Cabin for the Summer

By GF Writer

Published on Jun 23, 2007


This is a story of fiction and contains gay sexual acts between that of consenting young men. Please leave immediately if any of the following applies to you: Offended by gay sex, Offended by harsh or vulgar language or not of age to read this in your specific area or district as dictated by local and/or public laws.

This story is the sole possession and copyrights of me the writer. No person or persons depicted here are real either living or deceased. Remember this is pure fiction and always practice safe sex in real life.

Characters: Jason-21 Seth-20 and his boyfriend Casey-19 Shawn, Seth's brother-18 and his boyfriend Neal-18

Casey spotted Shawn and Neal coming out of their bedroom on the first floor. "There's the cocksucker, himself."

Shawn smiled. "How did you know? Jason, you tell them."

"No we saw it all. That storm woke us up too," Seth said to his younger brother.

"We're sorry," Neal said quietly.

"Does he ever talk much, Shawn?" Casey asked. "He didn't say 5 words to us yesterday."

"I do when I have something to say or when I am having sex. Right, Shawn?" Neal smiled at Shawn in his own way.

"Yeah, he does to me. He's just quiet," Shawn said.

They all sat and nibbled on some snacks. The rain again was coming down in sheets. Jason had hoped to get a good ways again that day on the fence and have it close to being finished. Casey and Seth went to work out while Shawn and Neal went to their bedroom to be alone while it was raining. Jason occupied his time by surfing channels on the TV.

Seth and Casey finished working out about 40 minutes later. "Where's Shawn and Neal?"

"They are in the bedroom, I think," Jason said.

"Yeah, my little brother is the horn dog. I bet that's what they are doing," Seth said.

"Don't tell me you didn't use every chance you got when you were 18," Casey said.

"No, I wasn't as bold as Shawn. I admit I had messed around with guys but I didn't say shit to anyone about it," Seth said.

The 3 of them looked up and saw Neal with his suitcase. "You have a fight?" Seth asked.

"No, I figured since it would be raining all day I would just go ahead and go. Thanks for letting me stay. I had a good time. I might try and come back later if Shawn is still here," Neal said.

"Any time Neal. It was nice to meet you. Be careful," Seth said.

"I will. Thanks, Shawn for inviting me. I love you!" Neal kissed Shawn.

"I love you too! Call me when you get home so I know you made it," Shawn said and followed Neal to unlock the gate.

Shawn came back in after unlocking the gate. Jason said, "I bet you're sad to see him go."

"Yeah, his family is not very well off, so he has to work. I will miss him that is for sure but he sure put it to be good a while ago in there," Shawn smiled.

"So Shawn, how long you plan on staying here with us?" Seth asked.

"I don't know. I'll see how things go. Why? Are you ready to run my ass off?"

"Nah, I was just wondering since you were now without a partner," Seth said.

"I can go without having sex," Shawn said. "I thought it might be fun to hang with you guys for a while longer. Hell, I've loved fishing with Jason. It has been a blast for me so far. I will probably leave next week or so."

"Stay as long as you want. This is your place too," Seth said. "Jason, looks like you got you a fishing buddy for a while."

Jason just smiled. "Shawn, you wanna go with me to grab some more fishing stuff?"

"Awesome," Shawn said.

Jason and Shawn got in Shawn's new SUV and headed off to find a store that carried some fishing supplies. After being away for 4 hours, they finally came back to the cabin with sacks full of fishing gear and supplies.

"Where did you guys go, Springfield?" Casey asked.

"Well we did drive about an hour. The guy told us about this place so we figured what the hell since we didn't have anything better to do," Jason said and showed Casey and Seth their purchases.

"Yeah we got a trolling motor too. Dad said it was fine," Shawn said.

The four of them hung around the house that night and played cards again. With Neal gone, they paired up and played a variety of games to pass the time.

"I guess that does it for me," Jason said. "I'm going to bed."

"You ready, Seth? I am tired too," Casey said and grabbed Seth's hand to head up.

"See you guys in the morning," Shawn said. "I'll probably just watch some TV and then head to bed."

Jason followed behind Seth and Casey and went to his room. Jason was asleep and felt something on his arm. He woke up slightly and noticed Shawn was there sleeping next to him. Jason went back to sleep.

The next morning, Jason woke up and saw the morning wood Shawn was sporting. Jason put on his shorts and headed downstairs. Casey was virtually right behind him.

"Are we working on the fence today?" Casey asked.

"I guess so if it's not too wet. Did you know Shawn slept with me last night?" Jason said.

"You dog you. Get you some of that big cock, huh?" Casey said.

"No, I guess he came up after I was asleep. I felt something on my arm and saw him up there," Jason said.

"Yeah right," Casey said.

"I fucking swear, Casey. I had no idea he was there."

"I hear you. Yeah, you go wake up your lover and Seth. I'll cook us some mean omelets again before we head out."

"Fuck you Casey. I'll wake them up plus I love those omelets," Jason said. He woke up Seth and then Shawn. "Shawn, why did you sleep with me?"

"Well, I didn't want to sleep alone. You didn't care did you?"

"No, I don't guess so. It was just weird seeing you there."

All four ate and headed out to work on the fence. It was a little muddy but they didn't seem to mind. The sun quickly dried the wet ground and the four of them worked until the fence was complete around 6 that night. They headed back to the cabin since they were all starving.

"Damn my ass is beat," Seth said. "That was hard work but we got that out of the way."

"Yeah now we can work on the dock," Jason said.

"I guess so. Maybe next week," Seth replied while he downed a cold beer.

They showered up and ate a sandwich for dinner since Casey was way too tired to cook that night. They all agreed they were glad that was now behind them.

They mostly just lay around watching TV and recovering for the exhausting day. No one stayed up very late that night.

"Jason, you care if I sleep with you?" Shawn asked.

"I guess you can. I warn you though I am not in the mood for any shit tonight," Jason said.

"Me either. My ass is dragging big time tonight," Shawn said.

They all headed up around 9 or so. The day had taken its toll on all of them working relentlessly in the hot sun. At least they were now all sporting a great tan on the upper body and legs since they all had worked shirtless the whole day.

Jason was up fairly early around 7 the next morning. He rolled over and saw the big blue eyes of Shawn staring him in the face.

"I was out last night in no time," Jason said.

"Tell me about it. You were snoring and shit. I like to have never went to sleep," Shawn said.

"Why didn't you just sleep somewhere else?"

"I dunno. I like being with you," Shawn said and grabbed Jason face and kissed him on the lips.

"I hope you are happy now," Jason said and wiped his mouth.

"Is that the only response I get?" Shawn asked.

"Yeah, what was I supposed to say?" Jason replied.

"That you liked it and want to kiss me."

"Shawn, don't get me wrong. I think you're one hell of guy but I..."

"What? Are you afraid?" Shawn said and stared at Jason while they both lay in bed.

"Yeah! Are you happy? I hate to say but I am so fucking attracted to you," Jason said.

"Well, I terribly lust after you. You are the hottest guy I have even laid eyes on," Shawn said. Shawn grabbed Jason and tried to hold him near him.

"Please Shawn, not now," Jason said and pushed Shawn off him. "Just be patient with me. I'm not like you and can't have sex with just anyone because I think they are cute. Besides, I am straight. Just because you sucked me off doesn't mean shit to me. Shawn, don't be mad at me but I just can't let myself do it, at least not now. You are a fucking hot guy and all. You get me?"

Shawn understood Jason fully and decided enough was enough for the moment. He really didn't want to push Jason and possibly turn him away for good. "I totally understand. Hey how about we cool our heels and go for a jog?"

"That sounds great. I glad you understand where I am coming from," Jason said.

"I'll go get on some shorts and meet you downstairs," Shawn said.

"I hope you have a jock or you might come back bruised," Jason smiled.

"I do," Shawn winked and left. Jason found some shorts and his tennis shoes. He went downstairs and found a pen to leave Seth and Casey a note as to where they were.

Jason and Shawn left for their early morning run. Jason could tell he was not prepared for this intense run and made Shawn slow the pace. They returned to the cabin to the smell of pancakes on the stove.

Seth was sitting in his boxers watching Casey cook, "How was the run?"

"Great. I wore him out I think," Shawn said and pushed his sweaty hair from his face. "That smells so good, Casey. Hey, Jason you want to join me in the big shower?"

"Getting sort of friendly I see," Casey smiled.

"Fuck off, Casey. You're just jealous!" Jason said and went to shower with Shawn.

"Jason, relax a little. I think they realize we might have something going," Shawn said. He dropped his running shorts and jock to the floor. Jason just stared for a second at Shawn's long cock that hung so nicely between his muscular legs. Shawn stepped under the warm shower.

"Well Shawn. Maybe we shouldn't do so much together," Jason said. Jason dropped his shorts and adjusted his cock for a minute. Shawn just smiled at him.

"Fuck both of them, Jason! You honestly think they care if we have a little fun," Shawn said.

"Yeah, I care. I can't have the whole school know I am up here fuckin around with Seth's little brother."

"Jason, we haven't done shit. So what if I blew you," Shawn said.

Jason showered and gathered his thoughts while he washed his sweaty short hair, "Shawn, you're right. Fuck them. I don't care what they are saying! We're here to enjoy our vacation."

"Great let's go eat!" Shawn said. He went to get dressed and so did Jason. Shawn came out wearing plaid shorts with boxers hanging out the top and no shirt. Shirts had become rather useless and very rarely worn since each guy proudly displayed their toned bodies, plus it meant less clothes they would have to wash. Jason came down with cargo shorts and his boxers sticking out too. The other 3 could see how dark Jason had become in the week they had stayed and how toned his body was.

Seth and Casey eyed both Shawn and Jason when they walked back in to have breakfast. The four ate the delicious pancakes that Casey made. "So Jason, do you and Shawn have a thing going now that Neal is gone?" Casey asked.

"No, we're just friends. I like having him here since we have so much in common except for one little thing," Jason said.

"Shawn, wait til he does fuck you. It feels so good!" Seth said.

"You mean to tell me you fucked Seth since you guys have been here?" Shawn asked.

"Yeah, I did," Jason said.

"Awesome. Bro you are so lucky!" Shawn said. "Jason we need to hook up that trolling motor. You think 4 of us could get in that boat?"

"Yeah, if we wanted to we could," Jason said.

"That's alright. I am going to stay up here today and catch up on some washing," Seth said. "You guys can go. I'll catch you later!"

Jason, Casey and Shawn headed down and hooked up the trolling motor. They grabbed their poles and new tackle to head out to the far reaches of the expansive lake there at the property. They mostly just trolled around and explored the lake. They headed back for lunch and to help Seth a little around the cabin.

Seth had started another load when he heard them come in. "Shawn, I moved your things in with Jason. I hope Jason didn't mind."

"No that's cool with me since he has been sleeping with me each night. That lake sure is big. I didn't really realize it went back so far. We didn't catch anything to speak of and just threw what we did back," Jason said.

They each found something to eat. After eating they helped Seth cleaning and getting the place looking decent.


Next: Chapter 7

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