Cage Cock Cairo

By Emri S.

Published on Jul 18, 2023


Thanks to everyone for the ideas and kind words. I used some and saved others for later.

Cage earns his stars... and stripes.

-{~ Cage! Cock! Cairo! ~}-

Chapter 2

-by Emri-

"You need five star tattoos on your chest by dinnertime each day to earn your special treat at night," Vijay reminded me. "If you have less, then you will do extra chores until the five are earned. If a star is taken away or rubs off during your work, then you must work to earn more."

I'd woken that morning to Vijay holding my mouth so I wouldn't make any noise. He beckoned for me to follow him into the bathroom and I did. I caught a glimpse of my ass in the mirror. It was red in round spots on the lower half of each cheek. He'd kept it all in one area. Though it felt like an uncontrolled beating, he'd known what he was doing.

Vijay tossed me in for a quick shower and took my briefs to add to Mr. Almari's laundry. When I was finished and dried, he applied some white cream from a tube to the bruised parts of my ass. It felt warm and tingly, but had no smell to it.

"This is your cabinet," Vijay said when finished. He opened the door on the lowest cabinet just inside Mr. Almari's expansive closet that opened from his bathroom.

There was one simple basket with my name written on the side of it. Inside were two stacks of white material. One held white, stretchy tank tops, and the other held white, stretchy shorts. I put them on as he watched. The shorts hugged my thighs and ass. It showcased my happy package while the tank made my chest and arms stand out.

"No underwear?" I asked.

"This is your uniform. Other clothes will be provided as you earn them or as you need them on the odd occasion you get to leave the house," Vijay said. Next to the basket of clothes there was a small pair of white slip-on shoes.

"Stars and wipes," Vijay said as he pulled a small array of temporary tattoo stars and several individually wrapped wipes from his pocket.

"This is a temporary tattoo, you will earn stars on your chest for doing your job well or for pleasing someone. When you earn five stars, you will earn free time that evening and a big star on your progress chart. If you displease someone in authority, they will take a wipe from your pocket and remove one star," Vijay explained.

"Who is in authority over me? Where do I rank?" I asked thinking it was a fair question.

"Everyone, Cage. Everyone is above you and you must work your way up," Vijay slid the stars and wipes in my back pocket. "Now go and wake up Ahmed. He has an early meeting this morning and the kitchen is preparing his breakfast. You won't likely earn a star for it since he's a very unhappy person when he wakes up, but you don't have any yet so he can't take any away."


Ahmed was completely passed out on his back with a light blanket bunched up across his crotch. He was naked and as handsome as I remembered him from the time we jerked off together. He was snoring lightly like his father did and had one hand holding his cock.

"Ahmed," I whispered and touched his chest, but he didn't move. I shook him lightly and he rolled over onto his side facing me. He blinked his eyes twice and then opened them wide with outrage.

"The fuck are you doing, perv?" He grabbed my arm and pulled me onto the bed.

"You have a meeting. Vijay told me to wake you," I said. He shook his head and reached a hand to the back of my neck. He forced my head down to where his cock laid soft and fat against his thigh. I'd thought about it so much since the night he'd jerked off on me. His musk hit my nose with a mix of sweat and testosterone.

"Wake it up before you wake me up. That's how it's done from now on," Ahmed said roughly as he ground my face against his cock. He rubbed it against my lips and nose three times and then let go of me.

"I'm just supposed to wake you up. Vijay will get mad if I waste time up here," I explained and pulled back from him.

"Then don't waste time! Suck it," Ahmed insisted and pushed my lips down against his cock.

"You have your meeting soon," I protested half-heartedly. Ahmed turned on parts of me I didn't even know could be aroused.

"Then you better hurry up! If I'm late for it, I'll punish you in a way your little khawal hole won't enjoy," Ahmed growled. He gripped his growing cock and smacked it against my lips.

"What's khawal?" I asked.

"It's you, a little fag who needs to please men," Ahmed said and pushed the tip against my lips.

"I'm not like that," I said and slurped his cock with my tongue.

"You're on your way, now quit wasting time," Ahmed pushed my head down and grabbed my hair to force me to hold still as he pushed in and out of my mouth.

"If I do a good job, you can give me a star!" I noted happily when he let me up. I rolled my fingers around his shaft and pumped it lightly.

"If you do a good job, I won't beat your ass," Ahmed said and reached for his cellphone. Vijay was right, he wasn't a morning person. But I'd agreed to follow their orders and earn my place here. I lapped at his shaft and then sucked the head with my lips. It woke up pretty quickly and his hand started pressing me down on it.

"This isn't your first cock worship, is it?" Ahmed noted. I shook my head with a mouthful of him. I'd sucked a few guys, mostly to get them on mine. It wasn't my prefered gender, but I'd struck out a lot with girls. I figured out quickly which of them were just into my family's money.

"Let me check out this hole. I may want it later," Ahmed said and pulled my right thigh over to him so he could get at my ass. He pushed down my shorts and I felt his hands roughly part my cheeks.

"Fuck that's beautiful. Not even a hair there yet, smooth little pink pussy. Wish I had the time to get it this morning," Ahmed rubbed my hole with his finger and then smacked it playfully. It stung and I jumped and yelped.

"Stop whining, Cage. I warned you about that," Ahmed growled and proceeded to smack my hole with two fingers repeatedly until I stopped reacting so loudly.

"Hurry up with that. I have to be on a business call to Bangalore in ten minutes. I'm already missing breakfast for your sloppy blowjob," Ahmed gripped my hair and raised me up and then forced me down on his cock rapidly. I gagged and sputtered to swallow as much of him as I could. He wasn't one of the twiggy white friends I had at home. This was a man's cock, fat and angry that drooled precum on my tongue every time I was pushed back down.

"Let me do it, Faggot. Just hold still," Ahmed pulled me halfway off his cock and gripped the shaft. He stroked himself furiously until he started to spurt in my mouth.

"Uhhh, that mouth is so perfect, fuck," Ahmed hissed as his body jumped a few times against the mattress and he filled my mouth with his morning seed.

"Fuck fuck fuck, take it, swallow it all," Ahmed commanded as he finished coating my throat with his juice. His body thumped twice more and then he laid back with a long sigh. I gulped quickly to swallow the salty thick juice he'd given. I was still hoping for a star.

"You can do better, but not bad for a quick one," Ahmed admired. "I gotta grab a quick shower. Make the bed while I'm gone." He pushed me away and jumped up.

"Oh wait, show me your tongue," he said and looked back. He came towards me and gripped my jaw as I opened my lips for him. My mouth was empty.

Ahmed nodded with approval and then reached into my back pocket. He took out one star tattoo and swiped it against my extended tongue. He pushed me to sit up and then stuck it against my chest. He pounded it fiercely eliciting a yelp of pain from me.

"Gotta make sure it stays. Your first star, good boy," Ahmed praised. His words filled me with a pride the star on my chest couldn't match.

"Thank you, sir," I said with a proud smile.

"Make the bed and go wake up Tarik. He has a test to study for," Ahmed said. I nodded and he sailed off to the shower. I was finished with his bed before he finished his shower so I let myself out of his room.

Tarik was the opposite of his brother. I went in to find him curled on his side and hugging a pillow with the comforter pulled up around his chest. His room was bright with the morning sun coming through open shades. He must have been a sound sleeper.

"Good morning," I said as I pushed on his shoulder and rocked him gently. He roused with a smile and blinked at me a few times with innocent green eyes. He looked like a younger version of his brother, but was softer, less angry.

"Hey, Cage. Sup?" He yawned. "Oh you earned a star already. Way to go, dude," Tarik said. He reached a finger and traced the glittery star tattoo Ahmed had put on my chest.

"Not much, yeah, Ahmed gave me my first," I said proudly. I guess they had all discussed my star system while I'd been asleep recovering from the brutal spanking.

"You must have sucked his dick," Tarik laughed. I felt my cheeks blush and looked away from his eyes.

"Do you want me to make your bed?" I asked the floor. Tarik put a hand under my chin and raised my face.

"No sense in being embarrassed here. We all know your story, nothing to hide," Tarik instructed.

"Are you going to want me to do that to you?" I asked. Tarik blinked at me with those oversized eyes. He had his father's prominent Egyptian nose that was obviously too heavy to stay attached to the ancient great sphinx.

"Not right now, I have to get to campus soon and I need to finish some homework," he said with a look of disappointment.

"Ok, I'll make your bed," I said with equal sadness.

He crawled out from his burrow of comforter and walked across the room in a rumpled pair of boxers. I watched him shuck them and saw a nicely curved ass as he stepped into the shower. I untangles the covers and made his bed nicely, finding a teddy bear buried in the sheets. Seemed odd for a guy older than me.

I found Vijay downstairs and he instantly complimented me on getting one star. He showed me a bucket of supplies he had assembled for me and instructed me to head back upstairs to go through each bathroom attached to all five bedrooms. He gave me a laundry bag to collect any clothing items or towels that had been used. The Almaris liked fresh towels with each shower.

Vijay followed me up to show me what I should do. I started on the bedroom I had taken a nap in my first day there. I scrubbed the shower though it didn't really need it, but Vijay was coaching me. He gave me a little checklist of things to clean and what to use. We finished it quickly, and I moved on to the big bathroom in Mr. Almari's room.

He was out for work so I was alone as I scrubbed it clean. He was a very orderly man in all that he did so it showed in his bathroom. I did have to clean up beard clippings from the sides of the sink. He kept it clipped very close to his face so there were a million tiny prickles to wipe off. Vijay checked when I was done and seemed to approve.

"Good enough, I'll check the others when you finish all of them and if they're this good then you will earn a star," Vijay said and then I moved on to the other bathrooms.

Ahmed was conducting his meeting when I peaked in, so I moved on to Tarik's. Tarik had left dirty clothes in a pathway from his bathroom to his dresser. I found two pairs of boxers, workout shorts and a shirt that smelled as if he had finished a good run, and some jeans with a long-sleeved t-shirt. I put them all in the laundry bag along with the towel I'd collected from Mr. Almari's bathroom. I wondered if Vijay always collected his laundry personally. He seemed to protective of Mr. Almari.

I moved to the fourth bathroom and saved Ahmed's for last. I'd never been in there and it was set up as a home office with two desks, a copier, and other business accoutrement. The small bathroom attached was easy to clean and likely hadn't been touched since the last time Vijay did it.

Ahmed was off the call when I came back to his room. His door was wide open so I didn't disturb him with a knock. It must have been a video business call because he was wearing a crisp, white button-up shirt and tie with stretchy workout shorts below. He was standing and leaning over a printer; cursing at it as he flexed his ass.

He wheeled around when he felt my presence. I held up the bucket of cleaning supplies and pointed towards his bathroom. He grunted at me and nodded for me to proceed as he berated his printer in Arabic.

I wiped down his shower and collected his pile of clothes from the floor. The toilet wasn't too bad, but I used the scrubber stuff on it to make it shine. More than anyone's, I wanted Ahmed's approval. I wanted him to know I was trying and not being the spoiled whiner he'd painted me. That wasn't me. I would show him I respected his family, his culture.

He came in as I was finishing up. He looked around to inspect as I was kneeling on the floor to wipe at a mystery spot on the cabinet door.

"Looks nice! Good job," Ahmed said and pushed down the front of his shorts. He flopped out his cock and let it hang as he walked to the toilet. He let loose a stream of piss without using his hands. At first it all went perfectly into the bowl, a cock that big didn't have anywhere to go but down. But then he started to point out some spot in the shower he claimed I'd missed which made him turn that way and he pissed on the seat and floor.

"I really like how clean the mirror is," Ahmed noted happily and let some piss fly over towards the counter.

"Hey! You're getting it everywhere!" I protested, and Ahmed laughed.

"I'll piss in your mouth if I feel like it," he said but then finished up in the bowl. He shook out the last few drops and then put it away. He didn't even bother flushing.

"It smells like piss in here, you should clean it up," Ahmed laughed and went back to work. I took some paper towels and mopped up what he had done. I followed that with the cleaning wipes. I was sure that Ahmed would come back in to fuck with me again before Vijay could check out my work, but I was finished and ready for inspection.

I put everything away in the bucket and raced downstairs to find him. He followed me back to Ahmed's room and inspected the bathroom with a nod. Luckily, Ahmed was on another call so he hadn't gotten to fucking with me a second round. The rest of the bathrooms were equally clean so Vijay had nothing but a happy nod.

"It's good work for your first day on the job. Hand me a star," Vijay said. He had me stick out my tongue and used it to wet the paint side of the tattoo. He placed it on my chest and rubbed it more gently than Ahmed had. He peeled it slowly to show a second, glittery star on my chest. I had three to go.

I earned star number three before lunchtime by sweeping and mopping the tile floors of the first level. I was glad for the break when Vijay gave me my third star. He sat me down on a corner of the kitchen bar and talked to me while he made me a pita sandwich filled with turkey and veggies.

Mr. Almari came in to check my progress while I ate. He started stealing cucumbers from my plate while talking to Vijay about my progress. He never addressed me, but kept one hand on my shoulder and occasionally stroked my blonde hair like I was a pet. Vijay said good things about my work and told him I hadn't caused any problems yet. He told him how surprised he was that Ahmed had given me a star for waking him up.

Mr. Almari didn't like that, he turned me around on the barstool and put his hand under my jaw. He looked down at me with anger as though he knew exactly what I'd done to earn it. I started to blush wildly and I lowered my eyes to the knot of his tie.

"You're here to learn a work ethic, not a sex trade, Cage. I should have known he would take advantage of your simple mind. I will speak with him at once!" Mr. Almari fumed with rage.

"No please, it was my idea. He was sleeping naked and exposed. I did it to wake him for his meeting... I liked it," I said.

Mr. Almari's look softened then, he waved a hand at Vijay and the kitchen cleared out. We were alone.

"So you took advantage of my son! I should have you flogged," Mr. Almari was only half as mad and a small smile crept up the side of his lips. "Of course you did... serving superior males is in your genes. I forget that Ahmed takes after me as well. He could sense it in you."

"I don't know what you mean, sir," I admitted. He raised my chin so our eyes met and traced a thumb over my lips. It felt awkward and uncomfortable to look him in the eyes. As dominant as Ahmed was, this was the king.

"Look at me, boy," he said and pushed his thumb through my lips. I sucked on it instinctively and felt my heart race as my cock began to stretch my shorts. He sighed with a sad look for a quick minute.

"You are my favorite memories frozen in time... so eager yet so undisciplined," he admitted as I nursed his thumb with my lips and tongue.

"But I have work to return to," Mr. Almari said. He used his spit-soaked thumb to rub out the first star tattoo on my chest. I watched as a smear of glitter faded away. He grabbed at my shirt and used it to wipe his thumb clean.

"No stars for playtime. That's a reward, not work." Mr. Almari started to walk away, but then lifted my chin once more and stared into my blue eyes.

I started to protest, but something about his power forced my tongue to be silent. He softly kissed my forehead and patted my cheek. He let me go and I looked down to see him adjust a massive bulge in his pants.

"Be good, Cage. I hope you can make up the stars by dinnertime. I really am on your side. I know you can do this. But you do it by the rules. Rewards for work, not sex," Mr. Almari said as he walked away.

I was left there with half a sandwich, a bulge in my shorts, and a glitter stain on my white tank top.

Vijay returned when he heard the kitchen door swing closed. He looked at my chest with a shrug that told me he had planned this. He knew to say just enough to let Mr. Almari know what I'd done. He didn't want me to get by so easily.

"I need three more stars," I said with a sigh.

"Then you'd better get working. We can ask him to do a final inspection of your work before dinner. If he is pleased enough, then he might reward you with the final one," Vijay offered.

I took two more bites of my sandwich and then Vijay showed me my next task. Off the kitchen was a laundry room where an Indian servant was pulling clothes fresh from the dryer. He didn't speak English, but Vijay said he could show me what to do. He was maybe a few years older than me and dressed very differently. Rather than my stretchy white tank top and shorts, he had on a loose pair of blue cargo shorts with a matching blue polo shirt. The shorts hung on his full ass and showed the waistband of his blue briefs every time he reached for a hanger off a high rack. He was built well and smiled warmly.

I didn't learn his name, Vijay was in a hurry with business. The man handed me a white t-shirt and showed me how he wanted it folded, but he did it too quickly. When I tried, I didn't get it right. He turned from the ironing board and shook his head. He pulled it from my hands and folded it again in a very quick manner. Every corner of the folded shirt was perfectly done and I kept failing to meet his example.

He was cursing or something loud, and I could tell I was slowing down his demanding daily routine. He finally pushed me out of the way and finished the pile of shirts by himself.

"I tried!" I claimed the minute Vijay entered to check on me. The laundry servant gave him a scowl and said something in his language.

"He's not pleased with your work, Cage. No star for this," Vijay said softly. We'd wasted 45 minutes on this task and I was still at two stars.

"I can't do this. I'll never earn them," I said with despair.

"You haven't had a break. Why don't you take one?" Vijay offered sympathy.

"I need three more. What can I do for three?" I begged.

"Let's have you dry the dishes and put them away! The dishwasher has just finished," Vijay said excitedly as though this was the gold I'd been searching for. He took me back to the kitchen and opened the dishwasher, a wave of steam hit me in the face. It was an assortment of different sized plates. He gave me a thick towel and opened two cabinets to show me that all I had to do was dry them and match them to their siblings.

I got through this one pretty easily and it opened up my sinuses. My face was wet with the steam, but it felt refreshing from the overly air conditioned house. I closed the dishwasher and ran to get Vijay to show him. He nodded approvingly and took a tattoo from my pocket. I licked it and tasted sweet success for the fourth time today. I had three stars again. I hadn't felt that good since my soccer team won regionals last year. I was benched for most of the game since I wasn't exactly their star, but I was still proud.

"The car! I've been meaning to wax his sports car. It just came in from Milan two weeks ago and it's already in need of attention. Can you do this? It's his prized possession!" Vijay asked with caution.

"Yeah, I used to do my dad's sometimes. It's one of the few things he did for himself," I said excitedly knowing I could get this one easily.

He took me out to the garage and showed me a cabinet stocked with every kind of car cleaner known to man. He left me with an uneasy smile that showed his lack of confidence.

I started with a bucket of water and light soap. The car was dusty and had some dirt around the rims. I'd get it clean and dry before waxing it. My dad had taught me well on this. I soaped it up gently with one towel and then took the bucket outside to drain the soapy water. I ditched that in a side drain and then filled it with clean water.

I was coming back into the garage when a voice made me jump. "What are you doing?" Mr. Almari barked with anger.

I spilled water all down my tank top and shorts as I tripped over the raised cement that transitioned from the driveway to the garage floor. The bucket poured out over the pavement as I scrambled to my knees.

"Cleaning your car, sir," I said as I wiped my face on the back of my hand. I turned my head back up to look at him behind me.

"Your uniform has turned transparent," Mr. Almari noted with a laugh.

"Oh... uh I'll go change," I looked down to see the back of my shorts showing my pale, muscular ass. He offered a hand and I took it. I got to my feet and he pushed me chest first against the trunk of his sportscar.

"No, this is fine for out here. You're in training here. Everyone in this house knows it. You have no need to hide," he said as he rubbed a hand over the back of my wet shorts. He gave it a soft smack and then peeled down the back of my shorts.

"Your bottom is healing nicely. Hopefully you won't need to be reprimanded like that for a while," Mr Almari noted as he rubbed my cheeks. He squeezed them and i looked back to see a bulge in his work trousers. He rubbed it with his free hand.

"You enjoyed serving a man this morning. Didn't you?" He said it as a fact, but I still nodded my head.

"Your mouth has served others, has it not?" Mr. Almari asked with interest.

"Yes sir, just a few, friends. We traded blow jobs sometimes just to see what it felt like," I said.

"And this hole? It looks untouched," Mr. Almari spread my cheeks and rubbed his thumb over it. My body twitched as a small gasp escaped my lips.

"Never, sir. I've put fingers there just because I heard it is supposed to have a hidden spot in there that makes you go crazy. Do you know the spot? Does it exist for real? I didn't find it and it hurt," I said. Something in me had a need for full honesty with him. I knew he meant only the best for me. He laughed at my questions.

"Of course it is real. You've never felt it? You are clumsy, young, naive. You don't go in there on your own unless you know where things are. You need an experienced man, a real man to show you what your cunt can do when it's used properly," Mr. Almari noted and pushed his thumb against my hole. I whined when he pushed too hard and he used his free hand to rub my back.

"You see? So many ways it can hurt, but so many more that it can bring you a new level of sensation," Mr. Almari said in a tone just above a whisper.

"Can you teach me? Please sir?" I begged as the side of my face squished against his soapy, cherry-red sports car.

Mr. Almari pushed me down hard on the trunk I was bent over. He unzipped his pants and flopped out his cock. I didn't see it though as he kept a hand on my back and pressed me down.

"Are you going to fuck me?" I grunted as soapy water started to get into my mouth.

I felt his cock, or maybe his arm, it was so wide... it flopped between my ass cheeks. He started to slide between them in quick motions as his pants pressed against my wet, naked legs. He leaned down over me and I felt his lips kiss and bite at the back of my neck. His hands held me by the shoulders, pressing me against his car. He was slamming me from behind and my own cock was pinned between my stomach and the slicked up shine of his car.

I'd like to say I smelled his cologne and sweat, but honestly the soap was working it's way into my nose as it squished against the trunk. I was moaning and whining from the sensations his body gave me. He shoved two fingers into my open mouth and I gagged on the soapy taste of them as he slid them along my tongue.

"Ohhhh," I whined as he bucked hard against me and my hole shivered. My cock was rubbing against the smooth, soapy paint job and it made my eyelids flutter from overwhelming ecstasy. He grabbed my jaw and turned my head back to look at him. His green eyes were filled with lust as he studied me.

"Fuck I love those baby blue eyes; so needy, so innocent... my little Cage boy," he praised. I mouthed agreement against his fingers. He slid them out of my mouth and shoved the hanging part of his tie in for me to suck on. His hands gripped my shoulders and massaged them fiercely as he rubbed his cock between my cheeks with urgent speed.

"Uhh, Uhh, Uhh," he grunted and cursed at me in harsh Arabic tones. My hole was twitching and excited as his shaft rubbed against it. It sent odd little shivers through me as though it spoke a language my body understood with great excitement from a past life. My chest smeared the soap around the trunk as he pressed down on me and used my ass like a hot dog bun.

My cock was rock hard from sliding and I started to moan as it neared the edge of cumming.

"I'm going to cum. I can't stop it," I begged and my body started to shake as I shot hot spurts into the soapy mixture.

"Yeah... Uhhhhhh... come for me, boy," he let out one long groan and I felt his hot seed coat my lower back. He gave several long, slow jabs at me as his body tensed and spasmed against me. And then he landed on me, spent from his quick air fuck. We breathed together as his muscled frame crushed me from above.

He gave a soft kiss to my cheek and then raised up and adjusted his ruined suit. He put his hands on my tank top and tore it in half. He tore the soaked shreds from my chest and used it to mop up his cum-smeared cock. There was cum on my stomach, on his car, on my ass and back. He backed away and looked at my wet, soapy body with my stretchy shorts bunched around my thighs.

"Finish the car and then get some fresh clothes. Don't bother waxing it, just rinse it and dry. They're detailing it tomorrow," He said and tossed me my shred of shirt soaked in soap and seed.

"Yes sir," I said. I pulled up my shorts and tucked my spent cock away. I reached into my back pocket and took out a star tattoo hoping he'd affix it to my chest, but I found they were wet, ruined.

"My stars," I said sadly.

"The ones on your chest rubbed off too," Mr. Almari noted. "Dinner is soon."

"No, they can't be!" I ran over to a mirror on the garage wall. The stars on my chest were a ruined glittery mess.

"No treat for tonight, but you did a good job today." Mr. Almari appeared behind me in the mirror. He slid an arm around my front and rubbed a hand over my right pec. He squeezed it approvingly.

"Can I still work and earn more?" I asked. I was so close to winning. I hated losing. I was only half upset though, fucking me on his car was much better than any treat he could have planned for me.

"I'm afraid you'll have to. I'll have Vijay get you new stars after you finish the car and clean yourself," Mr. Almari said as he reached above me to take a towel from a high shelf. He wiped his shirt and hands before hanging it around my neck.

"Did you finish your assignments for today?" Mr. Almari asked as the family sat around the dinner table. I had brought out the plates of food, and was about to head back into the kitchen to finish helping.

"Yes sir," I said and stopped next to him. I had on a fresh uniform and had earned the star for washing his car and another for helping prepare dinner.

"You see then why it upset Ahmed so much to hear you complaining after all that has been handed to you in life... after all you have wasted. So many men must earn their way working and fighting against much bigger odds than you dealt with today," Mr. Almari said and put his hand on my shoulder.

"You had setbacks and yet you kept trying and working. You can't have this cemented in just one day. It will take you much more time, but you are on your way, Cage. I'm proud to have you work in my home," he said.

"Thank you sir," I said with a big smile.

"Tell Vijay to give you one of the servant bowls, you can sit here with me and eat," he said. I thanked him and practically danced into the kitchen. Vijay gave me a bowl and I returned to Mr. Almari's side.

I started to sit in the empty chair to his right, but he took the bowl from me and motioned for me to sit on the floor.

"No, you have not earned a seat at the table yet. That place will take a lot of work," he instructed. Vijay had followed me out and he smiled when Mr. Almari handed him the bowl. Vijay put some food in it and set it down in my lap where I sat cross-legged next to Mr. Almari's chair.

It was mostly the mix of roasted vegetables I'd helped cook along with a few bites of the steak Vijay had grilled. It wasn't my regular helping, but maybe they'd give me more if I earned it. I ate as I listened to the table conversation. They had no need to include me, so they went back to using their normal Arabic with each other. I leaned my head against Mr. Almari's side after finishing the small bowl of food. I felt his hand rub my hair, petting me gently like the family dog.

His hand left and then returned holding a small piece of steak between two fingers. I chewed it happily and swallowed before licking his fingers clean. He pushed them inside me and I sucked them clean. He gave me three other pieces of steak this way, but then finished his meal and ignored me for a few minutes.

He put his hand to my cheek and looked down to see me yawn. He pulled my head over to his lap and I laid against his muscled thigh. He rubbed my hair in slow, soothing motions as I yawned and fell asleep against his crotch.

I earned a third star by cleaning up after dinner. Vijay put it on my chest after inspecting the cleanup and then said that Mr. Almari wanted to see me in his bedroom.

I went up to find him stretched out on his bed with his laptop resting over his ample bulge. He had on a tank top that showed his chest nicely and some lounging shorts.

"Just finishing up some work, come here," Mr. Almari patted the bed next to him. I crawled on and laid back against his pillows with a yawn.

"You're ready for bed, aren't you?" Mr. Almari pulled me over to rest my head on his chest.

"Yes sir. I haven't done this much work in... ever," I admitted.

"Can I ask something, sir?" I had felt something odd in my stomach since our encounter on his car.

"Yes, in two minutes. I need to finish this email." Mr. Almari typed furiously and then pointed at me as he hit send.

"I think Ahmed might be upset if he knew we um... you know... in the garage," I said.

"Ahh, we must talk about this. I forget your age and culture," Mr. Almari laughed as though I was from a simpler time in history. He put away his laptop and turned to face me. He looked so youthful in his lounge clothes and sitting like this.

"You may serve many men in your life, or just a few. I already see a spark of great humility in your task. You have the spirit your father lacked. You take so easily to discipline and a strong hand... yet you must not confuse love, sex, or loyalty. You will find different variations on them in the men you will serve." Mr. Almari began.

"Are you sending me to other men?" I asked with concern.

"No, of course not. But when you are in service to a house, your body is available for their pleasure. In this house, you are loved dearly as well. In other houses, that might not be the case. You were born for this life though. I can see it has awakened in you so naturally." Mr. Almari rubbed my hair.

"What do you mean, sir?" I looked up with confused eyes.

"Come with me," Mr. Almari said and stood from the bed. I took his hand and followed him into the bathroom. He put me in front of the wall-length mirror.

"Look at yourself. Look how straight your posture has become. That's pride in your work. Look how your proud chest shines with it's earned stars. You lost and earned them again without much argument. Your innocent eyes beg for my hand to guide you. You were born for this," Mr. Almari wrapped his arms around my stomach and held me tight against his chest. His dark, handsome face rested on my shoulder as he kissed up my neck.

I let out a soft gasp as his lips ignited my fire, my lips turned to meet his. He kissed me and our lips fought for control until he put mine into submission with his tongue. I sucked it eagerly as I did everything he offered.

"And this," he said with a sigh when he broke the kiss. His hand had found my cock stretching my shorts. He gave it a harsh squeeze that made me flinch. "This must be put in check. You are to earn your pleasure, not just shoot around whenever your little kus is stimulated."

"What's a kus?" I asked. His finger slid down the back of my shorts to show me. I let out an excited moan as he rubbed it tenderly.

"You've had enough for one day. You'll sleep in my bed so no one will stimulate you further," Mr. Almari said. He gave one last kiss to the top of my head and then smacked my ass to head to his bed.

He tucked me in under his heavy comforter and headed out to finish his evening as he turned off the lights. I was exhausted when my head hit the pillow and quickly passed out.

I woke later in the darkness as Mr. Almari slid in behind me and pulled my back to his chest. He held me tightly and his hot breath on the back of my neck made my cock stand at attention. I was too tired to do anything about it and he would be upset if I did. Maybe he was right and I needed to get this under control. It had spent most of the day at attention, and It could get me in trouble.

I woke up before Mr. Almari the next morning. I wasn't even sure if Vijay was up yet, but I was determined. I would earn my five stars today. I would be careful to keep them safe and dry. I was rested from going to bed so early and eager from the challenges I faced yesterday. I sat up and looked down at Mr. Almari snoring and hugging my waist.

I wanted to get in a good workout. I was used to going early before school. I didn't know where the gym was here, but thought maybe I could find it. I'd use it and then clean it and maybe earn a star for it.

I crept downstairs and saw the sun peaking over the back wall. I thought the house was all in bed, but when I went to the kitchen to get some juice, I found Vijay reading something on an iPad and sipping coffee.

"I was going to let you sleep another 20 minutes," Vijay said. "This is usually my alone time, but you're welcome to sit with me if you want."

"I was going to go workout, where is the gym?" I asked.

"I'll supervise. It's Ahmed's pride and joy, but he won't be up anytime soon." Vijay rose and chugged the last of his coffee.

He beckoned for me to follow him back out to the living room. There was a hallway I hadn't noticed that led to a guest bathroom and a side room where there was a small gym setup. I noticed Ahmed had his own chart on the wall noting his progress with weight lifting. I felt a twinge of pride in my chest when I noticed I wasn't far behind him in bench press weight.

"Can I clean it when we're finished? I need an early start on my stars today," I asked Vijay.

"I suppose, but you must be careful. Ahmed is particular with his things and if he finds it later and is upset, he may erase all the stars you earned," Vijay cautioned.

I started with some warm-up cardio on an elliptical while Vijay climbed on the treadmill. I worked up a sweat and got my heart rate where I liked it before moving to the weights. I focused on squats with them. Ahmed seemed so happy to play with my ass and I wanted more attention down there. I was so intrigued to have him or Mr. Almari show me how to make it feel good. I'd never had much luck on my own.

I decided to just make it a leg day and go through the rest of the routine my trainer back home had shown me. We had a nicer gym than this in our house plus we used the bigger one at the club. I finished up and got back on the cardio machines. I knew I shouldn't push myself too hard since I had a full day of work ahead, but routines are routines.

When I finished the cooldown I saw Vijay had left. I'm sure he had a lot to do. Running this house was not the easiest task. I decided to get the cleaning supplies and try to replicate what I saw the workers do on the gym at the club. The floor was a little dirty so I grabbed a broom, and got a bucket with some wipes and dusting towels.

I went over every inch of the room looking for dust, dirt, grime, anything I could find. I was on a mission. Every surface sparkled, every weight was lined up perfectly and each machine was wiped down to factory specifications. I ran upstairs to get Vijay, but he was busy organizing Mr. Almari's schedule. I decided to grab a shower since I was pretty rank from my work and workout.

I went back up to find Mr. Almari just stirring in his bed. He yawned and smiled when he saw me tip toe in.

"I didn't wake you, did I?" I asked nervously. "I just did a workout and started on my chores."

"It's ok, go shower and then come back out before getting dressed. I have a surprise for you," Mr. Almari said as he reached for his cellphone on the side table. I heard him turn on the TV to some Arabic morning show with chipper people yelling at each other and laughing.

I cleaned myself in the shower and made sure my ass was ready for any inspection it may encounter. I washed my hair and scrubbed my face before rinsing clean and grabbing a towel.

"Dry off and come out here quickly, Cage," Mr. Almari called when he heard the water turn off.

"Yes sir," I rubbed myself quickly and then brushed back my hair so it wouldn't dry in a crazy mess.

I padded out to find him wearing a pair of jogging shorts and opening a box on the edge of his bed. He looked pleased when he saw me coming out.

"You're going to like this. It will help solve your problem and focus more on the house. I just finished downloading the app and it's pretty easy to use," Mr. Almari said as he fidgeted with his phone.

"I can't wait!" I said with no idea what he had planned for me. He pulled a piece of light blue rubber from the box and held it up for me to look at.

"I was going to go with pink, but the goal is to help you not humiliate you," he said and held it up for me to look at. It was a rubbery circle sized somewhere between a ring and a bracelet. It had a

"This part goes around the base of your balls and cock, and this hood is where we put your little soft cock. I can control it with this app! Technology is amazing! I had to send Vijay to a warehouse on the other side of Cairo to pick it up last night. Very expensive, but worth it for your training," Mr. Almari said.

"Oh..." I wasn't sure how to react. "What does the app do, sir?"

"Well the app locks and unlocks it, but it does so much more! I can increase or decrease the pressure when you're being punished or earning rewards. It even zaps your balls with a little shock when you need it. Plus it has a built in tracker so if you escape..." Mr. Almari said the last part with a bit of anger.

"Shock me?" I said and my hand went to cover my cock. I wasn't worried about the tracking, but the shock... I hadn't been hurt down there since I got kicked in a game once.

"Well, I'm sure it won't hurt that much, just remind you that your actions have consequences," Mr. Almari pulled me over and sat me on his right thigh. He gave my cock a light tug and it instantly started to grow at his touch.

"You see? Right there, Cage. You're controlled by this little cock. Don't worry though, I'll help you get it under control. Part of becoming a man is knowing how to use this for your benefit. You spent half the day dripping yesterday. I noticed the spots in your shorts. This will help you focus on your goals," Mr. Almari assured.

"Let's try this zap feature, it'll help get that erection down so I can put it on. I have a meeting this morning so we need to get on with this," Mr. Almari said.

"Ok... If you think it will help me," I said as though I had a choice here. Mr. Almari held the ring against my balls and then hit a button on his app. I felt a buzzing jolt hit my nuts and they shrank away in pain.

"Ahhh! Ow!" I yelped and my body twisted in pain. I jumped off his lap, landing on my ass on the floor.

"That was the warning level. Don't be a baby," Mr. Almari laughed. He patted his lap again and I got up to sit on his thigh again with a look of caution.

He hit a button on the app and the ring expanded, but not enough as he pulled at my balls and pushed them through. There was a little bar that separated the balls and it pinched a little, but I guess I would get used to it. He pushed the head of my cock into the protector. It had a wide slit in front so I wouldn't have to take it off to piss.

"Is it waterproof?" I asked.

"It says it is, if not you'll find out very quickly!" Mr. Almari laughed as I cringed.

He adjusted it on me, my cock wanted to respond as he fondled my nuts and rubbed my shaft with his finger, but he quickly adjusted the tightness using his app. My cock didn't know what had happened. I felt it trying to stir, and it didn't help that he was rubbing my bottom. He did it without thinking what it would do to me, but he was in power so he didn't have to. I was beginning to understand that.

"Go put a clean uniform on, I have a meeting to get to. Have Vijay look over the chore you did," Mr. Almari said and smacked me on the bottom.

"Do I get a star for being good with the cock cage?" I asked with hope.

"You don't beg for stars, Cage. That's not the point of them. A hard day's work is what I reward here. Do you need me to increase the number of stars you are to earn for a prize?" Mr. Almari asked.

"No sir, Please," I said and hung my head.

"Then don't beg for my approval, earn it. I don't want to hear of it again," Mr. Almari said harshly and pushed me off his lap. I felt my chest sink at his disapproval.

"Yes sir," I said and left him to prepare for his day. I put on a fresh tank top and debated walking around without shorts on since the cage covered my cock. I was hoping Ahmed would see it. But I decided to follow what I'd been told and slid up the white, stretchy shorts. They put the cock cage on display as it drew out my package and displayed my obedience.

Vijay found me as I was coming down the stairs. He said the gym looked nice and I definitely earned a star for it. My chest puffed proudly again and a smile crossed my lips. He noticed the cock cage, who wouldn't. He said Mr. Almari had given him the code for the app since he was in charge of me when Mr. Almari was away.

"Listen Cage, I have to run out for a bit to do the shopping for the party tonight. I need you to wake up Ahmed in ten minutes and then Tarik in twenty. Other than that, you can do the bathrooms and then wait for me in the kitchen to help put things away," Vijay instructed as he swiped the star tattoo across my tongue and then rubbed it gently on my chest.

"Yes sir," I said and looked at the glittery prize near my collarbone.

"This is really going to attract attention," Vijay laughed as he tugged on my cock cage knowing it was helpless to react. I winced and let a soft moan escape my lips. It made my nuts so sensitive and they begged to be played with.

I went to get the supplies for the bathroom while I waited for Ahmed's wake up call. I was excited to see him since he'd instructed me to wake up his cock first. Even with the cage on, I was still so hungry to be played with. Mr. Almari was right to get it for me. Maybe the loss of constant erection would help me focus.

I was making my way to Ahmed's room when Mr. Almari walked by in a crisp blue suit. His shaved head and piercing green eyes made me weak when I saw him. I told him I was going to wake up Ahmed and he rolled his eyes with a smile.

"Don't keep him too long, he has work to do today," Mr. Almari admonished as he kissed my forehead and sailed past me.

Ahmed was already awake when I came in, but he was still in bed. He had his phone in front of him and was stroking his cock.

"The fuck? You knock first, fucking khawal," Ahmed yelled.

"Sorry, I was supposed to wake you up. I'll leave you alone," I said and backed away.

"No, wait," Ahmed called and I stopped in his doorway. "What the fuck is that in your shorts?"

I assumed he would have known since Mr. Almari shared my training amongst all of the men in the house. I came towards him and slid my shorts down in front to show him the cage.

"Oh fucking rad. Get over here!" He laughed. I came to his bed and knelt on it so he could see. He held up his phone and snapped a picture.

"Hey, you can't do that," I protested and pulled my shorts up with a blush.

"I can do whatever I want, but relax. You've made the news enough. This is just for my own amusement," he pulled the waistband of my shorts down and set his phone down. He gripped my caged cock and pulled it towards him so hard that I walked to him on my knees.

"Yeah, that's what I'm talking about! We're going to step this up and break the little white bitch like he deserves," Ahmed said happily.

"How do you work this thing?" he asked. "Shouldn't it have a lock on it?"

"It's controlled by an app on your father's phone," I admitted knowing he'd use the info against me.

"Holy fuck! Let me check this out!" Ahmed looked up the info on it from the name branded to the side of the shaft.

"I can zap you, squeeze your nuts, track you! This is the best! I'm downloading the app!" Ahmed said gleefully.

"No, please don't," I begged. Ahmed was working his phone with one hand and the other slid down the back of my shorts to rub my hole.

"Fuck, I need a pin. Dad'll give it to me. I'll let you know when I get it by zapping your little zeb-zeb!" Ahmed was taking great pleasure in this. His hard cock was flopped over against his stomach. It hadn't gone down since he'd discovered my predicament.

"Oh! I have to wake up Tarik now!" I noted the time on his alarm clock.

"Go, go," Ahmed waved a hand at me as he was engrossed in reading about the capabilities of my cage.

I started to get off his bed, but his hand was still rubbing my ass. He pulled at the waistband as I tried to escape.

"Leave these here until after you wake him up," Ahmed said.

"But he's not into this," I noted.

"Yeah but that little ass is too pretty to cover up. Plus he'll get a kick out of the cage. Come back when you're done," he commanded.

I went for the door and crept down the hallway out of sight as though this was something I could really hide for long.

I found him sound asleep and hugging a pillow on his side. He was so skinny; lanky but handsome. I wondered how he'd grown up with a brother like Ahmed. He looked so sweet sleeping there and I tried to figure out a way to wake him without him seeing me like this. He kept his curtains open so the room was lit brightly with the morning sun.

"Tarik," I said and shook him from behind. He roused with a worried look of confusion until his eyes adjusted to me. They widened when he spotted the cock cage

"Why are you coming in here naked? And what is that on your dick, dude?" He asked.

"It's um..." I started to explain, but he cut me off.

"Nevermind. I don't care. I'm not into this, Cage. It's weird and gross and just... just go, kay? I'll use my alarm clock next time." Tarik looked at me with disgust and my heart sank. I hadn't felt ashamed this whole time. The work, the humiliation, the stars, they felt like something I'd deserved. Everyone was in on it... but Tarik reminded me that this wasn't natural, not something people really did.

"I'm sorry," I said softly in humiliation.

"Whatever, you're disgusting, this whole thing is... just go!" Tarik barked and rolled over on his side to look away from me.

"I'm... I'm sorry." I said and tore out of his room. I skipped Ahmed's room and went straight for Mr. Almari's room. I closed the door and went for the bathroom as my stomach turned into a knot.

He was right. This was wrong. This was weird. I came here to wait out a news scandal and I was walking around some family's house with no pants and my cock in a cage. I went into Mr. Almari's closet and sank down behind a row of hanging shirts. My heart was racing and my face was flush with embarrassment.

I cursed at myself for being such an idiot. I punched the wall a few times. I hit where a stud was and my hand shot with pain. I had to get out of here, get this thing off my dick, figure out some other way to live.

One of my brothers would probably give me money for airfare home if I could make it somewhere to call them.

Mr. Almari was out for work and Vijay was still at the market. I needed to go now. I found a loose pair of Mr. Almari's sweatpants that would hide the cage. I pulled them on and got a zip-up hoodie to go over them. I found my slip-on shoes and slipped out of the house quietly.

I could never go back. I could never look Tarik in the eyes. I don't know how I let myself get talked into this stuff. I remembered back in 8th grade when Tony Atkins talked me into putting his cock in my mouth. I don't even know why I agreed to it.

I crossed the main road and headed back towards that shopping center I'd originally been aiming for. I had no money or wallet, but maybe someone would call one of my brothers for me or the embassy or something. I just couldn't go back there. ---

Thanks for reading. :)

Next: Chapter 3

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