Cage Cock Cairo

By Emri S.

Published on Oct 13, 2023


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With Tarik away, Cage gets to play...

-{~ Cage Cock Cairo! ~}-

Chapter 6

-by Emri-

"Fuck, they're early!" Tarik yelled as he shoved his cock all the way up my hole. I was bent over his father's desk so we could see the security system monitors. I watched a black Maserati sportscar glide past the gates as they slid fully open.

"Yeah, uhhh, fuhhhh," I mumbled as his thick cock made my body convulse with pleasure. I was sweating over his father's leather-bound date book. I knew he'd beat my ass for it, but Tarik had been in a rush when he'd bent me over the desk and flicked on the security cameras. I tried to nudge it out of the way, but his deep seeding of my hole left me little control over my muscles.

"I can't leave you without my seed!" Tarik was ramming into me and holding onto my sides as his fingers massaged my hard abs. My eyes lost focus as my fluffed but caged cock rubbed against the shiny brass of a drawer knob.

"I am going to miss these little fag ears and this needy tight hole," Tarik swore as he leaned over me and nibbled on my ear lobe. His hands wrapped around my pecs. He liked how swollen they'd gotten from my hard workouts. He loved dominating my imposing, muscled frame. He loved knowing he could make me squat anywhere and beg for his cock.

"Yah... sir... fuck," I groaned as his cock slid all the way in and his furry, sweat-soaked nuts slammed against my cheeks. They stuck to my skin, pulled away only by his sliding almost all the way out of my hole. He'd ram back into me and they'd stick again.

"Fuck, ok ok here it... uhhhh," Tarik moaned as his cock started to empty into me. My eyes focused just enough to see the passenger side door on the Maserati open and two Arab guys about our age hopped out. They looked around like they were expecting Tarik to be waiting.

I wondered if Tarik might invite them in to fuck me as well. It was a stupid, lust-filled thought. But getting filled with his seed made me crave more.

"Ohhhh," I gasped as I felt his cum fill my hole and work up deep inside me.

"Uh fuck, fuck, fuck," He swore as he pushed his hand against my throat and gripped it.

I gasped for air and let out a slow, whispered moan as he clutched me tightly and pushed all the way inside me. He held it there and I felt his body lurch in several quick jerks as his seed spurted off to find a home in his boy.

"Ahhhhh," he said finally as he collapsed against me. He rested there for a second until Vijay called from the doorway that his ride was there.

"Yes, thank you. I'm coming," He said sleepily as he collapsed against my sweaty back.

"I can see that," Vijay joked. "I hope you're finished."

"Yeah, the boy was begging. I couldn't leave him without it," Tarik said in a low growl.

"He is a bother. I'm glad you were able to satiate him before you left or he would be anxious all weekend... I brought a fresh shirt. I thought you might need it," Vijay said respectfully.

"Thank you," Tarik said and gave a quick kiss to the back of my neck. He raised up off of me and I turned my head to watch him peel off his sweat-soaked polo shirt. He used it to wipe his chest, glimmering with sweat and the hint of muscles he'd been working on. I knew eventually he would be bigger and stronger than me. I knew he thought he needed that to show his dominance, but it was unnecessary. His bloodline held all he needed to make me beg for his cock, his approval, his love.

He wiped up the sweat and then tore off my tank top and used it to mop up the cum and lube that slicked his cock. He jerked his cock and I watched as the last pearl of his seed bubbled out of the fat brown tip. I immediately sank to my knees and turned to face him. He knew what I wanted. He shoved his half-hard cock into my mouth and I swallowed the last of his seed. I cleaned his cock and then licked the sweat off his balls.

He stuffed his cock and balls into his briefs and pulled up his shorts. He took the green t-shirt from Vijay and slid it on. It hugged his developing muscles and narrow waist. It had a low scoop neck that showed off the light, growing hairs that covered his chest. I was hairless, freshly creamed from chest to feet and I admired his thick, dark body hair that reminded me what a real man required.

"Get up," Tarik said and I rose to my feet with his cum dripping from my ass.

"You will be on perfect behavior until I get back or there will be punishment," he said and I felt my stomach flutter that I'd be without him for a few days.

"I don't want to come back and find you caused more embarrassment or scandal for this family. If you're good, I might bring you a gift. My father will take over your care while I'm gone. I'll skype in to check up on you. I hope it's to hear good news," Tarik said without a hint of question. His words were harsh but his eyes told me he would miss me. They said he was as torn up as I was about being apart.

"I'll miss you," I admitted and instantly felt shame for showing such emotion to my master.

"I know," his lips softened and he put his hands to my cheeks. He held my face like I wasn't bigger than him or older. I lowered my eyes to his chest.

"I have to go, don't let me down," he said as his lips found my own. I parted them to let his tongue slide in and his arms wrap around me. He gave me a quick tongue wrestle and then retreated. I hung my head as I watched his feet walk away.

Vijay came back in after seeing Tarik off. He put his hand on my shoulder and I looked up at him.

"I know what it feels like," he said softly and nodded.

"You do?" I asked, not considering that he might have ever been in my position. I was still naked, still dripping with sweat and cum with my white stretchy shorts bunched around my ankles. I could still smell his abundant cologne and teenage funk mixed with alpha Arab power that clung to the back of my neck.

"I do," he said simply without explanation.

"But you can't just stand here all weekend. You have chores and stars. I have a house to run and for some reason the Almaris insist you be included in that," Vijay jabbed but laughed to let me know he was kidding.

"What do you need me to do," I mumbled.

"Well first, go hose off in the shower. You're back to Mr. Almari's quarters for now. Tarik doesn't want you in his room without him here so your uniforms are back in Mr. Almari's bathroom closet. Go and shower there, put on a fresh uniform and then meet me down in the kitchen," Vijay explained.

"Yes sir," I said and pulled up the shorts over my sweaty, dripping ass. I rubbed at a trickle that had slid down my thigh. I put it to my lips and sucked the last of his seed I'd have for awhile. It was gross, of course, but necessary. I tried hard to memorize the salinity, the power it held. My body savored it.

I cleaned myself, hating to wash off Tarik's gift, but I had my orders. I put on a fresh white tank top and stretchy white shorts. My cock was still fluffed from Tarik's gift, but the cage kept it from raging fully. We had been worried that it wasn't waterproof, but the manufacturer assured Mr. Almari that it would be fine in a shower. After testing it, it was determined that I could shower with it on.

I found Vijay in the kitchen. He was on the phone and going through the small notebook he kept with important information on the daily activities of the home. He was speaking with someone forcefully in Arabic. I couldn't tell what he was saying, of course, but I sank to my knees at his side when he snapped his fingers and pointed towards his shoes.

I waited there on my knees as he gently pet my hair and carried on with deriding someone for something they had done. I was glad to not be on the receiving end of his rage.

"Fucking Saudis," he cursed when he finished. He set down the phone and jotted something in the notebook before giving me his attention.

"You're leaving in an hour. Mr. Almari is in a meeting, but you are to be ready when he arrives. It will be a short flight. Go and pack up five pairs of your shorts, five tanks, and then put on the jogging pants and blue shirt I laid out in his closet. I can't trust you with your passport or travel documents. I'll store them with Mr. Almari's," Vijay advised.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Cage! Now!" he spat. He was in a foul mood and was not open for questions.

I rushed upstairs and found the jogging pants and shirt hanging together in Mr. Almari's closet. They weren't hand-me-downs from Ahmed, they still had the tags on them. There was a small duffel bag hanging with them so I assumed it was meant for my things. It took me all of five minutes to fill it with my uniforms. I guess I wouldn't be going out much so he didn't waste time finding me other clothing.

I pulled on the jogging pants over my shorts which doubled as underwear since they were tight and cradled my cock and balls tightly. The jogging pants were thin and stretchy, they did nothing to hide my bulging package. I pulled on the shirt over my tank. It was also form-fitting and hugged my muscles. It was a thin t-shirt with a button up neck that had ten small metal snaps. I snapped up six of them which showed just enough of my pale, muscled chest to show how smooth I was.

Vijay came in when I was snapping up the shirt, and he nodded towards a simple pair of white slip-on shoes and white socks. The socks were sheer and satiny as I slid them on. They were almost like stockings and rose up over my calves. The shoes were thin and flimsy. They fit tightly on my feet and my toes felt weird in the silky socks.

"You will not speak at the airport. Mr. Almari will do the talking for both of us. We are his property and the officers will understand us as that. If you are asked a question, simply look at him and wait for him to answer. They won't separate you if they think you are simple and he is your guardian," Vijay said. He checked something on his phone and then told me to hurry since Mr. Almari was on his way home.

I carried my bag downstairs to find Vijay had full luggage waiting by the door. Mr. Almari breezed in with a simple nod to me. He was on the phone and laughing about some joke in Arabic. He kissed my forehead, fondled my bottom, and then disappeared up the stairs. I waited by the door and heard Vijay talking with him happily.

"Oh Cage you look so nice," Mr. Almari said when he came downstairs. He had changed into black dress pants and a fresh button-up shirt. It was buttoned up to the last few so it exposed just a bit of his dark chest and black hair. I lit up as he closed in on me and rewarded my cheek with a kiss. He groped my bulging crotch and pulled on my cock outline before rubbing a hand up to my chest.

"This shirt is so soft. I guess Vijay wanted you touched," he laughed and tweeked my nipples.

"Yes, we are all ready, sir," Vijay said as he scurried down behind him. He carried a few grooming items that he put into my bag as I held it.

"Oh wait!," Mr. Almari said and put a hand to my chest. He reached and slid down the waistband of my joggers and shorts. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and hit some buttons on it. My cock Cage eased open and I instantly felt my cock thicken. He reached and slid off the cage ring and set them on a side table.

"We'll leave this here for the weekend so I don't have to explain you to any security. I trust you will make it through airport security without a hardon, right?" He asked with a laugh as he stroked my immediate erection.

"Uh gasp yes sir," I breathed heavily as he pet my cock and then tucked it away in my shorts. I pulled up my joggers and regained my breath. Vijay opened the door and Mr. Almari went out. I collected the rolling luggage and followed them out to a waiting car.

At the airport, I was happy to see a porter who got the luggage... except for my bag. Mr. Almari nodded towards it so I grabbed my bag and followed them into the terminal.

The flight was just over an hour, and Mr. Almari gave me a gift when we got up in the air. It was my old phone that I hadn't seen since he'd taken it from me when I first came to stay with them.

"You can use the wifi on the plane if you need to catch up on anything," he said as he went back to reading some numbers on his tablet.

"My phone? Really? I get it back? I didn't think you'd ever let me have it again... why though?... sir," I asked.

"You've changed a great deal since you've been with us. I could never have predicted that a little bit of care and discipline would turn you into a respectful, humble boy... Your father really starved you of the discipline you needed. I should have reprimanded him early on for that. I didn't realize how irresponsible he had been. He will be punished for that," Mr. Almari said.

"Thank you, sir," I said and got a smile on my face thinking of all the payback scenarios I'd wished on my dad.

"I'm proud of you, Cage. I had them put a second sim card so it will work on our services across Arab countries. Everything else is untouched. Tarik will likely take it back when he returns. That is his choice as your protector. You will submit to him, but enjoy it until then," he said.

I turned it on and immediately saw the picture of me and my ex girlfriend. She'd set it as the lock screen. It was us on the pier in Capriso beach. We were holding on to the selfie stick like it was a fishing pole and we'd caught something big. I held her in my arms as we both had shocked and strained looks on our faces. I missed her friendship. It was another life. She would never make me feel as needed and loved as Tarik could.

Unlocking the phone produced a flurry of notifications. Emails, posts, likes, messages, points, it was overwhelming. My phone buzzed and chimed repeatedly until Mr. Almari wrestled it from my hands and put it on silence.

"I hate those things," he muttered and tossed it back into my lap. I started to look through the messages. I realized just how little these people meant to me anymore. I didn't care about the parties, the trips, the stupid tricks my friends were up to. I deleted whole groups of them without reading what they'd sent.

I got down to the messages from my ex. She started off pissed but then forgave me. Then when she didn't get a response she broke up with me again, said I was a fuckup, a pussy, a lying asshole... She was right. I had been all those things to her. She ended it with begging me to just let her know I was alive.

I wrote her back, "I'm alive. Sorry I was an asshole to you. You deserve better. I hope you find it. I'm not coming back from Egypt. I love it here. I feel like I'm growing up and finding something meaningful. I have a lot to work through. I'm sorry."

I hesitated for a second. I looked over to see Mr. Almari watching me. I cocked my head to one side as if to ask what he thought. He put his arm around me and massaged my shoulder without indicating a preference. He wanted me to decide this for myself.

I hit send.

Nothing was important after that. I stopped scrolling through posts and photos. I didn't care what was happening in my absence. My presence was here and it consumed my focus.

I set the phone down and looked over at him. He raised the armrest between us and brought me back to lie against his chest. He was working on a report for work on his tablet. I found it more interesting than my own phone because his arm was around me, his hand rubbing my chest as he scrolled through it.

"That's it? Not much of interest on your phone, boy?" his deep, heavy voice sent chills up my neck.

"No... no sir... Not much of interest," I admitted. "I don't know that guy anymore."

"You will find him again," Mr. Almari assured.

"I don't want to, sir. I want to serve your family, be a good companion for Tarik. I miss him," I said and felt the truth of it send a flutter of sorrow through my core.

"You will find him again, Cage. You will reconcile the pieces of yourself that don't make sense. You are a bright boy with a future. You can be loyal and dependent on Tarik while still having power of your own. That's why I'm bringing you with us this weekend. I want you to have some freedom, `Sow your oats,' as your culture says. It is one thing to be obedient to your protector, but another thing to be powerful in your own right. You're a strong, handsome man. You can seed men on your own and still keep your hole and your heart loyal to the ones you love." He rubbed my chest as his words tented my pants.

"He won't be angry?" I asked.

"My son has done his job in subduing you. He knows he comes first in your heart.... I have a dinner meeting and deal to work out tonight. You will be on your own in the resort. There is a soccer tournament on tonight and they'll be showing it at the bar downstairs. You can find guys your age down there. Vijay picked out some clothes you will like," Mr. Almari explained.

I didn't know what to make of that. I'd tried several times to escape him when I first came to them. Now it seemed almost scary to be away from their control, to not look to an Almari for guidance and instruction.


At the hotel, we were escorted up to a top floor suite. We were 18 floors above the resort with views of all the amenities. There was a living room with a small kitchen bar fully stocked with snacks and drinks. Mr. Almari had a large room off the living area and Vijay took the smaller room on the other side. Mr. Almari nodded for me to follow him into his room. There was a large bed on a raised platform and another living area facing the wall of windows overlooking mountains behind the city. We had a balcony off the room that overlooked a large garden and a series of pools below us.

The porter set up our bags in Mr. Almari's room and began to open them and hang up the suites and clothes. He set out our bathroom necessities for us and put my things away in a closet dresser. The bags were emptied and then stored in the closet.

Mr. Almari gave him a hefty tip when he'd finished things to our satisfaction. I was happy to not have to do it. He left with a big smile and many thanks.

"Here, Cage," Mr. Almari said and pointed to a small pile of folded things in the closet. "This is for you tonight if you like it. Go ahead and change so you don't miss the match. I'll head to my meeting soon. If you want to use the room tonight, feel free. I'll be in later. There are condoms and lube in the black bathroom bag."

"Oh... thank you... sir," I said awkwardly. It felt weird to talk about things like that.

I took a quick shower and then went to find the clothes he had planned. There was a tiny pair of gray briefs that were almost completely see-through. I pulled them up and struggled to stuff my junk into the pouch. The back part of it instantly settled in between my ass cheeks. I looked ridiculous, but maybe that's what he wanted. Maybe he wanted a little part of me still humbled and crushed into his will.

I put on the new pair of jeans, tight gray t-shirt with a low neck that showed my smooth, white pecs, long gray socks that came up over my calves, and gray sneakers. I walked out to show him, and got a smile of approval.

"Two more things," he said as he lounged on the bed and looked through a folder of documents.

He patted the bed and I climbed on next to him, making sure my shoes didn't touch the bedspread. He pulled out a small silver chain with dogtags on it and handed it to me.

"This has my information along with your name should you run into any trouble. Do not leave the resort and you will be fine," he assured. He spread the chain and looped it over my blonde hair. It hung around my neck and I tucked it into the collar of my shirt.

"Thank you," I said and bit my lip. I was still apprehensive about leaving his safety.

"And," he said and reached to open a drawer on the side table. He pulled out a gray hat that matched my shirt and shoes. Across the front was something stitched in crisp, white thread. It was arabic script so I didn't know what it said.

"It's your name in Arabic," he said and fit it on my head.

"Really? How do you say it?" I asked. I'd never thought about my name being a word that translated into their language. He rubbed my ass playfully as he watched me with a smile. He liked my eager inquisition.

"Kuhf-slin," he said in a quick, harsh sound. I'm not sure I heard it right. It sounded ugly.

"I'll stick with Cage," I laughed.

"I thought you might," he laughed. We joked around for a few minutes. I was enjoying having his attention all to myself. I didn't want to go.

"You should get going. Here's a wallet. I put in some money and the room key," he said when the conversation lulled.

"Are you sure? Can't I go with you? I'll sit quietly," I said and slid my hand up his thigh.

"No. This is your chance. Vijay is off indulging himself. I want you to do the same. Do not go to someone else's room though. I don't wish to negotiate a ransom tonight. You may bring anyone here that you wish. It is secure and there are cameras to monitor your safety. You know I will always protect you and Vijay's exploits will be just across the living room if you get into any trouble." Mr. Almari sighed with slight apprehension. He leaned forward and put a hand to my cheek. He brought me in for a kiss.

"Go nuts, kid," he ordered and pushed me away.


The elevator opened to the grand lobby we'd entered earlier. The porter who had helped us looked at me hopefully and came over to ask if I needed anything. He pointed me towards all the attractions they had in the resort. There was a lounge, an arcade, the waterpark, gym, several restaurants, and the sports bar. He said the match was showing in a few different places and I didn't look old enough for the bar. I thanked him and decided to wander around.

The lounge area had overstuffed chairs arranged in rows facing a large, white screen. The tables where the chairs normally surrounded were pushed to the sides. There were a lot of people in there and most of them families with kids. I paused to watch one team battle its way down the field and almost score a goal. I kept moving.

The bar wasn't nearly as packed and it was full of men from around the world. I felt itchy and overdressed from my usual house uniform of tiny shorts and tank top. It felt weird to have something touching my neck and real shoes with socks on my feet. The comfortable little white slip on shoes I wore in their home were enough for me. What was I supposed to do here? Find a guy and entice him back to the room? Was I just here for sex?

The match was on but not blaring like it had been in the lounge. The men here seemed no less intent on watching it though. There was a group of handsome Arab men in suits sitting around a table near the window. They were half-watching but mostly talking and laughing loudly. I sat at a table near them and felt my cock tent from the harsh tones of their language. I'm not sure why, but just the sound of it had my hole twitching. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach thinking of Tarik so far away. I tried to focus on the game.

The bartender was yelling at someone in Arabic. I turned to look at him and saw his eyes were on me. He was older and thick with dark skin and a black button-up shirt. I tried to look back at the game, but that just made him angrier and he came out from behind the bar.

"Woah, man! Easy! I don't know what that means," I said and felt his waves of anger. He was coming towards me and I backed off of my barstool towards the table of men.

I got too close to them and one of them reached out and grabbed my arm. He pulled me back against his chest and said something to the bartender who stopped in his tracks. The barman nodded and raised his hand as if to say he didn't care about this anymore.

"It's ok, he said you are too young to be in here. I told him you were with us. We've racked up quite the tab here so he's loathe to toss us out," a voice behind me said. His hand rubbed up my arm and he turned me to face him.

"Thanks, man. I just wanted to watch the match and the lounge is full of families," I said to the handsome face that had rescued me. He was on his feet and just a few inches taller than me. He looked a few years older than me and had a neatly trimmed beard accenting sharp, Arab features. He had on a tight, red t-shirt that clung to a muscled chest and dark jeans that hugged an ample package.

"It's ok, but you better sit with us if you want to make it out alive," he joked and his wide, brown eyes lit up with the soft pink lips of his smile. He had the rugged looks of an alpha male, but his eyes had an almost beautiful quality and they sparkled in the lights of the bar. They feminized his harsh face and gave it a quality that made it impossible to look away.

There wasn't a barstool for me, but he pulled me over to his other side between him and an equally handsome Arabian man who was sipping a beer and ignoring me completely. The other three men at the table failed to register my presence. I wasn't old enough or wasn't one of them.

"So what brings a nice white boy like you to our country?" my savior asked as he made room for me on his barstool. I perched next to him, pressing our muscled asses together as he slid his hand up my back and squeezed my shoulder. He looked over at me with gleaming white teeth and perfect pink lips. His nose, with the Arab prominence I liked, nodded towards me as his eyes focused in to make me feel like nothing else mattered.

"Oh uh, traveling with my... boss," I lied. I certainly couldn't lead off with my desperate and hopeless love for a family of Egyptian alphas.

"Right," he noted with disbelief. "Well I'm glad you showed up. These old bastards are boring me." He nodded to his table companions. They grumbled, and went back to their Arabic conversation.

I laughed and the savior took a sip of his beer.

"I'd offer you a drink, but the bartender already seems nervous about you being here," He laughed with that carefree nod that told me he could get me just about anything he wanted.

"I really just wanted to watch the game. My boss is in a meeting so I have the night off. He wanted me to come down and make some friends," I said with honesty.

"Well you made one. The game is much better in the rooms though. Bigger screen and the walls are pretty soundproof. At least in the suites. I was about to head up to mine and watch it if you want to come with me," he said and raised one eyebrow. I didn't know what he meant by that.

"Uh... I'm not supposed to go to a strange room, but we have a suite if you want to come up," I said. His hand left my shoulder and rubbed down my back.

I got a nervous shiver and started to slide off the barstool. His hand slid quickly to my ass and he cupped my cheek to hold me on the stool. He kept his hand there and squeezed my ass as he gave me a wink.

"Don't slide away," he laughed. I blushed, laughed, drank in his attention.

"Chug this for me, let's go," he said and raised his beer to my lips. I opened and he poured the last third of it down my throat as his hand massaged my ass.


"I... uh... don't know your name," I admitted as the elevator whirred us up to Mr. Almari's suite.

"Ky-fer," he said with disinterest in conversation. His nose rubbed along my neck while his hand massages my ass as we stood alone in the elevator.

"That's cool, what does it mean?" I asked.

"The lion's cub," he mumbled without taking his lips off the nape of my neck. He was intent on sucking that area clean. I'd sprayed a little cologne there so I'm sure it didn't taste that good.

"Wow. I don't know what my name means," I made awkward conversation even though he hadn't asked my name.

"Shhh... I want you to fuck me," Kyfer mumbled against my ear after kissing up my neck.

"Yeah... fuck," I hissed as his lips found my earlobe.

"I love muscled white boys... hairless body with pink tipped cocks. I don't usually bottom.... But I want you to fuck me," Kyfer moaned softly against my ear.

I felt my cock stand straight at attention in my pants at his request. He had the power of an Almari, but seemed desperate to ride my cock. He sucked along my neck like it held the antidote.

"You're so fucking cute, Cage," he said and stunned me. I pushed away from him and left him there with his eyes closed and his lips agape.

"Woah, wait. How did you know my name?" I asked.

"Oh, did I?" he said as his eyes opened.

"You did.... What the fuck, dude?" I asked with fear and realized I was taking a total stranger up to our room. He was bigger and bulkier than me. I wondered how I would fight him off. The elevator reached my floor and I thought about shoving him and darting off.

"Chill, Cage. Mr. Almari told me. He's doing business with my dad and thought I should look out for you... Are we going to talk or do this?" He grabbed my arm and pulled me as I tried to leave the elevator.

"He set this up?" I asked as Kyfer pulled me out of the elevator.

"Well not entirely. You didn't have to go to the bar and you certainly didn't have to sit with me. He also didn't make you bring me up here to your room," Kyfer pointed.

"Yeah... I guess not," I said.

"He just sent me your photo and asked if I could look out for you. He cares about you... didn't want you to end up with a creep," Kyfer laughed.

"And yet here I am," I said and felt a smile crack my lips.

"I should be offended," Kyfer laughed and smacked his hand in the center of my chest. "But you're my type so I'll let it go."

We kissed our way down the hall, two muscled guys grabbing for each other, as he nudged me towards the room. I fumbled with the keycard as our tongues wrestled. His hard bulge rubbing against mine knocked me back against the door. I flailed one arm to get the card from my pocket and clumsily stabbed at the key slide.

The door opened and I fell backwards against a hard, wet chest.

"The fuck, Cage," Vijay's voice sounded behind me. I stumbled back into his arms and he caught me, pulling me off of Kyfer. I looked down to see his bare chest and chiseled abs. His trail of chest hair slid down between his abs and disappeared into a blue towel that covered his cock.

"Oh uh... hi," I said as he pushed me up to my feet. He kept a protective hold on me, his hands gripping my sides.

"Kyfer," Vijay noted with just a hint of venom.

"Sup," Kyfer said as he leaned against the door jam and nodded towards us.

"Waiting for my entertainment," Vijay said. "I thought you were them. Well, enjoy each other and remember to play safe."

I expected more of a lecture, but feeling Vijay's hard cock tenting the towel against my ass, I knew we weren't the entertainment he sought.

Vijay gave my shoulder a firm squeeze as I turned towards the bedroom and headed off. Kyfer caught up to me and put his hands on my hips, working his palms against my firm ass. He pushed me through the bedroom door and then whirled me around to face him as he closed it behind us.

"Fuck, you're so perfect," he started to say until my lips landed on his and the electric circuit was complete. A buzz rushed back and forth between us as I back-walked towards the bed. I bumped against it and Kyfer pushed me down. I landed on my back and watched as he peeled off his t-shirt to reveal a furry chest full of muscles.

"Wow," I said looking up at the tower of strength that loomed hungrily above me. He gave a slight smile twinged with a blush and then recovered his alpha cadence with a quick shrug. Whatever apprehensions I had about being led into this disappeared. Mr. Almari had known what I would like, and cared about me playing safely.

I raised up on my elbows and watched him struggle with his shoes. He kicked them off and then slid down his pants to reveal a pair of crisp, white briefs with a respectable bulge in the front. He stood before me in briefs and dark socks with a look of hunger. I rubbed the bulge in my jeans and looked him over. I didn't know where to begin with a submissive alpha.

He came at me though, not waiting for my decision. He knelt on the bed to straddle my legs. He leaned down and took off my hat. He put it on his head and turned it backwards before leaning down to kiss me. I felt his hands come to my sides and then slide up under my shirt. My abs twitched with electric heat as he pushed my shirt up and kept his lips on mine.

He smelled like the cologne Tarik liked and it confused me momentarily. I felt my hole twitch in anticipation of a good hard fucking, but then my brain informed it that it had the night off. Kyfer kissed down my neck as he pushed my shirt up. I raised my arms and he slid it over my head.

"Fuck," I hissed as his teeth found my nipples and pinched them between his incisors. His lips softened the blow as they sucked in turn on each of my pink and pointy nipples.

"You're so pale, Cage, with beautiful pink nipples. They keep the sun off of you. White boys are so perfect in their natural state," Kyfer praised as his lips kissed down the center of my stomach. He rubbed my abs with a warm hand and they shivered at his touch.

"Uhhh," I gasped as his lips found my belly button and he paused to worship it. I closed my eyes in weakened lust as his lips worked expertly down to my belt. His teeth pulled at the buckle until the leather slid out. He made quick work of it and then bit at the button of my jeans. He was so fast and commanding with it. I didn't have much chance to react. Soon enough the zipper was lowered and his hands parted my jeans to find my bulge straining the tiny, see-through briefs.

"Oh nice," Kyfer said as he slid down my jeans and rubbed at my bulge. He slid his grip along my hard shaft as I pointed up and to the right. The tip of it poked its way out of the waistband of the briefs and Kyfer leaned down to lap at it. He had one hand on me and I guessed that the other was down between his legs, stroking his own powerful cock.

"Can I suck it, sir?" he asked with unnecessary formality. We both knew where things were heading, but I nodded with a harsh stare at him.

"Keep your eyes on me," I said, mimicking what Tarik sometimes told me. "Look at your master when you serve him," I added.

"Thank you, sir," he played along though his eyes told me he knew I was still his inferior. Whatever fantasy he was trying to play out couldn't belie his innate alpha power. He was one of them, just not one who liked to always be in charge.

"And don't get lazy with it or I'll go back down and find someone else," I added as though I had a bar full of options.

"Yes sir." Kyfer nodded with a needy smile. He licked his lips and then dove onto my cock with hungry force. His hand pulled down the waistband and my cock flopped up against his open lips. I felt his tongue glide down my shaft as he inhaled me to the base.

The tip of my cock poked at his throat, but he didn't make the gags and chokes I normally did. I didn't have Tarik's size though, and Kyfer was probably used to Arab-sized meat. He still treated it like a full meal though. He slurped and bobbed on it. Each time he dove to the base, his stubbly bear tickled my nuts. My eyes rolled back in my head as he pleasured it.

"Yeah, that's a good little bitch," I hissed as my hand found his hair and gripped it. I messed up the perfectly gelled spikes as I gripped it and pushed him down on me.

"Suck that cock. You begged for it," I said and felt my voice drop an octave as I channeled Almari strength. I felt it, the seed Tarik regularly gave me. I felt it in the way I roughly pulled Kyfer's hair and looked down at him as though I was doing something of great importance in giving him what he begged for.

"Uhhh that feels so good," I said and dropped the controlled detachment I was striving for.

He looked up at me with wide brown eyes that said he was loving this. His eager tongue massaged my shaft as his throat milked my tip. It sent shivers and shocks through me that had me thumping against the bed.

"Uhhh fuck... FUCK!" I yelled as I felt myself getting close to popping.

"I'm gonna..." I started to say, but Kyfer quickly pulled off and pushed my hand away from his hair. My cock twitched several times and a thick stream of precum leaked out of the tip.

"No, I want you to fuck me. It's been awhile since I've let anyone do that so it's pretty tight down there," Kyfer noted. His begging persona had subsided. He was insisting on what he wanted.

"Yeah, uh... kay," I said wearily. I felt weak-headed and on the edge of exploding.

"You've never done it?" he asked as a wide smile cracked his lips.

"No... well... I've had it done to me... I'll try it," I said and showed my inexperience. The dynamic had flipped again and Kyfer was back on top. My heart sank and my leaking hardon started to waver slightly.

"Hey," Kyfer reached up and put his hands on my thighs. He gripped my quads and squeezed them, looking impressed by my muscles. "You're a stud, Cage. Don't apologize for anything."

"Yeah," I nodded and he dove back onto my cock.

"Uh fuck," my eyes rolled back as his tongue massaged my cock back to steel.

He reached a hand up to grab my pecs and tweak my nipples as his throat ably milked my cock. I wondered if Tarik felt this good when I serviced him. I didn't have the skills or experience of Kyfer, but maybe that was a good thing. He liked my inexperience and eagerness to learn, to please him.

"I'm gonna!" I started to say as my cock neared explosion. Kyfer pulled off again and a long trail of precum connected his lips to my cock before dribbling down his chin. He licked it with his tongue and then pushed me back against the bed.

"Lie down, Where's the lube?" Kyfer jumped up and looked around. I pointed him to the bathroom and laid back against the pillows. I wanted to stroke myself. It was hard and it had been so long since I came. But then I thought how nice it would be to slide into a hot ass, a willing hole. I wanted to feel what Tarik must have felt when he seeded me though I knew I couldn't do it like he does.

I tried to calm my cock, think about other things. I thought back to the last time I went surfing. That was my happy place where no one had any expectations of me. I'd gone alone off Point Madera. You're not supposed to go alone, but I'd had a blowout fight with my dad and needed to blow off some steam. He really didn't care much where I went so long as it didn't embarrass him.

I closed my eyes and remembered the blinding sun, the cold ocean waves, the smell of saltwater and sunblock. I felt the ache in my arms as I kept paddling out farther. It was a rough day for waves, and there were a lot of pros out showing off. I kept falling off and getting back up again until I eventually got it.

"Hey, you fell asleep?" I heard Kyfer say and it woke me out of my dream. My cock was still hard, but I'd calmed enough to get inside him. He was standing there next to the bed with his big hard Arab cock flopping against his thighs. He was rubbing lube into his hole and it made his cock flail wildly as he pushed inside himself.

"Yeah no, let's do this," I said and sat up. I gave my cock one stroke and realized it wasn't necessary. Watching his mass of dark muscles move in front of me, that huge swinging cock with hairy nuts. I couldn't believe he was going to let me do it. I was ready to go.

"Oh wait, we need," I said and started to get off the bed. Kyfer used his free hand to push me back down.

"Don't worry, I got a condom for you," he laughed.

"Thanks, bro!" I said and looked around for it.

Kyfer finished lubing himself up and then wiped his hands clean on a towel. He went back into the bathroom to toss it and came back with a foil package. I reached for it, but he shook his head. He tore at it with his teeth and fished out the clear rubber. He popped it in his mouth and then knelt over me on the bed. He leaned forward and took my cock into his mouth again. I felt his lips, teeth, tongue roll it down over my pulsing cock.

He was an expert at this. He walked on his knees up over my stomach and his hard, floppy cock rubbed up my chest. I leaned forward to smell a hint of sweat from it. He was a very clean guy, I guess he had prepared for this. He reached over me and grabbed a bottle of lube and then twisted his chest back to squeeze some of it on my cock. It felt cold, but quickly warmed as he fisted my cock to spread it evenly.

"Fuck that's hot," he noted. "I haven't had white meat in a while."

He had moved farther up my chest and I leaned forward and grabbed his cock. It was thick and long. I could barely close my grip around it. It left little doubt of his lineage. He looked down at me when he felt my hand on his cock.

"Yeah, stroke it. Do what you want with me," he encouraged. I leaned forward and licked at it as I fisted him.

"Fuck yeah," he hissed as my lips enveloped his head and sucked his tip into my mouth. He tasted salty, strong, almost like Tarik.

And then he pulled away. It was hardly a minute and I wanted more. I looked up at him with loss, and saw a kind smile cross his lips as his eyes studied me.

He backed away though until I felt the ring of his hole sit against the tip of my raging cock.

"Ahhhh fuck," I said as he slid down on it. I pushed up into him, he didn't resist. He sank down halfway with a loud moan as his eyes screwed up but stayed open to focus on me.

"Yeah that's good. Aww baby," he squeaked out as his voice went up half an octave. He put his hands on my pecs and squeezed them to steady himself as he slowly lowered down on me.

"Fuck! That's... Fuck!" I yelled as my cock wormed up into a tight hole. It gripped me perfectly in a warm envelope of pure pleasure. I felt waves of it rush through me and watched as his presence weakened in front of me. His face contorted into a look of pained joy, that same mix I felt when Tarik gave it to me.

I reached up and grabbed his pecs like I would do to a girl. He moaned and whimpered as he started to slide on me.

"Yeah," he breathed and then leaned down to kiss me. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders as my cock slid inside him. He was breathing hard and opening to me.

"Yeah?" I growled as I started to bite on his earlobe. "You like that fat cock in your tight hole?"

"Yeah... fuck... please... you feel... so good," he said as he started to slid up and down on me. I reached one hand down and cupped his left ass cheek, squeezing it roughly. He had a furry ass, not overly so, but enough to remind me that he was a man.

"Fuck yeah, take my cock," I said and started to shove into him deeper. I buried it inside him until I felt his hairy cheeks rest against my smooth balls. Something about bottoming out in him sent a rush of pride and dominance through me.

He let me stay there for a moment as he whined like a bitch and buried his face against my shoulder. He wanted this to last and knew how close I was to blowing. I started trying to think about surfing again. But I was fascinated watching him, and his hole gripped my cock perfectly. He started to bounce again slowly as he raised his eyes to mine. He was studying me, a professional.

"Ahhh," I groaned as I felt my cock pulse in his hole. My eyes started to roll back and my head leaned back against the pillow, but then I felt his hand on the back of my neck. He pulled my head up and kept our eyes locked as he slowly bounced on me. He did it four times, almost pulling off of me completely and then sliding back down. He caught a look in my eye and then paused and let my cock twitch away from explosion.

"Fuck I need to cum," I said and sounded almost like pleading.

"You can do this, Cage. Put it off. A good alpha knows to hold off until his bottom has had enough," Kyfer begged.

"Have you had enough then?" A voice asked from the doorway.

We both snapped our eyes up to see Mr. Almari standing there, taking us in. He was loosening his tie and looked happy to find such a scene in his bed.

"Uh," I started, but he held up a hand.

"It's ok, don't let me interrupt. The meeting was short. Kyfer's father never puts up much of a struggle. Nice to see you again." Mr. Almari nodded towards Kyfer.

"Hello sir," Kyfer said without a hint of embarrassment. He used my shock and shame to bounce on my cock a few more times.

"Ahhh!" I called out again as my cock reminded me what was going on. Kyfer slowed down again. I didn't look at him. I was too distracted by Mr. Almari who was taking off his suit as though there weren't two guys fucking in his bed.

"Sir! I didn't hear you come in," A fourth voice added from the doorway. Vijay came in holding a towel around his waist. His chest and hair were wet like he'd just showered. I heard girls laughing in the distance. Was the whole hotel coming to watch me?

"Dude, can you stop?" I pushed at Kyfer who was still undeterred by the interruptions.

"Don't stop, seed him." Mr. Almari came towards me with a look of approval. He paused next to me and then turned towards Vijay. Kyfer kept right on bouncing over me, forcing my rock hard cock up his innermost part.

"Fuck yeah," Kyfer growled and leaned down to suck on my neck.

"Yes, everything went very well! The papers are signed and filed," Mr. Almari said as he reached down to pet my hair.

"Excellent, I'll pop on some clothes and be right back," Vijay said.

"Clothes would apparently be overdressing for this room," Mr. Almari laughed. "Why don't you go enjoy your guests. You earned the night off. I'll handle things in here."

"Yes sir, of course!" Vijay said and turned back towards the suite's living room. I heard him say some things in Arabic and then the happy giggles of the girls as they followed him back to his room. His door closed and the sounds disappeared.

I looked up at Mr. Almari who was watching over me with protective eyes as my face contorted in gasps of pleasure. It probably sounds completely fucked up, but having his approval put me at ease. He slid off his shirt and then tossed it alongside his pants. He stood over me in tented boxers as Kyfer kept working my cock.

"I'm going to cum," I warned and Kyfer stopped again. This constant edging had my cock filling the condom with precum. It was a bubbled knot over the tip of my cock and leaking down the sides.

"Not like that. You want to be an alpha? You need to seed him, Cage," Mr. Almari coached.

"How sir?" I asked as Kyfer bit down on my shoulder.

"Get up, put his face in the comforter and ride him like a man," he said. He gave Kyfer's ass a hard slap and the man reluctantly slid off my cock.

I laid there as my cock pulsed and flopped down against my stomach. It looked huge and angry from all the edging. It wanted to blow. It wanted to seed.

"Get your head down, slut. Put that hole in the air and beg for his seed like a good little bitch," Mr. Almari barked with authority. The pride drained out of Kyfer and a look of deep lust crossed his face. He knew a real man was in the room and he responded in kind.

"Yes sir, please fuck me. Please give me your seed," he begged as he got on his knees and put his chest and face against the blanket.

I climbed up behind him and put my hand on his back. I rubbed it like Tarik did to me when he took me that way.

"No, he is not your lover and you are not Tarik. He is used to force. It's the only thing he respects. Isn't that right, boy?" Mr. Almari gripped Kyfer's hair and pulled his head back at a painful angle as he rubbed his own package.

"Yes sir, please fuck me hard. I need it," Kyfer whined. Mr. Almari laid down next to us on the bed to watch. He kept a fistful of Kyfer's hair in his grip and brought the man's head over to his lap. Kyfer pulled back Mr. Almari's boxers with his teeth until the giant alpha meat plopped out with a thud. It was full, fat, and ready to be worshiped.

"Can I suck you, sir?" Kyfer asked, and looked as though he'd forgotten I was at his ass.

"We will see if you can. So far you're only good at begging," Mr. Almari said as he pushed Kyfer's face down along his meat. The man slurped up the alpha meat hungrily. He sucked the fat brown tip into his lips which were red and puffy from kissing and sucking.

I gave my cock one tug or good luck and then gripped it and pushed the tip against his hole. It felt tighter like this and I got a good gasp from the man as I shoved inside him.

"Ahhh!" he cried out, but then quickly went back to his meal of Almari.

"That's right, fucktoy. My boy knows how to give you what you beg for," Mr. Almari said with pride. He looked up at me and nodded with a wink. He wanted me to go rough on him, enjoy my weekend as a man.

"Fuck," I groaned as I sank into him. I grabbed his ass roughly and squeezed his cheeks as I started to pound him.

"That is, boy. Let him know who's boss. Fuck that ass. He can take it," Mr. Almari urged.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck," I swore as I started to slam into him. I fucked him in a hard and steady rhythm. I knew it was working because he kept letting Mr. Almari slide out of his mouth to grunt, whine, and beg for more.

"That feels so good, harder, Cage. Please, sir," Kyfer whined and tried to please both of us at the same time.

"Yeah, boy. You heard him. Give the bitch what he begs for," Mr. Almari praised as he pulled Kyfer by the hair to stay put on his cock. He was bucking his hips too, facefucking Kyfer.

"That hole feels so good. I'm so close," I said between gasps for air.

"Yeah his throat's not bad either, just a little untrained," Mr. Almari noted. He leaned back against the headboard with one arm behind his head and the other pushing Kyfer down on his cock.

"Fuck, I'm gonna," I yelled as my cock pulsed in his hole. I bottomed out in him as my cock started to spew and unload in the condom. I felt my balls slap against his ass as I buried it to the hilt.

"Yeah, baby. Give it to him. Fuck yeah," Mr. Almari said and watched me as I cursed and flailed and buried my seed inside his depth.

"Ahhh yeah," I called out as I doubled over and fell against his back. I filled his hole with my seed. Well, I filled the condom, but he enjoyed it anyways.

"Oh... yeah," I said lazily as I collapsed onto his hot, sweaty back. He had served me well. My body felt drained and exhausted from the pent up energy and seed that had been unleashed.

Kyfer was moaning with is mouth stuffed. I recovered my breath as I leaned over him and watched him expertly work Mr. Almari's cock.

"Fuck, boy, fuck yeah," Mr. Almari said only this time Kyfer was boy, not me. I felt a little jealousy as Kyfer worked the cock I craved, but I was too spent to do much about it. I stayed on his back until I recovered enough to slip out of him and roll off.

I landed on my back against the bed at Mr. Almari's side. He slid an arm around me and brought me into his side so I could watch. Kyfer's eyes were red with tears as he worked to keep up with alpha cock. Mr. Almari had let go of his hair, but he still kept sliding the cock down to his throat until he gagged and gasped for air.

Mr. Almari spat encouragement or belittlement at him. I wasn't sure which it was since he used Arabic and it always sounds harsh to me. Kyfer kept on going though. He had one hand under Mr. Almari's fat, hairy balls to pull and twist them. It brought approving grunts from the alpha male.

"Uhhhh yeah," Mr. Almari hissed. "Fuck yeah, that's pretty good."

I knew the feeling since Kyfer had recently worked mine over. I watched as Mr. Almari bucked his hips to throatfuck the man. Kyfer kept sputtering, but didn't pull away. He was determined.

"Ahhh here it comes," Mr. Almari said and then reached down to hold Kyfer's head on his cock. He bucked his hips to fuck his mouth as his body tensed up and I knew he was unloading down the man's throat.

"Fuck yeah, oh fuck," he swore as he filled Kyfer's throat with his seed. I saw drops of white leak out of Kyfer's suctioning lips and a little dribbled out of his nose. He kept working at it though. He was truly desperate for seed.

Mr. Almari unleashed some curse words in Arabic as his eyes closed and his hips jutted up to bury his seed deep.

"Ahhhh," he gasped as his body bounced a few times against the bed.

"Yesss," he hissed and then collapsed back against the mattress.

"Oh yah," I chimed in. "Fuck that's hot."

"Yeah?" Mr. Almari asked after a minute of recovery.

"Yes sir," Kyfer said as he sat up and wiped the cum drops from the sides of his lips. He licked the back of his hand clean and then smiled and rubbed at his red, teary eyes.

"Thank you, sirs," he said with a dopey grin.

Mr. Almari's cock laid fat against his stomach. I reached down and gave it a solid tug to get the last of his cum out of the tip. I swiped at it with my finger and tasted him, just like I always did his son.

"I hope you took notes," Mr. Almari said as he recovered his breath.

"For what, sir?" I asked with a laugh.

"You're doing it tomorrow," he laughed. He hugged me to his side with a tight, muscled arm across my back. He gave my forehead a kiss and laughed again.

"I'll get it right," I assured him.

"Good. Ok, you can go now, Kyfer. Get your clothes and put them on outside. I finished with your father and now with you. Your family has had enough of me for one night," Mr. Almari laughed.

Kyfer didn't even look at me. He nodded happily and went to collect his things. He left with a thanks to Mr. Almari. I heard him pull on his clothes and then the door to the suite closed.

"Well kid, let's get cleaned up and then have some dinner," Mr. Almari said.

We went off to the shower and rubbed soap and shampoo over each other.

We had dinner delivered and caught the end of the game together in the living room. Vijay came out later and pushed two women out of his room. He handed them some money and kissed their delighted faces. They were beautiful and well-dressed as though he had met them at a formal event. I had no idea what he had been up to, but he came to join us on the couch and had a happy glow over his normally serious face.

Vijay helped himself to the rest of the food and joined us in cheering on the national team. He jabbed me when we scored and joked about the players who were sucking. We were all just regular dudes there.

It was such a contradiction from how things normally went. We hung out on the couch the rest of the night like three guys just watching a game who hadn't fucked each other or had two women in his room or had previously sported a cock cage. I guess that quote about soccer is true. It is the one sport that brings all cultures, forces, societies together as equals on the field or in the spectator seats. We weren't alphas and subs here, we were friends.

I couldn't wait to see what we did with the rest of our weekend. ---

Next: Chapter 7

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