Caleb Series

By Michael King

Published on Apr 8, 2019


Caleb: May 2007

Seventeen-year old Caleb Patterson couldn't move without hurting, his ankles and wrists felt like they were on fire. He couldn't see since he had been blindfolded, the dental damn held his mouth open, making it hard for him to swallow. He could hear the rest of his family walking around the house, laughing. They had just spent hours using him and he knew that soon they would be back for more and there was nothing he could do about it.

January 2007: Caleb's Room

Jared laid there his breathing returning to normal after a few hours of love making with Caleb, both boys were naked a sheen of sweat covering their bodies. `Guess it is time for a shower lover?'

`Yeah, guess so, you go first I will clean up the room, so my folks won't know what happened.'

Might work, but I think the window will have to be opened for a week.' Laughing Jared hopped off the bed and walked into the shower, as Caleb remade his bed and opened the window. Then it was his turn. He had just gotten dressed when the rest of his family got home. Grabbing his school books he made like he and Jared were studying. When his mother walked into his room. Jared time for you to head home, your folks don't like you out after dark especially in the hills here.

`Your right I had better go, I'll see you at school tomorrow Caleb.'

`Sure dude, take it easy.'

`Caleb dinner will be here soon. Get yourself cleaned up.'

`OK mom be down shortly.'

Dinner was boiled vegetables and broiled venison, with chicory coffee, this was the first night that Caleb had been allowed coffee and he felt like part of the family now. After dinner Caleb excused himself saying he had to finish his home work and get ready for school tomorrow.

`Have a good night son.' his mother said as he walked out of the dinning room. Back in his room Caleb finished his home work and then laid on his bed, thinking of Jared and the fun they had earlier, the thought aroused him, stirring a need he knew that only Jared could fill.

Crawling under his blankets he drifted off to sleep, it seemed like he had just closed his eyes when he heard his alarm going off, jumping out of bed, he had his shower , dressed and headed off to school, meeting up with Jared as he headed down the path. `Hey dude how was your night?'

`I would say about the same as yours.' laughing he ran off Caleb running beside him. The day went fast, and before he knew it he was on his way home, enjoying the fresh winter air burning into his lungs. Jared had to stay for his football practice, but that was nothing new, twice a week Caleb walked home by himself. Today was no different than any other.

January turned to February and Caleb had planned a special treat for Jared on Valentines day. He had already asked his folks if he could spend the night in town and they had given there OK, Jared had gotten the same permission though he didn't know why Caleb had wanted to spend time with him, but he was happy, they hadn't had much time since that one afternoon.

February turned to March and March to April. Caleb and Jared had many times together, special times where they showed there love. As April came to an end, things went to hell for Caleb. Jared had just left when his oldest Brother walked in and pushing onto his bed told him to stay there, that dad and his brothers were going to talk to him. When Caleb told his brother to get out of his room he found himself tied to his bed, the blindfold tight around his eyes and his mouth gagged.

Then the pain and humiliation started each one taking turns using him, beating his back his groin everywhere they could, there wasn't an inch of his body that didn't hurt. How much longer until he died, why didn't they just kill him these and more thoughts ran through his mind as he waited for the pain to leave, though he knew that as soon as it did it would come back.

It got to a point where Caleb didn't even know if it was night or day, all he knew was pain, that his body was so sore he wanted to die, but he couldn't. They fed him food, the washed him, and every time they did they called him a dirty fagot, then the pain would start and he would try to scream, the gag the only thing preventing the sound from traveling.

Night or day it didn't matter, there was always someone using him. It got to a point he just gave in and didn't fight, he just laid there allowing them to do what they wanted, the only thing keeping Caleb sane, was the thought of Jared holding him making love and being with him.

While Caleb was going through all this Jared kept dropping by and the older bro kept telling him that Caleb had gone off to see his aunt and uncle in Montana and they didn't know when he would be back.

Since Caleb had told Jared all about his family, he didn't think anything about it. Finally, after two weeks of hearing this Jared decided to call and see if he could talk to Caleb, but when he called, he was told that Caleb never comes out during school and that they hadn't even planned the spring holidays yet. Now when Jared heard this he started to worry, it wasn't like Caleb to miss school, nor was it like him not to tell Jared if he was going away. Jared told his folks what he felt and what he had learned, `Dad I really am scared that Caleb is hurt, or that something has happened, and his family isn't saying anything.'

`Nothing we can do son. We can't stick our noses in others business, even if what you feel is right.'

`But dad what if he is hurt, everyone knows what they say, even I have heard it say that Caleb wasn't wanted, there is even talk that Caleb isn't even their son.'

`I have heard all that talk also son, but nothing we can do.'

`Maybe not you, but I am gonna find out, he's my best friend.'

`Just leave it son,'

`I can't dad, you wouldn't if it was your best friend, and what if it was me would you tell everyone to forget it.'

`That is different, your family.'

`Fine then I guess your right I should just leave it.'

`That's smart thinking son. Now go do you home -work and get to bed.'

`Sure pops, see you in the morning.'

`Night son.'

After doing his homework, he checked to see if his dad was watching t.v. Opening his window he slipped out and quietly walked down the path towards Caleb's place, he knew Caleb's bedroom was on the second floor he had to think of how to get up there without being seen or heard. Getting close to Caleb's place he could see the bedroom light on, walking up he looked around and saw that the lights were off downstairs, and he also noticed that Caleb's folk's car was gone. Stepping onto the back porch he tried the door only to find it locked. Looking around some more he found a ladder, leaning it against the house by Caleb's window he slowly climbed up and looked inside, what he saw almost made him fall.

Rushing back down he ran home, running in the front door he went to his dad and told him what he had seen, his dad listened and both ran back down, this time his dad climbing up silently he saw the same things that Jared saw, Caleb tied to his bed his body covered in red welts, going back down, then put the ladder away and walked down towards the school. Stopping at the small store they phone the state police, letting them know what they had seen and swore that they would give a statement as they were talking Jared saw Caleb's family drive pass going home and he pointed it out to his dad, who then told the police that the rest of the family was about to get home.

Staying at the store they waited for the police to show up, when they did, they had an ambulance with them, and they headed off to Caleb's place. Jared and his dad stayed in the car and waited, while the police entered the house and arrested the father and older brother, the mother wasn't around, and it looked like she hadn't been for a while.

Tears flowed down Jared face when they saw the EMT's bringing out Caleb, the only part that wasn't covered was his face, but even that was bruised and beaten. Crying against his father he asked' Why?'

`The only people who can answer that are the two that they arrested, or his mother if and when she is found.'

`I would like to see those two dead, they hurt my friend badly. He could have died.'

`I know son, and I guess your dad isn't as smart as his son is sometimes, tonight I am kinda glad you didn't listen to me, but sneaking out well that was wrong, but I forgive you.'

`Thanks dad, I love you.'

`I love you to, but I thought you loved Caleb?'

`Huh, you mean you knew?'

`Course I knew I am your dad. Not much you can hide from me, plus the fact that he is on your desktop.'

`Dad you been spying on me again, I asked you not to,'

`Well then turn off your computer before you go to bed.'

Smiling Jared said he would have to remember that in the future.'

Once everyone had left, Jared and his dad were driven to the hospital, where sat and waited for the doctor to come out, As they waited Jared remembered that the aunt and uncle needed to be called, so excusing himself he walked over to the pay phone and called. knowing that he might be waking them up he didn't care, he thought that Caleb was more important, `Hello?' A sleepy voice answered.

`Marge this is Jared, I spoke with you a few days ago about Caleb.'

`I remember you son, what can I do for you?'

`Caleb's in the hospital.'

`Oh my, what happened?'

`He was beaten, by his brother and dad.'

`I will be there in the morning, just tell Caleb that he still has our love.'

`I will ma'am.'

`Thank you for calling Jared.'

Hanging up Jared walked back to sit with his dad. Hours later as Jared was sleeping on his dad's shoulder the doctor came out, letting them know that Caleb will be OK, just needs time to heal. As the doctor was talking a woman from CPS came in and told the doctor that the boy would be going to a juvenile home until any of his family. `Ma'am his aunt will be here in the morning, I called her earlier tonight, so he has family coming.'

`And just who are you, young man?'

`I'm Jared his friend, and this is my dad.'

`Nice to meet you both, but until we check out this aunt the boy'

`His name is Caleb, not boy' interrupted Jared.

`Oh well then it still stands that Caleb will be sent to a home until they are checked out.'

`Well instead of standing here why ain't you checking or do you just wanna waste time?' snapped Jared.

`My aren't you a mouthy young man?'

`No ma'am its' just that's my friend is in there hurting and your standing here talking about taking him away'

Ignoring the woman Jared asked the doctor if he could see Caleb. Leading the way, the doctor took Jared to Caleb's room. Seeing that he was sleeping, Jared pulled the chair over and sat close to his buddy, holding his hand and waiting for him to wake up, whispering that he was sorry that he had been hurt, wishing that it was him instead. Leaning his head on the edge of the bed Jared soon fell asleep, the nurses and doctor checking on Caleb noticed them both sleeping and didn't disturb either.

Hours later Jared was woken up with someone running their fingers through his hair. `Hey sleepy head,' whispered Caleb.

`Hi yourself. How you feeling?'

`Sore, but alive, my butt feels like it had a watermelon shoved up there, but seeing you is kewl.'

`Just being here makes me feel good, I also called your aunt she should be here soon, which means you will be moving to Montana.'

`Not without my best friend.' smiling he rubbed Jared's hair more.

`I can't wait for you to get out of here, I wanna spend some time with you. I know dad will let you stay with us until you have to move.'

`I like that idea, but like I said I ain't going anywhere without you, and if your dad, or my aunt don't understand that then I guess I will have to go to court and make it so I can live on my own, well with you beside me.'

`I would like that, but I doubt dad would let me live with you.'

Two weeks in the hospital and Caleb healed, his aunt came to visit as well as the lady from CPS, after her visit Caleb asked Jared's dad to find him a lawyer, he didn't explain why he wanted him, just that he needed him.

After speaking with the lawyer and knowing what was going on, he laid back and relaxed. A few more days and he would be out of here and at home where he could heal the rest of the way and be with Jared.

Weeks passed Caleb healed, the mother had been found stabbed to death and buried in the back yard. The father had been charged with her murder and was placed on death row. The older brother was given life without a chance at parole for 50 years.

After learning all this Caleb was granted emancipation, he had the money from his mother, which would last him until he graduated for high school. In talking with Jared's father he was able to live with them and not have to worry about paying anything, so he had his lawyer invest the money and also sell the house and put the money with the other investments, Caleb's first concern was finishing his school and maybe go on to college. All he really knew was that he had Jared beside him in what ever he wanted to do.

During the summer, Caleb learned that his father had been killed in prison. He didn't cry any tears over his death, when the warden sent him a letter from his father he didn't read it, he just burnt it, his lawyer found out through his fathers will that he had more money this time stuck away in the Cayman Islands. Getting it transferred to Caleb's investment didn't take much, and this made him a very wealthy young man now, but he didn't care about the money. He was happy with the way things were now, he had his life and he had his boyfriend with him what more could he ask for.

With his brothers still in prison, Caleb got on with his life though making love with his boyfriend was still something he hadn't done since the abuse.

Caleb often thought about how his brother had found out about him, that was one problem that he had never solved, and it still bothered him. He knew that the last time Jared was at his home, no one was there, so someone had to see and tell him.

Just before school started his lawyer showed up, with a request from his brother. He wanted a chance to talk to Caleb, they wanted a chance to apologize and to see that he was alright. His brother knew that Caleb had become a wealthy young man, he didn't want money he just wanted forgiveness, but only if Caleb was willing to give it.

Caleb agreed to meet with his brother, but it would be only on the last weekend before school started, so his lawyer made the visitation rights for him and set up the time.

On the day of the visit Caleb met with his lawyer and the warden wanting a private room so that he and his brothers could talk.

Next: Chapter 2: Caleb 2

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