Calebs Love

By moc.liamtoh@7rekamkcigam

Published on Aug 12, 2002


(Author's Note:) Hey, finally I get a chance to warn everyone just like my favorite authors have done. Here's the deal: If you're under age, or it's illigal to read this story where you are for any other reasons where you are, move somewhere else! If you can't, sorry but don't read it. If you do read it, and get caught, I will NOT take responsibility for YOUR actions. This is a story about love between two gay men. If you're just looking for some sex then you can either wait for other chapters or just not read this. IF by some chance this kind of writing offends you then you're obviously in DEEP denile because you have to follow several links to clearly gay male stories to get here. ---One more thing. Criticism and complaints are welcome if you find something wrong. Discrimination is not. So be good and don't email me at about some nonsense like all homosexuals going to hell. That's not what I believe and no ammount of email from people I don't even know is going to change that. Other than that, enjoy! :)

(Beginning of Series Note:) I prefer to remain unnamed. This story is really like a child of mine though because of all the hard work I've put into it. So lets just say that the holder of the email account owns all rights to this story. So don't steal it to pass it off as your own. If you want it on your site please email me and ask for permission first. I have nothing wrong with that but I would like to know where my story is. I'll be more than happy to let you use my story as long as you don't make people pay for it. I just don't want it that way.

ON TO THE STORY: chapter one

As I walked the 3 blocks from the law firm I worked at to my house I thought about my life. Let me tell you about it. At 27 I was still a bachelor. I had just never met anyone I would want to spend my life with. I hadn't even dated since 17. There had been a few women, and men, that had caught my eye but they didn't even know I existed. As far as I was concerned I had never really loved anyone. Yeah, that's what I tell myself. Some part of me didn't want to admit what the rest of me knew; I needed someone. I needed someone to love who would love me. Here I was, pretty far into my life I thought, and the thought that I still had no one forced me to cry myself to sleep some nights.

It was a horrible night. It was dark, cold, and unfriendly. Nights like this only made me feel more alone. As I walked up the stairs towards the poorly lit hallway I saw what looked like a pile of dirty laundry in the corner. I knew what it was but, I thought to myself, it was really none of my business. I had no reason to get involved. As I fumbled with my keys at the door it moved and even made a low groaning sound. The groan was a sound full of pain and I couldn't help thinking that it was pretty much how I felt. I told myself I shouldn't but my body moved mechanically towards the figure. When I was about three feet away I reached out and tapped the person on the shoulder. Almost instantly a head shot up and I was face to face with a man, no doubt younger than me, that looked absolutely terrified.

He had deep blue eyes that I found myself getting lost in. I would swear part of my soul was lost to those eyes as I tried to pull my attention away from them. Under the dirt and grime I found myself thinking that he was probably the most beautiful human I had ever saw. I was so captivated that I barely realized he was talking.

"God sir please don't call the cops. I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm just trying to keep warm. It's so damn cold outside. Please just let me stay here." As he continued I could see tears running down his cheeks. "Please, I have no where else to go."

I was amazed at how he had touched me emotionally. I realized I cared more about him than I had cared about anyone for so long. I'm not one to take in strays but I knew I just couldn't leave him here like this.

"Listen buddy, don't cry." I said as I reached down and wiped his tears. I sighed to myself thinking I must be crazy. "I'm not gonna turn you in. In fact I don't usually do this but would you like to come in? You can get a shower, clean yourself up, get some food in your stomach, and then you can either leave or we can talk some. Is that okay?

He seemed to consider me for a moment and stared into my eyes. His whole demeanor changed as if he had found what he was looking for. He got the most beautiful smile on his face that just melted my heart. He nodded his head 'yes', he got up, and we went inside. Inside the entry area I instructed him to take off his shoes, coat, and anything else he felt comfortable with so I could wash them. I assured him I was comfortable with nudity and it really wouldn't bother me.

The result was everything but his boxers straight into the washing machine. His whole body was slim and muscular. He didn't have huge muscles like guys you would see in a gym but that never turned me on anyway. I directed him to the bathroom and told him I would find him some clothes. While he was in the shower I changed too. He had seemed fairly opened about it so I took this opportunity to go without a tee shirt. I threw on some sweat pants. I did figure he might want a shirt though. I paused at the underwear draw. I would go without because I always did at night. I did grab a pair for him though. I took it all into the bathroom with instructions that, pretty much, all of it was optional.

'I have to stop thinking like that', I thought to myself. 'You don't even know this guy. Just put all sexual thoughts aside because you don't even know if he's gay. He's probably straight as a board. And lord only knows the trouble you've gotten yourself in already. For all you know if he finds out he'll beat your ass. Who knows, he might just beat and rob me anyway. NO. No. Just trust him on this. He doesn't seem that bad.'

With that I went to the kitchen to fix a meal. I figured I couldn't go wrong with chicken so I made a chicken and vegetable stir fry. I was just putting it on two plates when I noticed him standing in the doorway leaning on one side. He was clean and, I decided, he actually was the most beautiful man I had ever seen. He had opted for shirtless too and had a tight and smooth six-pack. He had large quarter size nipples that I would love to... lets not go there. He had to be just about my height and the sweats fit him perfectly.

He walked towards me and threw his arms around me in a hug.

"I can never thank you enough for what you've done." he whispered in my ear. His voice was amazing and with his body pressed against mine I was instantly hard. I knew he would be able to feel it through the thin, loose, fabric of the sweats and I became horrified just then at what he would do. God! I didn't want to just loose him as fast as I had found him.

He took a step back from me and looked down at the pretty obvious tent in my pants. "Look man," I had started to say but his eyes seemed to penetrate mine and I was sure he could see the terror I could feel. I was never good at dealing with emotions. I felt a silent tear run down my cheek. I had paused but he put his finger to my lips to silence me.

"My name," he told me. "is Caleb." With that he leaned in and kissed me. It was a kiss full of all kinds of passion and longing. He initiated it but I was returning it within seconds. It seemed like neither or us wanted to come up for air as our groins rubbed together, hardening and lengthening.

"God Caleb." I said, breaking off our kiss. I saw a hint of worry in his eyes. It was like the look of a child who thinks he might have done something bad, but is waiting to see whether he'll get punished or everyone will laugh it off. I had to reassure him.

"That was... so right." I continued and I could see him calm some. "But I don't want you to feel forced to do anything you don't want to just because you're staying here."

"I want you to listen to me." he started. "Because I only want to have to tell you this once." he continued as he reached down and stroked my hard-on. "I only do something if I want to."

The feeling of him rubbing my hard-on was almost too much. Nobody had made me feel this way, or touched me like that, in a long time. As I thought about him though I realized we had to stop for now. I wrapped my arms around his back and pulled him into a hug.

"I bet you're starving." I stated. "If I have any say in it we'll have all the time in the world for this. Let's just eat now." I assured him. He agreed and we sat down for dinner. We talked about my life some. I told him my name, about my family, and a little about the firm I worked at. I felt a little guilty leaving some things out but, I thought, I could always tell him later. If he really got to know me then some things he could just find out on his own.

"So" I asked, dreading the answer, "how, if you don't mind me asking, did you get into this situation anyway?"

He took a breath as if to clear his head. "Well there's quite a bit to tell you. If you want me to leave afterwards I'll understand. I grew up to the American dream. My parents were catholic, went to church on Sundays, and were really good people. I had a great childhood. I realized I was different, gay, when I was fourteen. I searched myself a lot. I realized that, like it or not, my beliefs weren't catholic. I was seventeen the week my mother almost died. That week I was really a mess. She lived but I had dropped my guard and by the end of the week they had found out everything. It almost felt like they thought I hadn't tried enough. I had tried so hard to be like everyone else. I tried so damn hard to be catholic. I just couldn't."

I thought I had never seen anyone look so torn between sadness and anger. You could see it in his eyes. "My boyfriend's family was pretty cool and let me stay with them when my parents kicked me out. I guess it was all just a show for his benefit." he bowed his head as tears started to run down his cheeks. "After the accident, when he was gone, they wanted me gone too. When I had just turned nineteen and he was eighteen, just a week before our graduation, it happened. Some guys saw us walking home." he seemed to flinch at the memory. "They beat both of us until they thought we were dead. When I woke up three days later I found out that he was dead. Like I said his parents didn't really want me around. I had no where to go. After I graduated I ran away. I hitched some rides, stayed at a couple shelters, did small jobs for a little money when I could. I just turned twenty two weeks ago. There were days and nights I was real hungry and had it rough. I never could bring myself to, well, sell myself though. It's one of the only things I actually am thankful for now."

He paused and looked at me. He searched my eyes for at least a minute. I could tell he wasn't sure if he should tell me something. I saw him glance downward towards my neck for a second. Finally he sighed and threw up his hands as if in defeat.

"And I guess you should know that I'm wiccan." he laughed. It was an odd sort of laugh. He wasn't happy but he still laughed and it sounded really odd and almost a little psychotic. "The last couple years have just been really hard. Then you come along and..." he stopped and shook his head as if in a conversation all his own. I took this to mean he had decided to not finish that statement. "I know a lot of people have a problem with people like me. Between being gay and wiccan..." he trailed off.

By now we were done eating and he was crying openly. With that last statement though he burst into a barrage of tears and sobs. What I was sure he hadn't noticed was that I had started crying too. My heart and eyes wept for him. I stood up and walked over to him. Taking him by the hands I led him to the couch. I positioned him to sit between my legs cradled against my chest.

As I ran my fingers through his blonde curly hair I whispered to him, "I'm so sorry baby. You've had it really hard. If that's the worst though, and even if it's not, there's no reason I could ever stop loving you." I hadn't meant to say it but once I did I realized it was true. In one night I loved this man more than I thought I could love anyone. I felt him tense a little at my statement. For a second I felt horrible and thought I shouldn't have said it.

In my heart though I knew differently. I knew I had said it because it was true and I wanted to. So with that I leaned in and started giving him light kisses on the back of his neck. Before he had just sat there but then he just melted into my arms. I breathed a sigh of relief. At that moment I knew that this was where we belonged, both of us. I hoped with all my heart tomorrow night we could still be this close. But I realized that, for the most part, that was up to him.

Next: Chapter 2

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