Cabins Scallies and Gay Sex

By Aaron Swanson

Published on Nov 14, 2007


This is a wildly overblown version of an old school-trip of mine. The characters names and descriptions have been changed and shuffled so it has nothing to do with actualy people any more. It also has elements of non-consexual, homosexual sex between teenagers in it (and When I say 'elements' I mean a LOT) so if any of that offends you, surf for something a bit more suitable. Thanks, and enjoy!

Cabins, Scallies and Gay Sex

The school trip sounded about as boring as anything every organised by Thorn Hill secondary school. 1 week in the Lake District, where most other places got to go skiing and go to Disneyland and places like that. But not the English class, oh no. It would be better for us to be surrounded by nature... yeah right.

I'll come clean and admit right away that this story isn't about me. Although if it was, I'd be happier. I'm tall, broad but slim, the kind of figure that could be muscular but never really tries to be. With curly black hair and deep blue eyes, I'm a good-looking guy, and if my school had girls, I'm pretty sure they'd be attracted to me. However, Thorn Hill is boys-only, which the straight guys never get tired of moaning about.

Going to an all-boy school as a teenager is difficult. There are moments as a young teen where you get really horny for no particular reason, and in Thorn Hill, all you had to look at was other teen boys. I defy any guy to say they have never had a "gay" thought, especially not in that school. Well, as it turns out, most of the guys in my year had "gay" thoughts... but I'm getting ahead of myself. If everyone was sensible and mature, such feelings would be dealt with OK, but as it is, a bunch of teenage boys are vicious creatures, and the name-calling and bullying was severe. The worst crime was to be gay, and everyone was accused of it daily. There were a few guys (quite a lot who also study english) who came out and admitted that they were gay. They were so camp it was ovious, but by saying it, they opened themselves to a lot of abuse.

On the other extreme from these guys, you have the scallies. As heterosexual as a Rottweiler, with the sexual drive and intelligence to match, these guys are for some reason, always fit and no matter how shit they try to make themselves look, they always end up looking steaming to the gay guy. Well, my English class had a handful of them too, although they were outnumbered by the gays.

In the middle you had a thin slice of the school, in which I include myself and a few friends in my English class. I act like a straight guy, I look and talk like a straight guy, and thats enough to convince the scallies. I'm a lot more friendly to the gay guys though (they always have a better sense of humour), so I manage to sit on the fence in that way. I have the huge bonus of having a girlfriend too. This is like a badge of honour when your 15, because it tells everyone which team you play for. People like my friend Dan however, they aren't as certain.

You see Dan didn't have a girlfriend. In fact he'd never had a girlfriend. In fact, he never said anything remotely sexual one way or the other. The scallies didn't have a problem with him. He always denied being gay, and he hung around with me a lot so they accepted him. The gay guys however, all had the hots for him. I can kind of see the attraction I suppose. Dan is fairly short, about 5'10. His body is totally in proportion though, all slim and smooth. He's at that teenage stage where he looks boyish, but his body is starting to show the muscly bulges of a man. Broad shoulders, a flat torso and a cute face that has barely changed since he was 12. His blue eyes are always crinkled, because he smiles a lot, and his hair is mousy brown. When he makes an effort with his hair, he gels it at a strange angle I've never seen the point of. But when hes running late, it lies flat on his head, with a heavy, sloping fringe that makes him look sleepy. When his hair is like this, you can see the gays mentally stripping him as he walks in.

Anyway, the trip. We all headed to the Lake District in a battered old mini-bus taking the 14 of us and 2 teachers into sunny Windermere. The cool bit about the trip was that we had booked cabins in a holiday village, so the teachers had one cabin, and the rest of us had 3 cabins to share among ourselves. Who slept where was being discussed as we drove into the village. John, Carl, and Liam sat at the back, the seat of honour for scallies. In their own clothes, they looked like they were going to torch the holiday village. The gay guys were as far tothe front as possible, looking like models on their way to a fashion show, a mess of ripped denim and gel. Me and Dan sat in the middle, with our jeans and T-shirts.

"You can fuck off if you think I'm sharing a room with one of you fucking puffters!" laughed Liam, the biggest and meanest of the scallies. "As if I'd touch you with a barge-pole," Chris retorted. Tall and slim, with dark hair and eyes, he was the bravest of the gay guys. "Dont worry about it," I said. "You three an have one, me, Dan and two of you guys can have one, and the rest will fit in the 3rd."

Everyone agreed on it, and we got to the cabins without any more trouble. We got put into the little wooden house with Matt and Dave, two of the weirder ones that clung to people like Chris for some reason. I couldn't decide which one was creepier, Matt with his freckles, ginger hair and braces, or Dave with his acne. I grabbed top bunk and headed into the scallies cabin. They'd already managed to trash the place it seemed. After a few minutes they started getting inulting, so I headed to the crowded cabin. An argument was under way about who had to sleep on the floor, so I left them to it.

The teachers bumped into me outside and explained that they had taken a caravan at the far side of the village. If there was already speculation that the two of them were going at it, this was proof. They said we wouldn't be doing any work until the next night, to take our drinking into account, and I went back to Dan to tell him the news.

Once we all heard we had license to drink, it was down to the local pub for a few beers, then into a Spa for more booze to take back to the cabins. The scallies shut the rest of us out, so we went into the crowded cabin to sit and have a laugh. I couldn't help but notice that Dan was being stared at. I'm quite protective of him like that because the guy cannot take his alcohol at all. The rest of us were fairly drunk, but he was worse. He was sitting on the floor with his legs thrown in front of him, leaning back on his hands. This made his T-shirt rest on his torso, and showed off his shape, and to top it all off, he hadn't gelled his hair that morning. He didn't realise that a handful of eyes were roving all over him.

The talk started to turn to sex, and Dan (drunk as he was) got embarrassed so I made our excuses and turned in. Dave and Matt didn't follow us but I wasn't bothered. I was thirsty, but ignored it and fell asleep in my bunk, with Dan climbing into the bottom bunk across the room.

I woke up thirsty, and it was dark. It must have been about four in the morning becuase the faintest bit of light was coming through the window. I could hear rustling and I rolled onto my side to see who it was. In the dark, I could vaguely make out Dan's bed. The bunk above him seemed empty, but Dan wasin his bed. As my eyes adjusted, I could see strange movements under the covers. I peered as best I could but it still took me a while to realise what I was looking at. When I did, my blood ran cold. Dan was asleep but seemed to be in the middle of a bad dream. At his waist, the quilt was bulging and beating up and down. And someones legs were coming out of the bottom of the bed. Someone was under the covers, sucking him off in his sleep! I lay there for ages, watching someone suck my friend off. I wanted to shout or stop him somehow, but I was nervous at interrupting the guy, whoever he was. And if Dan woke up, he'd be really upset. If he stayed oblivious there'd be no harm done. I could jsut corner the bastard who was doing it later, in private. Dan made my decision for me when he gave a low moan of pleasure and the person under the quilt made a few slurping noises. The assailant slid free of the covers and I got a shock. It was Adam. Muscular an blonde, he didn't look gay, but as soon as he spoke you could tell. Silent as he was, it looked strnage to see him standing over poor Dan, licking his lips. Then he sneaked out and I pretended to still be asleep.

The next morning I went as early as I dared, to the scallies cabin. I was angry now that I'd had this long to think about it. I told the guys that one of the gays had touched Dan up but I didnt want Dan to know. Now Karl, Liam and John are like a lot of scallies out there. They are rough, but they do have a weird kind of morality, and a sense of loyalty. Some scallies are scumbags through and through, but for a lot, its more of a lifestyle choice. The three of them were still pretty angry when they heard. Although their first thoughts were "What if it had been one of us?", they agreed that revenge had to be taken.

I hurried into the cabin with the five guys in, and pretended to be hung over. "Miss wants to see all of us in the village centre in 10 minutes. Change of plan apparently." They all moaned and whinged for a while, but started to get dressed anyway. In the middle of the bustle I put a hand on Adam's shoulder. "Has Karl spoke to you?" "No. Why?" "He says you dropped some money on the way home last night. He was meaning to give it to you but forgot." "He didn't just pocket it?" "He must have taken a shine to you I guess." "I'll get it off him later." I hid my irritation well, and within a few minutes, Dan, me and the 7 others were headed into the village. A couple of minutes passed before 'my phone rang'. "Hello? Hi Karl. Yeah hes here. DO you want to speak to him? Oh, right, yeah I'll tell him. Yeah. Yeah. Alright, see you." I turned to Adam. "Karl says to come and collect your money or he's buying fags with it." "For fucks sake... where is he?" "His cabin. I'll walk back with you, the rest of you carry on. I'll text you." Finally, everyone fell for it. They all walked into town where they thoguht the teachers were waiting for them. And I led my victim towards the cabin.

I walked into my cabin and let Adam enter the scally's, before hurrying round to peep through the window. I didn't want Adam to know I'd arranged the beating, but I wanted to watch him get it.

The window was slightly open, so I could see and hear everything. Adam was standing in the doorway, while the 3 guys were sprawled on their bunks. The bottom bun underneath John was covered in clothes and bags. Karl motioned to it. "It's in there." "Whereabouts?" "Fuck, I don't know. In whatever I had on yesterday." Adam headed over and bent down to rummage through the pile, pausing awkwardly at a pair of Calvin Klein briefs. John grinned. "Have a sniff if you want, puff." Adam put them down and went back to rummaging. The scallies all started to move towards him. Karl came over and said, "There it is." then he shoved the blonde guy, who sprawled into the heap. Karl pressed down on his back, pushing him into the mess, and as Adam tried to twist around, he dragged a lot of the dirty clothing on top of him. "What are... no.... mmmmfffff...."The other two giggling lads got stuck in as well and all that remained of Adam was one kicking leg that had lost a shoe, poking out between the broad backs of the scallies.

I got suspicious when his voice was muffled. Someone was clearly holding a hnad over his mouth. Then the leg disappeared, with a cry of "Get his socks!" and some laughs. Then it reappeared, bare. The next shout confirmed my thoughts though. "Hah! I can feel him. He's getting a fucking stiffie! Want me to touch it, faggot? Want me to play with your gay-boy cock?" I looked to see Adams now-bare legs sprawling across the bed, showing that he was face-down. And John was pulling the cord out of his tracksuit bottoms waistband, handing it to Liam... At this point, I felt like I should have done something. Then I remembered what had happened to Dan... and I went to get a Coke.

I hadn't even finished the can when my conscience got the better of me. I decided to just walk into the cabin, in case I lost my nerve looking through the window. I walked in and wished I hadn't. They'd stacked their sports-bags on the floor and Adam was propped up on them. He was on his knees, his hands tied behind his back by the cord. He was totally naked. John and Liam were also naked, apart from their baseball caps. John, with his 6-pack, and shaved head was fucking him up the ass with long, steady thrusts showing off the impressive length of his cock. Liam, with his messy brown hair and light coating of body hair, was holding Adams face in place while he slid his cock in and out of the gay boys mouth. Karl was standing by, stroking his on thickening cock in preparation. They all looked up at seeing me, and grinned. "Shut the door for fucks sake!" John giggled, and I slammed it shut. They returned to their rythmn and I stood mesmerized by the glimpse of John's cock, and the way he must have been impaling poor Adam with it. Liam growled and clsoed his eyes. "Ughh, I'm getting close now... you?" "Yeah," came the quiet reply from John. The two of them thrust a few more times, then pulled out, both shooting their loads onto Adams pale back. They still held him in place as Karl got ready at Adams ass. "Is he tight?" he asked. John grinned. "Tight enough." Karl grinned, then looked at me. "Want a go at his mouth, Steve?" I flinched. Until that point it felt like I was watching TV, but now I was involved. I went to say no, but then realised I had an aching erection. It was tenting my jeans and the scallies could obviously see it. I looked at Adam's bound teen body, and had to admit, it looked hot. If I'd had to make the decision again, I'd have said no, but I was 15, and horny. When your in that state, you have no morals. I lifted my shirt off, and dropped it. Then I knelt in front of the sweating blonde teen, to the mumbled encouragement of the scallies. I undid my jeans and let the mslide down a few inches, so my cock flopped out. I took hold of Adams cheeks quite gently and lifted his head. I was astonished. He had his mouth open,tonuge lolling out. He wanted it! I paused for a second, and he looked up at me. In his eyes, I could see the lust. Then I saw a spasm of pain flit over his smooth face as Karl pushed inside. Then, with an animal urge, I slid my cock down his throat.

He gave much better head than my girlfriend. He didn't choke. I'm only 6 inches but girls seem to have trouble with it. Adam took it like a hoover, and his tonuge was skilful. He used it to roughly massage the underside of my bell-end, or to slurp hard against the roof of his mouth, squeezing me deliciously. I don't normally do this, but I started thrusting, fucking his face slowly. Karl on the other hand, was going hard and fast, in an attempt to impress his mates. At that speed, he was ready to come in a few minutes. I was savouring the sensation however. Adam was enjoying it too, sucking as though he didn't have a scally ploughing his back-end. "You ready Steve? You ready? Steve?" I was ignoring his frantic calls. Then Liam leaned down and slapped my ass hard. A few seconds of rough rubbing on my crack, and I was ready as well. I barely had time to pull out and aim before I blasted hot come onto his already sticky back.

They shoved Adam into the shower, with his hands still tied, and waited until the evidence had all been washed away, before threatening him and setting him free. The guy looked scared at the threats, but I was certain he'd be telling all of his mates tonight. If the rest of them was as kinky as him John and co. would have a queue at their door... I couldn't look Dan in the eyes when they all came back, a bit confused at the misinformation I'd given them. It was all put on hold however with the actual arrival of the two ruffled looking teachers who gave us work to do and kept us busy until the night. Everyone went to bed quite early that night. I couldn't sleep, questioning myself over my sexuality, and my immorality in face-fucking a tied-up guy whom I'd lured.

I heard the muffled cries and moans and whispers, and stayed still. They went past the front of my cabin and headed towards the crowded one. I slipped my jeans on but didn't bother with a shirt. Then i crept outside and put my face to the window. This time, it was a Scally in trouble. John was clearly one of those guys who didn't mind fucking another guy if it meant he felt dominant. But actual "gay" stuff made him sick. He certainly wasn't reacting well to this. He'd obviously been abducted from his cabin. He was stark naked, and tied at the wrists and ankles by shoelaces. His cock was semi-hard, probably just from being asleep. pair of socks had been stuffed into his mouth, held in place by the same cord he'd probably used on Adam that morning. Adam now looked smug as hell, sitting at Johns feet. The seven of them were all huddled around him and hands were eagerly exploring every inch of his body. His tensed 6-pack was receiving a lot of the attention, as well as his cock and balls. Hands were even running over his shaved head, and stroking the soles of his feet. Then he yelped, and everyone struggled to hold him still. I was confused until I realised what was happening. Adams middle finger was inside John's virgin hole, and wriggling about to make room for a second finger. They tilted the lad back for a better angle, and with the help of a little soap, Adam soon had three fingers sliding in and out of Johns ass as steadily as a cock. Chris knelt at Johns back and propped him up. Matt and another lad lifted Johns feet as high as they could too. This allowed Adam to get deeper inside and it became obvious that his probing fingers had found what they were looking for. Johns back arched and his whole body shuddered, but hands round his ankles and shoulders meant he couldn't escape those fingers. A few moment of having his G-spot rubbed sent his cock into a rock-hard salute. Adam enjoyed the control for a few more moments, while John stared at him wide-eyes, grunting and sweating like a pig. Then Adam tenderly leaned forward and his tongue went to work on Johns ball-sack. I'd already felt that tongue earlier so I could empathise with the helpless scally, who moaned like a whore. Then, like it was a singal, they all set their mouths on him. Matt and the other guy holding his feet starting licking them. A gay lad sank down onto each nipple and two more people began to kiss and stroke the exposed underside of Johns thighs. Somebody held onto his cock, aiming it at his face. Chris kept his head in place as well, so that when he came (which didn't take very long) jet after jet of come hit him in the eyes and forehead.

I thought that was his punishment over, but Adam wasn't done yet. Sliding his fingers free, he stripped. Then he crawled between Johns thighs. he tow lads lowered the scallies legs back down, so they were wrapped around Adams waist. Kneeling up, Adam gripped Johns hips with a strong graps, and started toforce his cock into the exhausted lad. John moaned and struggled but Adam was soon ploughing him just as hard and as well as John had done to him earlier. The others sat around, focussed on John, but Adam turned and looked straight at me before I could duck. He smiled and mouthed two words. I ran back to my cabin and locked the door, knowing that Matt and Dave had a key anyway. I climbed back under that covers. I was terrified that I was about to be group-raped like John had been, but a sick perverse side of me was really turned on. I couldn't stop thinking about Adam, his toned body, and his face while he'd nouthed "You're next".....

Well before I keep writing, is anyone reading? If so let me know if it's worth continuing. I respond to every email. Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 2

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