Cage Cock Cairo

By Emri S.

Published on Jul 13, 2023


This story contains some roughness and an authoritarian theme (eventually) so if that offends you, read one of my less aggressive stories:

Emerson & The Lion (under Authoritarian)

Lincoln's Pride (under Authoritarian)

Noah's Starship (under college/interracial)

Thanks and please support nifty to keep the archive free and open!


Cage learns his place on his spiral downward...

-{~ Cage! Cock! Cairo! ~}-

-by Emri-

"Shhhhhit," I sighed as I set down my bag and struggled out of my sweatshirt. Yesterday was perfect in Los Angeles, this morning was freezing in Germany, and the afternoon was scorching and dusty in Cairo. The airport was packed with angry looking people in ugly clothes carrying cheap bags.

My year of poor decisions had led me to this desert waste. But this couldn't be where I ended up. I wasn't going to be here long.

"It's your last chance. I just don't know what else to do with you. I trust Mr. Almari with my life. He seems to think he can help you. When he says you are ready, you can come back. Don't embarrass us there as you've done here," My dad had said as he dropped me off at the airport.

He didn't offer a hug or any last bit of wisdom. He just ruffled my blonde hair that matched his own and told me he was late for a meeting. As soon as I'd closed the door, his black BMW sped away.

"Kesh! Kesh!" An overly chipper voice called over the crush of the crowd. An elderly lady leaned against me like I was a wall. I grabbed my bag off the bench and nudged her to sit there. She gave me a smile that made me check my pocket for my wallet and cell. They were there, so I smiled back at her.

"Kesh! Kesh!" The voice called for me again only this time a hand came out between the two guys standing uncomfortably close to me. It grabbed my wrist but I pulled back. 5 minutes in this hell hole and I'd already been groped twice.

"The fuck? Don't grab me!" I barked and yanked away from him. The elderly lady looked up at me with a knowing nod. I wanted out of there.

"Kesh! I am driver to take you! You come, Kesh! Come, Come!" An older man poked his head between the two guys in front of me and flashed a smile that revealed poor dental health.

"Cage? My name is Cage. Are you sure you mean me?" I asked with confusion. He pushed between the two men and held up a photo taken my senior year in high school.

Since I was the only blonde guy with blue eyes anywhere in the vicinity, he didn't have much room for confusion. I hated seeing that picture. It was only a year old, but I'd fucked up a lot of things in that short amount of time.

"Micajah Prescott," he read from the back of the picture. "Likes to be called Cage, never Micajah." He read it aloud and punctuated each syllable. It attracted the attention of everyone within earshot of us. My cheeks burned at their stares.

"Ok ok ok," I moved to shut him up. "Let's just go!"

Micajah is an old family name. My dad resisted using it, but by the 3rd son he was running out of options. My grandfather didn't acknowledge any male child who didn't carry a family name, and my dad was certainly not going to cut me out of the family wealth.

The driver tried to take my bag, but I yanked it back and shook my head. He shrugged and headed through the crowd as I pushed to keep up.

"They send me because I am best driver in service and I speak the English good!" The driver flashed his smile again to me as he opened the trunk of his cab for me to drop my bag.

"Yes, it's... beautiful," I said with heavy sarcasm that was completely lost on him. He thanked me as he went to open my door.

"We go to very nice house, Kesh! You will love. Mr. Almari is most wealthy man!" The driver insisted as he slid into the driver's seat and raced away from the terminal.

"He should be, he works for my father," I said and dug in my pocket for my earbuds. I'm not sure what else he said as I plugged into my phone and put on some music. I saw his lips moving, and then his look of disappointment. He was weaving in and out of traffic as we sped out of the airport.

We flew down a crowded highway zig-zagging between cars. I held onto the handle of the passenger door in case he decided to flip the car. He didn't seem to value our lives much. We zoomed past a barren wasteland of sand and sand-colored buildings.

We turned off the freeway without slowing down and onto a wide boulevard lined with palm trees. A large sign crossed the barricaded roadway and read "Al Rehab, New Cairo." Rehab must mean something different in Arabic. In English, though, it was the perfect word for it since I was supposed to clean up my life here. Dad had made sure to find the one place on earth I'd be away from drugs, alcohol, friends, parties, life.

The driver slowed at the barricade and talked to an armed guard. He handed him a paper and they exchanged happy banter before the guard moved the barricade and urged us through. We wound around traffic circles covered in lush palm trees. It looked like Vegas without the casinos.

"Here, Kesh! Here!" The driver yelled excitedly and patted my shoulder as he pulled up to a gated villa. He spoke into the intercom and then the gates parted for us to enter. It was a lot of security for what turned out to be a regular house. It was nice and all, but definitely not as posh as the security suggested. It was several stories of stucco punctuated by that spanish tile you see all over Southern California. It had a large terrace on the top floor, and a covered portico over the entry.

Towering palm trees framed the house nicely, and a wall covered in greenery framed the perimeter of the property. It looked like a proper house for the President of Egyptian operations for my family's company.

A tall Indian man who looked about my age stood near the entry wearing a white uniform with his hands clasped behind his back. He opened my door and gave a slight bow.

"Welcome, Cage. You must be very tired," he said in a British accent, and smiled.

"Mr. Almari?" I asked and took the earbuds out of my ears.

"I am Vijay. I run the house for him. The servants here do not understand English, but I am here for all of your needs," Vijay said as he took my bag from the driver.

"I'll get that!" I said and tried to pull it from him, but he was stronger than he looked.

"I have orders to take it, let us both know our place here," Vijay said. There was an edge to his voice that told me it wasn't open for negotiation.

"Please, go inside," He waved a hand for me to proceed towards the door. A younger man, another Indian in a crisp white uniform, opened the door and beckoned me inside. Vijay handed off the bag to him when we entered and then led me to a room just off the main entryway.

"Mr. Almari," Vijay said softly to the room as he poked his head in. "Cage has arrived."

"Ah, yes!" a voice called back, "Call the boys to gather in the living room! Tell the kitchen to begin!"

"Cage, my boy! It's been so many years," Mr. Almari popped out of the room as Vijay scurried away. Suddenly I remembered his face. He was tall and athletic with an interesting face.

"You are the image of your father when I met him. Blonde hair, blue eyes, even his light freckles. You're a page from the past," He laughed as he took me in.

I remembered his visits to Los Angeles when I was a kid. The dark, Arab skin but with light, olive green eyes. I'd been fascinated by him. He would stay with us while visiting for business. I could tell my dad had the highest respect for him. He treated him differently than the other employees.

"I remember you! You used to stay with us. You brought me gifts and played soccer with me. Right?" I asked, and brought a smile to his already warm face. He had lost his hair on top but it suited him. Without the smile, his look would have appeared harsh, menacing. He nodded and drew me in for a hug that I hadn't offered. I would have protested, but I remembered him warmly.

He would always play soccer with me in our backyard when he visited. My older brothers cut me out of their games, but he made a point to spend time with me like I'd always wanted my father to do. My father always took a sudden interest in us when Mr. Almari would visit.

"Yes, but you have grown so much since then. I am sorry the business has not taken me back to Los Angeles in so many years, but your father and I prefer to meet in New York since most of the companies we deal with moved back east." Mr. Almari said. He put an arm around my shoulder and led me back through the foyer.

"I still have the soccer ball you brought me! You made me love the game," I thanked him.

"I know. Your father was so proud you made the team at your university. He hopes you can play again when you sort out your problems," Mr. Almari noted a bit of sadness at the end of his statement and I realized he knew what all had happened.

We walked past a large fireplace with a huge, flat-screened TV mounted over it and into the living room that had three wide, leather couches arranged in a U around a large coffee table. Two well-dressed men who looked like younger versions of Mr. Almari stood suddenly and put their cellphones away in their pockets.

"Ahmed," Mr. Almari waved a hand towards the taller man who looked to be in his mid 20's and wore a suit like his father. He looked just as I remembered his dad that last time he visited us, strong and kind. His muscular frame showed through the fitted suit, "is my first born. He also works for your father's company. He is very responsible and will help you learn the business."

"Welcome to Egypt, Cage," Ahmed said as he came to shake my hand with a firm grip. He had his father's twinkling green eyes that seemed anomalous for his culture.

"And your new friend and brother," Mr. Almari gripped the shoulder of his youngest who looked close to my age. He had a somber look about him and eyed me with disdain. I didn't think we'd really be best friends. "Tarik is my youngest, though nearly a year older than you are. He will help you through this and I know you will learn from him."

Tarik gave me a nod, and reached to shake my hand with an inauthentic, "Nice to meet you."

The two sons eyed me with equal suspicion and disdain.

"My daughter is in Europe with my wife, but you may meet her if you stay long enough," Mr. Almari said. He went on with more details, but that was the gist of it and I was ready to find my room and be alone for awhile. I was hoping to just sleep through this whole unwanted journey.

I'm sure the sons had been filled in on what I'd done to get expelled from the university. Not even my father's hefty donations could drown out the media coverage of my demise.

Someone had snapped a picture of me passed out from a night of drinking celebrating the end of finals. That was bad enough since we were underage, but I was also naked and laying on top of my best friend Kurt who was also completely naked and has his arms around me. Even worse, we'd awoken in the middle of the courtyard next to the college library with a security guard standing over us.

The picture had spread like wildfire across social media, and within 24 hours I'd lost my girlfriend, was banned from campus, and obviously dropped from the soccer team.

The media wasn't even sure how to cover the scandal. There were too many angles. We weren't even gay like that, although I'd done some stuff with guys before but nothing serious... and certainly not with Kurt! But, well the photo spoke for itself. Then there was underage drinking, irresponsible fraternities, and spoiled society kids with no discipline. It fed an endless amount of articles and editorials. Sending me to Egypt was as much for my family's sake as it was for mine. They didn't know how to deal with this and I needed to disappear for a bit.

Pissed as I was, it was kind of a relief to get away from everything. My girlfriend still wouldn't return my texts. She'd cool off though. She always did with time.

"Lunch will be brought to your room. I'm sure you must be very tired," Mr. Almari said and put his hand on my shoulder. I nodded and covered a yawn. He wagged a finger towards Vijay who led me out of the room.


"This is it, all yours," Vijay said after leading me upstairs to my room. It was decorated in dark blue tones and had a small bed, a desk, and a low dresser where he'd set my bag. There was no television or computer, but I'd brought my laptop and tablet from home. There was a small bathroom inside, and Vijay showed me how to work the shower before telling me to clean up before lunch.

"You should nap after you eat something. I'll be back with food when you're cleaned and changed." He left me alone and closed my bedroom door.

I took a quick shower and then got a fresh pair of briefs out of my bag and a tank top. I found my sleep shorts and pulled them up just as Vijay returned with a tray of food. He set it down on the desk and asked if I needed anything else. I shook my head and he left.

I wasn't hungry, but I took a few bites of the sandwich and chugged the glass of milk before laying down on the bed. I put in my earbuds to drown out the freight train of anger that had been chugging through my brain since this whole thing blew up.


I was awakened rudely by Mr. Almari pulling me up by the arm and pushing me onto the floor.

"What the fuck?" I stumbled to my feet and almost dodged his hands, but they gripped my shoulders and brought me face to face with his rage.

"You bring drugs into my home!" He demanded with a face reddened with anger. I looked down to see my bag open and it's contents rifled.

"My stuff! You can't do that! I'm an American citizen!" I yelled as I dove for my bag. Vijay caught me by the arm and did a quick wrestling move. He spun me around and pinned me back against his chest. The move had slid my tank top up around my neck where his right arm wrapped across my chest. His left hand rubbed down my exposed stomach and he gave my abs an appreciative squeeze.

"Do you even realize what could have happened to you if caught? You smuggled this into Egypt. They would have killed you!" Mr. Almari waved a bag of weed and a few pills in front of my face.

"It's for anxiety... It's pretty much legal in California. Look, I lost everything this past month in case you missed the news!" I struggled against Vijay's hold, but the dude was solid. He wasn't super built, but he'd obviously practiced this a few times.

"You are just as impetuous and spoiled as your father was at this age. I should have searched you when you entered," Mr. Almari said. He looked into my eyes as though he recognized his old friend. He put a hand to my cheek and rubbed where I'd struck the floor. He studied me for a solid minute and then a smile crossed his lips.

"I'm not my father! And neither are you!" I jerked my head away from his hand and got a whiff of Vijay's musky armpit. Mr. Almari's smile melted into a hard line.

"I should call the police myself. I should tie you up, shove this bag in your mouth and leave you on the curb for them to collect. You disgrace your own family, and now you try for mine as well. It was my name on your visa, you imbecile! I am responsible for your actions now! You will not embarrass me in my own country!" He spat.

"You can't do anything to me. I'll have you fired! You work for my father!" I said and Vijay's arm instantly yanked me up off my feet and pressed the air out of my chest. He wasn't used to his employer being disrespected in that manner. I gasped and reached for his arm to free myself. I pulled on him and kicked my feet out, but it was useless.

"Let him down," Mr. Almari said softly. "He does not know better, but he will learn. We will teach him."

Vijay set me back on my feet and rubbed my chest to ease the tightness I felt as I coughed and gasped for air. I looked back at Vijay's face but his eyes were fixed on Mr. Almari.

"There, there, boy. I forgot he knew how to do that. Come and sit. Calm yourself," Mr. Almari patted my back. He brought me to the bed and pushed me to sit. He sat down next to me and patted my back as I coughed. He picked up my bag and set it across both our laps.

"Let's go through the rest of this to see what else you will not need during your stay with us," Mr. Almari said as he pulled apart the flaps of my bag.

"Laptop, tablet," he said with a shake of his head and set them on his left side against the bed where I couldn't reach for them.

"Shirts, shorts," he noted with an approving nod and started a pile on the right, beside me.

"What are these? Condoms? No you certainly won't need them here," he laughed and added them to the pile on his left.

"I thought I'd have some time out. They have girls here, right?" I asked cautiously.

"Yes, supervised time with the family for safe and happy activities. You bring drugs here and expect me to let you wander freely? You expect me to unleash you on the women of my culture?" Mr. Almari asked with a surprised laugh.

I didn't respond. I wanted to grab my stuff and run out, but I didn't know where I'd go nor did I want Vijay pinning me again.

He found a lighter along with my sketchbook and art supplies. No one ever looked through it and I felt anxious as he started to open it.

"NO! NO!" I put my hand to grab it, but Mr. Almari took my hand before I could get to it. He interlaced his fingers with mine and gave a gentle squeeze.

"This is private?" he asked with interest, drumming his fingers against the hard book. He squeezed my hand again to let me know he was there for support.

"Yes, it's... yeah," I stammered and caught my breath. I wasn't sure how I would explain my art or why I drew what was in there. It was horrible, and something no one ever saw. It was my private world. I didn't want to explain about the psychologist I saw back in California or how drawing helped me work through my anger. It was most definitely personal.

"Fine, Cage. I have no reason to open this, but maybe someday you'll want to share it. You're here for healing. You will learn to trust us and we will start by trusting you." Mr. Almari slid the book towards me.

He packed up the clothes and things he'd placed in the pile to his right. I looked sadly at my tech and banned items on his left.

"What about my phone? Computer? My tablet? I have stuff I need on there," I said in a polite voice hoping he'd change his mind.

"Vijay will put them away safely. We have computers here for you to use with permission. Your father sent a budget for your care. I'll give you a restricted cell to use while you're here since your American phone won't work the same in Egypt. It's programmed with our numbers should you have an emergency," Mr. Almari said firmly.

"Grab your bag, Cage. You'll stay with me tonight and maybe for a while until you earn enough trust to have your room again," he said and stood. I watched Vijay collect my banned items and leave the room before I could argue.

"I need my own space. I can't sleep with other people... sir," I said as I stood and decided what to do. "You already took everything, can't I just..."

"Now, Cage!" Mr. Almari interrupted me and grabbed my shoulder. "You're as bad as your father was. You will learn to take direction."

"You keep bringing up my dad. Did you know him when he was my age? He never mentioned that," I said as Mr. Almari pushed me towards the door.

"We'll speak of it another time. You should get back to bed soon. It is getting late. Let's go," Mr. Almari ordered. There was a bit of hurt in his tone.

He pushed me down the the hall and then across a bridge over the living room that led to a large door. It opened to a much larger bedroom with a king-sized bed in the center. Mr. Almari turned on the light and pointed towards a small coffee table next to a long couch where I could set my bag.

Large windows overlooked the backyard with a long, rectangular pool lit up from below the water. I saw a few figures splashing around. It was late, but the night sky was lit in a dark orange of city lights mixed with pollution. We must have been at a higher elevation as the backyard seemed to drop off into a view of the glimmering city.

"There's only one bed in here. I'm not sharing a bed with you," I noted and set my bag down on the coffee table.

As if anticipating my objection. Vijay came in carrying a stack of linens topped with a pillow. He pulled some of the pillows off of the couch and made it up into a bed.

"Lie down, you need a proper night's rest and we will deal with your father in the morning," Mr. Almari ordered.

I started to argue, but then Vijay came closer to me and I backed down quickly. I got under the blanket and covered myself. Vijay turned off the lights and Mr. Almari turned on a small lamp on a table next to the couch. He came and sat on the coffee table next to the couch and pushed back my hair as I looked up at him.

"We will speak with your father in the morning... You really do look just like him... Until then, you will rest. Do you need anything?" He asked as though he was my father, the caring father I never had. Vijay turned off the overhead lights and drew the curtains. The night city was closed to us. He brought a bottle of water and set it next to Mr. Almari on the coffee table.

"My dad is going to be really pissed when he finds out what you've done! He'll let me come home when he finds out. I bet he will fire you on the spot! You might as well just send me back to the airport," I said though I knew he wouldn't.

"Sure, Cage. He'll come running to save you from me," Mr. Almari laughed patronizingly. "Until he does that, you will obey my rules. If you earn more freedom, it will be given to you. Now go to sleep."

He left then and I tossed a few times before settling in. I was used to falling asleep to my music in my comfortable bed and I kept hearing distant laughs of the guys out in the pool. How the fuck did anyone get any sleep with that going on? I finally closed my eyes and sleep overtook me.

I awoke later when I heard Mr. Almari talking. He was arguing with someone from his bed, and I opened my eyes to see the glow of his phone. He was shirtless but covered by the bedspread that came up to his waist. He had a hairy mass of pecs that proved he was serious about his workouts. He was trying to whisper using videochat with someone, and I focused to listen to what was going on.

The man on the other end wasn't whispering, he was begging and apologizing. Mr. Almari told him to keep it down so he wouldn't wake me.

"I'm so sorry, Nasir. I... I fucked up with this one. I don't know what do with him. I can't believe he brought drugs. Maybe jail would be right for him. Maybe he would learn his lesson there. He can't come back here," I heard my father say. I'd never heard him talk like that. He was always so controlled, distant, cold. I'd never heard him apologize to anyone.

"It's not jail he needs, it's a father, Aaron! He needs his father," Mr. Almari said.

"He's ruined us here. It's going to take months for people to forget about this scandal. I can't have him back here right now. He'll fuck it up again. Can't you do something with him? I don't care what it is, but he can NOT come back. He's done too much damage already," Dad said. I felt my heart pounding in my ear. He didn't want me.

It was so typical of my dad to only care about me as much as it affected him. When I was scoring goals or getting an award at school he'd be there, but mostly to show off to their circle of friends. He had to look like the family man, the guy you wanted to do business with, envy, applaud.

"Don't you remember how I found you, Aaron? It wasn't that long ago. You were even more reckless and spoiled, taking anything the streets of Paris would offer you. I gave you direction, made you respectable so your father would trust you with his company... so you could return to your inherited path. I gave you discipline, and you couldn't do the same for your own children." Mr. Almari wasn't yelling, but he certainly wasn't whispering anymore.

"You left me, Nasir. You got me addicted and sent me home... When I needed you there, you left," My dad said in a voice that sounded like begging. I'd never heard him like that... ever. If Mr. Almari hadn't called him by name, I'd swear he was talking to someone else.

But it was my dad. I remembered that he went to college in Paris before he married my mom. He never talked about it, but I'd seen the degree on the wall of his office. I'd heard him speaking French to impress people, and he insisted that I take it in high school. My father was strong. He was a smart businessman. He never begged anyone before, but with Mr. Almari he turned into a mushy little nothing.

"You needed a wife, Aaron, a family to complete the puzzle your father wanted to see. How else would you have gotten his approval, his money? I did what was necessary for both of us. My family expected a marriage as well and we expanded your company to the Middle East! It was a different world then... This is an old argument... I won't have it again. Let us leave this graveyard to the past." Mr. Almari softened his voice at the end.

"You're right, Nasir. We both moved on... so what do we do with Cage? His mother was furious I sent him to you, but she had no clue what to do with him here. I haven't even spoken your name since... Well what do we do about Cage? If you need to discipline him, do whatever it takes," My dad said my name as though I were a mistake, an abomination.

"We will call you tomorrow. Cage will admit what he did and you will be supportive. You will tell him you love him and that being here is for his best. You will tell him he must obey and be his best to make you proud. You will tell him you love him too much to let him waste his life. You will lift him up. You will be the father he needs for ten minutes. I will handle it from there," Mr. Almari instructed.

"Sure, fine... I'm sorry, Nasir. I fucked up with this one," Dad said it again like I was a mistake. My ears burned along with my eyes.

"We'll fix it. He really is a handsome boy. He reminds me so much of you at that age... all fire and no direction. You were so beautiful then with so much promise and so little restraint," Mr. Almari softened his voice and my stomach began to turn.

"Hey, I still got it!" Dad laughed and then added, "Nasir... I miss you. I have some time next week if you can get away... Please, Nasir? We can meet up in Paris for a few days and explore our old haunts. I need to get away from here. How about it? You and me for old time's sake? I really need you."

My eyes flew open as I processed that with disgust. What were they to each other? Was my dad really like that? I couldn't even picture it. Dad was never one to use anti-gay slurs and his company even sponsored the pride parade organization in our town. He couldn't be gay though. He was married with kids!

Sure, he'd never been very affectionate with mom, but then again he'd never been that way with any of us. Whatever they had together, it seemed to work. He went to his office everyday and paid our expensive bills without complaint. He loved baseball and even took us to Dodgers games twice a year. He bought her nice jewelry for birthdays, anniversaries, holidays... That couldn't be right. He wasn't like that. Maybe it was a running gag between them.

"You have not earned that, and your child needs a father that I must now be. Goodnight, Aaron. Be awake when we call. You didn't get the father you needed, but Cage will. I'll make sure of it," Mr. Almari said with anger and ended the conversation. I heard him toss the phone down on the bed and then sigh loudly. He'd hung up on my father. No one did that.

He mumbled something to himself in Arabic and then got off the bed. I heard his footsteps coming towards me and I snapped my eyes closed again. I felt him hovering above me and then felt his hand touch my cheek. He rubbed a thumb across it softly and then took it away. I felt him pull the blanket up from my stomach to my chest. He tucked it under my arms.

"Oh Aaron," he whispered with a tone of regret. I heard the small lamp click off and then his footsteps padding away.

I laid there for an hour turning it over in my brain. He didn't care about me in the least. Maybe he never did. He was more concerned about taking a vacation than he was about getting me the hell out of here.

And then it hit me that I was stuck here. I was truly out of options. I was stuck in this house with these people for god know's how long. I was on the other side of the world with no friends, no family, no life, no hope.

I couldn't just lay there anymore, it was hard to breathe and Mr. Almari was snoring lightly. I got up and tip-toed across the dark room with my hand in front of me in case I ran into anything. I made it to the door and found it unlocked as I turned the handle.

The house was quiet, but little lights were on here and there so it was easier to move about. I went across the bridge and looked down to see Vijay sitting in the living room wearing a t-shirt and pajama pants. He was engrossed in some video on his cellphone so he didn't notice me cross the bridge.

I got to the other side and into the shadows of the hallway when I saw him look around and then up. He'd heard something, but didn't see anything so he went back to looking at his phone. He turned the volume up slightly and I heard the unmistakable moaning sounds of porn.

There was some girl whining for a grunting man to fuck her harder. Holy shit, he was watching porn in the living room! I watched him rub his crotch and check again for anyone watching. I guessed that he got off on the danger of being caught. What a perv. It was a welcome distraction from the trainwreck I'd just witnessed.

"Yeah," Vijay whispered to the porn as though they needed his participation. He rubbed a hand up his shirt and pulled it up to reveal a healthy set of abs. He was lean but seriously cut. I'd sensed that when he had me pinned. The dude was not to be fucked with. It was funny to see him being so filthy.

He rubbed a hand over his dark, Indian stomach. I knew he'd been into that when he had me pinned and was feeling up my muscles. He moved the phone to the side and I saw a healthy bulge in his pajama pants. He slid a hand below the waistband and started to pet himself.

He pulled out his cock and hooked the waistband under a hearty set of furry nuts. His cock was rock hard and smaller than mine. It was long enough, but skinny and brown with a purple head. It looked like some weird fruit you'd find in one of those hipster farmer's markets.

I watched him yank on it a few times and laughed to myself. He was biting his lip and the house was so quiet that I could hear his soft gasps and ohs as he pleasured his tool.

I felt a hand grip my right bicep yank me back into the shadowy hallway. I gave a yelp that made Vijay look around and pull his pants up in a hurry. I heard him shut off his phone and he scurried off as the hand pulled me deeper into the dark hallway.

A door opened behind me and I was hit by a glaring light as the shadowy figure pulled me inside. The door closed behind me and I was face to face with Ahmed, the eldest son.

"Why are you wandering my house and spying on the servants?" Ahmed demanded and pushed me down onto his bed. I landed on my ass and sprawled out on the bed as I flailed my arms.

"Dude, I... He was jerking off down there, right in the open!" I explained and tried to get up. Ahmed pushed me down again with a hard push to the center of my chest.

"He works hard here, he deserves a moment of privacy without you drooling over him," Ahmed said.

He stood over me wearing a sleeveless t-shirt and a small pair of soccer shorts. His suit hadn't done his muscles justice, the guy was stacked. I looked around his room and saw a full set of free weights and a bench in one corner. He was serious about it like his father.

"Drooling over him? Me? Wait, no. I'm not like that... I have a girlfriend dude... well I HAD a girlfriend, but I'll get back to here, I..." I was explaining too much.

"Yeah? Then why is your sundial at high noon?" Ahmed asked and pointed to my cock. I looked down and was horrified to see it poking out in my shorts. I hadn't gotten off since the morning before.

"He was watching a porn, my body reacted," I started to say.

"We all saw the pictures from the news. You don't need to hide here," Ahmed said and rolled his eyes.

"No, it was just someone's stupid idea of a prank. We were both wasted and passed out. I don't even know who put us there like that. Their stupid prank ruined our lives and now I'm... here," I shook my head in disbelief that someone's idea of a joke had cost me everything.

"Their prank wouldn't have happened if you weren't drinking and taking your clothes off with a guy. Sounds pretty gay to me," Ahmed laughed.

"Even if I was gay, I wouldn't perv on Vijay. I can do better than third world cock," I joked. It was the wrong thing to say. He did one of the same crazy wrestling moves Vijay had done to pin me. He grabbed my arm and pulled me up, spun me around, and then he sat down on the bed and pulled me over his lap as though he was going to spank me.

"That third world cock has better education and manners than you do," Ahmed roared and started swatting my ass with force.

"The fuck! Stop, dude! It was just a joke. He's just a servant," I started yelling as he beat my ass with his palm. Ahmed grabbed a sweaty bandana he'd used for workout and put it across my mouth. He secured it behind my head with a knot as I muffled cries for help.

I struggled with him and he pulled at the waistband of my shorts and ripped them down to my knees to disable my legs. He raised his right leg and placed it behind me so my legs were sandwiched between his thighs and I was bent over his left one.

"Shut the fuck up, you pretentious little prick. I've had enough of the spoiled boy moping around here all day, and now you insult our people, piss on my country," Ahmed spat as he continued to redden my ass.

"You want to see what a real cock looks like?" Ahmed stopped and pushed me off of his lap. I sprawled on the floor as he stood and pushed his shorts to the ground. I realized my shorts were down at my knees and I pulled them up quickly.

I was going to scurry away, but what flopped out of his shorts was the biggest, fattest cock I'd ever seen. He pushed his shorts all the way down and stepped out of them. He hadn't bothered with underwear that night.

"Dude, I was joking. I'm sorry," I stammered. I pulled the bandana down and it hung around my neck as he gripped his cock and wagged it in my face.

"I knew you were a thirsty little queer when I saw the news story about you online," Ahmed laughed. He waved the fat cock in front of me and my eyes followed it, hypnotized.

"You can't tear your eyes off of it, here, get a better look," Ahmed came at me and gripped a fistful of my hair. He slowly waved his cock left and right in front of my eyes and then smacked my nose with it. I got the full scent of his sweaty workout.

The shaft was thick and dark while the head was fatter, redder. He was circumcised, which seemed sad that anyone would take any piece of its glory. I nodded my head as he raised it up and down and then shook off the haze and turned away from it.

"No, dude, I'm not gay. I swear. It's just... that's huge," I admitted as he pulled me up by my hair to look at him. He stroked his cock in front of my face and looked down at me with disgust. I stared up at him with confused blue eyes.

"You're still hard. I knew you'd love this," he noted as his right foot came up and his big toe poked around my crotch.

"I..." I started to explain, but realized I had no words. I swallowed hard and fought the urge to lick his cock. He fisted it violently in front of me as he pulled my hair and sneered at me.

"Little white boys are all the same. Get your cock out, they're always so pathetic," Ahmed barked. I didn't move fast enough and his toe kicked at my crotch. I started to stand so I could slide down my shorts, but his grip on my hair pushed me back down to my knees.

"I didn't say to get up, faggot." He let go of his cock and put a hand under my jaw. He raised my head to look up at him from under his massive meat. He rubbed my throat like he was being nice, but then spit right on my cheek.

"Now get that cock out," Ahmed said. I shoved my shorts back down and my cock stood out proudly. It wasn't anywhere near his size, but my girlfriend always liked it. I gripped it and stroked in time with him. He reached down and grabbed for my shirt, lifting it up and over my head.

"You're so pale," he noted my white, hairless chest. "You don't swim or go to the beach to get some sun there?"

"I burn," I said as though my perfect complexion needed excusing.

"Get on the bed," he ordered. I didn't have time to comply on my own as he grabbed the bandana that was hanging around my neck and twisted it in his fist. He pulled me up by the throat and I scrambled to my feet. He led me to his bed and I hopped up. He pulled down on the bandana and I bent over onto all fours like a dog with my shorts twisted around my knees.

"Your ass is still red, hopefully you'll remember to think before you speak next time," Ahmed commented as he rubbed my cheeks and gave them a few more smacks.

"That hurts," I said as though his intentions were otherwise.

"But you learned, right?" Ahmed laughed. He reached for my cock and pulled on it a few times like milking a cow. He pushed me over so I sprawled on my back.

"Jerk off. I don't want you going back to my father's room with that little stick at attention," Ahmed sneered. I reached for my cock and stroked it as he fisted his own. He got up on the bed and knelt close to my face.

"You want me to paint that pretty little white face with my seed. Don't you?" Ahmed growled as he fisted his angry monster.

"No," I said, but everything in me wanted it.

He started working a rhythm of stroking his cock three times and then smacking it against my cheek or forehead. Every time it neared my nose I got a whiff of his funk. It was pungent male, but it did something to my brain that sent a shiver over me.

He knelt over me with his chest heaving rhythmically as he fisted his meat. He was so intimidating, strong. He'd beaten my ass to let me know he was in complete control here. Something inside me liked it, craved it. It was too much for me. I needed to cum.

"I'm gonna... Uhhhh," I tensed up and then my body started to shoot. It was hard and I was so turned on that it launched up over my chest and face.

"Uhhhhhh," Ahmed grunted softly and joined me, shooting his cum to mix with my own. His body jerked and lurched over me as he coated me in his spunk. I was hooked instantly. We bounced together and shot in sync as my eyes screwed up and I fought to keep them open, to watch him.

As quickly as it had started, it ended. I was left there sticky and remorseful as Ahmed shook out the last drops of cum over my chest and blew out a long sigh of recovery. I looked down and noted the differences in our cum. Mine was clearer, thinner. Ahmed's was thick and whiter with a slightly darker tint to it.

"Good job. You know, you'd be almost pretty if you were a girl," Ahmed laughed and put a hand on my chest. He rubbed it around to spread the cum over my smooth, pale chest and across my side.

"Thanks I guess?," I said and started to laugh and squirm as he hit my ticklish spots under my arms.

"Hey! Don't get that shit on my bed, Cage. C'mon, go get cleaned up before you go back to my dad for the night," Ahmed advised. He offered a hand and I gripped it with both of mine. He pulled me up to my knees and then yanked me off his bed. He smacked my already bruised ass and pushed me towards the bathroom.

He turned on the shower for me and then leaned against the counter with his cock dangling between his thighs and his arms crossed as he watched me with interest. I rubbed body wash all over the cum-streaked areas. It was starting to dry and it turned kind of rubbery as I scraped myself clean.

"You've got some good muscle mass on you. We can workout together while you're here," Ahmed noted as I was stepping out. He gave me his old towel from the rack, and I dried myself while he went in to get his turn in the shower.

"I'd love that! I had a good workout partner at home," I said and remembered Kurt with regret. He hadn't returned any of my texts since it all that went down.

"Let yourself out, bro. I'm heading to bed," He said as I started to linger and watch him.

I left the towel hanging for him and went out to gather my clothes and dress.

This day had been one embarrassment after another capped with one very confusing but hot time with Ahmed. I didn't even object when I saw Vijay waiting for me on the bridge back to Mr. Almari's bedroom. He shook his head in disappointment and held out his hand. I took it and he pulled me back into Mr. Almari's room. He led me back to the couch past the snoring man and waited for me to get in. I laid there for awhile with my eyes open and my mind numbed by the overwhelming day.


I must have had at least a few hours of sleep because I awoke to the curtains open and Mr. Almari gone. His bed was made and the door to his room was left open. There was a tray on the coffee table with a plate of toast, a bowl of fruit, and a glass of juice. I sat up on the couch and ate it as I watched a bird swoop around in front of the window.

"You slept well, Cage?" Mr. Almari surprised me as I was chewing on a grape. I looked over to see him dressed in a tight polo shirt and jeans. It must have been a day off for him.

"Yeah, not too bad," I said.

"Well are you ready to call your father and see if he wants to bring you home?" He asked with a serious tone. I'd forgotten about it with the fun I'd had with Ahmed the night before. My ass still stung, but mentioning my dad had my stomach twist in a knot.

"Oh, uh yeah." I yawned, knowing it would be a fruitless endeavor. It had been an empty threat made emptier by overhearing his late night call to my dad.

Mr. Almari came and sat on the couch next to me. He pushed back my wild sleep hair and smoothed out the wrinkles on the t-shirt I'd slept in.

"Go wash your face first. Vijay put a new toothbrush in there for you. It's the red one," he said.

I climbed out from the blanket and went into his bathroom. It was a huge, tile affair similar to mine at home with ornate fixtures and unnecessary space that reminded us we had money. I fixed myself up and pissed before washing my hands and returning to the couch. The air conditioning was running at full blast so I got back under the blanket and sat with it over my legs and waist.

Mr. Almari held his phone between us and pushed the speakerphone to my dad's cell. It was labeled "Aarscott" instead of Aaron Prescott. It reminded me of their questionable relationship. It rang a few times and then a familiar voice answered, it wasn't my dad.

"This is Lilian, Mr. Prescott is in a meeting. Can I take a message?" His night secretary said. She stayed over nights and worked from our home since our operations were worldwide and they often had need of my father's approval. She only answered when he didn't want to take a call. If he wasn't near her, he'd just hit ignore.

"It's 11 PM over there. What kind of meeting can he be having this late? Tell him it's Nasir Almari. He's expecting my call, please let him know," Mr. Almari said as though he truly expected my dad to step up and handle an unpleasant situation. He was trying to cover for my dad. I knew the truth.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Almari, he really can't be disturbed at this time," She insisted.

"It's about his son, Cage. He will want to talk to..." Mr. Almari started, but I cut him off.

"It's ok, Lilian. Don't bother him. I'll get him another time, no message," I said and hit the red button on the screen to end the call. I should have expected it. He had a proud history of letting us down. Why would today be any different?

"I'm sorry, Cage. I know he would want to hear how horrible we are treating you. He must be in something very important," Mr. Almari said in his best effort to sound authentic.

"Yeah, very important... Look, don't worry about it... I'll um... I'll get you fired some other day," I joked and caught a lump in my throat. We sat there and stared at each other for a moment.

"Look, Cage, I know how much he cares about you," Mr. Almari said.

"You don't have to cover for him. He could give a shit and we both know it... So don't worry about it," I cut him off. "Thanks for caring and all..."

"I'm sorry he let you down like that," Mr. Almari gave my hand a gentle squeeze, but I pulled away from him.

"It's the only way he knows how to parent... I just uh want to be alone for a bit. I'm going to put some clothes on... get some fresh air." I stood and went to dig in my bag for some clothes.

"That's a great idea! I'll get the boys and we'll play soccer. I can get Vijay and Rahul too, a little three on three. Come, Cage! Put your clothes on," Mr. Almari said with an excited smile. I started to protest, but soccer was one thing I knew I could do well.

I was the first one downstairs followed by Ahmed who glared at me and yawned. Tarik followed close behind and didn't look much happier.

"I'll get you for this later. I had work to do this morning," Ahmed whispered angrily. He quickly changed his scowl to a happy laugh though as he heard his father's voice behind him.

"We are ready," Mr. Almari said and I noted Vijay and two other men behind him. Everyone was dressed for soccer but the only ones who really looked pleased about it were Mr. Almari and Vijay who was always happy to be at his side.

We traipsed out of a side gate to a footpath that led down to a park a block away. It was mostly empty, and it had two soccer fields. Some kids were using the larger one so we headed for the smaller. We paired off and I ended up on the team with Mr. Almari, Vijay, and a guy I didn't know.

I thought they'd put me with the older guys because I was a college player. I wasn't the best, but I made the team and regularly played. After the first kick though, I learned just how serious these guys were about the game. Ahmed and Tarik both had some good moves, but Vijay always seemed to know where the ball was headed next.

He and Mr. Almari took them all the way out to right field and left me open and closer to their goal. Vijay kicked a beautiful shot that seemed to curve around them as it headed right for me. They didn't even make it halfway to me before I jumped and turned it mid air directly into their goal. It was a thing of beauty and I earned an equal number of cheers and jeers for it.

"Way to go, Cage," Mr. Almari said when he caught up to me. He was in pretty good shape to run around like that at his age. I don't think my dad had gone out to play around with me like that in at least a decade.

"Thanks! That was awesome," I beamed and felt like maybe things were turning around for me.

After that goal, Ahmed wasn't taking any chances with me. He stayed on me for a solid ten minutes making sure the ball never got near me. It was working too because Mr. Almari and Vijay were both trying to get me the ball. I knew they were doing it out of pity, but I really was having fun.

I got the ball again when Ahmed got distracted by something to my right. I quickly dribbled it out of his cage of arms and took off running. I heard him coming behind me cursing, so I quickly kicked it across to Vijay. I came to a quick stop and Ahmed ran directly into me and knocked me forward and onto the grass. He landed on top of me with a "Fuck!"

"Fucker," Ahmed mumbled and thrust his crotch against my ass twice. He used my back to push off which shoved me down against the grass as he got up. He didn't even offer hand up which is protocol, or at least in the US it is.

"Are you all right, Cage? Don't be so rough, Ahmed," Mr. Almari called and I saw him running towards us.

He was just being sore that I got past him so I shook it off and got up. But Ahmed didn't shake it off. He was over keeping me and shoved me back anytime I tried to get around him.

"Dude, back off. It's just a game!" I tried to be friendly about it... I wanted to do again what we'd done the night before, but Ahmed was looking for a fight.

His side scored twice on us, but was still down by two. Finally I managed to get ahead of him. I didn't even know where the ball was. I was too focused on out maneuvering him.

"Cage!" Mr. Almari called as he sent the ball sailing towards me. I got it and started to move towards their goal. He ran up right behind me and managed to get his left leg between mine. He kicked the ball to the right and used his leg to knock me off my feet. A forceful hand shoved me to the ground and he got away with the ball.

I landed on my shoulder and it hurt like fuck. My body reacted with a loud yelp of pain that brought everyone running.

I was too angry to stay down though. I jumped up. I pushed through them and went straight at Ahmed who smiled like he'd just put me in my place. I went fist-first at him and knocked him right in the smile. He reared back for just a moment before his instincts kicked in and he knocked me back to the ground. We wrestled for a minute, but he held me down by the chest.

I didn't even know what was going on. I got in a few good shots, but then I realized he wasn't trying to hit me back, just pin me down so I couldn't get to him. I saw a hand grab his shoulder then and Ahmed let me go and stood up. Mr. Almari had pulled him off of me. Ahmed said something in Arabic and wandered off in a huff.

"You're hurt, Cage. I heard you hit the ground, that sound could mean something is broken," Mr. Almari said as he put an arm around me and led me back towards the group.

"I'm fine," I assured, "Let's just finish."

Mr. Almari wasn't buying it though. He led me back towards the house. I looked back to see the other guys behind us, but Ahmed was gone. Tarik had gone as well. He'd been the one to attack, but for some reason I was worried he'd be mad at me. Why did I feel responsible for his anger? I'd never done that before and it felt strange inside me.

Mr. Almari walked with me under his arm the whole way back even though I hadn't injured my legs. He walked with me up to his bedroom and then into the bathroom with Vijay behind us. Vijay brought a first aid kit from under the sink and opened it.

"Arms up, let me help you," Mr. Almari said and helped slide off my shirt. I winced a little from raising my arms, but it wasn't too bad. He slid my shorts down and over my socks and tennis shoes. I sat there in skimpy, blue briefs with my ass against the cold tile so he could check out where I'd landed on my back. He had me wiggle my shoulder to confirm that it was all right.

He checked me over like a father would, like my father never had done when I got hurt. Dad would have the help look me over. He'd never stick around when I was sick or hurt. I snapped out of those thoughts when Mr. Almari brushed a hand over my shoulder and pressed it in places.

"Ahh!" I pulled away from him and he gave me a look of frustrated pity. He walked his fingers down my back until I stopped wincing.

"Just a bruise then. Ahmed can play too rough sometimes. He's always hated to lose. I'll speak to him about being more gentle with you," he said and gave my bicep a squeeze.

"No, don't. Really, I can take care of myself. We were just playing," I covered for him. He was already pissed enough at me.

"You should shower before lunch. You can use this one if you'd like, or the one in your bedroom," he offered.

"I get my room back?" I asked with hope.

"You should have a proper bed to rest in. I think you'll be ok on your own. Trust is earned in this house, don't lose it again," he admonished. He helped me slide off the counter. It should have felt weird being in front of them wearing just a skimpy pair of briefs, but the whole thing seemed clinical, parental. I don't know that I'd ever been that naked in front of my own parents.

"Thanks, I'll sleep better by myself," I said and inside I hoped that Ahmed would visit once he cooled off.

"Do you need help with the shower? Vijay can come with you," he offered. Vijay looked up at me as he knelt to put the first aid kit back under the sink.

"I can manage," I said and started to walk away. I left the clothes on the floor and walked out in my briefs and shoes. I wasn't going far enough to care about modesty, and I hadn't seen any women in the house. I also wasn't sure how the laundry system worked here, but I certainly wasn't going to do my own.

I headed back across the bridge with my back straight and my chest puffed. I had a proud set of muscles I'd worked hard for. Still no hair on my chest, but I was sure that would come with age.

I wasn't going to let Ahmed see me injured. He could see the bruise, but not that it affected me. Sadly though, his door was closed. I started to walk past it but then heard a noise. I froze and tried to decide if it had come from inside his room.

I walked back across the bridge to do the whole thing over again, and loudly cleared my throat to see if I could rouse him. I started to walk back towards his door, but then I heard a voice behind me.

"He's not in there. He won't come back for awhile," Vijay said from Mr. Almari's doorway.

"I wasn't looking for him," I swore and tried to cover my stupid actions.

"Is there something you need, Cage?" Mr. Almari poked his head out from behind Vijay. He'd taken his shirt off and looked at me with helpful interest.

"No, I just got turned around. It's a big house," I noted. The looks in their eyes told me they weren't buying it and of course my house back home was twice this size. But they both just nodded and let me slink away with my dignity. They went back into his bedroom as I passed by his door.

When I was almost to my bedroom, I heard footsteps on the stairs behind me. I paused while they made their way up and then I saw Ahmed give me a look of surprise that quickly melted into a scowl.

"Hey, bro," I said and leaned against the wall as though this hall was my regular hangout.

"Fuckoff Cage," he said and started to walk away.

"Wait! What did I do?" I said and instantly regretted the desperate pitch to my voice.

He turned and considered me for a minute. I reached down and adjusted my cock in my briefs. It thickened up at the sight of him. He just shook his head with a laugh.

"Pathetic. I pummel you and you still beg for it," Ahmed laughed.

"You took a cheap shot," I noted. "Do it fairly and you'll get your ass handed to you."

Ahmed came towards me and I stood my ground. He got an inch from my face, but I didn't back down. He reached his arms around me and grabbed my ass. He kneaded the cheeks with rough hands and my cock tented up as his muscles covered me. I inhaled his sweaty chest, his body spray.

"Like I said," Ahmed growled and backed away. He grabbed my hardon as it stretched the briefs. "Pathetic." He pulled the front waistband of my briefs as far as he could and then let it smack back against my cock. He walked away without looking back.


At dinner that night, Mr. Almari sat at the head of the table. He put me next to him and across from his sons. Vijay sat on my right. We were all dressed like we were heading to church or something. Vijay had brought nice clothes when he told me dinner would be ready soon.

Ahmed acted as if I weren't there. Tarik was telling us about his project for biology as a servant brought in our plates. It was rice and lamb, nothing too weird.

Mr. Almari asked Ahmed about his work plans for the week. Ahmed cleared his throat and then responded to him, but in Arabic so I'd be cut out of the conversation. I'd had the option of taking it as my foreign language at the prep school I attended, but dad had said French would be easier and something he could help me with.

"Ahmed, Cage doesn't understand Arabic. We should use English so he feels included. It's the polite thing to do," Mr. Almari cautioned.

"Yes, father," Ahmed said but didn't look at me.

"I'm ok with Arabic, really," I said though no one paid attention.

"You should have apologized for being so rough with him in the game. He's smaller and younger than you. You would never play that roughly with Tarik. He could have been hurt badly," Mr. Almari continued. I felt the tension form like a raincloud over the table.

"Dearest Cage. I will be more careful with you," Ahmed said through gritted teeth.

"I'm used to rough games back home. I'm sorry I hit you too," I said though his handsome, brown face didn't have a scratch on it.

"Weren't you going to the village center tonight with your friends? You should take Cage with you, show him our little city within the walls," Mr. Almari said, oblivious to the growing tension.

"Use his language, let him win, buy him an ice cream at the mall. Rearrange our lives and eat this bland meal to please the sad little white brat. Got it! What else would please our esteemed, fragile guest, father?" Ahmed snapped.

Mr. Almari said something in Arabic that sounded harsh.

"I'll leave if my presence offends," Ahmed retorted and started to push away from the table.

"No!" I pushed back from the table. "You stay. I've caused enough problems for everyone. I'm not hungry anyways and I hate malls."

I left as Mr. Almari was calling my name. The table conversation buzzed behind me in Arabic as I headed up to my room. All thoughts of another happy encounter with Ahmed dissipated as I climbed the stairs. This sucked and I once again was in a place where I wasn't wanted.

I couldn't go home, and couldn't stay here. In all my anger about being sent here, it never occurred to me that I wouldn't be wanted. I saw that Vijay had unpacked my clothes into the dresser. I found my bag folded neatly on a small shelf in the closet. I grabbed it and shoved my stuff inside. It was time to go.

I made it downstairs with my bag and heard Mr. Almari and Ahmed arguing in Arabic. I didn't want to be the cause for Ahmed's rift with his father. I peeked out and saw just a small part of Mr. Almari's ear as they were in the living room. The coast was clear otherwise so I pressed myself against the wall and slid around to the front foyer.

The door was unlocked so that was easy enough to get through, but once outside I was unsure where to go. The perimeter of the property was surrounded by a high wall. Earlier, we'd gone out a side gate that went to a footpath between the estates. I thought I remembered seeing a main road by the park.

I found the gate and let myself out of it. It made a chirping noise when I opened it, but maybe with the arguing in the house it wouldn't raise any alarms. I darted down the footpath and made it to the park as the sun was setting. A cool, night breeze was blowing across the village. On the main road I could see a shopping area a few blocks down. I tossed my bag over my shoulder and walked past speeding cars.

There was an event going on at a mosque and groups of families were hanging out around the parking lot as I walked through. I attracted a few stares and a guy about my age said something to me in Arabic. I didn't know how to answer so I just gave an awkward smile and trudged onward, unsure of where I was going.

"Comment ça va?" he tried again and walked to catch up with me. The french I understood.

"ça va bien... merci," I answered.

"Your accent is American?" He showed off by trying a third language with me. I stopped walking and shifted the bag to my other shoulder.

"California," I said, not really looking to make another friend.

"I'm Amir," he said and offered his hand.

"Cage." I shook his hand.

"Are you here with your family?" He asked and scanned the parking lot for a group of blonde white people to place me with.

"I don't have a family," I said honestly and watched Amir's eyes double in size.

"Oh! I'm sorry... You can join mine if you want, we're just heading inside to eat. Unless you have somewhere to be," Amir put his hand up and took my bag from me.

"What the hell," I sighed. I was glad Mr. Almari had everyone dress nicely for dinner. I still had on black pants and a crisp button-up shirt.

This mosque seemed like as good a place as any to go. Amir kept his hand on my shoulder as we walked towards his family. He was there with his mother, father, two brothers, three sisters, and grandmother. They didn't look at me strangely. They seemed like it was perfectly natural to meet a strange guy in the parking lot and invite him inside.

We went into a large hall behind the mosque. It was full of people sitting around circular tables. The tables were assigned, and his family just barely fit around theirs, but Amir squeezed in an extra chair between himself and his father. He put my bag under the table.

His family was friendly, but naturally they asked me questions. Did I live there? Sort of. Was I visiting someone? I told them the truth that I was staying with Mr. Almari, but didn't give them the reason why. Amir's father told me he had done business with Mr. Almari on many occasions.

Did I like Egypt? Sure, why not. I'd learned better than to make a disparaging comment about it. Did I miss California? At this point I did not.

"How do you know the couple?" Amir's mom asked.

"What couple?" I asked.

"The one whose wedding reception we are here for. Are you a friend of the groom?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. Amir's dad got up and left to greet some of the guests.

"Oh, yes, sorry. We play soccer together sometimes." I decided I'd better make up something and fast. That seemed to allay their concerns.

I was happy when the trays of food started coming out to the centers of the tables. I had only had a few bites of dinner before Ahmed's outburst and my stomach was empty and angry. Amir's mother dished out a plate of meat and rice for me with some interesting vegetables. I ate everything on the plate and she insisted on serving me more.

After dinner, some of the families migrated towards the dance floor to celebrate the happy couple. Amir and I headed outside to a dimly lit garden area away from the crowd. He showed me a pond at the back of it with benches. He said it was where the younger crowd went for privacy.

We sat and talked about Cairo and LA, about music and movies. He was so easy to talk to and I almost felt like I could share everything I'd been through with him. I couldn't of course, but I hadn't had that easy level of conversation with anyone in so long, especially not since before the incident.

"Don't be mad, Cage, but you have to go home soon. I hope we can hang out sometime. I like my new friend," Amir said as we were talking about the girls here.

"I don't have a home to go to," I said honestly.

"Yes, you do," a voice said from behind me. I turned to see Ahmed standing with Amir's dad a few feet behind me. Ahmed had my bag in his hand.

"My dad called them. He and Mr. Almari are friends. Don't be mad," Amir whispered. He could see the fury in my eyes.

"Everyone was very worried about you," Amir's dad said as I walked towards them.

I didn't respond. I just nodded and walked past Ahmed and back toward the parking lot. Ahmed said some things to them in Arabic and then caught up to me. He had my stuff and knew I didn't have anywhere to run.

"You had dinner?" Ahmed said when we slid into his black sports car.

"Yeah and some wedding cake..." I said as he backed out of the parking spot.

"Dad hit the ceiling when he found out you were missing. We were all worried. If the Sedeek's hadn't called, you'd have a line of cop cars looking for you," Ahmed laughed.

"My dad wouldn't mind if I just disappeared," I said.

"There you go again with the whining. You know you'd actually be a cool guy if you cut that shit out," Ahmed said and pulled over beside a small park.

"What whining?" I shot back.

"Aww poor me, daddy doesn't love me because I embarrass them and caused a scandal. Poor me, I get sent to this hell hole in Egypt," He was doing an impression of me and pretended to cry, "I'm ungrateful some brown, third-world family offered to give me shelter. I'm going to threaten them with losing their jobs, but poor me, daddy won't even answer the phone when I call. Waaah my life sucks so now I'm going to run away like a little bitch!" Ahmed was really playing it up.

"Fuck you! You don't know anything about me!" I yelled back. When he put it all together, I sounded like a little bitch. Ahmed sped off towards the house while I thought about that.

"Listen Cage, my dad cares a lot about helping you. I don't know why, but whatever. What's important to him is important to me. So you're going to cut out this moping spoiled brat routine and give him what he wants, follow the rules and quit the whining." Ahmed declared.

"And what do I get?" I asked.

"Hmm..." Ahmed thought for a second. "When I have a bad date or I'm bored, I'll teach you how to please my cock. Though you already look like you're probably a natural."

I started to reply to that, but the gate opened and a very unhappy Mr. Almari stood with his arms crossed. He'd changed out of his nice clothes and sported a white tank top and blue soccer shorts that showed off his intimidating muscles.

"Well, I got you home," Ahmed said as he put the car in park. "Now the punishment is up to my father." He laughed in a way that let me know this wasn't going to go well.

"What's he going to do?" I asked without disguising the fear in my voice.

"I don't know, but you better get out before he gets angrier," Ahmed said.

"I'm sorry, I..." I started to say, but Mr. Almari came at me and gripped the back of my neck. He pushed me towards the front door without saying a word.

"That hurts," I whined as he pushed me through the door and kept a tight grip on the back of my neck. He pushed me up the stairs, down the hall, and across the bridge as I whined and made excuses.

When we got to his bedroom, he pushed me into the room and let go of my neck. I stumbled forward and against the bed. He hadn't given any orders, but I felt like I was doing something wrong. He let me know this by grabbing my hair and yanking me towards the bed.

I landed on my chest, and felt his hand swat hard on my ass. I yelped and jumped forward. He reached underneath me and undid my leather belt. He slid it out in one swift motion that rolled me over onto my back.

I put my hands up defensively and begged, "No, I'm sorry. No Please!"

He reached for my button up shirt, grabbed the material from either side, and ripped it open. Buttons flew as the shirt tore, and I felt my heart racing in my ear.

"I won't leave again, I promise," I whined, but Mr. Almari didn't respond. He reached for the button on my pants and pulled at it and then slid my pants down. He grabbed my shoes and slipped them off, tossing them across the room.

"Wait, let me just explain!" I begged as he yanked my pants down and off of me. He tossed them across the room as well, and I laid there flailing in my black socks and blue briefs. I looked and saw Vijay standing guard against the wall, Ahmed leaning on the doorway with a pleased smile, and Tarik peering in around his side.

"Help! He's crazy!" I called for them, but they viewed me like a TV show. Interaction was impossible. Mr. Almari sat on the bed next to me and I thought he was cooling off.

"I'm sorry. I really am!" I said and started to sit up. He looked over at me with sadness. He wasn't enjoying this, but thought it his duty. He took a deep breath as I sat up.

"I learned my lesson," I started to say, but then felt his hand grab a fistful of my hair and pull me towards him. He pulled me over his lap and grabbed the belt. He was going to spank me.

"No please, No!" I screamed, but felt the hard leather sting my ass with a loud crack. He set the belt aside and I thought he'd changed his mind. He hadn't. I felt a hand grab the waistband of my briefs and pull them down to my flailing legs. He gave my ass a thoughtful rub for a minute before he finally spoke.

"Someone got here before me?" Mr. Almari asked.

"I caught him spying on Vijay, the little fucker enjoyed it," Ahmed said.

"Just like his father," Mr. Almari laughed. He gave my ass one more gentle rub and then started swatting at it viciously. I yelped and cried and flailed, but he held me easily.

"Just begging for discipline, aren't you? We tried it nicely, but you were determined," he taunted as he beat my ass in a rhythm; bouncing from cheek to cheek as if his words were a rap. I struggled against the hand he kept pressed firmly in the center of my back. It was no use. It only made him spank harder.

"Ow! Stop! Please!" Nothing worked with him. I stopped struggling, but my body bounced each time he struck it. I wasn't counting, but it had to be at least 30 or 40 by now. I was sure his hand was hurting by now. He did pause, but only to switch out for the belt. He picked it up and let go of me. I took a few seconds to just lay there and enjoy the break.

"I was wrong about you. I thought you just looked like your father, but you truly need just as heavy a hand as he did," Mr. Almari started and laid the belt across my bare ass. The cool leather felt good against my warm, pulsing ass. He pulled the belt slowly so that it slid across my skin and made me wince.

"So here's how this is going to go," Mr. Almari said and raised the belt off my ass. He brought it back down with a series of hard smacks that made me jump and howl in pain.

"You will do as you're told. You will stay where you are put. You will ask before you eat, sleep, piss, shit, anything you plan on doing other than breathing. You will come and find me, Vijay, Ahmed, or even Tarik. You will thank us for all that is given to you, and you will learn discipline. You will not leave this house without one of us by your side. If you even try to escape again you will spend a day in the locked room for every minute you're gone." Mr. Almari said.

He brought the heavy belt down with another swing. It cracked against my ass and I felt my skin sting. I was sure I was going to have a nasty bruise. I felt tears roll down my cheeks at the pain.

"You will be grateful that we allow you in our home when your own home has rejected you. Your worthless fag of a father will pay as well, don't you worry. He already knows my firm hand very well. But you will learn to be happy with what you are given in life and proud of what you can do on your own. During the day you will assist Vijay with the housework. When we come home, you will assist me or Ahmed with our work responsibilities to learn your father's company," Mr. Almari brought down the belt in four quick swats that made my body twist and cry out.

He stopped and set the belt down. He turned me over and sat me up so my bare ass was against his furry thighs.

"You will learn to be a man on your own here, Cage. I won't make the mistake I did with your father of breaking him without rebuilding him. You won't leave here until you are a disciplined, respectable man who doesn't let others run him over. You will learn your responsibility to the people who truly care for you, and no one else. Do you want this?" He said and lifted my chin so my red, sobbing eyes could meet his. He caressed my back as he balanced me on his lap.

"Yes sir," I nodded. He hugged me against his chest and I looked around the room to see Ahmed, Vijay, and Tarik eye him with admiration. I finally understood why they all did whatever it took to please him, why they respected him so highly, and why my father begged for his audience.

"Now it's bed time," Mr. Almari pushed me off his lap. He grabbed a fistful of my hair again and led me over to the couch where Vijay had put a sheet and blanket down. Vijay came to pull the blanket back and Mr. Almari set me down on my knees with my briefs still collected around my thighs. The front pouch was pushed down, but my cock was still inside it. I was hard, seriously hard. I had no idea why, but he didn't comment on it or acknowledge it at all.

"You'll not want anything on that beaten little bottom tonight. Let the cool air conditioning soothe it while you sleep," he said. He brought my arms up over my head and reached for a piece of rope on the side table. He tied my wrists together and then let the fall down in front of me. He pushed me face first down against the couch, and turned my head to the side so I could look up at him.

"You won't get out of this knot, so don't waste time with it. Sleep well, Cage. Hopefully tomorrow night you won't need the restraints again. If you get up without letting me know, I'll tie your ankles as well," Mr. Almari stood. He nodded his head for everyone to leave the room. He walked towards the door and turned out the lights.

I laid there in the dark as it finally hit me that I had done this to myself. Ahmed was right. All my whining and feeling sorry for myself was my soul needing discipline. Maybe I did have a shitty father who apparently had a very sordid past of his own, but this was my life and I wanted to learn a better way forward. I wanted to learn what Mr. Almari and the others could teach me about my responsibility for my own happiness.

I was determined that I would wake up tomorrow and start this new life and accept their help. I snuggled into the couch as comfortably as I could with the knot around my wrist pressing against my hard-on. I was finally in a place I belonged.


Not sure if this will be a series or just a short story. Thanks for reading it! -Emri

Next: Chapter 2

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