Calebs Love

By moc.liamtoh@7rekamkcigam

Published on Sep 2, 2002


(Author's Note): Hey readers! First let me say that I was thrilled with the response I got from chapter three. Keep it up you guys!

**As usual all the standard warnings apply. If you're not supposed to read this, don't get caught. Kiddies, if you must read this, at least clear your history trail. Don't send me hate mail. blah blah blah!

Oh readers! You'll never guess what happened. There I was, shopping in Wal-Mart, like the rest of the world! Don't deny it, chances are you do too! Anyway, there I am shopping and who do I see? Not a movie star or anything like that, better! I'll be damned if it wasn't, like, the physical personification of Caleb himself. He was, really, beautiful. I practically had a heart attack! AND, for god only knows what reason, he didn't even have a shirt on! So, no, I didn't even meet him but I had a nice little drool fest. Just thought I would tell you since, after all, it is related to the story.

On another note I'm kind of going through a hard time in my life right now. So it might take me a little longer than usual to post my next installments. The story, in general, should remain the same as it was going to so don't worry because I won't do anything drastic. It's just a matter of needing a little more time to get it in writing and feel comfortable with it. NO, I will not go into more detail because, in truth, it's a personal problem. My readers who really know me already know about it. I just wanted to let everyone else know that I'm not tempted to stop the story and I'm not slacking off.

By the way I'm popping in and out of points of view here, again! Sorry if you don't like that but I just try to do my best to tell the story and that requires that it is told from several angles. Any parts that are "Narration" are third person omniscient ( a narrator that knows thoughts and feelings of characters) so it's not anyone that's "inside" the story (a character). Have fun!

Here it is:

Brain heard the phone line go dead. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. Maybe everything was falling into place. He wondered if this could be the one the prophecy talked about. Of course it could just be Dylan had fallen for someone who wasn't meant to be but he had a feeling this time. He stood almost in shock wondering what to do. Then it hit him - call his father you idiot! He picked up the phone and dialed the number. It seemed to ring forever before he picked up. "Hello?" asked Mr. Roth. "Yeah Frank it's me, Brian." "Oh, Brian, what's up?" "You won't believe what just happened." he said, bursting with excitement. "What?" "I talked to Dylan and.." "So?" Frank interrupted. "You talk to Dylan almost every week." "So he said he was with the love of his life!" Frank went silent for a moment. He was contemplating what he just heard. This could mean a lot of things. He wasn't too happy. If it was time then they had to play this right or it wouldn't be pretty. How could they play it best? Simple, don't let Dylan or his lover know about the prophecy. Finally Frank spoke. "Well it could always be a false alarm. Of course that presents it's own problems but I see nothing to worry about yet. Let's just wait it out. Keep me informed." The phone clicked off before Brian could respond. He couldn't complain because he had known Frank since he was a kid and he was sure that Frank knew he would have nothing else to say. It was true, Brian didn't have anything else to say. The most he could really do was wonder about Dylan and his new girlfriend. Brian always knew Dylan would meet the right girl sometime. It wasn't just the prophecy either. Even if Dylan didn't have this amazing destiny, that guaranteed him a woman, he would have got one anyway. After all, why wouldn't he. Dylan was a great guy and, as far as looks were concerned, Brian would hate to have to fight him for a girl that's for sure. Brian, of course, had found Theresa in high school and married her in college. He would never have to think about finding a woman for himself. Of course though it wasn't exactly like Dylan tried to find anyone. This presented a brand new area of thought; where did Dylan meet her. Dylan poured major hours into his job. He NEVER, ever went to clubs. Well maybe he was fixed up, but even that was almost an impossibility. Dylan almost never let anyone fix him up. He had some crazy theory about being able to look for lust but not love. He said love would find him when the time was right. Maybe there was something to his crazy idea after all. So Brian finally got into bed with his wife and went to sleep after telling her about Dylan's invitation for them and everyone else. She was pretty happy about that. She loved that place. She had always liked the mountains and she just really liked the Roth home. It didn't take a rocket scientist to see that there was just something magical about it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Frank couldn't believe what Brain had just told him. He went to the library in his home. There he got out a book he hadn't looked in for quite some time. He opened the book and it had most of the middle of the pages cut out. In that space there was a little wooden box. He got out the box and opened it to look at the paper inside, the prophecy. It read: In the house of my faithful servant Roth I will send my precious gift. Upon the second son, of the third daughter, of the fifth son. The line of Ethan Roth. He will live with his love. He will die with his love. >From this union a child will spring. She is the goddess. There is a time for everything. Let not the son know lest he be tempted to change his fate. The goddess must spring from pure love or a dark goddess will emerge. Woe to the world who releases this dark goddess. She can only bring total destruction. The world would cry out at her wrath. But release the goddess of light The only true hope for the world And see the masses bow down To worship her. Frank bit down on his lower lip. That is some destiny. It was Dylan's. It had to be. He fit it perfectly. Ethan Roth was the fifth son. He and his wife had four daughters and one son. The third daughter was Elizabeth Roth. Elizabeth was Frank's wife. Normally there would have been a name change. That was the thing though, she fell in love with him. His last name, which is pretty amazing, was Roth. No relation at all but still the same last name. The name stayed Roth. Now there was Dylan, his second son. Frank actually had two sons and two daughters. The prophecy was for Dylan. Frank's wife still didn't know. Frank was told by Ethan himself. He had worried about that prophecy nearly all of his married life. He worried even more after Dylan was born. It clearly said that they would die together, Dylan and his wife. Frank didn't know if he could deal with the loss of his son like that. Then there was this very important child they were supposed to have. What when Dylan and his wife died? Inevitably this task of raising another child would probably fall to him. It wasn't like they didn't have the finances for it. Frank just didn't know what to think. He knew the time had to come though. It would come soon, that was almost certain. Time was not something that they had a lot of. Dylan would have to marry a woman that was actually young enough to conceive. For that reason women older than forty were less than ideal. He was in his late twenties now. If this wasn't "the one" that presented problems of it's own. They couldn't just sit by and watch Dylan waste his time and grow close to someone who wasn't meant to be. They had to determine if this woman was it. If she was then at least she had been found. If she wasn't then they had to find some way to get her out of the picture so that Dylan could focus on finding the right woman. Either way this wasn't going to be easy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dylan woke up with Caleb resting safely in his arms. His husband. He breathed in his scent and took time to look at everything that was his beautiful man. He rolled Caleb onto his back, which was pretty easy, and straddled him groin to groin. He loved the feeling of Caleb's body against him. He rubbed his hardening member against Caleb's while he reached down and rubbed and pinched Caleb's nipples. He could feel Caleb hardening against him and wondered just how far he could go without waking his man. He wouldn't do anything drastic because he didn't want Caleb to feel forced to do anything they hadn't already done. He kissed Caleb's lips and neck lovingly. He was intrigued that Caleb hadn't woken up yet. So he thought. Caleb was really just waiting for the right moment to surprise his wonderful lover who woke him up like he was all that mattered. Dylan had worked his way up and Caleb made his move when Dylan's lips touched his. He quickly took his hand behind Dylan's neck to hold his head in place while his tongue invaded Dylan's mouth. Dylan just groaned in a mixture of pleasure and surprise into his mouth. Dylan was caught off guard but he remembered he was a man on a mission. The mission? Wake up Caleb. "We have to get up Baby." "No Dylan, please don't stop." "I'm sorry Caleb but we have to get up. We have to get going." Caleb got up and headed for the shower. Dylan followed and he reached the shower door just as Caleb was getting in. Caleb turned around, looked at Dylan, and closed the shower door. Dylan cringed. He was in the wrong. He knew he had to apologize. "Caleb?" there was no answer. "Caleb can I come in with you?" he felt he should ask since he was on shaky ground. "I guess. It's your house, your shower." Caleb said void of emotion. Dylan got in and got behind Caleb. "No Babe" Dylan corrected. "It's our house, OUR shower. We're in this together." Dylan said, wrapping his arms around Caleb. "Dylan what did I do wrong?" "What do you mean, you didn't do anything wrong." Dylan said, a little confused. "But, you stopped. Why don't you want to make love to me?" Once again Dylan realized he had been an idiot. He really tried but he just didn't have much experience with this relationship stuff. There was no doubt in his mind that he wanted a relationship with Caleb but that meant he was learning every day how to be a good lover and husband. He would try his hardest for the man he loved. He turned Caleb around so he was facing him. "Caleb I want to make love to you so bad. You haven't done anything wrong Babe. It's just that it's already around ten o'clock and I wanted us to get going. I'm sorry but we just didn't have time before. I promise..." he was saying before Caleb interrupted him. "Ten o'clock! Jesus Dylan why aren't you at work? Dylan you can't.." Dylan cut him off with a forceful kiss on the lips. Caleb only resisted for a moment before melting into his arms. His tongue probed Caleb's lips and they opened, allowing Dylan to invade his mouth. His hands grabbed Caleb's hips and brought him forward, rubbing their erections together. Caleb moaned and Dylan broke off the kiss. "Caleb I love you with all my heart. I know you love me. Do you trust me?" "Honey I love you and I trust you with my life." "Good. If you want we're going on a little trip. I wanted us to have a sort of honeymoon. If it's okay with you then that starts today. Okay?" "God I love you." said Caleb, giving Dylan a kiss on the lips. They went to work soaping each other up. They rinsed down and got out of the shower. They dried each other off and got out clothes to get dressed. "How are we honeymooning when I'm still borrowing your clothes?" Caleb asked. He was just joking around but Dylan got a very serious expression on his face. "I'm sorry about that. Listen, I didn't forget okay? Over by where we're going they have some really awesome clothing stores. That's part of the reason we're going there. You're going to need several types of good clothes though. Some clothes like that you either can't get here or they're much more expensive. Trust me though, before we come back you'll have a whole new wardrobe." Dylan said, smiling. "Oh. Hon I wasn't serious. We don't have to do that ya know." Caleb relented. "Caleb although I would like nothing more than for you to stay naked all day long, indoors and out, it's just not practical Babe." Caleb felt the usual stirring in his pants that he always did when Dylan called him Babe or Baby. He thought to himself that this had to last forever or he didn't know what he would do with himself. "Okay, if you say so. I know better than to argue with my husband! Spoiled man always gets his way anyway!" he said in his best girly voice. "Oh I'm gonna get you for that." Dylan said as he jumped on Caleb, flattening him on the bed with his ass pressed down on Caleb's groin. "Babe" he added. Caleb went instantly red. For whatever strange reason it made him a little embarrassed to think that Dylan could feel him getting hard. He convinced himself that Dylan couldn't feel it. "What do we have here?" Dylan asked with a bewildered expression on his face. "Babe" Dylan felt Caleb get a little harder under him. When he called him Babe? No way! He lowered him self a little more so his face was about a foot from Caleb's. "Babe" he tested. There it was again. He lowered himself completely so that his mouth was almost right up against Caleb's ear. He was sure he was smiling like the cat who caught the canary. Hell that's pretty much how he felt. "Babe" he whispered in his most lusty voice. Of course by then Caleb was sure Dylan had found out. Of course he didn't seem worried or angry about it so Caleb was sure he was in the clear. "Mmm. Dylan please stop or I'm going to shoot in my pants." he begged. Dylan erupted into a roar of laughter. He had no idea he could effect Caleb like that. He didn't want to make another mistake though. He was learning. So he leaned down and kissed him on the lips. "I love you." he told him. Caleb just smiled up sheepishly.

They sat in Dylan's SUV more or less in silence. They had talked but now it had just reached a companionable silence. They felt close to each other and they didn't feel the need to talk. They had gotten breakfast and lunch on the road. It was just about five o'clock when they were leaving another town. This one had seemed pretty big and Caleb couldn't help but wonder if that was "the town" and they were close. He was getting discouraged again as he saw the town give way to mountains and forest. Then Dylan turned off onto a dirt road.

Caleb got very excited as they drove along. He thought they must have driven at least five miles now. He didn't even know dirt roads could go that far! He was brimming with anticipation when he saw it. He made a small gasp. Then Dylan turned toward it and stopped the SUV no more then twenty feet from the door. He turned to Dylan who was smiling and happy.

"No." Caleb said almost in a questioning whisper.

"Yes Baby." Dylan said as he leaned over and kissed him on the lips.

Caleb was stunned. In front of him was this, well, really big house! Well, somewhere between a house and a mansion. He couldn't imagine how Dylan knew about this place and how they were staying here. "How?" he asked.

"Well Babe this is my family's summer vacation home. So, no, it's not really mine. It's my parents'. For this week though it's all ours Babe. Then, next week, I invited over my coven and you'll get to meet them all. I haven't really said much about you though." he said, looking down at the end to avoid Caleb's gaze.

"That's okay hon. We'll work that all out. It's fine. I love this. I love you." Caleb assured him. "So, can we go inside now?"

"Absolutely. Why don't you take our bags in and bring them to our room. Upstairs and second door to the right. I'm gonna make sure that there's food and we don't have to expect anyone. Then I'll be up after you. Stay up there." he said with a devilish grin.

Caleb took the two bags they had out of the back seat. Upon entering the house he realized it was very nicely furnished. He wasn't sure what he had expected but this wasn't it. While trying to take in everything he went upstairs and followed Dylan's directions to a closed door. He opened it.

The room was amazing. It had a dresser, entertainment center, closet, nice king size bed on a kind of up-raised section of floor raised about four inches compared to the rest of the room. After he put the bags on the floor, went to the bathroom, and came back out. He plopped down on the bed. As he laid there for a second he started thinking. He wanted to give himself to Dylan completely. He had decided on it. They had talked about it but they had the usual fears about one hurting the other. He knew Dylan would never hurt him though. Caleb wanted this. He closed his eyes.

He started thinking about what he and Dylan had been through. He didn't think it was even possible to be this in love with someone again. He thought back to what he felt for Travis. He decided the two couldn't be compared. The way he loved Travis was different then how he loved Dylan now. It wasn't different in a bad way. Just different. He even thought what he felt for Dylan ran even deeper than what he felt for Travis. Travis was gone though and he didn't feel guilty about it.

With his eyes closed he didn't see or hear Dylan come in. He did feel Dylan's hands slowly and gently run up under his shirt, caressing his chest, and gently pinching his nipples. Caleb's nipples were really sensitive and he loved it when Dylan played with them. Caleb could feel Dylan lean over him and press his body up against his.

"Let me make love to you." Dylan half asked, half demanded.

"Mmm. Please Dylan. Always." Caleb replied. Then he remembered his thought. "Dylan?"

"Yeah Babe?"

"Dylan I want to really be one with you. I want to feel you inside of me. I... please make love to me." He just couldn't think of anything else to say.

Dylan was shocked for a second but recovered before Caleb even noticed. "Baby I want you to know that no matter what we do I make love to you. We don't have to do that for it to be considered "making love" to each other. Are you sure?"

Caleb tilted his head up and licked Dylan's earlobe. "Dylan I want to. I'm sure. Please?"

Dylan was happier than he had been for a long time. As time went on with Caleb, Dylan noticed that Caleb only made him more and more happy. He realized he'd be a fool to even think about giving this up. A brief thought ran through his head that he'd kill himself first. He chased away the thought. It's not like it would ever come to that anyway.

"I love you Babe. If that's what you want then you don't even have to ask. I'll make love to you like no one ever will."

"Dylan." Caleb said in all seriousness. "No one else will ever get the chance. I want you and only you. I'll never want anyone else so don't even think it."

Dylan kissed Caleb on the forehead. "I would never think that. I didn't mean it like that Babe. You're right though, I shouldn't have said it. I just love you so much Caleb."

Dylan showered Caleb's neck with kisses. He slowly undressed Caleb's beautiful body, kissing the soft flesh as it was exposed. Dylan straddled his waist and leaned forward and kissed him. At the same time his hands found his love's nipples. He squeezed, rubbed, and tickled them while he licked Caleb's neck and ears. Finally he took them into his mouth, sucking on them individually. This earned him a whimper from Caleb. Caleb bent his legs at the knees as if willing Dylan to move on. Dylan knew he didn't want to go too fast though. He licked, nibbled, and kissed his way down Caleb's abs. Finally he let his hand rub Caleb's abs as he focused on his love's beautiful dick. It looked about six and a half inches and about average thickness. He was circumcised and, Dylan was glad to notice, he had already started leaking a fair amount of pre-cum. Needless to say he was very hard. Dylan kissed the head and then took it into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around it and felt Caleb's body shiver. A sound issued from Caleb's mouth between a groan and whimper. A sort of higher pitched "guhhhh..". Dylan smiled at the feelings he was producing in him. He licked his way down. After paying some attention to his balls he licked and nibbled to his tight ass pucker. He used his thumb to message Caleb's perineum while he nibbled, licked and teased his ass loosening him up. He plunged his tongue in and Caleb couldn't stand it. His back arched and rose off the bed.

"Oh!...Dylan!" he quietly whimpered out. He shot four spurts of cum which landed on his chest. Now Dylan knew it was really time to get down to business. He reached for the lube on the bed. While the last shivers of Caleb's orgasm plagued him Dylan rubbed a dollop of lube in his crack and on his hole. Dylan climbed up to him and kissed him tenderly on the lips and face.

"Ok baby. This is where it starts. If you ever want to stop just say so." Dylan whispered to him. "You know I'd never hurt you. See, feel, and experience how much I love you." and Dylan kissed him a final time on the lips.

Dylan moved back down to his ass. He smoothed lube over his finger. Rubbing Caleb's tight pucker first he then pushed the first finger into him. Caleb moaned in approval. Dylan moved it in and out of him occasionally rubbing on his prostate. "Dylan!" Caleb rasped out. "More Dylan!" he pleaded. So Dylan added another finger and continued loosening him up. He was going wild now and a chorus of moans were escaping his mouth. Dylan added a third finger shortly. He may have gotten along with just two but he didn't want Caleb to hurt at all. So he took the extra time stretching him. Finally Caleb was loose. It was time. Dylan withdrew the fingers. He began lubing up his cock. Caleb had started to complain when Dylan pulled out. All that came out though at first was a moan that sounded slightly annoyed. "Dylan?... Dylan? Please!" he finally managed.

Dylan moved the head of his cock to Caleb's opening. He bent over, kissing him. "This is it love." Dylan told him. Caleb obviously hadn't realized that because his face lit up and he just nodded. Dylan pushed in slowly and gently. He felt Caleb's tight sphincter snap around his cock head. Caleb made a sharp intake of breath. For a second Dylan thought he might have hurt him. One look in Caleb's eyes told Dylan he had nothing to worry about. "Mmm. God yes, Dylan." was Caleb's desperate attempt at an assurance as he threw his head back against the pillow. Dylan slowly pushed into him more. The feeling of Caleb's tight ass clenching around him was amazing. He pushed in an inch at a time. Each time he paused to make sure Caleb was okay. Dylan knew he was taking Caleb's cherry and he wanted this to be special. Dylan would feel terrible if he hurt him. Before Dylan realized it he was flush against Caleb. All his seven inches were buried in his love. Dylan leaned down to whisper in his ear.

"That's it Baby." Dylan stroked his hand through his hair. "You have all of me. We're one." he kissed him just on the lips. His eyes were closed and he looked content and happy. He opened them to speak to me.

"Dylan, I feel so full. It's so nice. So right. I love you."

"I love you too." Dylan whispered back. Caleb's eyes shown wild with lust. Dylan started moving in and out of him slowly. His breathing quickly got heavy. Dylan pumped in and out of him, looking into the eyes of the man he loved. He adjusted his thrusts so they were grazing Caleb's prostate. When Dylan did that Caleb started whimpering. He was mumbling incoherently as he threw his head around on the pillow. All the time Dylan was thrusting into him faster and faster. Dylan could tell both of their orgasms were approaching. Suddenly, and simultaneously, Caleb pushed down on Dylan's dick while he gave it one final strong thrust. This resulted in the deepest penetration so far and they both erupted into earth-shaking orgasms. Caleb's seed shot up onto him and Dylan while Dylan's shot up into Caleb's no-longer-virgin ass. As they shot it was like they were suspended in movement. When they stopped both of them seemed to collapse.

After taking a couple seconds to regain some strength Dylan lifted up slightly. Caleb was smaller than him and he didn't want Caleb to have to bear his full weight. After resting like that for a minute or two Dylan ran his fingers through Caleb's hair and kissed him on the forehead. With that Dylan rolled off to the side, still on his stomach, keeping his left leg between Caleb's legs. Dylan reached over with his left hand and rubbed Caleb's chest gently.

"I love you baby" Dylan whispered to Caleb. "I love you. You're mine now and I'm yours. I'll love you forever..."

Dylan let his arm settle across Caleb and relaxed to sleep. Dylan had taken him in their love making to total oblivion and Caleb was somewhere between sleeping and passed out. Just before Dylan drifted off he felt him stir and then turn into Dylan so Dylan was spooning him. Dylan used what little strength he had left to adjust himself so they were close as possible and allowed his eyes to give way to sleep. Dylan was definitely new at this. He was dead tired. At that moment he felt like he was ready to face anything that came along... once they woke up. Dylan was ready to face the world.

Author's Note: Okay readers. Well that was, I suspect, the moment several of you have been waiting for. The first time. I hope you liked it. As I may have said before this is my first story so I'm kind of new at this. So if you have any criticism... be gentle please. Of course there is much more to come in this story so I hope you keep reading. If you keep reading I'll keep writing. I'm thinking of starting a newsletter for the story. Updates, character profiles, story previews, etc. So if you like the story, and you're interested, you can e-mail me at (as always) with "newsletter" in the subject line and tell me you're interested. I suppose I'll probably start it once at least 5 people show interest. It will, of course, come to the email address you send to me from unless you specify otherwise. If that email address doesn't work when I send to it, sorry but there's nothing I can do about it! If you're not interested then just don't send me anything about it. -Bye for now. Questions, Comments, Suggestions? email (I do NOT tolerate hate mail. If I receive hate mail will just block any mail from you! And I feel sorry for anyone who puts that much effort into hating anyone!)

Next: Chapter 5

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