Cabin for the Summer

By GF Writer

Published on Jun 10, 2007


This is a story of fiction and contains gay sex between that of consenting young men. Please leave immediately if any of the following applies to you: Offended by gay sex, Offended by harsh or vulgar language or not of age to read this in your specific area or district as dictated by local and/or public laws. This story is the sole possession and copyrights of me the writer. No person or person depicted here are real either living or deceased. Remember this is pure fiction and always practice safe sex in real life.

Seth and Casey made the trek back up to the house. They found Jason downing a cold brew in his shorts and displaying his washboard abs for the enjoyment of his gay friends.

"Reception on my cell phone out here sucks," Jason said.

"Jason, mine worked okay out here yesterday," Casey said.

"Where is it? I was just going to call my folks and let them know I was okay," Jason said.

Casey marched up the stairs to find his phone. He put on some dry shorts and brought it back down for Jason. Jason stepped outside and made his call while Seth went to get some dry shorts on. Casey admired the nice body of Jason through the glass doors while Jason was on the phone. Jason walked back in and handed the phone to Casey.

"What's for dinner? I'm sort of hungry," Jason asked.

"Well, we were going to grill some burgers but we forgot the buns. I guess I will just throw in one of these frozen pizza we bought," Casey said and saw Seth talking away on his cell.

Seth hung up, "What's for dinner?"

"Pizza I guess. Tomorrow when we go buy the fencing stuff, we definitely need to hit the store again. I know we don't have buns or milk to start with," Casey said. "Who were you talking to?"

"Oh my little brother. He and his boyfriend are coming up here next weekend if that is alright with you guys," Seth said.

"Damn, I don't know if I can handle 4 gay guys at one time. You two are plenty," Jason said.

"Jason, you have not minded it so far," Seth said. "My brother's boyfriend is so cute."

"Hot, your brother is fine as hell, too," Casey said. Jason just rolled his eyes.

"Yeah they just got back from their senior trip together and wanted to come up here," Seth said and popped open a cold beer.

"Wow, gay brothers, I bet your parents are really liking have 2 gay sons," Jason said.

"Well at least they don't have to worry about any premature grandkids like Shawn's best friend just had. Oh Jason, Shawn is my brother's name in case you didn't know. You might get along with him. He loves to fish, hunt and ride 4 wheelers too."

"Yeah and likes to suck dick too," Jason said.

Seth and Casey just stared at him. "I don't believe you just said that," Seth stared at Jason.

"What? It is fucking true," Jason said and popped open another beer. "When's the pizza going to be finished?"

"Us 2 gay boy's will be done in like 5 minutes. The fucking straight boy will have to cook his own shit," Casey said.

"Alright, I am sorry. Gimme a break. This is all sort of new living with 2 gay guys for the summer," Jason said.

"You didn't mind hanging out with us at school. You never said shit then. So what's the problem now?" Seth said.

"Yeah, I was next door and didn't live with you. Alright, alright, I am sorry. It won't happen again. I promise," Jason said while all 3 dove into the hot pizza just out of the oven. The pizza was gone in no time with 3 hungry guys taking 3 pieces each.

They got up after eating. "Hey Seth, you and Casey want to go with me to work out a little in the exercise room you have," Jason said.

"Cool with me. That equipment has barely been touched since we got 2 years ago," Seth said.

They walked into the exercise room. "Wow, I didn't realize it was this big. You got some nice machines in here," Casey said.

"Awesome, I will be in more often," Jason said.

"We got a 4 person sauna and a big shower too in here," Seth said and opened the door.

"Fuck dude, I would live here all the time. We will definitely have to come some weekend in the fall," Jason said. "Seth, this Bowflex is the bomb. Maybe you guys can get a body like mine."

"Jason, we aren't doing too bad ourselves for hardly working out like you did some," Casey said and hit the treadmill.

Jason helped Seth on the Bowflex and showed him a few exercises before getting on the stair climber. After they each took turns on the machines, sweat was rolling off each of them.

"Whew, I am hot," Jason said.

"Me too," Seth replied. "I don't know about you guys but I'm hitting the shower in here."

"I'll join you," Casey said and dropped his sweaty shorts to the floor. "Jason there's plenty of room for you."

"That's cool. I'll just wait," Jason said.

"Come on, Jason. It's not like we haven't already been nude around you some. We won't bite," Seth said.

"Okay, I guess so, but you fuckers better keep your distance and hands off the goods," Jason said and dropped his shorts. He joined them and could tell there was plenty of room.

"Jason, you got some sun today out there," Casey said.

"Yeah, you did too. Your ass is a little red," Jason said.

"Jason, you want me to wash your back?" Seth said and winked at Casey.

"Yeah, I guess so," Jason said and felt Seth soaping up his back. Seth got braver and soaped up Jason's fine muscular butt as well. Jason just looked back and smiled. "You are good, Seth."

"Thanks, you want to do mine," Seth replied.

"I guess so," Jason said and poured soap down Seth's back.

"Jason, you have got some strong hands," Seth said.

Jason massaged in the soap and barely grazed Seth's little ass. Casey was not to be outdone and soaped up Jason's chest and stomach. Jason then boldly reached around and washed Seth's stomach and actually soaped up his cock for a minute. Casey saw what Jason was doing and grabbed Jason's cock. Jason couldn't resist and reached down and got a hand full of Casey's big dick. "Fuck boy this shit is a hand full," Jason said.

"You like it?" Casey said.

"Well... what the fuck am I doing?" Jason said and left the shower. He grabbed a big fluffy towel and sat on the weight bench.

Casey and Seth came out right after him. "You okay?" Casey said.

"What the fuck was I doing in there? I grabbed both of your dicks," Jason said with a blank stare on his face.

"Jason, there wasn't anything wrong with that," Casey said.

"I am sorry guys, maybe I shouldn't be here with you two," Jason said.

"Jason, don't worry about it. We are here to have fun and kick back. So what if we have a little sexual fun together," Seth said.

"Guys, my ass don't play like that. I'll just leave in the morning," Jason said.

"Jason, fuckin chill. No need to rush out of here because you grabbed a guy's cock. Just stay for the weekend," Casey said. "Besides we need your strong muscles for the fence."

"Alright, I will stay a little longer, plus you guys might need more beer here in a while," Jason said and smiled.

"Come on Jason. We are going to get so shit faced tonight and you'll forget all about it," Casey said. "I think the hot tub might be ready for 3 hot guys to sit in it."

"Guys, don't tell a sole I said this but you two are fuckin hot as hell for guys that is," Jason said and got up from the bench.

Seth and Casey just smiled, "You are too." Seth said and pecked Jason on the cheek. "Our lips are sealed."

They all three walked out and opened up the hot tub. Seth stuck his hand to feel the water. He grabbed a little chlorine from a bucket and tossed some in to make sure it would stay nice and clear. They each dropped their towel and jumped in.

"Oh, this feels so good," Jason said. "We forgot the beer."

"Hey Jason go grab us a bunch and put it in that cooler over there," Seth said and watched Jason jump out.

"Damn we almost got him then," Casey said.

"Yeah, I think he liked grabbing our dicks," Seth said and grabbed Casey's dick under the water. "I can't wait to feel this big son of a bitch again tonight."

"Seth I love you so much," Casey said and kissed Seth.

"Alright break that shit up. I'm back with probably a case in here," Jason said.

"Awesome, scoot the ice chest close enough where one of us and just grab it out," Casey said and took a beer from Jason as did Seth.

Jason jumped back in, "This is the life, boys. Sitting in a hot tub and drinking cold beer."

"Ain't it? This is just the bomb being here with you guys. I can't think of anything better," Casey said.

"This is so cool. Not a sole around for miles and out here at my parent's nice cabin. You know we got it made," Seth said and stretched out his arms.

"I still can't believe I am here with two gay guys naked in this hot tub, downing some cold brews," Jason said.

They sat around enjoying the peace and quiet that Seth's cabin and the outdoors offered them. They did turn down the heat just a little, but continued to suck down the beer. When nightfall occurred, they just relaxed in the dark solace of the vast openness and gazed at the star-filled night.

After about 4 beers we in each of them, Casey asked, "Jason, aren't you just the least bit curious on seeing what its like being sexual with another guy?"

"Well, maybe just a little. Just the thought of having some guy's dick in my mouth freaks me out," Jason replied.

"When you get ready to test the waters, just let us know. I for one will be happy to show you what it feels like to get your dick sucked by a guy," Seth said.

"Yeah, he's awesome at sucking dick," Casey said and felt water come splashing his way from Seth. "Well you are."

"I'll keep that in mind," Jason said.

"Just let me know," Seth said.

After another couple of beers, they all headed inside with towels wrapped around their waists. Jason decided to call it a night once he dried off. Seth and Casey were right behind him since they were heading back to town the next day to get the supplies for the fence. Seth felt Casey's big dick in his ass again that night while they fucked and enjoyed each other's bodies.

The next morning, a light rain was falling when they woke up. They knew it would be a great day to get what they needed and to grab more food and beer. Jason grabbed some Skoal and cigars while they were in down. Jason loved a fresh pinch while he worked or fished. The cigars would come in handy for smoking in the hot tub. The fencing supplies were too much to get in Seth's SUV so they were being delivered to their place the next day.

They returned to the cabin and the rain continued to fall. They quickly unloaded the groceries and beer. By now they had 8 cases of beer for their enjoyment. After they ate a light lunch, they went back to the exercise room to workout since it was raining and not much could be done outside. They showered again together but Jason kept his distance from Seth and Casey.

"I think I will see how the fishing is down at the pond since it has stopped raining," Jason said.

"I think there is a flat bottom boat in the shed down there along with some poles and tackle," Seth said.

"What kind of fish did you guys stock?" Casey said.

"All kinds the best I can remember. That was like 3 years ago now. I know we put tons of small mouthed bass in there," Seth said.

They dressed in shorts and flip flops and headed down to the big lake that was probably a good 25 acres in size. Seth found the key to the shed and sure enough all the stuff was still there among the maze of spider webs and bugs. Casey and Jason hauled out the dusty, dirty boat while Seth gathered the poles and the tackle box.

"You know what we forgot?" Casey said.

"My Skoal and beer. I'll run up to the cabin and grab it. Sweet here's a smaller cooler too," Jason said and trotted off to the cabin.

Jason returned with the cooler and a pinch in the lip. "I don't see how you can stand that shit, Jason," Casey said.

"Like you said to me, don't knock until you tried it," Jason said. "I have done this shit since I was like 16, who know, hunting and fishing with my dad."

They launched the boat after tying some tackle to the lines. Each paddled out until they got on the other side where it was a little brushy. They popped open a beer and cast their lines in the water.

"What do we do if we catch something?" Casey said.

Jason spit, "Eat it. I know how to clean fish if you can cook it or I can grill it."

"Yeah, fresh fish is the best," Seth said and felt a tug on his line. He reeled in as fast as he could and brought up a nice small mouth bass. "Oh shit, how do I get it off?" Seth screamed.

"Here you little pussy," Jason said and got the hook out of the nice fish's mouth and put it on the stringer they brought. "There's number one, guys!"

After few minutes later, Casey was reeling in just as big of fish. He tried to act like he was scared but dropped the fish back in the water. "Damn he was big too."

"Just grab it like you would Seth's dick," Jason said and spit.

"Hey throw me that can, I want to try some that shit," Casey said.

"Sure," Jason said and sent the can Casey's way. Casey took a small pinch and put it in his lip.

"This ain't so bad," Casey said and sent spit flying across the water while Seth was reeling in another fish, which appeared to be a crappie. Jason grabbed the fish and put it on the stringer as well.

"You guys are kickin my ass at this," Jason said. Finally after a few more casts, Jason had snagged a fish. He reeled it in to see that it was another bass that went on the stringer.

"Wow, I am getting a little dizzy here," Casey said. He spit out the Skoal into the lake. He joined the action by reeling in two nice bass as well.

"Damn this is fun," Jason said. "I can tell no one has fished it in awhile. They are really biting after that rain."

The sun started to set behind the lake and they made their way back to the shore. They still had a few beers left since the action was pretty regular. In the end, they had a nice stringer of 13 fish with all but 2 being bass. Jason lugged the stringer back up to the cabin after they secured the boat on the bank and put away their poles.

"We did pretty well. How about I clean these suckers up and we have some fresh grill fish tonight?" Jason said.

"That sounds good to me. You better know how to clean them is all I got to say," Seth said.

Jason found a few knives and the ice chest to keep the fish. Jason cleaned the fish while Seth and Casey just watched in amazement. Once Jason got the hang of it again, he had them filleted and ready to go on the grill. What wasn't cooked went in the freezer to enjoy another time. Casey seasoned the fish some with what was in the kitchen and Jason started grilling them. All three ate the fresh fish like it was the best they had ever had along with some fries they had bought earlier.

"Damn that was good," Casey said.

"Hell yeah, thanks Jason. We will miss you when you leave," Seth said.

"Leave. You hooked my ass now. That shit today was the bomb. I never had so much fun fishing in my life," Jason said.

"Yeah it was kind of fun since they were biting," Casey said.

Jason pulled out his Skoal and put another pinch in, "Want another pinch, Casey?"

"Sure," Casey said and grabbed the can.

Seth could not believe Casey was actually dipping Skoal. He watched them while they talked and spit. They made plans to meet the delivery guy with the fencing stuff and at least get a start the next day.

Later that night, they went back to the hot tub to enjoy a few beers. They marveled at the amount of sun they got when they shed their clothes.

"Damn Jason you are getting dark," Casey said.

"Yeah, I noticed. I remember one summer I was practically black. I tan pretty easily. You guys are getting dark too," Jason said.

They didn't stay very long and went to bed around 11 or so. Jason couldn't believe he was getting in bed so early each night since he was usually up until 1 or later at college each night. He heard Seth and Casey fucking that night in the next room and jacked off to the sound of the bed rocking and their moans and screams. Jason showered himself with his nut before going off to sleep that night.

Jason was up fairly early and decided to workout while Seth and Casey slept. Near the end of the workout, he saw Casey who was still naked watching him. Jason hit the shower with Casey right behind him. They soaped each other up. Jason grabbed Casey's big cock and Casey did the same.

"Can I suck you, Jason?" Casey whispered.

"Fuck yeah, Casey," Jason said. Jason watched while Casey got on his knees. Jason watched Casey devour his cock. Jason moaned slightly. "Oh fuck Jason you suck dick better than any bitch I ever had."

"We told you how hot this was," Casey said.

Jason watched Casey's mouth bob up and down his hard 7 inch cock. Jason pushed Casey off and exploded on the shower's tiled floor.

"Fuck I hear Seth. We better finish up. I promise I will suck you later. Dude, that was fuckin awesome," Jason said and turned off the shower. "Not a word of this to Seth, you hear me." Casey just smiled.

"Hey, we better hurry, the truck will be here any minute," Seth hollered and saw Jason and Casey come out of the shower. "I see you guys worked out without me. That's fine, I liked sleeping."

They dressed and meet the truck at the gate to show him in. They unloaded the stuff. They first decided to replace the post and put a few in Seth's SUV to haul closer to the fence. They spent all day replacing the rotted and downed post until about 2 in the afternoon.

"Damn, that is hard work," Casey said.

"Hell yeah, I won't mind going swimming for a while," Seth said.

They drove back to the cabin covered in dirt and sweat from the tough day. Seth grabbed some towels and they headed to the lake for a quick dip. They each dropped their shorts and shoes since their shirts were long history at that point. The water was so refreshing that day and cooled off their hot sweaty bodies.


Thanks for the nice emails. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Next: Chapter 3

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