Cage Cock Cairo

By Emri S.

Published on Jul 29, 2023


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Cage finds his rock... and a new role. .

-{~ Cage! Cock! Cairo! ~}-

Chapter 3

-by Emri- .

I had just logged in to the computer at the Internet cafe down the road from the park where I'd beat Ahmed in soccer before it ended in a fight. I didn't have any of my brothers' phone numbers, but if I could get into my email I could let them know I needed help. I thought Andy would be my best chance. He hated dad and was successful in his own right at a firm in San José. He'd help me out.

I had to beg the chunky older guy at the counter to let me use a computer. I told him my wallet and phone were taken, gave him the whole sob story. He seemed semi charmed by my American accent and said I could have fifteen minutes. I may have flirted a little too.

"Cage!" I heard my name from an angry and familiar voice. I looked up to see Mr. Almari near the entrance. I flipped up the hood on my borrowed sweatshirt and closed out of the computer. He hadn't spotted me behind the bank of computers, but it was only a matter of time.

I squatted low to the carpet and crept towards the restrooms. I thought maybe there would be a back exit there. I got an interested giggle from two high school girls who were charging their phones.

"Cage!" He called again. "This is your last chance." He said it in a softer voice as though he knew I was nearby.

But I didn't take it.

I crawled towards the restrooms when I felt a sudden jolt from just under my balls. I yelped from surprise and then felt three quick jolts that took me to the floor doubled over in shock and pain.

I tried to keep quiet but each zap made my body twist and cry out. I thought maybe I could get away and out of range for his control, but that's not how things work in the digital age. He could zap me from Tokyo if he wanted.

I saw his shoes appear by my head and I reached out a hand in pain. Instead of pity though, he gave one long zap that brought an endless rush of agony to my balls. My eyes were tearing up as I looked up at the angry face of the man who controlled my pain and pleasure. From that angle and in my state, he seemed like a god.

I was immediately filled with remorse for not obeying, for running from him. I could see that I had broken his trust, scared him at my flight. I felt a pain in my stomach at what I had done. He had taken me in, shown me I was worth something. I would do anything to appease him.

"Please," I choked out and he finally took his finger off the screen. We were making quite the scene in the crowded cafe. A well-dressed Arab gentleman subduing a muscled white jock with just a tap of his finger. No one could figure out what he was doing, but all eyes were on me.

He yanked me up to my feet by my arm and pushed me towards the door. We passed a mirrored wall and I caught sight of my image, of the intrigued stares from the fellow patrons. My face was red and streaked with tears as I shuffled past and looked down at my shoes. He had stopped the zaps, but the pain persisted as the shock wore off.

Mr. Almari said something to the patrons that made them nod knowingly. I wondered how he'd explained it. Was I an escaped convict? A wanted fugitive?

He pushed me across the parking lot in the blazing sun towards his black sedan. I started to try and explain, but he yelled for me to be silent as he pushed me into the passenger seat.

"I'm missing an important meeting right now. It's a good thing I got the cage with the tracker app or I'd have wasted my entire day hunting you down. Now be silent so I can get back to this conference call," he barked as he started the car. He pushed buttons on the touchscreen and the car filled with chattering voices.

I rode silently as he charmed the businessmen in Arabic. He almost seemed like his anger had faded as he laughed and joked while we cruised a wide boulevard. I was starting to feel better until he pulled into a parking garage and ended the call.

He yanked me out of the car and pulled me by the arm to an elevator. I tried again to explain, but he wouldn't hear it and he raised his hand back as though ready to smack me. I went quiet and hung my head.

"You nearly cost your father a loan we need for the new project! I have to finish my business for today and we will deal with your punishment later. Until then you'll be silent." Mr. Almari was the angriest I'd ever seen him.

I nodded and followed him through the offices of my father's company. I'd only ever been to the main one in LA, but this was no small operation. His office was in a corner at the back. Two sides of the room were floor to ceiling windows with a view of the immaculate planned community he lived in.

He closed the door to the office and we were in complete privacy. He pulled me over to his desk and immediately started to take my clothes off.

"I'm sorry I ran, but I just..." I started to say, but he cut me off with a glare. I shrank back to silence as I stepped out of the sweatpants.

"Fold them nicely," he ordered as he opened a small drawer on one side of his desk.

"Every holiday they give me dreadful ties for gifts. Luckily I saved them all," Mr. Almari laughed to himself though there was little joy in his face. I stood there naked except for my cock cage. My poor nuts looked all right, but they were noticeably larger and had a dull, persistent ache to them.

"Sir, I just..." I started to say, but Mr. Almari flashed me a look that said it wasn't time yet.

"I'll use the first one on that mouth. I've had enough of it today," Mr. Almari said and roped a colorful tie around my neck. He drew it up across my mouth and I tasted fine Italian silk as he secured it in a knot behind my head. I looked at him with pleading eyes, but he was not in the mood for it.

He shook his head and paused for a minute to put his palm to my cheek. He rubbed my jaw and thought about me for a second.

"I'm sure that pretty little head of yours thought it had a good reason to run off, but you will learn that you have a family here that cares very much for your safety and health. I think of you like one of my own sons, one who requires a lot of training and patience. Your father left you to wander on your own. We don't do that here. You could have been seriously hurt. I've told you that, but you're too dumb to understand," Mr. Almari lamented as though he truly thought that.

"But you will learn, and I will do what is necessary so that you do," He assured and patted my cheek. He leaned down and kissed my forehead and pushed back my blond bangs which had fallen over my forehead. I smiled with the tie gag covering my tongue.

"I love you, you little idiot," he laughed and pulled my hair playfully. I felt like his puppy. I didn't mind that.

He patted my chest where I had earned one star this morning. It felt like days ago and I wished I had stayed in the house and just hidden in his closet until Vijay came home. But I hadn't. I'd escaped, pushed by the unbearable shame of revelation Tarik had given me. I was too embarrassed to show my face, or any other part of me, around him again. It was sinking in now that I'd really fucked up when I fled this morning.

"Well, I do have a business to run and I can't be worried for your whereabouts... so I'm securing you here until I can deal with your punishment," Mr. Almari said. He pushed me down into kneeling position and I landed on my knees. He went for a wide, wooden chair from the conference table on the other side of his office.

He set the chair right in front of me and then kicked at my knees to they were on either side of the chair legs. I was halfway doing the splits as my knees were parted by the width of the chair legs. He squatted down next to me and tied each knee to the right and left front legs of the chair.

"Mmmm," I mumbled with discomfort, but he just laughed and shook his head as if I were unbearable annoying. He raised me up and bent me over the seat of the chair and then tied each wrist to the right and left back legs of the chair. My chest was down against the seat of the chair and my head was arched back to look through the bars.

I was secure enough for him to leave me, but he still had one last tie. He thought for a moment and then smiled to himself. He roped the tie around behind my cock cage and then used it to pull my nuts away from me as far as he could then tied it to the center bar that ran between the back chair legs. I wasn't going anywhere.

"Mmmm," I pleaded as he stood and inspected his work. I was hidden from anyone who would come into his office and planted discreetly and quietly behind his desk chair. He rubbed my ass and gave it a few pats.

"This should do for awhile. It will give me time to finish working and think about your punishment. Obviously I can't leave you at home to earn stars for awhile. You'll need to come with me and be here during the day. The air conditioning should give your nuts some time to cool down," Mr. Almari said as though it was his gift to let me recover in comfort.

"I'll be back, Cage. If anyone comes in, don't draw attention to yourself. They know you're the CEO's son and you've already embarrassed your family enough this month. You won't get the chance to do the same with mine," he said and walked away. He turned the lights off and left me there as the air conditioner blew down on me.

My nuts shriveled up in the cold which made them feel better. My nipples tightened into hard little darts against the rough chair seat. I squirmed a little, but knew that escaping would only worsen his wrath. My cock hurt every time I squirmed since it was secured to the chair. I decided to just ride this one out.

I had a lot of time to think. I'd acted impulsively. Tarik was right to be disgusted with me, but I was wrong to leave again. I'd assured Mr. Almari I was ready for this. My life had taken a crazy turn in the last week. If someone had told me a week ago that I'd be begging for attention from an Arab man in his 40's, groveling in front of his son for a taste of his cock, or cleaning floors to earn star tattoos on my chest, I'd tell them to fuck off. But here I was.

The worst part of being alone in the dark was learning that I really had to piss. I shouldn't have had so much water this morning. I should have pissed before I fled. I should have stayed there where I had a comfortable home and people who didn't treat me like I was in the way or bothersome... well except for Tarik.

The lights finally came back on when I was ready to let loose all over his carpeted office. I wanted to moan against my tie gag, but then I remembered he'd said people might come in. I heard footsteps coming closer and prayed that it was him. From the angle of my head and the chair blocking my sight, I couldn't tell who was there until he called my name.

"Mmmm," I whined. The tie gag was so tight around my mouth that I couldn't make other noises.

"I'm just about finished," Mr. Almari said as he came over and patted my hair. He sounded as though he'd cooled down and wasn't so angry. Maybe that would bode well for my punishment. I squirmed and looked up at him to try and let him know I needed to pee.

"You need to piss, boy?" He asked with a laugh and I nodded firmly. He gave my ass a few playful swats and then rubbed it slowly until I was wiggling and shaking from my urgent need to go. I rocked the chair back and forth anxiously as I tried to hold it in.

"I won't untie you. I've wasted enough of my day on you, so you'll have to piss into something," he said. He went for something on his desk and then showed me a glass tumbler. He put it just under my cock and then told me to let it out.

I let out a loud moan as my cock let loose. I felt relief mixed with pain from my aching balls as the pressure released into the glass. I prayed that it could hold it all. I whined as he cupped my nuts in his hand to massage them while I finished up.

It didn't feel too weird pissing with the cage on, it held my cock at a perfect angle so it all went where it was supposed to. He gave the cage a few flicks of his fingers to shake out the last drops.

"Mank Ooh, Mer," I thanked him with the gag on my mouth.

"You're welcome," he laughed. He set the glass on the seat of the chair I was tied to. It was inches from my face and I smelled the acrid piss.

"You can clean that up before we head home for the day," Mr. Almari noted. "I have just a few more things to finish before we head out. It's nice having you here, knowing you're not plotting another escape."

He turned on the radio and hummed along to some Arabian pop songs as he clicked around on his computer. He took a phone call, talked to himself in Arabic, even ate some almonds while I waited, tied to his chair, inhaling my piss. He was in no hurry.

My legs were aching from the hard workout I'd done this morning combined with the frozen position of kneeling with my thighs spread wide. My chest was fine and resting on the seat, but my arms were a little numb. This wasn't even the punishment he was planning, just a holding place for me. My lips were dry and chapped from the cold room and the hours without water. I whined every now and then, but he didn't seem to notice.

"All done," he finally said. "I guess you're ready to head home for your punishment now. I wonder if I can leave you tied and just fit that chair in the trunk... ah but no, I have my golf clubs back there! Ah well, I'll re-tie you later." Mr. Almari came and squatted down next to me.

He untied my arms first and I was able to sit up and stretch my back. I couldn't stretch too much since my cock was still lassoed to the chair. He untied my cock next and I let out a loud sigh of pain as it snapped back against my thigh. I was sure it was going to be out of order for at least a week. He let me untie my knees, but stopped me when I went for the tie gag.

I stood and stretched, rubbed my limbs, did a few squats, and then walked around in discomfort as he collected some things into his workbag. I walked over to the mirror and noticed my cock and balls were red in the blue, silicone cage. I would give anything for the little white uniform shorts that hugged things close and secure to my body.

The expensive tie that gagged my mouth was ruined with my spit and teeth. I was focused on it when I saw Mr. Almari come up behind me and finally untie it. He tossed it into a wastebasket.

"Kneel down, boy. It is your time to speak," Mr. Almari said in a gentle voice. He went to sit on one side of a sofa and beckoned me towards him. "Stay on your knees," he cautioned to let me know I was not escaping punishment. I walked to him on my knees as the carpet scraped them uncomfortably. I kept going until I was kneeling between his shoes, my face looking down at his lap.

"Go ahead and tell me what happened," he said and put a hand to my cheek. He lifted my chin to look at him and rubbed my jaw while I spoke. I told him everything that happened with Ahmed and Tarik. I got a look of displeasure with what Ahmed had asked of me, and a look of sadness when I told of Tarik's reaction and how I felt.

"Ahmed will be dealt with. His pranks go too far... but Tarik... I should have talked to him about this arrangement after your first escape. He asked all about you when he found out you were coming to stay with us. I saw how he looked at your pictures, and at you when you arrived. I had the same look for your father. He most likely was upset that Ahmed got to you first. They rarely share similar interests," Mr. Almari said thoughtfully.

"I can't ever look him in the face again..." I said.

"You will. You can't let people's reactions alter your path when you have a mission. You are here to learn and grow, that doesn't stop simply because people object. You're not here to be humiliated and used to annoy others, I will deal with that. But you also can't flee every time you are the least bit uncomfortable. You should have waited for Vijay and talked to him. He would have contacted me so that I could come home and deal with this," Mr. Almari said as he pet my hair.

"I'm sorry, sir. I won't do that again," I said.

"You lost my trust and it will take more than words to earn it back. I'll keep the cage on since it proved necessary today. You also have not earned the right to pleasure yourself and your cock probably needs a few days off after the shocks it endured today," Mr. Almari said in a very observational tone that made my heart sink. I wouldn't be cumming for awhile.

"Yes sir," I said and lowered my head.

"Last thing, Cage. You're not a slave or prisoner here. You will follow my plan for you if you want to stay here. If you want to leave, you may do so, but it won't be running around Cairo in a cock cage begging for things at an internet cafe," Mr. Almari noted.

"I didn't know where to go," I admitted.

"No, you didn't. This is not California. They aren't used to strange acting American boys here. They would have called the police who would have searched you since you don't have ID. You would be punished for roaming without papers and a perversion charge for the contraption on your penis. You might also have been sexually assaulted or worse. All of that would eventually be linked back to me," Mr. Almari said with an eerie calm.

"I didn't think about that, sir," I said.

"No, you didn't think. Now, if you still wish to contact someone for a way out of here, feel free to use my computer. If not, if you want to stay with me..." Mr. Almari started. My heart gave a flutter of realization how much I wanted to learn from him, be here under his control.

"I do want to stay!" I interrupted, but Mr. Almari gave me a look that said it wasn't time to speak.

"Don't interrupt when a man is speaking," he cautioned. He lunged forward and grabbed my jaw tightly. I nodded.

"If you want to stay here, you will submit without question. You will let me in. A trainer must know what his boy feels, thinks, fears, loves. You don't run when you are afraid unless it is to my side. You don't act without first receiving instructions. You will listen and obey or you will endure the consequences without complaint. If you can't do this then you will tell me and I will arrange for you to leave on safe terms. If you choose to stay, you will complete your training. If you choose to leave, you will not return. I don't keep a boy who doesn't wish to be kept," Mr. Almari finished.

"I want to stay, sir," I said after a quiet minute to make sure he was finished.

"Not today, Cage. You will make your decision tomorrow when you're separated from the emotion of the punishment you'll receive tonight. Now go and clean up your glass of piss so we can head home," Mr. Almari said.

He called Vijay on the way home and they made plans in Arabic so I had no idea what awaited me. I sat in silence while they debated something, and then Mr. Almari used English to say, "Ok, sounds good." That was the end of it and we drove the rest of the way in silence.

"Go find Vijay in the kitchen, he will get you started. I need to speak with my sons," Mr. Almari said calmly as he pulled into the garage. He put the car in park and then reached his hand to the back of my neck. He pulled me towards him until his nose touched mine. I smelled his minty breath mixed with his leathery, spiced aftershave. His other hand found my thigh and he rubbed it with pressure that made me mouth agape.

"I know you can get through this, Cage. You will learn to trust your master, to run to me when you are scared. This is your safety, your purpose. There is nothing out there for you until you learn to submit to your purpose and be strong on your own. Do you understand?" Mr. Almari asked in a low growl that sent a shiver through my chest.

I nodded and our noses rubbed together bringing a smile to my lips. I didn't know what I wanted him to do, that was up to him of course. But I wanted him to possess me, right there in his car. I melted at his touch, his strong guiding hand. Whatever he wanted of me, my innermost control compelled me to give it.

"Leave the clothes on the counter when you pass through the laundry room. Vijay will expect you naked," Mr. Almari said coldly as we exited the car. He gave my ass a hard smack as I went towards the door. He left me at the laundry room and went down the hallway. I slid out of my clothes and padded naked into the kitchen to find Vijay.

"Kneel," he said simply as he chopped a peeled cucumber. The chef was behind him, but didn't turn to look at me. Vijay finished his chopping as I knelt on the cold, tile floor. I waited there for a few minutes, my knees beginning to hurt as Vijay ignored me.

A few minutes passed and I felt my stomach rumble. I hadn't eaten since this morning. I'd had a little water at Mr. Almari's office after I'd finished cleaning up the glass of my piss. They had forgotten to feed me and it reminded me that I was equal to the level of house pet.

I slowly rose and peeked over the counter to see Vijay checking something on his phone with a smile. He didn't see me so I cleared my throat and got an angry look.

"Kneel!" Vijay said as he walked around the counter. He pushed me down with a hand on my shoulder and put his knee against my back.

"I'm hungry, sir. I didn't have lunch," I whined.

"You'll eat when it's time. You chose to leave and missed out on the sandwich we'd left for you in the fridge. One of the servants ate it so you'll have to wait until after your punishment," Vijay explained as the anger left his voice.

"He's ready for you," Vijay said as his phone buzzed on the marble counter. "Up!"

I got to my feet and rubbed my legs as Vijay pushed me towards the doorway and out into the living room. Ahmed was sprawled out on the couch in sweatpants but didn't look away from the television as we passed by. I was pushed up the stairs and down to Mr. Almari's bedroom. He was waiting there for me dressed in loose shorts and a tank top that showed the full breadth of his muscled chest.

"Come, kneel," Mr. Almari pointed to the floor in front of him. As if I weren't already headed over, Vijay gave me a rough push on the back. I tripped and landed right at Mr. Almari's bare feet. He laughed and propped one foot on the center of my back.

"Or sprawl on the floor if that's what you wish," he laughed and pressed down with his foot.

"Now, we were going to wait and ease you into this, but it seems you need stronger reminders to whom you belong. We will begin the training sooner to help break you in," Mr. Almari said.

I felt my chest tense up thinking of the spanking he had given me the last time. I still wasn't healed from it completely and my ass cringed at the thought of another beating.

"Here you are, sir," Vijay said as he emerged from the bathroom carrying a black bag I hadn't seen before. "I think it's all in there."

"Thank you," Mr. Almari said as he unzipped it and rummaged around. "Up on the bed, boy," he barked and took his foot off my back.

I stood and went to sit next to him on the bed, but that wasn't what he had wanted. He yanked me up by the arm and tossed me face first against the comforter. I landed on my elbows and stomach. I was bent over the bed, this was how he would spank me.

"Arms behind your back," he said but didn't wait for me to comply. He pulled my arms and crossed them behind my back as Vijay secured them with a length of rope in a quick, tight knot.

"Spread these legs," Mr. Almari said and kicked my feet apart. "Stay that way," he added.

I saw Vijay kneel in front of me against the bed and he came at my face with this pink rubbery object that looked like a 3-D version of the spade from a deck of cards. The base of it had this pink ribbon that ran through it. He shoved the spade into my mouth. It was thick and my teeth clenched against it as it formed my lips into a perfect O-shape.

The ribbon went around my head and he tied it securely on the other side to keep the spade in place. It felt weird, and I instantly had the desire to swallow which was difficult to do without the ability to close my lips or teeth.

"Don't chew it, idiot! I'm not buying you new toys unless you learn take care of them. If you'd prefer to be gagged by the socks I wore today, I can switch it. Is that what you want, boy?" Mr. Almari barked as he grabbed my hair and pulled my face to look at him. My head twisted up at an awkward angle. I shook it no and my neck pulled angrily.

To distract me from this, Mr. Almari rubbed my ass and ran a finger in slow circles around my asshole. I wiggled it for him, hoping to appease him before the impending thrashing my ass would suffer.

"Are you sure about this, Dad?" I heard a voice, but Mr. Almari still gripped a fistful of my hair so I couldn't turn to see who it was.

"It's what he wants, ask him yourself. You said you wanted to learn, but it's ok if you want to back out until he's finished with his punishment," Mr. Almari said.

"He looks so weird like this," The voice said and knelt on the bed just above my head. He let go of my hair so I could look up to see Tarik giving an awkward smile. He was wearing a tank top and shorts like his father, but his chest was skinny and bare with the stains of adolescence.

"He's a dumb, spoiled American who begs to be broken in. It's what he needs. This is what they all look like when you remove the arrogance of his golden upbringing. Inside he's a manchild groveling for discipline. Isn't that right, boy?" Mr. Almari reached and mussed my hair.

"Uhhh," I mumbled around the gag which wasn't much of a response.

"Dad said you wanted me to help him train you, that you need all of us to help you get disciplined," Tarik said. I turned my eyes to the side to see Mr. Almari smiling proudly as he sat next to his son on the bed. He put a hand on my back and rubbed my muscles. Mr. Almari's smile faded into a sober line as our eyes locked though. He lifted his nose and pointed my attention back to his pride and joy.

I nodded my head and looked back to Tarik. I nodded again vigorously and Tarik's face lit up.

"You see? He is an undisciplined khawal, muscles but no brains. Like his father, he has just enough intelligence to know he needs to submit to a real man, a master. It's what's inside him, what he was bred for," Mr. Almari said to his son. He said it in English so that I would understand as his hands dragged my bound body towards him.

His words were harsh, but he pulled me over and rested my chin on his thigh. With one hand he ran his fingers through my hair more gently. The other hand rubbed an expert massage over my back muscles. I was fighting between the anger stirred by his words and the intense pleasure of his approving touch. My body really did respond to him in ways I couldn't control.

"He needs a heavy hand of discipline and the safety of his master's guidance. Ahmed isn't interested in more than just a toy to play with. You have the instinct to assist in his training, Tarik. It isn't just about breaking his will, it's also about the tender care and duty we have to rebuild him into a productive man," Mr. Almari continued.

Tarik nodded and put his hand on my cheek. He started to lift my chin to look at him. He rubbed a thumb over the back of the gag, pushing it against my lips and forcing the tip of the rubber spade towards the back of my throat. I gagged and my body convulsed as I fought the urge to vomit.

"Where do we start?" Tarik asked his father.

"Well first he has to eat something. Vijay says he hasn't had anything since this morning. They're preparing his meal right now. We should get down to dinner as well," Mr. Almari noted.

Mr. Almari grabbed my right bicep roughly as he stood up from the bed. He pulled me with him and I scrambled to my feet as he pulled me off the bed. He yanked on my arm though and I dropped to my knees against the carpet. I fell against his thigh. My hands were tied behind me so I didn't have much choice.

"You will learn to drop to your knees when next to your master and your eyes should look to his face to gauge what he might want of you. Tonight we'll do this in English since it is your first time, but you will learn quickly what is expected of you if you remain here, at least until you earn more freedom," Mr. Almari said. I nodded.

He reached behind my head and untied the knot Vijay had used to secure the gag. He let the ribbon drop and then pried the gag from my mouth. I opened my jaw painfully wide as he slipped it past my teeth. It came out with long strings of my drying spit.

"You did chew it! You fucking labwa! You'll suck anything," Mr. Almari laughed and smacked my cheeks playfully as I opened and closed my sore mouth. I looked up and met his smirk with my jaw that wouldn't close all the way. I couldn't even rub it since my hands were tied. He read my mind though and took my chin in his palm to massage me expertly.

"Here, drink some water," Mr. Almari took a half filled water bottle and put it to my lips. He tilted it slowly until I started to gulp it.

"Here's his dinner," Tarik said and came to stand next to his father. He held a pink baby bottle with a white rubber nipple on it. Just under the nipple was a wide rubber circle that went around the bottle. It had two pink ribbons attached to either side of it.

"Let's put him away in the closet while we go to dinner. I can lock it so he doesn't try anything," Mr. Alamari said to his son. He grabbed my arm and pulled me up to my feet. He pushed me through the bathroom and flicked on the light in his expansive closet. He walked me to a corner of it and pushed me down to kneeling position again .

"Open up, little Khawal," Mr. Almari said and took the bottle from Tarik. He shoved the nipple end in my mouth all the way. It wasn't as fat as the pink rubber spade, but it still forced my lips into an O-shape again as he bent my head all the way back.

"Mmmm," I whined as he shoved it in upside down.

"Hold it with your teeth and lips," Mr. Almari said as he let go of the bottle. He took the ribbons and tied them at the back of my head to secure the bottle gag on my face.

"What's in the bottle?" Tarik asked the question in my head.

"This is all the protein and nutrition he will need. Doesn't taste that good, but he'll finish it while we go down to dinner. It's surprisingly expensive for slave gruel. Suck on it, little khawal slut," Mr. Almari laughed. He tapped the end of the bottle as I started to suck it like a baby's pacifier.

"Mmmm!" I screamed as my mouth flooded with a blob of warm goo. It tasted like the color grey, and oozed down my throat as I fought it back. Mr. Almari gripped my neck and rubbed it to get me swallowing.

"Finish it or your punishment will be twice as rough. You don't waste what your owner gives you so generously," Mr. Almari cautioned. I coughed as it slid down my throat, but I started to suck again as my stomach rumbled from emptiness.

They watched me for a few minutes as I knelt between them and sucked my bottle with my head tilted back and eyes glaring up at them. They were talking about me, but in Arabic and Tarik kept laughing and giving his dad a look as though he didn't believe him.

To prove whatever it was he had said, Mr. Almari reached down and twisted my nipples roughly. I whined and lurched forward, making my head fall down as it held the heavy bottle. It was tied securely though and didn't fall. Tarik laughed. Mr. Almari just shrugged and shook his head as he said something else.

Tarik said something and then poked his big toe against my caged cock. I felt his toenail rub under my balls as he made another comment to his father.

Bored with my struggle, they turned and left. Tarik turned off the closet light and Mr. Almari locked the door behind them. I was left alone in the dark, cool closet, naked and sucking on my protein bottle. There was a little line of light from under the door that led back to the bathroom so it wasn't total darkness

I slurped down the last of the protein shake. It actually wasn't terrible, but I'd never order it at the juice bar. My stomach started to feel better and my head cleared to process what had happened. It was so quiet up there in the closet and my thoughts kept replaying the day in my head. I knew it was wrong to run. Did I want to be punished? Humiliated by Mr. Almari? Was this my body's way of getting what it wanted without having to ask for it?

I realized they probably weren't coming back for awhile and my knees were starting to hurt. I sat back on my butt and the bottle gag started to feel heavier even though it was now empty. I'd spent the day kneeling or tied in awkward positions so I was glad he hadn't tied my legs up. My arms were a little sore from this position, but not too bad. I bobbed my head around with the bottle gag waving in front of me.

I laid down against the carpet so that the floor could support the bottle. I stretched my legs out to give my muscles a break. I had no idea of the time or how long they'd been gone. I started to feel the current of air conditioning blowing in through the crack under the doorway. There was a plastic box next to my feet and I pushed it over to block the flow of chilled air that made my nuts pull up against my cock cage.

Before I knew it, I was yawning around my bottle. The hearty ooze of a meal made me sleepy, and I closed my eyes to rest while I waited for them to finish dinner.

In my dream, Mr. Almari had taken me to one of those country club parties my parents always attended. It was all of my dad's business contacts and head employees. They were all there drinking and wearing tuxedos. I wasn't there as a guest, but as Mr. Almari's slave. He led me around by a leather leash attached to my cock cage. No one seemed bothered by this in the least and several of the other men had their own slaves trailing behind them.

I was feeling proud of myself with my muscles on display. I was getting hungry looks from the other guests, both male and female, but the best looks were the proud ones Mr. Almari gave me whenever he turned to look. It was going really well until he found Tarik who looked handsome in his tuxedo. Mr. Almari handed my leash to him and then left. I kept looking for him while I kept up with Tarik as he mingled with guests. I held his champagne and his plate of nibbles as he made his way around the room like he was of equal importance to his father.

I finally saw Mr. Almari again, but he was holding another leash. My father was attached to it by his leather neck collar. He was naked like me except for a small black pouch where his goods had been stuffed. He was in great shape, he always had been. Seeing him with Mr. Almari though filled me with envy. I wanted to rip my leash from Tarik's hand and trade myself to Mr. Amari. A man of his importance deserved someone better than my self-serving father.

"Wake up, Cage," A voice woke me from my sleep and I looked up to see Tarik knelt next to me. I'd fallen asleep on my chest with my legs sprawled out behind me. My face was turned to the side since I had the bottle gag in. The right side of my face was imprinted by the plush carpet.

"Don't be too nice to him. It's time for his punishment. Go ahead and untie the bottle. Check that he finished it," Mr. Almari called from outside of the closet.

"Yeah, it's empty," Tarik said as he pulled my head up by the bottle gag. He reached for the knot and undid it, but held it still against my mouth as I started to sit up.

"Bring him in," Mr. Almari said.

"Get up, faggot," Tarik barked, doing an imitation of his father, but his hands gently helped me to my feet. He kept the bottle at my lips as he nudged me out toward the bathroom. He pushed me to the sink before taking it out and a long line of spit connected it to my lips. He pushed my head down and turned on the water. He cupped a hand and then brought the water to my mouth. I sucked it up and swished it around.

"Thank you," I said and felt pain in my jaw from holding position too long.

"Sir," Tarik added and pushed me against the counter.

"Thank you, sir," I said. Mr. Almari came up behind me. He looked me over approvingly in the mirror as he untied my hands. He brought my arms down to my sides and squeezed a rough massage down my arms.

"I'll assume you can keep your hands still while we get started. There's three of us here so you won't be going anywhere," Mr. Almari said and nodded a head towards Vijay who was sitting on the edge of the huge tub with his feet inside. He was wearing a pair of shorts and no shirt. He had a very nice chest that his uniform disguised as average.

"I want to be here, sir," I assured him. Mr. Almari just shrugged and took off his tank top. He tossed it onto the floor and flexed in just a small pair of shorts. Tarik did the same, showing his thin, teenage build.

Mr. Almari reached for his phone with one hand and grabbed me by the balls with the other. He squeezed them roughly in his hands.

"Ahhh! Please! Please! Please no!" I groaned and squirmed as he crushed them in his palm. He hit something on his phone and I saw the flash of his camera. He hit something else and the cage opened around my balls.

"I don't want this getting ruined," he noted and slipped it over my balls. The cage came off my cock and I looked down to see that it looked just as I remembered it. It made me wonder what he was going to do that could ruin the cage. He set it on the counter and then pushed me towards the tub.

"Get in there and kneel," Mr. Almari said. I knelt in the tub and faced them with my back to Vijay. I felt a cold spray of water hit me from above and I looked up to see Vijay had stood and was holding a nozzle over my head. It made my body shiver and my nipples puff out. He soaked me from head to knees.

"On your feet," Mr. Almari said. I got to my feet and Vijay came around to my front with a white ceramic tub of pink goo. He took it and rubbed it over my chest. He rubbed it into my skin with pressure. It smelled like coconuts and some kind of weird spice. He rubbed it down the center of my stomach and then over my pubes just above my cock. He kept going for more and slathering it on thickly. He cupped my balls and then went between my thighs.

I realized he was covering everywhere I had any sort of body hair. He started working his way down my legs when I first felt the pink slime activate. It tingled at first and then it burned. I started to dance and yowl with a painful feeling from my nipples to my nuts.

"Ughhhh," I groaned and hopped from foot to foot.

"Settle, boy or we'll tie you down again!" Mr. Almari ordered and I held still but my body shook with pain.

He moved to sit on the edge of the tub opposite me and Vijay. Tarik joined him so they could watch my punishments.

"Don't worry," Mr. Almari laughed, "Your skin will be all right and smoother than a newborn when we're finished."

Vijay worked over my arms and then into my armpits as I hissed through gritted teeth. My body was on fire and I was glad that I didn't have hair anywhere else.

"10... 9..." Vijay counted as he stepped away from me. I was shaking and balled my fists as I breathed like a dog in a hot car. "8... 7... 6..."

"Uhhhh Please! Please! I can't!" I grunted through clenched teeth.

"If he can't wait then by all means wash it off and start over," Mr. Almari said.

"5... 4... 3..." Vijay continued.

"I can wait," I begged. I did not want to start this over.

"2... 1" Vijay went into slow motion as he turned on the water in the nozzle he held. He started to spray my shoulders and my chest began to cool as the water ran down over the pink slime. As it washed away, so did every sprinkle of hair that I had. I didn't have much, but I was proud of what I'd grown. Down the drain it went.

My skin felt instantly better as the cold water sprayed over me. It was a little red and irritated, but not too bad. My nuts had been through so much that day, they hardly registered the burn. I looked down to see my skin was smooth. If it weren't for my muscles and my nice sized dick, I'd look like a 12 year old again.

Vijay kept spraying up and down my legs and then he came back up and sprayed between my ass cheeks. I wiggled for him, feeling better now. Then I felt the nozzle go where nozzles shouldn't go. It pressed against my asshole and he must have hit some other button on the nozzle because I felt an intense burst of water shoot up there.

I started to lurch forward to get away from it, but Vijay anticipated this and wrapped an arm around my stomach. He pulled me back against his furry chest and held me tightly as he shoved the small nozzle inside me, filling my asshole with water. It went deep and I felt a burning inside me that mirrored what the cream had done.

"Why?" I choked out in discomfort and looked at Mr. Almari.

"You'll see," Mr. Almari assured. Vijay was silent as he stopped the water but kept the nozzle pressed inside me like a cork.

"10... 9... 8..." Vijay was counting again. It elicited a laugh from Mr. Almari.

"Please!" I begged and tried to get away from him.

"5... 4... 3..." He continued and I didn't want Mr. Almari to have him start over again so this time I kept quiet.

"2... 1..." Vijay pulled the nozzle out and then sprayed the tub as the water gushed out of me and down the drain.

"Thank you, sir," I gasped for air and felt relief. I collapsed back against his chest. Vijay rubbed my pecs and breathed a "shhhh" against my ear that comforted me.

"One more time," he whispered softly in my ear on the side that was away from Mr. Almari and Tarik. He was warning me without them knowing.

I nodded and he shoved the nozzle back inside me. This time I was prepared for the discomfort feeling of being full down there. I still groaned and squirmed, but he whispered encouragement into my ear.

"You got this, Cage. Accept it and they'll go easier," Vijay whispered tips to me.

"See that, Tarik? That's what a trainer does. He always lets the boy know he is on his side, the punishment is necessary, but controlled. It lets him know he is safe and under expert care. He will endure more pain and learn to trust you better when you do that. Vijay now has his confidence, his trust," Mr. Almari said instructively.

I turned back to look at Vijay with anger as he shut off the water but kept the nozzle inside me. He gave me a guiltless smirk. It momentarily distracted me from the pain.

This time he didn't count, but after about ten seconds he took it out and sprayed me down as my hole gushed with water.

"There you go, all done, Cage. You did it," Vijay whispered into my ear in a high pitch like he was praising a pet. He brought me back against his chest and rubbed my hairless stomach.

"This part will feel good, but there's more pain on the way," Mr. Almari said with a gentle smile.

Vijay sat down on the side of the tub and took a small black tub from the tiled edge. He opened it and scooped out some white cream. He rubbed it between his hands and then started to coat my body with it. It had no scent, but it instantly made my skin feel cool. It was some kind of lotion and he rubbed it all over me from neck to feet. I touched my stomach after he finished that area and it felt so smooth and soft.

"I feel so smooth," I noted and Mr. Almari laughed. He came over and rubbed a hand over my chest. It made my cock spring to attention, and I reached for it.

"Oh no," he said and pulled my hand away. "You did not earn that, not at all. Seems like you're ready for the pain now."

"No, no. Please!" I begged. "I said I was sorry. I promise I won't run again. I promise!"

"Your word means nothing. It will take time to rebuild that. You can't bargain when you have nothing to offer," Mr. Almari noted. He snapped his fingers and pointed towards Tarik's lap.

"I... you want me to suck his dick?" I asked with confusion.

"No, little khawal. Bend over his lap. Tarik will do the honors," Mr. Almari said. He jumped out of the tub and I noticed his bulge was growing thick in his shorts.

"Come Vijay, let's leave them alone for this. It is intimate to be disciplined by your trainer. You know what to do, Tarik. Make him yours," Mr. Almari brought a piece of leather about the size and shape of a half yardstick. He set it down next to Tarik and then followed Vijay out of the bathroom. He closed the door behind him, shutting me in with Tarik.

I looked at Tarik with a smirk. He was about my height, but thin and wiry. He was sporting a pretty hefty bulge in his shorts, but I just couldn't take him seriously. He noticed. He saw the way I looked at him with nothing comparable to the respect I gave his father.

"Look dude, we can just make some noise and they'll think you're beating my ass," I laughed.

"Yeah?" Tarik asked and stood up. He came towards me and put a hand to my cheek. His eyes stared straight into me, and I swallowed hard as my chest gave a small, quick shiver.

I heard a crack in the air and then felt a sting on my ass. He surprised me with five rapid fire swats to my bare ass of the leather strap that cut my newly lotioned ass.

"Ahhh, the fuck!" I jumped back and tried to grab for the strap but he raised it behind him and brought it down against my arm. I fell on my stomach against the hard porcelain of the bath tub and he was on top of me faster than I could react. I tried to get up, but he squeezed his thighs tight around my sides and I turned my head up behind me to look at him.

"You want to fake it?" Tarik asked and raised the strap over his head. He lowered his face so I could see him. The look in his eyes, pure fire. The crease of his lips, a harsh sneer. He put a hand under my throat and squeezed. I felt his pulse against my skin as he straddled my back.

"Dude, that hurts!" I cried out and tried to struggle out from under him, but he just started wailing on my ass with the leather strap. He beat it furiously and had me pinned. I couldn't figure it out, he was using my own strength against me. He was clearly not the weakling of the group.

"It hurts? Yeah, little bitch? You know you love getting your little faggot ass beat like it deserves!" He kept swatting my ass and legs as I struggled with him. I was sobbing and trying to push him off.

"Fuck sniffle you sniffle" I was trying to hide my tears as the strap cut little stripes across my ass and thighs. Tarik was worse than his father, because he had something to prove.

"You going to obey me, little cunt?" Tarik leaned down and growled against my ear.

"Yeah ok, anything you want! Please! Stop! Fuck!" I cried like I was five and had fallen off my bike. I wailed like a bitch for him. It hurt like fire.

"And whose bitch are you?" Tarik growled and strapped me again.

"Yours, sir. Please, fuck. Please! I'm yours!" I whined.

"Ok... ok," Tarik said softly and got off me. He left me whimpering and sniffling against the cold tile tub.

Tarik threw the leather strap against the mirror and yelled, "Fuck!" He was breathing heavy and I watched his chest heave with a sweaty sigh. He sat down on the edge of the tub and wiped his face, looking down at me as he caught his breath.

I started to turn over, but Tarik put his foot in the middle of my back and pushed me down again. I laid there on my stomach, too afraid to do anything but breathe.

"Stay the fuck down," he said and eyed me. We stared at each other for a few minutes, gasping in sync. He was trying to comprehend what he'd done while I tried to wrap my mind around him being in control.

"You're hard," he noted and pointed at my cock which was squished between my thigh and the tile tub.

"So are you... sir," I pointed at the tent in his shorts.

"Yeah, yeah I am," Tarik laughed and then said, "Come here... on your knees."

I got up on my hands and knees, my cock rock hard and pointing up along my stomach. I crawled towards him until he could reach my chin with his hand. He grabbed it and pulled me towards his lap.

"This is mine now," he said and put his thumb against my lips. "I own this mouth... soft lips... and that hole back there... all family property now." Tarik pushed his thumb through my lips and held my cheek in his palm. He used the grip on my face to make me nod my head.

"Want me to prove it?" Tarik asked and then made my head nod again as his thumb pushed my tongue back in my mouth. His other hand went to his shorts and he pushed them down and stood up in front of me. His cock flopped out with a thud. It was thick and angry, a brown fleshy mass that would make any pussy squirt within seconds. He gripped it and hit my face with it. I backed away, but his hand brought my face back.

"No, no, little khawal. You will worship it, beg for it, live to please it," Tarik said. He flopped it against my cheek and turned my face so my lips caressed the side of the shaft. His cock reacted to my lips. It jumped and stiffened up a bit. We definitely affected each other.

"Suck it, hurry before they come back," Tarik said. He put one hand on the back of my head and other gripped his cock. He brought the two together and I opened my lips wide to accommodate his monster. He shoved my face on his cock and I gagged and convulse as it poked against my throat. I definitely wasn't used to something this big. The guys I'd played with had been closer to my size which wasn't exactly small.

"Fuck," Tarik hissed as he gripped my hair and started to fuck my mouth against his shaft. He brought my head down until I made a retching noise and then he pushed me off and started it over.

"That fucking mouth... aww fuck that feels good," Tarik was working up a rhythm as my mouth and his cock became dance partners. He enjoyed slamming into me.

"Look up at me... Yeah that's it... Love those baby blue eyes begging for cock." Tarik stared into me.

"You're my little cock slut? Yeah? You want this cock to own your little Khawal ass?" Tarik pumped my head three times on his cock and then lifted it off completely.

"Yes sir," I gasped. He sneered and then forced my head back on him.

"Yeah fuck. I'm gonna blow... yeah uhhhh," Tarik gripped my hair and pulled it hard as he pushed me as far as I'd go on his cock. His hips bucked in quick motions as he fucked my mouth.

"Ohh, fuck, Cage yeah!" Tarik started to flood my mouth with shots of salty white. I sputtered and it leaked out of my lips around his shaft. I was breathing through my nose as he slammed me down on his quaking fuckstick.

"Yeah take it fucker... take it... yeah fuck!" Tarik's voice went down an octave as this harsh rasp left his throat.

"Uhhhhhh" He kept shooting into my throat and pushing my head down farther as I scrambled to keep my gag reflex under control. His cum was slimy going down, but I had to swallow in my attempts to clear my throat and breathe.

"Yeah you gulp it down like a good little boy... fuck that's hot," Tarik hissed at me as he came down.

He laid back against the wall and held my head on his cock. I lapped at it with my tongue as it softened. He pushed my head off of him then and a little cum leaked down my chin. He used his softening cock to push it back up to my lips and then paint it over them like a sticky mustache.

"You really are a hot guy, such a waste to make you into the house cum dump because you can't get your shit together," Tarik laughed.

I lowered my head in shame. Tarik raised it back up though.

"But if that's what you need... we'll give it to you," Tarik smiled warmly. He brought my lips to his and we kissed. He didn't feel so little to me anymore.

"Thanks... Sir," I whispered.

"I'm off to bed. I'm sure dad has plans for you," Tarik said and gave my cheek a few playful slaps. He leaned forward and kissed my forehead.

"You did good, Cage. Just stop fucking up and things can go back to normal. K?" Tarik requested.

"I'll try," I laughed. It seemed like fucking up was the one thing I did spectacularly.

Tarik pulled up his shorts and tucked away his monster. He grabbed his tank top off the floor and tossed it over his shoulder. He left the bathroom door open as he went off to bed.

"Sounded like you did a good... woah fuck. Uh Vijay, bring the cream," Mr. Almari said. He came over to inspect me as I stayed there on my knees in the bathtub.

"I didn't think he'd do that much damage to your ass. Next time I'll make sure I supervise. No blood, but... you'll be sleeping on your stomach for a week at least," he noted and rubbed my shoulder.

"It's what I deserved," I said and looked up at the bulge in his shorts.

"The cream will heal it nicely and numb it up for the night. I think that's enough punishment this time. You learned your lesson?" Mr. Almari asked.

"Yes sir, I won't leave again like that. I'm sorry," I said and meant it.

He nodded and rubbed my hair.

"You'll find some new way to mess up and we'll find new ways to correct you," Mr. Almari laughed.

Vijay came in with some ointment that he rubbed into my ass and thighs. It stung for ten seconds but then felt amazing. Mr. Almari helped me to my feet and then we went to brush our teeth at his sink.

He got into bed and then brought me down so my stomach was against his side and his arm was around me. He held me against him with my bare ass to the air for another night of healing, another day of learning.

Next: Chapter 4

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