Cabin for the Summer

By GF Writer

Published on Jun 28, 2007


This is a story of fiction and contains gay sexual acts between that of consenting young men. Please leave immediately if any of the following applies to you: Offended by gay sex, Offended by harsh or vulgar language or not of age to read this in your specific area or district as dictated by local and/or public laws.

This story is the sole possession and copyrights of me the writer. No person or persons depicted here are real either living or deceased. Remember this is pure fiction and always practice safe sex in real life.

Characters: Jason-21 Seth-20 and his boyfriend Casey-19 Shawn, Seth's brother-18 Alex and Brian, neighbors- 16

Jason woke the next morning and stared at Shawn intensely. He marveled at his firm body and his chiseled youthful face behind the strands of long black hair. Jason still had a hard time believing or accepting the fact that he actually had a long night of sex with another guy. He thought back and couldn't remember a more intense or passionate night he had spent with a female in his life. Shawn opened his eyes and saw Jason staring at him.

"You okay?" Shawn asked.

"Yeah, never better," Jason said.

"So you down with us fucking all night last night?" Shawn asked while he stared into Jason's deep brown eyes.

"Yeah, I just can't believe I actually did it though. I will have to say I picked a hottie to begin with," Jason said.

"This won't be a problem with you, will it?" Shawn said. "You know if Seth and Casey find out."

"Shawn, they will figure it out. I just hope it doesn't get too far from this 240 acres after we get to college. I would deck some guy if he called me a faggot," Jason said.

"Jason, it might. Once they see the hottie you fucked, they will be so envious," Shawn said proudly.

"I guess I will have to face the music if someone does say shit. All I know it was damn sure worth it," Jason said. Jason felt Shawn's lips on his. Their hands roamed up and down each other's tight athletic fit bodies.

"There you guys are!" Casey said. "What the hell?"

"What the fuck does it look like to you? Shawn and I were making out after fucking all night," Jason said.

"No way! I knew something was up with you two. Damn you Jason, taking advantage of a young innocent hottie like Shawn. You ought to be so proud," Casey smiled. "Hey, I cooked omelets if you two lovers want some."

"We'll be there in just a minute," Shawn said and returned kissing Jason. Casey shut the door. "You know he is sprinting back to tell Seth...1...2...3...4." Shawn said after coming up for a breath.

"What are you doing?" Jason said.

"Counting until Seth..." Shawn replied and the door flung open.

"You dog, Shawn. Casey told me," Seth said. "So Jason how was it?"

"Fucking incredible. Your hot brother is a great lover," Jason said.

"Did Shawn fuck you?" Seth was dying to know.

"Not yet. I can't wait to see how tight his ass is," Shawn said.

"I knew it. I just knew you guys would hit it off. Oh, your clothes are still on the couch. Breakfast is waiting," Seth said.

Jason and Shawn put on their shorts and came in with grins ear to ear. They sat down to some great cheese omelets to start their day.

"Jason, I can't believe you just blurted it out like that," Casey said.

"Well, there was just no way around. This house is huge but we couldn't sneak around you guys. Seriously that was the first time we actually hooked up. The other 2 nights were nothing but sleep," Jason said. "Guys, I am serious though. I would appreciate closed mouths at college. If it happens to come out, so be it but don't go calling my roommate and telling it all."

"We won't. Besides what you do with Shawn is between you and Shawn. I think it is hot as hell though," Casey said.

Jason stared at Seth. "Why would I tell you're banging my kid brother? Hell it's embarrassing," Seth smiled. "I'm kidding. Shawn, if this really heats up, what are you telling Neal?"

"He probably don't care. I bet he's banging some skater kid anyway. He likes that young ass," Shawn said. "Truthfully we were boyfriends out of convenience more than anything. We were the only two gay guys around so we just hooked up."

"You know. He really didn't seem your type at all even though he was cute in his own way. Jason is more what I had pictured as your boyfriend," Seth said.

"Well opposites do attract, but you are probably right bro. I'll break to him gently if it comes to that," Shawn said. "Jason, you wanna work out after we finish?"

"Sure," Jason said. They finished up eating and went to start their workout. Casey and Seth cleaned up the mess.

"Well, what you think?" Casey said.

"I dunno know. Jason sure seemed happy," Seth said. "I don't guess we will have to do much enticing any more."

"You think it will be just a summer fling?" Casey asked.

"Probably or worse a one night affair. I seriously doubt Jason will have much to do with Shawn when they go to college," Seth said.

"Yeah, I hope Shawn doesn't fall too hard when he sees Jason with a girl under his arm."

"I know. You know he will act like this shit never happened and go straight for the first girl willing to part her legs," Seth said.

"You're right. He will just look at this as a sexual experience and never think twice about it again once we get back in our routine," Casey said and finished cleaning. "Seth, this trash is about to become too much."

"I know. Why don't we just burn it outside? Jason and Shawn can do that at least," Seth said. "We always just threw it in the back of the truck before, but we never stayed here this long."

"Yeah, this has been so awesome so far. You know my birthday is in 4 days?" Casey said.

"I know. Maybe we can just go somewhere for the day like Lake of the Ozarks or Branson and do some shopping," Seth said.

"Awesome! That might be fun," Casey said.

Jason overheard the conversation, "What this about Branson? You guys planning a trip?"

"Well maybe for the day Saturday. It is Casey birthday, plus it might be nice to leave here just for the day," Seth said.

"Cool, I could use some new clothes," Shawn said. "Seriously I didn't bring much."

"Hell so far all you worn are shorts and maybe boxers," Seth said.

"Well. So have the rest of you. I know you guys love seeing this hot body of mine. It is only getting hotter by the day. Look I have an awesome tan line too but not for long," Shawn said in his cocky ways and pulled down his shorts and boxers like they had seen it before.

"Hey I am going to mow again," Jason said.

"I can help and use that old trimmer," Shawn said. "We'll have this place looking sweet."

"First we want you to burn some trash," Seth said.

"We will after we finish, is that cool?" Shawn said. Seth just nodded.

Jason just mowed the high spots around the house and down to the lake. He watched Shawn trim up things while mowing. Jason finished what needed to be done and found Shawn covered in grass and sweat.

"I think we could use a nice cooling off in the lake," Jason said.

"I know I could," Shawn said. Jason hollered at Casey for some towels. Casey threw the towels to Jason and they made their way down to the lake. The water had warmed up a little considering it was rather warm and muggy that June day in the summer. They swam and cool off while Seth and Casey just rested at the house. Shawn grabbed Jason and kissed him. Jason didn't think a whole lot about until...

"You care if we..." Alex said and saw the two kissing.

Jason pushed Shawn away. "Sure come on in."

"It's not too bad," Shawn said.

"Are you guys swimming naked again?" Brian said.

"Yeah we are. You guys can if you want to," Shawn said.

Alex dropped his shorts right on the bank and didn't seem to care what Jason and Shawn saw even though he wasn't well endowed. Brian nervously took his off with his back to them. He turned around finally to show his nice thick uncut cock. "Brian, come on dude. Hell you are bigger than me," Alex said and jumped into the water.

"Okay," Brian said and dove near Alex.

"Not too bad, huh?" Jason said.

"No feels good. We called and Casey, I think that's his name, said you guys were swimming. Brian and I have wanted to come since it is so hot today," Alex said.

"That's fine with us," Shawn said and splashed Alex.

"Are you guys queer? We saw you kissing," Brian blurted out.

"I am. Jason's not really. Is that a problem?" Shawn replied.

"No we just wondered. There aren't too many queers around here," Brian said. "But you guys seem cool. I would have never guessed."

"Me either. See Brian I told you kissing a guy doesn't always make you a faggot," Alex said.

They swam a little longer before Seth came down to tell them the hot dogs were ready. The four of them jumped out of the water and toweled off. Seth headed back to the house.

"Hey, you guys want a hot dog?" Shawn asked.

"We better go home," Alex said.

"I guess we could call, Alex. I don't think my mom would care," Brian said. Brian pulled out his cell and called his mom. He smiled when he hung up. "It's fine."

"What about Alex's parents?" Jason asked.

"Oh I live with my grandmother. She doesn't know where I am half the time anyway. If she wants to find me, she knows where to call," Alex said.

Jason walked on ahead. Shawn asked Brian quietly, "Who got any more weed?"

"Yeah, I got a bag here in my shorts if you want it. I got more at home. My damn brother is a dealer," Brian said.

"Awesome. Hey get me a quarter bag sometime and I'll pay you. Just keep this between us," Shawn said.

"No problem. He hooks my ass up all the time," Brian said.

"Follow me up to my room when we get inside, alright?" Shawn said.

"I will," Brian said.

They snuck up stairs and Brian handed Shawn the bag of weed. Brian stared at Shawn while he dressed. "Big dick, huh?"

"Yeah, dude, it is. I can't believe you are queer, though," Brian said.

"I am. You and Alex ever played with each other?" Shawn asked.

Brian's face turned beet red. "Well once or twice."

"Cool, I won't tell a sole," Shawn said. They walked down together. "He liked seeing my board shorts."

"Yeah, I definitely will have to get a pair of those sometime," Brian said.

They ate the hot dogs and chips. After eating, Alex and Brian headed to the door.

Jason saw the old 4 wheel drive truck, "Brian I like the truck. You care if I borrow it sometime? I need to go get some lumber one day."

"No dude, just call me and we can go get it sometime. I gave Shawn my number in case you guys ever needed us," Brian said.

Jason went back inside. "I got their number on caller ID if you need it," Seth said. "Did they go skinny dipping too?"

"Yeah, they walked up and I was kissing Jason. They asked if we were queer," Shawn said.

"What you tell them?" Casey asked.

"Oh that I was and Jason really wasn't," Shawn laughed.

That night they headed to the hot tub to enjoy the warm water and a few brews. Shawn threw his arm around Jason while Seth and Casey sat close together.

"I am not fuckin believing this shit," Casey said to Jason and Shawn.

"Me either. My little brother has reeled in the best catch of them all," Seth said. Casey stared at him. "Well maybe the toughest catch," Seth said and kissed Casey.

"What? I can't show a little affection towards someone," Jason said.

"Dude, you would have shit down both legs if at college we even mentioned that you would ever kiss another guy on the lips, much less have full out sex with him," Casey said.

"Oh well, I guess since I couldn't snag some pussy I went for the next best thing here," Jason said.

"It is still weird seeing you curled up next to my little brother. I will say that you guys make one hot couple," Seth said.

"Don't we, bro? You and Casey aren't so bad yourselves you know," Shawn said.

They sat around in the hot tub until all the beer was gone. Seth and Casey decided to call it a night. "See you lovers in the morning. Hey Jason, you might need to make a liquor run sometime soon. We're down to 2 cases of beer," Casey said.

"I will sometime tomorrow," Jason said.

Seth and Casey went straight up to their room for their nightly love making session that both looked forward to each night when they weren't exhausted. Shawn and Jason stepped out of the hot tub and dried each other off.

"Jason, I am really starting to fall hard for you. Let just fuck out here tonight and enjoy ourselves," Shawn said.

"Hold on one minute. Shawn, after one night, you are seriously falling for me. That's bullshit and you know it," Jason said.

"What the fuck are you talking about? Did the last 24 hours not mean shit to you?" Shawn said. "Here I was about to tell Neal to fuck off now you are turning on me."

Jason could tell right away the disappointment that showed throughout Shawn's body and mannerisms. Jason sat down Shawn, "Shawn, I really think the world of you but I don't know about us being a so called couple just yet. Kissing and cuddling is one thing but have a full blown sexual relationship with another guy is another."

"So you got what you wanted and now you ready to blow me off," Shawn looked up at Jason and said.

"No at all, Shawn, but I ask one thing of you," Jason said.

"What's that?"

"Patience. I know you want me to have sex with you now every night we're here. I just can't bring myself to do that. Not just yet anyway. Last night was very special to me but I really want to be committed to you before we go at it day and night. You see, Seth and Casey are fully committed to each other and I really don't have a problem with them showing their love to each other sexually," Jason said and stroked Shawn's face that showed the great disappointment he was feeling.

"Jason, I guess you are right. I am now forcing you to have sex with me. I don't want it to be like that, but I really thought we had something special between us."

"We do have something special. Now that the curiosity is essentially gone out of fucking you, I don't want to fuck just for the sake of having hot sex. Don't get me wrong, but dude, I am basically can't bring myself to do that like you can. Part of me wants to fuck you so bad, but the sensible part wants it to be right each time and not like I have to have sex with you just because we want to," Jason said.

"Damn Jason, that is some heavy shit you putting on me. I guess I thought we could have sex just because we felt like. I guess I was used to just being with totally gay boys or really fucked-up horny teenagers. I see your point that we should engage in a more adult relationship instead of just two horny guys needing to blow our loads."

"Exactly. Shawn, just give me time is all I am asking. We have got the rest of the summer. If the next 24 hours is like the past 24 hours you don't have a damn thing to worry about. You'll be begging my ass to stop," Jason said.

"I doubt that. Jason, I think I might love you more than I did before," Shawn said.

"Thanks, you know I think I could seriously be in love with you too, but let's not rush into anything we regret," Jason said. "Besides, it would be hell if we did and I would have to see your hot ass all the time at college this fall."

"Same here," Shawn said. "You care if we just kiss some, that's just as hot with you,"

"I agree," Jason said and kissed Shawn on the lips. The two made out for a while and just enjoyed being with one another. "You ready for bed?"

"Yeah, I am," Shawn said. Shawn curled up right next to Jason. They kissed good night and Shawn was fast asleep. Jason just watched him sleep right under his arm. He breathed a sigh of relief hoping Shawn got his point. He thought he might have since the kissing did him just fine for the night.


Thanks for all the emails of encouragement. I really appreciate them very much.

Next: Chapter 9

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