Cabin for the Summer

By GF Writer

Published on Jul 1, 2007


This is a story of fiction and contains gay sexual acts between that of consenting young men. Please leave immediately if any of the following applies to you: Offended by gay sex, Offended by harsh or vulgar language or not of age to read this in your specific area or district as dictated by local and/or public laws.

This story is the sole possession and copyrights of me the writer. No person or persons depicted here are real either living or deceased. Remember this is pure fiction and always practice safe sex in real life.

Characters: Jason-21 Seth-20 and his boyfriend Casey-19 Shawn, Seth's brother-18 Alex and Brian, neighbors- 16

Seth woke up early the next morning, Thursday, which was highly unusual for him. He just lay with Casey while Casey slept. He reached down and grabbed Casey's 9 inch cock. He just couldn't resist the temptation and took it in his mouth. He watched for signs of Casey waking up as he licked and slowly sucked on Casey's tasty manhood. Casey played possum the best he could.

"Oh fuck!" Casey mumbled and filled Seth's mouth with his morning nut. "Damn, now that's how to get woken up, Seth!"

"It just looked so good, I couldn't help myself," Seth replied and snowballed some of Casey's cum to him while they kissed. Casey went down and returned the hot morning blowjob for Seth. Seth blew his load all over Casey's face.

The two just lay in bed. "I wonder if Jason and Shawn fucked again," Casey said.

"Probably knowing my brother he was all over Jason. I tell you Casey my brother is head over heels for Jason," Seth said.

"I know. He had that new lover's glow to him all day. Jason really did too but he tried to play it off some towards the end," Casey said.

The two got up and saw Jason and Shawn coming out to go jogging. "Wanna join us?" Shawn asked.

"No thank you, I hate running," Seth said.

"Seth you care if I join them?" Casey asked.

"No go ahead. You guys have fun," Seth said. "I'll find something to cook. You guys might end up with cereal and bacon."

"That's fine with me," Jason said. "Hey, plan on us going shopping for food when we get back."

"I will," Seth said. Seth searched the refrigerator and pantry to write down things they might need for the week. He fried up some bacon and put the bowls on the table. Casey came in dragging ass with Shawn and Jason right behind them.

"How was it?" Seth laughed at Casey.

"Fine. Wow, these guys are good," Casey said.

"We're going to shower right quick and then eat," Jason said.

Jason and Shawn hit the shower together downstairs. Casey was about to do the same but said, "We were wrong. They didn't have sex last night. I'll fill you in later."

"No, I'll just join you in the shower and you can tell me now. I am dying to know what happened," Seth said.

Casey told Seth about their conversation which frankly surprised Seth. They dressed and found Shawn and Jason in their towels downing the breakfast. All four ate before heading out to go shopping for groceries and beer that Thursday. They put away their purchases. Shawn saw he had missed his call from Brian. He stepped outside and gave Brian a call. Brian told him that his brother got busted but he was working on getting him hooked up. Brian in the process asked if he and Alex could come fishing for the day.

Shawn went to unlock the gate and ushered Alex and Brian onto the property.

Brian got out and handed Shawn a dime bag of weed. "Dude this is all I could get."

"That's cool as fuck dude. Thanks!" Shawn said. "Hey I'll be down in just a minute."

Shawn went inside and found Jason talking with Seth and Casey. "You wanna go fishing?"

"Nah, I might come down later. You go ahead," Jason said.

"Alright. I am goin to take the boat out then," Shawn said and grabbed a cooler to put some beer in it.

Seth saw this. "Hold on just a second, Shawn. I don't care if you drink around us but please don't take it down there with those guys."

"Okay. I was only getting like 5 or 6," Shawn said.

"Shawn, you better listen to your brother. I could get into some deep shit if one of their parents got pissed," Jason said.

"Alright," Shawn said and just put some sodas and water for them along with his cigarettes.

Shawn headed out while the others stayed at the cabin. "I needed to stay out of the sun at least one day," Jason said.

"Yeah, me too," Casey said. "It's hot too out there."

They watched TV and before they knew it they were all asleep watching TV. Jason woke up and went down to access what might be needed for reworking the dock. He waited in the shade until he saw the boat come back into shore. Jason could tell Shawn or the other 2 didn't beer since they were high as a kite.

"Look what we caught," Shawn said and pulled up 3 large catfish along with 10 great looking bass.

"Nice. I can tell you guys had fun too," Jason said.

"Yeah we got a little smoked out too. Brian's got some killer shit," Shawn said.

"I can tell. All you guys are high as shit," Jason said.

"Fuck yeah we are," Alex said. "Shawn's cool as fuck too."

"Yeah, you are lucky to be fucking him," Brian said.

Jason grabbed Shawn by the arm. "Look Shawn, I am not going to protect your ass all the time, you hear me. You guys are royally fucked up."

"I'm sorry. We were just having a good time," Shawn said.

"Fine. Tell that to Seth when he asked why your eyes are glazed over from hell!" Jason said. "I can smell it in your hair too. All of you smell like weed."

"Guys, I am going to go swimming if you want to join me?" Shawn said.

"Yeah, I am hot as hell, dude," Brian said.

"You guys swim a little bit and I'll go get you some towels, okay?" Jason said. "Maybe that will wash away some of the smell and let you guys come down."

"Thanks, Jason," Alex said and stripped. All 3 jumped in the water. Jason ran up to the house and got three towels. He watched them just in case they got crazy. After about 30 minutes, they came out and dried off.

"Much better now," Jason said. "What are we goin' to do with these fish? You guys want them?"

"Nah, we got plenty. You can have them," Alex said.

"Okay, I told Casey we might have fish tonight again," Jason said.

"You're the best, you know it?" Shawn said and kissed Jason. Jason just looked at him. "It's cool with them."

"Yeah don't worry bout us," Brian said.

They walked up to the cabin. Alex and Brian waved goodbye and headed home. Jason started cleaning the fish with some new utensils he picked up the other day.

"I'm sorry, Jason. I don't guess I realized how bad we were," Shawn said after putting on some clean shorts.

"Shawn, you smelled like you smoked a joint right before coming in. I'm not stupid," Jason said.

"No, a fucking blunt is more like it," Shawn said and lowered his head.

"No wonder. It's cool every now and then but Seth is going to find out and the shit is going to hit the fan."

"Okay, I will be more careful. You know those guys are pretty cool and shit. I had a lot of fun with them out there today," Shawn said.

"That's awesome. They are more your age," Jason said.

"Jason, I did miss you being out there with us though," Shawn said.

"Well, I wanted to spend a little time with Seth and Casey. I feel like I have neglected them a little here lately since me and you have been doing a lot together without them," Jason said.

"That's cool. They are your friends in the first place," Shawn said. "Show me how to do that. I really need to learn if I am going to be reeling em in all the time."

Jason took his time and carefully went through how to skin and filet fish. It was a dirty process with blood and guts everywhere and took some practice. Shawn butchered up the first one he tried but didn't mind the mess.

They cleaned up and headed up to give the fish to Casey. Casey floured up the fish and fried them for a change.

"Wow, Casey that smells so good!" Shawn said. "I'm starving."

"I bet you are," Jason said and could feel the sharp glare of Shawn's eyes. "Swimming and fishing makes me hungry too."

They sat down and ate the delicious fried fish along with some fries too. The beer made the fish go down that much better.

"Shawn, I can really tell you are getting dark. The sun has really started to bleach out your hair too, but damn you need to shave," Seth said.

"I'm going to see how I look with a chin strap. You know one of those thin beards. A friend of mine wore one at school and he looked so hot. I thought I might see how it goes," Shawn said. Shawn compared tans with Jason. "Wow! I am getting dark. I think this is the darkest I have ever been."

They finished up the meal. Jason grabbed a few beers and a chair to head down to the lake side to watch the sun set. The others were right behind him.

"You know this is so nice and peaceful," Jason said.

"I know. We seem miles away from everything here," Casey said.

"Dude we are," Shawn said. "Honestly there ain't nothing around here."

They sat by the lake until darkness fall on the area. Bugs invaded their space causing them to retreat to the refuge inside. They all ended up inside scrolling to see what was on TV. They finally settled on a few reality shows before Seth and Casey were sound asleep in each other's arms on the couch. Shawn nudged Seth and the two went upstairs for the night.

"Good, they are gone so we can be alone," Shawn said and snuggled up against Jason.

Jason looked in Shawn's blue eyes, "Shawn, I am serious. Do you think we have a chance in hell of making this work?"

"Yeah why? Are you having doubts about us, Jason?" Shawn said and stoked Jason's ripped abs with his hand.

"Fuck Shawn, I want to love you so bad. You are like so perfect for me if I was to have a relationship with a guy," Jason said and massaged Shawn's shoulders with his hands while they practically ignored the television screen.

"Why don't you just say fuck it and see where this takes us. Jason I have been in a few relationships with guys before. I'm sure it is so different than being in one with a girl," Shawn said.

"Shawn you are such a beautiful person I don't want to hurt you one bit if I change my mind down the road like when we go to college this fall," Jason said with his hands caressing Shawn's jaw and beard.

"Jason why have you been so loving and affectionate with me here so far these last few days?" Shawn asked.

"It's so easy here. Seth and Casey are so fuckin excited that I have hooked up with a guy. Brian and Alex are guys we won't see much after this summer. At college, I know a lot of people," Jason said. "Shawn, I don't want to shove you aside if this does work out because my ass can't come to the realization that I do have feelings for a guy."

Shawn lifted up and pushed his shorts and boxers off. He lay naked beside Jason, "I guess you need to decide for yourself whether you want this shit or not. If not, I would soon call it quits now and I'll just go back home after we get back from Casey's birthday trip. It's up to you."

Basically, Shawn had laid it all on the line. Jason stared intensely at the perfect toned tanned body that lay next to him. Jason pondered the consequences and knew he had brought this decision upon himself by being so non-committal to Shawn.

"Fuck, Shawn, this is so unfair," Jason said.

"Well, what about me? It's so unfair to me to think we got something special and be dropped like a bomb. Jason, it's up to you. There's no maybes or let's just see what happens. I would like a straight answer one way or the other."

TO BE CONTINUED... Thanks for all the emails.

Next: Chapter 10

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