Caleb Series

By Michael King

Published on May 2, 2019



Caleb sat at the table waiting for his brothers to be brought in, he had a couple bottles of water with him both bottles still sealed as required, but he wasn't about to be rude his brothers had asked for this. So here he was.

When his brothers were brought in, Caleb was surprised they had lost weight and look a bit ill, though they had lost most of their hair. `Hello Caleb, it is good to see you.'

`That depends, I have a lot of anger at you two still, you hurt me pretty badly, you raped me over and over calling me names, and you expect me not to be angry.'

`Yes, I expect that, and I expect a lot more, like hatred, thinking you would strike out at me even though we are here. Thing is I am hoping you will listen to me.'

`I will listen. But doesn't mean I will forgive you.'

`That is all I can ask.'

`Then talk.'

`OK, here goes. The night I told you to stay in your room wasn't the first time that I came home without you knowing about it. I had seen you and Jared many times together, the days I saw you I was told before you and Jared got together, it was like the person wanted you two too be caught. The last time when I was told you were going to be together the guy said he wanted you hurt.'

`Tell me who the guy was, I need to know.'

`If I tell you, you're going to hurt more, and I don't know if I can do that.'

`If I can handle what you and father did, I think I can handle this. So, who was it, there just as guilty as you?'

`OK, but don't say I didn't warn you.'

`Just tell me for fuck sake,'

`It was Jared's dad, he and I were also together. We just never did it at home.'

`You are lying, just to cover your ass.'

`No Caleb I am not, I know you put my stuff in storage, well go look for the blank CD cases, there should be only about four of them.'

`I have them at home so I will look at them and if your right I hope you fry in here, cuz I will never forgive you.'

`No brother I know you can't, but now you know the truth and I can rest easier, cuz my mind will be clear.'

`I am not worried about your sleep, just think of those three weeks when you didn't let me sleep, think of the pain I went through just so you could be a big man. There is one thing though, dad really didn't kill mom did he, you did cuz she caught you. Then you blamed dad for it hoping that you would get off easier isn't that right?'

`Yeah Caleb I did all that, all I wanted was Jared I wanted to spend my life with him, so did he, he told me that he loved me many times. I am sorry about all that happened.'

`I hope you remember every day what you did to me.'

Leaving the prison, I sat in the car with my lawyer, we were quiet for about fifteen minutes before I asked him to find me a large house something that had lots of space where no one knows who I was or what had happened to me here.

`How soon do you want it Caleb?'

`The end of the month, maybe sooner depends on what I find out. Make sure there is a house keeper and a cook, I don't like doing that stuff.'

`OK I will let you know some time next week if I find something.'

`Kewl, just don't call me at Jared's place.'

`What do you say we stop and pick you up a phone and only I will have the number. You really think Jared set you up?'

`Honestly I don't know, I hope my brother was lying but if he wasn't then I want to get away from him.'

`I can understand that.'

Once they had picked up a phone, Talbert dropped Caleb off at home, just before he got out of the car, Talbert spoke again. `I'll have some money put into your account in case you want to get away.'

`Thanks, I never thought of that. Maybe you should get me a room at some hotel in town or something, I can let you know, what is happening.'

`I'll get it all done as soon as I get to my office.'

`Thanks sir, for all you have done so far.'

`Don't worry son, just get on with your life, You like another boy I know, have been given a chance, and it would be foolish to waste it.'

`I know sir, just wish it didn't have to hurt so much.'

`Like I told my Grandson it fades in time, in a way your just like him, your both emotionally strong. You both will go far in life if you set your minds to it.'

`Well I will talk with you later sir and again thank you.'

Going inside he saw that Jared was watching T.V. asking where his dad was, he replied that he had to go shopping and would be back later. Hearing that Caleb went up to his room and changed into some old jeans and t-shirt, `I'll be in the shed I got to find some stuff, so enjoy your show I'll be about an hour.'

`OK, this game just started so take your time, Dad said he would make dinner when he got home.'

Leaving Jared to his show, Caleb made it to the shed and once inside closed and locked the door. Finding the Cd's he was looking for was easy since he had put them up so that the cold floor wouldn't ruin them. Leaving them where they were, he went back inside and grabbing his d.v.d player and some extra batteries he went back out and watched all four Cd's. Taking then all back inside he went into the front room. `Jared, you want to watch a couple movies with me and your dad later when we finished dinner?'

`Sure what you got in mind?'

`Oh just some old ones I had for a while, I actually forgot I had them packed.'

`Cool, hope there good?'

`There really good, anyways I have to shower so I'll be right back.'

Going upstairs Caleb grabbed his clean clothes and his new phone. Turning on the shower he called his lawyer and told him to set up a room for him at some hotel and have meals included, starting tonight, he was just going to shower and leave. He also told him that his brother had spoken the truth. `Do you want me to pick you up?'

`Could you, that way I won't have to walk to town.'

sure thing let me make a call and get you set up.'

`OK I should be ready in about 30 minutes.'

Showered dressed and packed Caleb went downstairs he heard Jared and his dad talking, going outside he placed his bag on the porch and waited, he didn't have to wait long and soon he was on his way into town his lawyer had gotten him a room at the hotel and had it set up and waiting for him, he had also gotten Caleb a laptop so that he could stay in contact with his friends,' Are you sure that this is what you want to do Caleb, I mean shouldn't you have talked to them first heard there side of the story?'

`NO the Cd's showed me everything, if I had stayed I would have ended up hurting them, ending up next to my brothers, so I think this is best.'

`I had to ask.'

`I know.'

At the hotel Mr. Talbert went in with Caleb and made sure that he had his room and that his meals had been set up. The management having listened to what Talbert had told him so he gave Caleb a break and set him a price that allowed him two weeks, and if he needed more time it would be arranged without any problems. In the mean-time Talbert would still look for the home that would suit Caleb with everything he wanted, plus maybe something extra.

Settling in Caleb watched T.V. and then ordered something to eat.

For two weeks Caleb stayed at the hotel during the time he had talked with his lawyer. Talbert had found a house for him on 50 acres with a cook and housekeeper. He had seen the house and told Talbert to buy it and hope that he could get it as soon as possible.

It was another two weeks before Caleb could move out of the hotel, mean-while he had gone to school, Jared had tried talking to him, but was only ignored, Jared couldn't figure out what he had done, he remembered that he was supposed to watch some movies but that had never happened he just wondered what the movies were. Then he remembered that he had seen the movies sitting on Caleb's dresser so that night when he got home, he grabbed them and watched as Jared and Caleb's older bro made love.

He had watched three of them and was starting on the fourth when he realized that this was the one where Caleb was tied to the bed, and was being raped, it also showed Jared and his dad taking turns. Now he knew what was wrong.

By the end of the month Caleb had moved into his new house, it had been furnished for him and his cook was good, the only thing missing was someone to share it with, his lawyer was over lots and with thanks giving coming up he invited him to come over for dinner.

Talbert said he would be there, but he would have to bring his Grandson since he was living with him.

`That would be good, more of a party that way.'

With that set Caleb settled in, going to school, doing his homework, and spending weekends riding his dirt bike all over his property, just enjoying himself, but still he was lonely. No one at school interested him, besides he was more into his school work.

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