Calebs Love

By moc.liamtoh@7rekamkcigam

Published on Sep 26, 2002


(Author's Note) - Hello readers. I know many of you have wanted to see this for a while now. Sorry for taking a little longer to get it out than I expected. But it's finally here! I hope you all enjoy this. From here on in the story is going to be a little different. I've finally come up with my own warning that I think is better than "don't read this if..."

My Warning: Read responsibly.


Chapter 8 - The Wind Changes Course

I told Dylan that I had seen Caleb walking towards the woods with Brian. At first he seemed okay but then he got weird and said he was going to go take a walk too. I didn't know what was going on but I thought something seemed a little strange. I realized Tyler and Derek were the ones he was asking originally. "Guys what was that about?" I asked. "Huh?" Tyler asked, who now was rubbing Derek through his pants while Derek was nibbling on his ear. His eyes were closed and it was obvious he hadn't gotten a word me or Dylan had said which really pissed me off! I went in, grabbed him by the shoulder, and jerked him away from Derek. "WHAT was that about?" I repeated sternly. "I don't know! You know Dylan. Don't get on my ass about it." he grumbled, upset that I had interrupted his good time. "Everyone the drinks are ready!" came Laura's call from the kitchen. Of course! I suddenly remembered the reason I came back here anyway. Laura wanted me to tell everyone that the mixed drinks were almost ready. Aahh Pina Colada... nice. I had to get some! Maybe Tyler was right. I'm sure it was nothing. Dylan probably just wanted to tell Caleb something. No big deal. The drinks were brought in and everyone settled down just talking and having a good time. Then it started to get "dangerous". Theresa left for a while and came back with some hard liquor: Smirnoff Ice, Parrot Bay (rum), and hard lemonade. Me, Laura, and Theresa were just talking and enjoying a nice buzz. Really, Tyler and Derek obviously had other plans because they were off on the sofa. Tyler was in Derek's lap and they were making out heavy and drinking shots from each others mouths. I stopped looking over when Tyler had shed Derek's shirt and was licking his chest. That was more than I wanted to see! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ POV to be revealed later: Now if anyone were to look upon this sad scene they might not realize what had happened at first glance. They would probably just see two guys getting it on in the middle of the forest - until they realized they were neither talking nor moving. And so the couple lay, taking their last breaths together. What neither noticed was that someone, or something depending how you look at it, was watching. Far from where the lovers were a voice resounded, "Go my daughter. It is time." I watched with a sort of passive excitement, waiting for fate to cement itself. Finally the moment came - the one known as Caleb breathed his last breath. The one known as Dylan had gone before him. The act was sealed and the raw power created by it gave me physical manifestation for the time being. Now it was time for me to step in. I walked carefully to where they were, feeling my legs under me for the first time. In this body everything felt... well it just felt. I was amazed at all the sensations I was feeling. I had never felt anything, well, physical. I reached them and looked down at them. I felt a wetness reach my face. I wasn't sure what it was but I would learn. All because of how strong their love is. I thought about what my "mother" had said, "They are the ones who can never be separated. They have always been together. Their love is the only thing strong enough to bring you." I bent down and ran a hand across Caleb's now lifeless cheek. I felt a surge of emotion. At least that was something familiar. I was used to feeling emotions. "Such love." I whispered. I stood back up. With a wave of my hand I brought Caleb up off of his love. With my other hand I brought Dylan up also. Levitating myself to their level I placed the tips of my fingers, one hand for each of them, on the back of their necks. I gave Dylan a gentle kiss on the side of his face. "Live." I whispered to him. Dylan's eyes shot open and he made a sharp intake of breath. Living he was but he certainly wasn't healed yet and so, just then, he was in some pain. However I moved to change that as quickly as possible. I channeled the healing energy through my hand. It flooded his body and began to restore it. While the energy was working I turned to Caleb. I kissed the side of his face lightly. "Your Love is here for you, waiting. Live." I whispered. Immediately his eyes opened. He groaned in pain. It was all over soon enough though as my healing energy also flooded through his body. The bullet that had still been lodged in Dylan clinked out onto the marble surface. Both bullets Caleb had given himself had went straight through him. Their wounds were healing, closing up. They lived. Their wounds closed up until all that remained to bear witness to the event was the blood that still soaked their clothes. I let them down easily in each others arms. I had no delusions about this. They would live but they would also be extremely weak and tired. Right now they weren't even conscious. I wrapped my arms around the two of them and transported them all to the house in a moment. Everyone, except us and the one known as Brian, was in the living room messing around. At first glance they didn't look drunk but I could tell they all had a certain buzz going. As soon as the three of us appeared in the room the buzz was effectively gone. I could feel that everybody wanted to get up, rush to them, and see what had happened. I quickly put myself in control though and nobody did. "Listen to me, all of you!" I told them. Not that I had to because I had all their attention anyway. "Dylan and Caleb are fine. They are in no danger. I will look after them tonight. Tomorrow you can have the answers to all your questions." and with that I transported the three of us to their room. The first thing I did once we reached their room was to lock the door. Humans were definitely over curious. Next I moved them onto the bed - but not before taking off their clothes so they would be comfortable. They were both so beautiful. The human form at it's best. I was just glad to be here and couldn't help but wonder what was in store for me. I knew I had to complete the tasks but I also knew they wouldn't be as easy as they might seem. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Laura's POV: We were all sitting around having a good time, some of us more than others, when a girl appeared, naked, more or less supporting Caleb and Dylan. All this time I had thought they just went up to their room early. They were a sight! It looked like they were covered in dried blood. At least it looked dry though. They just popped right in. As soon as I considered getting up I felt cemented to my place. I at least knew one thing - this girl had strong magick. In the couple moments it took to rationalize the situation I realized that I really had nothing to worry about. I didn't know who she was. All the same though she didn't seem hostile to them. Whatever happened she seemed sympathetic enough. I was sure with the kind of magick she was carrying she could, and probably already had, healed them. Everyone was stunned into silence once they left again. I could only assume the trio went up to where Dylan and Caleb's room was. A definite tension hung in the air. Anger, fear, and many other emotions were written all over the group's faces. Finally, ever the diplomat, Lou broke the silence. "Okay so what the hell was that!? I'm not THAT drunk. I think we all know what we saw. And maybe if some of us weren't so busy with our own... pleasure" she continued, casting a definite glare at Tyler and Derek, "then just maybe somebody would have a clue what is going on!" Everyone seemed almost afraid to speak as it was obvious Lou would have something to say about it. So I decided to speak my mind for once. "Does it really matter?" I asked calmly. If looks could kill Lou would have done me in just then. She opened her mouth to speak but I held up a hand to signal that wasn't done. "The fact is" I continued calmly, "that even though we all would have liked to have been there, we weren't. Now I'm just as clueless as you all are. Caleb and Dylan looked like they had been through hell and I'm at a total loss as to who that girl could have been. But she seemed to want to genuinely help them. The blood on their clothes was dry, not fresh, so she probably already did help them. I say we just go to sleep for tonight and then we can figure this all out in the morning. When we're all a little more calm and a little more sober." I could see that the others really didn't like that idea. They realized though that there wasn't much else we could do. That girl had managed to restrain five adults who were all strong in the magical arts. Even magick, which usually gave any of us the upper hand, just wasn't going to work here. It was definitely going to be a long night. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tyler's POV: "Come on sweetie lets go to bed." Derek half whispered to me. I took his hand and we went right to our room. I was a little bummed because I realized that our mood was pretty thrashed. Which meant that the night I was looking forward to wasn't going to come. I was almost sure of it. When the door was closed and locked we stripped off our clothes as usual. Derek climbed into the bed and I followed. We held each other, each of us deep in thought. After some time he spoke up. "So what do you think Babe?" he asked. "I don't know Derek. I don't know what to think. I think my brain sort of went into overload." I responded truthfully. "Yeah, I know how you feel. I was wondering if I was the only one that felt that way." he said, sounding pretty defeated. He leaned in and rested his head on my chest. I ran my fingers through the hair on the back of his head. I felt his hand travel down my torso and continue down. The next thing I knew his hand encircled my rod. I sighed in contentment. He leaned in close to me and gave me a kiss which a happily reciprocated. "Make love to me Yanis. Please? I want to feel you tonight." he practically purred. Yanis was a Hebrew name that he had given me that meant "god's gift". I had cried happy tears when he first used it for me and told me what it meant. As for the sex he wanted, I had seen it coming. He always acted more submissive and passive when he wanted to bottom. It wasn't like he was trying to play a role. It was just that he wanted to relinquish control to me. We had talked about it before and if that was what he felt like he needed I was happy to give it to him. "Of course Love. You know all you have to do is ask." I kissed him on the forehead. I worked my way down, covering his body in kisses. Light gentle kisses all the way down his body. I passed by his groin and kept going, kissing him all the way down his legs. Then I kissed back up on his inner thighs, his ball sack, and his very hard dick. I lowered my head and dragged my tongue across his hole. He whimpered in response to the amazing torture that, I knew from experience, it was. I continued this until I felt him relax and start to loosen. By that time, when I looked up, I could see him clenching and unclenching his hands on the blankets. "Please... Ty... baby" he whimpered. I crawled up his body and while I was kissing him passionately I reached over onto the night table and got the lube. I went back down and rubbed some on both him and me before I entered him. I sunk into him and then laid down against him with my arms around him. He was breathing heavy and I had heard a series of "Ah ah ah" as I was entering him. I brushed from his forehead to the side of his face with my right hand. "You gonna be okay Sunshine?" I asked in a whisper. "Yeah I think so. It doesn't hurt but you just feel so big..." he trailed off. I nibbled on his lower lip. "You know we're about the same size." "Yeah I know that but it's just... oh god!" he exclaimed and I felt his ass involuntarily clench against me and he shuttered. "Okay?" I asked soothingly. He only responded by reaching up, pulling my head down, and kissing me hard. I made love to him for what seemed like forever. Of course though it had to stop at some point and by the time it did we were both very tired and very much fulfilled. Both of us knew this was for life. We had talked about it a lot. We had said our vows to each other in private but we had never had anything public. We didn't have rings or anything either. I would have been fine with it but Derek had said he just wasn't sure if he wanted that. He didn't want any big public ceremony. He was gay, for sure, but he always said he didn't feel a need to rub it in peoples faces that had a problem with it. A ring, whenever someone saw it, would mean an explanation. He said he didn't want to have to explain to anyone who came along that he was gay and he didn't want to lie about it either. I wasn't sure that I agreed with him but I respected his needs. After all I didn't feel a need to have anything like that. I guess it would be nice but I didn't feel like I needed anything like that. A need for a public ceremony or rings, I thought, was only for people who were insecure about their relationship and needed affirmation. Of course this wasn't necessarily true but that's how I rationalized it to myself. I didn't really want to think just then though. I didn't want to think about what had happened today. I didn't want to think about what would happen tomorrow. All I wanted to do was fall asleep in my love's arms, feeling close to him. So after I had pulled out of him and we cuddled and touched each other for some time that's exactly what I did. Derek pulled me to him with his arm spread over my body and I fell asleep listening to his heart beat. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Brian's POV: I materialized back at my house. I couldn't believe what I had just done. There were about a million thoughts running through my head. Everything had been going fine. How did it all turn so wrong all of the sudden? I knew there was no way that they would be able to get help there in time if no one knew anything about it. That's why it had been the perfect plan. But it wasn't perfect. I hadn't counted on Dylan. Now... he was dead. I just couldn't seem to wrap my mind around that thought. I mean, he couldn't be dead. We had grown up together. Went to the same schools. We spent weekends and summers together. Hell we even discovered beating off together. That was one awesome camping trip! I hadn't meant to do it. It's just... we had even talked about girls together. He teased me about his being jealous when he was the best man at my wedding. When I first started dating Theresa he would comment on how fine she was and that I had really bagged "the whole package" with her. That, apart from the prophecy, was the reason that I knew he wasn't gay. I mean, yes, Caleb was a good looking guy. Really I could even see how sex with him would probably be a blast. If he was gay and wanted to settle down with someone then fine. But not with Dylan! Dylan was going to have a wife! She was going to give birth, fulfill this prophecy, and that was it. This Caleb was obviously not getting pregnant any time soon. Some time or other Dylan had to handle this prophecy. Any way I looked at it getting this involved with Caleb was going to only hurt Dylan. Whether Caleb died, left him, or worse it would not be pretty. The longer Dylan stayed in the relationship the more he would get hurt. I couldn't see Dylan get hurt like that. That's why I wanted to get rid of Caleb. I also knew Dylan was stubborn. I didn't want to kill Caleb but I knew that was the only way to get rid of him. Otherwise Dylan would just find him and get back with him again. I had tried to keep Dylan from getting hurt and now... I killed him. "I killed him. I fucking KILLED Dylan! How could I be so stupid!" I thought to myself. I collapsed on the floor crying. "I killed Dylan and then I ran like a fucking coward. What when the others find out? They WILL find out. No doubt perfect little Caleb will go running off and tell them. Who could I even talk to?" Theresa was mad at me still from yesterday. She was forgiving enough but she was still keeping a close eye on me. There was only one person I could reasonably talk too, maybe even get on my side. Surprisingly enough, it was Dylan's father - Frank. I walked through the kitchen and picked up the phone. My hand trembled as I dialed the number. "Hello?" I heard Frank's voice after several rings. Only then did I realize just how much his voice sounded like Dylan's did. With this revelation I burst into tears. "Frank..." I managed through my crying. "Brain? Brian is that you, son?" He asked. He sounded worried. He really did think of me as a son. I couldn't help but wonder how he would feel after I told him... "Yes... sir." I responded meekly, trying to stop the tears and sound somewhat normal. "Sir? Brian you haven't called me sir in years! What's wrong? You sound awful. I thought you were supposed to be at the Roth house for the week. My caller ID says you're at home." he was obviously worried. "Frank... I.. I...I was... I.." I just couldn't bring myself to say it. It was one thing to admit it to myself. It was another thing to have to tell someone else. "Brian you're at home right? Is anyone with you?" he asked. "Yes I'm at home. No, no one's here." I managed to get out in barely a whisper. "Okay son hold on." he said. I heard the phone line go dead. Then I really started to panic because I knew what he was doing. He was coming here. How could I face him!? Just then I felt a hand on the back of my shoulder. I turned around and saw Frank. "Brian what's wrong?" He asked in a comforting voice. "Frank I..." I couldn't seem to finish. "Come on Brian. Take a deep breath and tell me." I took a deep breath. "I... I killed ... Dylan." I said just above a whisper. His face seemed to pale. "Brian... wait, what? No. You're not serious... are you?" "I..." I shook my head which was looking down at the floor, not wanting to look at Frank after telling him I just killed his son! "Please. You have to understand. I didn't mean to..." I started but I was cut off. "WHAT the FUCK do you mean you didn't MEAN to? How do you accidentally kill someone!? No. NO. I can't believe this. You didn't do this." he was getting more and more angry at the second. "Frank... I'm so sorry. I... didn't... m-m-mean to..." I protested, sobbing uncontrollably. This was not going like I had thought it would. Then he said the words I had longed for him to say. The words that I knew would be my pass to freedom. "How did this happen and WHY?" he demanded sternly. "Frank here's how it was." I started to tell him, getting control over my emotions. "I went over there this weekend and he said that this love of his life was a man Frank! I knew it couldn't be like that because of the prophecy. I tried to talk him out of it but he just wouldn't have it. So I realized that the only way to help Dylan was to get this Caleb guy out of the picture. I took him out to the woods. I meant to kill Caleb. But, just as I was shooting the gun, Dylan materialized just in front of him. I didn't even realize until it was too late." He chuckled. "So the only reason he's dead now is because you just couldn't let things alone. Or at least come talk to me first." "Um, yeah, I guess that's about right." I swallowed hard. I knew I was in the wrong for this. I also knew that he didn't like this at all. "You asshole!" he reared back and before I could respond I felt his fist connect with the side of my face. "That was my fucking son! He was like a brother to you! What do you have to say?" he practically yelled. "Um... I'm sorry I hit Dylan instead Frank." I said meekly. Yeah, I know it just didn't seem like it would cover it but I didn't know what else he wanted me to say. "I really did love Dylan." I added. He grabbed me by the shirt and pushed me against the counter. "Sorry you hit him INSTEAD? What has gotten into you? You just don't get it do you?" I looked up and saw that he had tears running down his cheeks. "You don't deserve to live." he stated angrily. With that he let me go and took a few steps away. I was still recovering and I didn't expect it at all. He turned and lunged some type of magical energy at me. I looked at him, stunned. I had no clue what that was but it didn't even seem to work. Our eyes met. "Make peace with the goddess. You're dead already." he stated, void of emotion. With that he vanished. I had no clue what he was talking about. I went into the living room and sat down. That was when I felt it. A searing pain ripped through my head. I grasped my head in pain. I heard a noise and realized that it was me screaming. My vision started to get blurry. I tried to stand up but only collapsed onto the floor in pain. My whole body seemed to ache before it got real dark. Everything just sort of faded away until there was no more pain. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Caleb's POV: I was at a funeral. That was odd because I didn't think I remembered anyone dying recently. I slowly approached the coffin and I could see people looking at me. The tear filled faces weren't cruel, in fact they seemed even sympathetic. I briefly questioned in my mind where Dylan was. Then I knew. A silent horror swept over me as I made my way towards the coffin. I was hoping against hope that he wouldn't be there but I already knew I was wrong. "No... no..." I whispered. "Not Dylan. Please not Dylan. No..." I could feel myself crying. Then I was at the coffin. I looked down and there was Dylan. He looked peaceful but vacant. He wasn't there. He was gone, forever. "Noooo" I screamed. I felt my legs buckle under me and then the world started to get black. "Caleb" I heard. It was a female voice. In the midst of my suffering the voice was different, but familiar. It seemed to run through to my soul and somehow it made me feel good. A pang of guilt ran through me for feeling good when he was gone. "Caleb" I heard it again. Then this time "Wake up." Instantly, like nothing I could ever explain, the harsh world was ripped from me and I felt suddenly light. I opened my eyes and I was back in the room we had shared. I felt a presence next to me in what could only be the bed. Dylan? Then I realized someone totally different was looking down at me. It was a female someone. Her eyes. What the hell was it with her eyes? They were like nothing I had ever seen before. I didn't feel the same thing I felt for Dylan - not by a long shot. But there was something about her eyes that seemed ancient. Something that seemed to both radiate and demand love, trust, and respect. I closed my eyes and felt my whole body shutter. The girl forgotten for the time I turned to my side and opened my eyes. There was Dylan. He looked peaceful, but not dead peaceful. He was very much alive. But something about it felt wrong. Then I remembered. "Christ!" I all but screamed. I tried to lift up my shirt only to realize I was naked. I looked down and ran my hand over my stomach. I was fine. But... when Dylan... I had... I just about snapped when I thought of Dylan. I was instantly up on my knees. I half lifted and half flipped him over. I ran my hand over his back. All that remained was his smooth light skin. There wasn't even a scar. This was too much. I collapsed on top of his body, crying. "Caleb?" I heard Dylan. Of course this only made me sob harder. "Oh Caleb! Babe what's wrong?" I felt his arms instantly encircle me. He took my face in his hands and kissed my forehead. "Baby what's... Oh fuck." his face went pale. He immediately looked down to my stomach and ran his hand over it. He looked a little relieved but clearly confused. "Dylan are we... dead?" I practically whispered. He looked at me. I could tell he was seriously contemplating my question. "No. You're both very much alive." We heard the voice. That was the voice. The one from my dream. I instantly remembered the girl I saw when I woke up. We both looked over and our mouths instantly about dropped to the floor. There was a girl that we had never seen before. At least I never had and I could tell Dylan didn't either. She was, well... naked. Even though she did nothing for me I could tell she was obviously very beautiful. Nevertheless, there she was, standing in front of two grown naked men, totally naked herself, and she seemed not the least bit phased by it. Not to mention that she didn't look the least bit surprised at the affection me and Dylan had shown to each other. We both recovered enough to close our mouths. She just smiled at us friendly and knowingly. "Who..." Dylan began before his mouth dropped open even more than before and he just stared in astonishment. "Holy shit." he whispered. "Dylan do you know her?" I asked. "Dylan who is this?" I asked in desperation realizing that on the slim chance my words were even registering he probably couldn't say anything right now. It was obvious by the look on his face. But then I heard the voice again. "Caleb." I looked at her face and her mouth wasn't moving. "Caleb you know who I am." she stated simply, her lips not moving but her voice resonating in my mind. Then I remembered the first time I had heard the voice. "Your Love is here for you, waiting. Live" it had said. I remembered feeling the sudden pain again. I remembered being healed. I remembered everything. I just gasped. "You're...?" I tried to question but I just couldn't finish it. "The maiden goddess." she stated firmly, out loud this time. Dylan was still pretty much in shock. I slowly got up and walked to her. She was so confident, so unafraid. "How? And... why...?" I asked the fragmented statements hoping she could tell what I wanted to know. I was sure I couldn't get them out any time soon. "How? I am here because of you. Through you. The pure energy created by your love, and by your act of unselfishness Caleb, was enough to give me physical manifestation here. Of course that would have been limited but now that I've brought you back to life I can draw on your love enough to stay here indefinitely." she stated. Her body language and features stayed calm and reserved but I thought I could detect a sort of authority in her voice, almost like she thought I should know already. "And why aren't I afraid of you?" she continued sounding somewhat irritated, even though like before her body language remained reserved. "Because to me you are nothing to be afraid of! Not only would you not hurt me, but you couldn't even if you wanted to." she stated calmly. Dylan was somewhat recovered by now. I looked over and saw doubt written clear across his face. I knew what was coming. He reached back quickly and threw his hand out toward her. Two words - BIG mistake. His hand instantly flew back in the opposite direction. He quickly raised off the bed and flew through the air and landed, surprisingly gently, against the wall. He was pinned there at least three feet up. I quickly looked back at her in shock and fear. She smiled before letting out a small giggle. I just looked at her, totally confused. She diverted her eyes toward Dylan. "Just where do you think you get your power from. You don't trust me. Do you honestly believe that would have worked? Can I assume you know exactly what just happened here even if your love is totally clueless?" Dylan laughed a little in what looked like embarrassment. "Yeah, um... guess I kind of knew that wouldn't work. I just had to try it though you understand." he looked to me. "Babe it looks like what I was going to do to her sort of backfired. Down to the last detail." "Come" she said to me and held out her hand for me to take. I looked at Dylan who just smiled and nodded. I took her hand and she led me around to the wall where he was. I think she sort of shocked us both by what she did next. She took one finger and traced it down from his inner thigh to his ankle. I smirked when he started to get hard and he just looked at me with fear and dread in his eyes as if pleading with me to understand it wasn't his fault. He looked down at her and something happened. "Oh god!" he gasped. His whole body seemed to almost shiver. As soon as it subsided his eyes flew open. "Let go of her hand!" he practically demanded. I was terrified and pulled away in seconds and took a few steps back. She just giggled again and I looked at Dylan, hoping for answers. "When you're holding her hand..." he began but had to laugh a little himself. "She can use your memories. She made me see us, well... together!" he blushed furiously. I realized what he was talking about and broke down in spasms of laughter. It was, really, hilarious. "You mean you... him... me..?" I laughed some more. A smirk just crept across her face. "So do you want him down or up on the wall for now?" she asked, trying to keep from laughing. "Um, let him down I guess." I laughed and blushed at the same time as I caught site of his VERY obvious erection. He was nude and there was just no hiding it. She let him down and for the first time since we noticed her we were quickly in each others arms. His body and hardness against me made me hard too. I felt his hands creep down to my butt and he pushed himself up against me as he seemed to get lost in me. He was kissing and otherwise going at the side of my neck and face. Then he froze and turned to her. Apparently he had forgotten she was really there. She just giggled a little more. He disentangled himself from me reluctantly. He fished around and got out a pair of my boxers and a large shirt. "Here, put these on. You can't go around here like that!" he practically threw them at her. She sighed and reluctantly dressed. "Now can you um... leave for now?" He asked when she was done, blushing furiously "Of course." she replied. Then continued, "Since I'm sure neither of you bothered to check it's morning now. Don't wait too long to come down." she finished. She left and closed the door behind her. I heard and saw the door lock, seemingly by itself though I knew it was her. I just smiled and made my way over to Dylan. He took me in his arms and led me to the bed. This had been so crazy and we both had a lot that I'm sure we would have to think about. That was the farthest thing from our minds though. Right now Dylan just wanted me, wanted to be with me, BAD! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Questions? Comments? Tell me what ya think at

Next: Chapter 9

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