
By Greg Stevens

Published on Jun 12, 2023



Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

C-Sucker -- Chapter 9

I sat at my desk peering out of the window at the snow that was falling and coating the quad. It had started before I woke up and there was already some pretty significant accumulation. I watched as the snow blew and swirled in front of my window, glimmering as it passed in front of the streetlights.

Just as I finished the last edits on my paper my stomach gave a loud groan. I peered out the window once more to see the maintenance team finally starting to clear some paths. I would soon be able to make it out of my dorm room and across campus to the mini market to retrieve some food.

The wind and snow pelted me as I made my way across campus. I hadn't planned well for this kind of weather when I packed to leave for school. By the time I reached the store, I was soaked through. My hands were freezing cold due to the lack of gloves and my feet felt like blocks of ice. I grabbed a cart and slowly worked my way around the store, more so to warm up than anything else. Finally, after about 30 or so minutes, I could feel my fingers and my toes, though still wet, they were finally thawing. I picked up a few things, but then the realization of having to trudge back to my dorm room hit me as I wouldn't be able to stuff my hands in my pockets while I was carrying groceries.

"Hey Ted" I heard the voice call out. I didn't respond as I figured it was for someone else. "Ted wait up." I heard the voice again. As I turned, I saw Scotty approaching me. At first, I didn't recognize him as he wasn't wearing his normal leather motorcycle suit, instead, he was wearing a pair of jeans with snow boots and a brown leather bomber jacket, with a thick fur collar that framed his head. He also wore a pair of thick leather gloves.

"How's it going?" Scotty asked as he approached. "I haven't seen you around for a while" he added, with a grin. I recalled my last encounter with Scotty and everything that took place between him and Brad. I felt my heart race and my dick start to stir as I quickly replayed the images in my head. "Hey Scotty, not bad, just trying to stock up on some food," I said, trying to make light conversation.

"Brad didn't come with you?" Scotty asked. "No," I said sharply. "He went home for winter break" I continued, softening my tone. "You look really cold and wet," Scotty said, not responding to info about Brad. "Yeah, well I didn't plan my winter clothes very well," I told Scotty, feeling a bit stupid and angry. "I can give you a lift back, I have my jeep out front" Scotty offered. "Oh, thanks but I am good" I lied. "No way man. Pay for your stuff and let's go, it's way too nasty out there." Scotty insisted.

"Ok" I agreed, I was really grateful not to have to walk back in the cold snow. I paid for my stuff then followed Scotty to the parking lot and placed our groceries into the back of his jeep. Several minutes later he pulled into a parking spot. "Let me help you with those," Scotty said, grabbing a couple of my bags, then he followed me into the building and up to my dorm room. I quickly got out of my wet coat and hung it in the bathroom to dry. I returned to put away the groceries as Scotty removed his wet boots.

"You better get those wet shoes off before you get frostbite," Scotty said. He was right, my feet were still really cold and very wet. I took a seat on the side of the bed and pulled off my wet shoes and even wetter socks. My feet were bright red and very cold, so cold that moving my toes hurt. Scotty took a seat on the desk chair in front of me and grabbed one of my feet then brought it up to his lap and began to gently rub it, running the warm leather glove gently over my cold skin. Gradually, I could feel the warmth coming back to my foot.

"Give me the other one," Scotty said, and I brought my other foot up and placed it on his lap. Again, Scotty began to gently rub it bringing blood flow and warmth to it. "Thanks," I said, once I could feel my foot, but Scotty continued. His hands moved over my foot and onto my leg. As he did this, I could feel my heel pressing against his hard crotch. Scotty smiled as he lifted his face to look at me.

"We had a good time when I was here," He said, with a grin, and his dick jerked against my foot. "Maybe you should remove those wet pants" Scotty suggested, then gently lowered my feet to the floor. "I think they're ok" I lied, feeling the wetness. "Stand up" Scotty ordered, and I did as he said. He moved forward and reached for the front of my pants and began to open them, then lowered them down my legs to the floor and I stepped out of them.

My dick was starting to harden and press against my briefs as I stood in front of Scotty. Scotty leaned back in the chair and reached for the buttons of his shirt, opening it slowly, then pushed the leather jacket open so that it framed his naked body. While I watched, Scotty began to run his leather-gloved hands over his nipples and pulled at the tips.

My dick began to grow very hard as I watched Scotty playing with his nipples. The movement of the soft brown leather gloves as they slid over his naked chest. "Do you like this?" Scotty asked in a soft voice. I just stared at his body, the leather gloves moving over his naked skin. Scotty smiled, then moved and placed his hands on my hips. "Down," he said, pushing me to my knees in front of him.

Scotty placed his leather-gloved hand on my cheek, running it softly over my skin, then over my ear, and behind my head, then slowly began to pull me to his chest until my face was inside the leather jacket and in front of one of his nipples. I knew what Scotty wanted, but I waited for him to tell me what to do. There was something about Scotty that was powerful, and it excited me.

"Suck it Ted" Scotty instructed, and I moved forward placing my lips on his nipple. The smell from his leather jacket filled my nose as I began to draw the firm pec into my mouth. My tongue circled his hairy brown nipple, then I began to nibble gently on the firm tip. "Fuck boy" Scotty moaned pushing my head into his chest with his leather-gloved hand.

Scotty grabbed my hair in his glove and pulled me abruptly from his nipple. Spit flew from my mouth as he pulled my head back. Scotty bent forward and placed his mouth on mine driving his tongue deep into me. Then just as abruptly, Scotty pulled his mouth from mine and pushed my head onto his other nipple. "Suck it," He said, sharply. My mouth immediately went to work sucking and nibbling on the tip as I had the first one. Again, the strong smell of Scotty's leather seemed to fill my nose and excite me.

"Fuck" Scotty moaned and pulled my head back again. "You got me so fucking hot," Scotty said, then reached for my shirt, pulling it up over my head. Scotty pulled my naked body to him, wrapping me up in his leather jacket, my face buried in the soft fur collar. Scotty placed soft kisses on my neck causing my body to break out in bursts of goosebumps.

While Scotty continued holding me and kissing my neck and shoulder, I reached for his belt buckle and awkwardly worked to pull it open, then tried to open the top button of his jeans. Scotty once again grabbed me by my hair and pulled my head back. "Is this what you want?" He asked, reaching down, and pulling open his pants. "Yes," I said, my passion driving my desire.

Scotty leaned back in the chair and watched as I began to pull his pants open and I fished his hard cock out of the tight material. "Suck it, boy," Scotty said, wrapping a leather-gloved hand around the base of his large cock and pointing it at my face. I bent forward and licked the tip with my tongue making small circles around the mushroom head. "I said, suck it, boy," Scotty said, pushing my head down onto his cock. I took Scotty's cock deep inside my mouth, wrapping my lips around the hard base, and began to move my head up and down.

"Hold on," Scotty said, pulling my head back with his free hand. He squeezed the base of his cock and precum oozed from the tip, then ran the fingers of his glove through the wetness. "Lick it off," he said, bringing the leather glove to my mouth. I opened my mouth and Scotty pushed his index and middle fingers into my mouth so I could lick off the precum.

The taste of leather filled my mouth as I sucked the precum off his glove as he ordered. Scotty pulled his fingers from my mouth and reached behind me and then into my underwear. His wet fingers slid down my crack and went directly to my hole. With a quick movement, Scotty pushed a finger into me. My breath caught as pain seared through me and I collapsed into him. "Relax boy," Scotty said, holding my body tight to his. I buried my face into the leather and breathed in the smell.

That's it" Scotty said, as the pain slowly subsided. Scotty kissed the side of my face and held me tight as he probed my hole with his finger. My dick was so hard it was throbbing, and I began to rub it against Scotty's leg. Once again Scotty pulled my head back. He had an intense look on his face. "Stand up," He ordered, removing his fingers from my ass, and pulling me up from under my arms. Scotty stood up and his hard dick raked across my body.

With a tug, he pulled my underwear down so that it was around my knees. Scotty turned me to face the bed, then came up behind me and wrapped his leather-clad arms around my body; the leather was cold against my skin. I could feel the hardness of Scotty's cock resting against my ass crack as he enveloped me in the leather.

Scotty reached around with one hand and grabbed my hard cock and began to roughly stroke it, while he placed one of his leather gloves on my bare chest holding me in place. Scotty bent his head down and again began to kiss my neck and shoulder as his dick throbbed against my ass.

"Bend over" Scotty demanded but gave me no time to react. Before I realized my hands were on my bed bracing myself. Scotty placed his hands on my hips, and I felt him back up a bit. Then I heard him spit and I felt something wet against my ass. "I want this so badly boy" Scott moaned, and I felt him position his ass at my hole.

With a bit of pressure, his dick head popped into my hole and his dick slid deeper and deeper into me. Once again, a bit of pain took my breath away, but the feeling subsided fairly quickly. Scotty didn't hesitate, still holding me by the hips he began to fuck me hard, driving his dick and the weight of his body into my ass. I braced myself as best as I could against the bed.

The wet sound of Scotty's dick sliding in and out of my ass, the crackle of his leather jacket, and his heavy breathing seemed to bounce off the hard walls of the dorm room as he continued using my hole. My own dick was rock hard, and I wanted to reach up and stroke it, but I needed both hands to hold myself up.

"Fuck Ted, I'm going to cum" Scotty moaned, and he shoved his dick deep inside me, then stopped moving. I felt his cock swell, and then I felt something warm inside me. Scotty let out a moan and his legs seemed to shift upwards, pushing his dick still deeper inside me as more cum filled my insides. I continued to brace myself on the bed as he just stood with his dick inside me.

"Oh man that was incredible," Scotty said and reached under me to pull me up from the bed. Scotty wrapped his arms around me, his cock slowly sliding from my ass as he pulled my head around so that he could kiss me. As we kissed, he reached down my body and began to stroke my very hard cock.

"Stop," I said, placing my hand on his. I wasn't ready to cum just yet. I turned to face Scotty. "Will you lay on the bed?" I asked. Scotty didn't hesitate. He moved to my bed and lay on his side and waited for me to join him. I let my underwear slip to the ground and stepped out of them before lying next to Scotty.

Scotty moved closer so that his body touched mine. I reached for his leather jacket and pulled him even closer. Scotty moved his arm under my head and looked into my eyes. As he looked at me, he ran the leather-gloved free hand down my body to my cock and began to stroke it.

I reached over and pulled Scotty to me and placed my lips on his. I ran my tongue over his lips and then into his mouth. Scotty's lips were thick and warm, and our tongues intertwined in a passionate kiss. Scotty continued to slowly, steadily jerk my hard cock and I could feel my body vibrating from all the sensations. I sucked in a breath and felt my ass start to spasm as my orgasm began to take over.

I breathed hard, not wanting to take my lips off of Scotty's as the impending orgasm made my toes curl. My legs tensed up, and it felt like everything stopped for a split second. "Fuck" I hissed, into Scotty's mouth as cum shot from my cock hitting me on the side of the head. Scotty continued to stroke my cock as more cum erupted from me. Scotty continued to pump seed from my cock for several more seconds until I crossed that threshold that comes after the last moment of pleasure where it feels so sensitive it becomes ticklish. I placed my hand on Scotty's, stopping his hand.

Scotty stopped stroking my dick and then pulled me closer to him. He began to place soft kisses on my face and my lips as he wrapped me in his leather jacket and his body. Scotty ran his leather-gloved fingers through the pool of cum, then brought the glove between us and we both began to lick off the cum. "Fuck Ted that was hot," Scotty said, softly, and we just laid there for a while not in a rush to go anywhere.

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Next: Chapter 10

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