Cage Fighter

By moc.liamg@55yelkcubkcirtap

Published on May 26, 2015



Cage Fighter

Chapter One:

After finishing college with a computer degree I went for three job interviews. Fortunately all three jobs were offered to me. I accepted a job at the smallest of three companies. The pay was okay and it somehow it just felt right. I really liked Ferdie, the owner of the medium sized engineering company. I introduced myself as Tristan. He was bubbling with enthusiasm, and was far more passionate than the other two dour idiots whom had interviewed me. Ferdie had made use of freelance computer people until then but as he told me, it was time to evolve to a full-time person. With the growth the company had shown over the past year this was now a necessity.

I started working at the following Monday. I was taken around and introduced to everyone upstairs, before meeting the guys in the blue collar division downstairs. The boss of the downstairs division, with whom I would spend thirty percent of my time, was a twenty nine year old man called Wray. A Germanic name apparently as I would later learn. He was presently out of the office, and would only be back the following day. All the guys downstairs were friendly and there were one or two very hot looking men. The rest of the day was a blur and exhausted I made my way to my apartment that evening. My dad owned several apartments and houses, and I was lucky enough to rent one of these for next to nothing.

The following day I met Wray. He was 6'1" and he just stunning. Not a pretty boy, but the most uber-masculine hunk you could ever dream of. He had a short back and side's hairstyle with slightly longer hair on top. He also sported a full beard. His hair was almost black, and his eyes were brown. You could clearly see from his open necked shirt and arms that he was also fairly hairy. He weighed close on two hundred pounds and had broad hands and feet. When he shook my hand my knees almost gave way. One thing I noticed, that would be explained later was that he had quite a few small scars on his face. Spending thirty percent of my time with him would he hell.

As I would only commence working with him the following day, we agreed to meet from 9am-12pm. Upon my arrival upstairs a pretty young secretary with fluttering eyes asked me if I had met Wray. I nodded and got a full update on the hunk of our company. He was an amateur cage fighter. In fact he had a contest coming up in just over two weeks in the light heavy weight division. Of his twenty three fights he had only ever lost his second fight. He had a 22 win/1 loss record. He had been repeatedly urged to turn professional but had always resisted. He had apparently told everyone that the next fight would probably be his last fight.

For the following two weeks my restraint was tested as never before. Wray and I got on very well but I was very guarded believing that he was super-straight. He was intelligent and well read. He had been married for a year, four years before, but that hadn't work out. The training for his fights left him with almost no social life at all. On the Monday before his fight, he asked me if I would like to attend. The fight was on that Thursday evening at a casino, about twenty miles away. I wasn't really keen but couldn't refuse. He said that he would arrange a complimentary ticket for the event. When I asked him if he was going to win he challenged me to a bet.

If he won I would have to take him out for dinner on Friday night, and if he lost he would pay for the meal. How could I refuse? I arrived at the casino at 7pm on Thursday. After a light meal, I was seated at 7:45pm in a front row seat. The show started at 8pm and was hectic. His fight was only up at 9pm and I did not know how I was going to last. Many of the guys fighting were hot, but the blood and gore was too much for me. Finally Wray arrived in the ring, with all the usual loud music and hype that I had gotten use to by then.

The first round was rough and gory, and fortunes seemed to sway to and fro. Towards the end of the second round both men had bloodied faces, but Wray seemed to be getting the upper hand. Round three was one-way traffic and Wray knocked his opponent out within thirty seconds.

I had had enough and left straight after. The following day I joined in with all the backslapping and compliments at work. Wray's right eye was slightly puffy, and he had cuts on his bottom lip and above his left eye. While working together that day we finalized our arrangements for the evening. I booked at a stunning Italian restaurant a block from my apartment. At 7pm Wray arrived on his large motorbike. We spoke for a while before walking to Mario's, where dinner and conversation were excellent. He was great company and we communicated effortlessly.

After eight manic weeks of preparation for the fight, he could finally let his hair down. When he asked if he could use the spare room in my apartment given his alcoholic consumption, I replied that it wouldn't be a problem.

Chapter Two:

When we arrived back at my place we had a nightcap and spoke for another hour before heading for bed. Luckily I had a spare toothbrush for him. We got up around seven thirty the following morning and I made breakfast. I loved not working Saturdays. He joined me in the kitchen only wearing his boxers, and I had a hard time trying not to blatantly staring at this magnificent creature. He asked me what I had planned for that day to which I replied; "Nothing". He offered to take me for ride on his bike. He had an extra helmet at his place, and as he lived ten minutes away could fetch in no time at all.

I wasn't into bikes but didn't want to look like a sissy, so agreed to his offer. After breakfast he took a quick ride over to his place to collect the helmet, and was back in half an hour.

We took off to a surprise location where he would treat me to lunch. For most of the journey my eyes were closed, but I did however enjoy having my arms around his waist. It took every fiber of my being not to get a hard-on en route to the location where we would be lunching. It was a little village next to a dam with all kinds of shops, restaurants and galleries. We roamed around for a few hours before having lunch at a delightful eatery. The conversation flowed and we were extremely comfortable in one another's company.

When we got back to my place hours later, he asked what I usually did on Saturday afternoons; "Watch DVD's" was my reply. We hired a DVD and sat together on the couch enjoying a really good movie. During and after the movie we had a few more drinks. He drank beer and I drank white wine. While chatting after the movie he startled me by asking if I was gay. My heart almost stopped. Picking up on my discomfort, he told me that he had no problem if I was. I just threw caution to the wind and confessed thinking, what the hell.

He then told me that he was bisexual, and had had gay encounters during the past fifteen years of his life. He had a gay relationship aged fifteen that lasted about a year. Then another gay relationship at twenty one, that lasted a few months. Finally he had a short gay fling just before he married his wife. He also admitted to having homosexual one night stands in the preceding years.

Being from a conservative background however he just felt that he could not pursue a gay lifestyle. He had also had a few sexual encounters with woman after divorcing his wife three years before. He just however could not follow through with any of the ladies. As he became more and more anxious, he dealt with his frustration by putting all his energy into his fights. Since meeting me he had started obsessing about going to bed with me, and hoped like hell that I was gay. I excused myself and went to the bathroom to wash my face, recover, and freshen up.

When I got back to the lounge he got up off the couch and pulled me towards him. Without pause he started kissing me firmly. Before long we were on the couch making out like two randy teenagers. He was an incredible kisser and extremely dominant. His hands caressed my face, arms, and body as he pinned me down. He thrived on his total dominance over me. His verbalizing became aggressive and took on an authoritarian tone. When we stood up from the couch ordered me to the room instructing me to; "Get my fucking clothes off". We both stripped and I got my first look at him naked. His uncut cock was ten inches long and extremely fat, with a downward curve. He had obviously never shaved any part of his body and had a massive hairy ball-bag.

When we had moved through to the bedroom I observed him carrying a small knapsack that he had removed from his bike hours earlier. He ordered me to get on the bed on my stomach. He got on my back and opened the knapsack to retrieve two pairs of handcuffs. I became very nervous as my hands were cuffed to the headboard of the bed. Before I could protest a ball-gag was pushed into my mouth. He lifted off me stating that I had to be broken, in prior to pulling a short strap out of the knapsack. When he started whacking me on my backside the pain was intense.

Chapter Three:

As I wriggled about he barked for me to lie still or he would increase the number of smacks. After six whacks I relented and lay still. My arse was burning as he struck me while growling commands. After twenty strikes Wray stopped his assault and started rubbing and caressing my backside. What surprised me was that I had actually enjoyed the last few blows. What I didn't realize at that moment was how my life would change from here onwards.

He got on top of me and started biting my shoulders. As he intensified his bites he held my head down firmly with his right hand while spreading my legs with his knees. As he really bit down hard on my lower neck I felt his cock forcing my sphincter open and roughly pushing into my traumatized arse. The pain was indescribable.

Wray pushed his hands through under my arms, and with both hands on top of my head, started thrusting into me. He put his lips to my ear and told me that I was now his bitch and would have to learn to take whatever he wanted, when he wanted it. He settled into a firm rhythm and the pain gradually started to subside. He licked my ears, and kissed my neck as he started to quicken his pace. After a while he lifted his body onto his arms and started plunging his cock into me with meaning. As he began grunting he fell onto my body and came in me while groaning and murmuring in my ear.

Spent he continued to lying on top of me with his hot breath warming my face as his panting lessened. After a few minutes his cock slipped out of my arse before he got off me. He unlocked the cuffs and turned me onto my back before removing the ball-gag. He sat down next to me on the bed and stared fixedly into my eyes.

As traumatic as my ordeal had been I had loved it. When I smiled his face lit up before he bent over and kissed me. He pulled me off the bed and led me to the bathroom. My lower neck and shoulders looked like I had attended a vampire party. I realized that I would have to button the second from top button on my shirts from then on. I was pulled into the shower and pushed down onto my knees. Having only heard about golden showers before, I was now initiated into this practice.

He pissed all over me, before inserting the tip of his cock into my mouth. He ordered me to swallow without messing a further drop. My initial fears were unfounded as I found I liked the taste and sensation of the hot piss all over me. Once finished he pulled his foreskin back over his cockhead and ordered me to clean him. It was very funky but I just went for it. He informed me that this would be one of my duties from then on. He had not showered since Thursday night after the fight, and was generating quite an intense body odour. As I got to my knees I was instructed to lick his ripe armpits as he tweaked my nipples. I asked if we were going to take a shower. He replied that we would definitely not be doing so.

He lifted my arm, but as he licked my armpit he got a disgusted look on his face. He got out of the shower and looked into my basin cupboard. He grabbed my underarm spray and two bottles of cologne, and headed for the kitchen. They were put into the trash can. I was warned that if he ever smelt that shit on my body again, he would whip my arse severely. When we got back to the bed, I was placed on my back before he straddled my face with his arse. He lowered himself facing my feet and pulled his cheeks apart instructing me to clean and rim him. The smell was very strong but I did as ordered.

While I cleaned and rimmed him he started masturbating me. As I was about to shoot he got off me, and let go of my cock. I immediately tried to finish the job, but he hit my hands away commanding me never to touch myself again without his permission.

Chapter Four:

Wray then lay over the side of the bed with his knees on the ground and commanded me to fuck him hard. I placed my eight inch uncut cock at his hole and pushed like crazy. He growled in pain as his tight sphincter gripped my penis firmly. Being overexcited I did not last too long and was soon unloading into him. He ordered me not to pull out, and to piss inside of him as soon as I was able. This was so fucking hot. Once I had finished pissing I slowly withdrew from his arse. Wray spun around and licked my cock and balls clean. Once done he resumed his former position and ordered me to clean his butt. I lapped up the slime oozing out of his hole hungrily. He got up, and he headed for the bathroom to expel my combined load from his butt.

After a beer and wine in the lounge we finally got back into bed for the night. He had an incredible sex drive and fucked me a further four times that night.

After breakfast the following morning we had a really long chat. Wray told me that he had always wanted to get into the heavier leather and bear scene. Thankfully I had enough body hair to turn him on. He had always been reluctant to explore this scene, and felt it would be easier to do so with someone he could share it. He wanted to get all the leather gear etc. and give it a full go. We looked up sites on the internet and watched quite a bit of the heavy stuff, that this gay subculture is into. I was fascinated, and having always found bigger masculine men attractive, was quite keen on exploring this new lifestyle with him.

We watched a movie of guys fisting each other and he told me that he was dying to try this out. The look on my face must have said it all. He assured me that he would never force me to take his fist. Wray however was dying to be fisted, and made me take note of all the procedures and techniques that were employed. I must say that some of the movies of guys being double-fucked really got me hot. I knew that that was definitely something that I would want to try in future. Fortunately we both found the extreme bondage with the gas masks, piggy head gear and ridiculous restraints etc. very silly. After our viewing marathon I made lunch, after which we enjoyed a relaxing afternoon.

I would be turning twenty one in two weeks' time, and invited Wray to my folk's house where the party would be held. He wanted to take me shopping for the required leather gear the following Saturday, as a twenty-first birthday gift. Thankfully his dominant sexual role-play was restricted to the bedroom. Role-play outside of that environment was nonexistent and we just interacted as good buddies.

We made a decision that Wray's inauguration into fisting would take place the following Saturday. I was very apprehensive but he was determined to be fisted by me. Apparently my slender hands made the decision less daunting to him. We had sex a further three times that evening. In the bedroom his authoritative attitude returned, but I was now comfortable with it. I also got to fuck him again and meted out my own punishment on him. I whacked and fucked his arse as hard as possible.

During the following week Wray made a decision to call it a day with his amateur fighting career. When pushed that week to make a final decision, he told the promoters he was finally done. I was also instructed to cut my hair very short and ordered to start cultivating a beard. Wray spent Tuesday and Thursday evenings at my home that week. The following Saturday we visited a leather shop and got rigged out. We bought butt-plugs, poppers, and dildos, in addition to our two outfits and boots. He also acquired medication to help him really relax for his upcoming fisting tribulation.

On Saturday afternoon we relaxed after lunch and watched two DVD's. That evening Wray's fisting initiation would take place.

Chapter Five:

After administering suppositories and waiting the required twenty minutes, he got into the shower and douched himself thoroughly. We placed a very large butt-plug into his backside to prepare his arse. During this preparation we sat around in the lounge chatting and enjoying our beer and wine. He took his special tablet and gradually seemed to become quite relaxed. When we moved to the bedroom he leaned his butt off the bed, with his knees were on the ground.

I lubed up my hand and arm and started working on his arse hole. One, two then three fingers were soon inserted. I followed the method that I had seen on the internet. When the fourth finger went in he really started groaning. I slowly agitated my hand two and fro. I then placed my thumb in the palm of my hand and folded my hand before attempting to insert my entire hand. Wray started yelping as I pushed harder and harder. There was great resistance to this intrusion, but I persevered.

As my knuckles broke through his hole I could see him visibly start trembling. When my hand fully entered his arse he slapped the bed with both his hands uttering all kinds of expletives. I kept my hand still for a few minutes just to allow him to adjust to the intrusion. It was stunning. The warmth enveloping my hand, and the bond I felt with this beautiful man was overwhelming. I had never been so connected to anyone in my entire life. As he whimpered I started turning my hand in his backside. Very slowly he began to groan with pleasure. With my left hand I rubbed his arse cheeks and back gently.

Gradually I started penetrating his hole by twisting my arm more and more, until his arse was halfway up my forearm. During the entire procedure Wray took hits from the poppers bottle.

I relaxed for a short while before I began thrusting my fist and arm back and forth. After five minutes he begged me to abuse his hole. I slowly started pulling my hand out to the knuckles before reinserting. Once I got the momentum going I began punching his arse steadily. His head twisted from side to side while moving up and down. His knuckles were white as he tugged on the duvet. Before long I saw his backside twitch as he started coming on the duvet. As he collapsed spent, I slowly withdrew my arm and hand from his arse.

When he turned to look at me our souls connected. He grabbed me and passionately kissed me. I knew that I no longer had a choice. I would have to relent and indulge in the same ritual. I promised him that I would allow him to fist me the following Sunday. That night we just cuddled. After the magnitude of our session, nothing could top that. We both respected the gravity of what we had been through. He told me he had found his soul mate. I was totally in love with this man.

The following week he spent Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at my place. Friday was my actual birthday, and my parents had asked me to their home for dinner. My dad stunned me by informing me that the apartment I was renting from him would be my twenty-first birthday gift. I signed the required transfer papers and left my folk's home later feeling like I had won the lottery. Actually, I had.

On Saturday Wray arrived at my parents' home after me, and we all enjoyed the most wonderful party. My folk's both took to Wray, and I could see that my mom had fathomed that Wray and I were lovers. My parents had known about my sexual orientation for the past two years and were totally at ease with it. I told Wray about my fantastic gift and he was totally overjoyed for me. We agreed to meet at my place after the party and left at the same time.

We had a few drinks after we arrived at my home, having imbibed responsibly during the party. Soon we headed off to bed and made love for an hour before we dozed off. I was made to wear the large butt-plug the entire night. The following morning I douched before reinserting the plug. We ate breakfast and relaxed for the rest of the day.

Wray warned me that he would be putting on a lot of weight now that he had stopped fighting. He came from an overweight family and had had to work extremely hard to keep his weight down. Liberated from his extreme fitness regime he said the weight would simply pile on. I personally couldn't wait for this to happen. I surprised Wray by asking him if he would consider moving in with me. He smiled and said that he would give me an answer the following morning, if I was still alive.

I was as nervous as hell about my upcoming fisting ordeal. We had an early supper at around three in the afternoon. At 6pm I douched thoroughly again reinserted the butt-plug.

Chapter Six:

Having taken my two special pills we moved to the bedroom at around 7pm that evening. I was tied to the headboard as before and the ball-gag was placed in my mouth. Wray then gave me a severe beating with his little strap. I humped the bed as my arse burned. This weekly trashing was becoming the highlight of existence. I prayed that it would intensify and escalated in time. By the twentieth strike I had cum all over the duvet. I was propped up on two cushions before Wray got to work on my arse. Wray's hands were large and I knew I would be in for an excruciating ordeal.

Four fingers were immediately pushed into me once the huge butt plug was removed. I was very calm, and with a few hits of poppers relaxed and started getting into the whole scene. I had mentally prepared for this, and bit on the ball-gag with all my might. Wray started agitating his hand. He took his time and let me get use to the sensation as he opened and closed his four fingers. Wray placed his thumb into the palm of his hand and started pushing into me.

As the knuckles broke through my sphincter I broke out in a cold sweat. It was agonizing. He kept agitating his arm and as he entered me. I grunted like a wounded animal as he again turned his entire hand to and fro. Wray pushed my legs as far apart as he could, before he began pushing his forearm into me. Gradually the pain subsided and was replaced by the most awesome feeling. I could feel his hand open and close inside me as he massaged the inside of my backside. An occasional hit of poppers enhanced my experience.

He kept encouraging me as he gently rubbed my back with his left hand. I was starting to love this anal assault, and encouraged him to fist me harder. He balled his fist and began to pull his hand out up to his knuckles, before pushing back into me. Wray kept this up for a few minutes. Eventually he closed his fingers with his thumb in his palm, and began punching my arse. As his hand went in and out of me completely, I could feel myself approaching climax. Just before I came, he balled his fist and punched my hole hard. I shot the biggest load of my life.

He pulled his hand out of me, and jumped onto my back inserting his cock into me. He was so turned on that he came within a minute of thrusting into me. We lay like that for a very long time with him on top of me, kissing and licking my ears. Wray told me that he definitely wanted to move in with me, and cement our relationship. He was in love with me, and wanted to be involved.

We slept like babies that evening. The following week he started moving all his clothes into our home. Wray had been renting a fully furnished apartment, and had very few personal items to worry about. By the end of that week he had managed to find someone to take over his lease at his apartment, and we settled into our new lives with ease. The sex remained great. We decided that our fisting would be a weekly ritual, and would be confined to weekends. We would naturally have to be careful at work not to let on that we were in a relationship.

On one of the leather/bear sites that we surfed that week, we saw that there was an upcoming party that would be held the following Saturday. It was referred to as a "Lumberjack Bash". Wray was very keen to attend. We bought two plaid shirts for the occasion. As my beard was coming on very nicely, I hoped I would look the part. Wray was a naturel with his full beard and very hairy body.

We went to the party by bike. There were quite a few other bikes parked at the venue. After entering we bought two beers before having a good look at our fellow "lumberjacks". There were a great many big hairy men milling around.

After a while we found ourselves in the company of Chubby, real name Peter, and his partner Ty, real name Tyler. Chubby was huge. He was 6'1", and easily weighed three hundred pounds. Although he had a large gut, it seemed quite firm. He had big meaty moobs with thick arms and legs. He was hairy all over, and his beard was very full. The short hair on his head, and longer hair on his face, was verging on a ginger. He was handsome in a cute way, and had the loveliest smile with broad features and expressive brown eyes. His hands were big and rough, and extremely attractive. You simply wanted to cuddle him.

Ty was 6'4", and extremely muscular. He took working out very seriously. He was totally bald and had a goatee. He wasn't particularly hairy, but was into tattoos in a big way. Both his arms were totally sleeved with ink. He wasn't good looking but sexy in a very alpha way. His neck, and arms were muscular and veiny, and his thighs were enormous. His grubby hands were even bigger than Chubby's.

Ty was a plumber, and had his own plumbing business. The one thing that I observed about both guys, was that the pouches in front of their leather pants protruded obscenely. Ty's was big, but Chubby's was ridiculous.

Chapter Seven:

We enjoyed each other's company for about an hour. Ty suggested we follow them home for some fun in their play-pit. I could see that Wray was quite keen, although I felt slightly apprehensive. Soon we were on the bike and following them to their home. They had a large home on an enormous property. Shortly after entering their home, beers were handed around. Ty made it clear that as we would be spending the night, so alcohol consumption was not an issue.

We were shown around the house, before we were taken into their play-pit. There was a huge sling in the middle of the room. The entire floor was tiled and sloped in the direction of a drain in the far corner of the room. The room was rather Spartan, and only had two ottomans clad in leather to one side of the sling. Apart from that there a few hooks with straps and whips, and a small shelf with an assortment of dildos and butt-plugs.

We left the play-pit and returned to the lounge area. Ty sat next to Wray on one of the two large couches, and Chubby sat next to me on the other. Ty soon closed the gap between him and Wray, and they started making out. Before I could even formulate an opinion about this Chubby was all over me. His bulk on me was stunning, and I couldn't wait for Wray to start packing on the pounds. In the past fortnight Wray had already put on ten pounds.

As I battled to breathe I noticed that Wray and Ty had gotten up, and were stripping off their clothes. When I heard Wray's exclamation of surprise, both Chubby and I looked in their direction. Wray and Ty were facing each other, and Wray was staring at Ty's cock that looked like a large purple tubular growth protruding from his body. These guys were into saline and pumps in a big way. Ty's cock was extremely thick and the fat foreskin almost appeared to have a huge hole at the front of his cock. Soon Wray was pushing his cock into this hole as the two guys started docking. Ty's blueish veined balls were also larger than any normal humans.

Chubby got up off me and also started stripping. I followed suite. Once unclothed, my eyes couldn't believe what they were seeing. Chubby' balls were grotesquely large. They were too big for my outstretched hands to hold. They were purple in colour and very veiny. His cut cock was also extremely thick and looked swollen. The fat pink cockhead almost looked like it had been added onto the purple shaft at a later stage. His cock must have been at least eight inches long, and more than nine inches round.

By now Ty and Wray had moved over to us, and I got to insert my cock into Ty's foreskin as well. As I did so Wray and Chubby kissed and played with each other.

Ty led us all to the play-pit where I was placed on the sling on my back. Chubby moved up and started inserting his cock into me. My arse stretched to absolute capacity as he entered me. Once in, he lent over me slightly, and Wray moved in behind Chubby to insert his cock. Ty then moved in behind Wray to complete the daisy chain. Soon we were all groaning with pleasure as the train rocked to and fro. After ten minutes Chubby pulled out of me and he and Ty swapped positions. Ty pushed into me, Wray into Ty, and Chubby into Wray. Again we rocked for ten lovely minutes. As everyone reached an intensity of excitement, I was pulled off the sling experienced my first bukkake.

With me on my knees Ty moved up first. As I pushed my tongue into his foreskin and licked the small cockhead he shot loads of cum into my mouth. Wray followed and I took his entire load without messing a drop. Chubby got so excited that most of his cum spunked all over my head, face and chest. As he finished I started licking those huge balls. Soon Wray was on his knees assisting me. Ty moved next to Chubby, and soon my tongue was back in Ty's fat foreskin which completely covering my lips. When we finally got up, Chubby got onto the sling. Ty tied Chubby's legs high and wide, and retrieved a tub of lube.

Chapter Eight:

The next scene blew Wray and my mind completely. Ty started working Chubby's arse with his hand and before long had his fist in Chubby's hole. He mercilessly began punching Chubby's hole. Soon his arm was up to his elbow in Chubby's arse. He motioned to Wray to take over after a few minutes. Wray went to town, and was in seventh heaven as he continued the onslaught on Chubby. Chubby was growling with pleasure as he took multiple hits of poppers. I was next up, and loved every second of the performance. Ty again took over from me and started coaxing a huge prolapse out of Chubby's arse.

A dark red protrusion began immerging out of Chubby's backside. It was about four to five inches long. It was thick, moist and fleshy and just looked stunning. Both Wray and I got to touch and caress this tube of wonder. I couldn't resist and just got to my knees and started licking and sucking on it. As I did so Wray pushed both his thumbs into the protrusion, and pulled the prolapse over his cock. He held the prolapse in his right hand, as he fucked the dark red tube.

While Wray played with Chubby, Ty moved behind me and stuck his cock into me. I lowered my torso and began licking Wray's hand and Chubby's prolapse as Ty fucked me steadily. Wray didn't last long and shot his load into the tube before disengaging. Once done Ty moved my body directly behind Chubby so I could lick and clean Chubby's protruding arse.

Once clean I lifted my torso and also entered Chubby's prolapse with Ty still fucking me. It felt awesome as I massaged my cock with the prolapse. I shot my load within minutes. Ty then moved me to the side and pushed the prolapse back into Chubby's arse before inserting his cock into Chubby. As he fucked, Wray moved to Chubby's face and started feeding him yellow refreshment. I moved behind Ty and began rimming him as he fucked Chubby. His arse lips were flabby and protruded slightly. It was clear that he also got fisted regularly. He started pushing out and soon I was licking his far smaller prolapse. He came in Chubby soon after. When he pulled out he pushed my head onto Chubby's hole and told me to clean him.

I began licking and was delighted as Chubby again pushed his prolapse out. I licked, sucked and cleaned this beautiful appendage with total delight. Ty was to my side as I performed this task, and was unloading hot piss down Wray's eager throat. Once done Chubby got off the sling and I got my thirst quenched as he pissed down my throat. We all moved back to the lounge, and chatted while drinking our beers. Ty suggested that we have some one-on-one action after our break. Chubby and Wray would use the one bedroom, and he and I would use the other.

Both Wray and I became extremely relaxed after our beer, and I was sure that the drinks had been spiked. Looking at Ty's huge hands made me quite nervous. We moved off to our separate bedrooms on the opposite sides of the house soon after. The bed in our room was devoid of linen, and had a thick plastic sheet covering the bed.

Ty became quite aggressive once we got to the bedroom. He began slapping my arse and face painfully. His huge left hand closed around my throat. He began to restrict my breathing, while administering slaps with his right hand. He spat on my face and in my mouth as I gasped for air. Soon I was placed on the bed on my back, and my hands and legs were tied to the headboard with my arse in the air. He retrieved a filthy jockstrap from a drawer and pushed it into my mouth.

He started administering smacks to my arse with a thick belt while hurling abuse at me. He then attacked my arse with a really thick dildo which he rammed into me frantically. After a couple of minutes he got on the bed and pushed his cock into my hole before pissing into me.

He got off the bed soon after and got a tub of lube out of the cupboard. As he started applying copious amounts to his hand and arm, my heart started beating very quickly. Again the huge dildo was plunged into me as piss ran done my body from his earlier urination. Soon his fingers started entering my hole, but thankfully he did not go as mad as he had with Chubby earlier on. When he knuckles broke through my sphincter I blacked out. As I awoke a few minutes later my legs and arms had been untied, and I was lying on my stomach with his hand halfway up to his elbow in my arse. I yelped as I pulled the jockstrap from my mouth.

He continued traumatizing my arse for the next ten minutes. He pulled his arm out of my arse and quickly turned me onto my back, before lifting my left leg and pushing his cock into me. As he thrust he continued to tighten and loosen his grip on my throat. After twenty minutes he got right on top of me instructing me to hold both my legs in the air. He lifted his body on straight arms and fucked me powerfully until he unloaded.

Ty then lay on his back and told me to sit on his face. Facing away from him, my abused hole was placed on his mouth. He told me to let loose and expel my bowels into his mouth. All his cum and piss flowed out of me as he licked and lapped at my arse. A few farts also followed, that seemed to excite him enormously, as he shouted encouragement for me to continue.

Chapter Nine:

Once done he became loving and tender. We lay there with him half on me, kissing and cuddling like two lovebirds. While we were busy making-out, the door opened, and Chubby announced it was time to swap. Ty left, and Chubby got straight on top of me. His weight was fantastic, and I loved being smother-fucked by him. Lying between my open legs he pushed his arms under my arms and cradled my head in his hands. As he licked and kissed me his bulk completely enveloped me. This went on for thirty minutes, and I could have continued like that till morning.

My entire head was covered with spit. His body odour after the evening's festivities had reached an extremely ripe level. Given his size he also sweated profusely, and I just loved it.

He told me that he had two loads and a bucket full of piss from Wray up his arse. Lifting his body he placed his hands on the headboard, and gently lowered his arse onto my face. Slowly he let all the contents gush into my mouth. His arse was ripe, and smelt like a fuck factory. I was totally in heaven as the red tube started protruding one more. He smeared his prolapse all over my face as he continued messing muck all over my face.

After he was done he moved slightly back, and I got to lick those obscenely huge balls. As I licked his balls, I felt his prolapse tickle my chest as farts escaped through the tube.

Chubby lifted his body and told me he wanted to impale himself on my arm. I applied lube and soon he was lowering his body onto my straight arm, while holding onto the headboard. He lowered himself up and down as I watched transfixed at this incredible sight, with his huge balls swinging to and fro. He then blew my mind by asking me to change my position so I could foot-fuck him.

I lubed up my foot and leg. With him holding the headboard and me on my back behind him, I slowly inserted my foot into him. As I got eight inches past my ankle up his arse, he howled with excitement. He shot a huge load over the headboard a minute later. We fell asleep soon after, and were awoken as breakfast was about to be served the following morning.

We all stood around in the kitchen as the food was being dished up. Ty's back and arse looked like he had been flogged on an early ninetieth century ship. After breakfast we all helped with the dishes, and cleaned both rooms after the previous evening's festivities. At around 10am we left our new fuck-buddies and returned home with plans for our next get-together.

The following week was quite normal. Wray and I had really got into a stunning rhythm, and were not only loving life, but really getting to know and love each other. We both loved work, and our sex life was always amazing. Adulthood was most agreeable, and I was living it to the full.

Chapter Ten:

My relationship with Wray went from strength to strength over the next year. He was clearly my soulmate, and we got married ten months later. As promised he did put on much more weight, topping the scales at two hundred and sixty pounds. I just loved the extra bulk. We never got into the pumps and saline like our good buddies. We did however get a few tattoos, and the odd piercing or two.

Our leather wardrobe also grew, and I ended up with my own bike. My parents were crazy about Wray, and we continued to see them on a regular basis.

Unfortunately I was compelled to get another job several months later. I was very sad to leave the company, but realized that it was for the better. Wray loved his work, and continued to be a vital employee at the firm.

On the upside, my new job paid a lot more than I had been earning. It was also a good thing for Wray and me to be apart during the day. It made conversation much more interesting, and less predictable in the evenings, when we returned from work.

We saw Ty and Chubby at least twice a month, and really became great friends. Our gatherings always spent at their home because it was much more private, and better suited to our antics. We always took food and drinks with us, and also contributed to the cleaning and cooking when we got together.

We also met a friend of theirs called Todd from time to time. He was totally hectic, and took the saline and pump thing even further than Ty and Chubby. He was maniac, and into extreme double-fisting etc. His cock and balls had to be seen to be believed. Put simply, they were grotesque.

Sadly Wray was ostracized by his family when they learnt about the two of us. I don't think it affected him too much, as he had always had a very tenuous relationship with them. Fortunately he was virtually treated as an adopted son by my family. I actually believed that my dad got on even better with him, than he did with me. When they were together, dad and Wray were inseparable. Life was good!

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