Cabin for the Summer

By GF Writer

Published on Jun 12, 2007


This is a story of fiction and contains gay sex between that of consenting young men. Please leave immediately if any of the following applies to you: Offended by gay sex, Offended by harsh or vulgar language or not of age to read this in your specific area or district as dictated by local and/or public laws.

This story is the sole possession and copyrights of me the writer. No person or person depicted here are real either living or deceased. Remember this is pure fiction and always practice safe sex in real life.

Characters: Jason-21 Seth-20 and his boyfriend Casey-19

The three hot guys enjoyed the afternoon swim after a hot day of working in the sun. By now, Jason had grown accustomed to seeing Seth and Casey naked and started not to mind that much. He rather enjoyed the envious looks they shot him when he was naked.

Around 4, they exited the large lake and just lay naked on the shore. Seth leaned over and kissed Casey. Casey grabbed Seth and the two made out while Jason tried not to watch the two lovers feeling each other's toned bodies.

"Guys, do you have to do it down here in front of me?" Jason asked.

"What's the matter, Jason? Are you jealous?" Seth peered over at Jason.

"Hell yeah, if I had a hot girl here that I loved, I guess I would be doing the same," Jason replied. "Guys, we really need to mow some of this tall grass sometime and really make this place nice."

"Yeah, you can do it whenever you feel like it. The tractor is under the house too if it works. We had some guys mow it a few times last year for us," Seth commented and rolled back on his towel.

"I'll make you a deal. You wash my shit and clean the house while I mow and get this place looking sweet," Jason said.

"Sounds like a deal to me," Casey said. "I wish we would have thawed out some more of those fish. That was so fire last night."

The three stood all the sun and fun for a while and hiked the 200 yards or so up to the house. They all three went to get some shorts on. Casey found the hamburger meat to make some yummy hamburgers. Jason and Seth went down to check out the fairly new tractor to make sure it would start. The tractor hummed on the first turn of the key.

"I'll start mowing tomorrow if you will keep your end of the deal," Jason said.

"Jason, you bet I will. I hate to mow," Seth said.

The two headed back and grabbed a beer to help Casey cook the meal. Seth stepped outside and called his dad to tell him what was going on so far at their cabin. His dad sounded proud and was glad Seth was enjoying his working vacation. His dad said he would gladly pay if they needed to make improvements to the property since it might help it sell in the fall.

Casey grilled up some tasty burgers. The three devoured all 6 he had grilled while downing some cold suds. Seth told them about his conversation with his dad and they were free to do whatever was necessary to make improvements to the property.

Full from the meal, the three lounged out on the deck and continued to enjoyed more beer. The day really took its toll on the three and they were out by 10 that night.

The next morning, Seth woke to the sound of the tractor roaring outside. He peeked out the window and saw Jason shirtless mowing the area near the house.

"Casey, Jason is so fucking hot. I would love for him to have sex with us just one night," Seth said.

"I think he will be this all over. I agree he is so hot and his body is perfect. Not too big and muscular and damn those abs are so hot," Casey said.

Seth ran his hand over Casey's abs, "These are bad either. Have you ever thought about modeling?"

"Yeah it has crossed my mind, but I am just happy modeling for you," Casey said. "We better get up and start cleaning. Jason is going to be pissed if we don't keep our end of the bargain."

Later that day, Seth and Casey were cleaning and washing everything up including the cum stained sheets from their room. They heard the tractor stop and saw Jason walking to the door.

"Hey, Seth, these boys want to talk to you," Jason said.

Seth came to the door and saw two teenage boys standing with their poles. "Sir can we go fishing at the your lake?" One tall skinny dark headed kid asked.

"I don't see any harm in it. How did you guys know there was a lake here?" Seth asked.

The two just looked at each other, "Umm... we fished here some last year after we found it exploring these woods." The other dark blonde headed kid replied.

"Thank you. We won't stay long," the other replied.

"Jason, you about finished?" Casey asked standing behind Seth.

"Fuck no. This is one big ass place. Maybe in like 2 hours," Jason said and saw the kids, who were about 15 or 16 jerk their head around.

"You better get on a shirt," Seth said.

"I'll be fine besides you guys love staring at my pecs and washboard abs," Jason said while rubbing them. He went to talk to the two kids. He pointed out a few places where he had caught some fish earlier. He watched them leave and hopped on the tractor.

Jason continued to mow and make the place neat the best he could on a tractor. He had most of the area where they walked mowed and looking nice as it had been in a while. He saw Seth and Casey on the deck watching.

"Looks good!" Casey hollered.

Jason killed the tractor near the house. "What?"

"I said it looks good!" Casey repeated.

"The house better look this good. Hey, I am going to join those guys down at the lake and fish some off the bank if you guys want to come," Jason said and got off the tractor.

"Go ahead. We might be down later. There are still some clothes washing," Seth said and waved Jason good-bye.

Jason walked down to the lake and grabbed his pole to join the young visitors. The closer he got the stronger the smell of marijuana became. They spotted Jason and quickly put out the joint.

"Guys, I know what you were doing," Jason smiled.

"We're sorry. We shouldn't be doing it here. I hope you are mad," One said.

"Nah, hell I've got high a few times before," Jason said.

"Brian, I told you he was cool," One said.

"Are they biting today?" Jason said.

"Yeah, Alex has caught two sweet ass bass and I caught 3 myself. We caught a few more but threw them back," Brian said. Jason could see they were feeling the weed and were giggling some too.

"If you guys weren't so fucked up, you might catch more," Jason said. Jason cast his line in the water. He pulled out his Skoal and took a big dip to enjoy the fishing.

"Is this your house, mister?" Alex, the dark blonde headed, said.

"No, you can just call me Jason. Mister makes me feel old. Shit I ain't that much older than you guys," Jason replied. "The house belongs to the guy I asked up there earlier."

"This place is so awesome. We wondered last year why no one was here," Brian said with his long dark hair that hung to his shoulders and unwashed.

"Yeah it is. We are staying here for the summer and getting it to look sharp again. You guys can came back anytime," Jason said.

"Awesome, Jason, we will. I bet you three guys have really partied since you been here," Alex said.

"We have put away the beer," Jason said.

"That is so awesome. Dude, you got something!" Brian said. Jason reeled in his first nice catch of the day. They continued to talk and reel in the fish. They had 10 nice size bass on the line before Alex and Brian said they needed to get home.

"Did you guys walk here?" Jason said.

"Yeah, Brian lives at the next house down the road," Alex said.

"That's a good walk. Hey, you guys want these fish. We already have some in the freezer. I tell you what hop in my car and I'll run you guys home," Jason said.

"Sweet. You are so cool," Alex said.

They put the fish gingerly in Jason's car. Jason hollered at Casey and told him where he was going. He dropped the boys off and headed back.

"Who are your new friends?" Seth asked.

"They are Alex and Brian. I scared the shit out of them when I walked up. They were smoking weed out there," Jason said.

"Damn, you take a hit?" Casey said. "I know you like that shit, too."

"Nah, they were cool about it though. They are both just 16 and came here last year some. The dark headed one lives at the next house down," Jason said. "What's for dinner?"

"Fish. We've been waiting on your ass to get back so you could grill them," Seth said.

"Hey, Jason, those boys were cute," Casey said.

"Whatever, Casey, just because they have a dick you and Seth think they are cute," Jason said.

"Fuck you, bitch. See if I ever suck your dick again," Casey said. Jason eye's got real big.

"So that's what you guys were doing in the shower. Casey, I will never trust your ass again," Seth said and ran out of the house. Casey trailed right behind him.

Jason grabbed the fish and headed to the grill. He thought they would be back shortly. He began to worry about them when they didn't show right back up. Jason took the fish off the grill and brought them inside. He combed the house and finally found them arguing like cats and dogs.

"Guys, the fish are ready," Jason said.

"Fine, let this cocksucker eat with you. I am eating mine somewhere else," Seth said.

"Fine motherfucker, be a fucking bitch about it. See if I give a fuck," Casey screamed at Seth. "Come on Jason, just leave his ass out here to sulk. He's being a big bitch about this whole thing. Hell, he was dying to suck you."

"Damn, I didn't know it would be such a big deal," Jason replied.

"Oh, Seth gets this way when he doesn't have things go his way sometimes," Casey said.

Jason and Casey ate after Jason took the fish to Seth to eat in the living room. Jason and Casey ate in total silence. Jason knew he was the cause of this whole ordeal and went back to Seth.

"Seth, I am sorry for what happened," Jason said. "I know how you feel. My girl sucked my roommate off one day without me knowing it. Boy was I pissed," Jason said.

Seth just stared at him, "You are just making that up to make me feel better."

"I swear, dude. I didn't fuck her for like a week after that knowing she had another guy's dick in her mouth," Jason said.

"Really. Jason, you're so full of shit that it is unreal," Seth said. "Thanks for trying to make me feel better. I guess I was pissed because I wanted to suck you off so bad."

"Well, you can if you want to," Jason said and slide down his shorts.

"It is so tempting. I better not. I guess I better find Casey and apologize for being such a fucking ass bout this," Seth said. He found Casey sitting outside in a lounge chair.

"Wassup, bitch ass?" Casey said.

"Casey, I am sorry for the way I acted. I love you so much I was afraid Jason might come between us," Seth said.

"I love you too Seth. I guess I over reacted a little too," Casey said and grabbed Seth. Jason found the two in a powerful lip lock.

"I guess you two have made up. Whew, for a while there I thought we were going to have major problems," Jason said. Jason watched while Casey and Seth quickly undressed.

"You can watch if you want. I warn you this may get hot as hell," Casey said. Casey kissed down Seth chest and abs. He took Seth's cock in his mouth. Seth moaned and pushed Seth's head down further on his cock.

"Jason, I will suck your dick if you want me too," Seth said.

Jason dropped his shorts and boxers. "It's all yours." Jason was hard almost immediately. "Oh shit, Seth, you suck cock good."

Jason let Seth suck his cock. He watched while Casey licked now on Seth's ass. "Oh Casey, how can you do that?"

"It is hot dude. I am about to fuck him," Casey said.

Jason watched while Casey spread Seth's legs apart. "You are going to fuck him!" Jason said.

Seth stopped sucking Jason's cock. "Oh hell yeah! Fuck me, Casey!"

"You can fuck him if you want, Jason," Casey said. "Hell I do all the time."

"Fuck it," Jason said and pushed Casey out of the way.

Seth had a big smile on his face. Jason got down between Seth's legs. Jason lined his hard wet cock up to Seth's hole and slowly stuck it in.

"Oh fuck!" Seth said. "That feels so good!"

"Man, I didn't realize how good this might feel," Jason said and slid his hard cock deeper and deeper.

"Fuck his ass Jason! Just think of it like a pussy! He can take all you got!" Casey said and stuck his cock in Seth's mouth.

Jason started slowly fucking Seth's ass. He was actually enjoying the feel of his cock inside another guy's body. He grabbed Seth's waist and went a little faster.

"That's it. Fuck em, dude!" Casey said. "Feel good, huh?"

"Oh fuck yeah!" Jason said. Jason lifted up Seth's ass and started drilling his hole with his hard cock. He leaned over and watched closely while Casey feed Seth his long 9 inch cock. Jason grunted with each thrust.

"Oh fuck, I'm about to bust a nut!!" Jason screamed after 6 minutes of hot anal sex.

"Pull out and blow it on his abs!" Casey said.

Jason quickly pulled out and immediately shot streams of his nut flying onto to Seth's chest and neck.

"Oh fuck!" Casey said after seeing Jason nut and unloaded his nut on Seth as well.

Seth grabbed his aching cock and finally shot his load.

"Guys, that was pretty fuckin hot," Jason said.

"We told your ass it would be. Now you can join us each night," Casey said.

"I don't know about that," Jason said.

"Jason, you loved it. Later, Casey might fuck you and let you feel his big cock," Seth smiled.

"Fuck that. No way is that big dick going in my ass," Jason said. "I guess you guys are happy now that I actually had gay sex. You know it wasn't near as bad as I thought it would be. Not a word of this to a sole back at school or there will be 2 dead gay boys at college."

"Come August, Jason, your ass will be gay, too," Seth said and winked at Casey.

"I doubt that. One time doesn't make a guy gay," Jason said.

They cleaned up and went inside to grab a beer. Jason brought out the cigars while they all piled in the hot tub together. They smoked the cigars and enjoyed the nice night.

Around 1, they all headed up to bed.

"Jason, you joining us?" Casey smiled.

"Not hardly! See you lovers in the morning," Jason said and went to his bedroom.

Casey and Seth lay in bed arm in arm. "Seth, you are the best actor I know."

"Yeah, he fell for it head over heels and really fucked me so good. Damn it was so hot seeing his tight ass body fucking me," Seth said.

"I think he liked fucking you. Man, he busted a big nut, too. We have almost got him. My bet is one of us will pop his cherry in a week," Casey said.

"I couldn't agree more," Seth said and both turned over to go to sleep.


Next: Chapter 4

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