Cage Cock Cairo

By Emri S.

Published on Aug 20, 2023


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My other series:

Emerson & The Lion (under Authoritarian)

Lincoln's Pride (under Authoritarian)

Noah's Starship (under college/interracial)


Cage learns more of his past, chooses his future...

-{~ Cage! Cock! Cairo! ~}-

Chapter 4

-by Emri-

"Slave!" Ahmed barked as I walked away from him. I'd brought his coffee and standard Egyptian breakfast which was some kind of beans on pita with sliced hard boiled eggs. I stopped at his call and turned to look at him in my tight white shorts and matching tank top.

"Yes sir?" I asked and respectfully bowed my head. I'd already earned one star on my chest this morning and I was determined that today was going to be the day I finally got enough for reward time. The last two days Ahmed or Tarik always seemed to find some reason to take away a star from me when I got too close to success. Mr. Almari didn't want to hear my pleas about it. He told me I would always face unfair setbacks when achieving goals.

"You expect me to enjoy this coffee without cream? What kind of idiot are you? You've been here long enough! Even the dogs learn faster!" Ahmed scolded. I didn't look up at him. I wasn't going to let him take a star for disrespect. He enjoyed reminding me that I could never make him happy or earn his praise.

"Yes sir. My mistake. I'll fix it right away," I scurried off before he could find more complaints. I walked past Mr. Almari who gave me an approving nod as he looked up from reading the news on his tablet.

"More coffee for me, while you're up," Mr. Almari noted as though I ever was allowed to sit down during meal service.

"Of course, sir," I scooped up his coffee cup and dashed into the kitchen. I quickly rinsed out his cup and dried it before pouring him another one fresh off the stove. I grabbed the bowl of cream from the refrigerator and quickly dashed towards the door. Back in the dining area I slowed to a respectful gait and set down Mr. Almari's coffee in front of him. He didn't look up from his paper, but his hand caressed my bottom in approval.

"No, No!" Ahmed threatened as I set the bowl of cream in front of him. "The coffee's gone cold by now. Fetch me a fresh cup and don't just warm this one. You're turning into a piss poor slave!" Ahmed grabbed my arm and yanked me towards him with a threatening look.

Something inside me snapped. I'd had enough of him. Ahmed had been riding me hard every chance he got since Tarik had become my trainer. I pushed back and was ready to respond with anger when Mr. Almari put his hand on my bottom. His touch shocked me out of my anger and my body involuntarily turned to see what its power source wanted.

"Enough!" he said without looking up from his news. Ahmed let go of my arm. "Enjoy your coffee as it is. Cage has other chores to attend to. He's not just for our amusement."

"Yes, father," Ahmed said with an icy tone. He turned back towards his coffee and poured his cream.

Mr. Almari gave me a wink as I passed by him and again patted my bottom. He would only let Ahmed go so far with this. I gave a grateful nod and disappeared quickly. Vijay was in the kitchen and pointed me to the stack of breakfast cookware that needed cleaning. I put on one of the kitchen aprons the workers used and got to work.


"Two stars already?" Mr. Almari asked as he adjusted his tie in the bathroom mirror. I was pulling on a red polo shirt over my tank top and shorts. I slid up a pair of worn jeans and knelt behind him on the hard tile floor as he finished getting ready for work. The clothes were from Ahmed's donation pile. I couldn't wear my revealing house uniform to Mr. Almari's workplace. The clothes were worn out, but Vijay had me wash them last night.

"Yes sir," I beamed proudly. "I hope to earn more at your office!"

He stopped and looked at me in the mirror with an approving nod.

"Well I have some important meetings this morning, but my assistant has a few boxes of old files that need sorting. Just stay out of the way and listen to his instructions. Keep your head down and mouth closed today if you want those stars. You've adapted so quickly to this. I believe in you," Mr. Almari said as he gave a light spray of cologne to his neck.

"Yes sir! I will, sir!" I said excitedly and lowered my head. He snapped his fingers as he turned towards the door and I scrambled to my feet to follow him to his car. He paused to give Vijay instructions on his tasks for the day and then led me out to his car.

It feels weird to sit down with your cock caged, but I was getting used to the feel of my nuts being squeezed and pinched if I didn't sit carefully. When I was walking around it was easier to forget about, but sliding into his car gave my balls a harsh pinch and I had to adjust it.

"Don't fiddle with your little cock," Mr. Almari admonished as I grabbed my crotch and straightened it out. He took a business call on the drive over to the office while I squinted at the morning sun and felt an awkward reflection on my days of roaming freely in the world. It seemed like another life, and not one that I particularly missed.

Mr. Almari's assistant was a nice enough guy. He was a handsome, but short, Egyptian man in his mid-20's with black glasses, a pressed suit, and spiky black hair. He didn't seem to enjoy me helping him out with Mr. Almari's affairs. He looked as though he worried I'd completely fuck up his system, maybe I would. He also seemed to not like sharing the attention of his beloved boss. I didn't either, but it wasn't my place to be rude to him. We both seemed to understand that we needed to make it work, make him happy.

"I'm supposed to help you organize," I told him as Mr. Almari sailed past his desk and tossed his briefcase towards him. The assistant caught it and then gave me a scowl. I was probably supposed to have carried his briefcase from the car, but sometimes Mr. Almari forgot he had a servant boy tagging along behind him.

"I guess you can work on these files down here. They're deals we closed long ago so you can't damage them too much," He said flatly and pointed to a box under his desk.

"Sure, what should I do with them?" I asked. He sighed as though I should know.

"Well... We're prepping them for archival and need to shred any duplicates. If you find a pink piece of paper, remove it and put it in a pile for shredding. There are seven more boxes of these when you finish this one," he said and then sat back on his desk chair and started to click around on his computer while I knelt on the floor to his right.

I was squatted down next to the box and started to sift through the files. There were papers written in English, Arabic, French, and some Asian languages. I wasn't sure what I was going through, but I pulled out the pink pages and then neatly stacked the originals and put them back in each file. It was tedious work, but I wanted my stars. I got up every few minutes to move around and stretch my legs as I transferred the pink pile to the top of a filing cabinet for later shredding. The assistant ignored me as he took phone calls and laughed with other office workers who passed by.

"How is he doing?" I heard Mr. Almari ask about an hour later as he stood over me. The assistant coughed, sat up and then looked down at me as though he'd forgotten I was there.

"Oh, sir! He's um yeah, he's good. Hard worker. I've only had to correct him twice," the assistant lied. I looked up at Mr. Almari to see an approving nod.

"Good good, let me know when Mr. Terani shows up, and make sure you ordered a nice spread for him. You know how particular Persians can be," Mr. Almari noted as he stole a jelly bean from the jar on his assistant's desk.

"Yes sir, of course! It's being delivered from that restaurant you took him to on his last visit. He raved about it," the assistant said.

"Good good, and don't let Cage near the shredder. He's clumsy and I'm sure he'd find a way to fall in. I don't need that today," Mr. Almari laughed and the assistant echoed it.

I was only slightly annoyed. Mr. Almari made frequent jokes about my incompetence, but he usually followed it up by a gentle squeeze to my shoulder or petting me like a dog if I was doing something on the floor. Oddly enough, his reassuring touch made my chest swell with pride. I ignored it and went back to happily de-pinking the files.

When I'd made a large enough stack, the assistant called over another assistant to take them to the shredder. I'd worked through three boxes and he told me I'd earned a restroom break and a snack from the office break room.

I was eating a granola bar in the break room when I saw Mr. Terani come in. I could tell it was him because the assistants swarmed him and took his briefcase, handed him a water, and fawned over him like a celebrity.

He was a tall and strong man wearing a tight polo shirt and pressed khakis. The shirt showed an impressive muscled structure while the pants accentuated a bubbled ass. He was older, like Mr. Almari with a shaved head and handsome face. He had that air of power that made people scurry around to find what he wanted and give it to him.

Our eyes met as he passed the break room and he paused for a minute. He backed up a few steps to look at me. He cocked his head to the side and studied me. Our eyes locked for a minute, but I turned my head back to my granola bar as Mr. Almari came out and ushered him into his office for their meeting.

Mr. Almari's assistant rushed around preparing a platter of food from cartons the delivery man had brought in. I probably should have gone to help him, but I was on my break and thumbing through a sports magazine someone had left on a table. The Yankees had a new pitcher and there was an upset in the basketball tournament.

I finished my granola bar, stretched, and headed back to the files.The assistant came back out of the office after a few minutes and stood over me. I didn't look up.

"You need to go in there, the client is asking for you," he said with a bitter tone.

"Oh, I'm still working on the files though," I said. I wasn't especially wanting to go and meet the prestigious Persian power-client while wearing Ahmed's old clothes.

"Now, dumbass!" the assistant barked and poked me with his black leather shoe.

I stood up and took a deep breath. I smoothed out my wrinkled shirt, and went into the office. The two of them were sitting in leather captains chairs by the window with a table between them piled with food.

"Yes, I thought it was him! Holy fuck, it's like a time travelled version of his father. This one's his youngest?," Mr. Terani laughed.

"Yes, his name is Cage. He is the spitting image of Aaron, but with a very different heart," Mr. Almari said as he waved me over. I went towards him and started to kneel beside his chair, but he pushed me back up with a nervous laugh.

"I bet he has his father's tendencies, doesn't he? I can see it in his eyes. The little slut was ready to drop to the floor at your feet. Let me take him for the night. I'll find out just how similar they are." Mr. Terani leered at me.

He eyed me hungrily and I felt my pulse racing in my ear. I turned to Mr. Almari with an angry look of confusion. I wanted to say something as my hands balled into fists. He raised his hand and put it to the center of my chest while turning his eyes back to Mr. Terani. My body responded so intensely to his touch. Like some sort of magic spell, I couldn't resist it.

"I'd love to have him off my hands for a night. He's quite the little pain in the ass. But he's not mine to give. He's loyally pledged to my son, Tarik. Cage has only recently discovered his submissive breeding and he follows Tarik around like a hungry little puppy. He whines for his master. I had to bring him into the office today to work on clearing some old files so Tarik can finally study for his finals in peace," Mr. Almari laughed.

"So he's loyal, that's certainly different from his father. Those boys of yours are naturals. They definitely take after you. At least let me look him over. Come, boy," Mr. Terani said and Mr. Almari looked up at me and nodded my attention over to the man.

I turned and looked at him with wide eyes and pressed my lips into a straight line. He had a gentle smile and beckoned me with a finger, but I held back.

"He's frightened? Don't worry, I won't hurt you, Cage. I promise," Mr. Terani said. I looked back at Mr. Almari. He nodded approval and I went towards the Persian stranger.

He leaned forward as I approached him. He put his hands on the outsides of my thighs and gripped them. He rubbed his hands up with a comment on my thick muscles. He cupped my ass and kneaded my cheeks with his hands as he stared up at me.

"He's strong, and those eyes... a fiercer blue than Aaron's yet... more innocent," Mr. Terani commented and slid his hands up my sides under my shirt and tank top. He slid them up as he stood from the chair. I raised my arms so he could take them off.

"Smooth chest? What are these two stars for?" he asked with surprise as he cupped my pecs and kneaded them roughly.

"He didn't have much body hair to start with, but he lost what he had for disobedience. Those are two stars he earned this morning. He needs five total for a reward. If he gets less, he is disciplined," Mr. Almari noted.

"Fascinating. You were always creative when it came to discipline, Nasir. What all have you done to him?" Mr. Terani asked with interest as his lips traced over my right shoulder and up the side of my neck. I shivered at his powerful touch and closed my eyes. I let out a small gasp as his fingers grabbed my nipples and twisted them like knobs on a radio.

"Not as much as I'm sure you would like to try on him. I'm trying to reform him into a proper man, not haze him for a fraternity," Mr. Almari joked.

I don't think Mr. Terani was even listening as he started to explore me with his lips. His hands groped me like a ranch animal at market. It reminded me of when my father went with the foreman to buy horses for our ranch. His touch electrified my skin as only a confident alpha could do. I whimpered under his inspection.

"Beautiful, simply beautiful. Firm, pink little tits. He works out pretty heavily. His skin is so white, you keep him out of the sun?" he asked.

"Of course! He's not made for Egypt," Mr. Almari laughed.

"Uhhh," I whined in pleasure as Mr. Terani's teeth traced up my jaw. His hands worked my nipples into a sensitive frenzy.

"Spitting image of Aaron. Even has that cute little nose and creamy, flawless skin. As many times as we seeded his father's pussy, you'd think he would have come out looking at least a little Arab or Persian!" Mr. Terani laughed and bit down on my left nipple.

I shivered and whined at the treat. He had the alpha touch that sent my body into a shivering, weakened state. But unlike Mr. Almari, his exploration seemed more dangerous, less controlled, more about his own pleasure than my instruction.

"If only it worked that way, half of Europe would look like us," Mr. Almari laughed and did nothing to stop the man exploring his boy.

"Fuck yeah... I'd pay to have this one for a few nights," Mr. Terani's hands rubbed down my abs and he found the button on my jeans. He pushed them down along with my tight white uniform shorts and my fluffed but caged cock sprang out. It wanted so badly to stick out for him, but the cage wouldn't allow it.

"So Cage is caged! Very nice! How long will you keep him like this? Aaron used to love chastity but never lasted more than a few hours without begging to have it removed," Mr. Terani batted my cock back and forth lightly with his hand. I moaned against his shoulder and saw an excited smile spread across his face. He leaned in and kissed my cheek with an odd, respectful innocence as though my lips were a line he couldn't cross.

"That's up to him. He hasn't earned his way out of it yet. When he does finally cum we'll need paramedics on standby," Mr. Almari laughed and Mr. Terani sank to his knees and looked up at me as though he were going to suck my cock. He looked so strange kneeling in front of me in his expensive suit while I stood naked, my tattered jeans pushed to my ankles.

But he didn't suck me or even show interest in my cock. He turned me around and pushed in the center of my back so that I leaned forward and put my hands on the back of his empty chair.

"Show me that pussy, spread those legs, boy," Mr. Terani said. I did as he instructed, but I looked at Mr. Almari and saw him shift uncomfortably in his seat. I leaned forward farther and arched my back to force my cheeks apart and present my asshole for him.

"It's untouched. When he earns it, Tarik will show him the pleasures he will spend the rest of his life begging for," Mr. Almari said with a hint of warning that Mr. Terani was going too far.

"It's been awhile since we've opened a virgin, Nasir! Tarik will always hold a special place for the first boy he trains," Mr. Terani said as though this was some kind of proud tradition of taking down white boys. I felt his index finger rub against my hole. He gave it a few pokes and I felt little waves of happy as I squirmed against his finger.

"That he will," Mr. Almari agreed.

"Beautiful pussy, tight as a drum, factory new. Tarik has a lot of work to do back here... Fuck yeah that's beautiful," Mr. Terani hissed as he poked against my hole. "Beautiful little pink bud."

"Well we should get back to our work. We have a lot of details to iron out," Mr. Almari said.

"Yeah, ok just let me see those nipples again. Stand up straight, boy," Mr. Terani rose to his feet. I raised up too and turned to see an obscene bulge in his pants. It was a thick, impressive meat he was holding in down there.

"You never could resist good nipples," Mr. Almari laughed.

"Hopefully Cage can do good enough work to earn his reward time tonight. I know Tarik is eager to get him opened up and I don't want him doing it as a punishment," Mr. Almari's voice sounded closer. I realized he had come to stand behind me. His arms slid around my waist protectively and pulled me back against his chest. I felt his bulge poking against my naked ass. I could tell he wasn't comfortable sharing me and wasn't pleased at my excited reactions to his old friend's groping.

"Make sure you get it on camera. You at least owe me that," Mr. Terani said.

"Well that depends on our negotiations to wrap up this deal. Are you feeling more reasonable?" Mr. Almari asked.

"Oh uh," Mr. Terani gave a few last kisses to my neck and then bit softly on each nipple. I saw him stroking the bulge in his pants as he backed away. "Yeah, whatever you proposed is good for me...Fucking beautiful. Makes me miss the brothels of Sweden." He was lost in a daze of flashbacks as he compared me to my father.

"Excellent. I'll have my assistant gather the papers," Mr. Almari pushed me back towards his chair and nodded for me to pull up my pants as he went for the door.

"Damn... you really do look just like him," Mr. Terani commented as Mr. Almari left the room. I was shoving my cock into the shorts and pulling up my jeans.

"I'm not my father... sir," I said quietly.

"No, you're not... Cage," he said my name to reinforce my individuality.

"You know... your father would have begged to be the center of attention here. You seem reluctant, respectful, sweet. Your father was right to send you to Nasir's family for training. Any of the others would have ruined you like we did your father," he added.

"You've known my father for a long time? I never met you... There are others?" I asked.

"Others?" Mr. Terani laughed. "Your father well... He makes a sport out of finding new men to dominate him. And no, you wouldn't have met me. He kept his lives separate. Nasir was the only one allowed in both worlds. We stay out of California. After seeing you, I can see why he asked that of us." He kept stroking his bulge as he watched me wiggle into my shirt.

"He wanted to protect me, sir?" I asked with hope.

"Protect someone other than himself? No no, my boy. You give him too much credit... I'm sorry for that. You deserved a real man for a father. It's more like he didn't want the competition... I know he's your father, Cage, but he can be a self-serving little bitch, using his money to control his `masters'," Mr. Terani noted this with a half hearted laugh.

"I didn't know that, sir," I said as Mr. Terani reached for me and adjusted the buttons on my shirt.

"You deserved a real man for a father," he said and kissed my cheek softly.

"He has that now with me," Mr. Almari said and I realized he had come back in. He put a hand on my shoulder and kissed my forehead.

"Nasir's right. Your father did care enough to send you to the best," Mr. Terani said.

"Thank you, sir," I said to both of them.

"Now go finish your files. You still have three stars to earn and it's lunch time soon. Come back when you finish and help yourself to the leftovers," Mr. Almari said as he rubbed my hair and pointed towards the tray piled with Persian food.

"Yes sir. Thank you, sir," I said. I headed towards the doorway and stopped.

"And it was nice to meet you," I said turning to Mr. Terani. "I hope I get to learn more from you."

I earned a smile from both men and I turned back to leave.

"Eager little one, much more trainable," Mr. Terani said as Mr. Almari led him back to their business meeting.

"We shall see," Mr. Almari said as I closed the door to his office.

"Had fun then?" his assistant asked me with obnoxiously raised eyebrows.

"Just doing my job," I said and squatted down over the box I'd been working on. I finished up the last of the boxes as Mr. Terani was leaving. He paused to give me one last look and then stole a peppermint from the assistant's desk.

I went in and helped myself to some of the leftovers in Mr. Almari's office. He was on a call and just nodded me over to help myself when I came in. I ate in a chair by the window and looked out at a park where a soccer game was going on. I finished up and threw my plate away before carrying the tray out to his assistant who sent me to the break room to leave it for the office workers to pick over. I went back to the boxes and combined the sorted, more compact files into three boxes from their original seven.

I took the empty boxes down to the recycling area and then waited in Mr. Almari's office while he finished up a call.

"Close the door... All finished?" he asked with a hopeful smile.

"Yes sir, down to three boxes and ready to be archived." I beamed proudly, closed the door, and walked towards him ready for my star.

"Good, that will save us about three dollars in storage fees," he said to underscore just how little importance my morning work held. It wasn't the task, but the learning.

"Thank you sir!" I beamed and felt my heart leap at my accomplishment.

"Shirt off," he said and reached to undo the button on my jeans. He slid them down an inch and then reached for a star tattoo in the back pocket of my white stretchy shorts.

"Two to go, and all afternoon to earn them," Mr. Almari held the star tattoo to my lips and waited for me to lick it. I did and he put it to my chest and rubbed it on. He leaned in and put his lips to mine as he massaged the gold, glittery star into my chest. He kissed me with approval.

"I am proud of how you handled yourself with Mr. Terani. He showed restraint when he realized you belonged to Tarik. I hope he didn't make you uncomfortable. As I said before, you are not here to be a sex toy," Mr. Almari said softly as he bored his eyes into mine. He was searching for my feelings.

"I kind of liked it... I don't understand it. I just feel so... powerless around men like you, sir. I..." I searched for words, but he put a finger to my lips and nodded his understanding.

"It's ok, Cage. I understand. It's in your blood. Your father searched aimlessly in Paris for it without knowing what he was looking for. He wasted his time with weaker men and drugs before I found him. You need a strong leader to give your life direction, purpose. Without it you would be undisciplined and end up bringing more shame to your family. Your father understood that about you. It's why he sent you to me, the one who saved him. You're safe here," Mr. Almari whispered with his lips close to my ear. He kissed along my earlobe and my body went weak.

"I always felt so lost until I came here," I admitted. His hands rubbed up my arms and gripped my biceps. I felt his heart beating as our chests touched.

"I know... You weren't old enough yet. Your father should have sent you when you finished high school. He thought you would be ok at college, and he cared more for his own selfish needs. He knew what you needed when you were 15 and struggling for approval. He told me, and I should have demanded you be sent sooner," Mr. Almari said and kissed a trail of goosebumps down my neck.

"I'll make you proud. I promise," I whined under his touch.

"I know you will, Cage. Tarik shows such love for you. Just as you felt when you found your alpha, he feels in exploring his dependent. His breeding has the need to train, protect, and care for the weaker males. It's nature's magnet. He will grow into the leader you need as you learn to follow in humility," Mr. Almari whispered to me.

My cock cage had turned useless and I had a horrible pinch in my crotch as my cock struggled through its confines to a semi-raging erection. It hurt, like someone crushing my cock and balls in a vice, but I couldn't turn from the eroticisim of the alpha towering over me, giving his full attention to my undeserving body.

"It hurts," I whined and stumbled against his chest.

"Your cock? I'm sure it does. But you are so filled with passion, your seed would spill immediately if I released it. I'll have my assistant bring ice," Mr. Almari pitied. He reached for his phone and said something in Arabic. He pushed down my shorts and freed my hard, caged cock. His assistant appeared within seconds, rushing in with a small glass of cubed ice.

"Is he ok, sir? I worry about him," the assistant said in mock concern that sounded genuine to Mr. Almari. He didn't give a shit about me. I was in his way, absorbing the love he deserved from his boss.

"He will be fine, just learning pains. He will learn to control this as his body adjusts to working differently when in the cage," Mr. Almari said. He

took two cubes and rubbed them up the shaft of my cock, over my hot, aching balls. It stung and I felt my eyes tear up.

"Ow," I said softly and whimpered against his chest as he rubbed my cock with the frozen cubes. I felt them melt and cold water run down my burning shaft. I felt my cheeks rage with the fire of humiliation and pain as he iced me down in front of his assistant. But I also felt a strange comfort of being in his arms, under his care. He understood what was happening, and I knew I would be ok.

"There we go," he said as my cock started to deflate. He took a hand towel from his assistant and rubbed it over my dripping cock and shorts. "All better," he assured.

"Thank you," I choked. He tucked me back into my shorts and then pulled up my jeans.

"Now, you have some work to do to earn those last stars before we head home. We have a special night planned for you and hopefully you can participate if you earn your stars," Mr. Almari said.

"Yes sir! What do you I do next?" I asked eagerly as I slipped into my shirts.

He sent me down to help out with the afternoon mail distribution. I had to help sort things and then find which desks they went to. It was difficult with some packages written in Arabic, but the assistant who handled the mail was patient with me. He was a very old man who seemed happy to have someone to run around and deliver things. It took me about an hour to deliver everything. I would have been quicker, but I made some mistakes and workers had to point me to the desks where the packages actually went.

I got back to Mr. Almari's office to get my fourth star, but his door was closed. His assistant said he was finishing up a meeting so I waited for a few minutes. But then I thought it might not look good to just stand around and maybe he would be happier to find me moving on to other work without waiting around to be told. I begged his assistant to give me another task. He kept saying he didn't need me.

"Please Please Please!" I said about a hundred times. I even tried the blonde hunk routine on him, but he knew I didn't have the alpha power he sought.

"Fine, just shut up," he finally said and handed me some things to take to the mail room. I rushed off and caught the afternoon post just as it was leaving.

By the time I got back up to Mr. Almari's office, his door was open and he was sitting at his desk looking through his phone.

"You finally finished?" he asked.

"Yes sir, and I took your mail out just in time to catch the post. It will go out tonight!" I said excitedly and rushed over to him.

"Kneel," he said and pointed to the floor on the other side of him. I knelt at his side and he swiveled his chair to face me. His desk and computer shielded me from the view of the office, but I caught a few curious eyes as I sank below the desktop.

"I'm proud of you today, Cage. One more to go," he said and reached down to slide up my shirt. I raised my arms as he slipped it up and then set it on his desk. He reached into his desk and took out a small plastic pouch. He slid a star tattoo out of it and I stuck out my tongue, knowing the drill. I licked it as he held it to my lips and then he put it to my chest and rubbed it firmly.

"Well," he started with an approving nod. "That's probably all for today here. I have just a few things to finish up before we head home."

"No, but I... please! Let me do something," I begged.

"Don't whine or I'll have to take away a star. You've done well today. There will be work at home. Wait there on your knees while I finish up," he said as he stood up from his chair. He adjusted the bulge in his black suit pants and my heart sank.

"I can clean, sir. What about your desk? I can organize something," I started to sound desperate. I could hear it in my voice.

"Do you need to lose a star? I hate to give reminders to boys who don't listen," he asked softly though there was an annoyed bite in his tone.

"No, no sir. Please! I'm... Sorry sir," I said and hung my head. I mashed my lips together to show him I was done speaking.

He nodded and went out to talk with his assistant. I stayed there on my knees while he made a phone call and gathered some files. He gave instructions to his assistant in arabic as I watched the minutes tick by on the clock on his computer screen. I hated wasting time. I wanted to be busy, earning, pleasing. It didn't feel good to wait, but then it hit me that this was another reminder that not everyone revolved around me.

This is what he was teaching me. I had spent my life in schools, groups, sports teams where I was the rich kid, the one whose father wrote a check for anything they needed. Every test I took or paper I wrote earned a pat on the head, adoring comments. Every mediocre game I played or even lost for my team was met with people cheering me on, telling me it wasn't my fault. There wasn't anything I'd been denied, except for a father who cared enough to prepare me for the world. Mr. Almari was determined to provide that for me, to get me on a good path. I needed to wait, to kneel, to obey.

The time to think helped me straighten my posture, wait with purpose, show him I understood the lesson. I went into soldier mode. If he wanted me on my knees, I'd be the best kneeler there ever was. I straightened my back, folded my arms behind my back and puffed out my chest. I stared straight ahead and watched him move around his office out of the corner of my eye.

"What are you doing?" he laughed when he finally took note of me.

"I'm waiting sir. I know you have important business. I will not waste your time, sir," I said as if responding to my drill sargent.

He just shook his head and put a hand on my hair. "Ah, boy. You will make Tarik a happy master," he laughed.

"Thank you sir!" I barked quietly so as not to distract his office workers.

"Put your shirt on, it's time to go home," Mr. Almari said. I scrambled to my feet and slid on my polo over my tank top and star studded chest.

I followed behind him and took his briefcase from his assistant. He didn't want to let go of it, but Mr. Almari cleared his throat and nodded towards me. He let go of it and I clutched it like a trophy and followed Mr. Almari to the elevator.


"Strip down to your house uniform," Mr. Almari said as we walked into the small hallway that connected the garage and laundry room to the rest of the house. I put the jeans, socks, and polo shirt in the hamper of the laundry room and smoothed out my white tank top and white, stretchy shorts. I needed a shower from running around all day, but I had only been told to strip down. I fished out the small stack of star tattoos from the jeans and put them in the back pocket of my shorts.

"Put my briefcase in the office, wash up in the guest bathroom, and then see what Vijay needs for dinner preparation," Mr. Almari said as he walked off.

I lugged his briefcase to the home office and set it nicely on his desk before heading to the little bathroom just outside business room. Vijay kept a small stash of fresh house uniforms for me when I got one too dirty while working downstairs. It's impossible to clean and work while wearing white. I had an ample supply of fresh uniforms. Vijay left nothing to chance in this house.

I found Vijay in the kitchen getting a tub of protein powder out of a high cabinet. He looked at me with a scowl when I padded in.

"What can I do to help? I need to earn one more star!" I told him excitedly and showed him the four on my chest.

"Yes, your stars are my number one priority," he said with heavy sarcasm. He looked stressed and rushed.

"I'm sorry. I meant I want to help. Can I do something?" I asked. Vijay sighed and shook his head as if to tell me he didn't mean to jump at me.

"I've just been very busy preparing for our guests and I had to top everything to look up the recipe for your formula," he said and set the tub of powder on the counter next to his phone. He had a list of ingredients open in a writing app.

"I thought I would get to eat with everyone else if I earned my stars," I said, returning the conversation to my own self interests.

"You can't have a heavy meal with what they have planned for you. Trust me, this will be better. Grab that bottle," he said and pointed to the side counter near the sink. I saw the pink bottle from the gag they put on me the night I was punished. I felt my heart sink, but went to take it from the counter. I brought it to him and he started to measure out powders and liquids into it.

"Oh..." I realized that maybe the meal wasn't the reward Mr. Almari had planned for me. "What can I do to help, sir?"

"Chop up those cucumbers over there and arrange them with the other vegetables on that tray... then we'll get you into the shower. I want you ready and out of sight when the guests arrive," Vijay said.

"Yes sir," I said. I went and sliced the cucumbers the way I'd seen the chef lay them out. I arranged them in little arcs of equal sizes between the sliced peppers and some yellow vegetable I couldn't identify. This was a tray meant for a party. I knew Mr. Terani would come, but I wasn't sure who else would show up.

I finished the vegetables and then cleaned up the peelings and other mess that was on the counter. Vijay gave a happy smile when he saw me working. He was shaking the bottle that would be my dinner while he watched me. He popped it into the refrigerator and then nodded his head for me to follow him.


"No! My stars!" I protested when Vijay started to hose me off in Mr. Almari's shower upstairs. Mr. Almari was sprawled out napping on his bed in a small pair of running shorts.

"Hush! Do not wake him! I'll replace them with the nicer ones when you're dry! I want you squeaky clean before I put you away!" Vijay scolded in a harsh whisper and sprayed me with hot water. He'd already made me use the toilet and then rubbed me down with the hair removal lotion, not that I had had much of a chance to grow anything back. He'd removed my cock cage and it flopped around happily as he touched me.

"Sorry," I whispered back as he came at my ass with the spray nozzle. He rubbed me down with body wash that had this minty smell to it. It made my skin tingle and it relaxed my muscles. He shoved the nozzle inside my hole and sprayed me full of the water like he'd done before. I was whining and begging for him to stop, but kept my voice low.

"C'mon, Cage. I don't have time to sweet talk this. Do you want to please your masters or not?" Vijay whispered to me as he held me and rubbed my stomach.

"Y...yeah... I do," I whimpered under his touch.

"Then stop being a little bitch or I'll get Tarik in here to whip you," Vijay growled. He cleaned me out, washed my hair, made sure every inch of my skin was edibly clean and baby soft. My cock was free and raging to erection, but he kept me just enough on the edge to not chance me cumming without my trainer's permission. He took extra caution when drying me off and used the towel to squeeze my cock at a painful angle while drying around there. I winced and squealed in pain.

"Sorry, had to do that," he said. He parked me in front of the mirror and pulled back my blonde hair. It was a few inches long on top and shaved down close to the scalp on the sides. It gave Tarik something to hold on to when he played with me. Vijay pulled it back in a fluffy wave and added some hair putty to it to keep it soft but workable. He used the blow dryer and a weird round brush to make it puffy but neatly smoothed. I looked like a model at a photo shoot.

"Why are you doing my hair?" I asked. He'd never paid much attention to it before.

"Making you into the pretty all-American boy. Mr. Almari likes his things to look nice when we have guests," he noted. He rubbed this gel along my shoulders that had a little gold glitter in it. He sprayed my arm pits with this clear stuff that felt cool on my skin and then put a little cologne on the back of my neck. Lastly he rubbed five gold star tattoos onto my chest in a perfect line. They were nicer than the regular stars. I guess I'd earned the last one for my work in the kitchen.

"Lastly do you want the cock cage back on or handcuffs to keep you from playing with yourself?" Vijay offered me a choice.

"Handcuffs please! It's so hard I don't think we'd get it back into a cage right now," I said and laughed at myself for voluntarily offering to be restrained. Vijay pulled a small set of leather cuffs from a drawer. He snapped them around each wrist with my hands behind my back. They were soft and gentle, but didn't allow me to move much.

"And these," Vijay said and held up a small pair of briefs. They were white and completely see-through except for the front, opaque pouch that pulled my cock and balls away from me and displayed my package. I stepped into them and he pulled them up. He folded my cock and shoved it into the pouch.

"There, all ready. I'll put you away in the closet while we await the guests for dinner. I'll come check on you in an hour to see you've finished your bottle and take you to pee." Vijay patted my back for me to stand up. I turned to see Mr. Almari watching from the doorway.

"Oh, sir! Did we wake you?" I asked. He just shook his head and looked at me with an appraising smile.

"Fuck, he looks..." Mr. Almari started and I saw Tarik appear at his side wearing workout shorts and a tight white tank top that contrasted nicely with his skin.

"Beautiful," Tarik finished his sentence. He came towards me and twisted my nipple softly with a look of pure lust. A wide, goofy grin spread across his thick, brown lips. "I want him right now."

"After the dinner. He will keep... and so will you," his father said. He put a hand on Tarik's arm, but Tarik leaned in and put his lips to mine. I felt his hand grip the back of my neck as he pulled me against him. His other hand went to the center of my back and he pushed me to him. He was skinnier than me, but his alpha breeding connected with my body and made me lean into his arms. I felt his control over me, his superiority. I felt a need that I couldn't explain. Somewhere deep in my chest needed urgently to please him.

"Now! Tarik, we must get ready," Mr. Almari said and his son let me go. I stood there with my hands cuffed behind me and my cock pointing up in the briefs with a fresh spot of precum forming. I felt my pulse racing and my breathing ragged as I watched him back away from me. He didn't take his eyes from me until Mr. Almari pulled him back into the bedroom out of sight.

"I just put those briefs on you and you're already messing them up! Try to control yourself just an ounce, Cage!" Vijay was not pleased, but kept his voice low.

Mr. Almari came back in a few seconds later and stripped out of his shorts. He ignored us and went into the shower. I watched his hard body lather up under the shower head until Vijay pushed me towards the closet. He had me kneel against the carpet as he went to get my dinner.


I was there for maybe an hour in the closet with the bottle gag strapped to my face. He'd added some banana to it and it tasted better than the last one. I sucked it down in the cool, quiet closet and thought about what must be going on downstairs. They were probably feasting on plates of succulent meat and delicious sides. My stomach felt full and happy for my protein meal, but it brought back memories of the days when I thoughtlessly scarfed down artfully prepared meals in some of California's best restaurants. I'd rarely given a second thought to the privilege I held.

The door opened and light streamed into the black closet making me blink and squint at the dark figures blocking the door. A small figure was pushed in and brought to my side. He was forced down to his knees and I could see his arms were cuffed behind him. He was naked as well and we looked at each other in the dim light for a second before I was yanked up to my feet by Vijay.

He took me out to the bathroom and over to the little room with the toilet in it. He undid the cuffs and I was allowed to stretch my arms for a second while I tried to piss. Vijay untied the bottle gag and removed it from my mouth while I pissed.

"You finished it, good boy..." He noted without any excitement. He looked tired. It wasn't his place to enjoy these big events that must have happened regularly in the Almari house. But he treasured his position, his indisputable necessity in the home.

"Thanks, it wasn't bad!" I said happily and rubbed my jaw.

"Yeah, you're getting used to it," he laughed. He waited for me to finish and then told me to watch my hands and kneel on the bathroom tile. He disappeared back into the closet and pushed out the figure he'd stashed in there a few minutes before.

I thought the guy must be gagged, but he was just silent. He was cute enough, and light like me with blonde hair but with green eyes. He had a light, even tan from head to toe like he laid out fully naked somewhere.

"Pedro, Cage. Cage, Pedro. You'll be working together tonight. Pedro knows what they want. Mr. Almari will be up soon to get you both," Vijay said in a rush and left us there.

"You look hot, dude. How long have you worked the Cairo circuit? I never met you before?" he asked me with a deep voice that sounded older than his face and held a thick spanish lisp that told me his English wasn't native.

I explained my situation to the wide-eyed Spanish immigrant. He told me his too. Pedro was 24 and finishing medical school here. Mr. Terani and Almari shared his living expenses and all costs in exchange for exclusive use of his body when they wanted it. They usually requested him once a month. He had his own condo, no student loans, and a decent car with only a year left of studying. He had total freedom other than saving his sex life for the whims of his masters.

"Don't worry! They go sweet and gentle with new pussy and Tarik will fuck to please you. He's a sweet boy, growing into a respectable man," Pedro asserted. I felt a twist of jealousy knowing Tarik had seeded him already.

"What are they going to do with us?" I asked him.

"I never know. Some nights it's quick and they just pass me back and forth. Sometimes they want a fantasy. Terani likes me in costumes sometimes! I usually stretch myself to get ready for them, but Mr. Almari told me to lay off it for a week. So I'm probably here to serve as a guide, a practice hole," Pedro laughed and shrugged without any concern.

"Boys," Mr. Almari's voice called from the bedroom. "On your knees." We were already there, but Pedro straightened up and wiped the smile off his face. I followed his form and puffed out my chest. He came in wearing a small pair of shorts and tight tank top that hugged his muscles. He seemed pleased by how he found us. He held two collars with leashes. He moved toward Pedro who leaned his head forward for Mr. Almari.

Tarik appeared behind his father wearing equally tight shorts and a tank top. They planned on doing activity. His father handed him the other collar. I took the cue from Pedro and leaned towards Tarik. He snapped the collar around my neck and held the leash. He pulled it tightly and I leaned forward with a deep gasp. He looked at me with sympathy for a second, but then straightened up and turned away. He was going to prove his worth as a trainer.

"Are you ready?" Mr. Almari asked as he pulled Pedro to crawl forward.

"Yes," Tarik and I said in unison. I realized the question wasn't meant for me.

"Should we gag him?" Tarik asked his father.

"No, no. We have many uses for that mouth," he laughed. He pulled a crawling Pedro away and Tarik followed with a yank to my neck.

I crawled behind him to find Mr. Terani and Ahmed sitting on the couch near the window with a good view of the bed. Like Tarik and his father, the two men were also dressed as though we were going to play volleyball later.

Tarik pulled me towards the bed and then laid down on one side while his father took the other. There was a giant sheet over the bedding that looked like an enormous towel. I'd never seen anything like it, but Vijay was resourceful. Tarik yanked me up and I jumped onto the bed. I looked at Pedro who was on all fours, straddling Mr. Almari's lap with his face hovering over the Egyptian's thickening bulge. I copied him and Tarik yanked me forward so he could pet my cheek like a good puppy.

"You earned your stars today," he said and pushed me back up so everyone could see my chest.

"Yes sir. I wanted to please you," I said as he pushed his thumb into my mouth. His palm caressed my cheek while I sucked on his thumb eagerly.

"He's a good boy. You should share him so we can all reward him," Mr. Terani noted from my side. I realized he'd stood and come over to see me grovel in front of Tarik. I felt his hand rub my back and looked to see his other hand grab his bulge. I was already hard again and hadn't really calmed my erection since Tarik touched me earlier.

"Not yet," Tarik said bluntly and pulled me forward harshly so I fell with my chest against his package. I felt his thick cock pushing along the right leg of his shorts. He filled it admirably and I rubbed my pecs against it as I kissed his stomach.

"You did a good job today, Cage," Tarik scratched under my chin playfully. "I'm proud of you. Are you ready to open for me?"

"I think so," I whispered, unsure as to what I was agreeing. "Will it hurt?"

"Yeah, it will, but I promise it will feel better than it hurts and I'll take it as slowly as I can. Ok?" Tarik whispered back, dropping the harsh tone he used to impress his father. I looked over to realize that the others were preoccupied with Pedro. Mr. Terani was rubbing his asshole while Pedro was eagerly sucking on Mr. Almari's big floppy dick.

"Hey," Tarik said and pulled my face away from the orgy on the other side of the bed.

"Sorry, sir," I said and trained my eyes on his. He had large brown eyes that seemed so focused yet kind. He looked right into me as though he knew what I needed.

"Do you trust me, Cage?" he asked with a hint of vulnerability.

"Of course I do... I don't think your father would give me to you if you weren't going to be the best for me." I said it with sincerity and kissed up his stomach.

Tarik beamed proudly and leaned forward. He pulled my leash towards him and our lips met. His tongue pushed into me and I sucked on it as his hands slid down my back. He cupped my ass cheeks in his palms and pushed me up his body. My arms went around him as well and his lips left mine to kiss a trail up my jaw.

"Uhhh," I moaned as he hit the right spots and sent tingles over my face. They were followed shortly by other waves of pleasure as his hands dug into my briefs and he kneaded my ass cheeks.

"Fuh," I gasped as his finger pressed against my hole. I'd never been one to do much down there and never even considered letting a guy inside me, but nothing made sense when I was under the power of the alphas. They melted my pride and dug into my brain. I turned into a needy, desperate little slut around them and Tarik was my King now. My body knew its owner and every ounce of attention filled it with the drug it most craved.

"Are you my little white pussy boy? You want this big Arab cock in your little cunt?" Tarik growled in a whisper as he bit on my earlobe.

"Oh yeah, please fuck, please!" I begged a little too loudly.

"Yeah? Beg me for it, tell me what you want," Tarik whispered again as his finger dug into my hole. It was dry and hurt a little as he shoved it in, but he hit the spots in me that made my body twist and groan with pleasure.

"Yes. I'm your pussy slut and I need your big Arab meat. Please!" I whined and lost all sense of composure.

"Well that didn't take long," I heard Ahmed say and turned to see the three men who were using Pedro had stopped and were watching us with interest.

"He's a natural," Mr. Almari beamed proudly with his hard cock shoved halfway down Pedro's throat. They were all frozen and watching us, watching Tarik break in his new toy.

"He shouldn't be so loving with him," Mr. Terani said. "The slave will expect it."

"He's doing things his way. A boy who is trained in love will be even more loyal to his keeper. He will trust Tarik and follow him from his heart instead of his fear," Mr. Almari countered.

"Nonsense. I keep my boys on a tight leash and they'd follow me over a cliff," Mr. Terani said as he smacked Pedro's ass harshly. Pedro moaned in pretend ecstasy and arched his back.

"Well Tarik knows to avoid cliffs," Mr. Almari said and caressed Pedro's cheek as he started to bob on the big Egyptian cock again.

"I think we should just shove the biggest toy we can find in his ass and then give him an hour in the closet to get used to it. Then we can all fuck him without the whining," Ahmed said.

"And that is why Tarik is his trainer," Mr. Almari laughed.

"He's so desperate for it. Why are they like that?" Tarik laughed and turned to his father.

"Men like him need us. They don't even realize it until they find us, the ones who can train them. Isn't that right?" Mr. Almari reached over and laced his fingers through my hair. He rubbed it thoughtfully as Tarik continued to pleasure my hole. I looked up at him with needy eyes and nodded. He smiled adoringly and gave a light flick to my nose.

"Yes sir," I said and leaned up to suck his finger into my lips.

"You might want a little of this," I heard Vijay say and turned to my right to see him standing next to the bed. He was stripped down to a pair of red skimpy briefs that showed off his package. He held a bottle of lube to Tarik who took his finger from my hole and let Vijay squeeze a thick dollop onto it.

He used his other hand to push down my briefs and I felt the breeze of the air conditioner on my bare cheeks and budding hole. I arched my back and stuck out my ass as his finger brought the warming gel to my hole. It buzzed and sent little shivers through me as he pressed inside me and rubbed it around in slow circles. I moaned and whimpered against his neck as he worked it inside me.

"That feels so good," I said as he owned my hole.

"It's the good lube. If you failed to earn your stars today we were going to use the sticky, goopy lube. It does the job, but doesn't feel good," Tarik laughed and kissed my cheek.

"You were going to open me anyway?" I asked.

"Of course. Taking you is my job. Doing it nicely is your reward for being an obedient little slut," Tarik said.

"Uhhhh fuck yeah!" I heard Pedro whine and I turned to watch Mr. Terani knelt behind him and sliding into his ass in a sharp motion. His thick brown cock couldn't have possibly fit inside the slender Spaniard, but the guy was doing his best to take it. He'd probably had it thousands of times so he was used to it, but it still made his eyes water as he whimpered and nursed on Mr. Almari's cock.

I turned back to Tarik with scared eyes. His cock was nearly as big and I wasn't nearly as experienced.

"Don't worry," he assured as he read my face. "I won't go that fast." He rubbed my back with one hand soothingly as his finger pushed deeper into me with the other.

"Ok, on your back. Let's get this going," Tarik said as though this had been practice. He pushed me off his chest and I rolled over closer to Mr. Almari and Pedro. Tarik got up on his knees and smacked the side of my ass for me to move away from his father and the intense orgy scene. I scooted over to where Tarik had laid as he got off the bed and began to shuck his clothes. He pushed down his shorts and freed his cock. It bounced out and then arced up towards his stomach. I reached for it and sat up to suck on it.

"Good instinct, Get it wet for where it's going," he said. He leaned over me and straddled my shoulders with his knees. I was pushed back down against the bed as his cock flopped over my face. I sucked it as he parted my legs and began to work on my ass. He squirted out more lube and started to push two fingers inside me.

"Breathe, Cage. Open that pussy for me. Don't be so tight," Tarik said as he shoved his cock into my mouth. I was gagging on it as the tip tickled my throat a few times.

"I like to rub his tummy like this," Mr. Almari said and reached to pet smooth circles around my abs. "Boys his age can cum just from a good tummy rub. It's an old trick and relaxes his hole," Mr. Almari assured.

I felt chills across my stomach and then felt Tarik's fingers slide into me more easily. They knew what they were doing, and my body reacted with ecstasy.

"Mmmm," I moaned with a stuffed mouth as my body eased into Tarik's mission. He slid the fingers in up to the second knuckle and then pulled them apart to stretch me in slow, rhythmic motions.

"He's a decent little cocksucker," Tarik said with pride.

"It's in his blood," Mr. Terani laughed. "His father... damn."

Tarik was speeding up his rhythm of sliding his fingers in and out of my hole. He started to slam them into me until I felt his palm against my cheeks. His fingers touched places inside me that electrified my skin and made my body buck and push against him.

"Uhhh" I whined as his cock started to face fuck me. It pulled out too far and flopped up past my nose getting spit in my eye. I closed it and reached to rub it as I whined.

"I want to try a toy!" Tarik said suddenly and slid his fingers out of me.

"Up on your knees, boy," he barked and I started to sit up in a daze. I felt a head rush and groaned. My hole felt empty like his fingers had been inside me for years. I didn't get up fast enough and felt him grab the leash. He pulled me up and I scrambled to my knees. He turned me around and then pushed me chest first against the mattress.

I pointed my ass up and turned to see him go to a tray Vijay had set on the coffee table. He picked up this floppy jelly cock that was a light flesh color.

"This one is similar to your own cock so it shouldn't stretch you too much. It's a good starter. White cock is good for something," Tarik noted without humor. He grabbed the lube and slicked it up. I wiggled my ass in anticipation.

Ahmed came over as Tarik knelt behind me. I felt the slicked cock press against my hole. It felt like flesh, but I knew it was the toy. It was flexible, not a hard plastic. I looked up at Ahmed as my lips formed a wide O shape. He was standing next to me and he pushed his shorts down so his cock flopped out.

"I'll keep his mouth busy while you're working back there," he said to his brother. He reached to grab a fistful of my hair as he pulled my face towards his crotch. His cock was thick and smelled a little sweaty. He wasn't as clean and meticulous as Tarik. He was the rougher brother. I eyed him with annoyance. I didn't think Tarik would want me pleasuring someone else.

"Yeah sure! Have at it," Tarik laughed and I felt the tip of the fake cock push past my ring. I guess he wasn't so possessive when it came to his own brother.

"Ahhh!" I cried out in a mix of pressure and joy. Ahmed took advantage of it to push his cock into my mouth. He kept a grip on my hair and held me still as he started to facefuck me. He was being gentler than I expected though. Perhaps it was out of respect for his younger brother, but he didn't push in too far.

"That's a good boy," he praised as he slid in and out of my mouth. Tarik was pushing the toy into me inch by inch waiting patiently for me to adjust before giving more. I signaled my comfort by wiggling my ass and pushing back on it. His right hand pushed it in while his left rubbed my back. He kept offering praise as I took more inside me and worked my tongue around his brother's shaft.

"That's it, you got it, Cage. Good boy. Open that pussy for me. You know you want more... That's it, baby... That's a good boy," Tarik praised. Someone listening in from outside would swear he was talking to a pet... well except for the word pussy. He praised me like his prize puppy taking its medicine.

"Fuck that's a good mouth," Ahmed said and started to speed up his face fucking.

"Fuck yeah he feels good," he growled as he gripped my hair and slid to my throat.

"Try to slid it in and out, Tarik," Mr. Almari advised. "Slowly, but don't let him rest too long, just enough to get used to it."

"Ok," Tarik said as the fake cock bottomed out in me. I was whining and whimpering on Ahmed's cock, nursing it like a jumbo pacifier to take my mind off the anal stretch Tarik was giving me.

He started to slide it out halfway until Mr. Almari told him enough. Then he pushed it back into me until it hit the end. I felt his fingers against my ass cheeks. He did that slowly a few times and then started to speed up until it went more smoothly and my cries softened.

"He's getting used to it. Flip him onto his back again and try it that way so he gets different angles," Mr. Almari coached. Ahmed slipped his cock out of my mouth and sat down against the pillows as Tarik swatted my ass for me to flip over. He kept the cock in my hole as I got up and turned around. I wiped the tears from my eyes and then eased down onto my back.

"It hurts, but it feels good," I sniffled as I laid back on the bed. Ahmed was there and he let me lay back between his legs with my hair against his stomach. He reached down and held me while Tarik was between my legs and holding the cock inside me.

"No one asked how you feel," Ahmed snorted and twisted my nipples painfully.

"We know how he feels. He knows he is safe with us," Mr. Almari smiled and leaned over to kiss my forehead. The two men and Pedro weren't doing much. Their orgy had settled down. Mr. Terani was slowly fucking Pedro who was lazily fisting Mr. Almari's thick cock so they could all watch us.

"Here it goes," Tarik said and started to slide the fake cock in and out of me. There was a total of seven cocks in the room and I thought it was funny that they needed a fake one to open me. But I knew that Tarik wanted to be the first real cock to take my cherry. I was his prize to claim and he wasn't about to give that up to any other man.

"Ahhh," I gasped as Tarik pushed it into me. Ahmed was playing with my collar and using the leash to pull it tight. I barely registered the choking though as I gasped for air more from the depths Tarik was plunging inside me.

"Oh fuck yeah," I whined as he started to speed up and ram the cock inside me. We must have been at this for at least an hour now and I was finally opening enough to where it felt real waves of pleasure as the cock rubbed along my sensitive canal. It lighted little fires inside me as it went and I bucked and moaned as he shoved it in and yanked it out. My cock was rock hard and leaking a pool of precum against my stomach. Ahmed rubbed me in a rare moment of tender concern.

"He's loving this," Ahmed noted to his brother as he yanked tightly on my leash with one hand and twisted my nipples with the other. I saw Tarik look up at me. He had that focused look of concentration, but when our eyes met, he smiled.

"Yeah, he better be. You're my boy now, Cage. Aren't you?" Tarik asked.

"Yes sir, please fuck me. Yeah fuck the pussy you own," I begged as my body experienced a prolonged and intense version of that feeling you get when you're right on the edge of cumming. It was like an extreme moment of dazed weakness... like when you're about to sneeze... but out of your cock instead of nose.

"I'm so close to cumming, don't stop please... Fuck don't stop," I begged.

"Oh shit! Tarik! Get your cock in there RIGHT NOW!" Mr. Almari said. Tarik slid the fake cock out of me and quickly put his thick head against my hole. There was still a lot of lube inside me and his cock slicked as he tried to force his way into me.

I was lost in ecstasy until the full head pushed through my ring in a quick and intense jolt of pain.

"Ahhh! Ow!" I protested, but then it pushed through and I felt an immediate wave of dazed lust fill me again. My hole lit up like a wildfire as its owner pushed inside.

"No whining, little bitch. This is what you begged my brother for," Ahmed yanked on my leash and shoved two fingers in my mouth. It pulled my head back up at a harsh angle as Tarik sank into me deeper.

"Meh Mir," I mumbled around Ahmed's fingers as he slid them in and out of my mouth while pulling on my leash. He was trying to distract me so his brother could get in me deeper, but Tarik was over it.

"Don't take this from him. I don't need him distracted," Tarik said simply and pulled Ahmed's spit-slicked fingers from my throat. Ahmed used the slippery fingers to stroke his thick cock next to my head. Ahmed leaned down over me and kissed me as he shoved more of his cock into my hole. I felt so full as he worked his way into me, but also so complete. He slid his arms around me and started to fuck me in a slow in-and-out rhythm that rubbed over my prostate and touched the places inside me that awakened with happy little screams.

"Yeah, Fuck! Oh fuck!" I panted as Tarik rode me.

"Feel me stretch that pussy open. Feel me take what's mine," Tarik growled in a soft voice next to my ear as he drilled me. Ahmed was jerking his cock next to our faces.

Tarik's face was on the other side of mine, away from his brother's jerking. Ahmed was rubbing the tip against my cheek every time he squeezed out a drop of precum. I was already a sweaty mess though so it didn't add much.

"I love that hole," Tarik praised as he shoved his gift inside me and then yanked it back.

"Uhhhh I'm gonna... oh fuck!" My body thumped against the bed and my eyes clamped shut as my cock started to throb and shoot. I felt hot waves of salty cum fly over my chest, my cheeks, up onto Ahmed. He pushed my head to the side and started to quickly fist his erection next to my ear as Tarik shoved inside me.

"Oh fuck Oh fuck Own my pussy. Fill me please," I begged desperately as my cock kept shooting it's days of built up cum. Ahmed was next and he quickly started to fire off next to my face. He grabbed my hair with his free hand and yanked my face to the side to shove his erupting cock into my mouth. I gulped salty seed as he shoved me onto his thick, quaking shaft. I swallowed hard as he fired off into me.

Tarik was halfway in when the waves overtook him. My hole was clenching down on his shaft as I came and it started to milk him as he was only halfway inside me. He collapsed onto me and started to fill me with his seed as his hips shoved his cock deeper inside me.

"Fucking tight," he hissed as he buried his lips against my neck on the other side from his brother's eruption. He started to fuck me in quick, shallow motions as he filled me with his seed. We didn't last long, but the intense pleasure, the love was too much for us. I felt my body rewire itself as his seed flooded me. He marked my hole with his cum and it seeped up inside me. He wrapped his arms around me and I felt safe with my owner. My body connected to him. He was the first to plant inside me and I knew I'd never want another like him.

"Fuck, that pussy is so good," he growled against my ear and bit down sharply.

"Ahhh," I moaned as I turned away from Ahmed and swallowed the last of his cum.

"Fill me," I whispered simply in a lust-filled haze. "Please."

"Yeah, I marked my bitch," he laughed as the last of his cum fired inside me. "I marked my boy," he praised. He pulled me up into his chest and rolled over with his cock inside me. He laid back between his brother and father as I relaxed against his chest and felt his cum start to seep out of my hole around his shaft.

"That's my good boy," he praised and rubbed my back. He slid a hand up the back of my neck and laced his fingers through my blonde hair like his father had done. I kissed along his neck as we recovered our breath together and ignored the other four men in the bed.

We breathed in sync and knew we shared something we'd never have with another. Well maybe he would. He would probably be the first to seed many a white boy. But I'd never have another first. I'd spend the rest of my life comparing cocks, comparing fucking, comparing who owned my hole best, comparing it all to Tarik and the first time he took me.

I was ok with that.

We laid there recovering together for a few minutes before Tarik pushed me up and off of him. He got off the bed and pulled me with him. I looked back to see things with Pedro heating up. He was bouncing in Mr. Almari's lap now while yanking on Mr. Terani's cock as the man stood next to them. Tarik pulled me away and we headed down to his bedroom. Ahmed followed us, but headed down to his own bedroom.

Tarik took off my collar and leash. We showered together and made out as he rubbed soap into my well-used hole. We washed each other and then passed out in a tangle of arms, legs, and love. I rested my head on his skinny chest while he rubbed my muscles and kissed the top of my head.

"I loved that. Your tight pussy felt so incredible, like it was made for me," Tarik said as he yawned.

"Maybe it was... sir... made just for you," I said and yawed back. We fell silent for a few minutes, hands exploring each other's bodies. I finally was able to fall asleep after I heard him start to snore lightly, after I made sure my trainer was taken care of for the night.


Next: Chapter 5

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