Calebs Love

By moc.liamtoh@7rekamkcigam

Published on Aug 17, 2002


(Author's Note) - All of what I said for the first installment of the story applies. If, for some reason, you didn't read the first one then shame on you and you don't deserve any of the fun that goes on this chapter!

I think, in my last note, I got pretty caught up and I forgot to remember what matters most. From what I hear you readers love this story. Yes, I wrote it. But I need to give credit where it's due. Without the caring and advice of one man this never would have gotten submitted. Derek you've helped me so much - maybe more then you'll ever really know. My writer friend Derek was someone I could talk to and get advice from when I felt that like couldn't tell anyone, that I actually knew in person, what I had written. I'm sure I'm not the first writer of gay male erotica to want to keep the fact they're writing it more or less a secret. I wound up reading Derek's story and I wrote him about it. He seemed pretty cool so I went to him for advice when I needed to. I will also say that if you like this story I highly recommend reading his story "David and Tristan" in the rural section - as long as you don't have a problem with youth relationships. So I just wanted to say thanks again Derek and give him some public acknowlegement. And, for all you curious readers out there, no we are not, nor will we ever be, romantically involved. Sorry to all you hopeless romantics out there, but we're friends and that's as far as it'll ever go. Let's just leave it at that.

With that, On to the story!

Part 2

We fell asleep right like that with him in my arms. When I woke up the next morning the first thing that registered in my mind was that he wasn't there. Then I realized I was smelling a wonderful breakfast. I grinned at the thought and got up to walk to the kitchen. It wasn't till I got to the doorway that I realized he was making me breakfast totally naked. He was one hundred percent relaxed and looked so beautiful. He had his back to me and I walked up to him as quietly as I could. The last thing I wanted was for him to change his position in any way. Once I reached him I wrapped my arms around him with my hands on his abs. I pulled myself flush against him with my chest to his back. I kissed him gently up and down his neck and a slight groan escaped his throat.

"Mornin' Babe." I told him between kisses.

"Last night," I could hear the uncertainty in his voice. "You said you loved me." he said not turning around.

"Well" now I was nervous. "I do. I'm sorry if you're not ready to hear it but I fell in love with you last night. That's not a problem is it?"

I had stopped my kissing and there was an awkward silence. So, more carefully than before, I resumed my kissing hoping against hope that he wouldn't pull away.

"Love me how? I have to know."

I sighed. I hadn't even wanted to admit to myself what this could mean and now I had to admit it to him. I felt him put his hands over mine and I knew I had to tell him. "I love you." I began. "I love you like I desperately hope we can be together. Like I couldn't immagine my life without you. Like I want to be with you in every way. Like one gay man loves another. Like I'll remember that kiss last night even if we never see each other again." There was silence. I had just bared my soul to him and now I was feeling very nervous.

"I never knew it could be like this again." he said finally.

"Like what?"

"I never knew I could fall in love again with such a wonderful man. A man who would love me so much too." he turned around giving me a beautiful smile.

"Baby." I replied, "I think I'll love you as long as you let me."

"Oh forever I think." was his reply as he fed me a piece of bacon.

There was a pause as we just gazed at each other. Finally he broke the silence. "So why so dressed up?" he giggled looking down at my sweat pants. I just laughed and turned all shades of red.

"Tell ya what." he started with a grin. "I'll clean up here so I don't burn down your house and why don't you go start us a shower."

Of course I could only smile and strutted off to start it. It seemed my thoughts had been right. The bad things last night allready seemed far away. I adjusted the water and put some towels in a strategic location. No sooner had I gotten in than the curtain was pulled back and Caleb climbed in. We kissed briefly and then went to washing each other's hair and soaping each other up. I was standing behind him soaping his back. My hands quickly found there way to his firm bottom. I ran one finger down his back and he shivered. When I ran it through the crack of his buttocks he made a small ghasp. I settled on and started rubbing around and on his tight pucker. As soon as the feelings registered in his brain, in about two seconds, he was moaning in ecstasy. Meanwhile I wrapped my other arm around his front and was gentle stroking his dick and nipples. I finally decided to take the plunge. The soap was great and I pressed one slicked up finger into him.

"Oh fuck Dylan!" he moaned and, almost to my suprise, pushed back more on my finger. "Don't (mmm...) stop! So (now a sharp intake of breath as my finger grazes his prostate for the first time) good! That's so good!" he's gasping. I could tell he was close now. It didn't suprise me because he hadn't been sexually active in at least a year. I stopped my stroking his front, which had included his abs, and used that arm to grab him at the waist and pull him even closer to me.

"I love you Baby." I whispered in his ear. With that I refocused my finger and rubbed his prostate directly. It couldn't have been more then five seconds when his orgasm took hold of him. He was shaking uncontrolably and my arm was the only thing steadying him as he shot several spurts of cum on the shower wall. I didn't count them but he was shooting for at least a minute. Between watching him, and then being pressed up against him, I shot a load myself. Finally his knees gave way and, as I had removed my finger by now, I turned him around. I hugged him to me while I kissed his neck and sucked his earlobe as the last shudders of his orgasm subsided. When his eyes seemed like they might actually be usable he closed them and leaned, collapsed really, into me. "Forever" was all he said.

I had done my fair share of work at the gym. Turning off the shower I was glad to see I could pick up my man and carry him to the bed. The bed, of course, was the strategic place for the towels and it was clear he wouldn't get there on his own. When we reached the bed I laid him down and dried him. Today I had the day off so when I had dried myself I laid down. I spooned Caleb and pulled the blanket up over our naked bodies. I hated to think I would have to work and we wouldn't always be able to live forever like this. I buried my face in the crook of his neck. I relaxed, breathing in the scent that was so good, so Caleb. His breathing was soothing and I fell asleep feeling like everything was right with the world.

We both woke up about an hour later. Who knows who actually woke up first. When you're spooned up like that it's so hard to tell. One of you stirrs, which starts up the other, and then both of you are awake. It didn't matter though. I just loved being close to him, holding him. He pushed his whole body back against me more. I wrapped my arms around him tighter. I wanted to enclose him, protect him, and most of all never have to let go of him.

"Hold me like this forever" Caleb half asked, half questioned.

"Oh I wish I could Baby. There's always gonna be stuff we have to do though. But I promise to hold you when you need it, when I can, when we sleep, or any other time."

"I love you so much Dylan."

"I love you too Babe." I stated. I sighed. We had to talk about it some time so I figured now would have to do.

"Caleb" I began, "Ya know it can't always be like this."

He froze. Next thing I knew I could hear him whimpering and feel more then hear him start to sob. He was silent. I didn't even know what I had said and now I was sure I had screwed up somehow.

"Baby what's wrong?" I asked as soothingly as I could.

He just pulled away and got up. I wanted to feel sorry for him but I was getting agitated. I didn't understand. And he didn't want to explain it to me? I had to fix this.

"Baby what's the matter?" I pleaded, my voice more on edge than before. Really it was like I was talking to his back as now he was making his way out of the room. I had started to shift to get out of the bed and follow him. I was plenty awake from adrenalin by now.

He turned around. Tears streamed down his face. His eyes were bursting with emotion. I saw sadness, rage, disappointment maybe? "I don't know Dylan why don't you fucking tell me?" his voice was ten times worse than the eyes. Holy shit what on earth had I done? I couldn't help but stumble back a couple steps in shock. I just couldn't stand to see him like this. I didn't know I had started crying but I felt the tears on my cheeks.

I crossed the couple steps between us in an instant. I grabbed him at his shoulders and spoke right to him. "What the fuck is wrong with you!?" I practically yelled.

"You tell me Dylan. 'It can't always be like this" !? What the hell is that supposed to mean? How am I supposed to take that? The last twenty four hours have been the best time I of my whole life. And now what, you're just gonna tell me it's over like that? I guess I shouldn't be so suprised. I can't see why you would want me to stay in the first place. I'm nothing! You obviously see that now and I guess I should leave!" and he turned to move towards the door.

FUCK! Nice one Dylan! I'm such an asshole! In my head that was so NOT what I had meant. I caught up to him, he hadn't moved that far anyway, and grabbed him. He struggled against me but I was stronger, simple as that. "BABE!" I yelled to get his attention. He stopped struggling.

"Caleb Redding! Listen to me! I sware to you that's not what I meant!" By now I was having a breakdown of my own. I pulled him to me in a hug. He didn't hug back.

"Caleb that's not what I fucking meant, okay? I was actually talking about us sleeping in today. I was hoping we could talk about how I'll still have to work on a regular basis. God! I never thought you would take it this way! I never meant to hurt you. I'm so sorry. I'm so stupid. You are NOT nothing Caleb! I don't know who told you that shit but they were wrong. You're my life! You mean everything to me! I don't even know how I lived before without you. I don't want to even try to remember. Please don't go. Please..." I tried to bury myself still deeper into his chest, his body, I was so afraid. I felt his arms slowly wrap around me. We lowered to the floor.

"Ssh. Okay Dylan, okay." I was laid on my back and he straddled my body. He leaned foward and wrapped his arms around me. He was laying all on top of me except for his legs with his head to the side of mine. "I'm so sorry hon. I'm sorry I doubted you, and your love. Forgive me." he whispered.

He raised his head to look at me. I could see the love in his eyes. I was amazed at how quickly he could go from love to anger or sadness and back just like that. "Forgive me." He whispered again as he leaned foward and kissed my forehead and each of my eyes.

His face returned to my level. There it was again! This time, added to the love in his eyes, was total lust! Geeze this kid was quick. Next he did something totally unexpected. He leaned in and licked and nibbled on my ear lobe. "Forgive me now?" he whispered lustily into my ear. I was shocked! Not shocked by his actions, I was thrilled by those. I was shocked at the voice. I never knew he could sound like that! Here I had just been bawling my eyes out only minutes earlier and he sounded so good it was like, BAM! Instant hard-on!

Needless to say I was still speechless. I couldn't have said a word if it was a life or death situation. So he moved down to my nipples. I was in heaven. Licking, sucking, and just grazing them with his teeth. He worked both before he was done and all I can really say is WOW! I was broken out of my reverie when, just as suddenly as he had started, he stopped. He looked up at me, once again, with those lust filled eyes. "Forgive me now?" God there was the voice again! By now though I had regained control of my voice and it was clear what his game was.

"I don't know." I replied in a tone that clearly showed my sarcasm. "You got me really upset there."

He tried hard not to smile, that was obvious. I was sure I saw a smirk cross his face. He went back down, kissing down the center of my stomach. He licked my belly button a little and I thought that was where he was gonna stop. Clearly not! He moved down some more until he was hovering over my dick which was now extremely hard. He licked just the top of the head and looked up at me again. "Forgive me now?"

"Oh yes" I shuddered.

"That's the Dylan I love." he replied moving to give me a brief kiss on the lips before turning his attention back to my throbbing member. "But" he continued, "it still was your fault for saying such a bad thing. I'm afraid I'll just have to subject you to "the treatment"."

"Oh no not that!" I giggled in mock horror. Any other wise-cracks I would have made were cut off when he grabbed and starting lightly messaging my balls. Oh yeah! That was great!

He licked up and down the shaft for a while. Finally his warm mouth engulfed me. Before I really knew or realized what was happening he had a finger in my ass, which was excelent, and I was shooting my hot cum into his throat. It was super intense. Once I recovered a little I pulled him up to me so he was laying next to me. I kissed him long and lovingly. It was our first big disagreement, really a misunderstanding, but we came out of it fine if not better than before. No words were needed between us then to express the love we had for each other. But, just for a nice touch...

"I love you so much Baby. Please never even think of leaving me."

"I don't think I ever could. When I thought you wanted me to go I felt like I was going to die without you. Please let me stay forever." Caleb whispered back as he leaned in closer to me so he was really laying the side of my body.

I pulled my arms around his to draw him even closer... like that was possible. "I promise Baby. You're here as long as you want to stay. Even forever. Especially forever." I thought about the words we had just exchanged. Okay, so it wasn't official yet. Sure, we hadn't even talked about it. As I looked at him though, looking at me, I threw all caution to the wind. Looking into the deep blue eyes, the eyes that had captured my soul, I voiced the words I felt in my heart. The words that I felt like I had been using to describe him my whole life: "My loving husband." I said looking straight into his eyes. I just felt his arms close around me firmer before he gave me a gentle kiss. The arms of my lover, my husband, my soulmate. The arms I knew would hold me forever.

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Next: Chapter 3

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