Calebs Love

By moc.liamtoh@7rekamkcigam

Published on Sep 13, 2002


Author's Note - Okay my readers. From what I understand you guys really love the story. It also seems that you've been very anxious to get your paws on this chapter. So keep in mind the general rules and regulations. If you've really forgotten them, and feel a need to see them, refer to chapter 1. No need to bore everyone else!

Over time this story only continues to bring me very close to some wonderful people. I have become friends with people whom I would never have even met otherwise. I like to consider myself friends with everyone who writes me but I have gotten to be VERY close with some of you. Some who need my friendship and some who don't need it but enjoy it nonetheless. I cannot, in words, tell you how important these people have become in my life. To those people, you know who you are, I have managed to give a special dedication to you in this chapter that you will, without a doubt, recognize.

The following quote, I thought, very much so related to this story. If you don't see the connection now you probably will eventually. I found it at another web site so it is misquoted feel free to correct my error but don't have a heart attack because I didn't do it on purpose! Without further delay I give you chapter 6.

"Hate and mistrust are the children of blindness." ~ William Watson

From the Last Chapter:

"Caleb" he began. "I was serious when I told Elize that you are the light of my life. You are in every way. When I first saw you, never did I think that I would find what I can only consider to be my soul mate. You are this wonderful, caring, loving, beautiful man. Every time I look into your eyes it's like you tell me you love me all over again. I have felt more at ease and more happy in the last couple weeks then I can ever remember feeling in my whole life. And..." he said, taking my hand and bringing it to his lips for a gentle kiss. "I never want that to end. I want to be with you Caleb, for the rest of my life."

I felt something cold and hard slip onto my finger. My rational mind sort of went into overload. A ring. I felt the tears start to form in my eyes and run down my cheeks. Dylan looked back at me with tears of his own showing on his face. "Baby, Caleb, will you marry me?"

I was more nervous then I had ever been in my entire life. Rightfully so. It felt like my whole future rested in what he said next. Sometimes though, when you love someone that much, it's worth the risk. He had silent tears streaming down his face. "Dylan I... I..." a playful smile spread across his face. "Was I really that good!?" he snickered. "Caleb! God you should know better! I'm serious here! I love you Babe." I said. I took his face by the chin and turned it so he was looking me straight in the eyes. "I love you." I said again, willing him to not only hear the words, but see and feel them as well. "Dylan... my Dylan." he whispered. "You should know better too. You know I love you. I don't even want to imagine what my life would be like without you. Yes Dylan. Yes. I'll marry you." he leaned in and I met him half way in a passionate kiss. I was overjoyed. All too soon though the adrenalin rush took it's toll and we fell asleep spooned together with his back to my chest. I wondered if I would ever tire of just laying, holding Caleb like this. No, I decided if I could hold him like this every day until I died I would be the happiest man in the world. ~~~~~~ The next morning, amazingly, I woke up first. Usually Caleb is the early riser but I guess the stress of last night did a number on him. I reached in front of him and found that my suspicions were correct. Status - semi hard. I started to gently stroke him off while I rubbed my own hardness against his ass. He started to stir from his sleep. "Dylan?" he sort of mumbled. He was a gonner though. "Aah. Oh. Mmm." he cried out only seconds later with an orgasm he barely knew he was about to have. I came only moments later on his lower back. "Mornin' beautiful" I whispered to him as I lightly kissed along his neck. "Wake me up like that and I'll never want to get out of bed." he answered, trying to regain control of his breathing. "Well we sort of have to Baby. After all my coven is coming today. Really, over the years, they've become my best and closest friends. I know they'll love you but being in bed, covered in cum, is not the first impression I want you to make. Not to mention that your clothes are still kind of strewn around downstairs. We gotta get moving." "Okay, you win." he conceded. "Besides you should tell me something about them before they get here." So we got up, showered, and dressed. As we were, um, straightening up the mess we made last night ALL over the house I told him about everyone. "Well here's how it is. There's Brian, who is more or less our leader. His wife Theresa. Then there's Lou and Laura. They're straight, but single, and the only other women in our group. Then there's Tyler and Derek. They're gay and they're a couple. I make number seven. Everyone is very accepting of Ty and Derek so don't worry about it. They're going to love you Babe." "Well okay. I hope so Dylan. You know it's up to you Hon. You don't have to tell them about us if you don't want to. You could just tell them we're friends if that's what you want." "Hah! Yeah, right Caleb! First of all, trust me, Tyler and Derek would spot that lie from a mile away. I've seen them do it before. Second of all Babe I want to tell them. They're a part of my life. YOU are definitely going to be a BIG part of my life. We're safe with these people and I'm not ashamed of what we have. Besides that, it's not good to lie because they would find out eventually anyway." "Yeah. Okay. I guess you're right Dylan, as always! I just hope they like me. I mean it sounds like they mean so much to you. What if..." "Babe relax." I said, messaging his shoulders. "You're going to be just fine." Almost as if on cue the doorbell rang. I looked out of the window and saw that they had drove down together. They took different cars but cars each person were accounted for. I motioned Caleb into the living room and went to the door. "Hey guys." I greeted everyone. Everyone gave the usual hugs, slaps on the back, and I told them that I wanted to tell them something and to go to the living room. I made sure I was ahead of everyone for explanations. "Everyone this is Caleb. Caleb this is Brian, Theresa, Tyler, Derek, Lou, and Laura..." I went on, introducing everyone. Finally I sat next to Caleb, but not too close, and told everyone to have a seat. "Well I wanted to tell you all something very important." I said to them. I watched their faces go from curiosity to seriousness and waver in-between. "I know most of you haven't heard from me recently. That's because over the last couple weeks something has happened. You see, I've met someone." "Yeah, they all know!" Brian interrupted. "You know how these information hounds are - they were ready to kill for the information! So we all know you've found the love of your life Dylan. Out with it though. Who is she? Is she here? Do we get to meet her?" Tyler was always the quick one and I saw an amused smile come across his face. It was a smile that told me that he knew but he wasn't going to say a word - no, he would leave that up to me. "That's just it guys. You see Brian... here's the thing. I wasn't kidding on the phone. SHE is, literally, something else - entirely. I have found the love of my life. HIS name is Caleb. You get to "meet him" all week." I said taking his hand. There was a long moment of silence. I could feel Caleb's pulse getting faster and faster. I could hear my own heart beating in my chest. Finally Derek broke the ice. "Man Dylan, why didn't you tell us sooner. Me and Ty could have shown you a good time!" This of course sent everyone into waves of laughter. Everyone, that is, except Brian. Caleb and I finally breathed and we relaxed some. Everyone came over and offered congratulations. Brian seemed to have a problem though. He kind of held back. When he got to me he asked, "Dylan can I talk to you for a second? In the other room?" I just nodded my consent. I gave Caleb an assuring smile but I was sure he didn't want to leave me. I mouthed to him to "stay" as I followed Brian into the next room over. "What's up buddy?" I asked. "Dylan this isn't right." he replied rather loudly. I cringed a little and realized they could definitely hear us in the other room - which now seemed to be getting quiet. Kind of like when a teacher takes a student out of the classroom and everyone gets quiet to hear what's going on. "Brian what's not right?" "This whole thing. You're not gay Dylan! You can't be. Do you realize what a fucking mess this is!? Dylan a little one night stand is one thing but you're acting like it's more than that. How are you going to get rid of him huh? When you decide you've had enough? Dylan this must be the fucking stupidest thing you have ever done, EVER!" His words cut through my heart like no knife could. They also cut through the air right into the next room. I hated that Caleb had to hear this. Why was Brian acting this way? He was so accepting of Tyler and Derek. I felt like I didn't know him anymore. I felt the tears forming in my eyes but I was determined not to cry. "Brian why are you doing this? LOVE doesn't just go away. I love that man more then you will ever know! Why can't you accept that?" "Because Dylan I KNOW you're not a queer! This is another phase for you whether you know it or not! Then you're going to wake up and see things how they are. It can't be any more than lust. You're going to see that he... that... that slut in there is either not for you, using you, or worse! I mean with a body like that I wouldn't be surprised! Are you even sure he's not carrying some disease?" By now I had just given up and the tears were streaming down my cheeks. He was going from bad to worse. He just wasn't stopping, I could see it in his eyes. Something made him feel like he was more sure about my life then even I was. Not to mention that I was sure those comments had hurt Tyler and Derek too. I didn't know what had gotten into him. Everything seemed to be a blur. That was when Theresa entered. Theresa walked right up to him and slapped him in the face, hard! "Brian what the FUCK is your problem?" she raged. Yes, there were times when she was far from lady like. "How could you do this? Dylan is your friend. He probably needs you now more than ever. And now you feed him this shit!" she said with venom in her voice. "Where is this coming from anyway? Need I remind you that, first of all Dylan's FIANCE is in there huddled up on the couch like you'll come for him next! They are in a COMMITTED relationship! Not to mention two of your other best friends are a step away from coming in here and beating you senseless?" "I... but... I" he stuttered. "Brian there is NO excuse for this!" now she turned to me and her expression softened. "Dylan go hold Caleb. He's pretty shaken." I was sure I heard her scolding him more but I didn't pay attention. Whenever Caleb needed me it always seemed to take precedence over everything else. As I turned into the living room I saw Caleb. He was, indeed, sitting on the couch looking totally petrified. Lou and Laura were trying to comfort him. He was kind of rocking absentmindedly back and forth and I could just tell he was on the verge of crying. Sure, he was sensitive, but it was just another thing that made him the man I loved. In short, I wouldn't trade it in for the world. "Dylan!" he all but shouted when he looked up and saw me. He jumped up and was in my arms before I even realized he had moved. I gathered him up, with his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist, and led him back to the sofa where I just sat down so he was on my lap. I rubbed his back soothingly. "Dylan... I'm so sorry. This is all my fault! I'm sorry..." he pleaded, kind of at a loss for any more words. "Sshh. No Caleb. No Babe. Don't even think it. Caleb, look at me." I said, rearranging ourselves so he was looking right at my face. "Caleb this is NOT your fault. Do you understand that?" I half asked, half stated. "But, Dylan, I... I..." he stuttered. I figured maybe I could catch him in his own words. "You what? What did you do that makes you responsible for that? Huh Babe?" I asked quietly. "I... I... I don't know." that was it. He about broke down in my arms and sobbed. It didn't last more then a minute though. Nothing major, I think he just needed to get that out of his system. I've heard it was actually healthy to cry. As far as I'm concerned there's nothing wrong with it! But then he started speaking again. "Dylan I don't know what I did wrong. I... only... loved you" he sniffled. I put my arm around his back and drew his head down against my chest. "I know Baby." I soothed. "And don't you dare ever think that you're wrong for that. Baby he's just a little confused. I think it's going to be okay. And if I have to choose, well then, I choose you. It's like I told you before Babe no one is going to take me away from you." I said. I leaned down and kissed the top of his head. I suddenly remembered where I was and who else was there. Back in the world where people other than me and Caleb existed Tyler, Derek, Lou, and Laura were standing watching us. When I looked up they all had big smiles and, if not crying, their eyes were moist. "Dylan why don't you two go up to your room and rest and calm down a little. You know we can fend for ourselves here." Laura suggested. Laura always did know what to say! I was actually thinking the same thing. Only now nobody could call me rude for it! Score! I just nodded and got up. I was naturally carrying Caleb in the position we were in so I just went with it. She walked us to the staircase. "By the way hon." she said to Caleb. "Don't worry about that. As far as I can tell everyone else thinks you and Dylan are great. I'm sure Brian will come around." We retreated into our room. I laid Caleb down on the bed, undressed him, undressed myself, and finally crawled under the blankets with him. I held him close to me, our heads right next to each other. I could feel his breath on my neck. After a couple moments I felt Caleb licking and nibbling on my ear. "Dylan? Please?" he whimpered. For the first time I realized a sort of trend. Though most people enjoy sex Caleb seemed to need it. He needed it for reassurance. He needed it to know that he didn't do anything wrong and that I wasn't mad at him. I wasn't sure if that was normal, or even healthy. For the time being though I just stored it away in my memory and made love to him. I rolled him on top of me. I took him by the waist and rubbed up against him. I figured we didn't need anything intense right now. With all the emotional tension we had built up it seemed almost like we got off way too quick. It was still so nice though. I opened my eyes to see Caleb crying and noticed his body would tense, as if to sob, every couple seconds. "Dylan please never leave me." he whispered into my chest. "Caleb Baby relax. I'm not going to leave you - ever. Nothing you could ever say or do would ever make me stop loving you. Do you understand that? Just trust me. However long as it takes you to believe that, I'll still be here Babe. Did you look at the inside of your ring? It has an inscription ya know." He seemed to get pretty excited about that. He immediately took it off to check. I saw him gaze down at me in wonder and final comprehension when he realized what it said. It read "I'll Love You Forever" and, it seemed, he only just then realized that it was true. He buried himself in my chest and in no time he was sleeping like the angel he was. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tyler's POV Brian had really lost it this time. I don't know what he was thinking. Actually, let me rephrase that. I KNOW that he just wasn't thinking at all, period. Caleb, even though I barely even knew him, seemed so right for Dylan. They loved each other so much. I think we all realized that when we saw Dylan trying to calm Caleb down. It was all too obvious. Caleb, unfortunately like most gay people today, definitely had some issues. First of all he seemed hell bent of getting Dylan's approval. It seemed like the thought of Dylan being angry with him wasn't something he could tolerate. When Brian was being his charming self with Dylan, Caleb seemed scared that Brian would even hurt Dylan. Of course the rest of us knew Brian never would. In fact I found myself thinking that maybe Caleb should be more scared for himself. But I wasn't blind. I don't know who else noticed it but I saw Dylan tell Caleb to stay in the living room. As soon as Caleb heard Brian start in Caleb wanted to go to Dylan but he also didn't want to go when Dylan had told him to stay. If I didn't feel so bad for the guy it might have been funny to watch. Anyway I knew that the rest of us felt comfortable with Caleb. It was a surprise because in a way me and Derek had already paved that path for them. And don't get me wrong - I was more than happy to do it. Derek truly is the love of my life. Not to mention drop dead gorgeous! With black hair and green eyes most people tend to think he's Irish. I don't know, maybe he is. People tend to recognize that as an Irish trait though. I always thought red hair was an Irish trait but whatever! Now I know what you're probably thinking: "He's the love of his life and you don't even know his nationality?" but let me explain. Derek was adopted and never knew anything about his real parents. Apparently he had been found, he was abandoned by his mother soon after birth. The people who adopted him are really great. However there is no family resemblance - the family carries light brown hair and brown eyes - and the people don't have any clue at all about his biological mother or father. As for myself I guess maybe I should give you a sort of description. Here goes. I'm 5' 7", 175lb. most of which is muscle, I have dark brown hair and dark green eyes. I've been told that, if you really look at my eyes, you can see a sort of sadness in me. I suppose that's true. There really is a sort of sadness in me, for several reasons. I could never tell you though. In truth I guess I'm too scared to tell almost anyone. The only people I have ever really opened up to are Derek and, surprisingly, Brian's wife Theresa. Theresa is a wonderful woman. Ever since we met we have shared a sort of bond that nobody, not even us, can explain. Maybe we were friends in another life or something. We just instantly clicked. Dylan carried Caleb upstairs and I could still hear Theresa scolding Brian. I felt like I could just go and hit him when I realized he was giving it back just as good now. "Brian I just don't know how you could be so insensitive." "Theresa trust me on this one! You know I respect what Tyler and Derek have but this is different. Right now Dylan might THINK he's in love but he's not... it's obvious." he added, sounding a little more unsure. But he kept going, "Dylan is NOT gay! Right now, I suppose that, in theory, gay sex can feel good. But that's all it is. In fact I would bet that this... Caleb seduced him. Dylan was far too vulnerable because he has NEVER had a real relationship. This guy's stayed around a couple weeks and that's an all time high for Dylan. He doesn't know what he's doing." "Brian you can't KNOW that! All evidence says otherwise. I'm not happy with you at all. And I am quite sure that our friends aren't happy with you. I'm also quite sure that you need to just think this through. I think the shock just got to you. Why don't you go, take a walk, and THINK for a change. Clear your head and look at this logically. Come back when you have an apology for your extremely rude, extremely prejudice behavior." she said with a finality we all knew too well. Brian was going for a walk whether he liked it or not. She wasn't giving him a choice. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Brian's POV SHIT! This was NOT good! I felt a sort of pressure closing in on me. I was the only one who knew about the prophecy. I was the only one who REALLY knew that Caleb wasn't the one for Dylan. The worst part of it was that I couldn't even say anything. Without a good excuse nobody was taking the whole "I just know" thing seriously. They thought I was just stressed out. If they only knew! Theresa must be one of the most stubborn people I know. Every once in a while she just talks in this voice that says, "I am in charge and my word is final." It's a fact. Everyone who knows her knows the voice. They know that once she resorts to it there is no arguing with her. So I took the stupid walk! She was right. I walked through the rich mountain forest for quite some time. It did help me to clear my head. I realized some things that I hadn't noticed before. First of all Caleb had to be taken out of this picture. What if Dylan wastes this time with Caleb and, in doing so, passes by the woman he is really supposed to be with? I couldn't let that happen. Then, if I even stood a chance of doing something, I had to apologize. I had to go back, say I had come to my senses, and say I accepted them. Only then would I even be in a position to try to get Caleb out of the picture. I had to gain some trust. I decided to stay away a little longer than needed. I hoped that it would look as if I had really given deep thought to it. In the spare time I thought about just how I could get the whole Caleb issue resolved. I started to formulate a plan in my head. It could work. It could definitely work. Everyone would hate me for it because they wouldn't understand. But I had to do this for Dylan. It didn't matter what it cost me because he was like a brother to me. I would do anything for him. Finally, with a rough plan in place, I headed back to the house. I just opened the door. None of us knocked on the door at this house. It was really a second home and we could come and go as we pleased. I found them, ironically enough, lounging in the living room just like before I had left. They were all comfortably talking, couples all snuggled up together. When Caleb saw me the color drained from his face. I forced a smile but couldn't help thinking how typically gay he was in that sense. Just from the little I had seen and heard he seemed so emotional. That just wasn't normal for guys, was it? Well I would just have to put up with it, and him, for now. Everyone looked at me expectantly. I hoped this worked because if this didn't fly I was even worse off than before. "Hi guys. Um... I wanted to say... well I'm sorry. Dylan and Caleb. You see, when Dylan just came out like that I sort of freaked. I feel like such an ass! I'm sorry for everything I said. I just wasn't thinking. You know I love you guys and, Caleb, I would love to get to know you better. I really did judge you unfairly..." Everyone was sort of quiet. I saw Caleb look back at Dylan from his position in between Dylan's legs on the floor. They had some sort of nonverbal communication. Moments later they nodded to each other and Dylan kissed him on the cheek. "Brian we accept your apology. I think I speak from everyone when I say that we're glad to have you back buddy." Dylan said. Everyone nodded and verbalized their agreement. We settled into a nice discussion. I felt a little guilty about what I was going to do tomorrow. I had decided on doing it soon before my good judgment got clouded. Caleb, I guess, was probably an okay guy. I couldn't let that fact change what I had to do. For Dylan. After all, Caleb certainly wasn't really Dylan's soul mate or anything. So, I thought, what's the difference.

Well that's it readers. Hope you liked the chapter and I'm sure you're just dying with curiosity. Don't worry. Everything will be answered in the next chapter. Well, sort of anyway. I'm sure it will only leave you with more questions. No matter though. Hope you liked this and don't forget to write! You know I love my mail! Email

Next: Chapter 7

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