Cabin for the Summer

By GF Writer

Published on Jun 16, 2007


This is a story of fiction and contains gay sexual acts between that of consenting young men. Please leave immediately if any of the following applies to you: Offended by gay sex, Offended by harsh or vulgar language or not of age to read this in your specific area or district as dictated by local and/or public laws.

This story is the sole possession and copyrights of me the writer. No person or persons depicted here are real either living or deceased. Remember this is pure fiction and always practice safe sex in real life.

Characters: Jason-21 Seth-20 and his boyfriend Casey-20 Shawn, Seth's brother-18 and his boyfriend Neal-18

Jason woke up around 9:30 or so. He pulled on his shorts and headed downstairs for a quick workout. He loved the convenience of the exercise room and figured while he was there he might stay in peak condition. He noticed none of the others were up yet since Seth vowed he was sleeping in that Sunday. Jason grabbed a small towel and worked steadily on curls and other free weights that the place offered.

Midway through his routine, he looked up and saw Shawn watching him. "Care if I join you?" Shawn asked.

"Of course not. I could use a spotter on these presses. You want some water?" Jason got up and headed to the kitchen for a break.

"Sure, why not?" Shawn replied.

"I didn't wake you, did I?" Jason asked after returning with 2 large bottles of water.

"Not really, I was awake and heard someone in here," Shawn said and watched closely while Jason prepared to bench press. Jason did his reps and then helped Shawn with his. "Whew, it's been a while since I have worked out. I would honestly rather run. It frees my mind up."

"Maybe later I can go running with you. I need a little roadwork to compliment these exercises. I really don't want to bulk up that much," Jason said.

"Yeah, you look perfect to me," Shawn said enviously.

"Shawn, you honestly have the perfect body. I love those Adonis cuts at your waist and how cut your abs are," Jason said.

"Thanks Jason, I like the compliment," Shawn said. "Jason, can I ask you something?"

"Sure go ahead," Jason replied.

"I was seriously wondering what you are doing up here with 2 gay guys?" Shawn asked while he worked out.

"You know I am beginning to wonder myself," Jason said. "I don't guess I really thought it through much, but at the time when Seth & Casey brought it up this past spring, it sounded like a great idea. Seriously, i wanted a summer just to goof off before I graduated next spring and really had to start a job. Working with my dad is rough, so I was looking for any excuse to get out of that, even if it meant very little money or spending it with 2 gay guys. I thought maybe I could convenience another straight guy to come here but that didn't work out either. Since Seth, Casey and I hung out at college, I thought I could handle it out here being the only straight guy around."

"Cool, I was just wondering how they ever talked you into this," Shawn said and continued to work with the barbell bells doing curls.

"Really it hasn't been so bad after all since you guys have this sweet ass place up here. Where do your dad get all this awesome equipment?" Jason asked while he took a short break with sweat pouring off his fit body.

"My dad is a mortgage broker and one of his clients, a gym, let it go back. We got some of their stuff at home as well but we never even touch it," Shawn replied. "He got all this for practically nothing."

"Awesome. A few more crunches and I am done," Jason said. Shawn eyed Jason and loved seeing Jason's abs show just how defined and cut they really. Jason toweled off while Shawn did the same. "That does it for me. I am hitting that shower," Jason remarked while he made his way to the open shower area.

"You care if I join you?" Shawn said.

"What would Neal say?"

"Honestly, I don't really care. He should have got up too," Shawn replied and joined Jason in the large shower. Shawn eyed Jason the whole time they showered apart. Shawn wanted so much to touch and feel Jason's taut body but stayed his distance not to offend Jason or upset him.

They dried off and went to their separate rooms to dress for the day. They met back in the kitchen with Neal at Jason's side now.

"Either one of you guys a cook?" Jason asked while combing the vast refrigerator for breakfast.

"Not really," Shawn said. "I'm fine with cereal."

"Me too," Neal spoke softly.

"Sounds good with me. I wish Casey's ass was up. He's a great cook," Jason said.

Finally, Casey and Seth came down in their boxers. It was evident by now Seth and Casey were starting to get darker each day. Casey whipped up 2 omelets for him and Seth.

"I guess we should have waited," Shawn said. "What's going on today here?"

"Casey and I are going to the stores after we eat and grab some steaks and potatoes for tonight. You guys want to go?" Seth replied.

"I'll just stay here. Hey, buy mr some more Skoal please," Jason said.

Seth rolled his eyes. "I think I will just hang here for awhile with Jason," Shawn said. "Buy me some more smokes while you are there too. Neal, you staying or going?"

"I... I guess I will go shopping if you don't mind," Neal stuttered.

"That's fine. Hey Jason, you wanna take the boat out and fish some more?" Shawn said. "If you guys see any worms, buy us some so we can catch some bream."

"Sounds good to me. I hope they are biting," Jason said.

Seth and Casey finished their breakfast and went to get ready to go back into the closest city, which was a good 15 or 20 miles from their secluded cabin. Shawn kissed Neal before he headed out to join Seth and Casey.

Jason and Shawn walked down to the lake. Jason threw in a smaller cooler of beer and water into the boat. They jumped in the boat and slowly paddled away from the bank. Jason spotted the neighbor kids, Alex and Brian along the far bank after they paddled out.

Jason got near them and hollered, "Are they biting today?"

"A little," Alex said and held up 4 nice catches they had reeled in.

"Great. We are going to go on the other side. See you guys later!" Jason hollered and waved.

Shawn was curious who those 2 boys were and asked, "You know them?"

"Well, they asked to fish here the other day," Jason said. "They are 16 and like that stinky shit like you."

"Awesome. Speaking of, you care?" Shawn said and pulled out a joint out of his cigarette pack. "Oh thanks for not saying anything yesterday. Everyone thinks I have quit."

"I don't mind. I think I will have pinch of Skoal," Jason said.

"Jason, you are so awesome. I am glad that I don't have to leave like Neal does in a couple of days," Shawn said and took a hit.

"You'll miss that ass," Jason said.

"Ass! He fucks me. He says I hurt him too much," Shawn replied.

"I can see why. I am surprised any one has ever let you fuck them, girls included," Jason replied with a big smile.

"I know. I guess that is the only problem with having a big dick," Shawn said and took another strong hit. "That and popping a boner in class. You talk about embarrassing."

Jason laughed and could only imagine the tent that Shawn made in his shorts. They finally stopped paddling and sent their lines flying into the water. The sun was now beating down on their shirtless bodies out in the open water on the 25 acre lake. Finally some action happened when Shawn pulled in a small bass. They looked it over and decided to throw it back. As the day wore on, the fish started biting and by the end of the hot afternoon, they had a nice string of 8 fish, mostly crappie this time.

They rowed the boat to the shore and tied up it up securely to the dock. Jason stepped out on the door and felt a board behind him collapse. Jason slipped and banged up his shin.

"You okay?" Shawn asked.

Jason just laughed. "Yeah, I guess I just slipped. I don't guess I should've had that last beer."

"No, the board broke. See!"

"Damn it did. I guess I will have to fix that later."

Shawn gingerly exited the boat. "Wow, that's not the only loose board. This dock is rotting something fierce."

Jason stepped on another loose board. "You're right. We might need to replace the whole damn thing."

"Yeah it's been here a while. That's probably not a bad idea."

They put away their poles and headed back up to the cabin. They saw Seth out on the deck looking for them. Shawn waved and held up the string of fish.

"You guys are going to fish that lake dry," Seth said. "We've been waiting on you so we can start the steaks."

"Awesome. You get my smokes?" Shawn asked.

"Yeah, Neal has them. He did that for us," Seth said. "Jason, what happened to your leg? It's bleeding."

"Oh a board broke on that old dock. There's another project for us. That whole deck is rotting pretty badly," Jason said and looked to see blood running down his leg.

They all went inside while Casey was baking the potatoes and had the steaks ready for the grill. The five gobbled up each steak like it was the best they had ever eaten in their lives. After dinner, Jason decided to play bar tender and see if the old alcohol was still good. They each had a mixed drink and found the liquor was just fine and much to their likings. They pulled out the cards that they had bought earlier in the day for a game of poker among friends. Jason continued to play bartender and served everyone up when it was needed. Shortly after one, they called it a night after they all were pretty well toasted.

Jason was woken up a few hours later since a strong thunderstorm had hit the area. He tried to go back to sleep but couldn't since the thunder rang throughout the cabin. He knew the others might be up, so he headed downstairs. The nearer he got to the game room/bar he knew what was going on and could smell the strong odor of marijuana filling the area. He then walked into the room and found Shawn riding Neal's cock for all it was worth on the couch.

"Fuck me Neal," Shawn moaned and looked up to see Jason there in the room. "Fuck Neal, Jason is up." Shawn quickly got off Neal's rigid cock.

Jason smiled, "Don't let me interrupt you guys. Shawn, I could smell weed down here too."

"No way dude, we sprayed some shit. Are you serious?" Shawn said. "Open that door."

Jason opened the door and could tell it was still raining very hard outside. "Well... are you going to continue?"

"Shawn, I am still hard," Neal said.

"Jason, it would be so hot if you watch us or better yet joined us," Shawn said and slid his ass back on Neal's cock.

"I might watch. You guys put on a hot show," Jason said. Jason watched for a minute and was sort of amazed at Shawn and Neal. He felt his cock harden. Shawn saw the tent in Jason's shorts from the small lamp that was lighting the room and the flashes of lightning outside the open door. Shawn motioned Jason to him. Jason walked slowly towards the two lovers in action. Shawn jerked off Jason's boxers and took Jason's hard cock in his mouth.

"Oh fuck this hot!" Neal said and started pounding Shawn's ass harder.

Jason grabbed Shawn's head and pushed it deeper onto his throbbing cock. "Fuck him, Neal!"

Shawn came up for a breath. "Dudes this is like a dream!" He went straight back to licking and sucking Jason's dick. Jason watched while Neal jerked off Shawn's amazing 10 inch dick while still nailing him. The sounds of the rain outside were mixed with the slurping sounds and skin popping skin in the large room.

Neal quickly pulled out and sent streams of his white hot cum flying on Jason's back. Shawn could feel Neal licking cum off his back but paid full attention to Jason's cock right there in front of him. Neal continued to jack off Shawn while he sucked on Jason.

"I'm about to nut!" Jason screamed. Shawn didn't move an inch and took Jason's jizz in his mouth.

Shawn licked his lips of the excess cum while Neal worked his cock. Shawn leaned back and exploded across his cut abs. Shawn licked up every drop.

"You guys are fucking nasty eating that shit," Jason said.

"Your nut was so fucking awesome," Shawn said and kissed Neal.

"Thanks for the blow job, Shawn. I loved it. It's about stopped raining so I am going to head up," Jason said.

"Anytime," Shawn said.

"I want to next time, dude," Neal said. "We better get to bed. Shut the door."

"See ya in the morning," Jason said. Jason headed back up and jumped back in bed. He realized he had left his boxers lying in the floor and quietly went back to get them. He could still smell the remnants of the weed and cracked a window for Shawn's sake. Jason found his boxers and headed back to bed.

Seth and Casey were up the next morning. They came downstairs expecting to see Jason since he had been an early riser in their stay. Finally Jason came down around 11 or so.

"There you are. Sleeping in, huh?" Seth asked.

"Not really. That damn storm kept me up until about 3," Jason said.

"Yeah that and getting your dick sucked by Shawn," Casey replied smartly.

"Yeah, you little sneak. What was the door doing open anyway?" Seth asked.

"Ummm... we were hot," Jason quickly replied.

"That you were," Casey said and smiled.


THANKS for all the emails.

Next: Chapter 6

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