Cage Cock Cairo

By Emri S.

Published on Dec 15, 2022


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[-Cage finds a hole in two and saves the day-]

-{~ Cage Cock Cairo! ~}-

Chapter 7

-by Emri-

I woke up with a pair of loose, white shorts and dark legs bending over me. I blinked a few times and saw a heavy set of furry balls and the purple tip of a thick, soft cock looking down at me from the right leg of Vijay's shorts. Mr. Almari was barking in Arabic on the phone and I turned my head to see Vijay was holding a notepad while Mr. Almari scribbled some notes.

Mr. Almari noted my awakened state and nodded his head to me with a warm smile. Vijay looked down too and saw I was peeking up his shorts. He laughed a bit and reached down to pull at the side of his shorts so I could get a better view. He rubbed his cock to shake it out a little more, fluff it up for my enjoyment. I licked my lips unconsciously and got an approving laugh from him. He reached down and mussed my hair.

I reached a hand up and cautiously touched his thigh. He nodded down at me with that look of "come get it." He was a different person on this trip. Maybe this was how he was when he was out with just Mr. Almari and freed from running a house. His cock quickly filled as he rubbed it and nodded for my hand to travel north. I slid it up his hairy, muscled thighs until my fingers rubbed against the tip of his cock.

"Well that's settled," Mr. Almari noted and I realized his phone business had concluded.

"It sounds like you got a pretty good bargain," Vijay noted as my hands cupped his heavy balls and squeezed them.

"Indeed, now the rest of the morning is free to... Oh, already starting, Cage?" Mr. Almari laughed as he realized what we were doing.

"Well I guess we have time, but we have an important lunch meeting and you will come with us. A new client from Geneva is meeting with us. Your father has been in touch with him and says they are old friends though I've never met him. He wants to see how you've grown up," Mr. Almari said.

He reached over and pushed his fingers through my hair, pausing to grip a tangle of it and pull me gently up to smell Vijay's manhood. I inhaled it sharply, feeling my briefs tenting from under the covers. I kissed Vijay's dark, hairy, muscular thigh and let my lips slide up to meet his shorts. I lipped at the leg and tried to pull them down.

"Damn," Vijay hissed and pushed his shorts down his thighs. His cock popped out and his balls bounced freely as the waistband pushed against them.

"He's gotten pretty good. Tarik has trained him well," Mr. Almari beamed approval. He was still wearing a pair of sleep shorts, but his muscled chest beamed proudly in the light of the morning sun as it filtered in through thin drapes.

"Yes he has, sir," Vijay inhaled sharply as I immediately sprang up to suck the tip of his dark, Indian horse meat down my throat. He was thick, but not quite Almari sized. It stiffened up and filled out almost immediately as my throat massaged the tip and my tongue worked the shaft.

I was up on my knees now and bent forward as Vijay stood proudly. I felt a hand rub up my thigh and pull down my briefs. I tried to look back, but Vijay put his hands on the sides of my head and guided me to suck down his cock with full attention. I already knew who was trying to open me though. Mr. Almari was the only other person back there.

"Pretty little hole," he remarked and rubbed a finger over my pucker. I wiggled my ass and focused on Vijay who was starting to slide out of me and push back in.

"Fuck he's good," Vijay laughed with a hiss. "I might have to switch from girls if I can get this kind of service."

"This one's spoken for, but I'm sure Tarik will let you use that throat when he is busy." Mr. Almari chuckled.

"Ahhh fuck," Vijay growled as he started to pound my throat. I was gagging and sputtering as he pushed too far in, but I didn't pull back. He grabbed a fistful of my hair and started to speed up on me.

"Oh, fuck. I can't hold out long. It's been awhile since I've... fuck! Had it this good. Fuck!" Vijay's body started to tense and I looked up to see his abs contract and jerk in that tell-tale motion that Tarik did when he was close to finishing. I would have liked more time on it, but that wasn't up to me. I sucked him in and swirled my tongue along the ridged underside of his fat shaft.

"Oh! It! Cummmms!" Vijay spat and yanked me up by the hair. I looked up with a wince to see him staring down at me. His chest heaved as his abs doubled over and he let out a low whine.

"Uhhhhh," he said and let out a string of words in his language that would have made little sense to me had he not had his cock lodged in my throat. I felt his cock tense and pulse as salty cream began to fill my throat and leak back out to my tongue. I slurped and swallowed him as he piston-fucked my throat and his body tremored in ecstasy.

"Fuck! So good!" He growled again as he continued to pump me with his cum.

"Oh! Fuck! Yes!" Vijay slowed as his cock gave up a few last spurts. I swallowed down as much as I could, but I felt the creamy juice leak out of my lips and a little out of my nose. He had filled me like a twinkie with his built up load.

"Best I've had... in... awhile," Vijay took deep gasps for air as he weakened and tried to recover. He slipped his cock from my mouth and collapsed next to me on the bed. I sat there on my knees and watched him heave a sigh and look up at me with half-open, coffee-colored eyes. He was a handsome man in his own right, still youthful and obviously virile. I gave a smile of appreciation.

"You got it all over," he laughed and swiped a glob of cum off my lips and then dabbed at my nose with another finger.

"Thank you, sir," I nodded appreciatively. I opened my mouth wide to clean his lips, but he shook his head and motioned for me to turn around.

"Would you like me to open his pussy for you, sir?" Vijay asked Mr. Almari.

"I believe we have time for that," Mr. Almari noted as though I was simply something on his calendar.

I turned and presented my ass for Vijay. He pushed the glob of cum against my hole and rubbed it to coat the circle. I felt my cock tent up at the touch, anticipation of a good hard fucking like Tarik would do. He pushed the cum inside me along with his stubby finger. I felt a wave of pleasure sweep through me and my hole twitched in grattitude.

"Fuck," I whined softly and looked over at Mr. Almari who was ignoring me and playing on his phone.

"Please sir," I said and his head raised to note my presence as Vijay slicked my hole with a finger.

"Yes, Cage? What would you like?" He asked with a stern tone as though he didn't know my needs.

"Please fuck me," I begged and tried my best to look pitiful.

"You want my cock in that pussy? Stretching it and filling it?" He asked and gripped the bulge in his shorts to wag it at me.

"Yes sir, please fuck me," I sniffed back the last of Vijay's cum. I felt Vijay's finger slide out of my hole and quickly get replaced by a warm tongue. He slithered into me and made me yelp with sudden surprise and delight.

I don't know if Vijay was just exceptionally skilled or if I'd just never had this done by someone who really wanted to please me, but my body just began to melt around his tongue. He worked it into every little pleasure point and I felt my eyes roll back as my breathing went ragged and my chest collapsed down over Mr. Almari's thighs.

"Uhhhh Ohhh Yeahh Fuck," I whimpered and turned my eyes to see a genuine smile spread across Mr. Almari's lips.

"Oh, he is in heaven," Mr. Almari glowed and brought his hand down to push a finger through my pursed lips. I nodded as his eyes locked on mine.

"That's a good boy," Mr. Almari praised me like the family pet as he pushed into my eager sucking. I collapsed onto the bed as Vijay let his tongue slide out and got to his feet behind me.

"Come here, boy," Mr. Almari pulled under my armpit and I moved up to lay against his furry, muscled chest.

"Yes sir," I whimpered weakly. I spread my legs to either side of his lap and saw Vijay kneel on the bed beside us. He leaned down between my cheeks and began to lap at my hole again.

"Yes, that's it, baby. Let the man do his job," he whispered as his hand began to rub my back. I sucked at his hairy brown nipple as Vijay pushed his tongue back inside me.

Mr. Almari raised my head and then leaned in to kiss me. His tongue slipped past my sucking lips and he began to wrestle with mine. He tasted like mouthwash and mint as our lips danced and rubbed. His strong arms wrapped around my back and held me flat against his chest as my body began to twist and jerk. My cock was rock-hard and rubbing against his filling bulge.

Vijay pushed his tongue in deeper and found new spots that made my body dance like a puppet. I wiggled on his tongue as deep shivers of ecstasy swept through me. He was a pro at this, a prize fighter.

"Fuh," I whimpered against Mr. Almari's lips. He kissed across my cheek and nibbled along my jaw as his stubbly beard scratched my smooth skin.

"Uh huh," I assented to a question that hadn't been asked. I was very much enjoying this.

Vijay started to do this trick with his tongue like someone doing that inchworm dance. It hit up and down in waves that made me fight to keep my eyes open. I thumped against Mr. Almari's chest and felt my cock close to shooting.

"I'm gonna... uhhhhhh," I said as a sudden jolt of pleasure hit me and sent my cock over the edge.

"Hold it," Mr. Almari said, but my cock was already firing off of its own volition. I coated Mr. Almari's shorts and ab muscles with hot spunk as Vijay suddenly stopped his art.

"UHHHH," I screamed against his chest as my cock kept right on firing between us. My body thumped as he held me tightly, and my eyes closed as a deep wave of pleasure shot through me. It happened fast and hard. I finished and collapsed against him.

"Fuck," I cursed as I gasped for air.

"I thought he'd hold out longer," Vijay noted behind me.

"He's fine," Mr. Almari dismissed and I felt his lips kiss my hair. "He's ok."

He rubbed my back as I laid in the pool of sticky mess I'd created.

"Go and get things ready for our business," Mr. Almari said to Vijay.

Vijay left us and Mr. Almari seemed content to hold me on his chest and rub me as I recovered. I felt like I'd let him down.

"I'm sorry, sir. I couldn't help..." I started to say, but he cut me off.

"It's fine, Cage. We have all the time in the world to get to that. But we should get ready for the meeting. Vijay has clothes for you. Let's get showered," he patted my back and I raised up. We had slept in past breakfast. It had been a late night for all of us, and I'd slept soundly against his chest.


We headed down to lunch an hour later. I was dressed in a nice pair of khakis with a tight button-up shirt open just enough to show the ridge of my smooth pecs. Vijay and Mr. Almari had suits and Vijay carried a large black case.

We met a well dressed man at the bar in the nicest restaurant the resort offered. Mr. Almari greeted him in French and they continued on in that language. I hadn't ever seen him before, but he claimed he knew my father. Mr. Almari called him Jules, but Vijay addressed him as Mr. Breton.

When Mr. Almari introduced me, Mr. Breton changed from French to English. I had been silent so maybe he assumed I didn't know it.

"Ahh Cage you have grown so much!" he exclaimed with a thick French effect. He hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you sir," I said. I could have replied in French, since I speak it somewhat fluently, but I didn't. That was the length of our conversation though his eyes found me quite often as we ate lunch.

I sat quietly while we all finished our meals. They went on to conduct their business in French, and I was getting a little bored. Mr. Almari leaned over and said it was ok if I played with my phone quietly while they hammered out the final details. I found a game I hadn't played in awhile. It was one where you set weapons and landmines to try and stop the waves of enemies who try to come at your fort. It was an ok time-waster.

I perked up again when I noticed them signing papers. They shook hands and Mr. Almari stood up. Vijay stood up next and so I started to get to my feet.

"No Cage," Mr. Almari said in English. "Why don't you wait here with Mr. Breton? We are going to set the the transfer with his accountants."

"Yes sir," I said and sat back down. I set down my phone and looked over at Mr. Breton with a smile while my two superiors went off to finish the deal.

"So, Cage," Mr. Breton said as he slid over to where Mr. Almari had sat. It was uncomfortably close, but I was ok because it had been Mr. Almari there. He smelled like European cologne which always has that after-scent of rubbing alcohol on my nose. Although we had traveled extensively across the continent, my nose hadn't tasted it in awhile.

"You're quite handsome, Cage. Your father wasn't so well-developed when he was your age," Mr. Breton remarked as he put a hand to my bicep and squeezed it. I pulled back gently. I didn't want to offend him, but he wasn't familiar enough to feel me up like that. He retreated a bit and nodded.

"I've been trying to workout harder. I got really shredded but now I'm trying to bulk up a little. I like to see how totally different I can look with different programs. Do you lift?" I asked with a hint of derision. He was a handsome guy for someone of my father's age, but he looked a little soft in the dress shirt. He wasn't fat by any means, but he must have had other priorities than his body.

"I... um," he started but then his phone rang.

"Excuse me for just a moment," he said in an elitist Parisian tone.

He leaned back in his seat and put his phone to his ears. He started speaking in French to the caller. My ears perked up to listen in.

"Yes, everything went well... His son is here... Yes, he's perfect but clearly not a fag like his father..." Mr. Breton said in French. I realized he was talking about me.

"He's right beside me.... No don't worry. He's an American boy, He played on his phone through the whole meeting... he only understands English." Mr. Breton looked at me as though checking his assessment. He nodded to me so I gave him a dumb smile and thumbs up as though he hadn't just called my father a fag.

I looked down at my phone again and fumed silently as I played my game and listened to his conversation. I was pretty good with French so it wasn't hard to keep up.

Things were going well for Mr. Almari and I didn't want to jeopardize things by showing my understanding of his language nor by confronting him on his assault of my father. I also was just really curious to hear what he thought of me. Let him think I was dumb.

He flashed me a wink and continued on in French with his caller.

"Everything is fine... They are going to make the transfer right now... It will be months before they figure out the products are defective. By then we will have shut down production and liquidated the factories... Let him come after us. We will have the money and Aaron will remember what he did to me... I only wish I could make his humiliation worse by fucking his son. This boy is perfection," Mr. Breton said. I felt his hand on my shoulder and I looked up from my phone as though I had zoned out.

Mr. Breton laughed and winked at me as he went on, "Aaron fucked me over enough, let him suffer financially for it."

My heart pounded in my ear. He was planning to screw them over in this deal and sell defective parts.

I wasn't sure what to do, but I had to stop this deal from happening.

"I need the restroom," I said slowly as though I thought Mr. Breton didn't understand English.

"Yes, is by the bar," he nodded and went on with his conversation. I nodded a thanks and then tore off towards the bar to alert Mr. Almari.

I looked through my contacts quickly. Luckily, Mr. Almari had set himself as a speeddial in my phone. I called him and told him what I heard.

"Are you sure, Cage? This is millions of dollars. Are you sure?" He said and I heard the venom in his voice.

"Yes sir. He was quite explicit since he thought I didn't understand him. He also talked about wanting me and called my father a fag," I said.

"I need time, Cage. I have to stop this. Can you distract him? Take him to our suite. It should be clean by now. I'll get things fixed here. Hurry, Cage! Keep him away from his phone!" Mr. Almari begged.

"Yes sir! Don't worry!" I said and felt an instant surge of badass like I was in one of those spy movies. I would do whatever it took to hold him while they got this settled.

I dashed back to the table and tried my best to look distressed.

"Sir, they got called away on an emergency, but asked me to entertain you until they can get back to this," I said and pretended to trip over my chair and fall against him.

His arms reached to catch me as I fell against his shoulder and brushed my lips across his neck.

I pulled back to see a look of hunger and delight on Mr. Breton's face.

"Oh... well I have a few hours until I head to the airport... but I already checked out and my bags are with the concierge," he said with a sudden look of disappointment.

"No problem! We have a full bar upstairs and we're here another night. Why don't you come up and we can catch up on things. You knew my father, right? Gosh, I'd love to hear stories! I bet you two got a lot of action from the women of Paris!" I laughed. I put my hand on his shoulder and squeezed it firmly as though his body interested me.

"Oh... um yes! We sure did. Great then! I'd love to hear all about you, Cage. You really do look like a more handsome version of your father when I first met him." Mr. Breton perked up again and I noted a small tent in his pants.

We took the elevator up and I texted Mr. Almari what was going on.

He wrote back, "Keep him in our room until I fix things and get there! I'm proud of you, Cage!"

That little boost was all I needed. I slipped my phone into my pocket as the elevator whirred us upwards. I looked to see Mr. Breton put away his phone and raise an eyebrow to me with a lusty grin. I started to look him over. He wasn't ugly. He had soft grey eyes and just a little touch of white in his light brown hair. He wasn't an Arab, wasn't what I had tuned my sensors to over the last few weeks, but I could do this.

"You have something right there," I said. I leaned towards him and pushed back his hair just above his ears as though there had been something there.

"Oh... thank you, Cage," he said. It was just enough to push him off his confidence. He straightened up and brushed imagined dust off his shoulder as he cleared his throat.

"I don't remember meeting you before," I said.

"You wouldn't... I only heard of your birth when your father visited me many years ago for... business. It's been awhile," Mr. Breton said and put his hand to my chest as though he had been involved in my creation.

"It must be fun to travel the world on business," I noted as the elevator landed on the suite floor. The doors parted and I waved my hand for him to proceed first to show I was polite.

"It can be. It's nice to see you grown up," he said as I opened the door to our suite. He went in and I closed the door behind us.

"Do you get to fuck a lot of boys my age?" I asked. We were here and it was time to set the trap.

"Cage... I... Sorry, what?" Mr. Breton was nearly speechless. He turned to me as the color drained from his face.

"I saw the way you looked at me. Isn't that why we're here? You thought I was hot? You thought you could get a fat cock down your throat?" I asked and gave my best alpha look. I stared him down with eyes that said he was mine to play with.

"Well... uh... are you ok with that? I mean... I would hate to do anything to anger your father." He raised an eyebrow but he didn't move away.

"Then you'd better have some skills," I said and squeezed the bulge in my pants. He gulped and I reached for his tie. I gripped it and brought him to me as though I wanted a kiss. But then I yanked down on the tie and he flopped down to his knees.

He made no effort to get up again. He was easily subdued. He looked up at me with expectant eyes and licked his lips as he swallowed the lump in his throat.

"I can do that," he whispered.

"I'll see," I said and started to walk slowly towards the bedroom. He followed me on his knees as I led him by the leash of his tie.

I pulled him across the living room. The maids had been in and everything was like new. I pulled him through to the bedroom by his tie. When I paused by the bed he nuzzled his face against my calf. I pulled up on the tie and he stumbled to his feet.

"Wow... uh you are definitely not your father," Mr. Breton said. I pushed him down against the bed.

"Shut the fuck up. Shoes off. Get on your knees," I barked. He rushed to comply.

I reached down and loosened his tie, then slipped it over his head. He fumbled with the buttons on his shirt as I unzipped my pants. I reached in and rubbed the thick bulge in my briefs. I grabbed a clump of his hair. It was gelled and crackled in my fingers as I gripped it and brought his face into my crotch.

"Mmmm," he said appreciatively as I ground his lips into my briefs. His hands went for my thighs and he lowered my pants as my bulge sprang out. He parted his lips and a sloppy wet tongue licked at my briefs as my cock filled out.

I remembered my past life then, what it was like to be a white alpha jock. Dudes like him always checked me out back home. Some weren't even gay, but they still couldn't resist. My chest puffed out as Mr. Breton slathered my briefs in his spit and rubbed my shaft with his lips. He was a sloppy sucker, too eager, it had been awhile.

"Is that what you begged my father for when he was my age? Did you grovel for him?" I asked as I pulled him back off my bulge.

"No, Cage... Never. We um... I don't know how much you know about him," he started as his eyes stayed transfixed on my pulsing sopping briefs strained to the edge by my fat cock.

"You want this cock in your throat or hole?" I asked as though he couldn't have both.

"I... fuck me... please," he decided and his eyes snapped up to mine. He didn't look half bad down there. His chest was shaved clean and his white pecs heaved as he gasped for air. He was knelt in front of me on the carpet with the bed behind him.

"Let's start with the throat and see how it goes," I said. I pushed down my briefs and bent towards him. I leaned over him and put my hands on the bed as my cock pushed against his lips.

"Fuck yes," he whimpered and parted his lips. I pushed my cock through and started to do pushups against the bed as my cock began to drill his mouth. He had a lot of spit built up and slathered it over my cock as I pushed past his tongue until I heard him gag.

"Mmmm," he begged in between coughs, but I didn't pull out. I started to facefuck him as I slid off my shirt. I tossed it across the room and went back to my pushups on his face.

He was mature, well-practiced with pleasing men. He quickly adjusted to my size and his throat started to accept me.

"Fuck that's good, tight little throat," I encouraged as I reached one hand down and put it against his neck. I squeezed gently on his throat, massaging it as it sucked and slurped my cock.

"That's a good little fag," I mumbled to myself as I sped up on him. He was actually pretty good at this and I hoped Mr. Almari didn't finish his mission too soon. I realized I had forgotten about why I was keeping Mr. Breton here.

I rammed into him a few more times and then decided I better do something to slow this down and keep him my captive. I looked around and saw his tie. It would work to keep him away from his phone.

"Up on the bed," I growled and squeezed his throat with my hand. He yelped as I slid my cock out of his mouth.

He coughed and got to his feet, red-faced and shirtless. He rubbed his throat for a second and looked at me with regret. His eyes wandered down to my cock and he snapped back to lust. He sat down on the bed, but I pushed him up and told him to get on his knees.

"Yes sir," he said. He knelt on the bed wearing his dress pants and socks. I pushed him towards the pillows and he bent forward with his ass in the air. I took his tie and pushed his hands up to the railing of the bed. I crossed them at the wrists and wrapped his tie around them. I tied a secure knot around them and then latched it to the headboard rails.

He looked at me with uncertainty, but I pushed his face down into the pillows and said, "Don't fucking look at me like you didn't ask for this."

"Sorry... sir," he looked back and a smile crossed his lips. This must have been some fantasy he had. With his hands secured I went for his belt. I unlatched it and slid it out of the pant loops. I cracked it like a whip and he jumped a little.

"You want to get your ass beat? You into that, you sick fuck?" I growled in my deepest tone. I was probably taking this act a little too far, but it would definitely keep him distracted.

"If you want, sir... Please fuck me though... Please, Cage," He looked at me with wide eyes. He wasn't sure what was going to happen, but everything in his face said that he would go with it, love it.

"Let's get those pants off," I said. I unhooked the clasp and then yanked them off of him. His wallet and phone fell out against the bedspread. This was my chance.

"Let's see how much I'm going to charge for my services," I said and picked up his wallet.

"Take it. It's Dinars and Euros, but... take it," he begged and wiggled his ass. A sick smile crept across his lips. He got off on paying for it. I opened his wallet and found a respectable wad of money. I had no use for it, but maybe Mr. Almari would want it. I squatted down and tucked it into my pants and then finished sliding them off of my ankles.

"Here, something to bite on," I said. I took the rest of his wallet and closed it before shoving it between his lips. He nodded happily and let it rest against the pillow.

I picked up his phone and noted he had a few unchecked text messages. He must have been too distracted to feel the vibrations in his pants. I tossed it on the floor and pushed off my briefs. I wagged my cock for him.

The phone was put away so there would be no one to alert him. Now I just had to keep this going until Mr. Almari came back. He would find Mr. Breton naked and tied up in his bed. Maybe he'd want to use him as well.

Mr. Breton wiggled his ass. He had a pair of black briefs on and black socks. I got up on the bed behind him and put my hands on his ass. I squeezed his globes and ran my thumb down his crack as he moaned happily. I pushed my thumb against his hole and felt it puckered and ready.

"Fuck... please... fuck... I need it... Please, Cage!" He whined. I pushed down his briefs and was presented by a plump, hairless ass.

"You want me to seed that hole?" I asked as I smacked his cheeks one at a time.

"Yes, please. Anyway you want... I can take it," he whined. He was a needy fucker. He was biting on the pillow and practically sobbing as I pushed against his hole with my thumb.

I got the lube and a condom as he waited on the bed.

"Suck my cock while I lube you," I barked as I came towards him. He eagerly inhaled me as I slathered some lube over his greedy hole. He sucked in my cock as his hole sucked in the lube. I added more for good measure. I wasn't an experienced top and no one was here to guide me.

I rubbed two fingers inside him to make sure the lube got around evenly. He felt warm and soft inside. His hole opened to me as he looked up at me with needy eyes. I reached my free hand down to cup his cheek. He looked so open to me. Was he really capable of so much anger and scheming?

"You really want this cock, don't you?" I whispered as I pushed my thumb into his mouth alongside my shaft. He stretched to accommodate it.

He nodded and mumbled something incoherent, his mouth was full.

"You really get off on this, being treated like a fucktoy by a white alpha jock," I mused. He nodded again.

"That's sick, man. You're a sick fuck, aren't you?" I asked. He nodded.

I reached for the condom I'd tossed on the side table. I didn't know him and didn't want to take any chances after seeing how desperately he begged for it.

I slid my cock out of his mouth and he squirmed uncomfortably.

"The tie hurts your wrists?" I asked.

"A little... it's ok," he sniffled.

"Kay... Spread for me." I rolled the condom on over my cock and lubed it up. I wiped my hands off on his back and then went behind him on the bed. I knelt between his legs. He spread them wide for me and pushed his ass up so his hole spread to me. It looked ready, round and open but not too spread. It was a dark pink.

"Fuck," I said as I put my tip to the hole and began to push in.

"Oh fuck... me...." he panted and tried to push back on me. His hole was trying to suck me in. I felt my cock slide in a few inches and a wave of pleasure as his tight squishy hole gripped my cock and massaged it.

He was tighter than Kyfer had been the night before. That thought made me laugh. I was used to begging for Arab cock inside me and yet this weekend I was breeding like a pro. I wondered what Tarik would think when he found out about this, but I was doing it to save the business.

"Yes... oh yeah," I growled as his hole slurped me in. I slid down until my balls hit against his. I leaned over him and grabbed his nips. I twisted them roughly as I sucked on the back of his neck and started to fuck him.

"Huh... Huh... Huhhhhh," he whined as I forcefucked his hole deeply. I felt his pulse racing and sweat drop from my chest as I slammed my cock into him.

"Fuck, Cage... fuck, so hard... fuck," he groaned as I sank into him.

He turned his face to mine as though he wanted a kiss. I pushed his head down into the pillow and bit on his neck while I started to speed up.

My cock felt so fucking good inside his tight, slippery chute. I was punching it out as fast as I could as he whined and moaned into the pillow.

I reached down and felt his cock was rock hard. It was nothing special, it fit in my palm and coated it with precum. My wrist touched against where his pubic hair should have been. He was completely shaved, a true sub. I yanked at his cock as I fucked his hole.

I slammed down into him and then I reached under his nuts and pulled at them. I twisted them painfully in my palm as his cries of pleasure went up an octave. I twisted his cock and balls like the repugnant, inadequate parts they were.

"Fucking sub," I growled against his ear and nibbled on his lobe. He whined again and tried to twist his head to kiss me.

"I'm not kissing you, you sick fag," I spat and pushed his face down against the pillow.

"Yes sir," he whined and sniffled.

"Fuck, this hole is good," I mused as I kept piston-fucking him.

"I'm gonna cum soon," I said.

"Yes, please... fill me... give me your seed please," he whimpered.

And then the door opened.

We both turned to see Mr. Almari smiling pleasantly at what he'd walked in on.

"Fuck!" Mr. Breton tried to pull away from me, but his wrists were bound and my cock was all the way up his ass.

"Were you finished?" Mr. Almari asked me, ignoring the tied up man in his bed.

"Almost, sir," I said.

"Did you want him to finish you, Jules?" Mr. Almari said.

"Oh... This isn't..." He said and then he switched over to French with Mr. Almari. He started explaining that there must have been something in his wine. I must have slipped him something. He explained all this, but his hole was still trying to milk my cock. He wasn't trying to pull away. I was still on edge as he pushed back against me, willing me to keep fucking him. It wasn't him, it was his body. His hole knew what it needed even though his head screamed to get out of this situation with his reputation intact.

"You can address Cage, he speaks French fluently," Mr. Almari noted and I saw Mr. Breton turn back to me with an oh-shit-look.

I nodded and used my best french accent to tell him that I did. The look in his eyes told me he was piecing together what he had said to the man on the phone while I was sitting there.

"Don't worry, Jules. Your payment is safely returned to my bank and we will keep your product to see if our engineers can make them work safely. We'll call this even if you don't want your reputation smeared." Mr. Almari said and came to pat me on the back... my cock was still firmly lodged in Mr. Breton's ass and his hole was still milking it furiously as I started to slowly fuck him again.

"You can't do that!" Mr. Breton protested, but then he inhaled sharply when I quickly pushed my cock all the way into him.

"You want me to stop?" I asked. He whimpered and shook his head.

"Can I finish in him?" I asked Mr. Almari.

"You've earned that," Mr. Almari said and kissed my cheek. I started to slide in and out of him.

"Oh and Jules! I almost forgot. This has all been on camera. So unless you want your wife and partners to see you begging Aaron's son for his cock... well, you will not try to cheat us again," Mr. Almari said firmly. He gave Mr. Breton's ass a hard smack and then went to make himself a drink.

"Fuck you," Mr. Breton spat. He was lost in a confusing mix of rage and passion. He pushed back on my cock and his eyes rolled back as he panted angrily.

"Is my cock that good? You just got fucked on your deal, bro," I laughed.

"It is... and those were refuse parts anyways. Maybe he can use them, but no one else would want them. I'm liquidating the factories soon anyways. They cost more than they ever made," Mr. Breton suddenly laughed.

"Fuck your hole's pretty good, man. I'd hit this again," I admitted as I humped him. I felt the tension of the situation leave and I was able to just enjoy this. I was close again and I leaned over him and bit on his ear.

"Fuck I'm gonna fill that pussy," I growled.

"Yes... sir... fill me," he whined. "Fill my hole... own that pussy."

"Ahhhhh fuck," I called out as I grabbed his ass cheeks tightly and slammed my cock all the way in. I felt my cock start to pulse and twitch inside him. His body released deep moans of pleasure as he turned his face towards my arm and began to suck on my bicep. I was bent over him and filling the condom as my body jerked and twisted.

"Uhhhh yeah fuck," I bit softly into the flesh on his neck and he winced in pain.

"Fuck fuck Fuck!" I growled as his ass milked my shaft. I unloaded deep inside him as the condom strained and bulged with my load. He whined against my arm like a defeated bear.

I collapsed against him and he sank into the mattress. He was a sturdy man and my chin settled in over his shoulder. He reached back and rubbed my hair. I yawned as the rush caught up to me. My body was drained and exhausted. I sank into his back and my face slid down his shoulder. I felt his face turn to me and he kissed my cheek, licked at my jaw.

"So handsome, mon prince," Mr. Breton whispered against my ear.

"Best cock I have had in a time," he added when I ignored him.

"Yup," I mumbled. We laid there together, my cock deflating in his squishy hole.

"Are you two finished? We have plans," Mr. Almari said from the doorway.

"He didn't cum," I noted. I pushed up off of him and my cock slid out with the condom clinging to it. I'd filled it nicely.

"Can I..." Mr. Breton started to ask. He pointed towards the condom.

"You want this?" I asked with disgust. He nodded.

"Finish up in the other bathroom, and take your clothes. Get out when you're done," Mr. Almari said.

I pulled at the white bulge in the tip of the condom. I slid it off and pinched it. He took it with one hand and then grabbed his clothes with his other. He kicked his shoes towards the doorway and scurried off.

"You, shower!" Mr. Almari ordered. He pointed towards the bathroom but stopped me when I got close to him. He put his hands on my shoulders and brought me in front of him. I was naked, sweaty, and filthy, but he looked at me with genuine pride.

"You did well. I'm proud of you. Tarik and your father will be proud of you. You saved us money and embarrassment. You are my son," Mr. Almari said as he put his lips to my forehead. He slid his hands up to the back of my head and I bowed to him. He put his forehead to mine and smiled.

"Thank you, sir," I said. "I'm glad I could do something useful."

"You are growing into a fine man. Much better than your father ever was." he said. He turned me to the bathroom and gave my ass a swat.

We went for a nice dinner and then fell asleep watching a movie in the hotel room. He had the housekeeping visit while we were out to change the bedding.


The next morning we got to spend a few hours at the resort waterpark before heading back to the airport. They had a pretty good waterslide and I got to splash around with some Jordanian guys my age. They seemed to like practicing their English with me. They were cool.

But the conversation quickly turned sexual. They weren't into me. Not everyone likes dick. But they wanted to know all about sex in America. I got weird questions about how easy the girls were and how many I had at one time.

"You think that's what we do in the US?" I laughed.

"Yes," one admitted.

I played along. I made up wild scenarios just to see how long it took for them to touch their junk. We were off in a quiet area of the waterpark. I thought they were going to whip them out, but they didn't do that here.

I made up some shit about fucking a girl while she fingered another one and a third one played with a strap-on. One of the guys turned away from the group and I saw his body give several deep shivers that told me he was cumming. Fuck I wish I could have helped with that more intimately. He shook it off and then turned back to the group. They each did that one by one. It was wild.


We made it home by dinner time. Vijay quickly had the kitchen staff bring it out. Tarik was there and as soon as we saw each other our hunger turned from food to sex. He took me up to his room and I stripped down and sucked the weekend out of him. He admitted he hadn't had much luck finding someone to fuck at the conference. He was too busy.

His father had filled him in on what I'd done. He was proud and happy that my hole was still his.

We laid on his bed with our bare asses to the air. We played video games while I nuzzled into his side. He wrapped an arm around me and kissed the back of my neck as I tried to not beat him at the fantasy soccer game we were playing. He was distracted though and quickly began to explore my body. We never did make it down to dinner.


"Cage," Mr. Almari woke me in the middle of the night. I was naked and tangled up with his son who was equally dressed.

"Sir?" I whispered. He put a finger to my lips to tell me to keep silent. He didn't want to wake Tarik. He motioned for me to follow him. I slid out of Tarik's arms and padded out to the hall. He followed me and softly closed Tarik's door.

"Yes sir?" I asked. He looked down to note my soft cock dangling between my legs. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and waited for what he wanted.

"I just got off the phone with your father. He is proud of you... but he wants you to come home. Your mother is asking for you as well. I told him no. I told him you were on a project, and couldn't leave it yet... But he wants to come see you. I told him no, but he is insistent... I wouldn't have woken you, but he wants to come soon," Mr. Almari said.

"No! He can't! I won't!" I felt my pulse quicken. I missed my family, but it seemed like another life. They had banished me here and now that I was thriving they wanted to pull it back.

"I'm not going and he shouldn't come here either! He'll ruin everything!" I said.

Mr. Almari brought me into his chest.

"It's going to be fine. He will come and see you are a man now." Mr. Almari assured.

"He'll never see me like that," I countered.

"That's the thing about being a man, Cage. It doesn't matter how he sees you, how anyone sees you, but what you choose for yourself. A man doesn't need to rely on anyone else for approval... except for those who will always give support. You don't need anything from him. You are smart and capable on your own," Mr. Almari said and kissed my cheek.

I nodded against his shoulder, but I still wasn't sure. I didn't know what would happen, but now was as good a time as any to find out. I could face him, show him I could handle myself. I wasn't going home. This was my home now. If he wanted to come and see that for himself then he could.

I had my support here. I realized that in Mr. Almari's embrace and again when he walked me back to bed and I settled into Tarik's waiting arms.

I had my approval here. I felt it when Tarik couldn't wait to fuck me, when Mr. Almari kissed my forehead and said he was proud of me. I nuzzled my nose into the nape of Tarik's neck and pulled the warm covers over our naked frames. He supported me. It was all going to be ok.


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