Calebs Love

By moc.liamtoh@7rekamkcigam

Published on Oct 15, 2002


ATTENTION READERS - Usual disclaimers apply. Please read responsibly. Oh, and another note, I do NOT support OR recommend suicide. In a perfect world no one would feel a need to kill themselves. However, I will not judge anyone who does because they have to live their life. If they decide that they can't handle that then I can only feel sorry for them. These characters are NOT REAL. Do not use these situations as a model or guideline for your own life. I will not be responsible for your actions if you do.

As time goes on my life only seems to become more complicated. I apologize to all my great readers out there for not getting this to you sooner. I tried.

Notes On The Muse Responsible For The Writer Of This Story:::

  1. A muse is supposed to inspire creativity. They make the work of writers, artists, singers, and the like much easier. They make things just sort of ... flow.

  2. Do not attempt to bribe a muse. They only inspire when they are good and damn ready! It doesn't matter how much you plead, promise, or beg.

  3. When your muse goes on vacation... all hell breaks loose. Or, rather, no hell breaks loose. It is near impossible to get anything done. If you can complete one sentence per hour you're in good shape.

  4. My muse took an unexpected visit to Hrastnik. Don't know where that is? Yeah, my point exactly. (FYI: The Bureau of Muses International informed me that Hrastnik is in Slovenia, which is a country somewhere near Italy.) Apparently the DMI tells me that I'm just not good enough to have my own muse yet. (That's like, Shakespeare status) So I have to share with other people. Apparently this Hrastnik fellow was having a real writers block beyond anything they had ever seen before. I hear they had to call in extra muses for the case. It was ugly, but I hear the gentleman is okay now.

*****Okay readers. On a more serious note I'm sorry I've babbled on so long. Life happened. The time it took me to get this out to you had nothing to do with the fine people of Hrastnik. So don't hold them accountable. LOL. Enough though! Here's the story.

Chapter 9: Sex, Family, and a Man Missing

I was being gently shaken awake. I tried to open my eyes. That was when I realized that I was blindfolded. I sighed at Derek and his little games. I had no clue what he hoped to accomplish but it all seemed very silly in my waking state. "Derek!" I mumbled with a little annoyance in my voice. I wasn't really that bothered but I did want to make him feel a little guilty about waking me up like this. It was pretty ridiculous and I liked to sleep in! I reached a hand up to flip the blindfold off of my eyes. Less gently I felt someone grab first the hand going for the blindfold, then the other one. I felt my hands pulled fairly roughly up and over my head, being pinned down to the mattress. This was going a little too far. I tried to sit up only to realize that he must have been straddling my chest. "Derek! Come on, let me up!" I grumbled, feeling a twinge of fear in this very vulnerable position. I mean it had to be Derek, right? Memories started to creep back in and on the inside I was starting to feel very uneasy. I felt one of the hands leave my wrists. It moved down to my nipples and rubbed and pinched them. I struggled against the one hand the held my arms but I still couldn't budge loose. "Derek please, stop! It's not funny anymore!" I pleaded shakily, hearing the fear that was evident in my voice. Images, fears, and feelings from my past started coming back to me. I struggled against the other body more desperately now, honestly fearful. I felt what could only be hair brush against the side of my face. "Ssh. You're safe sweetie. Don't be afraid." a soothing voice whispered in my ear. I breathed a sigh of relief. I would know that voice, and the smell of that hair, anywhere. It was Derek. Instantly all my fears were forgotten and replaced with love... and me totally wanting him. As long as he was with me I felt so safe and protected. I felt his hand rub on my chest. The hand moved to my nipple and pinched hard. I started to cry out in pain but then it lightened it's grip and I felt his mouth on my other nipple. He swirled his tongue around it and sucked on it while the other hand was now stroking lightly across the nipple that had only been in pain a second ago. I couldn't repress a loud moaning sound that seemed to come from my innermost being. Derek knew that, as long as I felt safe, I liked it a little rougher sometimes. Not enough to do serious harm of course. He lightly kissed up to just below my neck. There he nibbled playfully at the skin, just to the point of pain, before kissing each area he had just bitten. I could feel myself being extremely aroused by this sweet torture. I felt his hand brush across my thigh before he dug his fingernails into the skin. Once again I almost cried out in both surprise and the slightly painful sensation that ran straight to my dick, making it all the more hard. The only thing that stopped me from crying out is that, at that moment, his lips closed firmly onto my own and his tongue entered my mouth forcefully. His hand stopped digging into my leg and moved ever so slowly down my inner thigh. He played lightly with my balls and then moved down just a little further to my hole. My whole body shivered with anticipation. I felt the hand leave for a little while only to come back slippery with lube. His fingers dragged teasingly over my opening until I started to squirm and my breathing became more erratic. He worked his way down my body, biting here and there, causing amazing sensations just on the brink of pain. My chest, nipples, stomach, down my slight treasure trail he left small little bites all the while avoiding the penetration my body was craving. "please!" I begged in a whisper for the wonderful invasion that I knew would only be a prelude to better things to come. Apparently that was enough for him. He pushed two fingers in suddenly and not too gently. I gasped, loving what he was doing to me. All too soon a third finger was added to the others as a writhed under him. I couldn't stand it anymore and I begged him to make love to me. He let go of my arms and I felt a sort of freedom after all this time. I felt him position himself right at the entrance of my opening. "Unnngh!" I cried out as entered me all at once, driving himself into me. I breathed heavily as a wave of pleasure, from being filled, washed over me. He guided my arms around his upper body, just under his arms, and I held on and held him close. I wrapped my legs around his waist, behind his buttocks. "Please?" I quietly questioned, bringing my hand up to the blindfold. I could feel him lean closer toward my face. He lightly kissed my lips, the tip of my nose, and finally my forehead before gently sliding the blindfold up over my head. I could only smile. There was Derek, the man I loved with everything I had, looking down at me. He thrust in and out of me forcefully. I couldn't help but start moaning loudly as he once again went back to my neck, gently biting the flesh. The tension in us reached the point of no return and all too soon we shared an amazingly intense orgasm. He slowly rolled off to the side of me. He gathered me into his arms, stroking my back and whispering his love for me. I was overwhelmed with all the emotion I was feeling. I felt myself tremble slightly. He looked down at me. I realized I was crying when he leaned down to kiss away my tears. "Ty? You okay?" he questioned softly. "I just love you so much Derek." I whispered back. "You know I love you too Tyler." "Yeah I know." I replied tiredly. "It's just so amazing. At first I didn't know if you could ever love me... how you found me and all." "Ssh. I do love you Yanis. That's all that matters, okay. Don't think about the past. It hurts me when you do. It wasn't your fault Baby. You have to understand that." I just snuggled closer to him. I knew he was right, about everything. I had him now. I knew that he loved me and I knew that, with him around, nobody would ever hurt me again. He was my lover, my love, and my protector. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Laura's POV I always was an early riser. When my eyes opened that morning I didn't hear anyone else up. I got out of bed, threw on some clothes, and made my way to the kitchen. I figured everyone else would be up soon enough and I started getting out the materials for breakfast. I decided just to get everything ready but not actually cook yet. I looked up to see Lou entering the kitchen. "good morning." I said, a little distracted with the breakfast. "Yeah I guess that depends on your point of view!" she shot back. I took a break from what I was doing and thought. Lou wasn't usually an early riser as far as I knew. Judging by the tone of her voice something had gone wrong this morning. "Okay. So why are you up so early?" "Couldn't get all that much sleep! By the sound of things Caleb and Dylan are doing just fine! No consideration for those of us light sleepers! Personally, I believe it was the "Oh.. oh god!" that woke me up and the constant groaning that kept me up!" she practically growled, still upset by being woken up. I couldn't help but giggle a little. We fell pretty silent after that, her still waking up fully as I started making food for her and keeping the others in mind that would soon follow. It was in this quiet that I heard a noise that, unfortunately, I could label as fairly familiar. Tyler and Derek were at it this morning too! I lightly chuckled and Lou just made a face. "That doesn't bother you? That the two gay guys, one that hadn't even been officially out, got guys before us? How did we let that happen?" she asked. She didn't sound annoyed or angry, just a little disappointed. It was a good question really and I hadn't thought about that. Derek was the first one in out coven before he found Tyler. Dylan hadn't even been out yet for crying out loud! "Well I honestly don't know. I guess we need to get out more." I stated somberly. "See on the other hand when I think about how Tyler and Derek met each other I'm almost glad I haven't found someone yet. That was awful." she sighed. "Speaking of which did Dylan and Caleb ever mention how they met? I don't remember them saying anything about it." "No, I don't think they did. Maybe they're just not comfortable saying. Maybe that's a bad story too." I suggested. Just then our conversation was cut short as Theresa entered. "Have any of you seen Brian? I guess I was so smashed last night I didn't notice... but he wasn't in the room this morning." Both me and Lou stated that we hadn't seen him. "Wait! I saw him going into the forest last night." Lou put in. "He was going out there with Caleb right before Dylan went out there... oh my god! You don't think he had anything to do with how we saw them last night do you?" Theresa thought about it before she sighed. "I just don't know anymore. But I'm going to have to go look for him if he doesn't show up soon. I mean I can't just leave him out there. If I know him he's already gotten himself into some kind of trouble." "Oh most definitely." we heard a voice before seeing the body for it enter the room. I think we all just stared. It was the girl from last night. She was wearing these dark green silk boxer shorts with a white tee-shirt. She got a plate, got some of the eggs and bacon I had finished making and sat down. She just ate her food quietly as if her being here was the most natural thing in the world. Personally I felt very... out of the loop. So I just turned back to making breakfast. Nothing could get sorted out before Dylan came. That's how it seemed anyway. Before Tyler and Derek emerged and lightened the mood. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Caleb's POV After a cataclysmic orgasm me and Dylan laid in each others arms. I snuggled up against his chest, feeling his heart beat under me. Dylan had been a real animal this time. He seemed to need me with an intensity neither of us had experienced before. Of course I thoroughly enjoyed it. His hand was behind my head, gently stroking my neck just at the hairline. We gazed into each other's eyes. I don't know what I would do without him. "I thought I was going to loose you." I whispered, laying my head on his chest. "I know Baby. I don't think I really realized how much I meant to you. I never thought you would... do something like that." he whispered, stroking my back now. "I don't think I realized either. It's just... I didn't really think about it before. I don't want to be alone anymore. It hurts so much to be alone. Especially when that means loosing someone. I just didn't know how I would go on without you. So I kind of decided that I wouldn't. You're not mad are you?" "No I'm not mad Babe. A little shocked maybe. But not mad. How could I be mad? If I was gone, wherever I went, I would loose you too. If it would mean that we could be together then that has to be about the most beautiful, amazing, loving sacrifice you could ever make. If there is no life after death then I can also understand you not wanting to hurt like that with me gone. I love you. I wouldn't want you to hurt like that ever again." I felt him kiss the top of my forehead. "So what about this goddess now?" I asked. "That is a very good question. I don't know that I have all the answers. If she wants to just go on her way then there's nothing we can do to stop her. If she needs some kind of care then that's another matter. Then there's also the legal aspect of it. She wasn't really born so, in this world, she doesn't exist. I guess if she wants I can make that happen. I know people, with my legal connections, who could do that. What do you think Babe? Would you want to raise a teenager? Be a father? With me of course?" I thought about his question for a moment. A million thoughts raced through my head. I didn't know if I was ready for this. Of course, if it was with Dylan... "Okay, I shouldn't have asked." he interrupted my thought process. "I can understand you not wanting to. I mean we're still trying to figure things out ourselves. Not to mention that you're not much older than she is if you go by body structure. If you don't want to do it then we just figure out something else." "Dylan would you just stop for a moment!? Listen. I don't know if I'm ready for that. We don't even know if that's what has to happen. But, I think, I could do anything with you. I think, if you want to, I would like to give it a try." I felt his arms close around me, holding me close. I heard him sigh. "You are everything I have ever wanted. What did I do without you?" he asked quietly. "Hrm. Use your hand?" I giggled. I think it took a moment for my comment to sink in. Because after a brief pause he rolled onto his back and laughed. "You have such a one track mind!" he managed between laughs. Before I could even respond he pounced on top of me. He ran his hands up my chest to my nipples. He leaned down and kissed me. The he reached around and grabbed my hardening member, giving me a good sized erection and turning me on big time. He was just so amazingly erotic. Now it looked like he was going to claim me again and my whole body craved it... "That ought to teach you!" he giggled before rolling off of me and getting up, leaving me and my boner, which was almost painfully hard, all alone in bed. "Hey! Wait! Please! Dylan come on. You can't leave me like this. What am I supposed to do?" I asked in desperation. "Gee I guess maybe you can... use your hand!" he laughed. This was not fair. I slumped back on the bed in defeat. I opened my eyes and looked at his amused expression. "You are so evil." I whispered. Okay, think Caleb. Slowly a smirk crossed my face. If I played this right I would have him. I relaxed a little more on the bed. I opened my legs and brought my feet closer to me with my legs bent at the knee so I was, in essence, totally exposed. I laid back and closed my eyes. My hand quickly found my erection. I slowly began to jerk off. Except for my noise the room was totally silent so I assumed it was having the desired effect on Dylan. Just as I predicted I felt him crawl onto the bed. It felt like he got in between my legs. He ran a finger down the inside of my arm and I shivered and instinctively stopped my self-exploration. He pushed my hand away, replacing it with his. After a few strokes I felt his hand replaced with his soft, wet, mouth as he massaged and teased the opening of my ass hole. I sighed. I opened my eyes, just a little, to look up at him. He had a general look of being thrilled with what he was doing to me. I concentrated on his strong arms, his smooth chest, the face and body of the man I wanted to spend eternity with. That put my brain into overload and my orgasm overtook me. I felt him crawl over to the side of me. He nuzzled and kissed my neck. "Better?" he asked. I could only mumble in the affirmative. "Oh no!" he interrupted. "We have to go downstairs and you know it Babe. Come on, lets get up." "No way. I'm sleeping." I grumbled. At least that's what it was supposed to be even though it probably sounded nothing like that. "Oh I don't think so!" He whispered. Before I could react he picked me up and hoisted me over his shoulder. He set me down in the shower and turned the water on. I cried out as the first few seconds of ice cold water hit my once-warm skin. Eventually it warmed up and I accepted my fate and got showered. In about fifteen minutes me and Dylan were dressed and ready to go downstairs and face whatever craziness awaited us. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dylan's POV Me and Caleb went downstairs. One of the first things we heard was conversation and what sounded like general friendliness coming from the kitchen. When we turned into the kitchen I saw something I wouldn't have ever expected to see, at least not this soon. There was, well, the goddess chatting it up with everyone like they had all been old friends. Two things registered in my mind. One, Brian was no where to be seen. Two, we had to get a better name for this girl because I do not want to have to address her as "goddess" or whatever all the time. "Hey, good morning guys. You look so much better than you did last night!" Tyler chimed in, being the first to see us. Of course this led to everyone coming over to us and making sure we were all right (as if THEY were the authority on the subject of our health). Once we received the "okay" from everyone we sat down. A rather uncomfortable silence emerged. It was obvious everyone wanted to know about last night but no one wanted to ask. Finally I just broke down, decided someone had to talk eventually, and asked, "So, um, what exactly should we call you? I'm sorry but I really don't think your um... title is going to work for a regular basis." the others seemed to already be informed as to the "title" I mentioned. They were also a little confused as to how and why they had never gotten a real name though. "Well I'm sure you know I have been called many names." she responded. "Yeah and I'm also quite sure that Hecate won't do for all practical purposes so what name would you have us use?" I responded playfully, but serious. There were some names that people automatically associated with witchcraft and we just couldn't use them. It was that simple. She giggled. "This is true! So many names from so many people. Really I wouldn't object if you came up with a name of your own to call me. It's been done many times before. Or you can take your pick. Hecate, Diana, Isis, Inana, Ishtar, Gaia, Aradia... but, no, you don't like those do you?" she cocked her head to the side a bit. "How about... Arinna. Yes, that's it. You like it. I can feel it." I just shook my head in disbelief. I did like it. However, I did not like the fact that she could tell whether or not I liked it. That was going to have to be discussed. Before we got down to that though I had to make sure I could even try to enforce some rules. "Okay, Arinna, what are you going to do now? You can leave, or you can stay. That's about the only options that I see." She had a sort of odd way or staring right at you when you were talking to her. Almost like she was listening too good. When I was done she turned to Caleb. "What about you?" "Well" Caleb started, a little hesitant. "I think Dylan is right that those are the immediate choices. We talked about it and if you wanted to stay then me and Dylan would be willing to have you." She just nodded, almost as if in approval. "Yes, I would like to stay with you. In a way I have to stay with you. Your love is what keeps me here. If I were to separate myself from you for any long period of time it would be like depriving myself of oxygen. Eventually, I would "die"." "Why do you say die like that? Almost as if it's just... some kind of technical term? " Tyler cut in. "Ah. A true student. Always wanting to learn more. However, I do not think that now is the time for that lesson. I will give lessons. You are not ready for that yet though. In fact, there are only a few of you here that are. Before you ask, by the way, I am not going to say who." she finished. I could see the cogs turning in Tyler's head and he looked like he would ask another question soon if he wasn't stopped. "Ok." I tried to cut all further discussion short. "If the rest of you can excuse us I think that the three of us - me, Caleb, and Arinna - have some things to talk about." Everyone grumbled a bit but nodded their consent. I left the room telling them to follow me. We entered one of the rooms that wasn't in use by anyone. I closed the door and locked it. I knew this group had a hard time minding their own business. There were things to be discussed. As a family. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Goddess Arinna's POV: We entered the room. That was one of the things I liked about this house. All of the rooms were different, but at the same time they all sort of tied in with each other to form a very comfortable atmosphere. Not to mention that, for the person who knew what to look for, there was evidence of goddess worship without being blatant. Pictures, designs carved in wood, that sort of thing that wasn't very noticeable but still there. We all sat on the bed in a sort of triangle. There was a little period of silence. It seemed that no one knew quite what to say. I looked expectantly at Dylan. He seemed to be the one to take charge usually and so I figured he would probably speak first. I know I wasn't about to speak first. They wanted to have this chat. This was their show. Dylan sighed. To my surprise Caleb was the first to speak. "Well this is it. Now, I know that you probably know quite a bit about us already. However, there will be time for talking later. I think right now that we wanted to go over some things. Such as goals, what is expected of you, what is frowned upon, and just what kind of a world you've dropped yourself into." Both me and Dylan looked at him in surprise. He blushed a little and then hung his head and went about tracing his finger on the design of the blanket. It was obvious that he wasn't used to taking the lead like that. Dylan put a hand on his in reassurance. "Caleb's right. We do need to discuss those things. First of all I would like to set a few ground rules here right now. One, no looking into people's minds like you do unless you have a very good reason. Then, if possible, I would like you to ask me first. Which leads to number two, the same applies to ALL magick. This world... in this world, right now, your followers are few and far between. We have to be very secretive about magick. If some people found out... it wouldn't be good." Dylan added. These were things that, really, I already knew. I knew so much! Sometimes I wish I didn't know all these things. I do though and there's not much of anything I can do about it. The talk went on for a while more. I suppose probably an hour or two at least. We discussed a lot of things and I told them what I could about the reason I was there. Some things, of course, I couldn't tell them yet. I think they understood that. I was mildly distracted by the one known as Brian. His fate was one of the only things I didn't know about this group. I had only been told that he would have big choices to make. That the choices he made could effect this world greatly. This world was so physical, so fragile. One thing I did know was that I couldn't trust him. None of us could. Each of us would have a role to play. His, I had been told, was that of a "great deceiver". One who I was to protect Dylan and Caleb from at all costs. After all, there is much more to their destiny than bringing me here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Theresa's POV: Dylan, Caleb, and Arinna went to go have a talk. Their first family talk. I was so happy for them. However, that reminded my of my own little problem. My husband still hadn't come back yet! This was NOT good. So, though I can't say I was happy about having to do this, I asked Tyler to help me go find him. I figured he might be at our house so that was the first place we went. I hoped that he was there because if he wasn't I didn't know where I would look! For the sake of convenience we went there by magick. It was a system. We had agreed that all of our houses would be ok for teleportation. Everyone in the coven had a special place in their house to teleport into. So me and Tyler went. When we got there we decided to split up and search the house for him. Room by room we looked. It seemed that nothing would turn up. Then we descended on the main part of the house. "Oh. Theresa. I found something." Tyler called. Just then my eye caught sight of something too. I grabbed the note and went to catch up with Tyler. I walked into the room. There, on the table, the phone sat. It was off the hook. This obviously meant the Brian had been here. "Look, I found this too" I looked at the note now. " Theresa, I'm sorry I couldn't have talked to you in person. But I came home to check up on something and I found an opportunity I couldn't turn down. I don't know when or if I will ever see you again. Please don't look for me. Know that I care about you and I'm sorry it had to be this way. --Brian " Other than that though, that was it. We searched the whole house and found nothing else. We returned back to Dylan's place. Tyler held me for a little while as I cried. I didn't know where to look for Brian now, or even whether or not I should. Wherever he was I could only hope that he was safe. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~************~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COMING IN NEXT CHAPTER: Brian's POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~************~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Send questions, comments, or suggestions to:

Next: Chapter 10

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