Calebs Love

By moc.liamtoh@7rekamkcigam

Published on Sep 16, 2002


(Author's Note): Okay for now I'm just going to say abide by the usual warnings, blah blah blah. I know many of you have been anxiously waiting for this chapter. I hope you all enjoy it but somehow I get the feeling that some of you won't be too happy at me once you read this. Just trust me though! I know what I'm doing and believe me when I say that in the next chapter everything will become clear. By the way there's one of those quotes again and if you can see how it applies to the chapter, good. If you can't see how it applies... sorry but I felt like it did! Don't forget to PLEASE write and tell me what you think - negative or positive!


"If he does really think that there is no distinction between vice and virtue, when he leaves our house let us count our spoons." ~ Johnson ~~~~~~~~~~~~

Derek's POV:

I think we all breathed a sigh of relief when Brian came around finally. Let me describe Brian. He's 5' 5" and probably weighs about 155lbs. He's not fat but he's not very muscular at all. In short here he was with a group of women and gay men, making horrid comments about gay men, when ALL the men there could probably take him on by themselves! So, in case you haven't noticed, he's not the brightest crayon in the box. In fact, he's too bold for his britches.

I wanted to just go hit him so bad. Yeah, I could have taken him all by myself! I clock in at an even six feet tall, 190lbs. Tyler is always telling me how sexy my muscles are, but getting my boyfriend hard is not the only thing they're good for. I have strong arms, a tight six pack, and quite frankly a tight ass to go with it. (And for all of those out there who wanted to know my "thing" is about 6 inches, uncut. Sure, it's not a monster but I'm proud of it and Tyler is far from complaining!)

In reality I don't think any of us would have harmed Brian unless he tried to do physical harm to us. Dylan, Tyler, and I loved him like a brother. I have to say I was kind of shocked about his little tirade. Maybe, on a subconscious level, it was about not wanting to be the only straight guy. I don't know. Personally I had always thought Dylan might be gay for quite some time but I didn't push the issue.

Dylan and Caleb seemed so perfect for each other. It was obvious Caleb needed someone who loved him, could put him first, and who was mentally if not physically strong. Don't get me wrong here; Caleb wasn't some stuck up and demanding "queen", but it seemed like he had some emotional upsets in his life. What I think Dylan needed more than anything was... well, to feel needed. Those were just the basics but they were perfect for each other in other aspects too. I was amazed at how much love they had for each other. It showed in everything they did and they had only known each other such a short time. They were practically to where Tyler and I were, and we had been together for five years now.

After a while of talking and horseplay we all decided it was time to turn in and me and Tyler went to our room. After all we were a couple so of course we shared a room. As soon as we were behind closed doors we stripped off our clothes. There wasn't anything sexual about it though. It's just that around the house and when we had nothing to do we both preferred to be naked. Yeah, we're sort of nudists, but it's more natural and certainly more comfortable. It was only around each other though - we weren't exhibitionists!

"Wow Derek." Tyler said as soon as we were more comfortable. "This was really something with Dylan. And they seem so right with each other. In fact I would probably be jealous if I didn't have you!" he said with a slight grin.

"Ah but you do have me." I responded with a tone of defeat. "You, Tyler, have ensnared my heart and continue to hold it captive.. even if it's not against my will." And at the end we finally gave in to our growing need to laugh. "Come here sweetie." I said holding out my arms for him while sitting on the edge of the bed.

He came to me and I enfolded him in my arms. He climbed onto my lap. "So, What's up?" he asked in mock innocence.

I grasped his hips. With a sort of turn and flick motion I catapulted him onto the middle of the bed. "Well, I'm up. And..." I said, grabbing his obvious erection. "this guy is too."

He chuckled softly. "Do you trust me?" I whispered.

"Was there ever a time I didn't trust you?" he replied. Well, thinking about it, no there wasn't.

"Then close your eyes Ty and let me see what goodies Dylan's included for us this time." I said. It was always tradition for staying in this house. In the top drawer of the night stand there was always an array of sexual things. Ranging from condoms to lube to vibrators there was always something to be found. It wasn't specially prepared or anything for the couples. It was just there and every once in a while it would be changed or the supply would be refreshed. The idea was that there was always something to clean up with. If you used something, you cleaned it so it wasn't a huge mess. More for yourself if you were staying long than anyone else because everything would be thoroughly sterilized after you really left.

He closed his eyes willingly and I crept over to the draw. There was lube, of course. I shuffled around some more. We weren't really into dildos. The occasional vibration device but we really had no need for some fake piece of plastic that did nothing - we preferred to use the real thing! Then I saw a little plastic tube that looked almost like something pantyhose would be sold in. I practically squealed with delight when I saw what it really was. It was a set of four, basic, silk strips of fabric. I have to say this had been a fantasy of mine for a while now. I grabbed a bottle of body oil as well - edible of course!

Ty's eyes were still closed. I saw his eyebrows arch in question as I took his hand. I kissed the back of it and the brought it to respective bed post. There I used the first strap to tie his hand to the post. I left room so that, if he wanted to, he could get his hand out. As I started on the other one I saw a faint smile come across his face as he realized what I was doing. I went back and straddled his stomach. Bending down with my face right next to his I inhaled deeply, breathing in that scent I never seem to get tired of.

"This okay Sweetie?" I asked, flicking my tongue across his ear.

"Mmm Hmm." he responded, pushing up his hips slightly.

I lightly kissed down his chest. I drizzle some of the oil onto his chest and felt him involuntarily shudder beneath me. I worked it into his whole body, messaging him with both my hands and tongue. His toned arms, nice flat stomach, and miscular legs practically called to me. I ran one finger lightly down his stomach. I bypassed his cock, which was now fully hard, and kept going until my finger found it's way to his quivering hole. I loosened him up a bit and in almost no time I was entering him again, like I had so many times before.

He let out a soft whimper as I rubbed up against his prostate. As I continued our love making he only got louder. In the end I felt like he had probably woken the whole house but at that point I could care less! All that mattered was us. I looked up and saw that he was gripping he silk very harshly in the throes of his pleasure. I found the sight surprisingly erotic and that was all it took to set me off.

"Oh.. Ty.. Baby!" I moaned as I reached the pinnacle of pleasure.

I heard him gasp loudly and heard him crying out my name. It all seemed in the distance, not only feet away, with the intensity of what I was experiencing. Slowly I returned to the normal world. I reached up and slipped Tyler's hands out of the overly large loops. Instantly his hands flung around my body and he pulled me close to him. We lightly kissed and cuddled for quite some time before sleep finally claimed us.

I was roused from my sleep when Ty started twisting and turning in the bed. He was whimpering but it didn't sound pleasurable at all. In fact he sounded more scared than anything and he was muttering something. I recognized this right away.

"Tyler Hon wake up." I said lightly shaking his shoulder. It was always better to wake him up for these. "Tyler, my love, wake up." I said a little louder into his ear.

His whole body shuddered and gave a light jump. He was awake. He looked at me and in moments I saw tears streaming down his face. "I'm sorry Derek... I dreamed ... the hands... they...." he said quietly, leaning his head into my chest.

"Ssh. It's okay Babe I know.." I said, comforting him as best as I could by wrapping my arm around him and lightly stroking his back.

"Please hold me Derek. You always make it go away. Always..." he cooed lightly into my chest.

"Forever Ty. I'll hold you forever." I soothed him as I had done many times before. Of course these nightmares weren't as frequent as they had been but every once in a while they would resurface. When they did I was always there to hold him and comfort him. Some people might have been put off by it and grown tired of it. However, I could only feel sympathy and love for this beautiful soul no matter how many times his nightmares woke me up during the night. I could never leave him. I wanted to be with him forever.

After talking the night away everyone went back to their rooms for some sleep. Or rather, as it turned out for some of us, anything but sleep. Dylan and I had just snuggled up to sleep. We were gently caressing each other. That was more or less when we heard it. "Did you hear that?" I whispered. We both went totally quiet, straining to hear. Oh we heard all right. Within seconds it was obvious somebody was having a VERY good time. Dylan practically burst out laughing. "Yeah it figures!" he exclaimed. "I swear sometimes I can only wonder about those two. Well Babe I guess I should tell you that this isn't the first time Ty and Derek have been... noisy. In fact I'm quite sure everyone here today could have told you some story about hearing them in the act. I guess some things never change. Thinking about it I don't know what possessed me to put them in the room right under us. Although I guess if someone had to hear we're not the worst choice. Sometimes the others tease them unmercifully in the morning. But hey, they're having a good time so I'm happy for them. Lets just go to sleep." Surprisingly the noise wasn't nearly as distracting as I thought it might be at first. Cuddled up next to Dylan I had no trouble going to sleep. He was just so soft and warm and the last thing I remember is him wrapping his arm around me protectively. I woke up the next morning and, in his sleep, Dylan was still holding me. I just relaxed and snuggled up to him some more. After I had laid like that for a while I felt him stir. "Good morning my love." I greeted him with a light kiss on the nose. He just grunted in response and pulled me closer to him so we were flat against each other. " 'snot a good morning till I get some lovin'." he mumbled sleepily into my chest. I giggled. I started to protest his point but I was cut short. Not two seconds after I started I had to gasp as his mouth closed over my nipple and he moved the ring around with his tongue. Needless to say this led to an early morning love making session. After we had recovered slightly I kissed him on the nose. "Good Morning?" I questioned. "Oh definitely!" he whispered back at me. We showered, dressed, and before we went downstairs Dylan told me to wear my medallion. He told me it would just make him feel more at ease so I agreed happily. Laura, it seems, had woken early and decided to get up and make breakfast. Everyone was obviously grateful and I blushed slightly when I realized, as we walked into the kitchen, that we were the last ones to emerge. "Good Morning" I said to no one in particular when I entered the room. Totally unexpected Tyler shot back, "Yeah I bet it was for you two." licking his lips at the end to emphasize his point. Everyone was shocked into silence but I wasn't about to let that go. "Just as good as last night must have been for you!" I shot back and watched him blush crimson. "Oh Derek please! Unn.. Unn.." I continued mocking and thoroughly enjoying myself. For someone who could dish it out he certainly couldn't take it. If it was possible he blushed even more and his mouth opened but no words came out. "Yeah that's about right." Derek said amusedly. Without warning he leaned over and lightly nibbled on Tyler's ear. Tyler involuntarily shuddered in what was obviously pleasure. "See what I do to this man?" he whispered to the room. Everyone laughed hard at his craziness and it was clear there were no hard feelings from anyone. When I looked at Dylan I saw a big smile on his face. I knew he was happy that I was fitting in. These people were becoming my friends too. It was kind of a good feeling. I had never really had friends before, even in school. Travis was the only one who had cared about me and I felt so alone when he was gone. But now I had Dylan and this wonderful group of people. I knew everything would be all right. We didn't do too much that day. We had a meditation circle, which I enjoyed. Other than that most of the day was spent lazing around in the house or the pool. With the natural lake me and Dylan hadn't really bothered much with the pool. When there was this many people though, and we wanted to stay relatively close to the house, the pool was fun. At one point we were all kind of sitting around in the living room chatting. The topic inevitably turned to me and Dylan and we gave them an over view of some of the things we had done this weekend. Dylan told them how I had gotten my nipple pierced. This of course got everyone curious and they wanted to see it. Blushing a little I lifted up my shirt and they all got a good look at it. The general consensus was that it was pretty cool but most thought it would be too painful and didn't want to go through it themselves. "But what's that Caleb?" Lou asked. "There under your shirt." "Oh. That's a little medallion Dylan bought me." I stated plainly. They asked to see it and I obliged, taking it off to pass it around. They agreed it was nice and soon the conversation moved on to somewhere else. The medallion left long forgotten on the side table. The evening was starting to wind down. We had a barbecue for lunch. Everyone had munched on food during the day and everyone agreed dinner wouldn't be necessary. There still had to be at least an hour or two before sunset and I went into the back yard. I stared at the woods, thinking about how I really hadn't been in them that much. That is until a hand on my shoulder startled me out of my trance. "Hey" Brian said. "Hey. So you having a good time?" I asked. "Yeah. Me and Theresa always have a good time out here. Especially when we do rituals during the special seasons or whatever. It's really great. Especially the woods. There's just something about them that seems so ancient and powerful." "Yeah, I bet. They look it just from here. But how would you have rituals out there?" I asked. "Oh well there's a whole setup back there. You mean Dylan didn't show you?" he asked with a look of suspicion. "Oh, yeah, I do remember him mentioning that. He never did take me back there though." "Oh it's great Caleb. Want to see it? I could show you no problem. We would have to hurry though since we really should get back before sunset." "Okay Brian sure, I'd love that. Thanks." I was really excited at the prospect of seeing it. "Don't mention it. After all it would give us a chance to talk too. I really meant it when I said I wanted to get to know you better." He said as we walked off toward the forest together. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dylan's POV: It was going to be getting late soon. I had went to the bathroom. Everyone was just milling around so I figured it was probably no problem. When I came back out I started to look for Caleb. I glanced at my watch. It had been ten minutes. I had searched just about everywhere in the house and by the pool and I just couldn't find him. I finally ended up back in the living room. As I entered Derek and Tyler were snuggled up on a sofa in what I could only assume to be some pretty involved foreplay. "Guys, um, I hate to interrupt here but have you seen Caleb?" They just stared at me blankly for a second and that was all the answer I needed. I was about to give up and go ask someone else when I heard Lou behind me. "Actually I saw him walking out into the woods with Brian." "Oh okay." I replied. But then I saw it. I don't know why I hadn't noticed before but there was Caleb's medallion right there on the side table. He didn't have it and he was with Brian. The pieces seemed to click into place and for a moment I felt nauseous. "Fuck" I whispered softly. I was a man crazed. I barreled down the backyard at as close to a sprint as could be achieved on the uneven turf. "Please let me be wrong" I thought desperately. My legs just didn't seem to work fast enough. All of my fears cemented when I saw them. They were standing and admiring the ritual space. I breathed a sigh of relief when I realized that was all they were doing. I didn't want to interfere. I had been foolish. They were getting along just fine. I turned and started to walk back to the house. I turned back to look at them one more time over my shoulder and my blood ran cold. I watched and it seemed like slow motion as Brian drew the gun. Caleb still hadn't seen it until he turned. I saw his eyes go wide in shock and I could see the fear there. I watched in horror as Brian raised the gun to his chest. "No" I heard. Only a moment later did I realize the startled and desperate plea came from my mouth. Not Caleb. Not him. Not the man I loved. I closed my eyes and used my magick training to "jump" to put myself right in front of Caleb. In one moment I was there and wrapped my arms around him. At the same time I heard the tell tale bang that only comes from a gun. I felt the pain in my back that seemed to flood over my whole abdomen and chest. I saw the look of shock in his eyes turn to one of sheer terror as I sunk down to the ground in pain. I saw Brian standing there stunned for a moment. He dropped the gun and it clicked in the hard marble surface that made up the ritual space. "Dylan... what have I done..." he stuttered. Then he was gone. It was obviously too much for him and he had jumped to somewhere else. Caleb leaned over me with a look of desperation on his face. "Don't worry Babe." I stated. "Baby I guess it's my time. I love you so much ya know that. Don't worry about ever being back on the streets. I've taken care of the legalities. All of what's mine will be yours. I love you..." "Dylan stop! No! You're not going to die! You can't leave me." he cried and I could see the tears in his eyes. "Please..." he begged. "Babe you know I have to. No one could get here in time. You couldn't get me back either." I struggled to state. I was feeling more and more tired by the second. There was no way I could use my magick to get myself back and I told him so. He closed his eyes as a sob ripped through his body which now seemed so frail. My soul cried out and I wished that I could hold him and be with him but I was just so tired. "No!" he finally shot out. "I won't do this. I won't sit here and watch you die. Everyone I love fucking dies!" he got up, leaving me for a few seconds before returning. I saw it in his hand. It was the gun that Brian had used to issue me this fatal shot. Caleb leaned down to me. He straddled my waist gently. He leaned down so that he wasn't pressing on me but his mouth was right to my ear. "I love you Dylan." he whispered. "I don't know where we'll go and I don't care. My place is with you. Without you there is nothing for me here. Take me with you." He closed his mouth over mine in a passionate kiss that I didn't even have the strength to reciprocate and I heard the gun sound again twice. I saw the look of pain on his face, but he looked down at me and smiled. I could see that he was bleeding heavily from his stomach. He slumped down on me fully but by this time I didn't care. I couldn't feel him there so it didn't hurt. I did feel his arms wrap around me. He nuzzled his face in next to mine like we had done so many times before. "Take me with you Dylan. I love you." he whispered to me. "I love you too Baby." I managed to whisper. Then the sleep overtook me and everything seemed to get dark. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Author's Note): Wow guys! That was intense. I almost cried just writing that scene. This is more or less the scene that I started in my mind when I started writing this story. Now I assure you that this is not the end at all! However this scene, as you will see in the next chapter, changes the story forever. The next chapter will prove very interesting and I can't wait to start writing it! No, it's not done yet but, as I have said before, I know what I'm doing. Just trust me on this! The next chapter will probably be the most controversial too so I hope you all like it. If you don't then I'm sorry but that's going to just be too bad because I write for myself too and there are plenty of people who I know are going to love it. If you have any comments or questions please email me at:

Next: Chapter 8

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