Cabin for the Summer

By GF Writer

Published on Jun 14, 2007


This is a story of fiction and contains gay sex between that of consenting young men. Please leave immediately if any of the following applies to you: Offended by gay sex, Offended by harsh or vulgar language or not of age to read this in your specific area or district as dictated by local and/or public laws.

This story is the sole possession and copyrights of me the writer. No person or person depicted here are real either living or deceased. Remember this is pure fiction and always practice safe sex in real life.

Characters: Jason-21 Seth-20 and his boyfriend Casey-20 Shawn, Seth's brother-18 and his boyfriend Neal-18

Jason got up around 9 the next morning. He had a hard time believing he couldn't sleep in much on his `vacation' from college in the nice cabin in middle Missouri. He roamed downstairs from his upstairs bedroom and found a bowl and some cereal to eat to begin the day. After he finished eating, he went up to wake up Seth and Casey to start back working on the fence that was their sole job for getting to stay at the nice cabin.

Casey pulled back his long black hair behind his ears and pushed on Seth to get up, "Seth, we need to get up."

"We got all summer, Casey. Do I have to?" Seth said half asleep.

"The sooner we finish the more time we have to enjoy it here," Casey said.

"Alright, tomorrow we are all in sleeping in no matter what," Seth replied and put on his shorts to join Casey and Jason downstairs.

Casey saw that Jason had already eaten so he just poured cereal for him and Seth to start their day.

Jason sat impatiently while they ate, "I wish you guys could eat a little faster. It is goin get hot out there real quick today."

"Chill for one minute. I am not what you call a morning person," Seth said. "Besides, this is my house anyway."

Finally they finished their breakfast. Seth heard his cell phone ringing on the counter. He looked at the caller ID and answered it. Jason grew ever more impatient. "I'll see you guys outside."

Seth talked for a few minutes while Casey cleaned up the dishes. Seth hung up the phone, "That was my brother. He and Neal, his boyfriend, are on their way here right now. Go tell Jason we will have to put it off until after Shawn gets here."

"I thought he was coming next weekend," Casey said.

"They were. Something about Neal having to start work or some shit. Oh well, I wasn't in the mood for working on that fence today anyway," Seth said.

Casey went out and found that Jason had two strands of barbed wire ready to go along with the other tools. Casey hollered at Jason, "Hey, come here for a minute, Jason!"

"What now?" Jason replied.

"Shawn and Neal are coming here today. Seth said we could do that later," Casey said.

"Dammit, I had all this shit out for nothing," Jason said. Jason put it all back and headed back in. "I don't see why can't at least get started today," Jason said once he was back inside.

"Well go ahead if Casey wants to. I can wait on them here," Seth said.

"Fine with me. Casey, you wanna start? I think we can handle it," Jason said.

"I guess so," Casey said and found his shoes and an old sleeveless t-shirt that he would wear to start and use later to wipe off the sweat. Jason and Casey got the supplies loaded on to the four wheelers and headed out.

Seth tidied up a little and found a place to take out their growing trash and beer cans. He waited after unlocking the gate earlier. He heard one car drive up and then another. He waited for the knock.

A loud knock nearly shook the door off the hinges. Seth hollered for them to come on in. He then saw his brother Shawn, who was tan as ever with longish blond hair along with his boyfriend, Neal, who looked like a skater with black bangs that hung in his face.

"Shawn, next time knock the door down," Seth said.

"Sorry, man. I guess you know Neal," Shawn said. "Sorry we are here on such short notice but Neal needs to get back. I might stay a few extra days if that's cool."

"Sure. Man, you guys are getting so dark. I guess you had fun at Cancun on your senior trip," Seth said.

"Oh hell yeah we did. That place was so awesome, Seth. There were so many hot guys there it was unreal," Shawn said.

Seth could tell right off the bat that Neal was not near as out going as his brother. "Did you like it, Neal?"

"Yeah, it was pretty rad," Neal said in a deep quiet voice. "This place is killer, Shawn."

"Where are Casey and that other guy?" Shawn asked.

"Oh, they are out fixing our fence. Dad told me we had to do it in order to stay here," Seth said.

"Cool. So that other guy is straight laced, huh?" Shawn asked.

"Hey, Jason pretty much fits the definition of being straight. Wait to you see him. Bro, he is so fine it is unreal," Seth said. "He's a lot like you in that he likes to hunt and fish. We've been reeling in some nice ones already."

"Fuckin' awesome. Hey I am goin to get the rest of our stuff out and show Neal around this place," Shawn said and gave Seth a big brotherly hug. "This will be fun hanging with you and your friends."

Shawn and Neal headed off. Shawn was pointing while he showed Neal the spacious cabin.

After about 3 that afternoon, Casey and Jason decided to call it a day. They put up the four wheelers and came in covered in sweat and dirt for a long hot day of working on the fence.

"There you guys are," Seth said once Casey and Jason came in the door.

"Hey Casey, man you looking hot these days," Shawn said.

"Oh hey Shawn. Man, my ass is beat. Jason worked me like a dog," Casey said and wiped the sweat off his forehead.

"Damn, this must be Jason. Seth, you were right he is fuckin' hot," Shawn said.

"Hey, you must be Shawn. I am going to take a shower. We really accomplished a lot out there today. Another hard day or two like that and that baby is done," Jason said. Both he and Casey went upstairs to shower separately.

Seth continued to talk to his brother while Neal mostly listened and rarely spoke. Casey was back down first and gave Shawn a friendly hug and then was introduced to Neal. Jason followed behind him.

"I think I will see how the fish are biting if any you want to come," Jason said.

"I'm beat," Casey said. "I'm just goin' to sit up here and have a few beers."

"I'll go," Shawn said. "Come on Neal. If nothing else, you can sit down there with us."

Jason, Shawn and Neal headed off to the lake. When they got down to the lake, Jason watched while Shawn took off his shirt to display his athletic fit body and deep dark tan. Neal pulled off his t-shirt and showed his thin tanned torso as well.

"Shawn's got a nice body, huh?" Neal said quietly.

Jason looked over at Shawn, who was smiling at the compliment, "Yeah, he does. You must play sports or something, Shawn."

"I like to run some. I played soccer up until this year, so did Neal. Neal was pretty good at it. He played this year on the varsity team but I sat it out," Shawn said. "I can see you look great too Jason. We both got those washboard abs guys die for."

"Yeah, I have to work at mine a little," Jason said. "You guys want a pinch of Skoal?"

"No thanks!" Shawn grimaced. "That shit is nasty."

Jason grabbed three poles and they sat down on the shore at the lake. Jason stood up and sent his line flying into the water and spit at Shawn's bare feet. Shawn just smiled and sent his into the water as well. Neal barely was able to get the line out there.

"You care if we smoke down here?" Shawn said.

"Nah, go ahead," Jason said and missed a bite on his line.

Shawn pulled out his pack. Jason then saw what he meant by smoke when Shawn got out the hand rolled joint. "Your brother know about that?"

"Yeah, I got my ass busted at school with it. You see how much that stopped me," Shawn said and lit it up. He passed it to Neal. Jason could tell by their mannerisms that this wasn't their first go around with weed.

"You wanna hit?" Neal said to Jason.

"Nah, I am fine," Jason said. "Reel it in Shawn!" Jason screamed when he saw Shawn's pole bend almost into the water. Shawn struggled and finally brought the big bass to the shore.

"Awesome. What do we do with it?" Shawn asked, holding the fish high above the water.

"Neal, there's a bucket in the shed. Run and get it. I'll get this beauty off the line for Shawn," Jason said. He leaned over and took the nice small mouthed bass off the line. Neal came running back with the bucket and in went the big fish.

Jason was now determined not to let Seth's little brother bet him fishing. The smell of the marijuana filled the lakeside. Jason could see the effects start to take hold of the two 18 year old boys. They hung around fishing and getting to know each other better. They had only 5 fish to show for their efforts and made their way back to the cabin with the fish.

"That was fun. My dad used to fish with me some here. I can tell now we stocked that pond. Last time I went fishin here we didn't catch a thing," Shawn said. "We need to get some benches down there. My ass is so sore from sitting on the ground. You have fun, Neal?"

"I guess so," Neal replied.

The three headed up to show their catch to Casey and Seth. They came into the kitchen. "What the..." Shawn said when he saw his brother leaned off the counter getting fucked by Casey.

"Oh shit!" Seth said while bent over the kitchen counter with Casey's 9 inch cock deep in his ass.

"I guess we better go get these fish cleaned up and let those guys finish," Jason said. They went back outside while Casey continued to ram Seth's ass in the kitchen like nothing had happened. Shawn snuck a few more peeks at his brother as did Neal. They both smiled at each other and then shared a quick kiss.

"Damn that was hot!" Neal spoke up once they were outside. "Kind of like when our friends walked in on us in Cancun fuckin like dogs."

Shawn smiled, "Yeah, it was hot seeing my big brother's ass gettin the shit fucked out of it. What you think, Jason?"

"Not much other than I guess they were having fun," Jason said. "I hope they hurry up. We need to clean these fish."

Seth and Casey finally came out. "Sorry about that!" Seth said. "It's not like you don't do that some too with Neal."

"No problem bro. That was hot to see!" Shawn said.

Jason finally was able to clean the fish while Casey started cooking some spaghetti for their dinner. They all sat down and enjoyed Casey's cooking along with a bottle of wine they had stored in the bar.

"This is sort of unreal watching my lil bro drink," Seth said.

"Yeah, you should have seen me in Cancun. All of us stayed drunk or high," Shawn replied.

"Shawn, you still smoking that shit?" Seth glared at Shawn.

"Oh no, I meant my friends did. I just drank," Shawn said and looked over at Jason.

After they cleaned up, they went out to the deck. Shawn and Neal sat on the floor cuddled up together. Shawn pulled out a cigarette and handed one to Neal.

"Wow, Shawn, I had no idea you smoked," Seth said.

"Yeah, I really just started last year. I don't much. You don't care do you?" Shawn said.

"Nah, go ahead," Seth said.

They sat around and talked more on the deck. "Can we have a beer?" Shawn asked.

"Sure, help yourself," Jason said.

Seth just stared at Shawn and then smiled. "Go ahead, Shawn. Hell, I don't care."

Shawn brought back more beer. "Seth, is that hot tub working for real?"

"Yeah, we have sat in it a few times. It feels good," Seth said. "Only one thing, Shawn, we do in the buff."

"Fine with me. I am not ashamed one bit of my dick," Shawn said. "Hey Neal, let's get in and drink in there. I'll go get the towels and meet you there."

"Bring us some too!" Casey shouted.

Neal didn't seem to shy and dropped his shorts right there in front of the others. He was sporting a nice uncut cock that hung nicely between his legs and just a small amount of pubic hair. He walked over to the hot tub and jumped in. Shawn came out with a handful of towels. He dropped his shorts on the deck and Casey and Jason could see why he wasn't ashamed since he had one long cock between his legs.

"Fuck Shawn, you are huge. How big are you?" Casey said.

Neal smiled, "A good ten inches." Shawn was proud and watched while the others dropped their clothes and joined them in the hot tub. It was a little tight but they were able to fit all 5 of them in there.

"This is weird sitting in here with FOUR naked gay guys," Jason said.

"Jason, you love it," Casey nudged him. Jason sent water flying his way.

They all seemed comfortable around each other and enjoyed laughing at Shawn and his stupid jokes. Shawn was always out-going so it surprised Seth some that his boyfriend was so reserved. Seth had always pictured Shawn dating a hot jock like Casey or Jason. They all exited the hot tub around 11. Seth, Casey and Jason headed up while Shawn and Neal watched TV in the game room/bar.


Thanks for all the emails.

Next: Chapter 5

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