out if any of them were gay since Ed make sure to keep a watchful eye on me. He let everyone know that I was his.

Soon after that weekend he graduated and his father threw a big party to celebrate. Now I was not one who was comfortable meeting the parents of guys I bedded. I tried to stay as much in the background as possible. At the end of the evening his dad announced that Ed had been offered a job in Hollywood and accepted. I was stunned since no mention of the job had been made before. After the party Ed drove me back to my apartment. He explained that he didn't have much choice since his father was a wealthy man with lots of connections. We made love for the last time that night.

For the next two years Ed would call and email me letting me know of his progress. He was a smart, ambitious young man. His good looks and attitude would take him far. He neve mentioned anything about sex. I was not curious to know who he had in his bed. My teaching career was going well. I had gotten a second masters in creative writing/drama to secure my job. It'd been two years and my gay life was stuck. I couldn't seem to find a guy with whom I felt comfortable. Summer was fast approaching with an idle two months in front of me. Someone in the school administration sent me an email asking if I had any plans. I had nothing planned and no prospects of summer work. I got a note in the school mail with an application attached for a summer program in drama at UCLA. It was a paid three week workshop with a travel stipend. I applied and was quickly acceped. I emailed Ed and told him about the program and that I hoped to see him while there.

I'd planned to make this a once in a lifetime vacation. driving across the country. I figured that taking a week to drive out there and a week to drive back would pretty much fill in the summer, along with the workshop. Arrangements had been made for all of the workshop participants to live on campus to maximise the time together. The group had been carefully selected to create a group that was a cross section of backgrounds. Just before I was to leave, having sublet my apartment, I received an email from Ed. He suggested that I might want to spend an extra week in Los Angeles with him so that he could show me around. It sounded fine. I' d shipped some of my things by FEDEX to arrive a few dsys after my expected arrival. I'd asked Ed if I could have them delivered to his address. He agreed that it would be wise in case my arrival was delayed.

The first two days drive was uneventful. The midwest was pretty flat and a bit dull. Getting to Colorado was different. The mountain scenary was new and great. I spent an extra day there in Denver. The rest of the drive was not as exciting, rather boring. After a while, staying in chain motels that began to fade together was making me wonder why I didn't just fly. But I did see a lot of the country. Arriving in the area of Los Angeles I was faced with a nightmare of urban traffic. I spent hours lost in traffic until late at night finally, I broke down and called Ed. It was almost midnight and I was lucky that he was at home. I explained that I'd been lost for hours in the city. He asked where I was and I gave him the name of the mall and the parking lot. He told me to stay put and he'd be right over. About 30 minutes later a sleek sports car pulled up next to me. Ed got out and gave me a hug. He told me that since it was so late, too late to find the campus, I'd best follow him to his place. I agreed to do that. So following close behind him we drove through the freeway and roads into the hills. Ed's house was on a hillside overlooking the lights of the city.

Once inside he asked if I was hungry. The hours of being lost in the city had left me sweaty and starving. Ed said that he's order delivery of supper from his favorite place and suggested that I shower while he did that and fixed drinks. A hot shower did wonders for me. I pulled out a pair of clean sweats and barefoot went to find Ed. He was stting in front of a fireplace in his living room. There was a pitcher of drinks on the table next to him. Like me, he was in sweatpants. He commented on my toned body. I explained that 3 times a week in the gym did it. Over drinks he told me about his life in the city. It seems that being a Hollywood junior executive was not all glamor. His days were long and he was at the call of people who often treated him more like a servant. But the pay and perks were good.

In the middle of our discussion the food arrived. He explained that he didn't know what to order so he'd selected a variety. It certainly was just that. There were enough choices for any taste. As we ate he asked about my life back east. I confessed that since he left things had not been as much fun. I'd not found the right kind of person to fill the void in my life. Ed agreed that his life was mostly work. The few guys he'd met were mostly would be actors or writers hoping to break into the entertainment business. He mentioned that he did have a few close friends, mostly fuck buddies, who like him, easily tired of the "wanna bes". We finished eating, cleared the trash and Ed suggested that we hit the hot tub out by the pool. Now living in the east where winters were really cold few people I knew had pools. Here they seemed to be the rule rather than an exception. I agreed and Ed suggested that we just drop the sweats and jump in. Since we'd seen each other numerous times naked I agreed. Ed made another pitcher of drinks and led me outside. It was a cool night and the hot tub felt great on my tired body. Ed asked me about my work and the course at UCLA. I told him that I loved teaching, watching youngsters' faces light up when they learned something new. I also admitted that the UCLA course happened on a tip from an administrator. He asked about drugs back east. I told him that most people I knew were uptight about drugs, brainwashed by the right wing media. He asked if I wanted to get high telling me that it might relax me from the long drive. I agreed as long as I'd be fine enough the next day to get to the campus. He reached over to a table next to the jacuzzi and pulled out a leather bag from the drawer.

Ed told me that it might be best if we shot gunned a few hits. I agreed knowing that we'd likely end up kissing and then fucking. I remembered that he was very good in bed with a long, thick, uncut cock. Spending my first night in bed with him might be good for me. He filled a glass pipe lite it and took a deep hit. he motioned for me to come sit next to him. The stuff was powerful, primo weed for the first hit. I felt his lips touch mine. I recalled the times we'd spent in my place during his senior year. The second hit was even better. His lips did not leave mine as I held in the smoke. I exhaled it back to him. I felt his arm wrap around my back as he held me in place. He exhaled the smoke but turned to me still holding me. Looking me in the eyes he said "I've waited all night to do this, to kiss you the way we used to kiss. My only response was "me too." We began kissing like 2 teenagers alone for the first time. The jacuzzi was abandoned for the bedroom. Ed told me to hold on he wanted to get champagne to celebrate our reunion after so long. He quickly returned with a bottle, 2 glasses, and 2 little blue pills. He explained that the pills would make this night special. We toasted and each took a sip with the pills. I was already so horny from the trip and the long time without good sex that I didn't even need the pills to be all over his body. He still was just as handsome as ever with a very impressive cock. I kidded him saying that having an impressive cock must've been an asset in Hollywood. He silenced me with a deep kiss.

By now the pills were having the desired affect. Both of our cocks were hard as rocks and our sexual desires were in overdrive. Ed whispered as he lay on my stomach " I don't want to fuck you, I want to make wild, passionate love. I want to show you and tell you all the things that I couldn't before. I was a coward back east. Now I'm my own man and I want to be your man." I just nodded my head. With that simple nod we began a night of passion. I'd never felt so totally loved, so totally belonging to anyone before. We finally fell asleep in each other's arms. I knew that something was different about the night. I gave my body and my will over to him. I was amazed at his stamina and my own as we repeatedly made love.

Waking late, Ed and I had a light, California style breakast of fruit and coffee. Over our second cup Ed looked at me smiling. "Why don't you leave your things and the car here today. I can have an uber pick you up, take you to the campus and bring you back later to get your things. He can even give you directions on driving back to the campus if you need them. Here's a spare cell I keep, for you to use. The Uber number is set for 2 and my personal number is one. I'll give you the key and the code for the alarm so you can get in the house." I wanted to argue but realized that he was right. I'd never be able to find my way around by myself. I showered, shaved, and dressed just as the car arrived. On the drive over to UCLA, the driver pointed out landmarks that I might find useful for getting around. We arrived on the campus, finding the right building with little problem. The driver asked for my cell number which I didn't know. So he took the phone, entered his number and told me to all when I was finished. He was a cute, California tanned younger man with sun bleached blond hair.

The day went by pretty quickly. I was given a dorm key pad and our schedule of activities. One of the other teachers in the program was a native and invited me to have lunch at one of the eateries on the campus. We spent most of the meal talking shop. Walking back she asked me about my trip and the accomodations. I explained that I'd arrived late the night before and stayed with a friend who lived in the Hollywood hills area. I confessed that I'd taken an Uber to the campus rather than facing Los Angeles traffic. She wrote down a set of rough directions from the hills area back to the campus dorms. I thanked her. Around 2PM my cell rang, it was Ed. He suggested that I wait at his house so that he could take me out to dinner to meet some of his buddies. He promised that I could follow him back to campus later tha evening. I agreed to lounge by the pool until he got home. He did warn me that I might run into his house clearner. An hour later after a tour of the campus I got a call from the Uber driver. He was on his way to pick me up in about thirty minutes. We agreed to meet at the building where he'd dropped me off.

On the drive back I asked the driver if we could stop to get a few things that I needed. We stopped at a rather upscale shopping center. I spent as little time as possible shopping for some special items and a few bottles of wine to repay Ed for his hospitality. Arriving at the house I walked up to the door searching my pockets for the key. As I stood there the door swung open and I was faced with a very handsome Hispanic boy who couldn't have been more than 19. Standing somewhat bewildered at the door, he grabbed the bags and invited me in. He explained "Ed's assistant called and told me you were staying here. So I made up the spare room and fixed a few things to nibble on for you. If you want to swim no need for a suit. The yard is totally surrounded by tall hedges." The boy was wearing sandals, a tank top, and a skimpy pair of shorts that left little to the imagination. I followed him to the guest room where my things had been laid out. I noticed the strong muscular legs and bounce of his ass as he walked in front of me. I decided to take advantage of the pool went out naked to lounge. As got settled just as the houseboy, Miquel, brought out a pitcher of drinks. He told me that Ed had called and would be late around 7PM. I lay out for a few hours. After a short nap I lay around reading all the material from the program.

Ed got in about on time. He pulled me for a deep kiss. His hands moved down my back grabbing hold of my ass as his tongue invaded my mouth deeply. I surrendered immediately to him just as the house cleaner was leaving. We were very much involved, naked on the floor arms and legs intertwinned in wild abandonment. I was lost in our inhibitions wanting only sexual release. Afterwards we lay exhausted and sexually satiated. We quickly showered and dressed for our dinner.

Dinner with Ed's friends was at a plush restaurant by the ocean. The friends were in a variety of fields, mostly not related to entertainment. Bud was a lawyer. Steve, a police dectective. Ken was a banker. Paul is a minister. The one thing that they had in common was their sexuality. All seemed to be well built and refined in their tastes. They all talked freely in front of me and Ed. They recounted some of their recent exploits in the bedroom. We ended the meal later than I expected. On the drive back Ed asked me if I wanted to spend another night since driving in LA after dark can be tricky. I noticed that there was a disturbing lack of street signs as we drove. I guessed that the locals knew their regular routes by heart. When we got back to his home he pulled his car into the garage next to mine. I sat in the car for a minutes thinking. Ed came back down to look for me. "What's wrong?" he asked. I got out of the car smiling and said "I'm thinking of your offer. It is late and since your houseboy has unpacked my bag I think you might be right and I shouldn't try finding my way back in the dark. Ok, I'll stay only if you promise to behave," Ed grabbed my shoulder and turned me around before speaking " I promise to be as good a boy and behave myself as much as you want. I'll even sleep in my own bed tonight." I felt a pang of regret after all it was his house. We showered and he suggested a night cap which I agreed to. Over a fine cognac, he asked me what I was looking for in a man and a relatonship. I'd never thought of that before. Most of my encounters had been too short to have to face that question. I thought for a few minutes before speaking. "I guess I want someone I can trust not to cheat on me, not to lie to me. I want someone to share my life with, the good times and the bad." He smiled and moved closer to me whispering "I guess we want the same thing. It's not just about the sex. It's something deeper. I've lived here long enough amid the phony glamor and glitter to see through all of it. I need to find some person to keep me balanced." We finished our drinks in silence just staring at the burning wood in the fireplace. Ed picked up the empty glasses announcing that it was his bedtime. I went off to the guest room. But thinking about the conversation and his question kept me awake. After an hour of tossing around I decided to face the fact and confront Ed. I walked to his bedroom. I saw the light under the door so knew that he, too, was awake. I softly knocked on his door.. He answered "Yes!" I turned the knob and entered the softly lite room. Ed was sitting up in bed also awake. I stood at the foot of the bed looking at his masculine body and wondered what he even thought of me. He was younger and so fit. He could obviously have any man he wanted. He smiled and patted the bed next to him saying "What's in that pretty head of yours?" I looked down at the floor while speaking " I think that I'm afraid of relationships. I run away as soon as I feel one starting. I really like you, probably more than I should." He reached out to my hand with tears forming in his eyes. "I always knew that from our time back east. I was afraid that if I pressed you too much you'd run off. I'm sorry for not telling you I how I felt then." He raised my hand to his lips softly kissing it. I continued "Seeing you tonight let me know that I could never fit into your world here. I understand about the phony world here. You're friends here are all successful. I'm a poor high school teacher with no desire to do anything else."

Ed pulled me to his chest cradling me to his chest softly whispering "But don't you see that what I want is someone like you. Someone to keep me honest. Not just someone like you but you." He gently kissed my forehead while cuddling me. I felt so safe in his arms. I fell asleep next to him. He'd kept his promsie and behaved. But at the same time he'd brought a new reality into my life. I woke to the smell of coffee and ran down to the kitchen naked. Ed was standng at the sink peeling fruit, wearing a short robe. "Hi sleepy head, you finally woke up, hungry?" I filled a mug with coffee and sat at the kitchen bar. In an instant a plate of freshly cute melon was in front of me. As we sat and ate in silence I thought of our conversation in bed last night. Finally Ed broke the silence "You know that you could teach anywhere you wanted? You're a bright talented teacher with a knack for inspiring your students." I looked into his crystal blue eyes mumbling "thanks". Finishing the coffee he stood to put the dishes in the dishwasher. I started to rise but he turned quickly saying "Stay there, we need to talk about us." I sat down saying "us?"

Ed moved around pulling a stool to face me. "OK, first of all I regret not telling you that I loved you before I moved here. My life would've been so much better if I wasn't such a coward. Secondly these past two years have shown me how wrong I was. You fill a void in my life that has been empty for many years. What I want to ask is simple would you consider being my lover, my partner, my husband? At least think about it while you're here, please?" I was conflicted and happy at the same time. I loved my job back east. Moving across the country would separate me from family and friends I'd known for my entire life. But the idea of waking up each morning in his arms, knowing that we'd have a future tore at my heart too. I looked into his eyes seeing something there that made me want him more than ever before. I replied "I feel so secure in your arms. Let me think about it for a few days? After all I'll be here a few more weeks. You already know how I feel about you." He nodded saying Of course, it's a big decision for you." I watched him leave to dress for work and wondered about the future.

I packed my things in my car and drove through LA traffic to the campus. Shirley, my new friend, was in the lobby of the dorm when I arrived. "Are you ready for our first session this morning?" she asked. I looked at the clock behind her and said "I need to unload my stuff from the car and grab a coffee. Then I'll be ready." She helped me carry my things to my room, a single. We grabbed a coffee amd walked to our first session, the Basics of screen writing." The two hour session ended in time for lunch. Shiley and I were joined by three other members of the class. Sitting outside we ate and talked of our reasons for teaching. It seemed to be a friendly group.

The afternoon session was related to drama in the classroom. It was interesting, giving me new ideas to incorporate everyday situations into dramatic lessons. I began to see opportunities to use the student's own life situations to be both educational and therapeutic. We had an end of the day group discussion before deciding to spend time writing in our journals. I was back in the dorm working on my journal when Ed called. he asked me about the course, the instructors, and the other students. I filled him in on my day. He wanted to know if I had dinner plans. I told him that after I finished my journal entry I' probably grab something on campus. He asked if I felt like company? I told him "sure" and gave him my campus address.

Ed arrived an hour later. As we were leaving the dorm we ran into Shirley. I introduced them and Ed asked her to join us. The three of us ended up in a small outdoor table at a somewhat hidden restaurant in the valley. Shirley was full of questions for Ed. He answered all of them telling her of how we'd met back East. Sensing something, she asked "how long have you two been together?" I was shocked but Ed was smooth saying "That's up to him, pointing at me." I stammered and said "What! How! What's going on?" Shirley laughed saying "I wasn't born yesterday. One look at how he looks at you and how you light up when you talk to him tells me all." I knew that I was blushing deeply. Shirley continued "You know finding a job out here with your credentials would be easy." Ed broke in speaking up "I realy hope so. He means a lot to me." I suddenly felt trapped but in a good way. The rest of the meal was mostly Shirley talking about all the benefits of teaching in California. By the end of the meal she and ED were pretty sure that they'd sold me. Later that night, again we made love. This time in my dorm room. I was sure that these four walls had seen many a pair making love on these narrow twin beds.

The next day's classes pretty much set a pattern for the three week course. Shirley introduced me to other people who worked in the greater Los Angles area. Friday was our light day with only a morning session. Shirley invited me to visit her own school to get a feel for the place. I was introduced to the admnistrator and given the grand tour. It was very impressive. One of the couples in our group had invited all of us to their home for a Sunday BBQ. Shirley insisted that I bring Ed. it would lighten the mood and kept the teacher talk down to a minimum. That night I called Ed to see if he was available. He jumped at the chance to meet "normal" people outside of the entertainment world. He did caution me that I'd have to see his world too.

Ed and I spent Saturday seeing the sights of LA. It was a large area with many serious sights. After a full day we collapsed at home, in his bed of course. We woke up around 7PM when Ed announced that he'd been invited to a famous star's home for a party and he expected that I'd join him. I protested that I didn't know if my wardrobe was right for such an occasion. He reminded me it was a casual party and that if felt uncomfortable we could leave. Since he'd already agreed to the Sunday BBQ I felt that I should return the favor.

The party was in the "Hills" not far from Ed's own home. We arrived about 10 and the party was in full swing. he'd already told me that many of the guests would be the elite of Hollywood sprinkled with some up and coming stars. We arrived, turned the car over to the valet, and walked into the already crowded party. Our host, a well known star, greeted Ed as if he were a long lost relative. I was introduced as a friend from back East. The host signaled one of the waiters to bring us drinks and went off to mingle. I was impressed with the house. But also aware of the stares of some of the handsome men. Ed was fully aware and took on his proective mode. We went on a greet and meet tour of the guests. Many seemed to know Ed and his family well. I suspected that some of the men had tried to bed Ed in the past. On more than one occasion I felt a hand on my ass, in a playful way. I noticed that Ed was aware and none too happy. After a couple of hours we found out host and explained that we had a heavy schedule for the next day and must leave. The host chided Ed for taking the most handsome man at the party away. On the short drive home Ed apologized to me. I told him that I now understood why he disliked some of the Hollywood crowd. Once home we lost no time in getting naked. It seemed that seeing how some of the leachers treated me has turned him on. it was both an erotic and a possessive love making. I didn't mind at all. Being an experienced lover, Ed knew how to bring me to the edge over and over again. His repeated plunging into my tight tunnel had me yelling how much I needed his cock.

We woke late Sunday morning. I was wrapped in Ed's tight embrace. I snuggled against his blond haired chest, content. He rubbed my shoulder whispering "Do you know how much i love you?" I reached down to his hard cock saying "I have a pretty good idea. I know that I need to feel this inside me again." He rolled me onto my back and kissed my neck mumbling " I was made to please you always." Like a heat seeking missle his stiff cock found my well lubed tunnel. I wrapped my legs around his hips to welcome him. This was not to be the hurried sex of a pair of teens. It was the slow, passion filled love making of a couple who knew each other well.

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