Cabin for the Summer

By GF Writer

Published on Jun 7, 2007


This is a story of fiction and contains gay sex between that of consenting young men. Please leave immediately if any of the following applies to you: Offended by gay sex, Offended by harsh or vulgar language or not of age to read this in your specific area or district as dictated by local and/or public laws.

This story is the sole possession and copyrights of me the writer. No person or person depicted here are real either living or deceased. Remember this is pure fiction and always practice safe sex in real life.

Seth pulled up to the gate, "Here, I hope this key works." He handed the key to his boyfriend, Casey. Casey jumped out of the SUV and finally swung up the gate.

Seth motioned for his friend, Jason to follow along behind them while they made their way up the dusty dirt road. Casey caught a sight of Seth's parent's cabin as it set in the valley in mid Missouri.

"Seth, this place is nice," Casey said.

Jason pulled up right behind them. "Damn Seth, this is in the middle of no where. I taught you were leading us to some haunted house."

Seth went to the door and opened the cabin. The smell of the closed up house hit them when they entered. Casey followed Seth in the door and just looked around. "Fuck dude, this is no cabin. This place is sweet."

Jason followed them in, "Holy shit, Seth. You said it was nice but damn I didn't think it would be this nice."

"Yeah, my parents had it gutted a few years back. They tried to sell it this winter but no one would offer the cash my dad wanted. Wait til you see what is in here," Seth said.

Seth had them drop the bags and showed them around. The living area was open and tall with a huge rock fireplace. The kitchen had all new appliances and custom cabinets. He showed them the two guest suites and the expansive weight room. The master bedroom and other bedroom were upstairs.

"I guess that about does it except for the hot tub on the deck out back and the lake about 200 yards away," Seth said.

"Man, if owned this place, I would be here every chance I got," Jason said.

"Yeah I guess they got tired of the trip. They came up here like one time last year, but hell, my dad inherited it a few years back," Seth said.

"I hope this place has satellite or something," Jason said.

"Don't worry. I had it turned back on before we left college," Seth said.

"Awesome, I guess the lovers get the master bedroom," Jason said.

"You got that shit right. Jason, I still can't believe you wanted to come with us this summer and spend your summer with two gay guys," Casey said.

"Hell, I needed some excuse out of working for my dad. You guys are my friends and I don't have any problem with what you do under the sheets," Jason said. "This is going to be blast and a nice getaway for the summer."

"Cool, I guess you can stay in the other bedroom upstairs. It has a nice bath as well," Seth said. "Let's get all our stuff inside before it gets dark."

They unloaded their vehicles that were crammed full of clothes, food and of course a large supply of alcohol. Seth and Casey finished unpacking all the food and grabbed a snack. Jason came down shortly thereafter without his shirt, which was nothing new to Seth and Casey since they lived next door to him the past year in college. Jason liked showing off his hot body since he had some killer washboard abs and defined pecs to go along with his short brown hair and partial goatee.

"Hand me a beer out of the frig, Casey," Jason said.

"Here you go. They are barely even cold," Casey said.

"I don't care. My ass is hot," Jason said and sat at the bar in the kitchen with Casey and Seth.

"You got that shit right," Casey said.

"Fuck off, Casey. I didn't come up here all summer for you to hit on me," Jason replied sharply.

"Jason, you never even thought about hooking up with a guy?" Seth said.

"Hell no. Don't get me wrong, but I don't see what you guys see in that shit," Jason said.

"You might like dude. I thought the same thing until I came to college," Casey said. "Now I just can't get enough of it."

"I seriously doubt it I could get into that gay sex shit," Jason said. Jason got up and walked around a little bit and then spotted the big bar off the kitchen. "Seth, this bar is stocked full of shit."

"Yeah, it is probably old. No one has been here in like 9 months," Seth said.

"This is sweet. Look it even has a tap. Damn dude, we will have to hook that up sometime," Jason said.

Casey got up and wondered over to take a good look. He was amazed at all the liquor that was there. "Where's the hot tub, Seth?"

"Oh, open those curtains. It is right out there," Seth said.

Jason and Casey opened the curtains and hit the light. "Seth, we need to fill it up and use it," Casey said.

"Yeah, come on Casey. Let's do it," Jason said.

Seth got up and went out to look over the hot tub. He lifted the cover and saw it was dry. "The hose is over there. I hope this tub still works," Seth said.

They left the hose in the hot tub and sat in the chairs that adorned the spacious deck. Seth went in and grabbed a hand full of beer. "Jason, I am glad we brought you since you were able to buy beer."

"Yeah, I knew that's why you guys didn't say anything when I wanted to come since you both are 19, right?" Jason said.

"No I turned 20 in April," Seth said.

"Bitch, I'll be 20 in like 2 months. We would have got some shit since Seth has fake ID," Casey said.

"I hope one you guys can cook. I can grill but my ass can't cook," Jason said.

"I can a little," Casey said.

"Casey you are a great cook," Seth said.

They waited around and enjoyed a few beers while the tub filled up. Casey went over to check the water level. "Seth, how full this need to be?"

"Oh hell I don't know. How full is it?"

"About 3 fourths full. It is covering the jets," Casey replied.

"Flip that switch over there on the wall and see if it works," Seth said.

Casey hit the switch and nothing happened. "All this for nothing. Damn!" Casey said.

"I bet it has a switch somewhere on the tub," Jason said and walked over to it. "Dumbass, right here." Jason said and the tub started up.

"Oh hell yeah, how long is it until it gets hot?" Casey said.

"Probably all night. We can get in it tomorrow," Seth said.

They sat around out on the deck until the bugs got too much for them to handle. They checked out the nice TV in the game room and continued to down the beer. Around midnight, they all headed up to bed. Jason crawled in his and hoped Seth and Casey wouldn't keep him awake.

The next morning, Jason got up around 9 or so. He checked out the shower before heading down to find something to fill his empty stomach. He could smell bacon cooking when he got near the kitchen. He saw Seth sitting in his boxers at the bar. Seth had a nice body like Jason's but lacked in size but too had a defined set of abs and nice pecs with average length blond hair. Casey was in his briefs that showed his taut body as well. Casey worked hard and was blessed with killer abs but not much elsewhere and shoulder length black hair and a partial goatee like Jason's.

"Hey Jason how did you sleep last night?" Seth asked.

"Great. Those sheets were so damn soft and the bed was too comfortable," Jason replied.

"Yeah my mom is a freak for good bed shit. You ought to feel ours. It was like sleeping on air," Seth said.

"Yeah, that was the best bed I ever slept in," Casey said. "Jason, how you want your eggs?"

"Scrabbled would be great. So what are we doing today?" Jason said.

"Well, our summer projects are fixing and repairing the fence around this place. I think some of it is old and just needs replacing. That's the catch for letting us stay up here," Seth said.

"Bitch that's a lot of work," Jason said. "I guess we can do it. We got the shit to do it with?"

"No, first we need to see how much is needed and then we can start. We can take the 4 wheelers around the property later and see what is needed," Seth said. "My folks are paying for the fencing and materials."

"Damn that might take all summer," Casey said.

"Dude, we got all summer up here. I don't think that is too much to ask of us," Jason said.

"Yeah, I think I know how it is done but it has been a while," Seth said.

Casey finished breakfast and set the food on the table. They forgot the milk so they just drank water with their meal. "Guys we better keep it decent in here before it gets out of hand like our apartment," Seth said. The three cleaned up the mess. Seth and Casey went up to get dressed. Jason watched TV and continued to marvel at this so called cabin.

They all went to the basement and pulled out the 2 4 wheelers to take around the property. They filled the tanks with gas and headed out. Jason followed behind while Seth and Casey led the way. They did the best they could circling the whole property and accessing what was needed to be done.

"Seth, there's really not much to be done, only like maybe 500 feet we might replace and a few post here and there," Jason said.

"Yeah, it wasn't as much as I thought," Seth said.

"We can get that tomorrow in your SUV and start on it so we can have fun the rest of the time," Jason said.

"Can you swim in that lake, Seth?" Casey asked.

"Yeah, I did a few years ago. We've got a boat and some fishing stuff too over there in that shed. The pond was stocked but never really fished much," Seth said.

"Hell yeah, we can get a cooler and try our hand fishing," Jason said. "I bet there are all kinds of deer here too."

"Yeah my little brother killed an 8 point 2 years ago here," Seth said.

"Damn this place is awesome, Seth," Jason said.

"How many acres you got here?" Casey asked.

"I think around 240. It is a bunch is all I know," Seth said.

They all went inside to rest for a few minutes. "I want to go swimming, guys," Casey said.

"Have it," Jason said.

"It won't be much fun unless we all go," Casey said.

"I'll go with you," Seth said.

"Alright I guess I'll go," Jason said.

They all headed to change and get a towel. They walked down to the nice big lake. "Jason, Seth and I are going skinny dipping if it is alright with you," Casey said.

"I knew you guys wanted to get my ass naked," Jason said. "Hell, I ain't been skinny dipping since I was a kid."

"Well, are you?" Casey said.

"Sure, but don't you touch my dick," Jason said. Jason wasn't shy and dropped his swim suit to give them a good look at his 7 inch cut cock.

"Nice Jason, you are hot without clothes," Casey said and dropped his shorts to display his 9 inch cut meat.

"Fuck dude, you are packing big time," Jason said.

"Yeah, Seth loves it. He did big time last night," Casey said.

Seth dropped his and out popped his 6 inch cut meat. "Oh hell yeah. Seth is hung."

"See it ain't so bad being naked around us, Jason." Casey said.

"Yeah if the guys knew I was naked with 2 gay guys they would shit," Jason said.

"Fuck em dude. It's not like we are having sex with you. Not yet at least," Seth said. Jason glared at Seth after he made the comment.

Casey was bold and stepped in the water. "It's not too bad."

Both Jason and Seth gingerly stepped in. "The fuck it ain't." Jason hollered. "Damn this is cold."

"It feels good," Casey said and swam out further. The lake was fairly clear since it was spring fed. In no time, Jason and Seth had adjusted to the water's cool temperature. They swam and played around plus enjoyed the rope swing near the small dock. All three felt like little kids on a hot summer day.

They finished up swimming and just lay on the lake shore, still naked.

"This is so awesome," Seth said. "I forgot how much I enjoyed being here."

"Yeah, you guys are a lot of fun. I was having second thoughts there for a while about coming here with 2 gay guys but you guys are awesome," Jason said. "Who knows I might get a full body tan this summer."

"See Jason have we ever tried shit with you? Not that I haven't wanted to," Casey said.

"Nope and you better keep that big dick to yourself and Seth. I bet that shit hurts like hell in your ass, Seth," Jason said.

"Trust me it did the first few times he fucked me but now I love it," Seth said.

"I'll just take your word on that," Jason said. "How you ever get that in your mouth?"

"He tries," Casey said.

"Here let me show you," Seth said and leaned over to take Casey's cock in his mouth.

"Guys, I don't want to see this shit," Jason said.

"Jason, guys suck dick way better than any girl," Casey said.

"Yeah right," Jason said. Casey leaned over like he was going to suck Jason's dick. "Dude, get the fuck away."

"Oh fuck Seth that feels so good," Casey said while Seth continued sucking Casey's big cock.

Jason tried not to watch. "You guys are nasty. I am going up to the cabin."

Jason grabbed his towel and headed straight for the cabin.

"Oh well, we almost had him," Casey said.

"Yeah, he'll come around. I think we've got his curiosity worked up a little. After a few days of no girls, he'll be begging to fuck us," Seth said.

"Yeah that will be so hot," Casey said. "I love seducing guys who think they are straight."


Next: Chapter 2

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