Cage Cock Cairo

By Emri S.

Published on Sep 9, 2023


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Cage goes to school, but fails to learn...

-{~ Cage Cock Cairo! ~}-

Chapter 5

-by Emri-

"Here," Tarik said and shoved a colorful piece of paper money into my hand. "You can get a juice at the stand over there when you finish." He pointed towards a slick, chrome covered stand along the wall near the entrance to the university fitness center.

"Keep your headphones in and don't make eye contact with anyone. My father is well known here and you're enough of a fuck-up to cause a scandal. If someone talks to you just keep your mouth closed and nod happily. They'll think you from some random European country," he admonished. He pulled me to the locker room and looked around to make sure the restroom area was empty. He pulled me into the last stall and locked it.

"This is set to alert me if you leave the center." He pulled the waistband of my shorts and jockstrap to give my cock a tug and rub his finger over the cock cage that was linked to the app on his phone. I looked down to see it glow green which meant it was armed for monitoring me.

"Just do your routine and get your juice. I'll be back when my class is over and take this off so you can take a shower before we go to lunch. Your clothes will be locked up here and I'll open it for you when I get back," he whispered so we wouldn't draw attention in the quiet restroom.

"Yes sir. I'll do my routine and wait for you quietly," I said. I wanted to show him he could trust me here.

It was his first day taking me to campus with him. It made me miss my own campus back home in California and regret the way I'd thrown it all away. But my fuck up back home had led me to this and I couldn't imaging going back to life without the Almari's guidance, discipline, and care.

"You still surprise me, Cage," Tarik laughed as he stepped back from me. He took the 100 pound note from my hand and shoved it into the side waistband of my jockstrap.

"What do you mean, sir?" I asked and bit my lip as I looked at his handsome, brown face. His wide, dark eyes studied me from behind his chiseled, Arab nose.

"When I saw you, you looked like an alpha jock, so in control and ready to take on the world. But you're not, not at all. You really are a needy little pussy, aren't you? Just an aimless little fucker. You really wouldn't last out there on your own without a real man to steer you. Would you?" Tarik asked with an amazed smile.

I didn't know how to respond. I've always been proud of who I am; my looks, my muscles, my family's wealth. His words didn't sit well in my stomach. I wanted to make him happy. I didn't want to argue with him. I was still getting used to being considered lesser around them. My pride popped up randomly and I didn't always swallow it.

Tarik's smile faded. He was good at reading me.

"It's not an insult, Cage. It's who you are," Tarik reached for me with both hands and rubbed my sides like he was comforting a smaller boy. My body reacted to his touch with a spread of warmth and electric bliss. It wasn't just him, it was who he came from. His family was alpha men, more god-like than any I'd ever met. My primal instincts bowed in their presence. His approval meant everything.

"I never thought that about myself... until I came here... with you. Are you disappointed?" I asked and lowered my eyes.

"Of course not!" Tarik said a little too loudly. He lowered his voice to a whisper, "A hot blond boy begs for my cock with uncontrollable lust. How could that be disappointing?"

He may have just been a boy of my age, but his tone and stature held a lineage of dominance.

"It's not just cock. I feel like I've found my purpose when I'm with you, like I finally found something that matters. I need you more than I've ever needed anything," I admitted softly and raised my eyes to look at him. His nose was an inch from mine. He leaned in and kissed me.

"I need you too. I feel so protective over you. We all do, Cage. You fit with us...You belong..." Tarik trailed off. His cologne hit my nose as he brought me in again. He touched my lips with his own and then gave a second quick kiss to my forehead. I bowed my head and put my lips to his shoulder as his arms slid around my back. He slid his hands down to my ass and gripped it playfully. I knew I wanted to earn time tonight for him to break me in again.

"I have to go. I have class. Don't let me down, and maybe we can make this a routine for you," he said. He pushed away from me and then came back for one last kiss. His tongue slid past my lips and wrestled my own for a quick minute.

"I'll be good. I'll make you proud," I assured as he broke the kiss and went to open the stall door a crack. He checked to see we were still alone and then led me out to the lockers. He secured my bag in a locker and I handed him his backpack which I'd carried since the car.

He locked up my bag and then handed me my workout towel and the cheap prepaid cell phone he'd gotten me for emergencies. It had the numbers of all the family members plus Vijay along with a few little game apps for when I had downtime. It was nowhere as nice as the expensive phone that Mr. Almari had taken from me. He would text me though when he was finished with class and ready to meet up.

Tarik went to class and I headed out to do some quick cardio before working my way through the free weights. I put in my headphones and found the music playlist Tarik had made me on the phone for my workout. It was songs he liked but in between each song he had put a short voice recording of encouraging notes.

"You can do this, Cage. If you get sad or bored you can text me, but only once and then wait until I respond. If I can't reply right away then just wait. Keep going and don't be a fuck-up. I love you," his voice said before playing a dance tune. The other messages were similar and sometimes he told me information about the music I was listening to.

Some of the notes were short and some were longer. I smiled like an idiot as I went through the free weights and listened to my trainer's words.

When I was just about finishing up the workout the note told me to take a selfie in the mirror behind the free weights and text it to him. I went immediately and took one of me smiling and sweaty. Tarik had put me in a blue tank top and white workout shorts. I did several goofy poses hoping he would laugh when he saw them.

It attracted the attention of a group of guys working out near me. I moved to the wall away from them. I looked down to adjust the lighting on the picture and then sent it off to Tarik's cell which he'd marked as "Master."

When I looked up, the group of guys had moved next to me and were looking at me with interest. There weren't a lot of white foreigners in this private university so I had attracted a few stares going around it with Tarik.

One of them said something to me in Arabic and I immediately looked down at my feet as Tarik had said.

"Didn't mean to scare you... You speak English, bro?" The guy said in a language I understood. I looked up just a little, but didn't meet his eyes. He was bigger than me, stronger, older. He had a tight black tank top that showed off his muscles.

"No English... Sorry," I said and tried to sound Eastern European as I nodded happily as Tarik had instructed. I didn't want to engage them though my body felt that inner magnet turn to a high setting as I smelled his sweat and heavy cologne.

The guy just laughed and put his hand on my shoulder. He used a hand to lift my chin so our eyes met and looked at me like he thought I was somehow mentally challenged.

He said something in Arabic again and then made signs with his hand as if to say "I not fight you. Ok?"

I must have looked frightened. He was trying to say he didn't want to hurt me. I nodded happily and pointed towards a weight I wanted to use next.

But he wasn't letting me get away. These Egyptian guys, I would learn, were very interested in foreigners. They wanted to be welcoming, but also wanted to know what you were doing in their country. He said something to his friends and they laughed as he smiled at me warmly. They closed in around me with interested looks.

"Nabil," the man said and pointed to his chest. "Nabil, Nabil Nah-beel," he enunciated for me as he poked at his chest. He waved his hand in front of me as if waiting for me to repeat.

"Nah-beel," I said with exaggerated Eastern European affectation. He nodded happily with laughter and then put his hand in the center of my chest and patted approvingly.

I smiled back like I had no idea what was going on. I bowed my head politely and tried to slide to his side. But he put an arm to block my way. He had me pinned between his chest and the weights. His arm was on one side of me and his friends were on the other. I had paused the playlist from Tarik. I felt my phone buzz, but couldn't get to it without him seeing that I typed in English.

Nabil put his hand to the center of my chest again and looked at me questioningly like I was supposed to give my name. That's the first step in trusting someone, knowing each other's names. I fidgeted with my phone in my pocket. It was buzzing solidly now like he was trying to call me.

"Kay-shh," I said slowly with the accent I was using. I pointed at my chest and said it again, faster.

"Kaysh?" Nabil said and looked back at his friends with a questioning look. He took his hand off my chest and I used the opportunity to slide away from him and turn towards the gap between his friends.

"Kaysh!" Nabil called as I made it between his friends and started towards the locker room.

"Go pee me now!" I said and turned back to Nabil's group with a smile. I pointed towards the locker room and he relaxed. He gave me a happy nod and shrugged at his friends.

I made it to the locker room and found a stall. Tarik had called and texted back to call him right away. I called him back and he was angry. He said he was on a break and finishing up the class soon. He asked why I didn't answer and I just told him I was pissing. That seemed to be my excuse today. I didn't want him knowing I had broken his rules and spoken to the men in the gym. He seemed to buy it and had to rush back to class.

I hung up with him and then I really did have to piss. I quickly did my business and then washed up a little to go get my juice. I slipped the 100 pound note from my jockstrap and dried it off. Tarik would be there in twenty minutes so I peeked out to scan for Nabil. I didn't see him so I stepped out of the locker room and made my way to the juice bar. I got up to the guy at his little stand and I decided on a frozen strawberry thing with some green fruits and a protein shot. Luckily he spoke English. But as I finished ordering, I heard a voice behind me that made me freeze.

"So you do speak English," A voice said behind me. I turned and looked to see Nabil there with one of his friends.

"Uh... very leetle Een-gwish," I flashed a big smile and resumed my Eastern European affect.

"Cut the shit, dude," Nabil laughed. "I was just being nice. No harm."

"No, it's just... I'm not supposed to..." I started to explain, but I knew Tarik would take away a star if he found out I broke the rules. The guy behind the counter interrupted by calling my name. He handed me my juice and I just went directly for one of the high tables in a little area between the girls and guys' sections of the fitness center.

I hoped Tarik would walk in soon. I was ready for a shower and a little hungry. I wanted to find out what he had for me to do next. I'd done a good workout but failed him on following his instructions. I sipped my juice and looked hopefully at the door.

I saw Tarik walk in, he gave me a look that said he was relieved to find me following orders. But then he stopped and his happy smile faded. I heard the stool to the left of me move and turned to see what disrupted his peace. Nabil was there, alone, holding his juice and giving me an intrigued look.

"Mind if I join you? Or are you still faking not understanding me?" He asked. He held up his juice with a muscled arm and stared intimidatingly. He wasn't going away easily.

"Um... I..." I fumbled for words. Tarik came up and said something to him in Arabic. The two shook hands and Tarik slid in on the third stool around the small table.

The two of them talked back in forth in Arabic. The tone sounded threatening, but they were keeping their voices down. Tarik puffed up, trying to show that he was the dominant one here. I lowered my eyes to my juice and caught Nabil's understanding as he looked at me with an interested smile.

"I knew something was up," Nabil said with a laugh. "Wish I'd gotten to him first."

"Sometimes he's more trouble than he's worth," Tarik laughed, the tension gone from their conversation.

I looked up to find them both eyeing me, having a good laugh at my lack of masculine power. They went back to talking in Arabic, I wasn't important enough to translate for. Tarik took my juice and sipped it without asking. He set it in front of him with no move to slide it back to me.

"That's not bad. Go buy one for me with the change you have left," Tarik said. "We have some things to discuss."

I loped back to the juice stand and ordered another one. I had just enough left to get Tarik's and give the guy a tip. By the time I got back to the table, the two were laughing and chatting like best friends. I handed Tarik his juice and he took it without thanks He'd finished half of mine and slid it over to me. They both went on in Arabic for another few minutes before Tarik finally addressed me.

"Nabil tells me you were watching him do his weights. He caught you checking him out several times. Is that what you should have been focusing on here?" Tarik asked me. Nabil had lied, or maybe Tarik just said that to add to my troubles.

"No sir. I should have focused on my workout," I said. I caught Nabil's eye. He was surprised I went along with it.

"You will be punished. And you were told not to talk to anyone. Yet you did. Maybe you need lashes when we get home," Tarik said.

"No sir, I couldn't help it. He had me cornered with his friends," I said as my heart pounded in fear of getting whipped. He'd never done that. I had tried to follow his orders. That should count for something.

"Excuses. Did I ask the boy for excuses?" Tarik asked Nabil.

"I don't believe you did. He's pretty mouthy," Nabil said and shook his head.

"He is, isn't he? Disrespectful to his trainer... and in public!" Tarik gave me a look of anger. I couldn't tell if it was real or fake. Either way, he'd make me pay for it.

"Nabil here has offered to help with your punishment. We also need to shower you before you get back in my car. Would you like Nabil to help here in your punishment? Or would you rather take a quick shower and face my building wrath when we get home? I might be much more angry when we get home. It might be best to suffer the consequences before we leave the gym," Tarik said.

He sipped his juice and gave me a minute to think. They joked with each other in Arabic. Nabil looked at me for a second and I imagined what his discipline might be. Would I get to see if his cock measured up to the Almaris?" Would I get to suck him? There was only one way to find out.

"I'll take it here," I said. The two of them were talking and they ignored me. I realized it was rude to interrupt. I waited a few minutes until they stopped talking.

"Sir," I said and waited for Tarik to look at me.

"Please, I'll take my punishment here," I said and looked between them.

"Sure, in a few minutes," Tarik said and sipped his juice lazily. The two of them went back to talking and ignored me. They seemed to be getting along quite well. I was happy Tarik was making a new friend, but it gave me time to worry about what the punishment would be.

They finished their juices and Tarik slid off his stool. He and Nabil started to walk off and I scrambled off of mine.

"Throw those cups away for us and then head back to the locker," Tarik said and walked off. I collected the juice cups and used the napkin Nabil had left to wipe off the table. I threw away the cups and headed towards the locker room.

I found them at the lockers stripping out of their clothes. Tarik folded his shirt and then slid off his pants. He stood there in a pair of briefs and pulled my bag out of the locker. Nabil was a few doors over, shirtless and pulling out his own bag. His strong chest was accented in dark hair that covered his pecs and had a narrow trail down his abs. My hole twitched at the thought of playing with him.

"Don't just stand there gawking at us, perv. Strip," Tarik barked in annoyance. I slid off my shirt and laid it on the bench by our locker. I took off my shoes and socks and then went for my shorts. When I got down to my jockstrap, I worried about the cock cage. There were a few other guys who had just come into the locker room and they would certainly notice a glowing ring around my pale, whiteboy cock.

"Um, sir," I said and moved close to Tarik who was standing naked with one leg up on the bench as he talked to Nabil. I noticed Nabil's thick, flaccid cock swing between his thighs. It was a few shades darker than the rest of his body. I always wondered about guys like that.

"Come here," he whispered and pushed me towards the open locker door. I worried he would shove me in, but he used it as cover to peer into my jockstrap. Nabil moved in towards us to get a look.

"Woah," he laughed when he saw it. "You weren't kidding."

Tarik reached into the locker and took out his phone. He hit a few buttons on it and I felt the pressure release on the ring. He reached down and slid it off my cock and balls with a yank. It pulled my nuts harshly and I yelped quietly so as to not attract attention. Tarik held it up to show Nabil how it worked as I shucked the jockstrap and began folding my dirty clothes. I put them in the bottom of the locker and then put our bag on top of them. I stacked Tarik's clothes from the bench and put them neatly next to our bag.

Tarik gave me a quick smack on the ass and then nudged his chin toward a hallway. I followed him to it and Nabil came behind me. It was lined with doors spaced 3 or 4 feet apart.

"Grab three towels," Tarik said and pointed to a set of shelves in the left side of the hall. I grabbed three big towels and followed him. He went down to the last door and opened it. Inside was a light blue tiled room maybe 4 feet by 8 feet. It had a shower head and an overhead light.

We piled in quickly and I hung the towels on hooks by the door. Tarik locked the door behind us. It was a little claustrophobic to be in there with two other men, but I knew there were worse feelings to come.

"On your knees. We'll hose you off in a minute, but first you owe Nabil an apology for dragging him into your disobedience. You can start by cleaning off his sweaty cock," Tarik said. I sank to my knees and Nabil came close. I smelled his sweat from a hard workout.

His cock dangled close to my nose and inhaled a rank musk of proud male. It was thick and already starting to stand up. He was into this. I reached for his cock but Tarik smacked my head.

"You have to ask him. He's a person. He has a right to consent before you touch his dick. Use your brain, Cage," Tarik warned.

"Please sir," I said looking up at him. His eyes bored down into me as a smile crept across his thick brown lips. His handsome eyes glowed warmly at me. "May I clean your cock, please?"

"Sure... yeah," Nabil sounded nervous. I reached for his cock again, but again Tarik showed displeasure. He grabbed my hair and pulled my head back to look up at him.

"Does a boy clean cock with his hands or his mouth? Open!" Tarik said. I opened my lips wide and Tarik pushed me forward and onto Nabil's thick, salty meat. Tarik shoved my head farther on it until I gagged and sputtered around it.

"That's it, spit-shine that cock. Don't be lazy," Tarik encouraged as he rammed me on and off Nabil's cock.

"Ahhh he's good. Fuck that's good," Nabil said as I stared up at him. Our eyes connected and then his hand reached to take over for Tarik. Tarik let go of my hair so Nabil could take it. He gripped it and pulled me onto his cock and then he held me there and started to face-fuck me.

"Yeah! That's it! Shove it in until he gags, it's the way you train their throats to take more. Eventually he gets over the shock," Tarik said and I heard him move around behind me. My cock, freed from its cage was rock hard. I used Tarik's distracted state to touch it a little. I wouldn't cum, of course not without permission. But I couldn't resist touching it as I cleaned Nabil's cock.

Nabil pulled me off of his cock and jacked it in my face a few times. He rubbed the tip across my lips and then lifted it up. He shoved my face into his balls. If his dick was sweaty, his balls were worse. I coughed immediately as the smell hit my face. My nose was pressed between the two heavy, furry golf sized nuts that hung low between his thighs. Nabil, still gripping my hair in one hand raised me up so the ballsack draped over my nose. I coughed again and tried to get away, but he pulled my hair painfully.

"Stop the bitching or I'll have you eat his ass," Tarik warned. "I'm not putting up with a pussy who can't take it."

"Yes sir," I whined but stopped struggling. I raised my head and opened my mouth to suck in a ball and delicately swirl my tongue around it. It wasn't pleasant, but something about pleasing Tarik by cleaning the sweaty funk of this alpha muscle man made my cock leak precum down my shaft.

"Ahhh fuck he's... fuck that's good... He gets off on this?" Nabil asked Tarik.

"Oh yeah, he loves it. He begs for it every chance he gets," Tarik assured.

"I don't get it. He's a hot guy. Good body, nice muscles. I wouldn't think anything's wrong with him just by looking at him," Nabil said it like my lust for Arab cock was somehow a disability. Maybe he wasn't too far off. I felt Tarik begin to push two slicked up fingers against my hole. He was squatted down behind me where I knelt in front of Nabil. I felt his hot breath on the back of my neck as his fingers poked aggressively at my ring.

"I know! I thought the same thing. Plus, his family is loaded, from California. I didn't get it either, but then I just went with it. Once I got inside that pussy, I knew it was right. His biggest need is to be owned, to be trained by a dominant man." Tarik pushed hard until his fingers slid inside me. He'd lubed them up with something that made my hole feel warm and tingly. I wiggled on him as I licked Nabil's nuts clean.

"And you just loan him out like this? Fucking hot, bro," Nabil said and pulled my head off his nuts. He leaned down so our noses were a few inches apart. He looked at me and then spit a wad of saliva into my open mouth. "Fucking hot," he said as I coughed and winced at the surprise attack.

"Actually no. You're the first one and he wasn't supposed to talk to anyone. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to bring him here and leave him alone. He sticks out too much and those blue eyes and cherry lips just beg to have a cock shoved in him," Tarik lamented. His voice was calm as though he wasn't shoving fingers in my hole.

"Well if you bring him at the same time, I wouldn't mind baby-sitting. I'd keep it between you and me of course. Just something about him drew me in. I could keep the others away. Of course I may want to use this mouth from time to time if that's alright with you," Nabil offered. He shoved his dick back down my throat. I was happy to be back on it. I'd cleaned it nicely and I started to swallow the precum his tip had built up.

"That would really help out! Are you good with that, Cage?" Tarik asked. Nabil pulled me off his dick and leaned down to look at me.

"You want that, boy? You want to be my little cocksucker while your master is in class? I'll make sure he earns it by getting a hard workout in first." Nabil couldn't hide his happiness. This wasn't something he did everyday.

"Yes sir! I'd love that! Thank you!" I responded happily. I didn't like being on my own in the gym. It felt weird after being watched and guided by a dominant male everywhere else. I knew I could make Tarik happy and earn stars without worrying about getting in trouble.

"Good, now get back on his cock," Tarik laughed as he shoved the fingers deep in my ass.

His drilling on one end and Nabil's on the other had me happily spitroasted and my hard cock thumped without being touched. It throbbed and begged for release. I knew that if I touched it, it would erupt all over.

"Fuck," I whined as Tarik's fingers started to ram in and out of my hole. Nabil was shoving his cock into my mouth and then taking it all the way out and rubbing the tip over my nose.

"I'm going to cum. I can't stop it," I whined.

"No!" Tarik barked but he didn't stop ramming his fingers in my twitching, begging boyhole.

"Ahhh," I whined and knew I was on the edge.

"Fuck. You see what I was talking about? More trouble than he's worth!" Tarik said with heavy annoyance. He ripped his fingers from my hole painfully and gripped the back of my neck tightly. He stood and dragged me up with him. He pushed me over to a shower head in the corner and turned on the cold water. He turned it all the way up so I was hit by a blast of ice water.

"Ahhh! Fuck!" I yelled and jumped to the side. Tarik grabbed me by the balls and yanked me back to the icy stream. He twisted my nuts as he thrust my erection up into the freezing water.

"This will calm your little problem," he said as he wagged my shrinking cock in the water.

My cock shriveled to an embarrassing state as I shivered in the cold. My body shook violently at the drastic change in temperature, but Tarik kept me there until he was satisfied that I wasn't in danger of cumming soon.

"There," he noted as he turned off the water. "All better. He let me down today so he definitely hasn't earned the right to finish. When you play with him, make sure he earns it if he wants to cum." Tarik led me back over and pushed me down to my knees in front of Nabil.

I shivered as Nabil put his hands on my shoulders and rubbed them soothingly. He looked at me with pity as my teeth chattered in front of him. Tarik was finished fingering my hole and I felt his lubed cock poke against it. He was behind me, taking me like a dog. I felt his hot breath on the back of my neck as he kissed it. His hands rubbed my pecs and he twisted and squeezed my ice-hardened nipples.

"Suck him, Cage. Open that mouth and do what it was made for. Be my good little bitch and I'll fill you with what you need," Tarik growled against my ear. His face was only inches from Nabil's cock as he bit and sucked on my earlobe from behind. I was bent over on all fours against the tile floor of the shower room as Tarik started to take me from behind.

"Fuck," I hissed as Tarik pushed into me. I leaned forward and Nabil gripped my hair again. He guided me onto his cock and I sucked it in happily. I nursed it like a pacifier as Tarik began to shove deeper into me. It was only my second time to be fucked but he'd been fingering me every day and using little toys on me when I sucked his cock. Nothing was as big as his fat cock, but he didn't want me too stretched, too open.

"Fuck that pussy is tight," Tarik praised. My hole squeezed down on his thick cock and he moaned deeply as he slid into me. It was his to own.

"Yeah? I've only fucked a real pussy," Nabil said as he face fucked me.

"It's a totally different feel. It's tighter and warmer. It makes me cum so hard. There's also the power thing. He begs and whines for it. Big hot jock until you get near his pussy and then he snivels like a desperate puppy," Tarik started to slide in and out of my hole while Nabil jammed his thick snake in my throat.

"That sounds hot man. My girl wouldn't let me do it. She says it's haram," Nabil said with disappointment.

"Uhhhh," Tarik groaned as he slid into me and started to hump me wildly. "I never last long in a tight ass. His is the tightest I've taken."

"He's pretty good at sucking cock," Nabil said. "I'm not going to last much longer either."

"Cum down his throat, he loves that," Tarik said and gave my nipples a twist as his cock slid all the way into me. Our balls slapped together as he bottomed out in me. I was losing focus in my eyes as the waves of heat and pleasure swept through me.

I had two hot Arab guys equal in their abilities to own me and let me know I was a subservient male. I felt pride in my ability to please them with my holes. Nabil gripped my hair as he face-fucked me, but his other hand held under my jaw and he rubbed my throat soothingly as I swallowed his precum and milked his shaft. Tarik was ramming my hole with his fat stick and pinching my already distressed nipples. But he was also kissing and sucking on my ears and neck. He whispered little gasps into my ear to let me know my hole pleased him, was worth his time.

I felt a few minutes of nirvana as the two men happily used my holes and rubbed me approvingly. I was being used for my highest purpose. It started as a little spark in my soul, but soon spread throughout me with pride.

Tarik erupted first. He slid his arms around my waist and hugged me tightly as his chest laid against my back. He shoved his cock as deep as it would go into me and then he hissed as his cock started to shake and fill me with his seed.

"Take daddy's seed. Take what you beg for in that tight little pink pussy," Tarik spat as he filled me.

"That's fucking hot. I'm going to... ahh!" Nabil groaned as he started to fire down my throat. I tasted his salty spunk as he filled my mouth. It was thick and filled with protein. I swallowed all he could give me. He let go of my hair and put his hand on the back of my head to press me hard against him. He jabbed the back of my throat with his thick cock and I started to gag as I tried to keep up with his offering.

Tarik rammed me harshly as his seed filled my hole. I felt so complete as both ends were filled with Arab juice.

"MMMM," I moaned happily through my stuffed mouth.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Tarik pounded me and kissed my neck.

"Yessss! Take it, bitch!" Nabil buried all he could in my throat. His breathing was ragged as he finished shooting down my throat. Tarik gave my hole a few more jabs. He was spent and collapsed against my back with a hiss.

"Fuck that felt good," Tarik breathed. He reached around to check that my own cock hadn't cum. I was rock hard again, but the cold had cut my need. My balls were still pulled up against me even though I was now filled with the men's warmth.

"Good boy," Tarik said as Nabil slipped his cock from my throat. Tarik stayed buried in my hole as we regained his breath.

"Thank you, sir," I said. I stayed on all fours, supporting his frame on my back. He gave a few last approving kisses to my neck and then leaned back off of me. He had let his cock soften up so it slid out with only minimal pain.

We got up and Nabil turned on the hot water so we could shower. The shower had dispensers next to the shower head for soap and shampoo. Tarik pumped out a copious amount of body wash and rubbed it over my chest.

"Woah, fuck! His tattoos are washing off!" Nabil said with concern.

"Oh he earns those for following instructions. Obviously he didn't do too well at the gym so he would have lost them anyways. I'll have to punish him tonight since he won't earn at least five," Tarik explained.

Nabil had all kinds of questions and they discussed my rewards system as we all cleaned each other. I knelt down and rubbed soap over their cocks and into their asses. I rubbed down their legs and even between their toes as they laughed and joked about how I could earn stars.

We finished up and then one by one escaped with towels back to the locker room. No one seemed to notice three men coming out of one shower room.

"I don't have time to punish you here. And no playing with Nabil wasn't punishment. I'll do it tonight at home," Tarik told me as he struggled to put my cock cage back on me.

I had been hard, but Tarik threatened to take my cock back under the freezing water. That quickly made it shrivel back to a manageable state. He was able to get the cage back on and showed Nabil some of the app features. He gave me a quick shock as I was putting on clean briefs. They both laughed as I doubled over and nearly slid off the bench. Tarik let Nabil give me one and made me thank him for it.


We got home and Tarik told his father and Ahmed how our day at school went. He had an open enough relationship with his father that they could talk about anything. There was no need to lie. Mr. Almari disapproved of bringing in a stranger with me.

"You could get into problems. That wasn't a good choice. I don't want Cage exposed to outsiders," Mr. Almari said as the three of them stood around the kitchen. Mr. Almari and Ahmed were sipping drinks and picking at a bowl of sliced fruit. Mr. Almari looked at me with pity and snapped his fingers for me to kneel at his side. I did and he rewarded me with a slice of mango. He pet my hair as I chewed it and said thank you.

"Poor puppy," Mr. Almari whispered down to me.

"You gave him to me! Did you not? Is he mine to train or not?" Tarik said with a tone of frustration. He didn't like having his decisions questioned like that. He didn't like his father having me at his side. I was his to dominate, his to own.

"Of course I trust you. You are certainly ready, but you have to be careful with things like this," Mr. Almari softened his admonishment. He was still petting me like a dog and reached a finger behind my right ear to scratch lightly. I purred.

He said something to Tarik in Arabic, perhaps realizing he was talking down to his son in front of his son's boy.

"I tried to keep him focused during his routine," Tarik insisted.

"He did! He made a playlist of songs and recordings of his voice encouraging me through my workout. It was awesome!" I chimed in. I raised my eyes to see everyone giving disapproving looks. My voice wasn't appreciated here. I should have tried barking.

"It didn't matter anyways. Nabil already figure out he was a submissive little fag. He said Cage was leering at him in the mirrors. He said if he didn't pick him up first, someone else would have," Tarik replied. He repeated the lie Nabil had said. I really wasn't even paying attention to him when I worked out.

"It's not entirely his fault. He's new to his passions for Arab men. Perhaps it was not the best idea to put him in a room filled with sweaty, muscular, dominant males brimming with youthful lust," Mr. Almari noted.

"Horny little dumbfuck," Ahmed chimed in. "Our family doesn't need a scandal like what he caused for his own."

"Agreed, perhaps it would be best to have him supervised while you are in class," Mr. Almari said. "I don't want him running around on his own, period."

"In the meantime, he should be punished. I gave him a simple task and he used his first time on his own to attract the advances of a stranger," Tarik noted.

"Agreed. You are his trainer. It is your responsibility to decide on the punishment," Mr. Almari told his son.

"I'll oil the whips. I've been itching to bruise that ass," Ahmed said and cracked his knuckles as he did some stretches.

"No, something different this time... Something harsher that he will remember and think about the next time his eye strays... I've got it! We'll do it after dinner. He can help Vijay prepare the meal. Go and wash up, boy. Change into your house uniform and then come back to help with dinner," Tarik ordered.

"Yes sir," I said and rose to my feet. I started off, but then I paused and turned back to my three owners.

"I'm sorry. I didn't intent to mess it up today. I promise you I wasn't looking at Nabil. I'd never look at anyone else the way I look at you," I said.

"You're saying Nabil is a liar?" Tarik looked at me like he wanted to believe me.

"No sir, just telling my truth," I said and lowered my eyes.

"Go, Cage. Do as you're told," Mr. Almari said calmly.

"Yes sir," I said and left.


Vijay was opening large paper bags and taking out foil trays when I made it back down to the kitchen. He looked at my chest and immediately frowned when he noted my lack of stars. Tarik had made sure that I lost them when he washed me off in the shower. I would work and try to earn more, but I knew punishment was coming regardless of what I attempted.

He'd had dinner delivered. He didn't explain why. I wasn't important enough for that conversation. He grunted and nodded towards a stack of nice plates and I decided he wanted me to set the table. I carried out the plates and set the in their places before returning for napkins and silverware. I had the table looking perfect with everything lined up exactly as Vijay liked it. I didn't ask for a star though. Today was not my day.

I helped Vijay scoop the trays of grilled meat onto platters. It smelled delicious. I scooped out the tubs of rice and marinated vegetables into large fancy bowls. I helped him carry it out to the men as they were sitting down and discussing something in Arabic. Vijay joined them for dinner. I knelt by Tarik's side. They ate for a few minutes and ignored me, but eventually Tarik set a small silver bowl of cucumbers and grilled lamb in front of me on the floor.

"Thank you, sir," I said and was rewarded with his hand on my head while I ate. He'd given me a fork so I wouldn't have to lap it up like a dog. He pet my hair, but otherwise ignored me as he ate. I finished all the meat in my small bowl, so he put a few pieces of lamb to my lips. I opened to take it and he pushed it inside. I licked his fingers clean and sucked on them. I noticed it was exciting him and his lap began to tent up with his filling cock.

They finished their meals, but then sat around laughing and talking about some things while I stayed knelt by Tarik's side. I'd finished my meal as well, and Tarik pulled my head over to his lap. Talking with his family as if nothing was going on, he pushed my nose into his crotch and rubbed my face over his lap while his cock thickened and tented up.

No one else was on our side of the table so they didn't know what he was up to. I didn't argue or make any noise. I happily absorbed his attention. It didn't go farther than rubbing my lips along the outline of his cock. They seemed more formal at mealtime. I wouldn't have minded a second helping of Tarik's meat for the day. I was so turned on from the play in the shower, but my cock cage was securely fastened on me and I knew I hadn't earned the right to cum that night.

I'd settle for whatever punishment he gave me. My ass was perpetually sore from the spankings. Tarik knew they were becoming routine to me. He knew I needed something different tonight. I think he knew that I wasn't looking at Nabil, that I'd never look at anyone like I looked at the Almari men. But it was out there and he wasn't going to back down.

"You'd better tell him now," Mr. Almari said in English suddenly. It snapped me out of my daze and Tarik released me from petting his fat cock outline.

"I thought we could discuss it more. I would keep him in my room the whole weekend," Tarik said with an anxious tone.

"Take a seat, Cage. We need to talk," Mr. Almari said. I scrambled up and slid into a seat next to Tarik.

"Yes, sir?" I asked happily though the mood had turned tense.

"Tarik neglected to tell you about his weekend trip to the Sinai. I don't think it's fair to not inform you. We may treat you like a pet, but you're still a person," Mr. Almari noted.

"Where are we going?" I asked with excitement. I used to travel around the world with my parents and my brothers. We'd been to most every continent worth seeing. But the thought of a simple weekend trip with Tarik seemed to make those other adventures pale in comparison.

"You will stay here... Tarik is going with friends for a beach weekend. They booked it months ago. Unfortunately it isn't wise to take you out of my house and especially not out of the city. You were discovered doing inappropriate things at the fitness center. You aren't ready for a weekend away from the protection of my home," Mr. Almari said.

I looked over at Tarik who stared at his phone as if he wasn't a part of this.

"But... I'd be good. And I wasn't staring at the guy at the gym. He came over to me and cornered me with his friends at the free weights. I was taking a selfie to send to Tarik of me working out. I promise I wasn't!" I rattled through my explanation until Mr. Almari held up his hand for silence. My heart was pounding in my ears. I felt my blood boil and knew my face was red.

"That's enough. This is for your own good. You're too emotional, too immature. You're not ready for a trip away," Mr. Almari said.

"I am! I am! Why does everyone try to get away from me?" I half yelled and then got choked up. I don't know why I said that. I guess I'd just been dropped by too many people and it was always "for my own good." Even my own father sent me halfway around the world "for my own good."

"Cage, my sweet boy. That's not what this is," Mr. Almari said. He said other things, but I couldn't hear him over the pounding in my head. I stood up and looked at them all in anger. They all eyed me with that sick gaze of pity. I knew that look.

I tore off up the stairs as Ahmed called "Zap him! He's getting away!"

"No, let him cool off," Mr. Almari said as I went over the little bridge above them and into his bedroom. I went for the safety of his closet, the place they kept me when they wanted me out of the way or wanted me to think about what I was doing. I knelt in the corner under a row of suit coats and then sank to my bottom and pulled my knees up into my chest.

I'd been working out pretty hard and my chest was getting bigger, my arms thickening with muscles. The yoga was making me more flexible too and the child's pose in the dark, cool closet felt calming and peaceful. I breathed through it until I saw a crack of light as the door slowly opened.

Mr. Almari's hulking figure came in and he closed the door behind him wordlessly. He slipped out of his shoes and came to find me in the dark corner of the closet. He followed my breathing.

"I left," I said though he was there and had watched me go.

"I know. You were hurt. You're bonded to Tarik. He loves you too. It hurts a trainer just as much as the boy when the two are parted. But it will make for a happy reunion when he returns," Mr. Almari sat next to me and pulled me into his side.

"I wanted it to be you. I wanted you to train me," I admitted. He rubbed my arm and squeezed my muscles.

"I know, sweet boy. But you will be attached to Tarik for many decades to come. Wherever life takes you, he will always be the one you can look to for guidance and support," Mr. Almari said.

"But you already have what I need. He's growing into it," I said.

"I do. I'm irresistibly handsome and strong. But Tarik will be stronger than I am soon enough. He is rising to his peak. I am not. Tarik will have what you need for the rest of your life. This isn't a short fantasy or summer fling. What you need is lifelong guidance. Tarik will provide that aptly," Mr. Almari said.

"What will I do without him all weekend?" I asked.

"Oh well since I will have to fill in for him in... every way... We will find many enjoyable activities," Mr. Almari laughed and rubbed his hand down my back. He squeezed my ass and I yelped. I'd fantasized about him taking me again, but for real. I'd thought about it since the time he rubbed his cock between my cheeks against the wet car and shot all over my shirt.

"Yes sir," I gasped against his shoulder.

"You'll be ok, Cage. You'll survive," he laughed.

He rubbed my ass for a few minutes and then smacked it playfully.

"I should get back to things," he said and stood up.

"Can I stay in here tonight?" I asked, hoping to escape punishment.

"No. This is your safe place you can run to when things get too crazy, not your place to avoid punishment from your master." Mr. Almari knew me too well.

"Ok sir," I said and stood to follow him.


I found Tarik in his bedroom stretched out on his bed. He was looking at something on his tablet and lounging in a small pair of green shorts and a white tank top. He had green socks pulled up over his calves. He didn't look up as I peeked in and I realized he was listening to earbuds.

"Sir," I said and waited for him to look up. He smiled and waved me over.

"I'm ready for my punishment," I said as he took out his earbuds. He set the tablet on a side table and swung around to sit up on the bed with his feet on the floor. He patted his lap and I went towards him. I thought he was going to spank me again so I bent over his lap to present my ass.

"No, dumbass," he laughed. He pushed me up and into a sitting position beside him on his bed.

"I wanted to talk first. You know I don't want to leave you here. But I also want to see my friends, and there's a party that's supposed to be epic. You'll be ok here. Dad said he would take care of... your needs." Tarik's tone left little to interpretation.

I acted like it was a surprise to me, so I wouldn't have to hide my excitement.

"I don't know how I'm going to last a weekend without this," I said and put my hand on his lap.

"You'll have my father to play with and do extra workouts to burn off some of your need," Tarik laughed.

"It's not the same. I need you. I think about it all the time. It eats at my brain when I can't be with you." I lowered my head to his shoulder and he wrapped an arm around me. He hugged my muscled frame against his smaller chest. Our size difference didn't matter. He still had the touch that held the power over me.

"You're addicted, Cage. It's nothing to be ashamed of. You may be a big muscle jock from a privileged family. But the minute I wag my cock at you... you turn into this desperate little pervert." Tarik rubbed his lap. He was hard again.

"It has a power over me. I never felt it before I came here. Now it's all I think about. You've got a hypno-cock. When it's out, I only think of how to please it... how to please you," I admitted.

"Yeah, I love your little whimpers and moans when I get inside you. Just the sight of it and you get this dumb happy look on your face... like a cock zombie," Tarik laughed. We both did and he pushed me down against the bed and climbed on top of me. We fake wrestled around for a few minutes before I let him pin me down against the bed. He straddled my chest and held my thick arms up over my head as though I were his prisoner.

Then we got suddenly serious. He put a hand to my cheek and looked down at me thoughtfully. I blinked my blue eyes at him and wondered what he was planning to do. He just studied me with thoughtful eyes and a half smile. I was the first to break the silence.

"I wasn't looking at Nabil. I was focused on your playlist. Hearing your voice made me workout harder, do more to make you happy. I'd never waste time like that in a workout," I said.

"I know, Cage... I know my boy... But I wanted Nabil to think he had something on you. That way he'll take it seriously next time I take you to the fitness center. I want someone I can count on to watch over you," Tarik said. He knew I wouldn't do that to him.

"I knew you believed me," I said though I'd worried.

"Of course, Cage. I've stretched your pussy, spanked your ass, listened to you talk in your sleep. I've studied your little looks, grunts, whimpers, your wants, and needs. I know when my boy is lying. You look around nervously like the truth is hiding on a bookshelf or something. You're not smart enough to hide it," Tarik laughed.

"I talk in my sleep?" I asked incredulously. No one had ever told me that.

"You say weird shit and complain about your cock cage or Ahmed... It's cute. It's you. You're my little dumbass," Tarik leaned over and kissed my cheek like I was some sweet kid.

"Is your leaving for the weekend my punishment?" I asked.

"Oh I'd forgot about that! Let's get that over with before it gets too late! And no. I would never punish you by leaving you behind. I would rather take you with me and cage you in the room for the weekend. But I'd never leave you behind." Tarik kissed me softly and pushed me off his chest.

"Go get the balance beam from the gym. It's in the little closet," Tarik said and gave me a shove to get going.

In the gym I found it in the closet behind some yoga mats. It was a thick padded beam with two feet on either end to hold it a few inches off the ground. I carried it up to his room and found he had taken off his tank top and shorts. He had on a black jockstrap and the same green socks.

"Set the beam down and then strip," Tarik said. His tone had changed. It was punishment time. The loving guy who adored me was on hold. This was Master Tarik. I slid off my shorts and tank. My cock was in its cage so it couldn't get fully hard, but it was pretty fluffed up just imagining what he had planned for me.

"Get on the beam, balance yourself," Tarik said. I stepped on and had to put one foot in front of the other. It was a narrow beam and I'm a bulky guy. I've gotten pretty flexible through the yoga workouts Tarik added to my routine, but it was still a challenge to stand on it without falling off.

"Arms out, palms up like you're giving me a shrug," Tarik said with a humorless expression. He waited for me to comply and then set a pile of books on my left palm. I struggled to keep up with the unbalanced weight, but he quickly added the second pile to my right palm. I stood there awkwardly. They were heavy books and I had to keep them up in the air.

"Ok, walk toward me to the end of the beam. Keep the books up and keep your eyes on mine," Tarik said. I focused my eyes on his which helped. He was my focal point and it took my mind off the precarious perch. I kept wanting to look down as I stepped one foot in front of the other, but I didn't. I looked straight ahead and focused on him. He was rooting for me. I could see it in his eyes. He wanted me to succeed.

"Almost there," he encouraged. "You can do it, baby. Focus."

I took a step and then another. It was getting easier. I made it to the end of the beam. I knew this because I put my foot down and felt nothing until I stepped onto carpet.

"I did it!" I said excitedly. It wasn't soo bad.

"Good, you got it. Now start over and when you get to the end, don't step on the carpet. Instead, start walking backwards until you make it back to the beginning and then come back towards me. When you do it five times without falling off, you'll be finished," Tarik said. My heart sank. Going backwards was going to be different, but I had no choice. My punishment was his decision, not open for debate.

"Yes sir," I said and started back to the beginning of the beam. I got into position again and started towards him. I went a little faster that time, but then Tarik sat down on his bed and I had to look down to keep our eye gaze.

Worse, when I was halfway across, he started to rub his package. The small, loose shorts barely held in his cock and it was thickening up from exerting his power over me. That always got him going.

I made it to the end of the beam and then my eyes went down to his lap. He was rubbing the tent in his shorts and nodding seductively at me with those eyes that asked, "You want this?"

"Backwards now, we don't have all night. Finish before I do and you can suck me off," he said. I wasn't sure what he meant, but then I saw he flopped his hard cock out of the right leg of his shorts.

The thick tip glistened with a drop of precum and I licked my lips absentmindedly.

"C'mon, slut. This is how you learn control. You work for this cock. You don't just get it." Tarik pushed up the leg of his shorts and rubbed his cock. The shorts were so small that I saw his hairy balls pop out and flop against his thigh.

"Yes sir," I gulped and started to put one foot behind the other. It was hard to find the beam with my heel. My mind kept buzzing with need. His cock was there and daring me to service it. I needed it in my throat, my hole. I found the beam and took the first step backwards. My arms were starting to ache from holding up the books. My cock was fighting with the cage to erect itself. I needed to cum so badly that it was hard to think straight.

"Focus," I whispered to myself. It was time to be my own coach since my trainer was now working against me. Or was he? Pulling out his cock and offering to let me play with it once I finished was motivation to keep going and succeed. I took another step behind myself and found the beam. Only this time I didn't do well with shifting my weight. My arm hurt and I felt myself about to fall. The books on my right started to slide, and I could see myself going down.

"Focus, slut. I'm counting on you," Tarik snapped. I caught the slide of books with the edge of my middle finger and pushed them back into position. It helped me stand and I got back on the beam before I wobbled too much.

"Good slut. You know I hate to waste my energy with masturbation. Hurry and finish so you can do your job," Tarik wagged his cock at me and a precious pearl of his precum started to leak to the floor. He fisted his cock and the drop of precum landed safely against his nuts. I was relieved. I'd clean it off later with my tongue. I took another step back and this time I was getting more confident. I quickly made it back to the beginning of the beam.

"One down, four to go. Finish it boy, I have needs," Tarik warned.

"Yes sir," I said and started forward again. Going forward was the easy part. I could see where I was going and knew where the beam would end. It wasn't terribly long so I quickly made it to the edge. I started backwards when I saw Tarik's eyes leave mine. He was looking past me at the doorway behind me. He'd stopped jerking his cock and looked annoyed.

"What kind of punishment is this? I told you I have whips!" I recognized Ahmed's voice. He wandered in and flopped down next to his brother.

"He has to make it back and forth four more times and then he gets to service me," Tarik informed him. "The books are heavy and he has to walk backwards on the beam. If he falls off, he has to start all over."

"I like it!" Ahmed laughed. "Maybe if I got to whip him while he does it, he'd go faster."

"No whips!" Tarik laughed. "I'm trying to encourage him to challenge himself. He begs for my cock, that's incentive enough."

"Maybe if he had both of our cocks to look forward to," Ahmed said as though he were trying to be helpful. He scooted to the edge of the bed and sat up next to his brother. He pushed down his shorts and flopped out his own cock. It was big and thick, but seeing them side by side, I realized that Tarik's was longer by an inch and thicker. With Tarik's smaller frame, it looked even more impressive.

"Yeah all right, he can suck you too," Tarik laughed. They were an odd pair of brothers, so open with each other. I could never imagine whipping out my cock around any of my brothers.

The two of them stroked their cocks while I made my way backwards.

"How are you doing? Talk to me, boy. Tell your trainer what you need," Tarik said with a slight look of pity and concern as he watched me strain and grunt and breathe as I put one foot behind the other.

"I'm... ok... I can... fuck... I can do this," I said through gritted teeth as I pushed on. It was endurance, not strength that would get me through this. I just had to keep putting one foot in front of or behind the other.

"Two down, three to go," Tarik said. I was so distracted watching them, but I was also highly motivated to stay on the beam. I made it two more times as they edged their cocks together.

"I'm getting close, boy. Don't let me waste my seed on the carpet or you'll be cleaning it up with your tongue," Tarik warned.

"Yes sir," I said and took a step towards them.

"If he falls off, I get to fuck him without lube," Ahmed laughed. He was always begging to harm me.

"He won't. He wants his master happy. He wants to win," Tarik assured.

I made it to the edge and then it was time for my final walk backwards. Tarik and Ahmed had their eyes on me as they stroked their cocks in unison. They were a marvel to watch. Two Arabian princes offering their prizes to their white slave. I could practically taste their salty gifts as I cautiously backwalked on the beam.

"Almost there," Tarik said with hope as he stroked his cock. I wasn't sure if he was referring to me or his orgasm. Either way I wanted to hurry. My arms were killing me and my calves were burning from the tiny perch. I took a step backwards a little too quickly and almost lost my balance. But I saved it and quickly hopped backwards until I felt myself go back off the beam. I'd made it. I could tell by the glowing smile on Tarik's face and the disappointed scowl of his brother.

"You did it!" Tarik said happily and dropped the books on his desk and flew to my knees in front of them.

"I thought I was going to fall. That hurt," I said as I crawled forward towards my trainer's lap.

"Way to go... ahhh fuck," Tarik said as I suddenly dove on his cock. I reached over with one hand and stroked Ahmed. I had two prizes to claim. Tarik's was slicked with precum. He'd been leaking a steady drool of it since we started. I lapped it up and sucked his fat tip down my throat. I gagged happily on him and wished I could fit his brother's cock in beside it.

"Ahmed's turn," Tarik said between gasps. I reluctantly eased off his cock and went for Ahmed's lap. It fit a little more easily into my throat. I didn't remember it being that small in comparison. It seemed huge when I first saw it.

"Uhhhh fuck yeah," Ahmed hissed and I felt his hand on the back of my head. He pushed me down until my nose his his pubes. They smelled of sweat and funk. I eagerly sucked down his shaft as much as I could.

"Fuck fuck fuck," Ahmed growled. "I was already so close. Fuck he's gotten better."

"I know what I'm doing when it comes to training a fag," Tarik laughed.

"Guess you do... Oh fuck yeah," Ahmed started to pound my throat with his cock.

"Fuck, I'm going to... oh fuck," Ahmed fired off down my throat. I sucked down his seed for all he could give. Thick globs of salty protein shake fired down into my stomach. I bobbed on his cock as fast as I could while he fucked my throat and gave up his swimmers.

"Fuck he's good," Ahmed admitted as he gave me the last of his seed. He shoved me down as far as I could go. I felt my chin rub against his balls.

"My turn," Tarik said. Ahmed let go of me as he laid back against Tarik's bed to recover.

"That's my baby. I'm so proud, little slut," Tarik praised as I dove onto his cock.

"Your earned your prize, my boy." Tarik grabbed a fistful of my hair and started to facefuck me with his rock hard slicked up cock. I felt the fat tip stretch my throat and demolish my gag reflex as he pressed on.

"Yeah, that's it. Take your master's cock. Good boy. Oh fuck yeah boy," Tarik growled like a much older man, like the alpha he was growing into. He may have let his brother use my throat, but he knew to whom my holes belonged. He knew how to stretch me, dominate me, control me like his little trained puppy.

"Fuck, here it comes boy, don't waste a drop," Tarik ordered. He lifted off the bed and stood in front of me. He held me by the hair and started to piston-fuck my throat. He shafted deep inside me and then pulled out, using my lips like a tight pussy, my throat like a tight hole.

"Fuck baby, take daddy's cock. Take what you beg for," Tarik shouted and I felt hot balls of cum shoot down my throat. It was thick and he spilled a liter of it as he fucked my mouth and cursed. He gripped my hair tightly and my eyes watered as I struggled to breathe around his forceful piston.

"Uhhhhh," he groaned deeply as he fired off inside me. He gave me every last drop of what he had as he stood in front of me and fucked my mouth.

"Woah fuck, good job," Ahmed laughed lazily behind him. "Fuck that slut. Own him."

"Yeah he knows who his daddy is," Tarik said as he growled and used my mouth to milk his cock.

"Fuck," he hissed as he shot off the last few drops. "So fucking good."

He held me on his cock as the last few drops dribbled out. I swallowed everything he could give. He backed up and pulled me with him. He sank back down on the bed and then eased me off of his cock.

"Time to get cleaned up and head to bed. Grab my phone, slut. I'll take off your cage so it doesn't get wet," Tarik said.

"You really do love our cocks," Ahmed said to me. He stood and pulled his shorts up over his sticky cock.

"Yes sir," I said sleepily. It was getting late. He paused when I came back with Tarik's phone. He watched as his brother took off my cage. He reached for it and gripped it. It was smaller, thinner than his own of course. I was impressive by white guy standards, but couldn't measure up here. I didn't even worry about that anymore. Ahmed rubbed my cock like it was cute, interesting.

"He didn't earn the right to cum today," Tarik said.

"You know you were going to let him cum once I left," Ahmed told his brother. "I see how you look at him. He did fulfill his punishment without too much bitching." Ahmed was being kind to me. I wasn't sure why. He stroked my cock slowly and gripped it tightly in his fist.

"I guess he did do pretty well. All right slut. You get thirty more strokes from us and if you can't cum with those then we do a cold shower and put you to bed. Deal?" Tarik asked.

"Yeah... yes... sir," I shivered under Ahmed's tight grip. This time Ahmed was cheering me on. He put his face inches from mine and rubbed his trimmed beard along my jaw. He stroked me as Tarik counted.

"Cum for me, little slut. You know I was the first cock you begged for here," Ahmed whispered into my ear on the other side of Tarik.

"Yeah. fuck... yes sir," I whined against his shoulder. He stroked me with one hand and rubbed my ass with the other. I felt his fingers push inside my hole.

"Eight... Nine... Ten," Tarik counted.

"I'll be deep inside that pussy all weekend when Tarik's gone. I'll make you so sore," Ahmed growled against my ear.

"Fourteen... Fifteen... Sixteen," Tarik counted on. I was so hard and leaking precum along Ahmed's hand and wrist. I gasped for air against his chest.

"Cum for me, slut, shoot your little seed against me so you can lick it off." Ahmed bit on my ear as he toyed with my hole and stroked my cock.

"Twenty-one... Twenty-two... almost done, Cage?" Tarik asked.

"Cum now or I'll punish you all weekend," Ahmed threatened like that was going to let me finish sooner.

"Twenty-eight... Twenty-nine... Thirty! Stop!" Tarik yelled. I was so on the edge. I was so there, so ready. Ahmed let go. He followed the rules.

"You fuckup," Ahmed said and pushed me back against the bed. I just needed one more stroke, one more touch of his hands. Tarik offered a hand to me to go off to shower, but Ahmed pushed him on top of me.

He fell against me, chest to chest. He was straddling my lap and my cock slid up between his legs. It was the last thing I needed. My cock started to throb and shoot against his hole, up his back, over his thighs. I couldn't help it. I started to hump against him just a few times.

"Fuck gross," Tarik protested as I coated his backside with my cum. I'd clean him off, lick it if he let me, but it felt incredible.

"Oh shit!" Ahmed laughed as he watched me moan and twist, shudder and spew my load over his brother.

"He'll pay for this." Tarik laughed as he got off of me and watched me squirm helplessly on his bed.

"I... I'm so sorry. I couldn't stop it," I was horrified yet so relieved of the built up cum in my balls.

"I guess he just needed thirty-one strokes to cum," Ahmed laughed and left for his own room.

I expected Tarik to be angry, but he wasn't. We went off to shower and then fell asleep wrapped up in each other's arms. I dreamt about the upcoming weekend with just Mr. Almari and Ahmed to watch me. I couldn't wait to see what they had planned. I'd miss my trainer, but I couldn't help think about what they would do to me. I was ready.


Next: Chapter 6

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